MODULE; IMPORT M3AST_LX, M3AST_AS, M3AST_SM; IMPORT M3AST_LX_F, M3AST_AS_F, M3AST_SM_F; IMPORT SeqM3AST_AS_EXP, SeqM3AST_AS_CONS_ELEM, SeqM3AST_AS_Actual; IMPORT M3Error, M3Assert, M3CTypeRelation, M3CTypeChkUtil, M3CExpsMisc, M3CDef, M3CSrcPos; PROCEDURE M3CActualUtil Passable ( formalType: M3AST_SM.TYPE_SPEC_UNSET; actual: M3AST_AS.EXP; safe: BOOLEAN) : BOOLEAN RAISES {}= BEGIN IF formalType = NIL THEN RETURN TRUE END; IF ISTYPE(formalType, M3AST_AS.Procedure_type) THEN (* don't want the check to see if 'actual' is top level which comes with 'EXPAssignable' *) RETURN M3CTypeRelation.Assignable( formalType, actual.sm_exp_type_spec, safe); ELSE RETURN M3CTypeChkUtil.EXPAssignable(formalType, actual, safe); END; (* if *) END Passable; PROCEDUREAddDefault ( call: M3AST_AS.Call; formal: M3AST_AS.Formal_param) : BOOLEAN RAISES {}= BEGIN IF formal.as_default # NIL THEN (* assuming defaults on VAR parameters are caught elsewhere *) SeqM3AST_AS_EXP.AddRear(call.sm_actual_s, formal.as_default); RETURN TRUE; ELSE RETURN FALSE; END; (* if *) END AddDefault; PROCEDURECheckIsVARActual (actual: M3AST_AS.EXP) RAISES {}= VAR writeable: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF NOT (M3CExpsMisc.IsDesignator(actual, writeable) AND writeable) THEN M3Error.Report(actual, "argument to VAR parameter is not writeable designator"); END; (* if *) END CheckIsVARActual; PROCEDURETooFewArguments (call: M3AST_AS.Call) RAISES {}= BEGIN M3Error.Report(call, "too few arguments for procedure call") END TooFewArguments; PROCEDURETooManyArguments (call: M3AST_AS.Call) RAISES {}= BEGIN M3Error.Report(call, "too many arguments for procedure call") END TooManyArguments; PROCEDUREArgumentIsWrongType (exp: M3AST_AS.EXP) RAISES {}= BEGIN M3Error.Report(exp, "argument is wrong type"); END ArgumentIsWrongType; TYPE LotsOfActuals = [0..15]; (* the procedures below cope with more than 15 elements, but they slow down a little *) SetOfLotsOfActuals = SET OF LotsOfActuals; ExpAndId = RECORD exp: M3AST_AS.EXP; id: M3AST_AS.Exp_used_id; hashId: M3AST_LX.Symbol_rep; END; (* record *) REVEAL List = BRANDED REF RECORD next: List; count, positionals: INTEGER; matched: SetOfLotsOfActuals; array: ARRAY LotsOfActuals OF ExpAndId; END; (* record *) TYPE BuildingRec = RECORD first, last: List := NIL; positional := TRUE; END; (* record *) CONST AllMatched = SetOfLotsOfActuals{FIRST(LotsOfActuals)..LAST(LotsOfActuals)}; EXCEPTION FatalActualError; PROCEDURENewListRec (): List RAISES {}= VAR new := NEW(List); BEGIN := NIL; new.count := 0; new.positionals := 0; new.matched := AllMatched; RETURN new; END NewListRec; PROCEDUREAddExpAndId ( exp: M3AST_AS.EXP; id: M3AST_AS.Exp_used_id; VAR b: BuildingRec) RAISES {}= BEGIN IF (b.first = NIL) OR (b.last.count > LAST(b.last.array)) THEN WITH new = NewListRec() DO IF b.first = NIL THEN b.first := new ELSE := new END; b.last := new; END; END; VAR last := b.last; BEGIN WITH expAndId = last.array[last.count] DO expAndId.exp := exp; := id; IF id # NIL THEN expAndId.hashId := id.vUSED_ID.lx_symrep; ELSE