MODULE************************************************************************* Copyright (C) Olivetti 1989 All Rights reserved Use and copy of this software and preparation of derivative works based upon this software are permitted to any person, provided this same copyright notice and the following Olivetti warranty disclaimer are included in any copy of the software or any modification thereof or derivative work therefrom made by any person. This software is made available AS IS and Olivetti disclaims all warranties with respect to this software, whether expressed or implied under any law, including all implied warranties of merchantibility and fitness for any purpose. In no event shall Olivetti be liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits or otherwise arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software. *************************************************************************M3CScope EXPORTSM3CScope ,M3CScope_priv ;
IMPORT M3AST, M3AST_AS, M3AST_SM, M3ASTNext; IMPORT M3AST_AS_F, M3AST_SM_F, M3AST_TM_F; IMPORT SeqM3AST_AS_Const_decl, SeqM3AST_AS_TYPE_DECL, SeqM3AST_AS_Var_decl, SeqM3AST_AS_Var_id, SeqM3AST_AS_IMPORTED, SeqM3AST_AS_Used_def_id, SeqM3AST_AS_Used_interface_id, SeqM3AST_AS_DECL_REVL, SeqM3AST_AS_Exc_decl, SeqM3AST_AS_Import_item, SeqM3AST_AS_DEF_ID; IMPORT M3CId, M3Error, M3Assert, M3CSearch, M3CRecursive;Scope types and variables
Modified to build the SCOPE class. Should be modified to use this info instead of the Definitions data structure.
TYPE Scope = OBJECT next: Scope; defs: Definitions; vSCOPE: M3AST_SM.SCOPE := NIL; END; UnitScope = Scope OBJECT cu: M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit; END; NormalUnitScope = UnitScope BRANDED OBJECT END; InitialScope = UnitScope BRANDED OBJECT END; (* In the initial scope 'cu' is the standard interface *) ProcedureScope = Scope OBJECT proc: M3AST_AS.Proc_decl; END; MethodScope = Scope OBJECT meth: M3AST_AS.Method; END; BlockScope = Scope OBJECT block: M3AST_AS.Block; END; DefIdScope = Scope OBJECT defId: M3AST_AS.DEF_ID; END; VAR scopeNumber_g := -1; scope_g: Scope := NIL;Basic routines: pushing and popping scopes, low level routine for adding definitions
PROCEDURELayer on the basic add routine - provides add procedure which checks for name clashesPushScope (scope: Scope) RAISES {}= BEGIN := scope_g; scope.defs := NIL; scope_g := scope; INC(scopeNumber_g); END PushScope; PROCEDUREPopScope () RAISES {}= VAR d: Definitions; BEGIN d := scope_g.defs; IF d # NIL THEN TYPECASE scope_g OF | NormalUnitScope, ProcedureScope, BlockScope => M3CRecursive.CheckDeclarations(d); ELSE END; END; WHILE d # NIL DO M3Assert.Check(d.defId.lx_symrep =; IF # d THEN M3Assert.Fail() END; := d.enclosing; d :=; END; (* while *) scope_g :=; DEC(scopeNumber_g); END PopScope; PROCEDUREAdd ( defId: M3AST_AS.DEF_ID; enclosing: Definitions; decl: M3AST.NODE) RAISES {}= VAR new := NEW(Definitions); BEGIN := scope_g.defs; scope_g.defs := new; new.enclosing := enclosing; := defId.lx_symrep; new.defId := defId; new.scope := scopeNumber_g; := new; new.hook := decl; WITH s = scope_g.vSCOPE DO IF s # NIL THEN SeqM3AST_AS_DEF_ID.AddFront(s.sm_def_id_s, defId); END; END; END Add;
