INTERFACEIntegers are encoded as sequences of unsigned bytes, [0..255]. The length and format of the encoding is determined by the first byte. The special first-byte values are:M3CG_Binary ; CONST Version = 16_100; (* version 1.00 *) TYPE Op = { begin_unit, end_unit, import_unit, export_unit, set_source_file, set_source_line, declare_typename, declare_array, declare_open_array, declare_enum, declare_enum_elt, declare_packed, declare_record, declare_field, declare_set, declare_subrange, declare_pointer, declare_indirect, declare_proctype, declare_formal, declare_raises, declare_object, declare_method, declare_opaque, reveal_opaque, declare_exception, set_runtime_proc, import_global, declare_segment, bind_segment, declare_global, declare_constant, declare_local, declare_param, declare_temp, free_temp, begin_init, end_init, init_int, init_proc, init_label, init_var, init_offset, init_chars, init_float, import_procedure, declare_procedure, begin_procedure, end_procedure, begin_block, end_block, note_procedure_origin, set_label, jump, if_true, if_false, if_eq, if_ne, if_gt, if_ge, if_lt, if_le, case_jump, exit_proc, load, load_address, load_indirect, store, store_indirect, load_nil, load_integer, load_float, eq, ne, gt, ge, lt, le, add, subtract, multiply, divide, negate, abs, max, min, round, trunc, floor, ceiling, cvt_float, div, mod, set_union, set_difference, set_intersection, set_sym_difference, set_member, set_eq, set_ne, set_lt, set_le, set_gt, set_ge, set_range, set_singleton, not, and, or, xor, shift, shift_left, shift_right, rotate, rotate_left, rotate_right, widen, chop, extract, extract_n, extract_mn, insert, insert_n, insert_mn, swap, pop, copy_n, copy, zero_n, zero, loophole, abort, check_nil, check_lo, check_hi, check_range, check_index, check_eq, add_offset, index_address, start_call_direct, call_direct, start_call_indirect, call_indirect, pop_param, pop_struct, pop_static_link, load_procedure, load_static_link, comment, store_ordered, load_ordered, exchange, compare_exchange, fence, fetch_and_add, fetch_and_sub, fetch_and_or, fetch_and_and, fetch_and_xor };
CONST Int1 = 255; (* Int1,x => x *) NInt1 = 254; (* NInt1,x => -x *) Int2 = 253; (* Int2,x,y => x + 2^8*y *) NInt2 = 252; (* NInt2,x,y => - (Int2,x,y) *) Int4 = 251; (* Int4,a,b,c,d => a + 2^8*b + 2^16*c + 2^24*d *) NInt4 = 250; (* NInt4,a,b,c,d => - (Int4,a,b,c,d) *) Int8 = 249; (* Int8,a,...,h => a + 2^8*b + ... + 2^56*h *) NInt8 = 248; (* NInt8,a,...,h => - (Int8,a,...,h) *) LastRegular = 247; (* Integer values in [0..247] are simply passed thru as single bytes *) END M3CG_Binary.
The binary intermediate code has the following format:
<I-code> ::= <version> { <cmd> } <version> ::= I(Version) <cmd> ::= <method> { <arg> } <method> ::= I(ORD(Op.<method>)) <arg> ::= <int> | <text> | <name> | <typeUID> | <bool> <callconv> | <var> | <proc> | <type> | <label> <float> | <casetbl> | <sign> <int:i> ::= I(ORD(i)) <text:t> ::= I(Text.Length(t)) S(t) <name:n> ::= I(Text.Length(M3ID.ToText(n))) S(M3ID.ToText(n)) <typeUID> ::= I(ORD(uid)) <bool:b> ::= I(ORD(b)) <callconv:c> ::= I(c.m3cg_id) <var:v> ::= I(v.uid) <proc:p> ::= I(p.uid) <type:t> ::= I(ORD(t)) <label:l> ::= I(l) <float:f> ::= ?? <casetbl:t> ::= I(NUMBER(t)) I(t[0]) I(t[1]) ... <sign:s> ::= I(ORD(s))
Where I(x) is the variable length encoding of the integer value 'x' and S(x) are the bytes of the string 'x'.