INTERFACEThis module defines a compilation context, in terms of a set of compilation units. The set is keyed by the text 'name' which is passed as argument to the 'Add' procedure. At most oneM3Context ;
and one
AST may be associated with this name, and these may be
generic definitions, instantations or normal ASTs. The assumption
is that the unit name in the AST matches 'name' and that the AST actually
corresponds to the indicated type. However this is not checked and in fact
the 'as_root' field may be NIL when the Add takes place.
IMPORT Property; IMPORT M3AST_AS, M3CUnit, M3CId; TYPE T <: Property.Set;
A handle on a compilation context. It is handy to be able to
associate values pertaining to context, which might otherwise
have to be global variables, hence the definition as a subtype
of Property.Set
Creation/Adding/Removing units
create an empty context
PROCEDURE Add( t: T; name: TEXT; unitType: M3CUnit.Type; cu: M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit) RAISES {Duplicate};
Add a new unit to the context. If 'unitType IN M3CUnit.Interfaces' and there already exists another interface with the same 'name' the Duplicate exception will be raised. Similarly for modules.
PROCEDURE Remove(t: T; name: TEXT; unitType: M3CUnit.Type) RAISES {};
If 'unitType' IN M3CUnit.Interfaces, remove the interface 'name' from this context, else remove the module 'name'.*************************************************************************** Finding units ***************************************************************************
PROCEDURE Find( t: T; name: TEXT; unitType: M3CUnit.Type; VAR (*out*) cu: M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit; ): BOOLEAN RAISES {};
If 'unitType IN M3CUnit.Interfaces', find the interface 'name', else find the module. Returns true and sets 'cu' appropriately if successful, otherwise returns false and sets 'cu' to NIL.
PROCEDURE FindExact( t: T; name: TEXT; unitType: M3CUnit.Type; VAR (*out*) cu: M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit; ): BOOLEAN RAISES {};
This is like 'Find', except that the type of the interface or module has to match exactly. So, if a generic definition was added under 'name', the call will only succeed if 'unitType = M3CUnit.Type.Interface_gen_def'.
PROCEDURE FindFromId( t: T; name: M3CId.T; unitType: M3CUnit.Type; VAR (*out*) cu: M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit; ): BOOLEAN RAISES {};
As Find, but using a hash-id.*************************************************************************** Iteratation ***************************************************************************
TYPE Iter <: REFANY; PROCEDURE NewIter( t: T; unitType: M3CUnit.Type; findStandard := TRUE ): Iter RAISES {};
create an iterator on context 't'. 'unitType' is treated as an exact match so, for example, one can iterate generic interfaces only. The 'Standard' interface will only be included if 'findStandard = TRUE AND unitType = M3CUnit.Type.Interface'.
PROCEDURE Next( iter: Iter; VAR (*out*) name: TEXT; VAR (*out*) cu: M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit; ): BOOLEAN RAISES {};
The iterator should be used as follows:i := M3Context.NewIter(unitType); WHILE M3Context.Next(iter, name, cu) DO ... code using 'name', 'cu' ... END; (* while
To iterate over all kinds of interfaces and modules use the above within a FOR loop. *) TYPE Closure <: Closure_public; Closure_public = OBJECT context: T; METHODS callback( ut: M3CUnit.Type; name: TEXT; cu: M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit) RAISES ANY; init(): Closure RAISES {}; END; (* Create by NEW(Closure, callback := YourCallback).init() *) EXCEPTION Aborted; PROCEDURE Apply(t: T; cl: Closure; findStandard := TRUE) RAISES ANY;
Apply p to all units in 't'. This is just really just a convience to avoid driving the iterator directly. 'cl' may be subtyped by client to hold state; 'cl.callback' is called for each unit in the context. 'cl.t' is set to 't' before any callbacks. 'findStandard' is TRUE for backward compatibility; most clients will set it to FALSE (see ApplyToSet below).
PROCEDURE ApplyToSet( t: T; cl: Closure; unitTypeSet := M3CUnit.AllTypes; findStandard := FALSE) RAISES ANY;
As 'Apply', but to a restricted set of unit types, e.g. excluding generic definitions.
PROCEDURE AbortApply() RAISES {Aborted};
The current iteration is aborted by raising the 'Aborted' exception, which is caught by 'Apply', thus control returns to caller of that procedure.*************************************************************************** Miscellaneous ***************************************************************************
These procedures keep track of the special 'Standard' interface - the interface that makes available the standard identifiers such as 'INTEGER' etc. The 'Standard' interface is an implicit member of every context - it is a global constant. These procs operate without a context but once a context exists, they have a simple rewrite given in the comment.
PROCEDURE SetStandard(cu: M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit) RAISES {};
Add(t, M3Conventions.Standard, M3CUnit.Type.Interface, cu);
PROCEDURE Standard(): M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit RAISES {};
Find(t, M3Conventions.Standard, M3CUnit.Type.Interface, cu, TRUE);
END M3Context.