PROCEDURESecondary routines - form an intermediate layer between the basic routines and the exported routinesExportsInterface ( m: M3AST_AS.Module; i: M3AST_AS.Interface) : BOOLEAN RAISES {}= VAR iterExports := SeqM3AST_AS_Used_interface_id.NewIter(m.sm_export_s); export: M3AST_AS.Used_interface_id; def_id := i.as_id; BEGIN WHILE SeqM3AST_AS_Used_interface_id.Next(iterExports, export) DO IF export.sm_def = def_id THEN RETURN TRUE; ELSE (* continue loop *) END; (* if *) END; (* while *) RETURN FALSE; END ExportsInterface; PROCEDUREProcedureRedeclaration ( new, old: M3AST_AS.DEF_ID) : BOOLEAN RAISES {}= VAR oldUnit, newUnit: M3AST_AS.UNIT; BEGIN IF (ISTYPE(new, M3AST_AS.Proc_id)) AND (ISTYPE(old, M3AST_AS.Proc_id)) THEN oldUnit := old.tmp_unit_id.sm_spec; newUnit := new.tmp_unit_id.sm_spec; RETURN (ISTYPE(oldUnit, M3AST_AS.Interface)) AND (ISTYPE(newUnit, M3AST_AS.Module)) AND ExportsInterface(newUnit, oldUnit); ELSE RETURN FALSE; END; (* if *) END ProcedureRedeclaration; PROCEDUREBadRedefinition (id: M3AST_AS.ID) RAISES {}= BEGIN M3Error.ReportWithId(id, "Illegal redefinition of identifier \'%s\'", id.lx_symrep); END BadRedefinition; PROCEDUREAddDefId (defId: M3AST_AS.DEF_ID; decl: M3AST.NODE := NIL; used_id: M3AST_AS.USED_ID := NIL) RAISES {}= VAR d: Definitions; old: M3AST_AS.DEF_ID; BEGIN IF defId.lx_symrep = NIL THEN RETURN END; d := defId.lx_symrep.defs; IF (d # NIL) AND ((d.scope = scopeNumber_g) OR (d.scope = 0)) THEN old := d.defId; IF ProcedureRedeclaration(defId, old) THEN (* use latest definition and set up 'sm_int_def/sm_concrete_proc_id' *) d.defId := defId; NARROW(defId, M3AST_AS.Proc_id).vREDEF_ID.sm_int_def := old; NARROW(old, M3AST_AS.Proc_id).sm_concrete_proc_id := defId; ELSE IF used_id # NIL THEN BadRedefinition(used_id); ELSE BadRedefinition(defId); END; END; (* if *) END; (* if *) Add(defId, d, decl); END AddDefId;
PROCEDUREThe main exported routinesAddBlock (block: M3AST_AS.Block) RAISES {}= VAR iter := SeqM3AST_AS_DECL_REVL.NewIter(block.as_decl_s); decl: M3AST_AS.DECL_REVL; BEGIN WHILE SeqM3AST_AS_DECL_REVL.Next(iter, decl) DO TYPECASE decl OF | M3AST_AS.Const_decl_s(constDeclS) => VAR iter := SeqM3AST_AS_Const_decl.NewIter(constDeclS.as_const_decl_s); constDecl: M3AST_AS.Const_decl; BEGIN WHILE SeqM3AST_AS_Const_decl.Next(iter, constDecl) DO AddDefId(constDecl.as_id, constDecl); END; END; | M3AST_AS.Type_decl_s(typeDeclS) => VAR iter := SeqM3AST_AS_TYPE_DECL.NewIter(typeDeclS.as_type_decl_s); typeDecl: M3AST_AS.TYPE_DECL; BEGIN WHILE SeqM3AST_AS_TYPE_DECL.Next(iter, typeDecl) DO