MODULE; IMPORT ASCII, FloatMode, Fmt, FmtTime, IO, Lex, Params, Process; IMPORT Random, Scan, Stdio, Text, Thread, Time, Wr; CONST DumpCellStates = FALSE; PathSaturation = 0.30; (* fraction of maze cells that are on the solution path *) TYPE CellState = [ 0..4 ]; CONST DeltaX = ARRAY CellState OF [-1 .. +1] { 0, 0, +1, 0, -1 }; DeltaY = ARRAY CellState OF [-1 .. +1] { 0, +1, 0, -1, 0 }; TYPE Quad = RECORD nw, ne, sw, se: CellState; END; QMap = RECORD before, after: Quad; delta: [0..4]; END; CONST Updates = ARRAY [0..31] OF QMap { QMap { Quad { 1, 1, 0, 0 }, Quad { 2, 1, 1, 4 }, 2 }, QMap { Quad { 1, 4, 0, 0 }, Quad { 2, 4, 1, 4 }, 2 }, QMap { Quad { 2, 0, 2, 0 }, Quad { 1, 2, 2, 3 }, 2 }, QMap { Quad { 2, 0, 3, 0 }, Quad { 1, 2, 3, 3 }, 2 }, QMap { Quad { 0, 0, 1, 1 }, Quad { 1, 2, 4, 1 }, 2 }, QMap { Quad { 0, 0, 1, 2 }, Quad { 1, 2, 4, 2 }, 2 }, QMap { Quad { 4, 0, 4, 0 }, Quad { 4, 3, 1, 4 }, 2 }, QMap { Quad { 3, 0, 4, 0 }, Quad { 3, 3, 1, 4 }, 2 }, QMap { Quad { 0, 2, 0, 2 }, Quad { 2, 3, 1, 2 }, 2 }, QMap { Quad { 0, 2, 0, 1 }, Quad { 2, 3, 1, 1 }, 2 }, QMap { Quad { 3, 3, 0, 0 }, Quad { 3, 2, 4, 3 }, 2 }, QMap { Quad { 4, 3, 0, 0 }, Quad { 4, 2, 4, 3 }, 2 }, QMap { Quad { 0, 0, 3, 3 }, Quad { 2, 3, 3, 4 }, 2 }, QMap { Quad { 0, 0, 2, 3 }, Quad { 2, 3, 2, 4 }, 2 }, QMap { Quad { 0, 4, 0, 4 }, Quad { 1, 4, 4, 3 }, 2 }, QMap { Quad { 0, 1, 0, 4 }, Quad { 1, 1, 4, 3 }, 2 }, QMap { Quad { 1, 2, 0, 2 }, Quad { 2, 0, 1, 2 }, 0 }, QMap { Quad { 1, 2, 0, 1 }, Quad { 2, 0, 1, 1 }, 0 }, QMap { Quad { 3, 3, 0, 4 }, Quad { 3, 0, 4, 3 }, 0 }, QMap { Quad { 4, 3, 0, 4 }, Quad { 4, 0, 4, 3 }, 0 }, QMap { Quad { 1, 1, 4, 0 }, Quad { 0, 1, 1, 4 }, 0 }, QMap { Quad { 1, 4, 4, 0 }, Quad { 0, 4, 1, 4 }, 0 }, QMap { Quad { 2, 3, 2, 0 }, Quad { 0, 2, 2, 3 }, 0 }, QMap { Quad { 2, 3, 3, 0 }, Quad { 0, 2, 3, 3 }, 0 }, QMap { Quad { 2, 0, 1, 1 }, Quad { 1, 2, 0, 1 }, 0 }, QMap { Quad { 2, 0, 1, 2 }, Quad { 1, 2, 0, 2 }, 0 }, QMap { Quad { 4, 0, 4, 3 }, Quad { 4, 3, 0, 4 }, 0 }, QMap { Quad { 3, 0, 4, 3 }, Quad { 3, 3, 0, 4 }, 0 }, QMap { Quad { 0, 2, 3, 3 }, Quad { 2, 3, 3, 0 }, 0 }, QMap { Quad { 0, 2, 2, 3 }, Quad { 2, 3, 2, 0 }, 0 }, QMap { Quad { 0, 4, 1, 4 }, Quad { 1, 4, 4, 0 }, 0 }, QMap { Quad { 0, 1, 1, 4 }, Quad { 1, 1, 4, 0 }, 0 } }; TYPE CellGrid = REF ARRAY OF ARRAY OF CellState; EdgeGrid = REF ARRAY OF ARRAY OF BOOLEAN; LetterDesc = RECORD ch: CHAR; loc: INTEGER; END; VAR n_rows : INTEGER; n_cols : INTEGER; rnd : Random.T; cells : CellGrid; rows : EdgeGrid; cols : EdgeGrid; path : REF ARRAY OF INTEGER; letters: REF ARRAY OF LetterDesc; PROCEDURE Main DoIt () = CONST NO_VALUE = -39494; VAR i, extras: INTEGER; arg, puzzle: TEXT; solved: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF