
MODULE MentorBundle;
Generated by m3bundle; see its manpage.
IMPORT Bundle, BundleRep, Text;
IMPORT Thread, Wr, TextWr;

           get      := LookUp;
           getNames := GetNames;


  bundle: T     := NIL;
  names : Texts := NIL;

PROCEDURE Get(): Bundle.T =
    IF (bundle = NIL) THEN bundle := NEW (T) END;
    RETURN bundle;
  END Get;

PROCEDURE GetNames (<*UNUSED*> self: T): Texts =
    IF names = NIL THEN
      names := NEW (Texts, NUMBER (Names));
      names^ := Names;
    RETURN names;
  END GetNames;

PROCEDURE LookUp (<*UNUSED*> self: T;  element: TEXT): TEXT =
    FOR i := 0 TO LAST (Names)-1 DO
      IF Text.Equal (Names[i], element) THEN
        IF Elements[i] = NIL THEN Elements[i] := GetElt (i) END;
        RETURN Elements[i];
  END LookUp;

CONST Names = ARRAY [0..126] OF TEXT {

VAR Elements := ARRAY [0..126] OF TEXT {
  NIL (* E8 .. E8_0 *),
  NIL (* E9 .. E9_0 *),
  NIL (* E10 .. E10_3 *),
  NIL (* E12 .. E12_3 *),
  NIL (* E14 .. E14_5 *),
  NIL (* E15 .. E15_3 *),
  NIL (* E20 .. E20_4 *),
  NIL (* E21 .. E21_1 *),
  NIL (* E23 .. E23_2 *),
  NIL (* E24 .. E24_0 *),
  NIL (* E25 .. E25_5 *),
  NIL (* E26 .. E26_0 *),
  NIL (* E27 .. E27_3 *),
  NIL (* E31 .. E31_7 *),
  NIL (* E33 .. E33_3 *),
  NIL (* E35 .. E35_2 *),
  NIL (* E38 .. E38_2 *),
  NIL (* E40 .. E40_1 *),
  NIL (* E42 .. E42_0 *),
  NIL (* E44 .. E44_1 *),
  NIL (* E45 .. E45_2 *),
  NIL (* E46 .. E46_3 *),
  NIL (* E48 .. E48_0 *),
  NIL (* E49 .. E49_3 *),
  NIL (* E50 .. E50_6 *),
  NIL (* E66 .. E66_7 *),
  NIL (* E68 .. E68_6 *),
  NIL (* E71 .. E71_6 *),
  NIL (* E74 .. E74_7 *),
  NIL (* E75 .. E75_3 *),
  NIL (* E80 .. E80_0 *),
  NIL (* E82 .. E82_5 *),
  NIL (* E84 .. E84_2 *),
  NIL (* E86 .. E86_2 *),
  NIL (* E88 .. E88_7 *),
  NIL (* E98 .. E98_1 *),
  NIL (* E99 .. E99_5 *),
  NIL (* E101 .. E101_2 *),
  NIL (* E103 .. E103_3 *),
  NIL (* E105 .. E105_1 *),
  NIL (* E106 .. E106_2 *),
  NIL (* E107 .. E107_4 *),
  NIL (* E108 .. E108_2 *),
  NIL (* E113 .. E113_6 *),
  NIL (* E114 .. E114_0 *),
  NIL (* E116 .. E116_5 *),
  NIL (* E119 .. E119_2 *),
  NIL (* E122 .. E122_2 *),
  NIL (* E124 .. E124_3 *),

  <*FATAL Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure *>
  VAR wr := TextWr.New ();
    CASE n OF
    | 8 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E8);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E8_0);
    | 9 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E9);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E9_0);
    | 10 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E10);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E10_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E10_1);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E10_2);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E10_3);
    | 12 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E12);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E12_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E12_1);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E12_2);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E12_3);
    | 14 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E14);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E14_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E14_1);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E14_2);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E14_3);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E14_4);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E14_5);
    | 15 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E15);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E15_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E15_1);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E15_2);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E15_3);
    | 20 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E20);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E20_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E20_1);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E20_2);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E20_3);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E20_4);
    | 21 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E21);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E21_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E21_1);
    | 23 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E23);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E23_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E23_1);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E23_2);
    | 24 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E24);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E24_0);
    | 25 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E25);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E25_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E25_1);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E25_2);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E25_3);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E25_4);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E25_5);
    | 26 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E26);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E26_0);
    | 27 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E27);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E27_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E27_1);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E27_2);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E27_3);
    | 31 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E31);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E31_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E31_1);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E31_2);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E31_3);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E31_4);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E31_5);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E31_6);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E31_7);
    | 33 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E33);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E33_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E33_1);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E33_2);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E33_3);
    | 35 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E35);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E35_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E35_1);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E35_2);
    | 38 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E38);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E38_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E38_1);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E38_2);
    | 40 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E40);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E40_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E40_1);
    | 42 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E42);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E42_0);
    | 44 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E44);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E44_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E44_1);
    | 45 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E45);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E45_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E45_1);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E45_2);
    | 46 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E46);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E46_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E46_1);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E46_2);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E46_3);
    | 48 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E48);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E48_0);
    | 49 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E49);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E49_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E49_1);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E49_2);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E49_3);
    | 50 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E50);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E50_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E50_1);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E50_2);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E50_3);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E50_4);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E50_5);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E50_6);
    | 66 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E66);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E66_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E66_1);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E66_2);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E66_3);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E66_4);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E66_5);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E66_6);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E66_7);
    | 68 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E68);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E68_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E68_1);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E68_2);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E68_3);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E68_4);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E68_5);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E68_6);
    | 71 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E71);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E71_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E71_1);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E71_2);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E71_3);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E71_4);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E71_5);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E71_6);
    | 74 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E74);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E74_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E74_1);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E74_2);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E74_3);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E74_4);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E74_5);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E74_6);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E74_7);
    | 75 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E75);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E75_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E75_1);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E75_2);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E75_3);
    | 80 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E80);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E80_0);
    | 82 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E82);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E82_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E82_1);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E82_2);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E82_3);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E82_4);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E82_5);
    | 84 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E84);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E84_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E84_1);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E84_2);
    | 86 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E86);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E86_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E86_1);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E86_2);
    | 88 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E88);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E88_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E88_1);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E88_2);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E88_3);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E88_4);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E88_5);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E88_6);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E88_7);
    | 98 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E98);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E98_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E98_1);
    | 99 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E99);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E99_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E99_1);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E99_2);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E99_3);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E99_4);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E99_5);
    | 101 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E101);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E101_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E101_1);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E101_2);
    | 103 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E103);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E103_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E103_1);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E103_2);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E103_3);
    | 105 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E105);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E105_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E105_1);
    | 106 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E106);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E106_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E106_1);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E106_2);
    | 107 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E107);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E107_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E107_1);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E107_2);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E107_3);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E107_4);
    | 108 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E108);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E108_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E108_1);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E108_2);
    | 113 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E113);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E113_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E113_1);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E113_2);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E113_3);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E113_4);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E113_5);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E113_6);
    | 114 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E114);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E114_0);
    | 116 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E116);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E116_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E116_1);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E116_2);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E116_3);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E116_4);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E116_5);
    | 119 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E119);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E119_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E119_1);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E119_2);
    | 122 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E122);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E122_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E122_1);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E122_2);
    | 124 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E124);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E124_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E124_1);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E124_2);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E124_3);
    ELSE (*skip*)
    RETURN TextWr.ToText (wr);
  END GetElt;

   "; Copyright (C) 1994, Digital Equipment Corporation\n; All rights reser"
 & "ved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n\n(Filter\n  (M"
 & "acro Label BOA (text) `(Shape (Width 120) (Text RightAlign ,text)))\n  "
 & "(Macro Line BOA (label expr) `(HBox (Label ,label) ,expr Fill))\n  (TSp"
 & "lit\n    =0\n    %opts\n    (Text %ch0 \n      (BgColor \"VeryLightGree"
 & "n\") \"Press GO or STEP to start algorithm...\")\n    (Filter\n      %c"
 & "h1\n      (BgColor \"VeryLightBlue\")\n      (HBox\n        (Button %go"
 & "tMaxes \"  OK  \")\n        (VBox\n          (Line \"Number of bins: \""
 & " (Numeric (Min 1) (Max 1000) %B =26))\n          (Glue 10)\n          ("
 & "Line \"Number of weights: \" (Numeric (Min 1) (Max 1000) %N =10)))))\n "
 & "   (Filter\n      %ch2\n      (BgColor \"VeryLightRed\")\n      (VBox\n"
 & "        Fill\n        (VBox\n          (Text LeftAlign \"New weight [0."
 & "0 .. 1.0]:\")\n          (Frame Lowered (TypeIn %new)))\n        Fill))"
 & "))\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.\n; All rights rese"
 & "rved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n;\n; Last modi"
 & "fied on Wed Feb  8 15:37:06 PST 1995 by kalsow\n\n;********************"
 & "************************************************\n;  NOTE: This file is"
 & " generated automatically from the event \n;        definition file Shor"
 & "testPath.evt.\n;*******************************************************"
 & "*************\n\n(VBox\n  (Rim\n    (Pen 2)\n    (HBox\n      (VBox (Gl"
 & "ue 4) (Shape (Height + Inf) (Button %clear \"CLEAR\")) (Glue 4))\n     "
 & " (Glue 4)\n      (VBox\n        (Boolean =TRUE %alg (Text LeftAlign \"A"
 & "lgorithm events\"))\n        (Boolean =FALSE %zeus (Text LeftAlign \"Ze"
 & "us events\"))\n        (Boolean =TRUE %args (Text LeftAlign \"Display a"
 & "rgs to events\")))\n      Fill))\n  (Bar 1)\n  (Shape (ShadowSize 0) (H"
 & "eight 200 + INF) (TextEdit ReadOnly %transcript)))\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.\n; All rights rese"
 & "rved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n;\n; Last modi"
 & "fied on Wed Feb  8 15:37:06 PST 1995 by kalsow\n\n;********************"
 & "************************************************\n;  NOTE: This file is"
 & " generated automatically from the event \n;        definition file DGra"
 & "ph.evt.\n;*************************************************************"
 & "*******\n\n(VBox\n  (Rim\n    (Pen 2)\n    (HBox\n      (VBox (Glue 4) "
 & "(Shape (Height + Inf) (Button %clear \"CLEAR\")) (Glue 4))\n      (Glue"
 & " 4)\n      (VBox\n        (Boolean =TRUE %alg (Text LeftAlign \"Algorit"
 & "hm events\"))\n        (Boolean =FALSE %zeus (Text LeftAlign \"Zeus eve"
 & "nts\"))\n        (Boolean =TRUE %args (Text LeftAlign \"Display args to"
 & " events\")))\n      Fill))\n  (Bar 1)\n  (Shape (ShadowSize 0) (Height "
 & "200 + INF) (TextEdit ReadOnly %transcript)))\n";

   "\n@Parse\nPROCEDURE Parse ()@\n   @1 token := Scan ()@\n   @2 Program ("
 & ")@\n\nPROCEDURE Match (s)\n   IF (token # s) THEN ERROR END\n   token :"
 & "= Scan ()\n@Parse\n\n@Program\nPROCEDURE Program ()@\n   LOOP\n     @1 "
 & "Stmt ()@\n     @2 IF (token # \';\') THEN EXIT END@\n     @3 Match (\';"
 & "\')@\n   END\n   @4 Match (<EOF>)@\n@Program\n\n@Stmt\nPROCEDURE Stmt ("
 & ")@\n   @1 Match (<ID>)@\n   @2 Match (\'=\')@\n   @3 Expr ()@\n@Stmt\n\n"
 & "@Expr\nPROCEDURE Expr ()@\n   @1 Term ()@\n   @2 WHILE (token = \'+\') "
 & "DO@\n     @3 Match (\'+\')@\n     @4 Term ()@\n   END\n@Expr\n\n@Term\n"
 & "PROCEDURE Term ()@\n   @1 Factor ()@\n   @2 WHILE (token = \'*\') DO@\n"
 & "     @3 Match (\'*\')@\n     @4 Factor ()@\n   END\n@Term\n\n@Factor\nP"
 & "ROCEDURE Factor ()@\n   @1 IF (token = <ID>) THEN@\n      @2 Match (<ID"
 & ">)@\n   @3 ELSE@\n      @4 Match (\'(\')@\n      @5 Expr ()@\n      @6 "
 & "Match (\')\')@\n   END\n@Factor\n\n\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.\n; All rights rese"
 & "rved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n;\n; Last modi"
 & "fied on Wed Feb  8 15:37:06 PST 1995 by kalsow\n\n;********************"
 & "************************************************\n;  NOTE: This file is"
 & " generated automatically from the event \n;        definition file ZPap"
 & "er.evt.\n;*************************************************************"
 & "*******\n\n(VBox\n  (Rim\n    (Pen 2)\n    (HBox\n      (VBox (Glue 4) "
 & "(Shape (Height + Inf) (Button %clear \"CLEAR\")) (Glue 4))\n      (Glue"
 & " 4)\n      (VBox\n        (Boolean =TRUE %alg (Text LeftAlign \"Algorit"
 & "hm events\"))\n        (Boolean =FALSE %zeus (Text LeftAlign \"Zeus eve"
 & "nts\"))\n        (Boolean =TRUE %args (Text LeftAlign \"Display args to"
 & " events\")))\n      Fill))\n  (Bar 1)\n  (Shape (ShadowSize 0) (Height "
 & "200 + INF) (TextEdit ReadOnly %transcript)))\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.\n; All rights rese"
 & "rved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n;\n; Last modi"
 & "fied on Wed Feb  8 15:37:06 PST 1995 by kalsow\n\n;********************"
 & "************************************************\n;  NOTE: This file is"
 & " generated automatically from the event \n;        definition file Eucl"
 & "id.evt.\n;*************************************************************"
 & "*******\n\n(VBox\n  (Rim\n    (Pen 2)\n    (HBox\n      (VBox (Glue 4) "
 & "(Shape (Height + Inf) (Button %clear \"CLEAR\")) (Glue 4))\n      (Glue"
 & " 4)\n      (VBox\n        (Boolean =TRUE %alg (Text LeftAlign \"Algorit"
 & "hm events\"))\n        (Boolean =FALSE %zeus (Text LeftAlign \"Zeus eve"
 & "nts\"))\n        (Boolean =TRUE %args (Text LeftAlign \"Display args to"
 & " events\")))\n      Fill))\n  (Bar 1)\n  (Shape (ShadowSize 0) (Height "
 & "200 + INF) (TextEdit ReadOnly %transcript)))\n";

   "(\n (A B C D E F G H I J K L M)\n ((0.1 0.1)\n  (0.2 0.5)\n  (0.35 0.5)"
 & "\n  (0.2 0.6)\n  (0.35 0.6)\n  (0.1 0.9)\n  (0.5 0.5)\n  (0.7 0.3)\n  ("
 & "0.9 0.3)\n  (0.7 0.6)\n  (0.9 0.6)\n  (0.7 0.8)\n  (0.9 0.8))\n ((A B) "
 & "(A F) (A G)\n (C A)\n (D F)\n (E D)\n (F E) \n (G C) (G E) (G J)\n (H I"
 & ") (H G)\n (I H)\n (J K) (J L) (J M)\n (L M) (L G)\n (M L)))\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation\n; All rights reser"
 & "ved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n\n\n(Border (Sh"
 & "ape (Width 750 - 600 + INF) (Height 500 - 400 + INF)\n  (BgColor \"Whit"
 & "e\")\n  (Macro B () \n    `(Bar 1))\n  (Macro G (name)\n    `(Rim (Pen "
 & "3) (Shape (Width 0 + INF) (Height 0 + INF) (Generic %,name))))\n  (VBox"
 & "\n    (Shape (Height 0) (Width 0 + INF) (Numeric %cells =6))\n    (HBox"
 & " (G (name v1)) (B) (G (name v2)) (B) (G (name v3)))\n    (B)\n    (HBox"
 & " (G (name v4)) (B) (G (name v5)) (B) (G (name v6))))))\n";

   "   @Proposition             Proposition 47\n@\n   In right-angled trian"
 & "gles the square \n   on the side subtending the right\n   angle is equa"
 & "l to the squares on the \n   sides containing the right angle.\n   @Pro"
 & "position\n   \n   @Figure @\n   Let @1 ABC@ be a right-angled triangle@"
 & " \n   having the angle BAC right;\n   \n   I say that \n     @2 the squ"
 & "are on BC@\n     is equal to \n     @3 the squares on BA, AC@.\n   @Fig"
 & "ure\n   \n   @Squares @\n   For let there be described on BC the\n   @1"
 & "1 square BDEC@, and on BA, AC the\n   @12 squares BAGF, ACKH@;\n   @Squ"
 & "ares\n   \n   @LineAL @\n   Through A let @21 AL@ be drawn \n   paralle"
 & "l to either @22 BD or CE@.\n   @LineAL\n   \n   @Shear1 @\n   Now the @"
 & "31 triangle ABF@ is equal \n   to the @32 triangle CBF@, for they\n   h"
 & "ave the same @33 base BF@, and are \n   in the same @34 parallels BF, G"
 & "C@.\n   @Shear1\n   \n   @Angles @\n   And, since the @51 angle DBC@ is"
 & " equal\n   to the @52 angle FBA@: for each is right:\n   \n   Let the @"
 & "53 angle ABC@ be added to each;\n   \n   Therefore the whole @54 angle "
 & "FBC@ is\n   equal to the whole @55 angle ABD@.\n   @Angles\n   \n   @Si"
 & "des @\n   Now the @41 side BF@ is equal to the\n   @42 side BA@; and th"
 & "e @43 side BC@ is equal\n   to the @44 side BD@;\n   @Sides\n   \n   @R"
 & "otate @\n   Therefore @61 triangle FBC@ is equal\n   to @62 triangle AB"
 & "D@.\n   @Rotate\n   \n   @Shear2 @\n   And again the @71 triangle ABD@ "
 & "is \n   equal to the @72 triangle BDL@, for they\n   have the same @73 "
 & "base BD@, and are \n   in the same @74 parallels BD, AL@.\n   @Shear2\n"
 & "   \n   @End1 @\n   Thus we have shown that @81 triangle ABF@\n   is eq"
 & "ual to the @82 triangle BDL@.  And\n   therefore, the @83 square GB@ is"
 & " equal\n   to the @84 rectangle BL@.\n   @End1\n   \n   @Symmetry @\n  "
 & " And by the same argument, the \n   @91 triangle CAK@ is equal to the\n"
 & "   @92 triangle CEL@.\n   \n   And the @93 square HC@ is equal to the\n"
 & "   @94 rectangle CL@.\n   @Symmetry\n   \n   @Rehash @\n@100   And ther"
 & "efore the square \n   on the side subtending the right\n   angle is equ"
 & "al to the squares on the";

CONST E8_0 =
   " \n   sides containing the right angle.                                "
 & "          @\n   \n@101   Which is what was to be proved.               "
 & "                         @\n   @Rehash\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.\n; All rights rese"
 & "rved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n;\n; Last modi"
 & "fied on Wed Feb  8 15:29:09 PST 1995 by kalsow\n\n;********************"
 & "************************************************\n;  NOTE: This file is"
 & " generated automatically from the event \n;        definition file Matc"
 & "h.evt.\n;**************************************************************"
 & "******\n\n(VBox\n  (Border (Pen 1)\n    (Shape\n      (Height 75 - 25 +"
 & " Inf)\n      (Viewport\n        (HBox\n          (Glue 4 + Inf)\n      "
 & "    (VBox\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n  "
 & "            (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n              "
 & "                  \"Code View events:   Stop? \") \n                   "
 & " (Boolean %stopatCodeEvents =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n"
 & "                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n    "
 & "                (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitatCodeEvents =1 \n     "
 & "                                          (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n      "
 & "      (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox"
 & " Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                               "
 & " \"Init:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtInit =TRUE \""
 & "\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width +"
 & " 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) ("
 & "Numeric %waitAtInit =1 \n                                              "
 & " (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Heigh"
 & "t 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n "
 & "                               \"SetState:   Stop? \") \n              "
 & "      (Boolean %stopAtSetState =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 1"
 & "0)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n"
 & "                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtSetState =1 \n   "
 & "                                            (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n    "
 & "        (Glue 6)\n          )\n          (Glue 4)\n          (VBox\n   "
 & "       ";

CONST E9_0 =
   "  (Glue 5)\n            (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \"Cts:\")\n "
 & "           (Button %eventCounts\n              (VBox\n                ("
 & "Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) "
 & "\n                                  (Text %ctOfInit \"0\")))\n         "
 & "       (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height "
 & "16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfSetState \"0\"))"
 & ")\n                (Glue 3))))\n          Fill\n          (Glue 4 + Inf"
 & ")\n        )\n      )\n    )\n  )\n)\n";

   "(* Copyright (C) 1993, Digital Equipment Corporation                   "
 & "      *)\n(* All rights reserved.                                      "
 & "                *)\n(* See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.  "
 & "                          *)\n\n\nlet RingSize = [0.15, 0.10, 0.05];\nl"
 & "et RingColor = [color_named(\"darkred\"), color_named(\"darkgreen\"),\n"
 & "                 color_named(\"darkblue\")];\nlet GraphEdgeColor = colo"
 & "r_named(\"gray\");\nlet FlickerColor = color_named(\"verylightgray\");\n"
 & "let HighColor = color_named(\"black\");\nlet HighBorder = 0.01;\n\nlet "
 & "PathColor = color_named(\"red\");\nlet PromoteColor = RingColor;\nlet C"
 & "andidateColor = [GraphEdgeColor, color_named(\"lightred\"),\n          "
 & "            color_named(\"lightgreen\"), color_named(\"lightblue\")];\n"
 & "let BackgroundColor = color_named(\"darkslategray\");\nlet EdgeWidth = "
 & "[0.00575, 0.00375, 0.00375, 0.00375];\nlet SourceColor = RingColor[0];\n"
 & "let DestColor = RingColor[2];\n  \nlet Graphic = {\n        go => ok, ("
 & "* the graphical object *)\n        up => ok, (* the predecessor Graphic"
 & " *)\n        bottom => ok, (* the lowest element *)\n\n        newAbove"
 & " => meth(self, obj)\n          var res = clone(self);\n          res.go"
 & " := obj;\n          self.up := res;\n          var lift = res;\n       "
 & "   loop\n            if lift is ok then exit end;\n            graph_se"
 & "tObjectLayer(lift.go, 0);\n            lift := lift.up\n          end;\n"
 & "          res\n        end,\n          \n        down => meth(self)\n  "
 & "        var p = self.bottom;\n          loop\n            if p is ok th"
 & "en exit end;\n            if p.up is self then exit end;\n            p"
 & " := p.up\n          end;\n          p\n        end,\n\n        newBelow"
 & " => meth(self, obj)\n          self.down.newAbove(obj)\n        end,\n\n"
 & "        remove => meth(self)\n          var p = self.down;\n          i"
 & "f not (p is ok) then p.up := self.up end;\n          self.go\n        e"
 & "nd\n};\n\nlet Edge = {\n  t => ok,\n  sourceV => ok,\n  sourceN => -1,\n"
 & "  destV => ok,\n  destN => -1,\n  gr => ok,\n  ctls => ok,\n  sex => ok"
 & ",\n\n  create => meth(self, t";

CONST E10_0 =
   ", fromV, fromN, toV, toN, sex)\n    let invisible = proc(pt)\n      let"
 & " res = graph_newVertex(t.g);\n      graph_setVertexSize(res, 0.0, 0.0);"
 & "\n      graph_moveVertex(res, pt[0], pt[1], false);\n      res\n    end"
 & ";\n    let +++ = proc(p, q)\n      [ p[0] + q[0], p[1] + q[1] ]\n    en"
 & "d;\n    let --- = proc(p, q)\n      [ p[0] - q[0], p[1] - q[1] ]\n    e"
 & "nd;\n    let *** = proc(p, q)\n      [ (p[0] * q[0]) - (p[1] * q[1]),\n"
 & "        (p[0] * q[1]) + (p[1] * q[0]) ]\n    end;\n    let rel = proc(z"
 & ", w) \n      w[0] +++ (z *** (w[1] --- w[0]))\n    end;\n :="
 & " [ok, ok];\n    self.t := t;\n := sex;\n    self.sourceV :="
 & " fromV;\n    self.sourceN := fromN;\n    self.destV := toV;\n    self.d"
 & "estN := toN;\n    let spos = fromV.pos;\n    let dpos = toV.pos;\n    v"
 & "ar skew = float(fromN + 1) / (0.0 - 10.0);\n    if sex is \"L\" then sk"
 & "ew := 0.0 - skew end;\n    var mid = [0.5, skew] rel [spos, dpos];\n   "
 & " var s2 = [0.33, skew] rel [spos, dpos];\n    var s1 = [0.5, skew / 4.0"
 & "] rel [spos, s2];\n    var d2 = [0.67, skew] rel [spos, dpos];\n    var"
 & " d1 = [0.5, skew / 4.0] rel [d2, dpos];\n    var midpt = invisible(mid)"
 & ";\n    var s1pt = invisible(s1);\n    var s2pt = invisible(s2);\n    va"
 & "r d1pt = invisible(d1);\n    var d2pt = invisible(d2);\n    self.ctls :"
 & "= [midpt, s1pt, s2pt, d1pt, d2pt];\n    var sedge = graph_newEdge(fromV"
 & ".graphic(fromN).go, midpt);\n    graph_moveEdgeBezier(sedge, fromV.grap"
 & "hic(fromN).go, midpt,\n                         s1pt, s2pt, false);\n  "
 & "[0] := fromV.graphic(fromN).newBelow(sedge);\n    var dedge = "
 & "graph_newEdge(midpt, toV.graphic(toN).go);\n    graph_moveEdgeBezier(de"
 & "dge, midpt, toV.graphic(toN).go,\n                         d2pt, d1pt, "
 & "false);\n[1] := toV.graphic(toN).newBelow(dedge);\n    graph"
 & "_setEdgeColor(sedge, CandidateColor[fromN+1]);\n    graph_setEdgeColor("
 & "dedge, CandidateColor[fromN+1]);\n    graph_setEdgeWidth(sedge, EdgeWid"
 & "th[fromN+1]);\n    graph_setEdgeWidth(dedge, EdgeWidth[fromN+1]);\n    "
 & "graph_setEdgeArrows(dedge, false, true);\n    if toN >= 0 then";

CONST E10_1 =
   "tInEdge(toN, self) end;\n    self\n  end,\n\n  midpt => meth(self) self"
 & ".ctls[0] end,\n\n  demote => meth(self)\n    foreach g in do\n "
 & "     if not (g is ok) then\n        graph_removeEdge(g.remove)\n      e"
 & "nd\n    end;\n    foreach g in self.ctls do\n      if not (g is ok) the"
 & "n graph_removeVertex(g) end\n    end;\n    if (self.destN + 1) < #(Ring"
 & "Color) then\n      self.create(self.t, self.sourceV, self.sourceN, self"
 & ".destV, \n                  self.destN + 1)\n    end\n  end,\n\n  highl"
 & "ight => meth(self, clr)\n    foreach g in do\n      graph_setEd"
 & "geColor(g.go, clr);\n    end\n  end,\n};\n  \nlet Vertex = {\n  positio"
 & "n => ok,\n  t => ok,\n  gr => ok,\n  incEdge => ok,\n\n  pos => meth(se"
 & "lf) self.position end,\n\n  graphic => meth(self, i)\n    if (i+1) < #("
 & " then[i+1] else self.t.bottom end end,\n\n  inEdge => m"
 & "eth(self, i) self.incEdge[i] end,\n\n  setInEdge => meth(self, i, e) se"
 & "lf.incEdge[i] := e end,\n\n  highlight => meth(self, i, clr)\n    graph"
 & "_setVertexColor(self.graphic(i).go, clr)\n  end,\n\n create => meth(sel"
 & "f, t, x, y, name)\n := [ok, ok, ok, ok];\n    self.incEdge :"
 & "= [ok, ok, ok];\n    var stack = t.bottom;\n    self.position := [x, y]"
 & ";\n    self.t := t;\n    for i = 0 to 2 do\n      var v = graph_newVert"
 & "ex(t.g);\n      graph_moveVertex(v, x, y, false);\n      graph_setVerte"
 & "xShape(v, \"ellipse\");\n      graph_setVertexSize(v, RingSize[i], Ring"
 & "Size[i]);\n      graph_setVertexLabel(v, name);\n      graph_setVertexC"
 & "olor(v, CandidateColor[3-i]);\n      stack := stack.newAbove(v);\n     "
 & "[3-i] := stack\n    end;\n[0] :=[3];\n    se"
 & "lf\n  end,\n};\n\nlet view = {\n graphvbt => graph_new(),\n g => meth ("
 & "self) self.graphvbt end,\n\n bottom => clone(Graphic),\n spotlight => {"
 & "current => ok, curIndex => 0, spot =>ok},\n \n vtable => ok,\n etable ="
 & "> [ ],\n\n vertex => meth(self, name)\n   var res = ok;\n   for i = 0 t"
 & "o #(self.vtable)-1 do\n     if self.vtable[i].name is name then\n      "
 & " res := self.vtable[i].vertex;\n       exit\n     end\n   end;\n   res\n"
 & " end,\n \n edge => meth(self, n";