expAndId.hashId := NIL; END; END; IF id = NIL THEN IF b.positional THEN INC(last.positionals); last.matched := last.matched - SetOfLotsOfActuals{last.count}; ELSE M3Error.Report(exp, "positional items must precede those with keywords"); END; (* if *) ELSE (* is not positional *) last.matched := last.matched - SetOfLotsOfActuals{last.count}; b.positional := FALSE; END; (* if *) INC(last.count); END; END AddExpAndId; PROCEDUREAddTypeSpec ( ts: M3AST_SM.TYPE_SPEC_UNSET; pos: M3CSrcPos.T; VAR b: BuildingRec) RAISES {}= VAR t: M3AST_SM.TypeActual := NEW(M3AST_SM.TypeActual).init(); BEGIN t.lx_srcpos := pos; t.sm_exp_type_spec := ts; AddExpAndId(t, NIL, b); END AddTypeSpec; PROCEDUREAddActual ( actual: M3AST_AS.Actual; VAR b: BuildingRec; typeOk := FALSE) RAISES {}= VAR id: M3AST_AS.Exp_used_id; BEGIN TYPECASE actual.as_id OF | NULL => id := NIL; | M3AST_AS.Exp_used_id(expUsedId) => id := expUsedId; typeOk := FALSE; ELSE M3Error.Report(actual.as_id, "expression not bound to valid keyword"); id := NIL; END; TYPECASE actual.as_exp_type OF <*NOWARN*> | M3AST_AS.EXP(exp) => WITH class = M3CExpsMisc.Classify(exp) DO IF class = M3CExpsMisc.Class.Normal THEN AddExpAndId(exp, id, b); ELSIF typeOk AND class = M3CExpsMisc.Class.Type THEN VAR defId: M3AST_AS.DEF_ID; BEGIN M3Assert.Check(M3CExpsMisc.IsId(exp, defId) AND ISTYPE(defId, M3AST_AS.Type_id)); AddTypeSpec(NARROW(defId, M3AST_AS.Type_id).sm_type_spec, exp.lx_srcpos, b); END; ELSE M3CExpsMisc.WrongClass(exp, class); AddExpAndId(NIL, id, b); END; END; | M3AST_AS.M3TYPE(m3Type) => IF typeOk THEN TYPECASE m3Type OF <*NOWARN*> | M3AST_AS.Bad_M3TYPE => AddTypeSpec(NIL, m3Type.lx_srcpos, b); | M3AST_AS.TYPE_SPEC(typeSpec) => AddTypeSpec(typeSpec, typeSpec.lx_srcpos, b); END; ELSE M3CExpsMisc.WrongClass(m3Type, M3CExpsMisc.Class.Type); AddExpAndId(NIL, id, b); END; END; (* if *) END AddActual; PROCEDUREElementList (cons: M3AST_AS.Constructor): List RAISES {}= VAR b := BuildingRec{}; iter := SeqM3AST_AS_CONS_ELEM.NewIter(cons.as_element_s); element: M3AST_AS.CONS_ELEM; BEGIN WHILE SeqM3AST_AS_CONS_ELEM.Next(iter, element) DO TYPECASE element OF <*NOWARN*> | M3AST_AS.Actual_elem(aElem) => AddActual(aElem.as_actual, b); | M3AST_AS.RANGE_EXP_elem(rElem) => TYPECASE rElem.as_range_exp OF | M3AST_AS.Range_EXP(rangeExp) => AddExpAndId(rangeExp.as_exp, NIL, b); ELSE M3Error.Report(rElem, "range not allowed in record constructor"); END; END; END; RETURN b.first; END ElementList; PROCEDUREActualList (call: M3AST_AS.Call; typeOk := FALSE): List RAISES {}= VAR b := BuildingRec{}; s: SeqM3AST_AS_Actual.T := NIL; iter: SeqM3AST_AS_Actual.Iter; actual: M3AST_AS.Actual; BEGIN TYPECASE call OF | M3AST_AS.NEWCall(newcall) => s := newcall.sm_norm_actual_s; ELSE END; IF s = NIL THEN s := call.as_param_s END; iter := SeqM3AST_AS_Actual.NewIter(s); WHILE SeqM3AST_AS_Actual.Next(iter, actual) DO AddActual(actual, b, typeOk); END; RETURN b.first; END ActualList; PROCEDURETotalActuals (a: List): INTEGER RAISES {}= BEGIN IF a = NIL THEN RETURN 0; ELSIF = NIL THEN