Params.Count < 2 OR Params.Count > 8 THEN Usage (); END; n_rows := NO_VALUE; n_cols := NO_VALUE; puzzle := NIL; extras := 0; solved := FALSE; i := 1; WHILE (i < Params.Count) DO arg := Params.Get (i); INC (i); IF Text.Equal (arg, "-solved") THEN solved := TRUE; ELSIF Text.Equal (arg, "-word") THEN IF (i >= Params.Count) THEN Usage (); END; puzzle := Params.Get (i); INC (i); ELSIF Text.Equal (arg, "-extras") THEN IF (i >= Params.Count) THEN Usage (); END; extras := GetInt (Params.Get (i), "extras"); INC (i); ELSIF n_rows = NO_VALUE THEN n_rows := GetInt (Params.Get (1), "rows"); ELSIF n_cols = NO_VALUE THEN n_cols := GetInt (Params.Get (2), "columns"); ELSE Usage (); END; END; IF n_rows = NO_VALUE THEN Usage (); END; IF n_cols = NO_VALUE THEN n_cols := n_rows; END; IF (n_rows < n_cols) THEN (* swap'em *) VAR tmp := n_rows; BEGIN n_rows := n_cols; n_cols := tmp; END; END; rnd := NEW (Random.Default).init (fixed := FALSE); InitCells (); SetPath (); FillCells (); MarkEdges (); PlotLetters (puzzle, extras); DumpMaze (solved); END DoIt; PROCEDUREInitCells () = BEGIN cells := NEW (CellGrid, n_rows, n_cols); FOR x := 0 TO n_rows - 1 DO FOR y := 0 TO n_cols - 1 DO cells [x, y] := 0; (* closed cell *) END; END; END InitCells; PROCEDURESetPath () = VAR len := n_rows + n_cols - 1; goal := ROUND (FLOAT (n_rows * n_cols) * PathSaturation); x, y, z: INTEGER; n_mutations := 0; big_extension : INTEGER; BEGIN (* build the initial path *) (* first the diagonal *) FOR i := 0 TO MIN (n_rows, n_cols)-2 DO cells [i, i] := 1; cells [i, i+1] := 2; END; (* then, finish with either a horizontal or vertical strip *) IF (n_rows < n_cols) THEN cells [n_rows-1, n_rows-1] := 1; FOR i := n_rows TO n_cols-1 DO cells [n_rows-1, i] := 1; END; ELSE FOR i := n_cols-1 TO n_rows-2 DO cells [i, n_cols-1] := 2; END; cells [n_rows-1, n_cols-1] := 1; END; (* now, extend the path until it's long enough to be interesting *) big_extension := 0; WHILE (len < goal) DO x := rnd.integer (0, n_rows-2); y := rnd.integer (0, n_cols-2); IF (big_extension <= 0) AND FindExtension (x, y, z) THEN INC (len, z); big_extension := 5; (* don't make too many big ones in a row... *) ELSIF FindUpdate (x, y, z, TRUE) THEN WITH u = Updates [z] DO cells [x, y] := u.after.nw; cells [x, y+1] :=; cells [x+1, y] := u.after.sw; cells [x+1, y+1] :=; INC (len,; END; DEC (big_extension); END; END; (* now, mutate the path so that it runs around a bit... *) n_mutations := 0; goal := 2 * n_rows * n_cols; WHILE (n_mutations < goal) DO x := rnd.integer (0, n_rows-2); y := rnd.integer (0, n_cols-2); IF FindUpdate (x, y, z, FALSE) THEN WITH u = Updates [z] DO cells [x, y] := u.after.nw; cells [x, y+1] :=; cells [x+1, y] := u.after.sw; cells [x+1, y+1] :=; INC (n_mutations); END; END; END; (* finally, record the path *) path := NEW (REF ARRAY OF INTEGER, len); len := 0; x := 0; y := 0; WHILE (len < NUMBER (path^)) DO path [len] := x * n_cols + y; INC (len); z := cells [x, y]; <* ASSERT z # 0 *> INC (x, DeltaX [z]); INC (y, DeltaY [z]); END;