CONST E10_2 =
   "ame)\n   var res = ok;\n   for i = 0 to #(self.etable)-1 do\n     if se"
 & "lf.etable[i].name is name then\n       res := self.etable[i].edge;\n   "
 & "    exit\n     end\n   end;\n   res\n end,\n \n NewVertex => meth (self"
 & ", name, x, y)\n   if self.vtable is ok then\n     self.bottom.bottom :="
 & " self.bottom;\n     self.vtable := [ ];\n     graph_setAspect(self.g, 1"
 & ".0);\n     graph_setWorld(self.g, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0);\n     let bg = g"
 & "raph_newVertex(self.g);\n     graph_moveVertex(bg, 0.5, 0.5, false);\n "
 & "    graph_setVertexColor(bg, BackgroundColor);\n     graph_setVertexSiz"
 & "e(bg, 1.0, 1.0);\n   end;\n   self.vtable :=\n     self.vtable @\n     "
 & "  [{name => name,\n         vertex => clone(Vertex).create(self, x, y, "
 & "name)}];\n   graph_redisplay(self.g)\n end,\n\n NewEdge => meth (self, "
 & "name, frompt, topt, orientation)\n   self.etable :=\n     self.etable @"
 & "\n       [{name => name,\n         edge => clone(Edge).create(self, sel"
 & "f.vertex(frompt),\n                                    -1, self.vertex("
 & "topt), -1, orientation)}];\n   graph_redisplay(self.g)\n end,\n\n Start"
 & "Find => meth (self, frompt, topt)\n   self.vertex(frompt).highlight(0, "
 & "SourceColor);\n   self.spotlight.current := self.vertex(frompt);\n   se"
 & "lf.spotlight.curIndex := 0;\n :=\n     self.spotl"
 & "ight.current.graphic(1).newAbove(\n       graph_newVertexHiLi("
 & "light.current.graphic(0).go));\n   graph_setVertexHiLiBorder(self.spotl"
 & ", HighBorder, HighBorder);\n   graph_setVertexHiLiColor(sel"
 & ", HighColor);\n(* self.vertex(topt).highlight(2, Des"
 & "tColor); *)\n   graph_redisplay(self.g)\n end,\n\n Promote => meth (sel"
 & "f, edge, sIndex, dIndex)\n   let dest = self.edge(edge).destV;\n   let "
 & "mid = graph_newVertex(self.g);\n   let spot =;\n"
 & "   let size = (* (RingSize[2-dIndex] + RingSize[2-self.spotlight.curInd"
 & "ex])/2.0; *) 0.0;\n   graph_setVertexSize(mid, size, size);\n   graph_s"
 & "etVertexColor(mid, BackgroundColor);\n   graph_setVertexShape(mid, \"el"
 & "lipse\");\n   graph_moveVertex(mid,\n     (self.spotlight.current.pos[0"
 & "] +";

CONST E10_3 =
   " dest.pos[0]) / 2.0,\n     (self.spotlight.current.pos[1] + dest.pos[1]"
 & ") / 2.0, false);\n   graph_moveVertexHiLi(spot, mid, true);\n   zeus_an"
 & "imate(self.g, 0.0, 0.5);\n;\n   self.spotl"
 & " := dest.graphic(dIndex+1).newAbove(spot);\n   self.spotlight."
 & "curIndex := dIndex;\n   graph_moveVertexHiLi(spot, dest.graphic(dIndex)"
 & ".go, true);\n   zeus_animate(self.g, 0.5, 1.0);\n   graph_removeVertex("
 & "mid);\n   self.spotlight.current := dest;\n   dest.inEdge(dIndex).highl"
 & "ight(CandidateColor[sIndex+1]);\n   graph_redisplay(self.g);\n   dest.i"
 & "nEdge(dIndex).highlight(PromoteColor[sIndex]);\n   graph_redisplay(self"
 & ".g);\n   dest.inEdge(dIndex).highlight(CandidateColor[sIndex+1]);\n   g"
 & "raph_redisplay(self.g);\n   dest.inEdge(dIndex).highlight(PromoteColor["
 & "sIndex]);\n   graph_redisplay(self.g);\n   self.edge(edge).destV.highli"
 & "ght(dIndex, RingColor[dIndex]);\n   graph_redisplay(self.g)\n end,\n\n "
 & "Consider => meth (self, edge, sIndex, dIndex)\n   let e = self.edge(edg"
 & "e);\n   let s = e.sourceV;\n   let d = e.destV;\n   for t = 1 to 4 do\n"
 & "     e.highlight(CandidateColor[sIndex+1]);\n     graph_redisplay(self."
 & "g);\n     e.highlight(GraphEdgeColor);\n     graph_redisplay(self.g);\n"
 & "   end;\n   if dIndex >= 0 then\n     var i = #(d.incEdge)-1;\n     loo"
 & "p\n       let inP = d.inEdge(i);\n       if not (inP is ok) then"
 & "mote() end;\n       if i is dIndex then exit end;\n       i := i - 1\n "
 & "    end;\n     clone(Edge).create(self, s, sIndex, d, dIndex,\n "
 & "  end;\n   graph_redisplay(self.g)\n end,\n\n Traceback => meth (self, "
 & "edge, sIndex, dIndex)\n(*   self.edge(edge).destV.inEdge(dIndex).highli"
 & "ght(PathColor);\n   graph_redisplay(self.g) *)\n   ok\n end,\n};\n\n";

   "(* Copyright (C) 1994, Digital Equipment Corporation         *)\n(* All"
 & " rights reserved.                                      *)\n(* See the f"
 & "ile COPYRIGHT for a full description.            *)\n\n@Insertion\nPROC"
 & "EDURE InsertionSort (a: ARRAY OF INTEGER) @=\n  VAR j: CARDINAL; v: INT"
 & "EGER;\n  BEGIN\n    @1 FOR i := 2 TO LAST(a) DO@\n      @2 v := a[i];@\n"
 & "      @3 j := i;@\n      @4 WHILE a[j - 1] > v DO@ \n        @5 a[j] :="
 & " a[j - 1];@\n        @6 DEC (j);@\n      END;\n      @7 a[j] := v;@\n  "
 & "  END\n  END InsertionRun;\n@Insertion\n";

   "(* Copyright (C) 1994, Digital Equipment Corporation                   "
 & "      *)\n(* All rights reserved.                                      "
 & "                *)\n(* See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.  "
 & "                          *)\n(*                                       "
 & "                                    *)\n(* AverageDepth.obl - view of a"
 & "verage node depths.                           *)\n(* Last modified on M"
 & "on Jan  9 12:04:03 PST 1995 by najork                   *)\n(*      mod"
 & "ified on Wed Jul 27 11:24:28 PDT 1994 by shillner                 *)\n\n"
 & "(* Screen dimensions. *)\nlet North: Real = 1.0;\nlet South: Real = 0.0"
 & ";\nlet West: Real = 0.0;\nlet East: Real = 1.0;\nlet Margin: Real = 5.0"
 & ";\n\n(* Caption stuff. *)\nlet CaptionHeight   = 0.1;\nlet BackgroundCo"
 & "lor = color_named(\"white\");\nlet FontSz          = 0.07;\n\n(* Bar se"
 & "ttings. *)\nlet BarColor    = color_named(\"magenta\");\nlet BorderColo"
 & "r = color_named(\"black\");\nlet BorderWidth = 0.005;\nlet TextColor   "
 & "= color_named(\"black\");\nlet BarGap      = 0.1;  (* Fraction of bar w"
 & "idth. *)\nvar g = ok;\nvar labelFont = ok;\n\n(* Node Object =========="
 & "=================================================== *)\n\nlet Node = {\n"
 & "  parent: Node => ok,\n  children: Node => ok,\n  next: Node => ok,    "
 & "  (* Siblings. *)\n  prev: Node => ok,\n\n  (* Adds child as a child of"
 & " parent, inserted to the right of \n     the child \"rightOf\", which m"
 & "ust be a child of parent, or as\n     the leftmost child if rightOf is "
 & "ok *)\n  addChild => meth(parent, rightOf, child: Node)\n    if rightOf"
 & " is ok then\n := parent.children;\n      child.prev := "
 & "ok;\n      if isnot ok then := child; end;\n"
 & "      parent.children := child;\n    else\n      child.prev := rightOf;"
 & "\n :=;\n      if isnot ok then "
 & " := child; end;\n := child;\n    end;\n"
 & "  end,\n\n  (* removes child from parent, which must be its parent *)\n"
 & "  removeChild => meth(parent, child: Node)\n    if child.prev isnot ok\n"
 & "    ";

CONST E12_0 =
   "  then :=;\n      else parent.children := ch"
 & ";\n    end;\n    if isnot ok then :="
 & " child.prev; end;\n    child.prev := ok;\n := ok;\n  end,"
 & "\n\n  walk => meth(node: Node, level: Int)\n    var ch = node.children;"
 & "\n    var acc = 0;\n    var count = 0;\n    loop\n      if ch is ok the"
 & "n exit end;\n      let res = ch.walk(level + 1);\n      acc := acc + re"
 & "s.acc;\n      count := count + res.count;\n      ch :=;\n    en"
 & "d;\n    {acc => acc + level, count => count + 1};\n  end,\n\n};\n\n\n(*"
 & " Bar Object ==========================================================="
 & "=== *)\n\nlet Bar = {\n  size: Float => ok,\n  next: Bar => ok,\n  col:"
 & " Int => ok,\n  v: Vertex => ok,\n\n  init => meth(self: Bar, col: Int, "
 & "size: Float): Bar,\n    self.size := size;\n    self.col := col;\n    s"
 & " := ok;\n    if self.col >= 0 then\n      self.v := graph_newVe"
 & "rtex(g);\n      graph_setVertexColor(self.v, BarColor);\n      graph_se"
 & "tVertexBorderColor(self.v, BorderColor);\n(*      graph_setVertexBorder"
 & "(self.v, BorderWidth);*)\n      graph_setVertexSize(self.v, 1.0, 0.0);\n"
 & "(*      graph_setVertexLabelColor(self.v, TextColor);\n      graph_setV"
 & "ertexFont(self.v, labelFont);*)\n      graph_moveVertex(self.v, float(s"
 & "elf.col), 0.0, true);\n    end;\n    self;\n  end,\n\n  clear => meth(s"
 & "elf: Bar)\n    self.size := 0.0;\n    if isnot ok then self.n"
 & "ext.clear() end;\n  end,\n\n  update => meth(self: Bar, maxHeight: Floa"
 & "t, maxCols: Int,\n                 barGraph: BarGraph): ok,\n    let he"
 & "ight = if self.size > maxHeight then self.size else maxHeight end;\n   "
 & " let cols = if self.size isnot 0.0 then self.col else maxCols end;\n\n "
 & "   if isnot ok then, cols, barGraph)\n"
 & "    else barGraph.barCounts(height, cols + 1) end;\n\n    let shape = b"
 & "arGraph.barShape(self.size, self.col);\n    graph_setVertexSize(self.v,"
 & " shape.w, shape.h);\n    graph_moveVertex(self.v, shape.x, shape.y, fal"
 & "se);\n(*    graph_setVertexLabel(self.v, fmt_real(self.size));*)\n  end"
 & ",\n};\n\n";

CONST E12_1 =
   "(* BarGraph Object ===================================================="
 & "===== *)\n\nlet BarGraph = {\n  west: Float => ok,\n  east: Float => ok"
 & ",\n  north: Float => ok,\n  south: Float => ok,\n  height: Float => ok,"
 & "\n  width: Float => ok,\n  bar: Bar => ok,\n  lastBar: Bar => ok,\n  co"
 & "lWidth: Float => ok,\n  unitHeight: Float => ok,\n  baseCol: Float => o"
 & "k,\n  barWidth: Float => ok,\n  tallest: Float => ok,\n\n  init => meth"
 & "(self: BarGraph, west, east, north, south: Float,\n               bar: "
 & "Bar): BarGraph,\n    self.west := west;\n    self.east := east;\n    se"
 & "lf.north := north;\n    self.south := south;\n    self.height := north "
 & "- south;\n    self.width := east - west;\n := bar;\n    sel"
 & "f.lastBar := bar;\n    self;\n  end,\n\n  barCounts => meth(self: BarGr"
 & "aph, height: Float, cols: Int): ok,\n    self.colWidth := self.width / "
 & "float(cols);\n    self.unitHeight := if height is 0.0 then 0.0\n       "
 & "                else self.height / height end;\n    self.baseCol := sel"
 & "f.west + (0.5 * self.colWidth);\n    self.barWidth := self.colWidth (*-"
 & " (self.colWidth * BarGap)*);\n    self.tallest := height;\n  end,\n\n  "
 & "barShape => meth(self: BarGraph, size: Float, col: Int): Shape,\n    va"
 & "r shape = {w => ok, h => ok, x => ok, y => ok};\n\n    shape.w := self."
 & "barWidth;\n    shape.h := size * self.unitHeight;\n    shape.x := self."
 & "baseCol + (self.colWidth * float(col));\n    shape.y := self.south + (0"
 & ".5 * shape.h);\n    shape;\n  end,\n\n  update => meth(self: BarGraph, "
 & "avg: Float): Float,\n := clone(Bar).init(self.last"
 & "Bar.col + 1, avg);\n    self.lastBar :=;\n"
 & ", 0, self);\n    self.tallest;\n  end,\n  \n};\n\n\n(*"
 & " View Object =========================================================="
 & "=== *)\n\nlet view = {\n\n  graphvbt => graph_new(),\n  counts => ok,\n"
 & "  numSets => 0,\n  node => ok,\n  root: Node => ok,\n  bar: Bar => ok,\n"
 & "  barGraph: BarGraph => ok,\n  height: Int => ok,\n  width: Int => ok,\n"
 & "  caption: Vertex => ok,\n\n  FinishedSets => meth(self: View, numSets:"
 & " Int, usesRan";

CONST E12_2 =
   "ks: Bool)\n    g := self.graphvbt;  (* Must be done before Bar.init(). "
 & "*)\n    self.numSets := numSets;\n    self.root := clone(Node);\n    se"
 & " := clone(Bar).init(-1, 0.0);\n    self.barGraph := clone(BarGrap"
 & "h).init(West, East, North,\n                                          S"
 & "outh + CaptionHeight,;\n    self.node := array_new(numSets, o"
 & "k);\n    labelFont := graph_newFont(self.graphvbt, \"Helvetica\", FontS"
 & "z,\n                               \"Roman\", \"bold\", \"*\");\n\n    "
 & "for i=0 to numSets-1 do\n      var node = clone(Node);\n      self.root"
 & ".addChild(ok, node);\n      self.node[i] := node;\n    end;\n\n    grap"
 & "h_setWorld(self.graphvbt, West, East, North, South);\n    graph_setMarg"
 & "in(self.graphvbt, Margin);\n    self.caption := graph_newVertex("
 & "aphvbt);\n    graph_moveVertex(self.caption, (West + East) / 2.0,\n    "
 & "                 South + (CaptionHeight / 2.0), false);\n    graph_setV"
 & "ertexSize(self.caption, East - West, CaptionHeight);\n    graph_setVert"
 & "exColor(self.caption, BackgroundColor);\n    graph_setVertexFont(self.c"
 & "aption, labelFont);\n    graph_setVertexLabel(self.caption, \"\");\n   "
 & " graph_setVertexLabelColor(self.caption, TextColor);\n(*    self.update"
 & "();*)\n  end,\n\n  update => meth(self: View): ok,\n    let res = self."
 & "root.walk(-1);\n    let avg = float(res.acc + 1) / float(self.numSets);"
 & "\n    let tallest = self.barGraph.update(avg);\n    graph_setVertexLabe"
 & "l(self.caption,\n                         \"Scale: \" &\n              "
 & "            text_replaceAll(\"d\", \"0\",\n                            "
 & "              text_sub(fmt_real(tallest), 0, 4)));\n    graph_redisplay"
 & "(self.graphvbt);\n(*    zeus_animate(self.graphvbt, 0.0, 0.0);*)\n  end"
 & ",\n\n  ChangeParent => meth(self: View, childId, parentId, rootId: Int)"
 & "\n    let parent = self.node[parentId];\n    let child = self.node[chil"
 & "dId];\n    let root = self.node[rootId];\n    \n    parent.removeChild("
 & "child);\n    root.addChild(ok, child);\n\n    self.update();\n    ok;\n"
 & "  end,\n\n  Unite => meth(self: View, childId, parentId, pRank: Int)\n "
 & "   let paren";

CONST E12_3 =
   "t = self.node[parentId];\n    let child = self.node[childId];\n\n    se"
 & "lf.root.removeChild(child);\n    parent.addChild(ok, child);\n\n    sel"
 & "f.update();\n    ok;\n  end,\n\n};\n\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation\n; All rights reser"
 & "ved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n\n(Rim\n  (Pen "
 & "0)\n  (HBox\n    (VBox\n      (Shape\n        (BgColor \"White\")\n    "
 & "    (LightShadow \"White\")\n        (DarkShadow \"White\")\n        (W"
 & "idth 300 + inf)\n        (Height 100 + inf)\n        (PageButton (For p"
 & "arms) (Generic %g)))\n      (TSplit\n        %parms\n        Flex\n    "
 & "    Circular\n        (Shape (Width + Inf) (Generic))\n        (Rim\n  "
 & "        (Pen 5)\n          (HBox\n            (VBox\n              (HBo"
 & "x\n                (Fill)\n                (Shape (Width + 0) (Height +"
 & " 0) \"Bezier parameters \")\n                (Fill))\n              (Gl"
 & "ue 6)\n              (HBox\n                (VBox\n                  (H"
 & "Box \"px\")\n                  (Glue 2)\n                  (Numeric %px"
 & " =25 (Min 0) (Max 100)))\n                (Glue 10)\n                (V"
 & "Box\n                  (HBox \"py\")\n                  (Glue 2)\n     "
 & "             (Numeric %py =25 (Min 0) (Max 100)))\n                (Glu"
 & "e 10)\n                (VBox\n                  (HBox \"Control points "
 & "size\")\n                  (Glue 2)\n                  (Numeric %cpsize"
 & " =0 (Min 0) (Max 10)))))\n            (Fill)))))))\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.\n; All rights rese"
 & "rved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n;\n; Last modi"
 & "fied on Wed Feb  8 15:29:09 PST 1995 by kalsow\n\n;********************"
 & "************************************************\n;  NOTE: This file is"
 & " generated automatically from the event \n;        definition file CP.e"
 & "vt.\n;*****************************************************************"
 & "***\n\n(VBox\n  (Border (Pen 1)\n    (Shape\n      (Height 75 - 25 + In"
 & "f)\n      (Viewport\n        (HBox\n          (Glue 4 + Inf)\n         "
 & " (VBox\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n     "
 & "         (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                 "
 & "               \"Code View events:   Stop? \") \n                    (B"
 & "oolean %stopatCodeEvents =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n  "
 & "                  (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n      "
 & "              (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitatCodeEvents =1 \n       "
 & "                                        (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n        "
 & "    (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox F"
 & "ill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \""
 & "Setup:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtSetup =TRUE \""
 & "\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width +"
 & " 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) ("
 & "Numeric %waitAtSetup =1 \n                                             "
 & "  (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Heig"
 & "ht 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n"
 & "                                \"AddPoint:   Stop? \") \n             "
 & "       (Boolean %stopAtAddPoint =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue "
 & "10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n"
 & "                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtAddPoint =1 \n   "
 & "                                            (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n    "
 & "        (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HB"
 & "ox Fi";

CONST E14_0 =
   "ll (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \""
 & "NotProcessed:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtNotProc"
 & "essed =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    ("
 & "Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shap"
 & "e (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtNotProcessed =1 \n                        "
 & "                       (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n   "
 & "         (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width"
 & " + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"RemoveNotProcess"
 & "ed:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtRemoveNotProcesse"
 & "d =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shap"
 & "e (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (W"
 & "idth 80) (Numeric %waitAtRemoveNotProcessed =1 \n                      "
 & "                         (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n "
 & "           (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Wid"
 & "th + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"ActiveR:   Sto"
 & "p? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtActiveR =TRUE \"\")\n     "
 & "               (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Heigh"
 & "t + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %w"
 & "aitAtActiveR =1 \n                                               (Min 0"
 & ") (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + "
 & "0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n        "
 & "                        \"RemoveActiveR:   Stop? \") \n                "
 & "    (Boolean %stopAtRemoveActiveR =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glu"
 & "e 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \""
 & ")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtRemoveActiveR "
 & "=1 \n                                               (Min 0) (Max 100)))"
 & "))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n         "
 & "     (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                     "
 & "           \"CloseR:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAt"
 & "Close";

CONST E14_1 =
   "R =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shap"
 & "e (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (W"
 & "idth 80) (Numeric %waitAtCloseR =1 \n                                  "
 & "             (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            ("
 & "Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Hei"
 & "ght + 0) \n                                \"RemoveCloseR:   Stop? \") "
 & "\n                    (Boolean %stopAtRemoveCloseR =TRUE \"\")\n       "
 & "             (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height "
 & "+ 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %wai"
 & "tAtRemoveCloseR =1 \n                                               (Mi"
 & "n 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16"
 & " + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n     "
 & "                           \"Split:   Stop? \") \n                    ("
 & "Boolean %stopAtSplit =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n      "
 & "              (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n          "
 & "          (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtSplit =1 \n                "
 & "                               (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue"
 & " 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shap"
 & "e (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"SplitRem"
 & "ove:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtSplitRemove =TRU"
 & "E \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Wid"
 & "th + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 8"
 & "0) (Numeric %waitAtSplitRemove =1 \n                                   "
 & "            (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (S"
 & "hape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Heig"
 & "ht + 0) \n                                \"NewMin:   Stop? \") \n     "
 & "               (Boolean %stopAtNewMin =TRUE \"\")\n                    "
 & "(Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight"
 & ": \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtNewMin =1 "
 & "\n       ";

CONST E14_2 =
   "                                        (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n        "
 & "    (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox F"
 & "ill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \""
 & "NoChangeMin:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtNoChange"
 & "Min =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Sh"
 & "ape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape "
 & "(Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtNoChangeMin =1 \n                           "
 & "                    (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n      "
 & "      (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + "
 & "0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"SelectTrialPoint:  "
 & " Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtSelectTrialPoint =TRUE"
 & " \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Widt"
 & "h + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80"
 & ") (Numeric %waitAtSelectTrialPoint =1 \n                               "
 & "                (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n          "
 & "  (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) ("
 & "Height + 0) \n                                \"DeselectTrialPoint:   S"
 & "top? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtDeselectTrialPoint =TRUE"
 & " \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Widt"
 & "h + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80"
 & ") (Numeric %waitAtDeselectTrialPoint =1 \n                             "
 & "                  (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n        "
 & "    (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0)"
 & " (Height + 0) \n                                \"SelectTargetPoint:   "
 & "Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtSelectTargetPoint =TRUE"
 & " \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Widt"
 & "h + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80"
 & ") (Numeric %waitAtSelectTargetPoint =1 \n                              "
 & "                 (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n         "
 & "  ";

CONST E14_3 =
   " (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (H"
 & "eight + 0) \n                                \"DeselectTargetPoint:   S"
 & "top? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtDeselectTargetPoint =TRU"
 & "E \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Wid"
 & "th + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 8"
 & "0) (Numeric %waitAtDeselectTargetPoint =1 \n                           "
 & "                    (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n      "
 & "      (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + "
 & "0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"DrawBar:   Stop? \""
 & ") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtDrawBar =TRUE \"\")\n          "
 & "          (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0"
 & ") \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAt"
 & "DrawBar =1 \n                                               (Min 0) (Ma"
 & "x 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n "
 & "             (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n             "
 & "                   \"RemoveBar:   Stop? \") \n                    (Bool"
 & "ean %stopAtRemoveBar =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n      "
 & "              (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n          "
 & "          (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtRemoveBar =1 \n            "
 & "                                   (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            ("
 & "Glue 6)\n          )\n          (Glue 4)\n          (VBox\n            "
 & "(Glue 5)\n            (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \"Cts:\")\n   "
 & "         (Button %eventCounts\n              (VBox\n                (Gl"
 & "ue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n"
 & "                                  (Text %ctOfSetup \"0\")))\n          "
 & "      (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 1"
 & "6 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfAddPoint \"0\")))"
 & "\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + "
 & "0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfNotPr"
 & "ocessed";

CONST E14_4 =
   " \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape "
 & "(Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %"
 & "ctOfRemoveNotProcessed \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n            "
 & "    (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                   "
 & "               (Text %ctOfActiveR \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n "
 & "               (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n        "
 & "                          (Text %ctOfRemoveActiveR \"0\")))\n          "
 & "      (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 1"
 & "6 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfCloseR \"0\")))\n"
 & "                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0)"
 & " (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfRemoveC"
 & "loseR \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (S"
 & "hape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (T"
 & "ext %ctOfSplit \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBo"
 & "x Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                           "
 & "       (Text %ctOfSplitRemove \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n     "
 & "           (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n            "
 & "                      (Text %ctOfNewMin \"0\")))\n                (Glue"
 & " 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n  "
 & "                                (Text %ctOfNoChangeMin \"0\")))\n      "
 & "          (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Heig"
 & "ht 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfSelectTrialPo"
 & "int \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Sha"
 & "pe (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Tex"
 & "t %ctOfDeselectTrialPoint \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n         "
 & "       (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                "
 & "                  (Text %ctOfSelectTargetPoint \"0\")))\n              "
 & "  (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + "
 & "0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfDeselectTargetPoint \""
 & "0\")))\n";

CONST E14_5 =
   "                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0)"
 & " (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfDrawBar"
 & " \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape "
 & "(Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %"
 & "ctOfRemoveBar \"0\")))\n                (Glue 3))))\n          Fill\n  "
 & "        (Glue 4 + Inf)\n        )\n      )\n    )\n  )\n)\n";

   "(* Copyright 1993 Digital Equipment Corporation.                       "
 & "      *)\n(* Distributed only by permission.                           "
 & "                *)\n(*                                                 "
 & "                          *)\n(* Last modified on Thu Oct 14 17:08:38 P"
 & "DT 1993 by heydon                   *)\n(*      modified on Thu Aug  5 "
 & "09:58:52 PDT 1993 by rsanchez                 *)\n\n(* This view shows "
 & "the total number of steps that each packet needs to\n   traverse to go "
 & "from its source to its destination node. *)\n\nlet moveColor = color_na"
 & "med(\"Green\");\nlet blockedColor = color_named(\"Red\");\nlet nomoveCo"
 & "lor = color_named(\"Yellow\");\nlet finishedColor = color_named(\"Black"
 & "\");\nlet labelColor = color_named(\"Black\");\nlet backgroundColor = c"
 & "olor_named(\"White\");\nlet edgeColor = color_named(\"Black\");\n\nlet "
 & "view =\n  {\n    graphvbt => graph_new(),\n    g => meth (self)"
 & "aphvbt end,\n    vertexFont => ok,\n    pktCnt => ok,\n    steps => 0,\n"
 & "    maxSteps => ok,\n    hopsT => [],\n    border => ok,\n    fntVSize "
 & "=> ok,\n    yLab1 => ok,\n    yLab2 => ok,\n    east => ok,\n    west ="
 & "> ok,\n    north => ok,\n    south => ok,\n\n\n    StartGraph => meth ("
 & "self, nodeCnt, maxQS, bounded, xMax, yMax)\n      ok;\n    end,\n\n    "
 & "NewNode => meth (self, id, x, y)\n      ok;\n    end,\n\n    NewStraigh"
 & "tEdge => meth (self, id1, id2)\n      ok;\n    end,\n\n    NewCurvedEdg"
 & "e => meth (self, id1, id2, x1, y1, x2, y2)\n      ok;\n    end,\n\n    "
 & "NewLabel => meth (self, label, x, y)\n      ok;\n    end,\n\n    EndGra"
 & "ph => meth (self)\n      ok;\n    end,\n\n    StartPackets => meth (sel"
 & "f, pktCnt)\n      self.east := ~1.0;\n      self.west := float(pktCnt);"
 & "\n      self.north := 11.0;\n      self.south := ~2.0;\n      self.maxS"
 & "teps := 10;\n      self.border := 0.0;\n      self.fntVSize := 1.0;\n  "
 & "    self.yLab1 := ~0.5;\n      self.yLab2 := ~1.5;\n\n      graph_setWo"
 & "rld(self.graphvbt,\n\t             self.east, self.west, self.north, se"
 & "lf.south);\n      self.vertexFont := \n\t graph_newFont(self.graphvbt, "
 & "\"Helvetica\", 0.2, \"Roman\", \"bo";

