
 Copyright (C) 1990, Digital Equipment Corporation           
 All rights reserved.                                        
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.              


IMPORT M3Extension, M3FindFile;
This tool provides control over the search path used by an M3TK application. The Define_Arg and TFile_Arg arguments are prefix keywords, that is, any keyword that begins with a D or a T will match and the value returned by M3Args.GetPrefixArg will be the text of the keyword with the prefix removed.

The TFile_Arg may also occur zero or more time, and each occurrence names a file that contains an explicit mapping of Modula-3 files to directories, in the syntax specified in the M3DirFindFile interface. For each occurrence, a file finder is generated by a call to NEW(M3DirFindFile.TFinder).init.

The Define_Arg may occur zero or more times, and each occurrence specifies a list of directories, in an OS-dependent syntax, in which to look for Modula-3 files. Each instance generates an M3PathElemList.T, by a call of M3PathElemOS.DecomposePath; the separate lists are then concatenated in the order of occurrence of the associated arguments.

If neither of these arguments is given, a file named {\it m3path}, that is assumed to contain a search path, is searched for in the current directory. If such a file is found an M3PathElemList.T is generated by a call of M3PathFile.Read, otherwise a value of NIL is returned.

In the latter two cases, the current working directory is prepended to the search list by a call of M3PathDefaults.EnsureCurrentFirst and, unless the NOSTD_Arg is set, the default library directories, as given by M3Config.Pub(), are appended to the search list. A file finder is then generated by a call to NEW(M3DirFindFile.Finder).init.

Finally, the finders are merged into a single instance with the merge method. The merge process begins with the finder generated from the Define_Arg arguments, if any, and then proceeds with the TFile_Arg finders, in reverse order of occurrence.

The Check procedure checks for the above arguments and returns the generated finder.

  Define_Arg = "D";
  TFile_Arg = "T";
  NOSTD_Arg = "NOSTD";

PROCEDURE Check(exts := M3Extension.All): M3FindFile.T;
Check for the tool arguments, set up the search path accordingly, and return a finder for the given set of extensions.

END M3PathTool.