****** FOR r := 0 TO n_rows-1 DO FOR c := 0 TO n_cols-1 DO IF cells [r, c] # 0 THEN path [len] := r * n_cols + c; INC (len); END; END; END; <* ASSERT len = NUMBER (path^) *> *****
END SetPath; PROCEDURE*** PROCEDURE DumpCells () = BEGIN FOR r := 0 TO n_rows-1 DO FOR c := 0 TO n_cols -1 DO OutX (FindExtension (x, y: INTEGER; VAR(*OUT*) z: INTEGER): BOOLEAN = VAR x0, y0, h, w: INTEGER; BEGIN IF cells [x, y] # 0 THEN RETURN FALSE; END; FindOpenRectangle (x, y, x0, y0, h, w); IF (h < 2) OR (w < 2) OR (h * w < 8) THEN RETURN FALSE; END; h := MIN (h, rnd.integer (2, n_rows-1)); w := MIN (w, rnd.integer (2, n_cols-1)); IF (h < 2) OR (w < 2) OR (h * w < 8) THEN RETURN FALSE; END; IF NOT FindAttachment (x0, y0, h, w, x, y) THEN RETURN FALSE; END; CASE cells [x, y] OF | 0 => RETURN FALSE; | 1 => IF x < x0 THEN (* attach on the north *) BuildCounterClockwisePath (x0, y0, h, w); cells [x, y] := 2; cells [x+1, y+1] := 4; ELSE (* attach on the south *) BuildClockwisePath (x0, y0, h, w); cells [x, y] := 4; cells [x-1, y+1] := 2; END; | 2 => IF y < y0 THEN (* attach on the west *) BuildClockwisePath (x0, y0, h, w); cells [x, y] := 1; cells [x+1, y+1] := 3; ELSE (* attach on the east *) BuildCounterClockwisePath (x0, y0, h, w); cells [x, y] := 3; cells [x+1, y-1] := 1; END; | 3 => IF x < x0 THEN (* attach on the north *) BuildClockwisePath (x0, y0, h, w); cells [x, y] := 2; cells [x+1, y-1] := 4; ELSE (* attach on the south *) BuildCounterClockwisePath (x0, y0, h, w); cells [x, y] := 4; cells [x-1, y-1] := 2; END; | 4 => IF y < y0 THEN (* attach on the west *) BuildCounterClockwisePath (x0, y0, h, w); cells [x, y] := 1; cells [x-1, y+1] := 3; ELSE (* attach on the east *) BuildClockwisePath (x0, y0, h, w); cells [x, y] := 3; cells [x-1, y-1] := 1; END; END; (* set the new path length *) z := h + h + w + w - 4; RETURN TRUE; END FindExtension; VAR limit_a, limit_b : REF ARRAY OF INTEGER; PROCEDUREFindOpenRectangle (x, y: INTEGER; VAR(*OUT*) x0, y0, h, w: INTEGER) = VAR j, k, x1, x2: INTEGER; best_x, best_y, best_h, best_w: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (limit_a = NIL) THEN limit_a := NEW (REF ARRAY OF INTEGER, n_cols); limit_b := NEW (REF ARRAY OF INTEGER, n_cols); END; (* find the empty vertical stripes around row "x" *) FOR i := 0 TO n_cols-1 DO j := x; WHILE (j >= 0) AND (cells[j, i] = 0) DO DEC (j); END; limit_a[i] := j; j := x; WHILE (j < n_rows) AND (cells[j, i] = 