CONST E15_0 =
   "ld\",\"*\");\n\n      self.pktCnt := pktCnt;\n      for i = 0 to pktCnt"
 & "-1 do\n        let vtx1 = graph_newVertex(self.graphvbt);\n        let "
 & "vtx2 = graph_newVertex(self.graphvbt);\n        let vtx3 = graph_newVer"
 & "tex(self.graphvbt);\n\tself.hopsT :=\n\t    self.hopsT @\n\t\t[{minNumH"
 & "ops => 0,\n\t\t  congested => 0.0,\n\t\t  moved => false,\n\t\t  blocke"
 & "d => false,\n\t\t  progress => true,\n\t\t  finished => false,\n\t\t  s"
 & "rc => ok,\n\t\t  dst => ok,\n\t\t  vmove => vtx1,\n\t\t  vlastnomove =>"
 & " ok,\n\t\t  nomovecnt => 0,\n\t\t  vlastblocked => ok,\n\t\t  blockedcn"
 & "t => 0,\n\t\t  vlab1 => vtx2,\n\t\t  vlab2 => vtx3}];\n        graph_ve"
 & "rtexToBack(vtx1);\n\tgraph_setVertexBorder(vtx1, self.border);\n\tgraph"
 & "_setVertexBorderColor(vtx1, color_rgb(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)); \n\tgraph_setVer"
 & "texColor(vtx1, moveColor);\n\tgraph_moveVertex(vtx1, float(i), self.bor"
 & "der/2.0, false);\n\tgraph_setVertexSize(vtx1, 0.95, self.border);\n\n\t"
 & "graph_setVertexFont(vtx2, self.vertexFont);\n\tgraph_setVertexColor(vtx"
 & "2, backgroundColor);\n\tgraph_setVertexLabelColor(vtx2, labelColor);\n\t"
 & "graph_moveVertex(vtx2, float(i), self.yLab1, false);\n\tgraph_setVertex"
 & "Size(vtx2, 0.95, self.fntVSize);\n\n\tgraph_setVertexLabel(vtx3, \"0%\""
 & ");\n\tgraph_setVertexFont(vtx3, self.vertexFont);\n\tgraph_setVertexCol"
 & "or(vtx3, backgroundColor);\n        graph_setVertexLabelColor(vtx3, lab"
 & "elColor);\n\tgraph_moveVertex(vtx3, float(i), self.yLab2, false);\n\tgr"
 & "aph_setVertexSize(vtx3, 0.95, self.fntVSize);\n      end;\n    end,\n\n"
 & "    NewPacket => meth (self, id, source, dest, fewestHops, name)\n     "
 & " self.hopsT[id].minNumHops := fewestHops;\n      self.hopsT[id].src := "
 & "source;\n      self.hopsT[id].dst := dest;\n      graph_setVertexLabel("
 & "self.hopsT[id].vlab1, name);\n    end,\n\n    EndPackets => meth (self)"
 & "\n      graph_redisplay(self.graphvbt);\n    end,\n\n    Blocked => met"
 & "h(self, id, fromN, toN)\n      self.hopsT[id].blocked := true;\n    end"
 & ",\n\n    MovePacket => meth(self, id, fromN, toN) \n      self.hopsT[id"
 & "].moved := true;\n    end,\n\n    Absorb => meth(self, id, node)\n     "
 & " self.hopsT[id].progress := false;\n    end,\n\n    QueueSize";

CONST E15_1 =
   "s => meth(self, queueSizes)\n      ok;\n    end,\n\n    Step => meth (s"
 & "elf)\n      let fmtReal = proc (txt, dec)\n\tvar auxtxt = txt;\n\tlet i"
 & "ndex = text_findFirstChar(\'.\', txt, 0);\n\tif index isnot ~1 then\n\t"
 & "  auxtxt := text_sub(txt, 0, index+dec);\n        end;\n\tauxtxt\n     "
 & " end;\n\n      self.steps := self.steps + 1;\n      if self.steps >self"
 & ".maxSteps then\n        self.maxSteps := self.maxSteps * 2;\n        se"
 & "lf.north := self.north * 2.0;\n\tself.south := self.south * 2.0;\n\tsel"
 & "f.fntVSize := self.fntVSize * 2.0;\n\tself.border := self.border * 2.0;"
 & "\n\tself.yLab1 := self.yLab1 * 2.0;\n\tself.yLab2 := self.yLab2 * 2.0;\n"
 & "\n        graph_setWorld(self.graphvbt,\n\t\t       self.east, self.wes"
 & "t, self.north, self.south);\n\n        for i = 0 to self.pktCnt-1 do\n "
 & "         graph_moveVertex(self.hopsT[i].vlab1,\n\t\t\t   float(i), self"
 & ".yLab1, false);\n\t  graph_setVertexSize(self.hopsT[i].vlab1,\n\t\t\t  "
 & "    0.95, self.fntVSize);\n          graph_moveVertex(self.hopsT[i].vla"
 & "b2,\n\t                   float(i), self.yLab2, false);\n          grap"
 & "h_setVertexSize(self.hopsT[i].vlab2,\n\t                      0.95, sel"
 & "f.fntVSize);\n        end;\n      end;\n\n      for i = 0 to self.pktCn"
 & "t-1 do\n\tif self.hopsT[i].finished is false then\n          if self.ho"
 & "psT[i].moved is false then\n            if self.hopsT[i].blocked is tru"
 & "e then\n\t      self.hopsT[i].blocked := false;\n              self.hop"
 & "sT[i].congested := self.hopsT[i].congested + 1.0;\n\t      if self.hops"
 & "T[i].vlastnomove isnot ok then\n\t\tself.hopsT[i].vlastnomove := ok;\n\t"
 & "\tself.hopsT[i].nomovecnt := 0;\n              end;\n\t      if self.ho"
 & "psT[i].vlastblocked is ok then\n\t        let vblocked = graph_newVerte"
 & "x(self.graphvbt);\n                graph_setVertexBorder(vblocked, self"
 & ".border);\n\t\tgraph_setVertexBorderColor(vblocked, color_rgb(0.0, 0.0,"
 & " 0.0));\n                graph_setVertexColor(vblocked, blockedColor);\n"
 & "\t\tgraph_moveVertex(vblocked, \n\t\t\t\t  float(i), float(self.steps) "
 & "- 0.5, false);\n                graph_setVertexSize(vblocked,  0.95, 1."
 & "0);\n\t\tself.hopsT[i].vlastblocked:=";

CONST E15_2 =
   " vblocked;\n\t\tself.hopsT[i].blockedcnt := 1;\n              else\n   "
 & "             self.hopsT[i].blockedcnt := self.hopsT[i].blockedcnt + 1;\n"
 & "\t\tgraph_moveVertex(self.hopsT[i].vblocked,\n\t\t\t\t  float(i),\n\t\t"
 & "\t\t  float(self.steps) -\n\t\t\t\t    (float(self.hopsT[i].blockedcnt)"
 & "/2.0),\n                                  false);\n                grap"
 & "h_setVertexSize(self.hopsT[i].vlastblocked,\n\t\t\t\t     0.95, float(s"
 & "elf.hopsT[i].blockedcnt));\n\n\t      end;\n            else\n\t      i"
 & "f self.hopsT[i].vlastblocked isnot ok then\n\t\tself.hopsT[i].vlastbloc"
 & "ked := ok;\n\t\tself.hopsT[i].blockedcnt := 0;\n              end;\n\t "
 & "     if self.hopsT[i].vlastnomove is ok then\n\t        let vnomove = g"
 & "raph_newVertex(self.graphvbt);\n\t        graph_setVertexBorder(vnomove"
 & ", self.border);\n\t        graph_setVertexBorderColor(vnomove, color_rg"
 & "b(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)); \n\t        graph_setVertexColor(vnomove, nomoveColo"
 & "r);\n\t        graph_moveVertex(vnomove, float(i), \n\t\t\t         flo"
 & "at(self.steps) - 0.5, false);\n                graph_setVertexSize(vnom"
 & "ove, 0.95, 1.0); \n\t        self.hopsT[i].vlastnomove := vnomove;\n\t "
 & "                     else\n\t        self.hopsT[i].nomovecnt := self.ho"
 & "psT[i].nomovecnt + 1;\n                graph_moveVertex(self.hopsT[i].v"
 & "lastnomove,\n\t\t\t         float(i),  \n\t\t\t         float(self.step"
 & "s) - \n\t\t\t\t     (float(self.hopsT[i].nomovecnt)/2.0),\n\t\t\t      "
 & "   false);\n                graph_setVertexSize(self.hopsT[i].vlastnomo"
 & "ve, \n\t\t\t\t    0.95, float(self.hopsT[i].nomovecnt));\n             "
 & " end;\n\t    end;\n          else\n\t    self.hopsT[i].moved := false;\n"
 & "\t    self.hopsT[i].vlastnomove := ok;\n\t    self.hopsT[i].nomovecnt :"
 & "= 0;\n\t    self.hopsT[i].vlastblocked := ok;\n\t    self.hopsT[i].bloc"
 & "kedcnt := 0;\n            graph_moveVertex( self.hopsT[i].vmove, \n\t\t"
 & "\t      float(i), float(self.steps)/2.0, false);\n            graph_set"
 & "VertexSize( self.hopsT[i].vmove, 0.95, float(self.steps));\n          e"
 & "nd;\n          graph_setVertexLabel( self.hopsT[i].vlab2,\n            "
 & "  fmtReal(\n\t          fmt_real( 100.0 * self.hopsT[i";

CONST E15_3 =
   "].congested /\n\t          float(self.steps)), 2)  & \"%\" );\n        "
 & "  if self.hopsT[i].progress isnot true then\n\t    self.hopsT[i].finish"
 & "ed := true;\n            let vtx = graph_newVertex(self.graphvbt);\n   "
 & "         graph_setVertexColor(vtx, finishedColor);\n\t    graph_moveVer"
 & "tex(vtx, float(i),\n\t\t\t     float(self.steps+1) - 0.75, false);\n   "
 & "         graph_setVertexSize(vtx, 0.96, 0.5);\n          end;\n\tend;\n"
 & "      end;\n      graph_redisplay(self.graphvbt);\n    end,\n\n  };\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.\n; All rights rese"
 & "rved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n;\n; Last modi"
 & "fied on Wed Feb  8 15:37:06 PST 1995 by kalsow\n\n;********************"
 & "************************************************\n;  NOTE: This file is"
 & " generated automatically from the event \n;        definition file Whee"
 & "ler.evt.\n;************************************************************"
 & "********\n\n(VBox\n  (Rim\n    (Pen 2)\n    (HBox\n      (VBox (Glue 4)"
 & " (Shape (Height + Inf) (Button %clear \"CLEAR\")) (Glue 4))\n      (Glu"
 & "e 4)\n      (VBox\n        (Boolean =TRUE %alg (Text LeftAlign \"Algori"
 & "thm events\"))\n        (Boolean =FALSE %zeus (Text LeftAlign \"Zeus ev"
 & "ents\"))\n        (Boolean =TRUE %args (Text LeftAlign \"Display args t"
 & "o events\")))\n      Fill))\n  (Bar 1)\n  (Shape (ShadowSize 0) (Height"
 & " 200 + INF) (TextEdit ReadOnly %transcript)))\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation\n; All rights reser"
 & "ved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n\n(VBox \n  (Gl"
 & "ue 10)\n  (HBox \n    (Shape (Width + 0) \"Capacity for new edges: \") "
 & "\n    (Border (TypeIn %capacity =\"3.0\"))\n    (Glue 20))\n  (Glue 10)"
 & "\n  (HBox\n    (Shape (Width + 0) \"Label prefix for new vertex: \") \n"
 & "    (Border (TypeIn %vertexname =\"\"))\n    (Glue 20))\n  (Glue 10) (B"
 & "ar) (Glue 10)\n  (HBox\n    (Shape (Width + 0) \"Create edge between ve"
 & "rtex: \") \n    (Border (TypeIn %vertex0))\n    (Glue 20))\n  (Glue 10)"
 & "\n  (HBox\n    (Shape (Width + 0) \"   and vertex: \") \n    (Border (T"
 & "ypeIn %vertex1))\n    (Glue 20)\n    (Button %DoEdge \" DO IT \")\n    "
 & "(Glue 20))\n  (Glue 10) (Bar) (Glue 10)\n  (Filter Dormant (HBox\n    ("
 & "Glue 10)\n    (Button %Save \"Save/use Pkl file\")\n    (Glue 10)\n    "
 & "(Border (TypeIn %filename =\"\"))\n    (Glue 20) Fill))\n  (Glue 10)\n "
 & " (VBox\n    (Shape (Height + 0) (Text LeftAlign \"Canned data files:\")"
 & ")\n    (Border (Shape (Height 100 + Inf)\n      (Browser =0 %asciifilen"
 & "ame \n        (Items \"data.backedge\" \"data.big\" \"data.big2\" \"dat"
 & "a.fin\" \"data.simple\")\n        ))))\n  (Glue 10)\n)\n";

   "#include <algorithm.h>\n#include <R2.h>\n#include <Math.h>\n\n#define M"
 & "axDistance 1.0E30\n\ntypedef Link = struct Linkstruct {\n    Point p;\n"
 & "    Link next;\n    } * ;\n\nfloat min = 100.0;\nLink h,z;\nint N   = 0"
 & ".0;\n\n@CheckforMin\ncheck_for_min (p1, p2)@\npoint p1,p2;\n{\n@5    if"
 & " (dist(p1,p2) < min)@\n@10      update_min(p1,p2);@\n}\n@CheckforMin\n\n"
 & "@FindClosestPair\nlink find_closest_pair (c,N)@\nlink c;\nint N;\n{\n  "
 & "link a, b, t1, t2;\n  int i;\n  real middle_xcoord;\n  point p1, p2, p3"
 & ", p4;\n\n@5   a = c;@\n@10   b = middle_of_list(c,N);@\n@15   middle_xc"
 & "oord = b -> p.x;@\n\n@20   t1 = find_closest_pair(a, N div 2);@\n@25   "
 & "t2 = find_closest_pair(b, N - (N div 2));@\n\n@30   c = merge_lists(t1,"
 & " t2);@\n\n@35   a = c;@\n  repeat\n  {\n@40     if ((abs(a -> p.x - mid"
 & "dle_xcoord) < min) && (p1 != z -> p)) @\n      {\n@45       check_for_m"
 & "in(a -> p, p1);@\n@50       check_for_min(a -> p, p2);@\n@55       chec"
 & "k_for_min(a -> p, p3);@\n@60       check_for_min(a -> p, p4);@\n@65    "
 & "   p1 = p2; p2 = p3; p3 = p4; p4 = a -> p;@\n      }\n@70     a = a -> "
 & "next;@\n  }\n@75   until a = z;@\n@80   return c;@\n}\n@FindClosestPair"
 & "\n \n@Main\nmain()  /* Main program: computes closest pair in given set"
 & " of points */@\n{\n@5  initialize_list_of_points(h,&N);@\n@10  sort_by_"
 & "X(h, N);@\n@15  find_closest_pair(h, N);@\n}\n@Main\n";

   "Source 100 500\nV2 300 500\nV3 500 500\nSink 700 500\nV4 200 350\nV5 40"
 & "0 350\nV6 400 650\nV7 600 650\nSource -> V2 1.9\nV2 -> V3 2.4\nV3 -> Si"
 & "nk 1.1\nSource -> V4 3.2\nV4 -> V5 2.3\nV5 -> V3 1.7\nV2 -> V6 2.88\nV6"
 & " -> V7 3.12\nV7 -> Sink 1.98\n.\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.\n; All rights rese"
 & "rved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n;\n; Last modi"
 & "fied on Wed Feb  8 15:29:09 PST 1995 by kalsow\n\n;********************"
 & "************************************************\n;  NOTE: This file is"
 & " generated automatically from the event \n;        definition file Hull"
 & ".evt.\n;***************************************************************"
 & "*****\n\n(VBox\n  (Border (Pen 1)\n    (Shape\n      (Height 75 - 25 + "
 & "Inf)\n      (Viewport\n        (HBox\n          (Glue 4 + Inf)\n       "
 & "   (VBox\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n   "
 & "           (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n               "
 & "                 \"Code View events:   Stop? \") \n                    "
 & "(Boolean %stopatCodeEvents =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n"
 & "                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n    "
 & "                (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitatCodeEvents =1 \n     "
 & "                                          (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n      "
 & "      (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox"
 & " Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                               "
 & " \"Setup:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtSetup =TRUE"
 & " \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Widt"
 & "h + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80"
 & ") (Numeric %waitAtSetup =1 \n                                          "
 & "     (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (H"
 & "eight 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0)"
 & " \n                                \"SetHalfPlane:   Stop? \") \n      "
 & "              (Boolean %stopAtSetHalfPlane =TRUE \"\")\n               "
 & "     (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"W"
 & "eight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtSetHa"
 & "lfPlane =1 \n                                               (Min 0) (Ma"
 & "x 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n "
 & "       ";

CONST E20_0 =
   "      (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                    "
 & "            \"ClearHead:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %st"
 & "opAtClearHead =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n             "
 & "       (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                 "
 & "   (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtClearHead =1 \n                   "
 & "                            (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)"
 & "\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape ("
 & "Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"TestSite:  "
 & " Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtTestSite =TRUE \"\")\n"
 & "                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) ("
 & "Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numer"
 & "ic %waitAtTestSite =1 \n                                               "
 & "(Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height"
 & " 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n  "
 & "                              \"ClearTest:   Stop? \") \n              "
 & "      (Boolean %stopAtClearTest =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue "
 & "10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n"
 & "                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtClearTest =1 \n  "
 & "                                             (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n   "
 & "         (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (H"
 & "Box Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                            "
 & "    \"SetTail:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtSetTai"
 & "l =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shap"
 & "e (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (W"
 & "idth 80) (Numeric %waitAtSetTail =1 \n                                 "
 & "              (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            "
 & "(Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (He"
 & "ight + 0) \n                                \"ClearTail:   Stop? \") \n"
 & "                    (Boolean %stopAtClearTail =TRUE \"\")\n            "
 & "       ";

CONST E20_1 =
   " (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weigh"
 & "t: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtClearTail"
 & " =1 \n                                               (Min 0) (Max 100))"
 & ")))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n        "
 & "      (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                    "
 & "            \"MoveHalfPlane:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean"
 & " %stopAtMoveHalfPlane =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n     "
 & "               (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n         "
 & "           (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtMoveHalfPlane =1 \n       "
 & "                                        (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n        "
 & "    (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox F"
 & "ill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \""
 & "Confirm:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtConfirm =TRU"
 & "E \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Wid"
 & "th + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 8"
 & "0) (Numeric %waitAtConfirm =1 \n                                       "
 & "        (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape"
 & " (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height +"
 & " 0) \n                                \"Deny:   Stop? \") \n           "
 & "         (Boolean %stopAtDeny =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10"
 & ")\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n "
 & "                   (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtDeny =1 \n        "
 & "                                       (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n         "
 & "   (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fi"
 & "ll (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \""
 & "Swap:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtSwap =TRUE \"\""
 & ")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0"
 & ") (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Nu"
 & "meric %waitAtSwap =1 \n                                               ("
 & "Min 0";

CONST E20_2 =
   ") (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + "
 & "0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n        "
 & "                        \"Sentinel:   Stop? \") \n                    ("
 & "Boolean %stopAtSentinel =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n   "
 & "                 (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n       "
 & "             (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtSentinel =1 \n          "
 & "                                     (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n           "
 & " (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill"
 & " (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"Re"
 & "Order:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtReOrder =TRUE "
 & "\"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width"
 & " + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80)"
 & " (Numeric %waitAtReOrder =1 \n                                         "
 & "      (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape ("
 & "Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0"
 & ") \n                                \"Stretch:   Stop? \") \n          "
 & "          (Boolean %stopAtStretch =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glu"
 & "e 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \""
 & ")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtStretch =1 \n "
 & "                                              (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n  "
 & "          (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              ("
 & "HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                           "
 & "     \"Snap:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtSnap =TR"
 & "UE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Wi"
 & "dth + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width "
 & "80) (Numeric %waitAtSnap =1 \n                                         "
 & "      (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape ("
 & "Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0"
 & ") \n                                \"Shuffle:   Stop? \") \n          "
 & "        ";

CONST E20_3 =
   "  (Boolean %stopAtShuffle =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n "
 & "                   (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n     "
 & "               (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtShuffle =1 \n         "
 & "                                      (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n          "
 & "  (Glue 6)\n          )\n          (Glue 4)\n          (VBox\n         "
 & "   (Glue 5)\n            (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \"Cts:\")\n"
 & "            (Button %eventCounts\n              (VBox\n                "
 & "(Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0)"
 & " \n                                  (Text %ctOfSetup \"0\")))\n       "
 & "         (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Heigh"
 & "t 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfSetHalfPlane \""
 & "0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Wi"
 & "dth + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctO"
 & "fClearHead \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fi"
 & "ll (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                               "
 & "   (Text %ctOfTestSite \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n            "
 & "    (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                   "
 & "               (Text %ctOfClearTest \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n"
 & "                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n       "
 & "                           (Text %ctOfSetTail \"0\")))\n               "
 & " (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0"
 & ") \n                                  (Text %ctOfClearTail \"0\")))\n  "
 & "              (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) ("
 & "Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfMoveHalfP"
 & "lane \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Sh"
 & "ape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Te"
 & "xt %ctOfConfirm \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HB"
 & "ox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                          "
 & "        (Text %ctOfDeny \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n           "
 & "     (HBo";

CONST E20_4 =
   "x Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                           "
 & "       (Text %ctOfSwap \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n            "
 & "    (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                   "
 & "               (Text %ctOfSentinel \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n"
 & "                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n       "
 & "                           (Text %ctOfReOrder \"0\")))\n               "
 & " (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0"
 & ") \n                                  (Text %ctOfStretch \"0\")))\n    "
 & "            (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (He"
 & "ight 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfSnap \"0\")"
 & "))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width "
 & "+ 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfShu"
 & "ffle \"0\")))\n                (Glue 3))))\n          Fill\n          ("
 & "Glue 4 + Inf)\n        )\n      )\n    )\n  )\n)\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.\n; All rights rese"
 & "rved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n;\n; Last modi"
 & "fied on Wed Feb  8 15:29:09 PST 1995 by kalsow\n\n;********************"
 & "************************************************\n;  NOTE: This file is"
 & " generated automatically from the event \n;        definition file logo"
 & ".evt.\n;***************************************************************"
 & "*****\n\n(VBox\n  (Border (Pen 1)\n    (Shape\n      (Height 75 - 25 + "
 & "Inf)\n      (Viewport\n        (HBox\n          (Glue 4 + Inf)\n       "
 & "   (VBox\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n   "
 & "           (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n               "
 & "                 \"Code View events:   Stop? \") \n                    "
 & "(Boolean %stopatCodeEvents =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n"
 & "                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n    "
 & "                (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitatCodeEvents =1 \n     "
 & "                                          (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n      "
 & "      (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox"
 & " Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                               "
 & " \"Init:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtInit =TRUE \""
 & "\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width +"
 & " 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) ("
 & "Numeric %waitAtInit =1 \n                                              "
 & " (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Heigh"
 & "t 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n "
 & "                               \"RandomStep:   Stop? \") \n            "
 & "        (Boolean %stopAtRandomStep =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Gl"
 & "ue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \""
 & ")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtRandomStep =1 "
 & "\n                                               (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n"
 & "            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n             "
 & " (HB";

CONST E21_0 =
   "ox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                             "
 & "   \"Shift:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtShift =TR"
 & "UE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Wi"
 & "dth + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width "
 & "80) (Numeric %waitAtShift =1 \n                                        "
 & "       (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape "
 & "(Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + "
 & "0) \n                                \"Marquee:   Stop? \") \n         "
 & "           (Boolean %stopAtMarquee =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Gl"
 & "ue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \""
 & ")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtMarquee =1 \n "
 & "                                              (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n  "
 & "          (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              ("
 & "HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                           "
 & "     \"MarqueeSpots:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAt"
 & "MarqueeSpots =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n              "
 & "      (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                  "
 & "  (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtMarqueeSpots =1 \n                 "
 & "                              (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue "
 & "6)\n          )\n          (Glue 4)\n          (VBox\n            (Glue"
 & " 5)\n            (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \"Cts:\")\n        "
 & "    (Button %eventCounts\n              (VBox\n                (Glue 6)"
 & "\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n     "
 & "                             (Text %ctOfInit \"0\")))\n                "
 & "(Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0)"
 & " \n                                  (Text %ctOfRandomStep \"0\")))\n  "
 & "              (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) ("
 & "Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfShift \"0"
 & "\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Wid"
 & "th + 0) (";

CONST E21_1 =
   "Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfMarquee \""
 & "0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Wi"
 & "dth + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctO"
 & "fMarqueeSpots \"0\")))\n                (Glue 3))))\n          Fill\n  "
 & "        (Glue 4 + Inf)\n        )\n      )\n    )\n  )\n)\n";

 & " @=\n  BEGIN\n  @1 FOR y := 0 TO V-1 DO@\n    @2 FOR x := 0 TO V-1 DO@\n"
 & "      @3 IF a[x, y] THEN @\n        @4 FOR j := 0 TO V-1 DO @\n        "
 & "    @5 IF a[y, j] THEN @ @6 a[x, j] := TRUE @ END; (* if *)            "
 & "    \n          END; (* for j *)\n        END; (* if *)\n      END; (* "
 & "for x *)\n    END; (* for y *)\n  END Warshall;\n@Warshall\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.\n; All rights rese"
 & "rved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n;\n; Last modi"
 & "fied on Wed Feb  8 15:29:09 PST 1995 by kalsow\n\n;********************"
 & "************************************************\n;  NOTE: This file is"
 & " generated automatically from the event \n;        definition file Hash"
 & ".evt.\n;***************************************************************"
 & "*****\n\n(VBox\n  (Border (Pen 1)\n    (Shape\n      (Height 75 - 25 + "
 & "Inf)\n      (Viewport\n        (HBox\n          (Glue 4 + Inf)\n       "
 & "   (VBox\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n   "
 & "           (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n               "
 & "                 \"Code View events:   Stop? \") \n                    "
 & "(Boolean %stopatCodeEvents =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n"
 & "                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n    "
 & "                (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitatCodeEvents =1 \n     "
 & "                                          (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n      "
 & "      (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox"
 & " Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                               "
 & " \"Setup:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtSetup =TRUE"
 & " \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Widt"
 & "h + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80"
 & ") (Numeric %waitAtSetup =1 \n                                          "
 & "     (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (H"
 & "eight 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0)"
 & " \n                                \"Insert:   Stop? \") \n            "
 & "        (Boolean %stopAtInsert =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 1"
 & "0)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n"
 & "                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtInsert =1 \n     "
 & "                                          (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n      "
 & "      (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox"
 & " Fill (";

CONST E23_0 =
   "Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"Find"
 & ":   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtFind =TRUE \"\")\n "
 & "                   (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (H"
 & "eight + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeri"
 & "c %waitAtFind =1 \n                                               (Min "
 & "0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 +"
 & " 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n       "
 & "                         \"Delete:   Stop? \") \n                    (B"
 & "oolean %stopAtDelete =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n      "
 & "              (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n          "
 & "          (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtDelete =1 \n               "
 & "                                (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glu"
 & "e 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Sha"
 & "pe (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"Compare"
 & ":   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtCompare =TRUE \"\")"
 & "\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0)"
 & " (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Num"
 & "eric %waitAtCompare =1 \n                                              "
 & " (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Heigh"
 & "t 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n "
 & "                               \"CheckDeletable:   Stop? \") \n        "
 & "            (Boolean %stopAtCheckDeletable =TRUE \"\")\n               "
 & "     (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"W"
 & "eight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtCheck"
 & "Deletable =1 \n                                               (Min 0) ("
 & "Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n"
 & "              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n            "
 & "                    \"CheckHashPosition:   Stop? \") \n                "
 & "    (Boolean %stopAtCheckHashPosition =TRUE \"\")\n                    "
 & "(Glue 1";

CONST E23_1 =
   "0)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n"
 & "                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtCheckHashPosition"
 & " =1 \n                                               (Min 0) (Max 100))"
 & ")))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n        "
 & "      (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                    "
 & "            \"AddToBucket:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %"
 & "stopAtAddToBucket =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n         "
 & "           (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n             "
 & "       (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtAddToBucket =1 \n             "
 & "                                  (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (G"
 & "lue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (S"
 & "hape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"Delet"
 & "eFromBucket:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtDeleteFr"
 & "omBucket =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                  "
 & "  (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (S"
 & "hape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtDeleteFromBucket =1 \n                 "
 & "                              (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue "
 & "6)\n          )\n          (Glue 4)\n          (VBox\n            (Glue"
 & " 5)\n            (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \"Cts:\")\n        "
 & "    (Button %eventCounts\n              (VBox\n                (Glue 6)"
 & "\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n     "
 & "                             (Text %ctOfSetup \"0\")))\n               "
 & " (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0"
 & ") \n                                  (Text %ctOfInsert \"0\")))\n     "
 & "           (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Hei"
 & "ght 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfFind \"0\"))"
 & ")\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width +"
 & " 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfDele"
 & "te \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shap"
 & "e (Width";