RETURN a.count; ELSE RETURN NUMBER(LotsOfActuals) + TotalActuals(; END; (* if *) END TotalActuals; PROCEDUREPositionalActuals (a: List): INTEGER RAISES {}= BEGIN IF a = NIL THEN RETURN 0; ELSIF (a.count > a.positionals) OR ( = NIL) THEN RETURN a.positionals; ELSE RETURN NUMBER(LotsOfActuals) + PositionalActuals(; END; (* if *) END PositionalActuals; PROCEDUREFindByKeyword ( keyword: M3AST_LX.Symbol_rep; VAR a: List; VAR pos: INTEGER) : BOOLEAN RAISES {}= <*FATAL FatalActualError*> BEGIN IF (a = NIL) OR (keyword = NIL) THEN RETURN FALSE; ELSE LOOP IF pos >= a.count THEN IF pos > a.count THEN RAISE FatalActualError END; a :=; IF a = NIL THEN RETURN FALSE END; pos := 0; END; (* if *) IF a.array[pos].hashId = keyword AND (* conjunct added MJJ 10/21/92 *) NOT(pos IN a.matched) THEN RETURN TRUE; ELSE INC(pos); (* and loop *) END; (* if *) END; (* loop *) END; (* if *) END FindByKeyword; PROCEDUREMarkAsMatchedAndLookForDuplicates ( keyword: M3AST_LX.Symbol_rep; VAR a: List; VAR pos: INTEGER) RAISES {}= BEGIN LOOP a.matched := a.matched + SetOfLotsOfActuals{pos}; INC(pos); IF FindByKeyword(keyword, a, pos) THEN WITH expAndId = a.array[pos] DO M3Error.ReportWithId(, "\'%s\' has already been bound", expAndId.hashId); END; ELSE EXIT; END; (* if *) END; (* loop *) END MarkAsMatchedAndLookForDuplicates; PROCEDUREActualAt ( a: List; pos: INTEGER; id: M3AST_LX.Symbol_rep) : M3AST_AS.EXP RAISES {}= <*FATAL FatalActualError*> BEGIN LOOP IF (pos < 0) OR (a = NIL) THEN RAISE FatalActualError; ELSIF pos < a.positionals THEN WITH expAndId = a.array[pos] DO MarkAsMatchedAndLookForDuplicates(id, a, pos); RETURN expAndId.exp; END; ELSE DEC(pos, NUMBER(LotsOfActuals)); a :=; END; (* if *) END; (* loop *) END ActualAt; PROCEDUREActualByKeyword ( a: List; typedId: M3AST_AS.TYPED_ID; VAR exp: M3AST_AS.EXP) : BOOLEAN RAISES {}= VAR position: INTEGER; BEGIN IF a = NIL THEN RETURN FALSE; ELSE position := a.positionals; IF FindByKeyword(typedId.lx_symrep, a, position) THEN WITH expAndId = a.array[position] DO exp := expAndId.exp; M3CDef.ResolveActualKeyword(, typedId); := typedId.sm_type_spec; END; MarkAsMatchedAndLookForDuplicates(typedId.lx_symrep, a, position); RETURN TRUE; ELSE RETURN FALSE; END; (* if *) END; (* if *) END ActualByKeyword; PROCEDUREFindUnmatched (a: List) RAISES {}= BEGIN WHILE a # NIL DO IF a.matched # AllMatched THEN FOR m := VAL(a.positionals, LotsOfActuals) TO LAST(LotsOfActuals) DO IF NOT (m IN a.matched) THEN WITH expAndId = a.array[m] DO M3Error.ReportWithId(, "no match found for keyword \'%s\'", expAndId.hashId); END; END; (* if *) END; (* for *) END; (* if *) a :=; END; (* while *) END FindUnmatched; PROCEDUREOriginalActual ( call: M3AST_AS.Call; pos: INTEGER) : M3AST_AS.Actual RAISES {}= VAR count := 0; iter := SeqM3AST_AS_Actual.NewIter(call.as_param_s); actual: M3AST_AS.Actual; BEGIN WHILE SeqM3AST_AS_Actual.Next(iter, actual) DO IF count = pos THEN RETURN actual ELSE INC(count) END; END; (* while *) M3Assert.Fail(); <*ASSERT FALSE*> END OriginalActual; BEGIN END M3CActualUtil.