0) DO INC (j); END; limit_b[i] := j; END; (* clip the vertical stripes so they can always reach colum "y" *) j := limit_a[y]; k := limit_b[y]; FOR i := y-1 TO 0 BY -1 DO j := MAX (j, limit_a[i]); limit_a[i] := j; k := MIN (k, limit_b[i]); limit_b[i] := k; END; j := limit_a[y]; k := limit_b[y]; FOR i := y+1 TO n_cols-1 DO j := MAX (j, limit_a[i]); limit_a[i] := j; k := MIN (k, limit_b[i]); limit_b[i] := k; END; best_x := 0; best_y := 0; best_h := 0; best_w := 0; FOR i := 0 TO y DO FOR j := y TO n_cols-1 DO x1 := MAX (limit_a[i], limit_a[j]) + 1; x2 := MIN (limit_b[i], limit_b[j]); IF (x2 - x1) * (j - i + 1) > best_h * best_w THEN best_x := x1; best_y := i; best_h := x2 - x1; best_w := j - i + 1; END; END; END; x0 := best_x; y0 := best_y; h := best_h; w := best_w; END FindOpenRectangle; PROCEDUREFindAttachment (x, y, h, w: INTEGER; VAR(*OUT*) x0, y0: INTEGER): BOOLEAN = VAR skip := rnd.integer (0, 3); (* # of edges tests to skip *) cnt := 4; (* # of edges to scan *) BEGIN LOOP IF cnt <= 0 THEN RETURN FALSE; END; IF (skip <= 0) THEN DEC (cnt); IF x > 0 THEN (* search the north edge *) FOR c := y TO y + w -1 DO CASE cells [x-1, c] OF | 0, 2, 4 => (* nope *) | 1 => IF (c < y + w - 1) THEN x0 := x-1; y0 := c; RETURN TRUE; END; | 3 => IF (c > y) THEN x0 := x-1; y0 := c; RETURN TRUE; END; END; END; END; END; DEC (skip); IF cnt <= 0 THEN RETURN FALSE; END; IF (skip <= 0) THEN DEC (cnt); IF y > 0 THEN (* search the west edge *) FOR r := x TO x + h -1 DO CASE cells [r, y-1] OF | 0, 1, 3 => (* nope *) | 2 => IF (r < x + h - 1) THEN x0 := r; y0 := y-1; RETURN TRUE; END; | 4 => IF (r > x) THEN x0 := r; y0 := y-1; RETURN TRUE; END; END; END; END; END; DEC (skip); IF cnt <= 0 THEN RETURN FALSE; END; IF (skip <= 0) THEN DEC (cnt); IF x+h < n_rows THEN (* search the south edge *) FOR c := y TO y + w -1 DO CASE cells [x+h, c] OF | 0, 2, 4 => (* nope *) | 1 => IF (c < y + w - 1) THEN x0 := x+h; y0 := c; RETURN TRUE; END; | 3 => IF (c > y) THEN x0 := x+h; y0 := c; RETURN TRUE; END; END; END; END; END; DEC (skip); IF cnt <= 0 THEN RETURN FALSE; END; IF (skip <= 0) THEN DEC (cnt); IF y+w < n_cols THEN (* search the east edge *) FOR r := x TO x + h -1 DO CASE cells [r, y+w] OF | 0, 1, 3 => (* nope *) | 2 => IF (r < x + h - 1) THEN x0 := r; y0 := y+w; RETURN TRUE; END; | 4 => IF (r > x) THEN x0 := r; y0 := y+w; RETURN TRUE; END; END; END; END; END; DEC (skip); END; END FindAttachment; PROCEDUREBuildClockwisePath (x, y, h, w: INTEGER) = VAR x1 := x + h - 1; y1 := y + w - 1; BEGIN FOR i := x+1 TO x1-1 DO cells [i, y] := 4; cells [i, y1] := 2; END; FOR i := y+1 TO y1-1 DO cells [x, i] := 1; cells [x1, i] := 3; END; cells [x, y] := 1; cells [x, y1] := 2; cells [x1, y] := 4; cells [x1, y1] := 3; END BuildClockwisePath; PROCEDUREBuildCounterClockwisePath (x, y, h, w: INTEGER) = VAR x1 := x + h - 1; y1 := y + w - 1; BEGIN FOR i := x+1 TO x1-1 DO cells [i, y] := 2; cells [i, y1] := 4; END; FOR i := y+1 TO y1-1 DO cells [x, i] := 3; cells [x1, i] := 1; END; cells [x, y] := 2; cells [x, y1] := 3; cells [x1, y] := 1; cells [x1, y1] := 4; END BuildCounterClockwisePath;