CONST E23_2 =
   " + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfCo"
 & "mpare \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (S"
 & "hape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (T"
 & "ext %ctOfCheckDeletable \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n           "
 & "     (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                  "
 & "                (Text %ctOfCheckHashPosition \"0\")))\n                "
 & "(Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0)"
 & " \n                                  (Text %ctOfAddToBucket \"0\")))\n "
 & "               (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) "
 & "(Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfDeleteFr"
 & "omBucket \"0\")))\n                (Glue 3))))\n          Fill\n       "
 & "   (Glue 4 + Inf)\n        )\n      )\n    )\n  )\n)\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation\n; All rights reser"
 & "ved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n\n(Shape\n  (Wi"
 & "dth + Inf)\n  (Rim\n    (Pen 8)\n    (Macro Fixed BOA (child) `(Shape ("
 & "Width + 0) (Height + 0) ,child))\n    (Macro\n      Divider\n      BOA\n"
 & "      (name str)\n      `(PageButton\n         (ShadowSize 0.0)\n      "
 & "   (For ,name)\n         (Boolean\n           (ShadowSize 1.5)\n       "
 & "    (HBox\n             (VBox Fill Bar Fill)\n             (Shape (Widt"
 & "h + 0) (Height + 0) ,str)\n             (VBox Fill Bar Fill)))))\n    ("
 & "Macro\n      Dividee\n      BOA\n      (name child)\n      `(TSplit Fle"
 & "x =0 %,name Circular (Generic) ,child))\n    (VBox\n      (Glue 4 + 0)\n"
 & "      (HBox\n        (Shape (Width + 0) \"Number of buckets: \")\n     "
 & "   (Numeric (Min 1) (Max 1000) %Buckets =29)\n        Fill)\n      (Glu"
 & "e 4 + 0)\n      (HBox\n        (Boolean %PauseOnDeletes =FALSE (Text Le"
 & "ftAlign \"  Pause On Deletes\"))\n        Fill)\n      (Glue 4 + 0)\n  "
 & "    (HBox\n        (Shape (Width + 0) \"Number of operations: \")\n    "
 & "    (Numeric (Min 1) (Max 10000) %Ops =100)\n        Fill)\n      (Glue"
 & " 4 + 0)\n      (Shape (Height + 0) (Text LeftAlign \"Key generation:\")"
 & ")\n      (HBox\n        (Radio\n          (VBox\n            (Choice %R"
 & "andom =FALSE (Text LeftAlign \"  Random\"))\n            (Choice %Conse"
 & "q =TRUE (Text LeftAlign \"  Consequtive\"))))\n        Fill)\n      (HB"
 & "ox\n        (Shape (Width + 0) \"Number of initial inserts: \")\n      "
 & "  (Numeric (Min 0) (Max 10000) %InitInserts =29)\n        Fill)\n      "
 & "(HBox\n        (Shape (Width + 0) \"Number of initial deletes: \")\n   "
 & "     (Numeric (Min 0) (Max 10000) %InitDeletes =10)\n        Fill)\n   "
 & "   (HBox\n        (Shape (Width + 0) \"Percentage of inserts: \")\n    "
 & "    (Numeric (Min 0) (Max 100) %Inserts =20)\n        Fill)\n      (HBo"
 & "x\n        (Shape (Width + 0) \"Percentage of deletes: \")\n        (Nu"
 & "meric (Min 0) (Max 100) %Deletes =20)\n        Fill)\n      (HBox\n    "
 & "    (Shape (Width + 0) \"Percentage of successful finds: \")\n        ("
 & "Numeric (Min 0) (Max 100) %Su";

CONST E24_0 =
   "ccFinds =5)\n        Fill)\n      (HBox\n        (Shape (Width + 0) \"F"
 & "ixed ``Random\'\' Sequence: \")\n        (Boolean %FixedRandom =FALSE \""
 & "\")\n        Fill)\n      (Glue 10)\n      (Divider viewFormT \"Input f"
 & "or view\")\n      (Dividee\n        viewFormT\n        (HBox\n         "
 & " (Fill)\n          (Shape\n            (Width + 0)\n            (VBox\n"
 & "              (HBox\n                (Shape (Width + 0) \"Normal Color:"
 & " \")\n                (TypeIn %NormalColor =\"QuiteLightBlue\"))\n     "
 & "         (HBox\n                (Shape (Width + 0) \"Nil Color: \")\n  "
 & "              (TypeIn %NilColor =\"QuiteLightYellow\"))\n              "
 & "(HBox\n                (Shape (Width + 0) \"Empty Color: \")\n         "
 & "       (TypeIn %EmptyColor =\"QuiteLightBrown\"))\n              (HBox\n"
 & "                (Shape (Width + 0) \"Compare Color: \")\n              "
 & "  (TypeIn %CompareColor =\"LightOrange\"))\n              (HBox\n      "
 & "          (Shape (Width + 0) \"New Color: \")\n                (TypeIn "
 & "%NewColor =\"QuiteLightGreen\"))\n              (HBox\n                "
 & "(Shape (Width + 0) \"Check Deletable Color: \")\n                (TypeI"
 & "n %CheckDeletableColor =\"QuiteLightMagenta\"))\n              (HBox\n "
 & "               (Shape (Width + 0) \"Check Hash Position Color: \")\n   "
 & "             (TypeIn %CheckHashPositionColor =\"QuiteLightCyan\"))\n   "
 & "           (HBox\n                (Shape (Width + 0) \"Operation Highli"
 & "ght Color: \")\n                (TypeIn %OperationHighlightColor =\"Vio"
 & "let\"))\n              (HBox\n                (Shape (Width + 0) \"Item"
 & " Color: \")\n                (TypeIn %ItemColor =\"QuiteLightGreenishBl"
 & "ue\"))))\n          (Fill))))))";

   "(* Copyright (C) 1993, Digital Equipment Corporation                   "
 & "      *)\n(* All rights reserved.                                      "
 & "                *)\n(* See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.  "
 & "                          *)\n(*                                       "
 & "                                    *)\n(* Last modified on Mon Jan  9 "
 & "12:13:42 PST 1995 by najork                   *)\n(*      modified on W"
 & "ed Oct 13 19:41:11 PDT 1993 by mann                     *)\n(*      mod"
 & "ified on Thu Jul 22 14:27:15 PDT 1993 by perl                     *)\n\n"
 & "let stringColor = color_named(\"Pink\");\nlet stringLabelColor = color_"
 & "named(\"Black\");\nlet matrixColor = color_named(\"QuiteLightSlightlyGr"
 & "eenishVividBlue\");\nlet matrixLabelColor = color_named(\"Black\");\nle"
 & "t rowIndexColor = stringColor;\nlet rowIndexLabelColor = stringLabelCol"
 & "or;\nlet otherIndexColor = color_named(\"White\");\nlet otherIndexLabel"
 & "Color = color_named(\"DarkGray\");\nlet shadowColor = color_named(\"Lig"
 & "htGray\");\nlet shadowLabelColor = color_named(\"Black\");\nlet alphaCo"
 & "lor = color_named(\"LightYellow\");\nlet alphaLabelColor = color_named("
 & "\"Black\");\nlet permutedColor = alphaColor;\nlet permutedLabelColor = "
 & "alphaLabelColor;\nlet codesColor = color_named(\"White\");\nlet codesLa"
 & "belColor = color_named(\"Black\");\nlet codesHiliteLabelColor = color_n"
 & "amed(\"DarkRed\");\nlet arrowColor = color_named(\"DarkRed\");\nlet dup"
 & "lColor = color_named(\"LightGray\");\nlet duplLabelColor = color_named("
 & "\"VeryDarkGray\");\n\nlet makeDippingPath = proc(startX, endX, y, dip)\n"
 & "    proc(t)\n        [ (startX * (1.0 - t)) + (endX * t),\n\t  y + (dip"
 & " * (0.25 - ((t - 0.5) * (t - 0.5))))]\n    end\nend;\n\nlet view =\n  {"
 & "\n    graphvbt => graph_new(),\n    vertexFont => ok,\n    n => ok,\n  "
 & "  string => {chars => ok, vtx => ok},\n    xlast => {chars => ok, vtx ="
 & "> ok},\n    alphalen => ok,\n    matrix => ok,\n    rowIndex => ok,\n  "
 & "  rowIndexVtx => ok,\n    rowIndexGhostVtx => ok,\n    codes => {array "
 & "=> ok, vtx => ok},\n    codeSearchArrow => ok,\n    rowIndices => ok,\n"
 & "\n    StartPermute => me";

CONST E25_0 =
   "th(self, string, alpha)\n    (* Start of first phase of compression, in"
 & " which we permute the\n       original string.\n     *)\n        self.v"
 & "ertexFont := graph_newFont(self.graphvbt, \"Helvetica\",\n             "
 & "                            0.5, \"Roman\", \"bold\", \"*\");\n        "
 & "self.n := text_length(string);\n\tself.alphalen := text_length(alpha);\n"
 & "\n\tself.string.chars := string;\n\tself.xlast.chars := alpha;\n\n\tsel"
 & " := array_new(self.n, ok);\n := arra"
 & "y_new(self.n, ok);\n\n\tlet north = ~3.0,\n            south = float(se"
 & "lf.n) + 4.25,\n            west = -(float(self.alphalen) + 1.0),\n     "
 & "       east = float(self.n) + 1.0;\n\tgraph_setWorld(self.graphvbt, wes"
 & "t, east, north, south);\n\tgraph_setAspect(self.graphvbt, (south - nort"
 & "h) / (east - west));\n\tgraph_setPixelSizeDivisor(self.graphvbt,\n     "
 & "                             round(east - west),\n\t\t\t          round"
 & "(south - north));\n\n        self.xlast.vtx := array_new(self.alphalen "
 & "+ self.n, ok);\n        for i = 0 to self.alphalen - 1 do\n            "
 & "let v = graph_newVertex(self.graphvbt);\n            self.xlast.vtx[i] "
 & ":= v;\n\t    graph_setVertexSize(v, 0.0, 0.0); (*invisible for now*)\n "
 & "           graph_setVertexLabel(v, text_sub(self.xlast.chars, i, 1));\n"
 & "            graph_setVertexFont(v, self.vertexFont);\n            graph"
 & "_setVertexColor(v, alphaColor);\n            graph_setVertexLabelColor("
 & "v, alphaLabelColor);\n            graph_setVertexBorder(v, 0.05);\n    "
 & "        graph_moveVertex(v, float(i - (2 * self.alphalen)) - 4.0,\n    "
 & "                            float(self.n + 1), false);\n        end;\n\n"
 & "        self.string.vtx := array_new(self.n, ok);\n        for i = 0 to"
 & " self.n - 1 do\n            let v = graph_newVertex(self.graphvbt);\n  "
 & "          self.string.vtx[i] := v;\n            graph_setVertexLabel(v,"
 & " text_sub(string, i, 1));\n            graph_setVertexFont(v, self.vert"
 & "exFont);\n            graph_setVertexColor(v, stringColor);\n          "
 & "  graph_setVertexLabelColor(v, stringLabelColor);\n            graph_se"
 & "tVerte";

CONST E25_1 =
   "xBorder(v, 0.05);\n            graph_moveVertex(v, float(i), ~2.0, fals"
 & "e);\n\t    graph_setVertexSize(v, 0.95, 0.95);\n        end;\n\n\tgraph"
 & "_redisplay(self.graphvbt);\n\n        self.matrix := array_new(self.n, "
 & "ok);\n\tself.rowIndices := array_new(self.n, ok);\n    end,\n\n    Next"
 & "Rotation => meth(self, i, string)\n    (* Forming the matrix of rotatio"
 & "ns.  The ith row of the matrix is string.\n       The 0th row does caus"
 & "e an event, with string equal to the initial\n       string.\n    *)\n\n"
 & "        self.matrix[i] := { vtx => array_new(self.n, ok),\n            "
 & "                chars => string };\n        for j = 0 to self.n - 1 do\n"
 & "            let v = graph_newVertex(self.graphvbt);\n            self.m"
 & "atrix[i].vtx[j] := v;\n            graph_setVertexLabel(v, text_sub(str"
 & "ing, j, 1));\n            graph_setVertexFont(v, self.vertexFont);\n   "
 & "         graph_setVertexBorder(v, 0.05);\n\t    if i is 0 then\n  \t   "
 & "     graph_setVertexColor(v, stringColor);\n                graph_setVe"
 & "rtexLabelColor(v, stringLabelColor);\n                graph_moveVertex("
 & "v, float(j), ~2.0, false);\n                graph_moveVertex(v, float(j"
 & "), 0.0, true);\n\t    else\n  \t        graph_setVertexColor(v, matrixC"
 & "olor);\n                graph_setVertexLabelColor(v, matrixLabelColor);"
 & "\n                graph_moveVertex(v, float((j+1) % self.n),\n         "
 & "                           float(i-1), false);\n                graph_m"
 & "oveVertex(v, float(((j+1) % self.n) - 1),\n                            "
 & "        float(i), true);\n\t    end;\n\t    graph_setVertexSize(v, 0.95"
 & ", 0.95);\n        end;\n\n\tif i is 0 then\n   \t    zeus_animate(self."
 & "graphvbt, 0.0, 1.0);\n\telse\n   \t    zeus_animate(self.graphvbt, 0.0,"
 & " 0.75);\n\t    graph_moveVertexOnPath(self.matrix[i].vtx[self.n - 1],\n"
 & "\t\t    \t           makeDippingPath(~1.0, float(self.n - 1),\n        "
 & "                                           float(i), 2.0));\n\t    zeus"
 & "_animate(self.graphvbt, 0.75, 1.0);\n\tend;\n\n\tlet v = graph_newVerte"
 & "x(self.graphvbt);\n\tself.rowIndices[i] := v;\n\tgraph_setVertexLabel(v"
 & ", fmt_int(i));";

CONST E25_2 =
   "\n\tgraph_setVertexFont(v, self.vertexFont);\n\tgraph_setVertexColor(v,"
 & " otherIndexColor);\n\tgraph_setVertexLabelColor(v, otherIndexLabelColor"
 & ");\n\tgraph_moveVertex(v, float(self.n), float(i), false);\n\tgraph_set"
 & "VertexSize(v, 0.95, 0.95);\n\tgraph_redisplay(self.graphvbt);\n    end,"
 & "\n\n    RotationsSorted => meth(self, rotations, rowIndex)\n    (* The "
 & "matrix of rotations, in sorted order; rowIndex is the index\n       whe"
 & "re the original string landed.\n    *)\n        let moved = array_new(s"
 & "elf.n, false),\n            newMatrix = array_new(self.n, ok);\n\n     "
 & "   for i = 0 to self.n-1 do\n            for j = 0 to self.n-1 do\n    "
 & "            if not(moved[j]) and\n                   text_equal(rotatio"
 & "ns[i],\n                              self.matrix[j].chars)\n          "
 & "      then\n\t\t    newMatrix[i] := self.matrix[j];\n\t\t    moved[j] :"
 & "= true;\n\t\t    for k = 0 to self.n-1 do\n\t\t\tlet v = newMatrix[i].v"
 & "tx[k];\n\t\t\tif j > i then\n\t\t\t    graph_vertexToBack(v);\n        "
 & "                else\n                            graph_vertexToFront(v"
 & ");\n\t\t        end;\n\t\t\tgraph_moveVertex(v, float(k), float(i), tru"
 & "e);\n\t            end;\n\t\t    exit;\n\t\tend;\n\t    end;\n\tend;\n\n"
 & "\tself.matrix := newMatrix;\n\tzeus_animate(self.graphvbt, 0.0, 2.0);\n"
 & "\n\tself.rowIndex := rowIndex;\n\tlet v = graph_newVertex(self.graphvbt"
 & ");\n\tself.rowIndexVtx := v;\n\tgraph_setVertexShape(v, \"ellipse\");\n"
 & "\tgraph_setVertexLabel(v, fmt_int(self.rowIndex));\n\tgraph_setVertexFo"
 & "nt(v, self.vertexFont);\n\tgraph_setVertexColor(v, rowIndexColor);\n\tg"
 & "raph_setVertexLabelColor(v, rowIndexLabelColor);\n\tgraph_setVertexBord"
 & "er(v, 0.05);\n\tgraph_moveVertex(v, float(self.n), float(rowIndex), fal"
 & "se);\n\tgraph_setVertexSize(v, 0.95, 0.95);\n\tgraph_redisplay(self.gra"
 & "phvbt);\t\n    end,\n\n    PermuteDone => meth(self, lastchars, rowInde"
 & "x)\n    (* Done with first phase of compression.  The permuted string ("
 & "last column\n       of the sorted matrix of rotations) is lastchars.  T"
 & "he row index of the\n       original string in the matrix is rowIndex.\n"
 & "    *)\n\n\tself.xlast.chars := self.xlast.chars & ";

CONST E25_3 =
   "lastchars;\n\tfor ii = 0 to self.n - 1 do\n\t    let i = (self.n - 1) -"
 & " ii;\n            let v = graph_newVertex(self.graphvbt),\n\t        w "
 & "= self.matrix[i].vtx[self.n-1];\n\n\t    graph_vertexToBack(v);\n      "
 & "      graph_setVertexLabel(v, text_sub(lastchars, i, 1));\n            "
 & "graph_setVertexFont(v, self.vertexFont);\n            graph_setVertexCo"
 & "lor(v, duplColor);\n            graph_setVertexLabelColor(v, duplLabelC"
 & "olor);\n            graph_setVertexBorder(v, 0.05);\n            graph_"
 & "moveVertex(v, float(self.n - 1), float(i), false);\n\t    graph_setVert"
 & "exSize(v, 0.95, 0.95);\n\n\t    graph_vertexToFront(w);\n            gr"
 & "aph_moveVertex(w, float(i), float(self.n + 1), true);\n\n            se"
 & "lf.xlast.vtx[i+self.alphalen] := w;\n            self.matrix[i].vtx[sel"
 & "f.n - 1] := v;\n\tend;\n\n    \tzeus_animate(self.graphvbt, 0.0, 2.0 (*"
 & "!!*));\n    end,\n\n    StartEncode => meth(self, alphabet)\n    (* Rea"
 & "dy to start encoding the permuted string using alphabet.\n    *)\n     "
 & "   for i = 0 to self.alphalen - 1 do\n\t    graph_setVertexSize(self.xl"
 & "ast.vtx[i], 0.95, 0.95);\n            graph_moveVertex(self.xlast.vtx[i"
 & "],\n                             float(i - self.alphalen),\n           "
 & "                  float(self.n + 1), true);\n\tend;\n\n\tzeus_animate(s"
 & "elf.graphvbt, 0.0, 1.0);\n\n\tfor i = 0 to self.n - 1 do\n\t    let v ="
 & " self.xlast.vtx[i + self.alphalen];\n            graph_setVertexColor(v"
 & ", alphaColor);\n            graph_setVertexLabelColor(v, alphaLabelColo"
 & "r);\n\tend;\n\tgraph_redisplay(self.graphvbt);\n    end,\n\n    EncodeN"
 & "extChar => meth(self, i, c)\n    (* About to find the code for characte"
 & "r number i in the permuted string.\n       The character value is c.\n "
 & "   *)\n\tlet v = graph_newVertex(self.graphvbt);\n\tself.codeSearchArro"
 & "w := v;\n\tgraph_setVertexFont(v, self.vertexFont);\n\tgraph_setVertexC"
 & "olor(v, duplColor);\n\tgraph_setVertexLabelColor(v, duplLabelColor);\n\t"
 & "graph_setVertexBorder(v, 0.05);\n\tgraph_setVertexSize(v, 0.95, 0.95);\n"
 & "\tgraph_setVertexLabel(self.codeSearchArrow, text_new(1, c));\n  \tgrap"
 & "h_moveVertex(";

CONST E25_4 =
   "deSearchArrow, float(i),\n                         float(self.n + 1), f"
 & "alse);\n  \tgraph_moveVertex(self.codeSearchArrow, float(i),\n         "
 & "                float(self.n + 2), true);\n\tzeus_animate(self.graphvbt"
 & ", 0.0, 1.0);\n\n        let v = graph_newVertex(self.graphvbt);\n      "
 & "[i] := v;\n        graph_setVertexFont(v, self.vertexFo"
 & "nt);\n        graph_setVertexColor(v, codesColor);\n        graph_setVe"
 & "rtexLabelColor(v, codesHiliteLabelColor);\n        graph_setVertexBorde"
 & "r(v, 0.12);\n        graph_moveVertex(v, float(i), float(self.n) + 3.25"
 & ", false);\n        graph_setVertexLabel(v, \"0\");\n\tgraph_setVertexSi"
 & "ze(v, 0.95, 0.95);\n\tgraph_redisplay(self.graphvbt);\n    end,\n\n    "
 & "EncodeDistinctCount => meth(self, i, k, n, c)\n    (* Found another dis"
 & "tinct character at position k in (alphabet & string) \n       while com"
 & "puting the code corresponding to character i in (string).  The \n      "
 & " number of distinct characters found so far is n.  The character value\n"
 & "       is c.\n    *)\n  \tgraph_moveVertex(self.codeSearchArrow, float("
 & "k - self.alphalen),\n                         float(self.n + 2), true);"
 & "\n\tzeus_animate(self.graphvbt, 0.0, 1.0);\n\tgraph_setVertexLabel(self"
 & ".codes.vtx[i], fmt_int(n));\n        graph_redisplay(self.graphvbt);\n "
 & "   end,\n\n    EncodeFoundCode => meth(self, i, k, code, c)\n    (* Fou"
 & "nd that the code for character i in (string) is code; the closest\n    "
 & "   previous occurrence of the same character was at position k in\n    "
 & "   (alphabet & string).  The character value is c. \n    *)\n  \tgraph_"
 & "moveVertex(self.codeSearchArrow, float(k - self.alphalen),\n           "
 & "              float(self.n + 2), true);\n\tzeus_animate(self.graphvbt, "
 & "0.0, 0.75);\n\tgraph_moveVertex(self.codeSearchArrow, float(k -"
 & "phalen),\n\t\t\t float(self.n + 1), true);\n\tzeus_animate(self.graphvb"
 & "t, 0.75, 1.0);\n\tgraph_removeVertex(self.xlast.vtx[k]);\n\tself.xlast."
 & "vtx[k] := self.codeSearchArrow;\n\n\tself.codeSearchArrow := ok;\n\n\tl"
 & "et w =[i];\n\tgraph_setVertexLabelColor(w, codesLabelCol"
 & "or);\n\tgra";

CONST E25_5 =
   "ph_setVertexBorder(w, 0.05);\n\n\[i] := code;\n\n\tgra"
 & "ph_redisplay(self.graphvbt);\t\n    end,\n\n    EncodeDone => meth(self"
 & ", alphabet, codes, rowIndex)\n    (* End of encode phase; (codes, rowIn"
 & "dex) are now ready to be compressed\n       by Huffman coding, arithmet"
 & "ic coding, or whatever; not shown in this\n       animation.  \n    *)\n"
 & "\tlet v = graph_newVertex(self.graphvbt);\n\tself.rowIndexGhostVtx := v"
 & ";\n\tgraph_setVertexShape(v, \"ellipse\");\n\tgraph_setVertexLabel(v, f"
 & "mt_int(self.rowIndex));\n\tgraph_setVertexFont(v, self.vertexFont);\n\t"
 & "graph_setVertexColor(v, duplColor);\n\tgraph_setVertexLabelColor(v, dup"
 & "lLabelColor);\n\tgraph_setVertexBorder(v, 0.05);\n\tgraph_moveVertex(v,"
 & " float(self.n), float(rowIndex), false);\n\tgraph_setVertexSize(v, 0.95"
 & ", 0.95);\n\n\tlet w = self.rowIndexVtx;\n\tgraph_moveVertex(w, float(se"
 & "lf.n), float(self.n) + 3.25, true);\n\n\tzeus_animate(self.graphvbt, 0."
 & "0, 1.0);\n    end,\n\n  };\n";

   "@RedBlackTest\nRedBlackTest(Keys)@\n  @1 create a new, empty tree T@\n "
 & " @2 foreach k in Keys do@\n    @3 create a new node n with key k@\n    "
 & "@4 RedBlackInsert(T, n)@\n  end\nend\n@RedBlackTest\n\n@Insert\nInsert("
 & "T, n)@\n  @4 curr := root(T)@\n  @5 while curr is not the place to atta"
 & "ch n do@\n    @7 if key(n) < key(curr)@\n      then @8 curr <- left(cur"
 & "r)@\n      else @9 curr <- right(curr)@\n    end\n  end\n  @11 if T has"
 & " no root@\n    then @12 make n the new root of T@\n    else @13 make n "
 & "the proper child of curr@\n  end\nend\n@Insert\n\n@RedBlackInsert\nRedB"
 & "lackInsert(T, n)@\n  @1 Insert(T, n)@\n  @2 type(n) <- Red@\n  @3 while"
 & " n # root(T) and type(n) = Red@ do\n    @4 side <- side of parent(n) w."
 & "r.t. parent(parent(n))@\n    @7 other <- opposite side from \"side\"@\n"
 & "    @8 y <- n\'s uncle@\n    @9 if type(y) # Black@ then\n      @10 han"
 & "dle Case 1@\n    else\n      @14 if the line from parent(parent(n)) to "
 & "n is zig-zag@ then\n        @15 handle Case 2 (including Rotate(side))@"
 & "\n      end\n      @17 handle Case 3 (including Rotate(other))@\n    en"
 & "d\n  end\n  @20 type(root(T)) <- Black@\nend\n@RedBlackInsert\n\n@Searc"
 & "h\nSearch(T, k)@\n  @1 n <- root(T)@\n  @2 while key(n) # k do@\n    @3"
 & " if key(n) < k@\n      then @4 n <- left(n)@\n      else @5 n <- right("
 & "n)@\n    end\n  end\n  @6 return n@\nend\n@Search\n\n@RedBlackDelete\nR"
 & "edBlackDelete(T, n)@\n  @1 if n has < 2 children@\n    then @2 splice <"
 & "- n@\n    else @3 splice <- FindMin(right(n))@\n  end\n  @4 splice_chil"
 & "d <- SpliceOut(t, splice)@\n  @5 if splice # n@ then\n    @6 copy conte"
 & "nts of splice node into n@\n  end\n  @7 if type(splice) = Black@ then\n"
 & "    @8 RedBlackFixUp(T, splice_child)@\n  end\nend\n@RedBlackDelete\n\n"
 & "@FindMin\nFindMin(n)@\n  @1 while left(n) # NIL do@\n    @2 n <- left(n"
 & ")@\n  end\n  @3 return n@\nend\n@FindMin\n\n@SpliceOut\nSpliceOut(T, n)"
 & "@\n  @1 ch <- \"a child of n, or NIL if n has no children\"@\n  @4 pare"
 & "nt(ch) <- parent(n)@\n  @6 if n = root(T)@ then\n    @7 root(T) <- ch@\n"
 & "  else\n    @8 make appropriate \"down\" pointer of parent(n) point to "
 & "ch@\n  end\n  @11 return ch@\nend\n@SpliceO";

CONST E26_0 =
   "ut\n\n@RedBlackFixUp\nRedBlackFixUp(T, n)@\nend\n@RedBlackFixUp\n";

   "(* Copyright 1993 Digital Equipment Corporation.                       "
 & "      *)\n(* Distributed only by permission.                           "
 & "                *)\n(*                                                 "
 & "                          *)\n(* Last modified on Thu Oct 14 17:07:55 P"
 & "DT 1993 by heydon                   *)\n(*      modified on Tue Jul 27 "
 & "16:25:00 PDT 1993 by rsanchez                 *)\n\n(* This view shows "
 & "the total number of hops that each packet needs to traverse\n   to go f"
 & "rom its source to its destination node. It is designed to show the\n   "
 & "performance of the network on between 10 to 100 packets. *)  \n\nlet Ba"
 & "ckGroundColor = color_named(\"White\");\nlet MinHopsColor = color_named"
 & "(\"Pink\");\nlet CurrHopsColor = color_named(\"Yellow\");\nlet LabelCol"
 & "or = color_named(\"Black\");\nlet CapColor = LabelColor;\nlet BorderCol"
 & "or = LabelColor;\n\nlet BarWidth = 0.40;\nlet CapFactor = 0.025;\nlet G"
 & "ap = 0.05;\nlet SouthInit = ~3.0;\nlet BorderSize = 0.05;\nlet ScaleFac"
 & "tor = 1.5;\n\nlet XValR = proc(i) float(i) + (Gap+BarWidth)/2.0 end;\nl"
 & "et XValL = proc(i) float(i) - (Gap+BarWidth)/2.0 end;\n\nlet StatString"
 & "1 = \" finished using shortest path\";\nlet StatString2 = \" average sh"
 & "ortest path utilization\";\n\nlet FontFromSize =\n  proc(g, sz)\n    gr"
 & "aph_newFont(g, \"Helvetica\", sz, \"Roman\", \"bold\", \"*\")\n  end;\n"
 & "\nlet MoveTextVertex =\n  proc(vtx, font, x, y, width, height)\n    gra"
 & "ph_setVertexFont(vtx, font);\n    graph_moveVertex(vtx, x, y, false);\n"
 & "    graph_setVertexSize(vtx, width, height);\n  end;\n\nlet MakeTextVer"
 & "tex =\n  proc(vtx, font, x, y, width, height)\n    graph_setVertexColor"
 & "(vtx, BackGroundColor);\n    graph_setVertexLabelColor(vtx, LabelColor)"
 & ";\n    MoveTextVertex(vtx, font, x, y, width, height)\n  end;\n\nlet Mo"
 & "veBarVertex =\n  proc(vtx, width, height, x)\n    graph_setVertexSize(v"
 & "tx, width, height);\n    graph_moveVertex(vtx, x, height/2.0, false);\n"
 & "  end;\n    \nlet MakeBarVertex =\n  proc(vtx, clr, width, height, x)\n"
 & "    graph_setVertexBorder(vtx, BorderSize);\n    graph_setVertexBorderC"
 & "olor(vtx, BorderCol";

