MODULE************************************************************************* Copyright (C) Olivetti 1989 All Rights reserved Use and copy of this software and preparation of derivative works based upon this software are permitted to any person, provided this same copyright notice and the following Olivetti warranty disclaimer are included in any copy of the software or any modification thereof or derivative work therefrom made by any person. This software is made available AS IS and Olivetti disclaims all warranties with respect to this software, whether expressed or implied under any law, including all implied warranties of merchantibility and fitness for any purpose. In no event shall Olivetti be liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits or otherwise arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software. *************************************************************************; M3CSundries
IMPORT Text; IMPORT AST, M3AST_AS; IMPORT M3AST_AS_F, M3AST_SM_F; IMPORT ASTWalk; IMPORT M3Error, M3CDuplicate, M3CNameClash; PROCEDURECall (call: M3AST_AS.Call; isStatement: BOOLEAN) RAISES {}= VAR noResult: BOOLEAN; BEGIN TYPECASE call.as_callexp.sm_exp_type_spec OF | NULL => | M3AST_AS.Procedure_type(procType) => noResult := procType.as_result_type = NIL; IF noResult # isStatement THEN VAR e: Text.T; BEGIN IF isStatement THEN e := "call of function procedure cannot be used as a statement"; ELSE e := "call of proper procedure cannot be used in an expression"; END; (* if *) M3Error.Report(call, e); END; END; (* if *) ELSE END; (* typecase *) END Call; PROCEDUREProcedure (p: M3AST_AS.Proc_decl; isModule: BOOLEAN) RAISES {}= VAR hasBody := p.as_body # NIL; BEGIN IF hasBody # isModule THEN VAR e: Text.T; BEGIN IF hasBody THEN e := "procedure in interface cannot have body"; ELSE e := "procedure in module must have body"; END; (* if *) M3Error.Report(p, e); END; END; (* if *) END Procedure; REVEAL Handle = BRANDED OBJECT inModule, isProperCall: BOOLEAN; loopCount, procNesting: INTEGER := 0; END; PROCEDURECheck (h: Handle; any: AST.NODE; v: ASTWalk.VisitMode) RAISES {}= BEGIN IF v = ASTWalk.VisitMode.Entry THEN TYPECASE any OF | M3AST_AS.Loop_st, M3AST_AS.While_st, M3AST_AS.For_st, M3AST_AS.Repeat_st => INC(h.loopCount); | M3AST_AS.Call_st => h.isProperCall := TRUE; | M3AST_AS.Call(call) => Call(call, h.isProperCall); h.isProperCall := FALSE; | M3AST_AS.Proc_decl(proc_decl) => INC(h.procNesting); Procedure(proc_decl, h.inModule); | M3AST_AS.Exit_st => IF h.loopCount = 0 THEN M3Error.Report(any, "EXIT must be inside loop"); END; | M3AST_AS.Case_st(case_st) => M3CDuplicate.CaseLabels(case_st); | M3AST_AS.Try_except(try_except) => M3CDuplicate.HandlerExceptions(try_except); | M3AST_AS.Enumeration_type(enumeration_type)=> M3CNameClash.Enumeration(enumeration_type); | M3AST_AS.Record_type(record_type) => M3CNameClash.Record(record_type); | M3AST_AS.Object_type(object_type) => M3CNameClash.Object(object_type); | M3AST_AS.Procedure_type(procedure_type) => M3CNameClash.Procedure(procedure_type); | M3AST_AS.Exc_decl_s => IF h.procNesting # 0 THEN M3Error.Report(any, "exception must be declared at top level"); END; | M3AST_AS.Concrete_reveal, M3AST_AS.Subtype_reveal => IF h.procNesting # 0 THEN M3Error.Report(any, "type can only be revealed at top level"); END; ELSE (* nothing *) END; (* if *) ELSE TYPECASE any OF | M3AST_AS.Loop_st, M3AST_AS.While_st, M3AST_AS.For_st, M3AST_AS.Repeat_st => DEC(h.loopCount); | M3AST_AS.Proc_decl => DEC(h.procNesting); ELSE (* nothing *) END; (* case *) END; (* case *) END Check; PROCEDURENewHandle ( inModule, isProperCall, inLoop, inProc: BOOLEAN) : Handle RAISES {}= VAR new := NEW(Handle, inModule := inModule, isProperCall := isProperCall); BEGIN IF inLoop THEN INC(new.loopCount) END; IF inProc THEN INC(new.procNesting) END; RETURN new; END NewHandle; BEGIN END M3CSundries.