, Fmt.Int (cells[r, c]));
Out ();
END DumpCells;
PROCEDURE--------------------------------------------------- character plotting ---FindUpdate (x, y: INTEGER; VAR(*OUT*) z: INTEGER; extend: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN = VAR q: Quad; BEGIN q.nw := cells [x, y]; := cells [x, y+1]; q.sw := cells [x+1, y]; := cells [x+1, y+1]; FOR i := FIRST (Updates) TO LAST (Updates) DO IF Updates[i].before = q THEN z := i; RETURN (extend OR Updates[i].delta = 0); END; END; RETURN FALSE; END FindUpdate; PROCEDUREFillCells () = VAR n_free := 0; free := NEW (REF ARRAY OF INTEGER, n_rows * n_cols); x, y, z: INTEGER; s: CellState; BEGIN (* gather the free cells *) FOR r := 0 TO n_rows-1 DO FOR c := 0 TO n_cols-1 DO IF cells[r,c] = 0 THEN free [n_free] := r * n_cols + c; INC (n_free); END; END; END; WHILE n_free > 0 DO z := rnd.integer (0, n_free - 1); x := free[z] DIV n_cols; y := free[z] - x * n_cols; IF cells [x, y] # 0 THEN DEC (n_free); free [z] := free [n_free]; ELSIF FindNeighbor (x, y, FALSE, s) THEN cells [x, y] := s; DEC (n_free); free [z] := free [n_free]; (* continue to extend the path for a bit *) WHILE (rnd.integer (0, 10) > 0) DO IF FindNeighbor (x, y, TRUE, s) THEN CASE s OF | 0 => (* nope *) | 1 => INC (y); cells [x, y] := 3; | 2 => INC (x); cells [x, y] := 4; | 3 => DEC (y); cells [x, y] := 1; | 4 => DEC (x); cells [x, y] := 2; END; END; END; END; END; END FillCells; PROCEDUREFindNeighbor (x, y: INTEGER; free: BOOLEAN; VAR(*OUT*) s: CellState): BOOLEAN = TYPE Offset = RECORD dx,dy: [-1..+1]; state: CellState END; CONST Neighbor = ARRAY [0..6] OF Offset { Offset { -1, 0, 4 }, Offset { 0, +1, 1 }, Offset { +1, 0, 2 }, Offset { 0, -1, 3 }, Offset { -1, 0, 4 }, Offset { 0, +1, 1 }, Offset { +1, 0, 2 } }; VAR z0 := rnd.integer (0, 3); x1, y1: INTEGER; BEGIN FOR z := z0 TO z0 + 3 DO WITH n = Neighbor[z] DO x1 := x + n.dx; y1 := y + n.dy; IF (0 <= x1) AND (x1 < n_rows) AND (0 <= y1) AND (y1 < n_cols) AND (cells [x1, y1] = 0) = free THEN s := n.state; RETURN TRUE; END; END; END; RETURN FALSE; END FindNeighbor; PROCEDUREMarkEdges () = BEGIN rows := NEW (EdgeGrid, n_rows+1, n_cols+1); cols := NEW (EdgeGrid, n_rows+1, n_cols+1); (* fill in all the edges *) FOR i := 0 TO n_rows DO FOR j := 0 TO n_cols DO rows [i, j] := TRUE; cols [i, j] := TRUE; END; END; (* remove the extra outer edges *) FOR i := 0 