
 Copyright 1996-2000 Critical Mass, Inc. All rights reserved.    
 See file COPYRIGHT-CMASS for details. 


IMPORT M3ID, M3Scanner, Rd, Target;

  T <: T_;  T_ = M3Scanner.Default OBJECT
    char  : INTEGER;
    text  : TEXT;
    int   : Target.Int;
    float : Target.Float;
    id    : M3ID.T;
    initFromRd  (rd  : Rd.T): T;
    initFromBuf (buf : Buf): T;

  Buf = M3Scanner.Buf;

  TK = [FIRST (M3Scanner.TK) .. TK_Fatal];

CONST (* additional Token classes returned by a "Lexer.T". *)
  TK_Inline   = LAST (M3Scanner.TK) + 1;
  TK_External = LAST (M3Scanner.TK) + 2;
  TK_Assert   = LAST (M3Scanner.TK) + 3;
  TK_Unused   = LAST (M3Scanner.TK) + 4;
  TK_Obsolete = LAST (M3Scanner.TK) + 5;
  TK_Trace    = LAST (M3Scanner.TK) + 6;
  TK_CallConv = LAST (M3Scanner.TK) + 7;
  TK_Fatal    = LAST (M3Scanner.TK) + 8;

END M3Lexer.

An M3Lexer.T, or lexer, parses a stream of characters and returns a stream of Modula-3 tokens. It is an enhancement of a standard M3Scanner.Default scanner with the following additional properties:

Aside from the initial value, TK_Comment tokens are discarded.

If s.token is TK_Ident, s.id is set to the corresponding M3ID.T;

If s.token is TK_Card_const, s.int is set to the corresponding value.

If s.token is TK_Real_const, TK_Longreal_const, or TK_Extended_const, s.float is set to the corresponding value.

If s.token is TK_Char_const, s.char is set to the ORD of the corresponding character value.

If s.token is TK_Text_const, s.text is set to the corresponding TEXT value. Escaped characters in the input are converted to their corresponding values in s.text.

The <*INLINE*>, <*EXTERNAL*>, <*ASSERT*>, <*UNUSED*>, <*OBSOLETE*>, <*TRACE*>, <*FATAL*>, and calling convention pragmas are recognized and returned as new token classes. The preceding TK_Begin_pragma token is discarded. The portion of the pragma following the initial identifer is returned as separate tokens ending with a TK_End_pragma token.

The <*NOWARN*>, <*PRAGMA*>, and <*LINE*> pragmas are recognized and discarded.

All other pragmas are returned as streams of tokens beginning with TK_Begin_pragma and ending with TK_End_pragma.

It is the responsibility of the M3Lexer client to initialize the Target module.

interface M3ID is in:

interface M3Scanner is in: