INTERFACEThe following are used by the parser to build up a pragma store. 'NewStore' creates a new pragma store and each pragma encountered is added with the 'AddToStore' procedure. Pragmas must be added in source position order. Pragmas must start withM3CPragma ; IMPORT Text; IMPORT M3AST_AS; IMPORT M3CSrcPos;
and end with *>
TYPE Store <: REFANY; T <: REFANY; PROCEDURE NewStore(): Store RAISES {};
Create new pragma store
PROCEDURE AddToStore( body: Text.T; pos: M3CSrcPos.T; precedingNode: M3AST_AS.SRC_NODE; VAR store: Store) : T RAISES {};
Add a new pragma to a store, giving its body, position and the preceding source node
PROCEDURE AddFollowingNode( followingNode: M3AST_AS.SRC_NODE; store: Store) RAISES {};
Called after a pragma (or pragmas) has been added by 'AddToStore' and another source node is encountered. Marks all the pragmas after the last source node as having the given 'followingNode'
PROCEDURE AddPrecedingStmOrDecl( followingStmOrDecl: M3AST_AS.SRC_NODE; store: Store) RAISES {};
Called after a pragma (or pragmas) has been added by 'AddToStore' and the end of a statement or declaration is encountered. Marks all the pragmas after the last source node as being after the given 'stmOrDecl'
The pragmas in a pragma store can be iterated using 'NewIter' and 'Next'. The iterator works even while the store is being built up using 'AddToStore'
TYPE Iter <: REFANY; PROCEDURE NewIter(ps: Store; after := M3CSrcPos.Null): Iter RAISES {};
Return iterator for pragmas. They will be iterated in ascending positional order. If 'after' is not null only the pragmas whose position is greater than 'after' will be iterated
'Next' returns FALSE if 'iter' is NIL
The following enquiry functions can be used on all pragmas
PROCEDURE Position(t: T): M3CSrcPos.T RAISES {};
Source position of pragma
PROCEDURE Body(t: T): Text.T RAISES {};
Text of pragma. Includes opening and closing brackets
PROCEDURE Match(t: T; keyword: Text.T; VAR args: Text.T): BOOLEAN RAISES {};
If the first word in 't' is 'keyword' returns TRUE and sets 'args' to the remaining words in 't'. 'args' will have no leading or trailing whitespace and can be NIL if 'keyword' is the only word in 't'. If the first word in 't' is not 'keyword' returns FALSE and leaves args untouched
A pragma has a hook field from which data can be hung. It is intended for use by the code which processes the pragma. A pragma with a NIL hook field is assumed to be unprocessed so any code which uses a pragma e.g. binds it to a node and processes its contents, should set the hook to a non NIL value to let everyone know the pragma has been dealt with. Pragmas with NIL hook fields at the end of compilation are assumed to be errors and a warning message will result.
PROCEDURE Hook(t: T): REFANY RAISES {}; PROCEDURE SetHook(t: T; hook: REFANY) RAISES {}; PROCEDURE BeforeNode( store: Store; node: M3AST_AS.SRC_NODE) : Iter RAISES {};
Returns an iterator which will iterate the pragmas in 'store' starting at the first which is immediately before the given node. Returns NIL if there are no pragmas immediately before 'node'
PROCEDURE AfterNode( store: Store; node: M3AST_AS.SRC_NODE) : Iter RAISES {};
Returns an iterator which will iterate the pragmas in 'store' starting at the first which is immediately after the given node. Returns NIL if there are no pragmas immediately after 'node'
PROCEDURE AfterStmOrDecl( store: Store; stmOrDecl: M3AST_AS.SRC_NODE) : Iter RAISES {};
Returns an iterator which will iterate the pragmas in 'store' starting at the first which is immediately after the given statement, declaration or revelation. Returns NIL if there are no pragmas immediately after 'stmOrDecl'
Return the node which immediately precedes the given pragma, or NIL if there is no such node
Return the node which immediately follows the given pragma, or NIL if there is no such node
Return the statement, declaration or revelation which precedes the given pragma, or NIL if there is no such node
Example of use of 'BeforeNode':
VAR iter := M3CPragma.BeforeNode(store, node); pragma: M3CPragma.T; BEGIN WHILE M3CPragma.Next(iter, pragma) AND M3CPragma.FollowingNode(pragma) = node DO (* here we know that 'pragma' is immediately before 'node'
END; END; *) END M3CPragma.