CONST E27_0 =
   "or); \n    graph_setVertexColor(vtx, clr);\n    MoveBarVertex(vtx, widt"
 & "h, height, x)\n  end;\n\nlet MoveCapVertex =\n  proc(vtx, (*int*) x, (*"
 & "int*) y, (*real*) height)\n    graph_setVertexSize(vtx, BarWidth, heigh"
 & "t);\n    graph_moveVertex(vtx, XValR(x), float(y)+(height/2.0), false);"
 & "\n  end;\n\nlet MakeCapVertex =\n  proc(vw, (*int*) x, (*int*) y, (*rea"
 & "l*) height)\n    let vtx = graph_newVertex(vw.graphvbt);\n    graph_set"
 & "VertexBorder(vtx, BorderSize);\n    graph_setVertexBorderColor(vtx, Bor"
 & "derColor);\n    graph_setVertexColor(vtx, CapColor);\n    MoveCapVertex"
 & "(vtx, x, y, height);\n    vtx\n  end;\n\nlet view =\n  {\n    graphvbt "
 & "=> graph_new(),\n    pktCnt => ok,\t(* total number of packets (from \""
 & "StartPackets\") *)\n    maxHops => 0.0,\t(* current max number of hops "
 & "(related to \"north\" *)\n    hopsT => ok,\t(* array of packets *)\n   "
 & " caps => ok,\t\t(* array of caps *)\n    someDone => false,\t(* did any"
 & " packets get absorbed this step? *)\n    doneMinCnt => 0,\t(* number do"
 & "ne using shortest paths *)\n    doneCnt => 0,\t(* number of done packet"
 & "s (= # of caps) *)\n    doneUtilSum => 0.0,\t(* sum of utilization rati"
 & "os of absorbed packets *)\n    rescale => false,\t(* should world coord"
 & "inates be scaled vertically? *)\n    fontSz => 0.55,\t(* label font siz"
 & "e *)\n    vtxFont => ok,\t(* font used to display two rows of labels *)"
 & "\n    labH => 1.0,\t(* vertical size of label vertex *)\n    yLab1 => ~"
 & "1.0,\t(* \"y\" coordinate of first row of labels *)\n    yLab2 => ~2.0,"
 & "\t(* \"y\" coordinate of second row of labels *)\n    label1 => ok,\t(*"
 & " first text label *)\n    label2 => ok,\t(* second text label *)\n    ("
 & "* world coordinates *)\n    west => ~1.0,\t(* readonly *)\n    south =>"
 & " SouthInit,\n    east =>  meth(self) float(self.pktCnt) end,\n    north"
 & " => meth(self) self.maxHops+self.capH + (self.south/SouthInit) end,\n  "
 & "  capH =>  meth(self) CapFactor * self.maxHops end,\n    mid =>   meth("
 & "self) (self.west + self.east) / 2.0 end,\n    width => meth(self) self."
 & "east - self.west end,\n\n    StartGraph => meth (self, nodeCnt, maxQS, "
 & "bounded, xMax, y";

CONST E27_1 =
   "Max)\n      (* initialize graph window to be over empty space *)\n     "
 & " graph_setWorld(self.graphvbt, ~10.0, ~9.0, 1.0, 0.0)\n    end,\n\n    "
 & "StartPackets => meth (self, pktCnt)\n      self.pktCnt := pktCnt;\n    "
 & "  self.vtxFont := FontFromSize(self.graphvbt, self.fontSz);\n\n      (*"
 & " create packet bars *)\n      self.hopsT := array_new(pktCnt, ok);\n   "
 & "   self.caps := array_new(pktCnt, ok);\n      for i = 0 to pktCnt-1 do\n"
 & "        let vtx1 = graph_newVertex(self.graphvbt);\n\tMakeBarVertex(vtx"
 & "1, CurrHopsColor, BarWidth, BorderSize, XValR(i));\n\n\tself.hopsT[i] :"
 & "= {\n\t  minNumHops => ok,\t(* length of shortest path for this packet "
 & "*)\n\t  curNumHops => 0,\t(* number of times this packet has moved *)\n"
 & "\t  vmin => vtx1,\t\t(* vertex that grows each time packet moves *)\n\t"
 & "}\n      end;\n\n      (* create labels *)\n      self.label1 := graph_"
 & "newVertex(self.graphvbt);\n      MakeTextVertex(self.label1, self.vtxFo"
 & "nt,\n        self.mid, self.yLab1, self.width, self.labH);\n      graph"
 & "_setVertexLabel(self.label1, \"0%\" & StatString1);\n\n      self.label"
 & "2 := graph_newVertex(self.graphvbt);\n      MakeTextVertex(self.label2,"
 & " self.vtxFont,\n        self.mid, self.yLab2, self.width, self.labH);\n"
 & "      graph_setVertexLabel(self.label2, \"0%\" & StatString2);\n    end"
 & ",\n\n    NewPacket => meth (self, id, source, dest, fewestHops, name)\n"
 & "      let pkt = self.hopsT[id];\n      pkt.minNumHops := fewestHops;\n "
 & "     if float(fewestHops) > self.maxHops then\n        self.maxHops := "
 & "float(fewestHops)\n      end;\n      let vtx = graph_newVertex(self.gra"
 & "phvbt);\n      MakeBarVertex(vtx, MinHopsColor, BarWidth, float(fewestH"
 & "ops), XValL(id))\n    end,\n\n    EndPackets => meth (self)\n      grap"
 & "h_setWorld(self.graphvbt,\n\tself.west, self.east, self.north, self.sou"
 & "th);\n      graph_redisplay(self.graphvbt)\n    end,\n\n    MovePacket "
 & "=> meth(self, id, fromN, toN) \n      let pkt = self.hopsT[id];\n      "
 & "pkt.curNumHops := pkt.curNumHops + 1;\n      MoveBarVertex(pkt.vmin, Ba"
 & "rWidth, float(pkt.curNumHops), XValR(id));\n      if float(pkt.curNumHo"
 & "ps) > self";

CONST E27_2 =
   ".maxHops then\n\tself.rescale := true;\n      end\n    end,\n\n    Abso"
 & "rb => meth(self, id, (*unused*) dest)\n      let pkt = self.hopsT[id];\n"
 & "      let v = MakeCapVertex(self, id, pkt.curNumHops, self.capH());\n  "
 & "    self.caps[self.doneCnt] := { vtx => v, id => id };\n      self.done"
 & "Cnt := self.doneCnt + 1;\n      if pkt.minNumHops is pkt.curNumHops the"
 & "n\n        self.doneMinCnt := self.doneMinCnt + 1\n      end;\n      se"
 & "lf.doneUtilSum := self.doneUtilSum +\n        (float(pkt.curNumHops) / "
 & "float(pkt.minNumHops));\n      self.someDone := true\n    end,\n\n    S"
 & "tep => meth (self)\n      let Percent = proc((*real*) num, (*int*) deno"
 & "m)\n\tfmt_int(round((100.0 * num) / float(denom))) & \"%\"\n      end;\n"
 & "\n      (* update stats if necessary *)\n      if self.someDone then\n "
 & "       self.someDone := false;\n        let val = Percent(float("
 & "neMinCnt), self.doneCnt);\n        graph_setVertexLabel(self.label1, va"
 & "l & StatString1);\n        let val = Percent(self.doneUtilSum, self.don"
 & "eCnt);\n        graph_setVertexLabel(self.label2, val & StatString2);\n"
 & "      end;\n\n      if self.rescale then\n\tself.rescale := false;\n\ts"
 & "elf.maxHops := self.maxHops * ScaleFactor;\n\tself.south   := self.sout"
 & "h   * ScaleFactor;\n\tself.fontSz  := self.fontSz  * ScaleFactor;\n\tse"
 & "lf.labH    := self.labH    * ScaleFactor;\n\tself.yLab1   := self.yLab1"
 & "   * ScaleFactor;\n\tself.yLab2   := self.yLab2   * ScaleFactor;\n\n   "
 & "     (* reposition labels and caps *)\n        self.vtxFont := FontFrom"
 & "Size(self.graphvbt, self.fontSz);\n\tMoveTextVertex(self.label1, self.v"
 & "txFont,\n          self.mid, self.yLab1, self.width, self.labH);\n     "
 & "   MoveTextVertex(self.label2, self.vtxFont,\n          self.mid, self."
 & "yLab2, self.width, self.labH);\n        for i = 0 to self.doneCnt - 1 d"
 & "o\n\t  let obj = self.caps[i];\n          let id =;\n          l"
 & "et y = self.hopsT[id].curNumHops;\n          MoveCapVertex(obj.vtx, id,"
 & " y, self.capH())\n        end;\n\n        (* double height of world coo"
 & "rdinates *)\n        graph_setWorld(self.graphvbt, \n\t  self.west, sel"
 & "f.east, s";

CONST E27_3 =
   "elf.north, self.south);\n      end;\n\n      graph_redisplay(self.graph"
 & "vbt)\n    end\n  };\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1994, Digital Equipment Corporation\n; All rights reser"
 & "ved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n\n(Scale\n  (HS"
 & "cale 1)\n  (VScale 1)\n  (Rim\n    (Pen 10)\n    (HBox\n      (Shape (W"
 & "idth + 0) (VBox\n        (Text RightAlign \"# of bins: \")\n        (Te"
 & "xt RightAlign \"# of items: \")\n        (Text RightAlign \"current wei"
 & "ght: \")\n        (Text RightAlign \"probing bin #: \")\n        (Text "
 & "RightAlign \"total missing weights: \")))\n      (Shape (Width 50) (VBo"
 & "x\n        (Text %B \"\")\n        (Text %N \"\")\n        (Text %wt \""
 & "\")\n        (Text %bin \"\")\n        (Text %lost \"\"))))))\n";

   "@Parse\nPROCEDURE Parse ()@\n\n    @1 state := <initial state>@\n    @2"
 & " token := Scan ()@\n    LOOP\n       @3 CASE LookUp (state, token) OF@\n"
 & "       @4 | Action.Shift (new_state) =>@\n           @5 PUSH state@\n  "
 & "         @6 state := new_state@\n           @7 token := Scan ()@\n\n   "
 & "    @8 | Action.Goto (new_state) =>@\n           @9 PUSH state@\n      "
 & "     @10 state := new_state@\n\n       @11 | Action.Reduce (p) =>@\n   "
 & "         where p is \"lhs -> x0 x1 ... xn\"\n            @12 POP n stat"
 & "es@\n            @13 (GOTO, state) := LookUp (top_of_stack, p.lhs)@\n  "
 & "          @14 PUSH state@\n\n       @15 | Action.Accept =>@\n          "
 & "  @16 EXIT@\n\n       @17 | Action.Error  =>@\n            @18 ERROR@\n"
 & "            @19 EXIT@\n       END;\n    END;\n @20 END Parse@\n\n@Parse"
 & "\n\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.\n; All rights rese"
 & "rved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n;\n; Last modi"
 & "fied on Wed Feb  8 15:37:06 PST 1995 by kalsow\n\n;********************"
 & "************************************************\n;  NOTE: This file is"
 & " generated automatically from the event \n;        definition file Stri"
 & "ngSearch.evt.\n;*******************************************************"
 & "*************\n\n(VBox\n  (Rim\n    (Pen 2)\n    (HBox\n      (VBox (Gl"
 & "ue 4) (Shape (Height + Inf) (Button %clear \"CLEAR\")) (Glue 4))\n     "
 & " (Glue 4)\n      (VBox\n        (Boolean =TRUE %alg (Text LeftAlign \"A"
 & "lgorithm events\"))\n        (Boolean =FALSE %zeus (Text LeftAlign \"Ze"
 & "us events\"))\n        (Boolean =TRUE %args (Text LeftAlign \"Display a"
 & "rgs to events\")))\n      Fill))\n  (Bar 1)\n  (Shape (ShadowSize 0) (H"
 & "eight 200 + INF) (TextEdit ReadOnly %transcript)))\n";

   "(* Copyright (C) 1994, Digital Equipment Corporation                   "
 & "      *)\n(* All rights reserved.                                      "
 & "                *)\n(* See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.  "
 & "                          *)\n(*                                       "
 & "                                    *)\n(* Last modified on Mon Jan  9 "
 & "12:04:09 PST 1995 by najork                   *)\n(*      modified on F"
 & "ri Aug 19 15:40:47 PDT 1994 by heydon                   *)\n\n(* BigTre"
 & "e.obl -- tree view for Union-Find designed for showing large trees *)\n"
 & "\nlet NodeBgColor       = color_named(\"Green\");\nlet NodeFgColor     "
 & "  = color_named(\"Black\");\nlet NormalEdgeColor   = color_named(\"Blac"
 & "k\");\nlet HiliteEdgeColor   = color_named(\"Red\");\nlet RankBarBgColo"
 & "r    = color_named(\"Red\");\nlet RankBarFgColor    = color_named(\"Bla"
 & "ck\");\n\n(* Hilite colors *)\nlet SelectHiLiColor   = color_named(\"Or"
 & "ange\");\nlet FoundHiLiColor    = color_named(\"Blue\");\nlet NodeHilit"
 & "eBgColor = color_named(\"Red\");\n\nlet NodeSz  = 1.0;\nlet Margin  = 5"
 & ".0;           (* in mm *)\nlet VGap    = NodeSz * 1.0;  (* vertical gap"
 & " between levels *)\nlet HGap    = NodeSz * 0.2;  (* horizontal gap betw"
 & "een siblings *)\nlet RankH   = NodeSz * 0.25; (* height of rank bars *)"
 & "\nlet RankW   = NodeSz * 1.0;  (* width of each rank unit *)\nlet RankG"
 & "ap = NodeSz * 0.25; (* gap between root and rank bars *)\nlet RankY   ="
 & " RankGap + ((NodeSz + RankH)/ 2.0);\n\n(* The \"VGap\" is the distance "
 & "between the bottoms of nodes on level \"i\"\n   and the tops of nodes o"
 & "n level \"i+1\". The \"HGap\" is the gap between the\n   right edge of "
 & "a node and the left edge of its right sibling. *)\n\nlet BorderWidth   "
 & "= NodeSz * 0.05;\nlet ThinEdgeWidth = NodeSz * 0.05;\nlet FatEdgeWidth "
 & " = NodeSz * 0.2;\nlet FoundHiLiSz   = NodeSz * 0.08;\nlet SelectHiLiSz "
 & " = NodeSz * 0.20;\n\n(* Node Object (to be cloned) ===================="
 & "========================= *)\n\nlet Node = {\n  v: Vertex => ok,       "
 & " (* The Vertex *)\n  e: Edge => ok,       \t  (* The Edge to the parent"
 & " *)\n  parent";

CONST E31_0 =
   ": Node => ok,     (* parent node *)\n  children: Node => ok,   (* leftm"
 & "ost child node *)\n  height: Int => 0, \t  (* height of tree rooted at "
 & "this node *)\n  x: Real => ok,          (* x-coordinate of this node *)"
 & "\n  next => ok,       \t  (* ids of next and previous siblings *)\n  pr"
 & "ev => ok,\n  rank: Int => 0,\n  rankBar: Vertex => ok,  (* the vertex o"
 & "f this node\'s rank bar (if any) *)\n\n  lastChild => meth(parent: Node"
 & "): Node,\n  (* Returns the rightmost child of \"parent\", or \"ok\" if "
 & "\"parent\"\n     is a leaf. *)\n    var curr: Node = parent.children;\n"
 & "    if curr isnot ok then\n      loop\n        if is ok then "
 & "exit end;\n        curr :=\n      end;\n      curr\n    else\n"
 & "      ok\n    end\n  end,\n\n  incHeightToRoot => meth(parent, child: N"
 & "ode): Ok,\n  (* the \"child\" of \"parent\" has just grown in height; g"
 & "row \"parent\" and\n     all nodes on the path from it to the root of t"
 & "he tree in height as\n     necessary. *)\n    if (child.height + 1) > p"
 & "arent.height then\n      parent.height := (child.height + 1);\n      if"
 & " parent.parent isnot ok then\n        parent.parent.incHeightToRoot(par"
 & "ent)\n      end\n    end;\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  addChild => meth(parent,"
 & " rightOf, child: Node): Ok,\n  (* Adds child as a child of parent, inse"
 & "rted to the right of \n     the child \"rightOf\", which must be a chil"
 & "d of parent, or as\n     the leftmost child if rightOf is ok *)\n    if"
 & " rightOf is ok then\n := parent.children;\n      child."
 & "prev := ok;\n      if isnot ok then := child"
 & " end;\n      parent.children := child;\n    else\n      child.prev := r"
 & "ightOf;\n :=;\n      if ( isnot "
 & "ok) then := child end;\n := child;\n "
 & "   end;\n    child.parent := parent;\n    parent.incHeightToRoot(child)"
 & ";\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  updateHeight => meth(parent: Node): Ok,\n  (* up"
 & "date the height of \"parent\" to be one greater than the maximum height"
 & "s\n     of its children, or 0 if it has no children. *)\n    var maxHt:"
 & " Int = ~1;\n    var ";

CONST E31_1 =
   "ch: Node = parent.children;\n    loop\n      if ch is ok then exit end;"
 & "\n      if ch.height > maxHt then maxHt := ch.height end;\n      ch := "
 & "\n    end;\n    parent.height := (maxHt + 1);\n    ok\n  end,\n\n"
 & "  decHeightToRoot => meth(parent: Node, oldChHeight: Int): Ok,\n  (* so"
 & "me child of \"parent\" has just decreased in height from \"oldChHeight\""
 & ",\n     so update the height of the \"parent\" if necessary and those o"
 & "f all\n     nodes on the path to the root. *)\n    if parent.height is "
 & "(oldChHeight + 1) then\n      var oldParHeight: Int = parent.height;\n "
 & "     parent.updateHeight();\n      if (parent.height < oldParHeight) an"
 & "d (parent.parent isnot ok) then\n        parent.parent.decHeightToRoot("
 & "oldParHeight)\n      end\n    end;\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  removeChild => "
 & "meth(parent, child: Node): Ok,\n  (* removes child from parent, which m"
 & "ust be its parent *)\n    if child.prev isnot ok\n      then child.prev"
 & ".next :=;\n      else parent.children :=\n    end"
 & ";\n    if isnot ok then\n := child.prev"
 & "\n    end;\n    child.prev := ok;\n := ok;\n"
 & "cHeightToRoot(child.height);\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  isRightOf => meth(sel"
 & "f, n: Node): Bool,\n  (* Returns \"true\" iff \"self\" is a right sibli"
 & "ng of \"n\". *)\n    var curr: Node =;\n    loop\n      if (curr"
 & " is self) or (curr is ok) then exit end;\n      curr :=\n    "
 & "end;\n    (curr is self)\n  end,\n\n  subtreeWidth => meth(self: Node):"
 & " Real,\n  (* Returns the width of the subtree rooted at \"self\". *)\n "
 & "   if self.children is ok then\n      NodeSz\n    else\n      var res: "
 & "Real = 0.0;\n      var ch: Node = self.children;\n      loop\n        r"
 & "es := res + ch.subtreeWidth();\n        if is ok then exit end;"
 & "\n        res := res + HGap;\n        ch :=\n      end;\n      "
 & "res\n    end\n  end,\n\n  position => meth(self: Node, level: Int, offs"
 & "et: Real): Ok,\n    let depth: Real = - float(level) * (NodeSz + VGap);"
 & "\n    graph_moveVertex(self.v, offset, depth, true);\n    self.x := off"
 & "set;\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  ";

CONST E31_2 =
   "positionChildren => meth(self: Node, level: Int, offset: Real): Real,\n"
 & "    var ch: Node = self.children;\n    var res: Real = offset;\n    loo"
 & "p\n      if ch is ok then exit; end;\n      res := ch.positionSubtree(l"
 & "evel, res);\n      if isnot ok then res := res + HGap; end;\n  "
 & "    ch :=;\n    end;\n    res;\n  end,\n\n  positionSubtree => "
 & "meth(self: Node, level: Int, offset: Real): Real,\n  (* Reposition all "
 & "nodes in the subtree rooted at \"self\", with the leftmost\n     descen"
 & "dant at \"offset\", and the root at vertical position \"level\".\n     "
 & "Returns the x-coordinate of the rightmost descendant. *)\n    var res ="
 & " offset;\n    if self.children is ok\n      then res := res + NodeSz;\n"
 & "      else res := self.positionChildren(level+1, res);\n    end;\n    s"
 & "elf.position(level, (res + offset) / 2.0);\n    res;\n  end,\n};\n\n(* "
 & "EdgeList Object ======================================================="
 & "= *)\n\nlet EdgeList = {\n  e: Edge => ok,\n  next: EdgeList => ok,\n};"
 & "\n\n(* View Object ===================================================="
 & "======== *)\n\nlet view: View = {\n\n  (* Data members ----------------"
 & "----------------------------------------- *)\n\n  graphvbt => graph_new"
 & "(),\n  graphW: Real => ok,          (* the width of the graphvbt *)\n  "
 & "usesRanks: Bool => ok,       (* \"usesRanks\" arg to \"Setup\" event *)"
 & "\n  nodeCnt: Int => ok,          (* number of nodes (not counting root)"
 & " *)\n  height: Int => ok,           (* height of window *)\n  root: Nod"
 & "e => ok,\n  last: Node => ok,\n  node: [Node] => ok,          (* array "
 & "of nodes *)\n  newEdge: Edge => ok,         (* Edge added during a unit"
 & "e method *)\n  bothRoots: Bool => ok,       (* are both nodes to \"Unio"
 & "n\" roots? *)\n  upEdges: EdgeList => ok,     (* list of \"StepUp\" edg"
 & "es *)\n  seenStepDown: Bool => ok,    (* any \"StepDown\" events after "
 & "\"Found\"? *)\n  findVh: VertexHiLi => ok,\n  unionVh1: VertexHiLi => o"
 & "k,\n  unionVh2: VertexHiLi => ok,\n  foundVh: VertexHiLi => ok,\n  firs"
 & "tRootVh: VertexHiLi => ok,\n\n  (* The \"height\" field is the height o"
 & "f the largest tree";

CONST E31_3 =
   " that can fit in the\n     window; it is only ever increased. For \"vie"
 & "w: View\", the system maintains\n     the invariant: \"view.root.height"
 & " <= view.height\". *)\n\n  (* Layout method ---------------------------"
 & "----------------------------- *)\n\n  repositionAll => meth(self: View)"
 & ": Ok,\n  (* Layout all nodes of the tree rooted at the virtual root nod"
 & "e\n     \"self.root\". *)\n    if self.root.children isnot ok then\n   "
 & "   var childrenW: Real = 0.0;\n      var numCh: Int = 0;\n      var ch:"
 & " Node = self.root.children;\n      loop\n        childrenW := childrenW"
 & " + ch.subtreeWidth();\n        numCh := numCh + 1;\n        if "
 & "is ok then exit end;\n        ch :=\n      end;\n      var gap:"
 & " Real = 0.0;\n      if numCh > 1 then\n        gap := (self.graphW - ch"
 & "ildrenW) / float(numCh - 1)\n      end;\n      ch := self.root.children"
 & ";\n      var res: Real = - (NodeSz / 2.0);\n      loop\n      \tif ch i"
 & "s ok then exit end;\n      \tres := ch.positionSubtree(0, res);\n      "
 & "\tif isnot ok then res := res + gap end;\n      \tch :="
 & "\n      end\n    end;\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  repositionRanks => meth(self"
 & ": View): Ok,\n  (* Reposition the rank bar vertices of those nodes that"
 & " are children of\n     \"self.root\". This procedure just moves the nec"
 & "essary vertices; it doesn\'t\n     animate them. *)\n    var ch = self."
 & "root.children;\n    loop\n      if (ch is ok) then exit end;\n      let"
 & " rankX = graph_getVertexPosition(ch.rankBar)[0];\n      if (ch.x isnot "
 & "rankX) then\n        graph_moveVertex(ch.rankBar, ch.x, RankY, true)\n "
 & "     end;\n      ch :=\n    end;\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  setWorld "
 & "=> meth(self: View): Ok,\n    let rad: Real = NodeSz / 2.0;\n    let ht"
 & ": Real = (float(self.height) * (NodeSz + VGap)) - VGap;\n    var north:"
 & " Real = rad;\n    if self.usesRanks then north := north + RankGap + Ran"
 & "kH end;\n    graph_setWorld(self.graphvbt,\n      (* east = *) - rad, ("
 & "* west = *) (- rad) + self.graphW,\n      (* north= *) north, (* south="
 & " *) rad + (- ht));\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  (* Setup ----------------------"
 & "----------------";

CONST E31_4 =
   "-------------------------- *)\n\n  Setup => meth(self: View): Ok,\n    "
 & "graph_setMargin(self.graphvbt, Margin);\n    self.nodeCnt := 0;\n    se"
 & "lf.root := clone(Node);\n    self.last := ok;\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  NewS"
 & "et => meth(self: View, (*UNUSED*) nm: Text): Ok,\n    let v = graph_new"
 & "Vertex(self.graphvbt);\n    graph_setVertexShape(v, \"ellipse\");\n    "
 & "graph_setVertexSize(v, NodeSz, NodeSz);\n    graph_setVertexLabelColor("
 & "v, NodeFgColor);\n    graph_setVertexBorder(v, BorderWidth);\n    graph"
 & "_setVertexColor(v, NodeBgColor);\n    var n: Node = clone(Node);\n    s"
 & "elf.nodeCnt := self.nodeCnt + 1;\n    n.v := v;\n    self.root.addChild"
 & "(self.last, n);\n    self.last := n;\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  FinishedSets "
 & "=> meth(self: View, numSets: Int, usesRanks: Bool): Ok,\n    (* initial"
 & "ize coordinate system *)\n    self.height := real_ceiling(math_log(floa"
 & "t(numSets))) + 1;\n    self.graphW := (float(numSets) * (NodeSz + HGap)"
 & ") - HGap;\n    self.usesRanks := usesRanks;\n    self.setWorld();\n\n  "
 & "  (* initialize nodes *)\n    self.node := array_new(numSets, ok);\n   "
 & " var curr: Node = self.root.children;\n    for i = 0 to numSets - 1 do\n"
 & "      self.node[i] := curr;\n      curr :=\n    end;\n    sel"
 & "f.repositionAll();\n\n    (* initialize rank bars *)\n    if usesRanks "
 & "then\n      for i = 0 to numSets - 1 do\n        let node = self.node[i"
 & "];\n        let v = graph_newVertex(self.graphvbt);\n        node.rankB"
 & "ar := v;\n      \tgraph_setVertexShape(v, \"rectangle\");\n      \tgrap"
 & "h_setVertexSize(v, RankW * 0.1, RankH);\n      \tgraph_setVertexBorderC"
 & "olor(v, RankBarFgColor);\n      \tgraph_setVertexBorder(v, BorderWidth)"
 & ";\n      \tgraph_setVertexColor(v, RankBarBgColor);\n        graph_move"
 & "Vertex(v, node.x, RankY, false);\n      end\n    end;\n    zeus_animate"
 & "(self.graphvbt, 0.0, 0.0);\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  (* Find events --------"
 & "-------------------------------------------------- *)\n\n  StartFind =>"
 & " meth(self: View, id: Int): Ok,\n    self.findVh := graph_newVertexHiLi"
 & "(self.node[id].v);\n    graph_setVertexHiLiColor(self.findVh, SelectHiL"
 & "iColor);\n   ";

CONST E31_5 =
   " graph_setVertexHiLiBorder(self.findVh, SelectHiLiSz, SelectHiLiSz);\n "
 & "   graph_redisplay(self.graphvbt);\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  EndFind => meth"
 & "(self: View, id: Int): Ok,\n    graph_removeVertexHiLi(self.findVh);\n "
 & "   graph_removeVertexHiLi(self.foundVh);\n    graph_redisplay(self.grap"
 & "hvbt);\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  (* DoFind events --------------------------"
 & "------------------------------ *)\n\n  StartDoFind => meth(self, id): O"
 & "k,\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  StepUp => meth(self, child, parent): Ok,\n    ("
 & "* make edge thick *)\n    let upEdge: Edge = self.node[child].e;\n    g"
 & "raph_setEdgeWidth(upEdge, FatEdgeWidth);\n\n    (* add edge to up-edge "
 & "list *)\n    var el: EdgeList = clone(EdgeList);\n    el.e := upEdge;\n"
 & " := self.upEdges;\n    self.upEdges := el;\n    ok\n  end,\n"
 & "\n  Found => meth(self, root): Ok,\n    self.foundVh := graph_newVertex"
 & "HiLi(self.node[root].v);\n    graph_setVertexHiLiColor(self.foundVh, Fo"
 & "undHiLiColor);\n    graph_setVertexHiLiBorder(self.foundVh, FoundHiLiSz"
 & ", FoundHiLiSz);\n    graph_redisplay(self.graphvbt);\n    self.seenStep"
 & "Down := false;\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  StepDown => meth(self: View, childI"
 & "d, parentId: Int): Ok,\n    let child: Node = self.node[childId];\n    "
 & "self.seenStepDown := true;\n    graph_setEdgeWidth(child.e, ThinEdgeWid"
 & "th);\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  ChangeParent => meth(self: View, childId, par"
 & "entId, rootId: Int): Ok,\n    let child: Node = self.node[childId];\n  "
 & "  let parent: Node = self.node[parentId];\n    let root: Node ="
 & "de[rootId];\n\n    (* change tree structure *)\n    var rightOf: Node ="
 & " parent;\n    if parent.children is child then rightOf := rightOf.prev "
 & "end;\n    parent.removeChild(child);\n    root.addChild(rightOf, child)"
 & ";\n\n    (* move the edge and subtree *)\n    graph_moveEdge(child.e, c"
 & "hild.v, root.v, true);\n    self.repositionAll();\n    if self.usesRank"
 & "s then self.repositionRanks() end;\n    zeus_animate(self.graphvbt, 0.0"
 & ", 1.0);\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  EndDoFind => meth(self, id): Ok,\n    if n"
 & "ot(self.seenStepDown) then\n      var curr: EdgeList = self.upEdges;\n "
 & "     loop\n";

