File: MxOut.m3 Last Modified On Tue Sep 27 09:35:31 PDT 1994 By kalsow Modified On Wed May 26 15:59:13 PDT 1993 By muller
MODULE; IMPORT Wr, IntIntTbl; IMPORT M3Buf, M3ID; IMPORT Mx, MxVS, MxIO; TYPE State = RECORD wr : Wr.T; buf : M3Buf.T := NIL; nameMap : IntIntTbl.T := NIL; next_name : INTEGER := 0; vsMap : IntIntTbl.T := NIL; next_vs : INTEGER := 0; END; PROCEDURE MxOut WriteUnits (units: Mx.UnitList; output: Wr.T) = VAR s: State; BEGIN IF (units = NIL) THEN RETURN END; IF (output = NIL) THEN RETURN END; s.wr := output; s.buf := M3Buf.New (); s.nameMap := NEW (IntIntTbl.Default).init (409); s.next_name := 0; s.vsMap := NEW (IntIntTbl.Default).init (709); s.next_vs := 0; M3Buf.AttachDrain (s.buf, s.wr); MxIO.PutTxt (s.buf, Mx.LinkerMagic, Wr.EOL); WHILE (units # NIL) DO WriteUnit (s, units.unit); units :=; END; M3Buf.Flush (s.buf, s.wr); (* give the collector a chance. *) s.wr := NIL; s.buf := NIL; s.nameMap := NIL; s.vsMap := NIL; END WriteUnits; PROCEDUREWriteUnit (VAR s: State; u: Mx.Unit) = CONST Tag = ARRAY BOOLEAN OF TEXT {"M", "I"}; VAR nm := WriteName (s,; BEGIN MxIO.PutTxt (s.buf, Wr.EOL, Tag[u.interface]); MxIO.PutInt (s.buf, nm, " "); MxIO.PutInt (s.buf, u.exported_units.cnt, " "); MxIO.PutInt (s.buf, u.imported_units.cnt, " "); MxIO.PutInt (s.buf, u.imported_generics.cnt, " "); MxIO.PutInt (s.buf, u.used_interfaces.cnt, " "); MxIO.PutInt (s.buf, u.used_modules.cnt, " "); MxIO.PutInt (s.buf, u.import_def_syms.cnt, " "); MxIO.PutInt (s.buf, u.import_use_syms.cnt, " "); MxIO.PutInt (s.buf, u.export_def_syms.cnt, " "); MxIO.PutInt (s.buf, u.export_use_syms.cnt, " "); MxIO.PutInt (s.buf, u.imported_types.cnt, " "); MxIO.PutInt (s.buf, u.exported_types.cnt, " "); MxIO.PutInt (s.buf, u.wishes.cnt, Wr.EOL); WriteNameInfo (s, u, u.exported_units, "A"); WriteNameInfo (s, u, u.imported_units, "B"); WriteNameInfo (s, u, u.used_interfaces, "C"); WriteNameInfo (s, u, u.used_modules, "D"); WriteNameInfo (s, u, u.imported_generics, "g"); WriteVSInfo (s, u, u.import_def_syms, "J"); WriteVSInfo (s, u, u.import_use_syms, "i"); WriteVSInfo (s, u, u.export_def_syms, "E"); WriteVSInfo (s, u, u.export_use_syms, "e"); WriteTypeInfo (s, u, u.imported_types, "t"); WriteTypeInfo (s, u, u.exported_types, "T"); WriteTypeInfo (s, u, u.wishes, "w"); WriteOpaques (s, u.opaques); WriteObjects (s, u.imported_objects, FALSE); WriteObjects (s, u.exported_objects, TRUE); WriteRevelations (s, u.revelations); END WriteUnit; PROCEDUREWriteNameInfo (VAR s: State; u: Mx.Unit; READONLY x: Mx.InfoList; tag: TEXT) = VAR nm: INTEGER; BEGIN FOR i := x.start TO x.start + x.cnt - 1 DO nm := WriteName (s,[i]); MxIO.PutTxt (s.buf, tag); MxIO.PutInt (s.buf, nm, Wr.EOL); END; END