TO n_rows DO rows[i, n_cols] := FALSE; END; FOR i := 0 TO n_cols DO cols[n_rows, i] := FALSE; END; (* open the entry door *) cols [0, 0] := FALSE; FOR r := 0 TO n_rows-1 DO FOR c := 0 TO n_cols-1 DO CASE cells [r, c] OF | 0 => (* free *) | 1 => (* east *) cols [r, c+1] := FALSE; | 2 => (* south *) rows [r+1, c] := FALSE; | 3 => (* west *) cols [r, c] := FALSE; | 4 => (* north *) rows [r, c] := FALSE; END; END; END; END MarkEdges;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------- PostScript output ---PlotLetters (puzzle: TEXT; n_extras: INTEGER) = VAR cnt := n_extras; len: CARDINAL := 0; BEGIN IF puzzle # NIL THEN len := Text.Length (puzzle); INC (cnt, len); END; letters := NEW (REF ARRAY OF LetterDesc, cnt); IF puzzle # NIL THEN FOR i := 0 TO len-1 DO WITH ll = letters[i] DO := ASCII.Upper [Text.GetChar (puzzle, i)]; ll.loc := FindNthCell (i, len); END; END; END; FOR i := 0 TO n_extras-1 DO WITH ll = letters [i + len] DO := VAL (ORD ('A') + rnd.integer (0, 25), CHAR); ll.loc := FindEmptyCell (len + i); END; END; END PlotLetters; PROCEDUREFindNthCell (n, m: INTEGER): INTEGER = BEGIN RETURN path [ ROUND (FLOAT (n+1) / FLOAT (m+1) * FLOAT (NUMBER (path^))) ]; END FindNthCell; PROCEDUREFindEmptyCell (n_done: INTEGER): INTEGER = (* find an off-path cell with no letter *) VAR loc: INTEGER; ok: BOOLEAN; BEGIN LOOP loc := rnd.integer (0, n_rows * n_cols - 1); ok := TRUE; FOR i := 0 TO n_done-1 DO IF letters [i].loc = loc THEN ok := FALSE; EXIT; END; END; IF ok THEN FOR i := 0 TO LAST (path^) DO IF path [i] = loc THEN ok := FALSE; EXIT; END; END; END; IF ok THEN RETURN loc; END; END; END FindEmptyCell;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------------- misc I/O ---DumpMaze (solved: BOOLEAN) = CONST MaxWidth = 468; (* 6.5 inches x 72pts/inch *) MaxHeight = 648; (* 9 inches x 72pts/inch *) VAR row_pts := MaxHeight DIV n_rows; col_pts := MaxWidth DIV n_cols; unit_pts := MAX (2, MIN (row_pts, col_pts)); x, y, cnt : INTEGER; BEGIN (* print the result *) Out ("%!PS-Adobe-1.0"); OutX ("%%Title: (", Fmt.Int (n_rows), " x "); Out (Fmt.Int (n_cols), " Maze)"); Out ("%%Creator: ", Params.Get (0)); Out ("%%CreationDate: ", FmtTime.Long (Time.Now ())); Out ("%%Pages: 1"); Out ("%%EndComments:"); Out (); Out ("/baseX 72 def"); Out ("/baseY 720 def"); Out ("/zz ", Fmt.Int (unit_pts), " def"); Out ("/goto { newpath"); Out (" zz mul baseX add exch"); Out (" zz mul baseY exch sub moveto"); Out (" } def"); Out ("/row { goto zz 0 rlineto stroke } def"); Out ("/col { goto 0 zz neg rlineto stroke } def"); IF DumpCellStates OR letters # NIL THEN Out ("/Helvetica findfont ", Fmt.Real (FLOAT (unit_pts) * 0.9), " scalefont setfont"); Out ("/cshow { dup gsave 0 0 moveto true charpath