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 Copyright (C) 1993, Digital Equipment Corporation           
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Hash table for reserved words, literals, identifiers.

  Table <: TablePublic;
  TablePublic = OBJECT
    init(size: CARDINAL; idCreator: IdCreator := NIL): Table;
    enter(text: TEXT): Id;
    lookup(text: TEXT; VAR id: Id): BOOLEAN;
    setCreator(idCreator: IdCreator): IdCreator;
    enterCharsWithValue(v: Value; READONLY chars: ARRAY OF CHAR): Id;
    enterTextWithValue(v: Value; text: TEXT): Id;

  Id <: IdPublic;
  IdPublic = OBJECT
    toText(): TEXT;

  IdCreator = OBJECT METHODS new(text: TEXT): Id END;
When creating a table the client specifies: \begin{itemize} \item The table size. It is a bucket and chain style hash table; size specifies the number of buckets). \item An optional IdCreator object. If this is supplied its new method will be called whenever a text n is added to the table by the enter(n) method. The id returned by the new method (which can be any subtype of Id) will be the value that is associated with n. If no creation object is specified, a default subtype of Id will be associated. A different id value must be associated with each text that is entered in the table. \end{itemize}

A call of lookup(n, id) returns TRUE if n has been entered in the table, and sets id to the Id value that was associated with n. Otherwise it returns FALSE and leaves id unchanged.

The setCreator method changes the IdCreator object that is associated with the table, returning the previous value.

The toText method returns the text with which id has been associated.

\subsection{Incremental Hashing}

The following routines expose more of the hashing mechanism. They allow a hash value to be built up incrementally and then specified when a text or array of characters is entered into the table. They are intended for use by a lexer which has to build up arrays of characters (e.g. identifiers, reserved words) incrementally and hence can build up the hash value at the same time

  Value <: ValuePublic;
  ValuePublic = OBJECT
    init(): Value;
    addCharToValue(ch: CHAR);
A hash value is created by NEW(Value).init(). The reset method resets the computed value to the initial value. Therefore, a lexer need only allocate one Value object and reuse it many times. The addCharToValue method adds the character ch to the hash value. Values must be added in sequence. For example the the hash value for ab is constructed by:

       v := NEW(M3CHash.Value).init();
The enterCharsWithValue and enterTextWithValue methods add chars and text to the table, using the precomputed hash value v.

END M3CHash.