WriteNameInfo; PROCEDUREWriteVSInfo (VAR s: State; u: Mx.Unit; READONLY x: Mx.InfoList; tag: TEXT) = VAR vs: INTEGER; BEGIN FOR i := x.start TO x.start + x.cnt - 1 DO vs := WriteVS (s,[i]); MxIO.PutTxt (s.buf, tag); MxIO.PutInt (s.buf, vs, Wr.EOL); END; END WriteVSInfo; PROCEDUREWriteTypeInfo (VAR s: State; u: Mx.Unit; READONLY x: Mx.InfoList; tag: TEXT) = BEGIN FOR i := x.start TO x.start + x.cnt - 1 DO MxIO.PutTxt (s.buf, tag); MxIO.PutHex (s.buf,[i], Wr.EOL); END; END WriteTypeInfo; PROCEDUREWriteOpaques (VAR s: State; o: Mx.OpaqueType) = BEGIN WHILE (o # NIL) DO MxIO.PutTxt (s.buf, "Q"); MxIO.PutHex (s.buf, o.type, " "); MxIO.PutHex (s.buf, o.super_type, Wr.EOL); o :=; END; END WriteOpaques; PROCEDUREWriteObjects (VAR s: State; obj: Mx.ObjectType; export: BOOLEAN) = VAR nm: INTEGER; BEGIN WHILE (obj # NIL) DO IF (export) THEN MxIO.PutTxt (s.buf, "O"); ELSIF (obj.from_module) THEN nm := WriteName (s, obj.source); MxIO.PutTxt (s.buf, "p"); MxIO.PutInt (s.buf, nm, " "); ELSE (* import from interface *) nm := WriteName (s, obj.source); MxIO.PutTxt (s.buf, "o"); MxIO.PutInt (s.buf, nm, " "); END; MxIO.PutHex (s.buf, obj.type, " "); MxIO.PutHex (s.buf, obj.super_type, " "); MxIO.PutInt (s.buf, obj.data_size, " "); MxIO.PutInt (s.buf, obj.data_align, " "); MxIO.PutInt (s.buf, obj.method_size, Wr.EOL); obj :=; END; END WriteObjects; PROCEDUREWriteRevelations (VAR s: State; r: Mx.Revelation) = CONST import_tag = ARRAY BOOLEAN OF TEXT { "r", "x" }; CONST export_tag = ARRAY BOOLEAN OF TEXT { "R", "X" }; VAR tag: TEXT; nm: INTEGER; BEGIN WHILE (r # NIL) DO IF (r.export) THEN tag := export_tag [r.partial]; ELSE tag := import_tag [r.partial]; END; nm := WriteName (s, r.source); MxIO.PutTxt (s.buf, tag); MxIO.PutInt (s.buf, nm, " "); MxIO.PutHex (s.buf, r.lhs, " "); MxIO.PutHex (s.buf, r.rhs, Wr.EOL); r :=; END; END WriteRevelations; PROCEDUREWriteVS (VAR s: State; vs: MxVS.T): INTEGER = VAR id, src, sym: INTEGER; info: MxVS.Info; BEGIN IF NOT s.vsMap.get (vs, id) THEN MxVS.Get (vs, info); src := WriteName (s, info.source); sym := WriteName (s, info.symbol); id := s.next_vs; INC(s.next_vs); EVAL s.vsMap.put (vs, id); MxIO.PutTxt (s.buf, "V"); MxIO.PutInt (s.buf, id, " "); MxIO.PutInt (s.buf, src, " "); MxIO.PutInt (s.buf, sym, " "); MxIO.PutFP (s.buf, info.stamp, Wr.EOL); END; RETURN id; END WriteVS; PROCEDUREWriteName (VAR s: State; nm: Mx.Name): INTEGER = VAR id: INTEGER; BEGIN IF NOT s.nameMap.get (nm, id) THEN id := s.next_name; INC (s.next_name); EVAL s.nameMap.put (nm, id); MxIO.PutTxt (s.buf, "N"); MxIO.PutInt (s.buf, id, " "); M3ID.Put (s.buf, nm); MxIO.PutTxt (s.buf, Wr.EOL); END; RETURN id; END WriteName; BEGIN END MxOut.