flattenpath pathbbox "); Out (" 2 div neg exch 2 div neg exch grestore rmoveto pop pop show } def"); Out ("/tag { goto zz 2 div zz 2 div neg rmoveto cshow } def"); END; Out ("/cell { goto zz 0 rlineto 0 zz neg rlineto zz neg 0 rlineto"); Out (" closepath fill } def"); Out (); Out ("%%EndProlog"); Out ("%%BeginPage: 1 1"); Out ("%--- the solution ----"); Out ("/showsolution ", ARRAY BOOLEAN OF TEXT {"false", "true"}[solved], " def"); Out ("showsolution {"); OutX (" gsave 0.8 setgray"); cnt := 0; FOR i := 0 TO LAST (path^) DO IF (i > 0) AND (i MOD 100 = 0) THEN Out (); Out ("} if"); OutX ("showsolution {"); cnt := 0; END; IF cnt <= 0 THEN Out (); OutX (" "); cnt := 5; END; x := path [i] DIV n_cols; y := path [i] - x * n_cols; OutX (Fmt.Int (x), " ", Fmt.Int (y), " cell "); DEC (cnt); END; Out (); Out (" grestore"); Out ("} if"); Out (); IF letters # NIL THEN Out ("%--- the puzzle ----"); FOR i := 0 TO LAST (letters^) DO WITH ll = letters [i] DO x := ll.loc DIV n_cols; y := ll.loc - x * n_cols; OutX ("(", Text.FromChar (, ") "); Out (Fmt.Int (x), " ", Fmt.Int (y), " tag "); END; END; END; Out ("%--- the maze walls ---"); cnt := 5; FOR r := 0 TO n_rows DO FOR c := 0 TO n_cols DO IF DumpCellStates THEN IF (r < n_rows) AND (c < n_cols) THEN IF cnt <= 0 THEN Out (); cnt := 5; END; OutX ("(", Fmt.Int (cells[r,c]), ")" ); OutX (Fmt.Int (r), " ", Fmt.Int (c), " tag "); DEC (cnt); END; END; IF rows [r, c] THEN IF cnt <= 0 THEN Out (); cnt := 5; END; OutX (Fmt.Int (r), " ", Fmt.Int (c), " row "); DEC (cnt); END; IF cols [r, c] THEN IF cnt <= 0 THEN Out (); cnt := 5; END; OutX (Fmt.Int (r), " ", Fmt.Int (c), " col "); DEC (cnt); END; END; Out (); cnt := 5; END; Out (); Out ("showpage"); Out ("%%EndPage"); Out ("%%Trailer"); Out ("%%Pages: 1"); END DumpMaze; PROCEDUREOut (a, b, c, d: TEXT := NIL) = BEGIN OutX (a, b, c, d, Wr.EOL); END Out; PROCEDUREOutX (a, b, c, d, e: TEXT := NIL) = <*FATAL Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted*> VAR wr := Stdio.stdout; BEGIN IF (a # NIL) THEN Wr.PutText (wr, a); END; IF (b # NIL) THEN Wr.PutText (wr, b); END; IF (c # NIL) THEN Wr.PutText (wr, c); END; IF (d # NIL) THEN Wr.PutText (wr, d); END; IF (e # NIL) THEN Wr.PutText (wr, e); END; END OutX;
PROCEDUREGetInt (arg: TEXT; name: TEXT): INTEGER = VAR n := 0; BEGIN TRY n := Scan.Int (arg); EXCEPT Lex.Error, FloatMode.Trap => n := -1; END; IF n <= 0 THEN Die ("Illegal number of " & name & " \"" & arg & "\", must be a positive integer."); END; RETURN n; END GetInt; PROCEDUREUsage () = BEGIN Die ("usage: maze n_rows [n_cols] [-solved] [-word <whatever>] [-extras <n>]"); END Usage; PROCEDUREDie (msg: TEXT) = BEGIN IO.Put (msg & Wr.EOL); Process.Exit (1); END Die; BEGIN DoIt (); END Main.