CONST E31_6 =
   "        if curr is ok then exit end;\n        graph_setEdgeWidth(curr.e"
 & ", ThinEdgeWidth);\n        curr :=\n      end\n    end;\n    "
 & "graph_redisplay(self.graphvbt);\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  (* Union events --"
 & "------------------------------------------------------- *)\n\n  StartUn"
 & "ion => meth(self: View, id1, id2: Int, bothRoots: Bool): Ok,\n    self."
 & "bothRoots := bothRoots;\n    self.unionVh1 := graph_newVertexHiLi(self."
 & "node[id1].v);\n    self.unionVh2 := graph_newVertexHiLi(self.node[id2]."
 & "v);\n    graph_setVertexHiLiColor(self.unionVh1, SelectHiLiColor);\n   "
 & " graph_setVertexHiLiColor(self.unionVh2, SelectHiLiColor);\n    graph_s"
 & "etVertexHiLiBorder(self.unionVh1, SelectHiLiSz, SelectHiLiSz);\n    gra"
 & "ph_setVertexHiLiBorder(self.unionVh2, SelectHiLiSz, SelectHiLiSz);\n   "
 & " graph_redisplay(self.graphvbt);\n    self.newEdge := ok;\n    ok\n  en"
 & "d,\n\n  FoundFirst => meth(self: View, root1: Int): Ok,\n    self.first"
 & "RootVh := self.foundVh;\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  CompareRanks => meth(self:"
 & " View, id1, id2: Int): Ok,\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  Unite => meth(self: Vie"
 & "w, childId, parentId, pRank: Int): Ok,\n    let child: Node = self.node"
 & "[childId];\n    let parent: Node = self.node[parentId];\n\n    (* creat"
 & "e and animate the new edge *)\n    self.newEdge := graph_newEdge(child."
 & "v, parent.v);\n    child.e := self.newEdge;\n    graph_setEdgeWidth(sel"
 & "f.newEdge, FatEdgeWidth);\n    graph_setEdgeColor(self.newEdge, HiliteE"
 & "dgeColor);\n\n    (* update the graph structure *)\n    var rightOf: No"
 & "de = ok;\n    if child.isRightOf(parent)\n      then rightOf := parent."
 & "lastChild()\n      else rightOf := ok\n    end;\n    self.root.removeCh"
 & "ild(child);\n    parent.addChild(rightOf, child);\n\n    (* make coordi"
 & "nate system larger if necessary *)\n    if self.root.height > self.heig"
 & "ht then\n      self.height := self.root.height;\n      self.setWorld();"
 & "\n      graph_redisplay(self.graphvbt)\n    end;\n\n    (* animate the "
 & "subtree motion *)\n    self.repositionAll();\n    if self.usesRanks the"
 & "n\n      graph_removeVertex(child.rankBar);\n      graph_setVertexSize("
 & "pare";

CONST E31_7 =
   "nt.rankBar, float(pRank) * RankW, RankH);\n      self.repositionRanks()"
 & "\n    end;\n    zeus_animate(self.graphvbt, 0.0, 1.0);\n    ok\n  end,\n"
 & "\n  EndUnion => meth(self): Ok,\n    if self.newEdge isnot ok then\n   "
 & "   graph_setEdgeWidth(self.newEdge, ThinEdgeWidth);\n      graph_setEdg"
 & "eColor(self.newEdge, NormalEdgeColor);\n    end;\n    graph_removeVerte"
 & "xHiLi(self.unionVh1);\n    graph_removeVertexHiLi(self.unionVh2);\n    "
 & "if not(self.bothRoots) then\n      graph_removeVertexHiLi(self.foundVh)"
 & ";\n      graph_removeVertexHiLi(self.firstRootVh);\n    end;\n    graph"
 & "_redisplay(self.graphvbt);\n    ok\n  end,\n};\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation\n; All rights reser"
 & "ved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n\n\n(Scale\n  ("
 & "HScale 1)\n  (VScale 1)\n  (Rim\n    (Pen 10)\n    (VBox\n      (Radio\n"
 & "        %data\n        (VBox\n          Fill\n          (Border\n      "
 & "      (Pen 1)\n            (VBox\n              (Choice %random (Text \""
 & "random\"))\n              (Glue 2)\n              (Text \"sample size\""
 & ")\n              (Glue 2)\n              (HBox (Glue 2) (Numeric %N (Mi"
 & "n 4) (Max 80) =16) (Glue 2))\n              (Glue 2)))\n          Fill\n"
 & "          (Glue 5)\n          (Border\n            (Pen 1)\n           "
 & " (VBox\n              (Choice %selected =TRUE (Text \"selected\"))\n   "
 & "           (Glue 5)\n              (Radio\n                %selectedsiz"
 & "e\n                (HBox\n                  (Glue 7)\n                 "
 & " (Choice %selectedsmall =TRUE (Text \"small\"))\n                  (Cho"
 & "ice %selectedlarge (Text \"large\"))))\n              (Glue 2)))\n     "
 & "     Fill)))))\n";

   "(* Copyright (C) 1993, Digital Equipment Corporation                   "
 & "      *)\n(* All rights reserved.                                      "
 & "                *)\n(* See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.  "
 & "                          *)\n\n\nlet view = {\n  graphvbt => graph_new"
 & "(),\n\n  myPlayer => ok,\n\n  activePlayer => ok,\n\n  makeNodeProc => "
 & "proc (graphvbt, rawBoard)\n  { objects => \n     ( var res = [[(let v ="
 & " graph_newVertex(graphvbt);\n                     graph_setVertexSize(v"
 & ", 1.0, 1.0);\n                     graph_setVertexColor(v, color_rgb(1."
 & "0, 1.0 , 1.0));\n                     graph_setVertexBorder(v, 0.125);\n"
 & "                     graph_setVertexBorderColor(v, color_rgb(0.0, 0.0, "
 & "0.0));\n                     v),\n                   0.0,\n            "
 & "       0.0\n                   ]];\n       for cellNum = 0 to 8 do\n   "
 & "       if rawBoard[cellNum] isnot 2 then\n             let piece = grap"
 & "h_newVertex(graphvbt);\n                graph_setVertexSize(piece, 0.25"
 & ", 0.25);\n                if rawBoard[cellNum] is 0 then\n             "
 & "      graph_setVertexColor(piece, color_rgb(0.0, 1.0, 0.0));\n         "
 & "       else\n                   graph_setVertexColor(piece, color_rgb(0"
 & ".0, 0.0, 1.0));\n                end;\n                res := res @ [[p"
 & "iece, float((cellNum/3)-1) * 0.25, \n                                  "
 & "   float((cellNum % 3)-1) * 0.25]]\n           end;\n        end;\n    "
 & "    res;\n      ),\n    Move => \n      meth(self, Xbase, Ybase, animat"
 & "e)\n         foreach object in self.objects do\n            graph_moveV"
 & "ertex(object[0], Xbase + object[1], Ybase + object[2],\n               "
 & " animate);\n         end;\n      end,\n\n     SetValue =>\n       meth "
 & "(self, newValue)\n         graph_setVertexBorderColor( self.objects[0]["
 & "0],\n             color_hsv( ((float(newValue+10)) / 21.0) * 0.7, 1.0, "
 & "1.0));\n       end,\n  }\n end,\n\n  treeDisplayParams => ok,\n\n  make"
 & "TreeNode =>\n     meth(self, dparams, initNode, NodeWidth, initX, initY"
 & ", myKey, board)\n       let newNode =\n         {\n            key => m";

CONST E33_0 =
   "yKey,\n            displayParameters => dparams,\n            node => i"
 & "nitNode(dparams.graphvbt, board),\n            nodeWidth => NodeWidth,\n"
 & "            width => NodeWidth,\n            leftx => initX,\n         "
 & "   depth => 0,\n            vertex => ( let v = graph_newVertex(dparams"
 & ".graphvbt);\n                        graph_setVertexSize(v, 0.0, 0.0 );"
 & "\n                        v ),\n            children => [],\n          "
 & "  childWidth => 0.0,\n            parent => ok,\n\n            xPos => "
 & "initX + (NodeWidth / 2.0),\n            yPos => initY,\n\n            A"
 & "ddChild =>\n              meth(self, child)\n                self.child"
 & "ren := self.children @ [child];\n                child.parent := self;\n"
 & "                child.depth := self.depth + 1;\n(*** WAS:       child.y"
 & "Pos := self.displayParameters.depth2Y()(self.depth+1);*)\n             "
 & "   let d2Y = self.displayParameters.depth2Y;\n                child.yPo"
 & "s := d2Y(self.depth+1);\n                if #(self.children) > 1 then\n"
 & "                  self.childWidth := self.childWidth +\n               "
 & "       self.displayParameters.spacer;\n                end;\n          "
 & "      child.SetLeftX(self.leftx + self.childWidth);\n                se"
 & "lf.childWidth := self.childWidth + child.width;\n                let e "
 & "= graph_newEdge(self.vertex, child.vertex);\n                graph_setE"
 & "dgeWidth(e, self.displayParameters.edgeWidth);\n                if self"
 & ".childWidth > self.nodeWidth then\n                  self.width := self"
 & ".childWidth;\n                  if self.parent isnot ok then\n         "
 & "            self.parent.ChildWidthChange(self);\n                  end;"
 & "\n                  self.xPos := self.leftx + (self.width / 2.0);\n    "
 & "              self.MoveMe();\n                end; \n              end,"
 & "\n\n            MoveMe =>\n              meth(self)\n               var"
 & " reSizeWorld = false;\n               if (self.xPos > self.displayParam"
 & "eters.WorldE) then\n                  self.displayParameters.WorldE := "
 & "\n                      self.displayParameters.WorldE + \n ";

CONST E33_1 =
   "                     self.displayParameters.WorldStep;\n               "
 & "   reSizeWorld := true;\n               end;\n               if (self.y"
 & "Pos > self.displayParameters.WorldS) then\n                  self.displ"
 & "ayParameters.WorldS := \n                      self.displayParameters.W"
 & "orldS + \n                      self.displayParameters.WorldStep;\n    "
 & "              reSizeWorld := true;\n               end;\n              "
 & " if reSizeWorld then\n                  graph_setWorld(self.displayPara"
 & "meters.graphvbt, 0.0, \n                     self.displayParameters.Wor"
 & "ldE, 0.0, \n                     self.displayParameters.WorldS);\n     "
 & "             graph_setAspect(self.displayParameters.graphvbt,\n        "
 & "             self.displayParameters.WorldS /\n                       se"
 & "lf.displayParameters.WorldE);\n                  graph_redisplay(self.d"
 & "isplayParameters.graphvbt);\n               end;\n               graph_"
 & "moveVertex(self.vertex, self.xPos, self.yPos, true);\n               se"
 & "lf.node.Move(self.xPos, self.yPos, true);\n              end,\n\n      "
 & "      SetLeftX =>\n              meth(self, newLeftX)\n               s"
 & "elf.leftx := newLeftX;\n               var childX = self.leftx;\n      "
 & "         foreach child in self.children do\n                  child.Set"
 & "LeftX(childX);\n                  childX := childX + child.width + \n  "
 & "                     self.displayParameters.spacer;\n               end"
 & ";\n               self.xPos := self.leftx + (self.width / 2.0);\n      "
 & "         self.MoveMe()\n              end,\n\n            ChildWidthCha"
 & "nge =>\n              meth(self, guiltyChild)\n                var chil"
 & "dX = self.leftx;\n                foreach child in self.children do\n  "
 & "                 if child.leftx isnot childX then\n                    "
 & "  child.SetLeftX(childX);\n                   end;\n                   "
 & "childX := childX + child.width +\n                      self.displayPar"
 & "ameters.spacer;\n                end;\n                self.childWidth "
 & ":= childX - (self.leftx +\n                    self.displa";

CONST E33_2 =
   "yParameters.spacer);\n                if self.childWidth > self.nodeWid"
 & "th then\n                   self.width := self.childWidth;\n           "
 & "       if self.parent isnot ok then\n                     self.parent.C"
 & "hildWidthChange(self);\n                  end;\n                  self."
 & "xPos := self.leftx + (self.width / 2.0);\n                  self.MoveMe"
 & "();\n                end;\n              end,                     \n   "
 & "       };\n        graph_moveVertex(newNode.vertex, newNode.xPos, newNo"
 & "de.yPos, false);\n        newNode.node.Move(newNode.xPos, newNode.yPos,"
 & " false);\n        graph_redisplay(self.graphvbt);\n        newNode;\n  "
 & "   end,\n\n  lastBoard => ok,\n\n  Init => \n    meth (self, player)\n "
 & "     self.myPlayer := player;\n      self;\n    end,\n\n  Setup =>\n   "
 & " meth (self)\n      graph_setWorld(self.graphvbt, 0.0, 10.0, 0.0, 10.0)"
 & ";\n      graph_setAspect(self.graphvbt, 1.0);\n      self.treeDisplayPa"
 & "rams := { graphvbt => self.graphvbt,\n                                 "
 & " depth2Y => proc (depth)\n                                             "
 & "  float((2*depth)+1)\n                                             end,"
 & "\n                                  edgeWidth => 0.1,\n                "
 & "                  spacer => 0.25,\n                                  Wo"
 & "rldE => 10.0,\n                                  WorldS => 10.0,\n     "
 & "                             WorldStep => 3.0};\n      self.lastBoard :"
 & "= ok;\n    end,\n\n  EvaluateNode =>\n    meth (self, boardData)\n     "
 & " if self.activePlayer is self.myPlayer then\n       var newNode = ok;\n"
 & "       if self.lastBoard is ok then\n          newNode :=  self.makeTre"
 & "eNode(self.treeDisplayParams, \n           self.makeNodeProc, 1.0, 0.0,"
 & " 1.0, boardData[0], boardData[1]);\n       else\n          var parent ="
 & " self.lastBoard;\n          newNode :=  self.makeTreeNode(self.treeDisp"
 & "layParams, \n            self.makeNodeProc, 1.0, self.lastBoard.xPos - "
 & "0.5, \n            self.lastBoard.yPos, boardData[0], boardData[1]);\n "
 & "         self.lastBoard.AddChild(newNode);\n       end;\n       sel";

CONST E33_3 =
   "f.lastBoard := newNode;\n       zeus_animate(self.graphvbt, 0.0, 1.0);\n"
 & "      end;\n    end,\n\n  PlayerThinking =>\n    meth (self, player, bo"
 & "ardData)\n       self.activePlayer := player;\n       if self.activePla"
 & "yer is self.myPlayer then\n         graph_clear(self.graphvbt);\n      "
 & "   self.treeDisplayParams.WorldE := 10.0;\n         self.treeDisplayPar"
 & "ams.WorldS := 10.0;\n         graph_setWorld(self.graphvbt, 0.0, 10.0, "
 & "0.0, 10.0);\n         graph_setAspect(self.graphvbt, 1.0);\n         se"
 & "lf.lastBoard := ok;\n       end;\n    end,\n\n   FinishedEvalNode =>\n "
 & "    meth (self, boardkey)\n       if self.activePlayer is self.myPlayer"
 & " then\n         self.lastBoard := self.lastBoard.parent;\n       end;\n"
 & "     end,\n\n   BoardValueUpdated =>\n     meth (self, boardkey, newVal"
 & "ue)\n       if self.activePlayer is self.myPlayer then\n         self.l"
 & "astBoard.node.SetValue(newValue);\n         graph_redisplay(self.graphv"
 & "bt);\n       end;\n     end,\n\n  }.Init(1);\n";

   "Source 100 50\nV11 100 150\nV12 100 250\nV13 100 350\nV14 100 450\nV15 "
 & "100 550\nV16 100 650\nV17 100 750\nV18 100 850\nV19 100 950\nV20 200 50"
 & "\nV21 200 150\nV22 200 250\nV23 200 350\nV24 200 450\nV25 200 550\nV26 "
 & "200 650\nV27 200 750\nV28 200 850\nV29 200 950\nV30 300 50\nV31 300 150"
 & "\nV32 300 250\nV33 300 350\nV34 300 450\nV35 300 550\nV36 300 650\nV37 "
 & "300 750\nV38 300 850\nV39 300 950\nV40 400 50\nV41 400 150\nV42 400 250"
 & "\nV43 400 350\nV44 400 450\nV45 400 550\nV46 400 650\nV47 400 750\nV48 "
 & "400 850\nV49 400 950\nV50 500 50\nV51 500 150\nV52 500 250\nV53 500 350"
 & "\nV54 500 450\nV55 500 550\nV56 500 650\nV57 500 750\nV58 500 850\nV59 "
 & "500 950\nV60 600 50\nV61 600 150\nV62 600 250\nV63 600 350\nV64 600 450"
 & "\nV65 600 550\nV66 600 650\nV67 600 750\nV68 600 850\nV69 600 950\nV70 "
 & "700 50\nV71 700 150\nV72 700 250\nV73 700 350\nV74 700 450\nV75 700 550"
 & "\nV76 700 650\nV77 700 750\nV78 700 850\nV79 700 950\nV80 800 50\nV81 8"
 & "00 150\nV82 800 250\nV83 800 350\nV84 800 450\nV85 800 550\nV86 800 650"
 & "\nV87 800 750\nV88 800 850\nV89 800 950\nV90 900 50\nV91 900 150\nV92 9"
 & "00 250\nV93 900 350\nV94 900 450\nV95 900 550\nV96 900 650\nV97 900 750"
 & "\nV98 900 850\nSink 900 950\n.\n";

   "(* Copyright (C) 1994, Digital Equipment Corporation           *)\n(* A"
 & "ll rights reserved.                                        *)\n(* See t"
 & "he file COPYRIGHT for a full description.              *)\n\nMODULE Hul"
 & "lAlgs;\n\nTYPE Point = RECORD x, y: INTEGER END;\n\nVAR p: REF ARRAY OF"
 & " Point;\n    N: INTEGER;\n(* The input points are p[1] through p[N], wh"
 & "ere N >= 1.  \n   We are allowed to use p[0] to hold a sentinel.\n\n   "
 & "Our task is to compute M, the number of vertices of the convex \n   hul"
 & "l, and to permute the array p[1..N] to make p[1..M] be the hull \n   ve"
 & "rtices in counterclockwise order, starting somewhere. \n\n   The input "
 & "may include pairs of coincident points and triples of \n   collinear po"
 & "ints.  Of two points that coincide, at most one is \n   a hull vertex. "
 & " Of three distinct, collinear points, the middle \n   one is never a hu"
 & "ll vertex. \n   \n   If the input points all coincide, M is 1.  If the "
 & "input points \n   are all collinear but do not all coincide, M is 2. *)"
 & "   \n\nTYPE AB = {Above, Below,  Left, Right,  On};\n\nPROCEDURE TestAB"
 & "(old, new: Point): AB =\n(* Classify the point \"new\" with respect to "
 & "a horizontal line\n   through the point \"old\". *)\n  BEGIN\n    IF   "
 & " new.y < old.y THEN RETURN AB.Below\n    ELSIF new.y > old.y THEN RETUR"
 & "N AB.Above\n    ELSIF new.x < old.x THEN RETURN AB.Left\n    ELSIF new."
 & "x > old.x THEN RETURN AB.Right\n    ELSE RETURN AB.On\n    END;\n  END "
 & "TestAB;\n\n                                 (* The three points:       "
 & "    *)\nTYPE LR = {Left, Right,          (*  form a triangle.          "
 & " *)\n           Back, Shaft, Front,   (*  collinear, but distinct.   *)"
 & " \n           Tail, Head, DegenOff, (*  2 coincide, but not all 3. *)\n"
 & "           DegenOn};             (*  all 3 points coincide.     *)\n\nP"
 & "ROCEDURE TestLR(tail, head, new: Point): LR =\n(* Compute the relative "
 & "orientation of a triple of points, from among \n   the nine possibiliti"
 & "es.  In the seven cases where \"tail\" and \"head\" \n   do not coincid"
 & "e, we classify \"new\" with respect to a vector from \n   \"tail\" to \""
 & "he";

CONST E35_0 =
   "ad\".  In the remaining two cases, we merely check \n   whether or not "
 & "\"new\" coincides with the common value of \"head\" \n   and \"tail\". "
 & "*) \n  VAR area: INTEGER :=   (head.x - tail.x) * (new.y - tail.y)\n   "
 & "                    - (head.y - tail.y) * (new.x - tail.x);\n      (* T"
 & "he signed area of the parallelogram spanned by the vectors \n         f"
 & "rom \"tail\" to \"head\" and from \"tail\" to \"new\";  you can \n     "
 & "    think of it either as a 3-by-3 determinant or as the norm \n       "
 & "  of a vector cross product. *) \n  BEGIN\n    IF    area > 0 THEN RETU"
 & "RN LR.Left\n    ELSIF area < 0 THEN RETURN LR.Right\n    ELSE\n      VA"
 & "R (* The following are Manhattan distances. *)\n        distTailHead: I"
 & "NTEGER:=ABS(head.x - tail.x) + ABS(head.y - tail.y);\n        distTailN"
 & "ew: INTEGER := ABS(new.x - tail.x) + ABS(new.y - tail.y);\n        dist"
 & "HeadNew: INTEGER := ABS(new.x - head.x) + ABS(new.y - head.y);\n       "
 & " max: INTEGER := MAX(MAX(distTailHead, distTailNew), distHeadNew);\n   "
 & "   BEGIN\n        IF    max = 0            THEN RETURN LR.DegenOn\n    "
 & "    ELSIF distTailHead = 0   THEN RETURN LR.DegenOff\n        ELSIF dis"
 & "tTailNew = 0    THEN RETURN LR.Tail\n        ELSIF distHeadNew = 0    T"
 & "HEN RETURN LR.Head\n        ELSIF max = distTailHead THEN RETURN LR.Sha"
 & "ft\n        ELSIF max = distTailNew  THEN RETURN LR.Front\n        ELSI"
 & "F max = distHeadNew  THEN RETURN LR.Back\n        END;\n      END;\n   "
 & " END;\n  END TestLR;\n\nPROCEDURE Swap(VAR p, q: Point) =\n  VAR t: Poi"
 & "nt; BEGIN t := p; p := q; q := t END Swap;\n  \n@PackageWrap\nPROC Wrap"
 & "(p: REF ARRAY[1..N] OF Point): INT@ =\nVAR grn: INT; BEGIN\n  @1 grn :="
 & " 1;@\n  @2 FOR blu := 2 TO N DO@\n    @3 CASE TestAB(p[grn], p[blu]) OF"
 & "@\n    | @4 AB.Below@, @5 AB.Right@ => @6 grn := blu@\n    | @7 AB.Abov"
 & "e@, @8 AB.Left@, @9 AB.On@ => \n    END;\n  @99 END; (* p[grn] is right"
 & "most of lowest. *)@\n  @10 FOR purp := 1 TO N DO@\n    @11 Swap(p[grn],"
 & " p[purp]);@\n    @98 (* p[1..purp] is prefix of the hull. *)@\n    @12 "
 & "grn := 1;@\n    @13 FOR blu := purp + 1 TO N DO@\n      @14 CASE TestLR"
 & "(p[pu";

CONST E35_1 =
   "rp], p[grn], p[blu]) OF@\n      | @15 Right@, @16 Front@, @17 DegenOff@"
 & " => @18 grn := blu@\n      | @19 Left@, @20 Tail@, @21 Shaft@, @22 Head"
 & "@, @23 DegenOn@ => \n      END;\n    @97 END; (* p[grn] is furthest clo"
 & "ckwise. *)@\n    @24 IF grn = 1@ THEN @25 RETURN purp@ END;\n  END;\n  "
 & "@26 RETURN 0;@\n@27 END Wrap;@\n@PackageWrap\n\nPROCEDURE LessEq(s, t: "
 & "Point): BOOLEAN =\n(* Using polar coordinates centered at p[0], the poi"
 & "nt \"s\" is less \n   than or equal to the point \"t\" when either \n  "
 & "     theta(s) < theta(t)  or \n       theta(s) = theta(t)  and  r(s) <="
 & " r(t).\n   By fiat, the point p[0], which has r(p[0]) = 0 and theta(p[0"
 & "]) \n   undefined, is less than any other point. \n\n   Every point  q "
 & " passed to this procedure with  theta(q)  defined,\n   that is, with  r"
 & "(q) > 0, will satisfy\n       0 <= theta(q) < 180,\n   and the followin"
 & "g implementation depends on that.  *)\n  BEGIN\n    CASE TestLR(p[0], s"
 & ", t) OF\n    | LR.Left, LR.Front, LR.Head  => RETURN TRUE\n    | LR.Rig"
 & "ht, LR.Shaft, LR.Tail => RETURN FALSE\n    | LR.DegenOn, LR.DegenOff   "
 & "  => RETURN TRUE\n    END; (* LR.Back can\'t happen. *)\n  END LessEq;\n"
 & "\n@GrahamScan\nPROCEDURE GrahamScan(): INTEGER@ =\n  VAR min, M: INTEGE"
 & "R;\n  BEGIN\n    @1 min := 1;@\n    @2 FOR i := 2 TO N DO@\n      @3 CA"
 & "SE TestAB(p[min], p[i]) OF@\n      | @4 AB.Below@, @5 AB.Left@         "
 & "=> @6 min := i@\n      | @7 AB.Above@, @8 AB.Right@, @9 AB.On@ => \n   "
 & "   END;\n    END;\n    @10 p[0] := p[min];@ (* p[0] is a copy of the le"
 & "ftmost of the lowest. *)\n    @11 Sort();@\n    (* The segment p[1..N] "
 & "consists of one or more copies of p[0] \n       followed by all points "
 & "distinct from p[0], sorted by theta \n       from p[0] and, for equal t"
 & "heta, sorted by r.  *) \n    @12 M := 1;@\n    @13 FOR i := 2 TO N DO@\n"
 & "      @14 LOOP@ \n        @15 CASE TestLR(p[M-1], p[M], p[i]) OF@\n    "
 & "    | @16 LR.Right@                      => @17 DEC(M);@\n        | @18"
 & " LR.Left@, @19 LR.DegenOff@          => @20 EXIT;@\n        | @21 LR.Fr"
 & "ont@, @22 LR.Head@, @23 LR.DegenOn@ => @24 DEC(M);@  @25 EXIT;@\n    ";

CONST E35_2 =
   "    END; (* LR.Back, LR.Tail, and LR.Shaft can\'t happen; LR.DegenOn *)"
 & "\n      END;   (* and LR.DegenOff happen only at the start, when M = 1."
 & "   *)\n      @26 INC(M);@  @27 Swap(p[i], p[M]);@\n      (* p[1..M] is "
 & "the convex hull of p[1..i]. *)\n    END;\n    @28 RETURN M;@\n  END Gra"
 & "hamScan;\n@GrahamScan\n\nPROCEDURE Sort() =\n(* Sort the array p[1..N] "
 & "into \"LessEq\" order.  This implementation\n   uses ShellSort. *)\n  V"
 & "AR h: INTEGER := 1;  j: INTEGER;  v: Point;\n  BEGIN\n    REPEAT h := 3"
 & " * h + 1 UNTIL h > N;\n    REPEAT\n      h := h DIV 3;\n      FOR i := "
 & "h + 1 TO N DO\n        v := p[i];  j := i;\n        WHILE j - h >= 1 AN"
 & "D NOT LessEq(p[j - h], v) DO\n          p[j] := p[j - h];  DEC(j, h);\n"
 & "        END;\n        p[j] := v;\n      END;\n    UNTIL h = 1;\n  END S"
 & "ort;\n\nBEGIN\nEND HullAlgs.\n";

   "(* Copyright (C) 1994, Digital Equipment Corporation *)\n(* All rights "
 & "reserved.                              *)\n(* See the file COPYRIGHT fo"
 & "r a full description.    *)\n\nlet view = { \n\tgraphvbt => graph_new()"
 & ",\n\tfont => ok,\n\tbinWidth => ok,\n        nBins => ok,\n\tcurrWt => "
 & "ok,\n\tcurrVertex => ok,\n\n \tSetup => meth (self, nBins, nWts)\n\t   "
 & "graph_setWorld(self.graphvbt, \n\t      ~2.0, float(nBins), 1.0, 0.0);\n"
 & "\t   graph_setMargin(self.graphvbt, 2.0);\n\t   if (self.font is ok) th"
 & "en\n\t     self.font := graph_newFont (self.graphvbt, \n\t        \"Hel"
 & "vetica\", 0.5, \"Roman\", \"Bold\", \"*\") end;\n\t   end,\n\n\tNewWeig"
 & "ht => meth (self, id, wt) \n\t   let v = graph_newVertex (self.graphvbt"
 & ");\n\t   graph_setVertexSize(v, 1.0, wt);\n\t   graph_moveVertex(v, ~1."
 & "0, 0.5, false);\n\t   graph_setVertexFont(v, self.font);\n\t   graph_se"
 & "tVertexBorder(v, 0.01);\n\t   graph_setVertexLabel(v, fmt_int(id));\n\t"
 & "   graph_setVertexColor(v, color_rgb(0.5, 1.0, 0.5));\n\t   graph_setVe"
 & "rtexLabelColor(v, color_rgb(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));\n\t   graph_redisplay(self"
 & ".graphvbt);\n  \t   self.currVertex := v;\n\t   self.currWt := wt;\n\t "
 & "  end,\n\n\tProbe => meth (self, id, wt) \n\t   ok;\n\t   end,\n\n\tPac"
 & "k => meth (self, bin, total) \n\t   let xpos = 0.5 + float(bin);\n\t   "
 & "let ypos = total - (float(self.currWt) / 2.0);\n\t   graph_moveVertex(s"
 & "elf.currVertex, xpos, ypos, true);\n\t   graph_animate(self.graphvbt, 0"
 & ".0, 1.0);\n\t   end,\n};\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation\n; All rights reser"
 & "ved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n\n(Scale\n  (HS"
 & "cale 1)\n  (VScale 1)\n  (BgColor \"White\")\n  (Rim\n    (Pen 10)\n   "
 & " (HBox      \n      (VBox\n        (Text (Color \"Red\") RightAlign \"y"
 & ": \")\n        (Text (Color \"Green\") RightAlign \"x: \")\n        (Te"
 & "xt (Color \"Blue\") RightAlign \"j: \"))\n      (VBox\n        (Text Ri"
 & "ghtAlign %y \"\")\n        (Text RightAlign %x \"\")\n        (Text Rig"
 & "htAlign %j \"\")))))\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.\n; All rights rese"
 & "rved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n;\n; Last modi"
 & "fied on Wed Feb  8 15:29:09 PST 1995 by kalsow\n\n;********************"
 & "************************************************\n;  NOTE: This file is"
 & " generated automatically from the event \n;        definition file Bres"
 & "enham.evt.\n;**********************************************************"
 & "**********\n\n(VBox\n  (Border (Pen 1)\n    (Shape\n      (Height 75 - "
 & "25 + Inf)\n      (Viewport\n        (HBox\n          (Glue 4 + Inf)\n  "
 & "        (VBox\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)"
 & "\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n          "
 & "                      \"Code View events:   Stop? \") \n               "
 & "     (Boolean %stopatCodeEvents =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue "
 & "10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n"
 & "                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitatCodeEvents =1 \n "
 & "                                              (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n  "
 & "          (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              ("
 & "HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                           "
 & "     \"Setup:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtSetup ="
 & "TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape ("
 & "Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Widt"
 & "h 80) (Numeric %waitAtSetup =1 \n                                      "
 & "         (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shap"
 & "e (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height "
 & "+ 0) \n                                \"NewLine:   Stop? \") \n       "
 & "             (Boolean %stopAtNewLine =TRUE \"\")\n                    ("
 & "Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight:"
 & " \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtNewLine =1 "
 & "\n                                               (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n"
 & "            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n             "
 & " (HBo";