AddDefId(typeDecl.as_id, typeDecl); END; END; | M3AST_AS.Var_decl_s(varDeclS) => VAR iter := SeqM3AST_AS_Var_decl.NewIter(varDeclS.as_var_decl_s); varDecl: M3AST_AS.Var_decl; BEGIN WHILE SeqM3AST_AS_Var_decl.Next(iter, varDecl) DO VAR iter := SeqM3AST_AS_Var_id.NewIter(varDecl.as_id_s); varId: M3AST_AS.Var_id; BEGIN WHILE SeqM3AST_AS_Var_id.Next(iter, varId) DO AddDefId(varId, varDecl); END; END; END; END; | M3AST_AS.Exc_decl_s(excDeclS) => VAR iter := SeqM3AST_AS_Exc_decl.NewIter(excDeclS.as_exc_decl_s); excDecl: M3AST_AS.Exc_decl; BEGIN WHILE SeqM3AST_AS_Exc_decl.Next(iter, excDecl) DO AddDefId(excDecl.as_id, excDecl); END; END; | M3AST_AS.Proc_decl(procDecl) => AddDefId(procDecl.as_id, procDecl); ELSE END; END; END AddBlock; PROCEDURECheckFrom ( fromImport: M3AST_AS.From_import; VAR (*out*) from: M3AST_AS.Interface) : BOOLEAN RAISES {}= VAR usedIntId: M3AST_AS.Used_interface_id; cu: M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit; intf_id: M3AST_AS.Interface_id; BEGIN (* returns TRUE unless FROM Self IMPORT ... *) usedIntId := fromImport.as_intf_id; TYPECASE usedIntId.sm_def OF | NULL => RETURN FALSE; | M3AST_AS.Interface_AS_id(intf_as_id) => intf_id := NARROW(intf_as_id.tmp_used_id.sm_def, M3AST_AS.Interface_id); | M3AST_AS.Interface_id(t_intf_id) => intf_id := t_intf_id; ELSE M3Assert.Fail(); END; cu := intf_id.sm_spec.sm_comp_unit; TYPECASE scope_g OF | NormalUnitScope(scope) => IF # cu THEN from := cu.as_root; RETURN TRUE; ELSE (* Note: 'usedIntId.lx_symrep' must be non NIL or 'sm_def' would be NIL *) M3Error.ReportWithId(usedIntId, "Cannot import from self (\'%s\')", usedIntId.lx_symrep); RETURN FALSE; END; ELSE M3Assert.Fail(); <*NOWARN*> END; END CheckFrom; <*INLINE*> PROCEDUREAddImport (used_id: M3AST_AS.USED_ID) RAISES {}= BEGIN IF used_id.sm_def # NIL THEN AddDefId(used_id.sm_def, used_id := used_id) END; (* if *) END AddImport; PROCEDUREAddImports (seqImported: SeqM3AST_AS_IMPORTED.T) RAISES {}= VAR iterImported := SeqM3AST_AS_IMPORTED.NewIter(seqImported); imported: M3AST_AS.IMPORTED; from: M3AST_AS.Interface; iterUsedIds: SeqM3AST_AS_Used_def_id.Iter; usedDefId: M3AST_AS.Used_def_id; iterImport_item: SeqM3AST_AS_Import_item.Iter; import_item: M3AST_AS.Import_item; BEGIN WHILE SeqM3AST_AS_IMPORTED.Next(iterImported, imported) DO TYPECASE imported OF <*NOWARN*> | M3AST_AS.From_import(fromImport) => IF CheckFrom(fromImport, from) THEN iterUsedIds := SeqM3AST_AS_Used_def_id.NewIter(fromImport.as_id_s); WHILE SeqM3AST_AS_Used_def_id.Next(iterUsedIds, usedDefId) DO M3CSearch.Export(from, usedDefId); AddImport(usedDefId); END; (* while *) END; | M3AST_AS.Simple_import(simpleImport) => iterImport_item := SeqM3AST_AS_Import_item.NewIter(simpleImport.as_import_item_s); WHILE SeqM3AST_AS_Import_item.Next( iterImport_item, import_item) DO IF import_item.as_id # NIL THEN AddDefId(import_item.as_id); ELSE