INTERFACECopyright (C) 1991, Digital Equipment Corporation All rights reserved. See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.M3CGenIns ;
IMPORT M3AST_AS; PROCEDURE Set( cu_ins, cu_def: M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit ): M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit RAISES {};
Given that 'cu_ins' is a generic instance and that 'cu_def'
is the corresponding generic definition, perform the instantiation
and return the resulting AST. The instantation is achieved by
copying the generic definition and then inserting
, where 1 <= 'i' <= N and 'N' is the number
of formal generic parameters. It is a static error if the
number of actual parameters does not equal 'N', and this is
reported as an error on 'cu_ins', and a result of NIL.
END M3CGenIns.