CONST E38_0 =
   "x Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                              "
 & "  \"ErrorInit:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtErrorI"
 & "nit =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Sh"
 & "ape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape "
 & "(Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtErrorInit =1 \n                             "
 & "                  (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n        "
 & "    (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0)"
 & " (Height + 0) \n                                \"ShowPixel:   Stop? \""
 & ") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtShowPixel =TRUE \"\")\n        "
 & "            (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height +"
 & " 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %wait"
 & "AtShowPixel =1 \n                                               (Min 0)"
 & " (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0"
 & ")\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n         "
 & "                       \"FindError:   Stop? \") \n                    ("
 & "Boolean %stopAtFindError =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n  "
 & "                  (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n      "
 & "              (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtFindError =1 \n        "
 & "                                       (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n         "
 & "   (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fi"
 & "ll (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \""
 & "ChangeError:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtChangeEr"
 & "ror =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Sh"
 & "ape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape "
 & "(Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtChangeError =1 \n                           "
 & "                    (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n      "
 & "      (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + "
 & "0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"CompareError:   Sto"
 & "p? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtCompareError =TRUE \"\")\n"
 & "        ";

CONST E38_1 =
   "            (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height +"
 & " 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %wait"
 & "AtCompareError =1 \n                                               (Min"
 & " 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 "
 & "+ 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n      "
 & "                          \"ShowNextPixel:   Stop? \") \n              "
 & "      (Boolean %stopAtShowNextPixel =TRUE \"\")\n                    (G"
 & "lue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: "
 & "\")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtShowNextPixe"
 & "l =1 \n                                               (Min 0) (Max 100)"
 & "))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n       "
 & "       (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                   "
 & "             \"Move:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAt"
 & "Move =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (S"
 & "hape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape"
 & " (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtMove =1 \n                                 "
 & "              (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n          )\n"
 & "          (Glue 4)\n          (VBox\n            (Glue 5)\n            "
 & "(Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \"Cts:\")\n            (Button %even"
 & "tCounts\n              (VBox\n                (Glue 6)\n               "
 & " (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                      "
 & "            (Text %ctOfSetup \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n      "
 & "          (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n             "
 & "                     (Text %ctOfNewLine \"0\")))\n                (Glue"
 & " 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n  "
 & "                                (Text %ctOfErrorInit \"0\")))\n        "
 & "        (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height"
 & " 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfShowPixel \"0\""
 & ")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width"
 & " + 0) (";

CONST E38_2 =
   "Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfFindError"
 & " \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape "
 & "(Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %"
 & "ctOfChangeError \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HB"
 & "ox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                          "
 & "        (Text %ctOfCompareError \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n   "
 & "             (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n          "
 & "                        (Text %ctOfShowNextPixel \"0\")))\n            "
 & "    (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 "
 & "+ 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfMove \"0\")))\n    "
 & "            (Glue 3))))\n          Fill\n          (Glue 4 + Inf)\n    "
 & "    )\n      )\n    )\n  )\n)\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation\n; All rights reser"
 & "ved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n\n(Scale\n  (HS"
 & "cale 1)\n  (VScale 1)\n  (Rim\n    (Pen 10)\n    (Shape\n      (Width 4"
 & "50 + Infinity)\n      (VBox\n        (HBox\n          (HBox (Text \"i ="
 & " \") (TextEdit ReadOnly (TurnMargin 0) %i))\n          (HBox (Text \"j "
 & "= \") (TextEdit ReadOnly (TurnMargin 0) %j)))\n        (HBox\n         "
 & " (HBox (Text \"v = \") (TextEdit ReadOnly (TurnMargin 0) %v))\n        "
 & "  (HBox (Text \"N = \") (TextEdit ReadOnly (TurnMargin 0) %N)))\n      "
 & "  (HBox (Text \"a = \") (TextEdit ReadOnly (TurnMargin 0) %a))))))\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.\n; All rights rese"
 & "rved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n;\n; Last modi"
 & "fied on Wed Feb  8 15:29:09 PST 1995 by kalsow\n\n;********************"
 & "************************************************\n;  NOTE: This file is"
 & " generated automatically from the event \n;        definition file Maxf"
 & "low.evt.\n;************************************************************"
 & "********\n\n(VBox\n  (Border (Pen 1)\n    (Shape\n      (Height 75 - 25"
 & " + Inf)\n      (Viewport\n        (HBox\n          (Glue 4 + Inf)\n    "
 & "      (VBox\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n"
 & "              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n            "
 & "                    \"Code View events:   Stop? \") \n                 "
 & "   (Boolean %stopatCodeEvents =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10"
 & ")\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n "
 & "                   (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitatCodeEvents =1 \n  "
 & "                                             (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n   "
 & "         (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (H"
 & "Box Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                            "
 & "    \"Setup:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtSetup =T"
 & "RUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (W"
 & "idth + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width"
 & " 80) (Numeric %waitAtSetup =1 \n                                       "
 & "        (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape"
 & " (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height +"
 & " 0) \n                                \"HighlightPath:   Stop? \") \n  "
 & "                  (Boolean %stopAtHighlightPath =TRUE \"\")\n          "
 & "          (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0"
 & ") \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAt"
 & "HighlightPath =1 \n                                               (Min "
 & "0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 +"
 & " 0)\n  ";

CONST E40_0 =
   "            (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n              "
 & "                  \"IncFlow:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean"
 & " %stopAtIncFlow =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n           "
 & "         (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n               "
 & "     (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtIncFlow =1 \n                   "
 & "                            (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)"
 & "\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape ("
 & "Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"DecFlow:   "
 & "Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtDecFlow =TRUE \"\")\n  "
 & "                  (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (He"
 & "ight + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric"
 & " %waitAtDecFlow =1 \n                                               (Mi"
 & "n 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16"
 & " + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n     "
 & "                           \"ShowEdge:   Stop? \") \n                  "
 & "  (Boolean %stopAtShowEdge =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n"
 & "                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n    "
 & "                (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtShowEdge =1 \n       "
 & "                                        (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n        "
 & "    (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox F"
 & "ill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \""
 & "RemoveHighlight:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtRemo"
 & "veHighlight =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n               "
 & "     (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                   "
 & " (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtRemoveHighlight =1 \n               "
 & "                                (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glu"
 & "e 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Sha"
 & "pe (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"FinalRe"
 & "sult:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtFinalResult =TR"
 & "UE \"";

CONST E40_1 =
   "\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width +"
 & " 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) ("
 & "Numeric %waitAtFinalResult =1 \n                                       "
 & "        (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n          )\n     "
 & "     (Glue 4)\n          (VBox\n            (Glue 5)\n            (Shap"
 & "e (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \"Cts:\")\n            (Button %eventCoun"
 & "ts\n              (VBox\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBo"
 & "x Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                           "
 & "       (Text %ctOfSetup \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n           "
 & "     (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                  "
 & "                (Text %ctOfHighlightPath \"0\")))\n                (Glu"
 & "e 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n "
 & "                                 (Text %ctOfIncFlow \"0\")))\n         "
 & "       (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height "
 & "16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfDecFlow \"0\")))"
 & "\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + "
 & "0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfShowE"
 & "dge \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Sha"
 & "pe (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Tex"
 & "t %ctOfRemoveHighlight \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n            "
 & "    (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                   "
 & "               (Text %ctOfFinalResult \"0\")))\n                (Glue 3"
 & "))))\n          Fill\n          (Glue 4 + Inf)\n        )\n      )\n   "
 & " )\n  )\n)\n";

   "(* Copyright (C) 1994, Digital Equipment Corporation         *)\n(* All"
 & " rights reserved.                                      *)\n(* See the f"
 & "ile COPYRIGHT for a full description.            *)\n\n@Maxflow\nPROCED"
 & "URE Maxflow =@\n\n  BEGIN\n@1  WHILE there is an augmenting path DO @\n"
 & "@2    p := FindPath (flowChange); @\n@3    currentVertex := source; @\n"
 & "@4    WHILE p # NIL DO  @\n@5      edge := List.Pop(p); @\n@6      IF e"
 & "dge.from = currentVertex (* forward edge *) THEN @\n@7        edge.flow"
 & " := edge.flow + flowChange; @\n@8        currentVertex :=; @\n@"
 & "9      ELSE (* back edge *) @\n@10       edge.flow := edge.flow - flowC"
 & "hange; @\n@11       currentVertex := edge.from; @\n        END;\n      "
 & "END;\n    END;\n  END Maxflow;\n\n\nPROCEDURE FindPath (VAR flowChange:"
 & " REAL) : List.T ;\n\n(* returns a list of edges which when undirected f"
 & "orm a \n   path from the source to the sink. Every forward edge\n   on "
 & "this path has nonzero residual capacity \n   (i.e. capacity > flow),\n "
 & "  and every back edge on this path has positive flow.\n   Such a path i"
 & "s called an augmenting path.\n   flowChange :=\n      minimun ( minimum"
 & " residual capacity on forward edges,\n                minimum flow on b"
 & "ack edges )\n*)\n\n@Maxflow\n";

   "#| Copyright 1993 Digital Equipment Corporation.                       "
 & "      |#\n#| Distributed only by permission.                           "
 & "                |#\n#|                                                 "
 & "                          |#\n#| Last modified on Sat Jul 17 14:45:54 P"
 & "DT 1993 by heydon                   |#\n#|                             "
 & "                                              |#\n#| Input form for the"
 & " greedy packet-routing algorithm.                       |#\n\n(Rim (Pen"
 & " 4)\n  (Macro Field BOA (name)\n    `(VBox\n       (Shape (Height + 0) "
 & "(Text LeftAlign ,name))\n       (Glue 2)))\n  (Macro NamedChoice BOA (l"
 & "abel var (init FALSE))\n    `(Choice %,var =,init CheckBox\n       (Tex"
 & "t LeftAlign ,label)))\n  (Macro Value BOA (label var init (fill Fill) ("
 & "min 1))\n    `(HBox ,fill\n        (Shape (Width + 0) (Text RightAlign "
 & ",label))\n        (Numeric %,var =,init (Min ,min))))\n  (Macro Divider"
 & " BOA ((g 4) (b 2))\n    `(VBox (Glue ,g) (Bar ,b) (Glue ,g)))\n  (Macro"
 & " Bool BOA (label boolVar (init FALSE))\n    `(Boolean %,boolVar =,init "
 & "(Text LeftAlign ,label)))\n  (VBox\n    (VBox\n      (Field \"Network T"
 & "opology:\")\n      (Radio %topology (VBox\n        (HBox\n          (Na"
 & "medChoice \"Grid:\" grid TRUE) Fill\n          (Value  \"W =\" gWidth  "
 & "4)\n          (Value \" H =\" gHeight 5 (Glue 0))\n        )\n        ("
 & "HBox\n          (NamedChoice \"Torus:\" torus FALSE)\n          (Value "
 & " \"W =\" tWidth  4)\n          (Value \" H =\" tHeight 5 (Glue 0))\n   "
 & "     )\n        (HBox\n          (NamedChoice \"Butterfly:\" butterfly "
 & "FALSE)\n          (Value  \"Dimension =\" butDim  3)\n        )\n      "
 & "  (Glue 2)\n        (HBox\n          (NamedChoice \"From File:\" networ"
 & "kFromFile FALSE)\n          (HBox\n            (Text RightAlign \"Name "
 & "=\")\n            (Frame Lowered (TypeIn ExpandOnDemand %networkFilenam"
 & "e (BgColor \"White\")))\n          )\n        )\n      )) \n    )\n    "
 & "(Divider)\n    (VBox\n      (Field \"Queue Size:\")\n      (HBox\n     "
 & "   (Bool \"Bounded?\" bounded TRUE)\n        (Value \"Maximum Size =\" "
 & "maxQueueSize 3)\n      )\n   ";

CONST E42_0 =
   " )\n    (Divider)\n    (VBox\n      (Field \"Packet Sources:\")\n      "
 & "(Radio %pktSources (VBox\n        (HBox\n          (NamedChoice \"Rando"
 & "m:\" randomSrc TRUE)\n          (Value \"Total =\" pktsTotal 10)\n     "
 & "   )\n        (HBox\n          (NamedChoice \"Constant:\" constantSrc)\n"
 & "          (Value \"Per Node =\" pktsPerNode 1)\n        )\n        (Glu"
 & "e 2)\n        (HBox\n          (NamedChoice \"From File:\" pktsFromFile"
 & ")\n          (HBox\n            (Text RightAlign \"Name =\")\n         "
 & "   (Frame Lowered (TypeIn ExpandOnDemand %pktsFilename (BgColor \"White"
 & "\")))\n          )\n        )\n      ))\n    )\n    (Divider)\n    (VBo"
 & "x\n      (Field \"Outgoing Tie Resolution Heuristic:\")\n      (Radio %"
 & "tieRes (VBox\n        (NamedChoice \"First Match\" firstMatch TRUE)\n  "
 & "      (NamedChoice \"Random\" randomMatch FALSE)\n      ))\n    )\n    "
 & "(Divider)\n    (VBox\n      (Field \"Contention Resolution Heuristic:\""
 & ")\n      (Radio %contentionRes (VBox\n        (NamedChoice \"Furthest F"
 & "irst\" furthestFirst TRUE)\n        (NamedChoice \"Random\" randomFirst"
 & ")\n      ))\n    )\n    (Divider)\n    (VBox\n      (Field \"Random Num"
 & "bers:\")\n      (Bool \"Use Fixed Seed?\" fixed)\n    )\n  )\n)\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1994, Digital Equipment Corporation    \n; All rights r"
 & "eserved.                                 \n; See the file COPYRIGHT for"
 & " a full description.       \n\n; provides for a single integer number w"
 & "hose name is N \n\n(VBox\n  (Macro Label BOA (text) `(Shape (Width 120)"
 & " (Text RightAlign ,text)))\n  (Macro Line BOA (label expr) `(HBox (Labe"
 & "l ,label) ,expr Fill))\n  (Glue 10)\n  (Line \"Number of weights: \" (N"
 & "umeric (Min 1) (Max 1000) %N =26))\n  (Glue 10)\n  (Line \"Number of bi"
 & "ns: \" (Numeric (Min 1) (Max 100) %B =10))\n  (Glue 10)\n  (Filter %run"
 & "timeOpts Dormant\n    (Frame Chiseled\n      (VBox\n        (Glue 10)\n"
 & "        (Line\n          \"Bin to empty: \"\n          (Filter (Numeric"
 & " (Min 0) (Max 1000) %toEmpty AllowEmpty)))\n        (Glue 10)\n        "
 & "(Line\n          \"Delete a weight: \"\n          (Filter (Numeric (Min"
 & " 0) (Max 1000) %toDelete AllowEmpty)))\n        (Glue 10))))\n  (Glue 1"
 & "0))\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.\n; All rights rese"
 & "rved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n;\n; Last modi"
 & "fied on Wed Feb  8 15:29:09 PST 1995 by kalsow\n\n;********************"
 & "************************************************\n;  NOTE: This file is"
 & " generated automatically from the event \n;        definition file Shor"
 & "testPath.evt.\n;*******************************************************"
 & "*************\n\n(VBox\n  (Border (Pen 1)\n    (Shape\n      (Height 75"
 & " - 25 + Inf)\n      (Viewport\n        (HBox\n          (Glue 4 + Inf)\n"
 & "          (VBox\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + "
 & "0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n        "
 & "                        \"Code View events:   Stop? \") \n             "
 & "       (Boolean %stopatCodeEvents =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glu"
 & "e 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \""
 & ")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitatCodeEvents =1 "
 & "\n                                               (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n"
 & "            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n             "
 & " (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                         "
 & "       \"NewVertex:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtN"
 & "ewVertex =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                  "
 & "  (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (S"
 & "hape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtNewVertex =1 \n                        "
 & "                       (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n   "
 & "         (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width"
 & " + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"NewEdge:   Stop?"
 & " \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtNewEdge =TRUE \"\")\n       "
 & "             (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height "
 & "+ 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %wai"
 & "tAtNewEdge =1 \n                                               (Min 0) "
 & "(Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)"
 & "\n   ";

CONST E44_0 =
   "           (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n               "
 & "                 \"StartFind:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolea"
 & "n %stopAtStartFind =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n        "
 & "            (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n            "
 & "        (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtStartFind =1 \n              "
 & "                                 (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Gl"
 & "ue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Sh"
 & "ape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"Promot"
 & "e:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtPromote =TRUE \"\""
 & ")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0"
 & ") (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Nu"
 & "meric %waitAtPromote =1 \n                                             "
 & "  (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Heig"
 & "ht 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n"
 & "                                \"Consider:   Stop? \") \n             "
 & "       (Boolean %stopAtConsider =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue "
 & "10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n"
 & "                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtConsider =1 \n   "
 & "                                            (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n    "
 & "        (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HB"
 & "ox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                             "
 & "   \"Traceback:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtTrace"
 & "back =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (S"
 & "hape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape"
 & " (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtTraceback =1 \n                            "
 & "                   (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n       "
 & "   )\n          (Glue 4)\n          (VBox\n            (Glue 5)\n      "
 & "      (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \"Cts:\")\n            (Button"
 & " %eventCounts\n              (VBox\n                (Glue 6)\n         "
 & "       (H";

CONST E44_1 =
   "Box Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                         "
 & "         (Text %ctOfNewVertex \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n     "
 & "           (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n            "
 & "                      (Text %ctOfNewEdge \"0\")))\n                (Glu"
 & "e 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n "
 & "                                 (Text %ctOfStartFind \"0\")))\n       "
 & "         (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Heigh"
 & "t 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfPromote \"0\")"
 & "))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width "
 & "+ 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfCon"
 & "sider \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (S"
 & "hape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (T"
 & "ext %ctOfTraceback \"0\")))\n                (Glue 3))))\n          Fil"
 & "l\n          (Glue 4 + Inf)\n        )\n      )\n    )\n  )\n)\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.\n; All rights rese"
 & "rved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n;\n; Last modi"
 & "fied on Wed Feb  8 15:29:09 PST 1995 by kalsow\n\n;********************"
 & "************************************************\n;  NOTE: This file is"
 & " generated automatically from the event \n;        definition file DGra"
 & "ph.evt.\n;*************************************************************"
 & "*******\n\n(VBox\n  (Border (Pen 1)\n    (Shape\n      (Height 75 - 25 "
 & "+ Inf)\n      (Viewport\n        (HBox\n          (Glue 4 + Inf)\n     "
 & "     (VBox\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n "
 & "             (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n             "
 & "                   \"Code View events:   Stop? \") \n                  "
 & "  (Boolean %stopatCodeEvents =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)"
 & "\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n  "
 & "                  (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitatCodeEvents =1 \n   "
 & "                                            (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n    "
 & "        (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HB"
 & "ox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                             "
 & "   \"Setup:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtSetup =TR"
 & "UE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Wi"
 & "dth + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width "
 & "80) (Numeric %waitAtSetup =1 \n                                        "
 & "       (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape "
 & "(Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + "
 & "0) \n                                \"AddEdge:   Stop? \") \n         "
 & "           (Boolean %stopAtAddEdge =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Gl"
 & "ue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \""
 & ")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtAddEdge =1 \n "
 & "                                              (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n  "
 & "          (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              ("
 & "HBox F";

CONST E45_0 =
   "ill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \""
 & "MarkEdge:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtMarkEdge =T"
 & "RUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (W"
 & "idth + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width"
 & " 80) (Numeric %waitAtMarkEdge =1 \n                                    "
 & "           (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Sh"
 & "ape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Heigh"
 & "t + 0) \n                                \"UnMarkEdge:   Stop? \") \n  "
 & "                  (Boolean %stopAtUnMarkEdge =TRUE \"\")\n             "
 & "       (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \""
 & "Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtUnMa"
 & "rkEdge =1 \n                                               (Min 0) (Max"
 & " 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n  "
 & "            (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n              "
 & "                  \"MarkVertex:   Stop? \") \n                    (Bool"
 & "ean %stopAtMarkVertex =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n     "
 & "               (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n         "
 & "           (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtMarkVertex =1 \n          "
 & "                                     (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n           "
 & " (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill"
 & " (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"Un"
 & "MarkVertex:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtUnMarkVer"
 & "tex =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Sh"
 & "ape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape "
 & "(Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtUnMarkVertex =1 \n                          "
 & "                     (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n     "
 & "       (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width +"
 & " 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"NewTree:   Stop? \""
 & ") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtNewTree =TRUE \"\")\n          "
 & "     ";

CONST E45_1 =
   "     (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"W"
 & "eight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtNewTr"
 & "ee =1 \n                                               (Min 0) (Max 100"
 & ")))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n      "
 & "        (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                  "
 & "              \"Highlight:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %"
 & "stopAtHighlight =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n           "
 & "         (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n               "
 & "     (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtHighlight =1 \n                 "
 & "                              (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue "
 & "6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape"
 & " (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"AddChild:"
 & "   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtAddChild =TRUE \"\")"
 & "\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0)"
 & " (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Num"
 & "eric %waitAtAddChild =1 \n                                             "
 & "  (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Heig"
 & "ht 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n"
 & "                                \"RemoveChild:   Stop? \") \n          "
 & "          (Boolean %stopAtRemoveChild =TRUE \"\")\n                    "
 & "(Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight"
 & ": \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtRemoveChil"
 & "d =1 \n                                               (Min 0) (Max 100)"
 & "))))\n            (Glue 6)\n          )\n          (Glue 4)\n          "
 & "(VBox\n            (Glue 5)\n            (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 "
 & "+ 0) \"Cts:\")\n            (Button %eventCounts\n              (VBox\n"
 & "                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0)"
 & " (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfSetup \""
 & "0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Wi"
 & "dth + 0";

CONST E45_2 =
   ") (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfAddEdg"
 & "e \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape"
 & " (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text "
 & "%ctOfMarkEdge \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox"
 & " Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                            "
 & "      (Text %ctOfUnMarkEdge \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n       "
 & "         (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n              "
 & "                    (Text %ctOfMarkVertex \"0\")))\n                (Gl"
 & "ue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n"
 & "                                  (Text %ctOfUnMarkVertex \"0\")))\n   "
 & "             (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (H"
 & "eight 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfNewTree \""
 & "0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Wi"
 & "dth + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctO"
 & "fHighlight \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fi"
 & "ll (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                               "
 & "   (Text %ctOfAddChild \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n            "
 & "    (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                   "
 & "               (Text %ctOfRemoveChild \"0\")))\n                (Glue 3"
 & "))))\n          Fill\n          (Glue 4 + Inf)\n        )\n      )\n   "
 & " )\n  )\n)\n";

   "(* Copyright (C) 1994, Digital Equipment Corporation                   "
 & "      *)\n(* All rights reserved.                                      "
 & "                *)\n(* See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.  "
 & "                          *)\n(*                                       "
 & "                                    *)\n(* NodeDepth.obl - view of node"
 & " depths.                                      *)\n(* Last modified on M"
 & "on Jan  9 12:04:28 PST 1995 by najork                   *)\n(*      mod"
 & "ified on Fri Aug 19 16:17:40 PDT 1994 by heydon                   *)\n("
 & "*      modified on Thu Jul 28 10:50:11 PDT 1994 by shillner            "
 & "     *)\n\n(* Screen dimensions. *)\nlet North: Real = 1.0;\nlet South:"
 & " Real = 0.0;\nlet West: Real = 0.0;\nlet East: Real = 1.0;\nlet Margin:"
 & " Real = 5.0;\n\n(* Caption stuff. *)\nlet CaptionHeight   = 0.1;\nlet B"
 & "ackgroundColor = color_named(\"white\");\nlet FontSz          = 0.07;\n"
 & "\n(* Bar settings. *)\nlet BarColor    = color_named(\"magenta\");\nlet"
 & " BorderColor = color_named(\"black\");\nlet BorderWidth = 0.005;\nlet T"
 & "extColor   = color_named(\"black\");\nlet BarGap      = 0.02;\nlet Axis"
 & "LabelHeight = 0.1;\nvar g = ok;\nvar labelFont = ok;\n\n(* Node Object "
 & "============================================================= *)\n\nlet"
 & " Node = {\n  parent: Node => ok,\n  children: Node => ok,\n  next: Node"
 & " => ok,      (* Siblings. *)\n  prev: Node => ok,\n\n  (* Adds child as"
 & " a child of parent, inserted to the right of \n     the child \"rightOf"
 & "\", which must be a child of parent, or as\n     the leftmost child if "
 & "rightOf is ok *)\n  addChild => meth(parent, rightOf, child: Node)\n   "
 & " if rightOf is ok then\n := parent.children;\n      chi"
 & "ld.prev := ok;\n      if isnot ok then := ch"
 & "ild; end;\n      parent.children := child;\n    else\n      child.prev "
 & ":= rightOf;\n :=;\n      if isn"
 & "ot ok then := child; end;\n := child;"
 & "\n    end;\n  end,\n\n  (* removes child from parent, which must be its"
 & " parent";

CONST E46_0 =
   " *)\n  removeChild => meth(parent, child: Node)\n    if child.prev isno"
 & "t ok\n      then :=;\n      else parent.chil"
 & "dren :=;\n    end;\n    if isnot ok then"
 & "xt.prev := child.prev; end;\n    child.prev := ok;\n := o"
 & "k;\n  end,\n\n  walk => meth(node: Node, bar: Bar)\n    bar.size := bar"
 & ".size + 1.0;\n    var ch = node.children;\n    if is ok then\n"
 & " := clone(bar).init(bar.col + 1);\n    end;\n    var acc "
 & "= 0;\n    var count = 0;\n    loop\n      if ch is ok then exit end;\n "
 & "     let res = ch.walk(;\n      acc := acc + res.acc;\n      c"
 & "ount := count + res.count;\n      ch :=;\n    end;\n    {acc =>"
 & " acc + bar.col, count => count + 1};\n  end,\n\n};\n\n\n(* Bar Object ="
 & "============================================================= *)\n\nlet"
 & " Bar = {\n  size: Float => ok,\n  next: Bar => ok,\n  col: Int => ok,\n"
 & "  v: Vertex => ok,\n  axisLabel: Vertex => ok,\n\n  init => meth(self: "
 & "Bar, col: Int): Bar,\n    self.size := 0.0;\n    self.col := col;\n    "
 & " := ok;\n    if self.col >= 0 then\n      self.v := graph_newV"
 & "ertex(g);\n      graph_setVertexColor(self.v, BarColor);\n      graph_s"
 & "etVertexBorderColor(self.v, BorderColor);\n      graph_setVertexBorder("
 & "self.v, BorderWidth);\n      graph_setVertexSize(self.v, 1.0, 0.0);\n  "
 & "    graph_setVertexLabelColor(self.v, TextColor);\n      graph_setVerte"
 & "xFont(self.v, labelFont);\n      graph_moveVertex(self.v, float("
 & "l), 0.0, true);\n\n      self.axisLabel := graph_newVertex(g);\n      g"
 & "raph_setVertexColor(self.axisLabel, BackgroundColor);\n      graph_setV"
 & "ertexBorder(self.axisLabel, 0.0);\n      graph_setVertexLabelColor(self"
 & ".axisLabel, TextColor);\n      graph_setVertexFont(self.axisLabel, labe"
 & "lFont);\n    end;\n    self;\n  end,\n\n  clear => meth(self: Bar)\n   "
 & " self.size := 0.0;\n    if isnot ok then en"
 & "d;\n  end,\n\n  update => meth(self: Bar, maxHeight: Float, maxCols: In"
 & "t,\n                 barGraph: BarGraph): ok,\n    let height = if self"
 & ".size > maxH";

