MODULE************************************************************************* Copyright (C) Olivetti 1989 All Rights reserved Use and copy of this software and preparation of derivative works based upon this software are permitted to any person, provided this same copyright notice and the following Olivetti warranty disclaimer are included in any copy of the software or any modification thereof or derivative work therefrom made by any person. This software is made available AS IS and Olivetti disclaims all warranties with respect to this software, whether expressed or implied under any law, including all implied warranties of merchantibility and fitness for any purpose. In no event shall Olivetti be liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits or otherwise arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software. *************************************************************************; M3CProcActualS
From the report (Sec. 3.2, Procedure call):
The list of bindings is rewritten to fit the signature of P's type as follows: First, each positional binding actual is converted into a keyword binding by supplying the name of the i'th formal parameter, where actual is the i'th binding in ActualS. Second, for each parameter that has a default and is not bound after the first step, the binding name := default is added to the list of actuals, where name is the name of the parameter and default is its default value.
It is a static error if the rewritten list of actuals binds any name more than once, binds any name that is not a formal parameter, or fails to bind any formal parameter.
A procedure call can also have the form:
where o is an object and m names one of o's methods. This is equivalent to:
(o's m method)(o, ActualS)
If the call is not a NEW, we'll build up the sm_actuals as follows:
1. Map the positional binding actuals to their corresponding formals.
2. Go over the remaining formals. If there is a binding for it in the actuals, then use the binding. Otherwise use the default.
PROCEDURENotProcedure (call: M3AST_AS.Call) RAISES {}= BEGIN M3Error.Report(call, "calling something that is not a procedure"); END NotProcedure; <*INLINE*> PROCEDUREProcType ( call: M3AST_AS.Call; complain: BOOLEAN) : M3AST_AS.Procedure_type RAISES {}= BEGIN TYPECASE call.as_callexp.sm_exp_type_spec OF | M3AST_AS.Procedure_type(p) => RETURN p; (* NIL case ok *) ELSE IF complain THEN NotProcedure(call) END; RETURN NIL; END; END ProcType; <*INLINE*> PROCEDUREAddParam (call: M3AST_AS.Call; exp: M3AST_AS.EXP) RAISES {}= BEGIN SeqM3AST_AS_EXP.AddRear(call.sm_actual_s, exp); END AddParam; PROCEDURESet (call: M3AST_AS.Call) RAISES {}= VAR procType := ProcType(call, TRUE); BEGIN (* If 'callExp' does not have its 'sm_exp_type_spec' set to a procedure type then there is nothing we can do (except complain, via 'ProcType') *) IF procType = NIL THEN RETURN END; (* Prepare to iterate formal parameters. Note that if this is a call of the form 'T.m(...)', where 'T' is an object type we have a hidden formal parameter, for which the actual must be specified positionally *) VAR iter := M3ASTNext.NewIterFormal(procType.as_formal_param_s); hiddenFormal := procType.sm_def_id # NIL AND ISTYPE(procType.sm_def_id, M3AST_AS.Type_id); (* Pre process the actuals *) actuals := M3CActualUtil.ActualList(call); formalP: M3AST_AS.Formal_param; formalId: M3AST_AS.FORMAL_ID; id: M3AST_LX.Symbol_rep; actual: M3AST_AS.EXP; BEGIN (* Find all of the positional actuals *) FOR pos := 0 TO M3CActualUtil.PositionalActuals(actuals) - 1 DO IF hiddenFormal THEN hiddenFormal := FALSE; id := NIL; ELSIF M3ASTNext.Formal(iter, formalP, formalId) THEN (* ok *) id := formalId.lx_symrep; ELSE M3CActualUtil.TooManyArguments(call); M3CActualUtil.FindUnmatched(actuals); RETURN; END; AddParam(call, M3CActualUtil.ActualAt(actuals, pos, id)); END; (* If there was supposed to be an argument to match a hidden first formal did we get one? *) IF hiddenFormal THEN M3Error.Report(call, "object required as first positional argument"); END; (* For the remaining FORMALS, see if there is a keyword actual. If there is, use its expression. If not, use the default. *) WHILE M3ASTNext.Formal(iter, formalP, formalId) DO IF NOT M3CActualUtil.ActualByKeyword(actuals, formalId, actual) THEN actual := formalP.as_default; IF actual = NIL AND formalId.lx_symrep # NIL THEN M3Error.ReportWithId(call, "no argument for parameter \'%s\'", formalId.lx_symrep); END; END; AddParam(call, actual); END; M3CActualUtil.FindUnmatched(actuals); END; END Set; PROCEDUREDefaultMethodCall ( p: M3AST_AS.Procedure_type; VAR ts: M3AST_SM.TYPE_SPEC_UNSET) : BOOLEAN RAISES {}= BEGIN TYPECASE p.sm_def_id OF | NULL => RETURN FALSE; | M3AST_AS.Type_id(typeId) => ts := typeId.sm_type_spec; RETURN TRUE; ELSE RETURN FALSE; END; END DefaultMethodCall; PROCEDURETypeCheck (call: M3AST_AS.Call; safe: BOOLEAN) RAISES {}= VAR procType := ProcType(call, FALSE); BEGIN IF procType = NIL THEN RETURN END; (* Prepare to iterate formal parameters. Note that if this is a call of the form 'T.m(...)', where 'T' is an object type we have a hidden formal parameter, for which the actual must be specified positionally *) VAR iterActuals := SeqM3AST_AS_EXP.NewIter(call.sm_actual_s); iterFormals := M3ASTNext.NewIterFormal(procType.as_formal_param_s); formalType: M3AST_SM.TYPE_SPEC_UNSET; hiddenFormal := DefaultMethodCall(procType, formalType); formalP: M3AST_AS.Formal_param; formalId: M3AST_AS.FORMAL_ID; actual: M3AST_AS.EXP; isVar: BOOLEAN; BEGIN WHILE SeqM3AST_AS_EXP.Next(iterActuals, actual) DO IF hiddenFormal THEN (* 'formalType' already set up *) isVar := FALSE; hiddenFormal := FALSE; ELSE IF NOT M3ASTNext.Formal(iterFormals, formalP, formalId) THEN EXIT; ELSE formalType := formalId.sm_type_spec; isVar := ISTYPE(formalId, M3AST_AS.F_Var_id); END; END; IF actual # NIL AND formalType # NIL THEN IF isVar THEN M3CActualUtil.CheckIsVARActual(actual); IF NOT M3CTypeRelation.VARPassable(formalType, actual.sm_exp_type_spec) THEN M3Error.Report(actual, "actual parameter not passable to VAR formal"); END (* if *) ELSE IF NOT M3CActualUtil.Passable(formalType, actual, safe) THEN M3Error.Report( actual, "actual parameter not assignable to formal"); END; (* if *) END; END; END; END; END TypeCheck; BEGIN END M3CProcActualS.