AddImport(import_item.as_intf_id); END; END; (* while *) END; (* typecase *) END; (* while *) END AddImports; PROCEDUREAddExport (export: M3AST_AS.Used_interface_id) RAISES {}= BEGIN TYPECASE export.sm_def OF | NULL => | M3AST_AS.Interface_id(iId) => WITH unit = NARROW(iId.sm_spec.sm_comp_unit.as_root, M3AST_AS.UNIT_NORMAL) DO M3Assert.Check(iId = unit.as_id); AddBlock(unit.as_block); END; ELSE M3Assert.Fail(); END; (* if *) END AddExport; PROCEDUREAddExports (cu: M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit) RAISES {}= VAR iterExports: SeqM3AST_AS_Used_interface_id.Iter; export: M3AST_AS.Used_interface_id; BEGIN TYPECASE cu.as_root OF | M3AST_AS.Module(module) => iterExports := SeqM3AST_AS_Used_interface_id.NewIter(module.sm_export_s); WHILE SeqM3AST_AS_Used_interface_id.Next(iterExports, export) DO AddExport(export); END; (* while *) ELSE (* interface - does not have any exports *) END; (* if *) END AddExports;
PROCEDUREStandard (standard: M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit) RAISES {}= BEGIN TYPECASE scope_g OF | NULL => | InitialScope(scope) => IF = NIL THEN := standard; scope.vSCOPE := standard.as_root.as_id.vSCOPE; WITH s = scope.vSCOPE DO s.sm_level := scopeNumber_g; WITH un = NARROW(standard.as_root, M3AST_AS.UNIT_NORMAL) DO AddBlock(un.as_block); WITH bs = un.as_block.vSCOPE DO bs.sm_level := s.sm_level; bs.sm_enc_scope := s; END; END; END; ELSE (* already done *) END; (* if *) RETURN; ELSE END; M3Assert.Fail(); END Standard; PROCEDURECompilationUnit ( cu: M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit; change: Change) RAISES {}= BEGIN TYPECASE scope_g OF | NULL => | InitialScope(scope) => IF change = Change.Enter AND # NIL THEN VAR new := NEW(NormalUnitScope, vSCOPE := cu.as_root.as_id.vSCOPE); BEGIN WITH s = new.vSCOPE DO s.sm_level := scopeNumber_g+1; s.sm_enc_scope := scope_g.vSCOPE; := cu; PushScope(new); AddExports(cu); WITH un = NARROW(cu.as_root, M3AST_AS.UNIT_NORMAL) DO AddImports(un.as_import_s); AddBlock(un.as_block); WITH bs = un.as_block.vSCOPE DO bs.sm_level := s.sm_level; bs.sm_enc_scope := s; END; END; END; END; RETURN; END; | NormalUnitScope(scope) => IF change = Change.Exit AND = cu THEN PopScope(); RETURN; END; ELSE END; (* typecase *) M3Assert.Fail(); END CompilationUnit; PROCEDUREProcedure (proc: M3AST_AS.Proc_decl; change: Change) RAISES {}= BEGIN IF change = Change.Enter THEN VAR new := NEW(ProcedureScope, vSCOPE := proc.as_id.vSCOPE); iter := M3ASTNext.NewIterFormal(proc.as_type.as_formal_param_s); formal: M3AST_AS.Formal_param; formalId: M3AST_AS.FORMAL_ID; BEGIN WITH s = new.vSCOPE DO s.sm_level := scopeNumber_g+1; s.sm_enc_scope := scope_g.vSCOPE; new.proc := proc; PushScope(new); WHILE M3ASTNext.Formal(iter, formal, formalId) DO AddDefId(formalId); END; IF proc.as_body # NIL THEN AddBlock(proc.as_body); WITH bs = proc.as_body.vSCOPE DO bs.sm_level := s.sm_level; bs.sm_enc_scope := s; END; END; END; END; ELSE TYPECASE scope_g OF | NULL => | ProcedureScope(scope) => IF scope.proc = proc THEN PopScope(); RETURN END; ELSE END; M3Assert.Fail(); END; (* if *) END Procedure; PROCEDUREMethod (meth: M3AST_AS.Method; change: Change) RAISES {}= BEGIN IF change = Change.Enter THEN VAR new := NEW(MethodScope, vSCOPE := NARROW(meth.as_id, M3AST_AS.Method_id).vSCOPE); iter := M3ASTNext.NewIterFormal(meth.as_type.as_formal_param_s); formal: M3AST_AS.Formal_param; formalId: M3AST_AS.FORMAL_ID; BEGIN WITH s = new.vSCOPE DO s.sm_level := scopeNumber_g+1; s.sm_enc_scope := scope_g.vSCOPE; new.meth := meth; PushScope(new); WHILE M3ASTNext.Formal(iter, formal, formalId) DO AddDefId(formalId); END; END; END; ELSE TYPECASE scope_g OF | NULL => | MethodScope(scope) => IF scope.meth = meth THEN PopScope(); RETURN END; ELSE END; M3Assert.Fail(); END; (* if *) END Method; PROCEDUREUnitOrProcedureBody (block: M3AST_AS.Block): BOOLEAN RAISES {}= BEGIN TYPECASE scope_g OF | NULL => M3Assert.Fail(); <*ASSERT FALSE*> | UnitScope(unitScope) => RETURN NARROW(, M3AST_AS.UNIT_NORMAL).as_block = block; | ProcedureScope(procScope) => RETURN procScope.proc.as_body = block; ELSE RETURN FALSE; END; (* case *) END UnitOrProcedureBody; PROCEDUREBlock (block: M3AST_AS.Block; change: Change) RAISES {}= BEGIN IF UnitOrProcedureBody(block) THEN RETURN END; IF change = Change.Enter THEN VAR new := NEW(BlockScope, vSCOPE := block.vSCOPE); BEGIN WITH s = new.vSCOPE DO s.sm_level := scopeNumber_g+1; s.sm_enc_scope := scope_g.vSCOPE; END; new.block := block; PushScope(new); AddBlock(block); END; ELSE TYPECASE scope_g OF | NULL => | BlockScope(scope) => IF scope.block = block THEN PopScope(); RETURN END; ELSE END; (* typecase *) M3Assert.Fail(); END; (* if *) END Block; PROCEDUREDefId (defId: M3AST_AS.DEF_ID; change: Change) RAISES {}= PROCEDURE ScopeForDefId(): M3AST_SM.SCOPE= VAR r: M3AST_SM.SCOPE := NIL; BEGIN IF defId.IsA_SCOPE(r) THEN END; RETURN r; END ScopeForDefId; BEGIN IF change = Change.Enter THEN VAR new := NEW(DefIdScope, vSCOPE := ScopeForDefId()); BEGIN WITH s = new.vSCOPE DO s.sm_level := scopeNumber_g+1; s.sm_enc_scope := scope_g.vSCOPE; END; new.defId := defId; PushScope(new); AddDefId(defId); END; ELSE TYPECASE scope_g OF | NULL => | DefIdScope(scope) => IF scope.defId = defId THEN PopScope(); RETURN END; ELSE END; M3Assert.Fail(); END; (* if *) END DefId; PROCEDURELookup (usedId: M3AST_AS.USED_ID) RAISES {}= VAR symrep := usedId.lx_symrep; BEGIN IF symrep # NIL THEN VAR d := symrep.defs; BEGIN IF d = NIL THEN M3Error.ReportWithId(usedId, "Identifier \'%s\' not declared", symrep); ELSE usedId.sm_def := d.defId; END; (* if *) END; END; END Lookup; PROCEDUREPushInitialScope () RAISES {}= VAR new := NEW(InitialScope); BEGIN := NIL; PushScope(new); END PushInitialScope; BEGIN PushInitialScope(); END M3CScope.