CONST E46_1 =
   "eight then self.size else maxHeight end;\n    let cols = if self.size i"
 & "snot 0.0 then self.col else maxCols end;\n\n    if isnot ok t"
 & "hen, cols, barGraph)\n    else barGraph.barCoun"
 & "ts(height, cols + 1) end;\n\n    let shape = barGraph.barShape(math_sqr"
 & "t(self.size), self.col);\n    if shape.h > 0.0 then\n      graph_setVer"
 & "texSize(self.v, shape.w, shape.h);\n      graph_moveVertex(self.v, shap"
 & "e.x, shape.y, false);\n      graph_setVertexLabel(self.v, fmt_int(round"
 & "(self.size)));\n\n      graph_setVertexSize(self.axisLabel, shape.w, Ax"
 & "isLabelHeight);\n      graph_moveVertex(self.axisLabel, shape.x, \n    "
 & "                   (shape.y - (0.5 * shape.h)) - (0.5 * AxisLabelHeight"
 & "),\n                       false);\n      graph_setVertexLabel(self.axi"
 & "sLabel, fmt_int(self.col));\n    else\n      graph_setVertexSize(self.v"
 & ", 0.0, 0.0);\n      graph_setVertexSize(self.axisLabel, 0.0, 0.0);\n   "
 & " end;\n  end,\n};\n\n(* BarGraph Object ==============================="
 & "========================== *)\n\nlet BarGraph = {\n  west: Float => ok,"
 & "\n  east: Float => ok,\n  north: Float => ok,\n  south: Float => ok,\n "
 & " height: Float => ok,\n  width: Float => ok,\n  bar: Bar => ok,\n  colW"
 & "idth: Float => ok,\n  unitHeight: Float => ok,\n  baseCol: Float => ok,"
 & "\n  barWidth: Float => ok,\n\n  init => meth(self: BarGraph, west, east"
 & ", north, south: Float,\n               bar: Bar): BarGraph,\n    self.w"
 & "est := west;\n    self.east := east;\n    self.north := north;\n    sel"
 & "f.south := south;\n    self.height := north - south;\n    self.width :="
 & " east - west;\n := bar;\n    self;\n  end,\n\n  barCounts ="
 & "> meth(self: BarGraph, height: Float, cols: Int): ok,\n    self.colWidt"
 & "h := self.width / float(cols);\n    self.unitHeight := (self.height - A"
 & "xisLabelHeight) / math_sqrt(height);\n    self.baseCol := self.west + ("
 & "0.5 * self.colWidth);\n    self.barWidth := self.colWidth - BarGap;\n  "
 & "end,\n\n  barShape => meth(self: BarGraph, size: Float, col: Int): Shap"
 & "e,\n    var shape = {w => ok, h => ok, x => ok, y => ok};\n\n    shape."
 & "w ";

CONST E46_2 =
   ":= self.barWidth;\n    shape.h := size * self.unitHeight;\n    shape.x "
 & ":= self.baseCol + (self.colWidth * float(col));\n    shape.y :="
 & "uth + AxisLabelHeight + (0.5 * shape.h);\n    shape;\n  end,\n\n  updat"
 & "e => meth(self: BarGraph)\n, 0, self);\n  e"
 & "nd,\n  \n};\n\n\n(* View Object ======================================="
 & "====================== *)\n\nlet view = {\n\n  graphvbt => graph_new(),"
 & "\n  counts => ok,\n  numSets => 0,\n  node => ok,\n  root: Node => ok,\n"
 & "  bar: Bar => ok,\n  barGraph: BarGraph => ok,\n  height: Int => ok,\n "
 & " width: Int => ok,\n  caption: Vertex => ok,\n\n  FinishedSets => meth("
 & "self: View, numSets: Int, usesRanks: Bool)\n    g := self.graphvbt;  (*"
 & " Must be done before Bar.init(). *)\n    self.numSets := numSets;\n    "
 & "self.root := clone(Node);\n := clone(Bar).init(-1);\n    se"
 & "lf.barGraph := clone(BarGraph).init(West, East, North,\n               "
 & "                           South + CaptionHeight,;\n    self."
 & "node := array_new(numSets, ok);\n    labelFont := graph_newFont("
 & "aphvbt, \"Helvetica\", FontSz,\n                               \"Roman\""
 & ", \"bold\", \"*\");\n\n    for i=0 to numSets-1 do\n      var node = cl"
 & "one(Node);\n      self.root.addChild(ok, node);\n      self.node[i] := "
 & "node;\n    end;\n\n    graph_setWorld(self.graphvbt, West, East, North,"
 & " South);\n    graph_setMargin(self.graphvbt, Margin);\n    self.caption"
 & " := graph_newVertex(self.graphvbt);\n    graph_moveVertex(self.caption,"
 & " (West + East) / 2.0,\n                     South + (CaptionHeight / 2."
 & "0), false);\n    graph_setVertexSize(self.caption, East - West, Caption"
 & "Height);\n    graph_setVertexColor(self.caption, BackgroundColor);\n   "
 & " graph_setVertexFont(self.caption, labelFont);\n    graph_setVertexLabe"
 & "l(self.caption, \"\");\n    graph_setVertexLabelColor(self.caption, Tex"
 & "tColor);\n    self.update();\n  end,\n\n  update => meth(self: View): o"
 & "k,\n;\n    let res = self.root.walk(;\n   "
 & " let avg = float(res.acc + 1) / float(self.numSets);\n    self.barGraph"
 & ".update();\n ";

CONST E46_3 =
   "   graph_setVertexLabel(self.caption,\n                         \"Avera"
 & "ge Node Depth: \" &\n                          text_replaceAll(\"d\", \""
 & "0\",\n                                          text_sub(fmt_real(avg),"
 & " 0, 4)));\n    graph_redisplay(self.graphvbt);\n  end,\n\n  ChangeParen"
 & "t => meth(self: View, childId, parentId, rootId: Int)\n    let parent ="
 & " self.node[parentId];\n    let child = self.node[childId];\n    let roo"
 & "t = self.node[rootId];\n    \n    parent.removeChild(child);\n    root."
 & "addChild(ok, child);\n\n    self.update();\n    ok;\n  end,\n\n  Unite "
 & "=> meth(self: View, childId, parentId, pRank: Int)\n    let parent = se"
 & "lf.node[parentId];\n    let child = self.node[childId];\n\n    self.roo"
 & "t.removeChild(child);\n    parent.addChild(ok, child);\n\n    self.upda"
 & "te();\n    ok;\n  end,\n\n};\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation\n; All rights reser"
 & "ved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n\n(VBox\n  (Glu"
 & "e 10)\n  (Rim\n    (Pen 10)\n    (HBox\n      (VBox (Shape (Width + 0)("
 & "Height + 0) \"Input: \") Fill)\n      (Border\n        (Shape\n        "
 & "  (Width 180) (Height 50)\n          (TextEdit %input =\"zeus = able + "
 & "baker * (cat + dog)\")))\n      Fill))\n  (Glue 10))\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.\n; All rights rese"
 & "rved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n;\n; Last modi"
 & "fied on Wed Feb  8 15:29:09 PST 1995 by kalsow\n\n;********************"
 & "************************************************\n;  NOTE: This file is"
 & " generated automatically from the event \n;        definition file ZPap"
 & "er.evt.\n;*************************************************************"
 & "*******\n\n(VBox\n  (Border (Pen 1)\n    (Shape\n      (Height 75 - 25 "
 & "+ Inf)\n      (Viewport\n        (HBox\n          (Glue 4 + Inf)\n     "
 & "     (VBox\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n "
 & "             (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n             "
 & "                   \"Code View events:   Stop? \") \n                  "
 & "  (Boolean %stopatCodeEvents =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)"
 & "\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n  "
 & "                  (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitatCodeEvents =1 \n   "
 & "                                            (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n    "
 & "        (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HB"
 & "ox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                             "
 & "   \"Init:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtInit =TRUE"
 & " \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Widt"
 & "h + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80"
 & ") (Numeric %waitAtInit =1 \n                                           "
 & "    (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (He"
 & "ight 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) "
 & "\n                                \"Set:   Stop? \") \n                "
 & "    (Boolean %stopAtSet =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n   "
 & "                 (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n       "
 & "             (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtSet =1 \n               "
 & "                                (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glu"
 & "e 6)\n          )\n          (Glue 4)\n          (VBox\n            (Gl"
 & "ue 5)\n   ";

CONST E48_0 =
   "         (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \"Cts:\")\n            (But"
 & "ton %eventCounts\n              (VBox\n                (Glue 6)\n      "
 & "          (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n             "
 & "                     (Text %ctOfInit \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)"
 & "\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n     "
 & "                             (Text %ctOfSet \"0\")))\n                ("
 & "Glue 3))))\n          Fill\n          (Glue 4 + Inf)\n        )\n      "
 & ")\n    )\n  )\n)\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.\n; All rights rese"
 & "rved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n;\n; Last modi"
 & "fied on Wed Feb  8 15:29:09 PST 1995 by kalsow\n\n;********************"
 & "************************************************\n;  NOTE: This file is"
 & " generated automatically from the event \n;        definition file Eucl"
 & "id.evt.\n;*************************************************************"
 & "*******\n\n(VBox\n  (Border (Pen 1)\n    (Shape\n      (Height 75 - 25 "
 & "+ Inf)\n      (Viewport\n        (HBox\n          (Glue 4 + Inf)\n     "
 & "     (VBox\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n "
 & "             (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n             "
 & "                   \"Code View events:   Stop? \") \n                  "
 & "  (Boolean %stopatCodeEvents =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)"
 & "\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n  "
 & "                  (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitatCodeEvents =1 \n   "
 & "                                            (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n    "
 & "        (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HB"
 & "ox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                             "
 & "   \"SetupTriangle:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtS"
 & "etupTriangle =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n              "
 & "      (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                  "
 & "  (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtSetupTriangle =1 \n                "
 & "                               (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue"
 & " 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shap"
 & "e (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"SetupSqu"
 & "are:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtSetupSquare =TRU"
 & "E \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Wid"
 & "th + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 8"
 & "0) (Numeric %waitAtSetupSquare =1 \n                                   "
 & "            (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (S"
 & "hape (";

CONST E49_0 =
   "Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0"
 & ") \n                                \"LineAL:   Stop? \") \n           "
 & "         (Boolean %stopAtLineAL =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue "
 & "10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n"
 & "                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtLineAL =1 \n     "
 & "                                          (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n      "
 & "      (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox"
 & " Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                               "
 & " \"Triangle:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtTriangle"
 & " =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape"
 & " (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Wi"
 & "dth 80) (Numeric %waitAtTriangle =1 \n                                 "
 & "              (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            "
 & "(Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (He"
 & "ight + 0) \n                                \"Quad:   Stop? \") \n     "
 & "               (Boolean %stopAtQuad =TRUE \"\")\n                    (G"
 & "lue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: "
 & "\")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtQuad =1 \n  "
 & "                                             (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n   "
 & "         (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (H"
 & "Box Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                            "
 & "    \"Shear:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtShear =T"
 & "RUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (W"
 & "idth + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width"
 & " 80) (Numeric %waitAtShear =1 \n                                       "
 & "        (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape"
 & " (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height +"
 & " 0) \n                                \"RotateTriangle:   Stop? \") \n "
 & "                   (Boolean %stopAtRotateTriangle =TRUE \"\")\n        "
 & "        ";

CONST E49_1 =
   "    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"We"
 & "ight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtRotate"
 & "Triangle =1 \n                                               (Min 0) (M"
 & "ax 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n"
 & "              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n            "
 & "                    \"RotateLine:   Stop? \") \n                    (Bo"
 & "olean %stopAtRotateLine =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n   "
 & "                 (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n       "
 & "             (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtRotateLine =1 \n        "
 & "                                       (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n         "
 & "   (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fi"
 & "ll (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \""
 & "RotateAngle:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtRotateAn"
 & "gle =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Sh"
 & "ape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape "
 & "(Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtRotateAngle =1 \n                           "
 & "                    (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n      "
 & "      (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + "
 & "0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"HighlightLine:   St"
 & "op? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtHighlightLine =TRUE \"\")"
 & "\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0)"
 & " (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Num"
 & "eric %waitAtHighlightLine =1 \n                                        "
 & "       (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape "
 & "(Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + "
 & "0) \n                                \"HighlightAngle:   Stop? \") \n  "
 & "                  (Boolean %stopAtHighlightAngle =TRUE \"\")\n         "
 & "           (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + "
 & "0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitA"
 & "tHigh";

CONST E49_2 =
   "lightAngle =1 \n                                               (Min 0) "
 & "(Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)"
 & "\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n          "
 & "                      \"Remove:   Stop? \") \n                    (Bool"
 & "ean %stopAtRemove =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n         "
 & "           (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n             "
 & "       (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtRemove =1 \n                  "
 & "                             (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6"
 & ")\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape "
 & "(Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"Step:   St"
 & "op? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtStep =TRUE \"\")\n       "
 & "             (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height "
 & "+ 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %wai"
 & "tAtStep =1 \n                                               (Min 0) (Ma"
 & "x 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n          )\n          (Glue 4)\n    "
 & "      (VBox\n            (Glue 5)\n            (Shape (Width + 0) (Heig"
 & "ht 16 + 0) \"Cts:\")\n            (Button %eventCounts\n              ("
 & "VBox\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Widt"
 & "h + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfS"
 & "etupTriangle \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox "
 & "Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                             "
 & "     (Text %ctOfSetupSquare \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n       "
 & "         (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n              "
 & "                    (Text %ctOfLineAL \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6"
 & ")\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n    "
 & "                              (Text %ctOfTriangle \"0\")))\n           "
 & "     (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16"
 & " + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfQuad \"0\")))\n   "
 & "             (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (H"
 & "eight 16 ";

CONST E49_3 =
   "+ 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfShear \"0\")))\n   "
 & "             (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (H"
 & "eight 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfRotateTria"
 & "ngle \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Sh"
 & "ape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Te"
 & "xt %ctOfRotateLine \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                "
 & "(HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                       "
 & "           (Text %ctOfRotateAngle \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n "
 & "               (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n        "
 & "                          (Text %ctOfHighlightLine \"0\")))\n          "
 & "      (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 1"
 & "6 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfHighlightAngle \""
 & "0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Wi"
 & "dth + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctO"
 & "fRemove \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill "
 & "(Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  "
 & "(Text %ctOfStep \"0\")))\n                (Glue 3))))\n          Fill\n"
 & "          (Glue 4 + Inf)\n        )\n      )\n    )\n  )\n)\n";

   "(* Copyright 1993 Digital Equipment Corporation.                       "
 & "      *)\n(* Distributed only by permission.                           "
 & "                *)\n(*                                                 "
 & "                          *)\n(* Last modified on Sat Oct 23 17:53:45 P"
 & "DT 1993 by heydon                   *)\n(*      modified on Tue Jul 27 "
 & "16:25:00 PDT 1993 by rsanchez                 *)\n\n(* This view shows "
 & "the packets flowing along the edges. *)\n\nlet nodeColor = [color_named"
 & "(\"yellow\"), color_named(\"red\")];\nlet edgeColor = [color_named(\"Bl"
 & "ue\"), color_named(\"Orange\")];\nlet packetColor = [color_named(\"Very"
 & "LightGreen\"), \n                   color_named(\"VeryDarkGreen\")];\nl"
 & "et labelColor = color_named(\"Black\");\nlet packetDiscardColor = color"
 & "_named(\"DarkRed\");\nlet borderColor = color_named(\"Black\");\nlet ba"
 & "ckgroundColor = color_named(\"White\");\n\nlet normal = 0;\nlet congest"
 & "ed = 1;\n\nlet one = 0;\nlet two = 0;\nlet twoplus = 1;\n\nlet edgeWidt"
 & "h = 0.1;\nlet borderWidth = 0.1;\n\nlet invisibleCP = proc(g, pt)\n  le"
 & "t vtx = graph_newVertex(g);\n  graph_setVertexSize(vtx, 0.0, 0.0);\n  g"
 & "raph_moveVertex(vtx, pt[0], pt[1], false);\n  vtx\nend;\n\nlet abs = pr"
 & "oc (r) if r < 0.0 then 0.0-r else r end end;\n\nlet MakeBezierPathProc "
 & "= proc (cpp)\n  let x000 = cpp[0][0],  y000 = cpp[0][1],\n      x001 = "
 & "cpp[1][0],  y001 = cpp[1][1],\n      x011 = cpp[2][0],  y011 = cpp[2][1"
 & "],\n      x111 = cpp[3][0],  y111 = cpp[3][1];\n  proc (t)\n    let s ="
 & " 1.0-t;\n    let sss = s*s*s,\n        sst = s*s*t*3.0,\n        stt = "
 & "s*t*t*3.0,\n        ttt = t*t*t;\n    [(sss*x000) + (sst*x001) + (stt*x"
 & "011) + (ttt*x111),\n     (sss*y000) + (sst*y001) + (stt*y011) + (ttt*y1"
 & "11)]\n  end;\nend;\n\nlet Interp = proc (t,a,b) let s = 1.0-t; (a*s)+(b"
 & "*t) end;\n\nlet MoveOnCurvedEdge = proc (vtx, cpp)\n  for i = 0 to 3 do"
 & "\n    let j = if i > 0 then i-1 else 0 end;\n    let t = float(i)/3.0;\n"
 & "    graph_moveVertexOnPath(vtx, MakeBezierPathProc(\n      [[Interp(t,c"
 & "pp[0][0],cpp[0][0]),Interp(t,cpp[0][1],cpp[0][1])],\n       [Interp(t,c"
 & "pp[0][0],cpp[1][0]),";

CONST E50_0 =
   "Interp(t,cpp[0][1],cpp[1][1])],\n       [Interp(t,cpp[i][0],cpp[j][0]),"
 & "Interp(t,cpp[i][1],cpp[j][1])],\n       [Interp(t,cpp[i][0],cpp[i][0]),"
 & "Interp(t,cpp[i][1],cpp[i][1])]]\n    ));\n  end;\nend;\n\n\nlet HashEnt"
 & "ry =\n  {\n   key1 => ok,\n   key2 => ok,\n   value => ok,\n   next => "
 & "ok,\n   };\n\nlet HashTable =\n  {\n    num => ok,\n    size => ok,\n  "
 & "  table => ok,\n\n    curindex => ok,\n    curentry => ok,\n\n    creat"
 & "e => meth(self, num)\n      self.num := num;\n      self.size := real_r"
 & "ound(float(num)*math_log(float(num)));\n      self.table := array_new(s"
 & "elf.size, ok);\n      self;\n    end,\n\n    getfirst => meth(self)\n  "
 & "    self.curindex := 0;\n      self.curentry := ok;\n      loop\n      "
 & "  if self.curindex is self.size then\n          exit;\n        else\n  "
 & "        if self.table[self.curindex] isnot ok then\n  "
 & "rentry := self.table[self.curindex];\n            exit;\n          end;"
 & "\n          self.curindex := self.curindex + 1;\n        end;\n      en"
 & "d;\n      if self.curentry isnot ok then\n        self.curentry.value;\n"
 & "      else\n        ok;\n      end;\n    end,\n\n    getnext => meth(se"
 & "lf)\n      if self.curentry isnot ok then\n        self.curentry := sel"
 & ";\n        loop\n          if self.curentry isnot ok the"
 & "n\n            exit;\n          else\n            self.curindex := self"
 & ".curindex + 1;\n            if self.curindex < self.size then\n        "
 & "      self.curentry := self.table[self.curindex];\n            else\n  "
 & "            exit;\n            end;\n          end;\n        end;\n    "
 & "    if self.curentry isnot ok then\n          self.curentry.value;\n   "
 & "     else\n          ok;\n        end;\n      else\n        ok;\n      "
 & "end;\n    end,\n\n    lookup => meth(self, key1, key2)\n      let index"
 & " = ((key1 * self.size) + key2) % self.num;\n      if self.table[index] "
 & "isnot ok then\n         var entry = self.table[index];\n         loop\n"
 & "           if (entry is ok) orif\n              ((entry.key1 is key1) a"
 & "nd (entry.key2 is key2)) then\n             exit;\n           else\n   "
 & "          entry :=";

CONST E50_1 =
   "xt;\n           end;\n         end;\n         if entry isnot ok then\n "
 & "          entry.value;\n         else\n           ok;\n         end;\n "
 & "     else\n        ok;\n      end;\n    end,\n\n    insert => meth(self"
 & ", key1, key2, value)\n      let index = ((key1 * self.size) + key2) % s"
 & "elf.num;\n      var newentry = clone(HashEntry);\n      newentry.key1 :"
 & "= key1;\n      newentry.key2 := key2;\n      newentry.value := value;\n"
 & " := ok;\n\n      if self.table[index] isnot ok then\n"
 & "        var entry = self.table[index];\n        loop\n          if entr"
 & " is ok then\n   := newentry;\n            exi"
 & "t;\n          else\n            entry :=;\n          end;\n "
 & "       end;\n      else\n        self.table[index] := newentry;\n      "
 & "end;\n    end,\n  };\n\nlet StraightEdge =\n  {\n    g => ok,\n    e =>"
 & " ok,\n    v1 => ok,\n    v2 => ok,\n\n    create => meth (self, t, v1, "
 & "v2)\n      self.g := t.g;\n      self.v1 := v1;\n      self.v2 := v2;\n"
 & "      self.e := graph_newEdge(v1.v, v2.v);\n      graph_moveEdge(self.e"
 & ", v1.v, v2.v, false);\n      graph_setEdgeColor(self.e, edgeColor[norma"
 & "l]);\n      self\n    end,\n\n    initialWidth => meth(self, size)\n   "
 & "   graph_setEdgeWidth(self.e, size/10.0);\n    end,\n\n    movePktAlong"
 & "Edge => meth(self, fromN, pkt)\n      if fromN is then\n    "
 & "    graph_moveVertex(pkt, self.v2.pos[0], self.v2.pos[1], true);\n     "
 & " else\n        graph_moveVertex(pkt, self.v1.pos[0], self.v1.pos[1], tr"
 & "ue);\n      end;\n    end,\n\n  };\n\nlet CurvedEdge =\n  {\n    g => o"
 & "k,\n    e => ok,\n    v1 => ok,\n    v2 => ok,\n    cvv12 => [[ok,ok],["
 & "ok,ok],[ok,ok],[ok,ok]],\n    cpp12 => [[ok,ok],[ok,ok],[ok,ok],[ok,ok]"
 & "],\n    cvv21 => [[ok,ok],[ok,ok],[ok,ok],[ok,ok]],\n    cpp21 => [[ok,"
 & "ok],[ok,ok],[ok,ok],[ok,ok]],\n\n    create => meth (self, t, v1, v2, x"
 & "1, y1, x2, y2)\n      self.g := t.g;\n      self.v1 := v1;\n      self."
 & "v2 := v2;\n      let cpt1 = [x1, y1];\n      let cpt2 = [x2, y2];\n    "
 & "  self.cpp12 := [v1.pos, [x1,y1], [x2,y2], v2.pos];\n      self.cpp21 :"
 & "= [v2.pos, [x2,y2], [x1,y1";

CONST E50_2 =
   "], v1.pos];\n      var cpt1v = invisibleCP(self.g, [x1, y1]);\n      va"
 & "r cpt2v = invisibleCP(self.g, [x2, y2]);\n      self.cvv12 := [v1.v, cp"
 & "t1v, cpt2v, v2.v];\n      self.cvv21 := [v2.v, cpt2v, cpt1v, v1.v];\n  "
 & "    self.e := graph_newEdge(v1.v, v2.v);\n      graph_moveEdgeBezier(se"
 & "lf.e, v1.v, v2.v, cpt1v, cpt2v, false);\n      graph_setEdgeColor(self."
 & "e, edgeColor[normal]);\n      self\n    end,\n\n    initialWidth => met"
 & "h(self, size)\n      graph_setEdgeWidth(self.e, size/10.0);\n    end,\n"
 & "\n    movePktAlongEdge => meth(self, fromN, pkt)\n      if fromN is sel"
 & " then\n        MoveOnCurvedEdge(pkt, self.cpp12);\n      else\n "
 & "       MoveOnCurvedEdge(pkt, self.cpp21);\n      end;\n      ok\n    en"
 & "d,\n\n  };\n\nlet Node =\n  {\n    g => ok,\n    v => ok,\n    qs => 0,"
 & "\n    id => ok,\n    maxQS => ok,\n    bounded => ok,\n    pos => ok,\n"
 & "    vpkts => ok,\n    pktsSize => ok,\n    pktsPos => ok,\n\n    pktOut"
 & "Lst => [],\n    pktInLst => [],\n\n    incQS => meth(self)\n      self."
 & "qs := self.qs + 1;\n    end,\n\n    decQS => meth(self)\n      self.qs "
 & ":= self.qs - 1;\n    end,\n\n    updQS => meth(self, qs)\n       self.q"
 & "s := qs;\n    end,\n\n    getQS => meth(self) self.qs end,\n\n    creat"
 & "e => meth(self, t, id, x, y)\n      self.g := t.g;\n := id"
 & ";\n      self.maxQS := t.maxQS;\n      self.bounded := t.bounded;\n    "
 & "  self.pos := [x, y];\n      self.v := graph_newVertex(self.g);\n      "
 & "graph_moveVertex(self.v, x, y, false); \n      graph_setVertexShape(sel"
 & "f.v, \"ellipse\");\n      graph_setVertexColor(self.v, nodeColor[normal"
 & "]); \n      self\n    end,\n\n    initialSize => meth(self, size)\n    "
 & "  graph_setVertexSize(self.v, size, size);\n      graph_setVertexBorder"
 & "(self.v, size/10.0);\n      graph_setVertexBorderColor(self.v, borderCo"
 & "lor);\n      self.vpkts := graph_newVertex(self.g);\n      self.pktsSiz"
 & "e := size/3.0;\n      self.pktsPos := [self.pos[0] - (size/9.0),\n\t\t "
 & "      self.pos[1] + (size/9.0)];\n      graph_moveVertex( self.vpkts, s"
 & "elf.pktsPos[0], \n                        self.pktsPos[1], false);\n   "
 & "   graph_setVertexSize(s";

CONST E50_3 =
   "elf.vpkts, 0.0, 0.0);\n      graph_setVertexBorder(self.vpkts, self.pkt"
 & "sSize/5.0);\n      graph_setVertexBorderColor(self.vpkts, borderColor);"
 & "\n    end,\n\n    updateNodeState => meth(self)\n      if (self.qs is 0"
 & ") or (self.qs is 1) then\n        graph_setVertexColor(self.v, nodeColo"
 & "r[normal]);\n\tgraph_setVertexSize(self.vpkts, 0.0, 0.0);\n      else\n"
 & "        if (self.qs >= self.maxQS) and self.bounded then\n          gra"
 & "ph_setVertexColor(self.v, nodeColor[congested]);\n        else\n       "
 & "   graph_setVertexColor(self.v, nodeColor[normal]);\n        end;\n    "
 & "    graph_setVertexSize(self.vpkts, self.pktsSize, self.pktsSize);\n\ti"
 & "f self.qs is 2 then\n\t  graph_setVertexColor(self.vpkts, packetColor[t"
 & "wo]);\n        else\n\t  graph_setVertexColor(self.vpkts, packetColor[t"
 & "woplus]);\n        end;\n      end;\n    end,\n\n    pktOut => meth(sel"
 & "f, pkt, edge)\n      self.pktOutLst := self.pktOutLst @\n          [{pk"
 & "t => pkt, edge => edge}];\n    end,\n\n    pktIn => meth(self, pkt, edg"
 & "e)\n      self.pktInLst := self.pktInLst @\n          [{pkt => pkt, edg"
 & "e => edge}];\n    end,\n  };\n\nlet Packet =\n  {\n    g => ok,\n    v "
 & "=> ok,\n    src => ok,\n    dst => ok,\n    pktPos => ok,\n    discardF"
 & "lag => false,\n\n    create => meth(self, t, src, dst, name)\n      sel"
 & "f.g := t.g;\n      self.src := src;\n      self.dst := dst;\n      self"
 & ".v := graph_newVertex(self.g);\n      self.pktPos := [t.node(src).pos[0"
 & "],\n\t\t      t.node(src).pos[1]];\n      graph_moveVertex( self.v, sel"
 & "f.pktPos[0], self.pktPos[1], false);\n      graph_setVertexSize(self.v,"
 & " t.nodeSize/3.0, t.nodeSize/3.0);\n      graph_setVertexBorder(self.v, "
 & "(t.nodeSize/3.0)/5.0);\n      graph_setVertexBorderColor(self.v, border"
 & "Color);\n      graph_setVertexColor(self.v,  packetColor[one]);\n      "
 & "t.node(src).incQS();\n      self\n    end,\n\n    move => meth(self, t,"
 & " fromN, toN)\n      let edge = t.edge(fromN, toN);\n      t.node(fromN)"
 & ".pktOut(self, edge);\n      t.node(toN).pktIn(self, edge);\n      graph"
 & "_vertexToFront(self.v);\n    end,\n\n    setDiscardReady => meth(self)\n"
 & "      graph_se";

CONST E50_4 =
   "tVertexColor(self.v, packetDiscardColor);\n      graph_vertexToFront(se"
 & "lf.v);\n      self.discardFlag := true\n    end,\n\n    discard => meth"
 & "(self, vw)\n      vw.node(self.dst).decQS();\n      graph_removeVertex("
 & "self.v);\n    end,\n\n  };\n\nlet view =\n  {\n    graphvbt => graph_ne"
 & "w(),\n    g => meth (self) self.graphvbt end,\n\n    nodeCnt => ok,\n  "
 & "  maxQS => ok,\n    bounded => ok,\n\n    nodeSize => 0.0,\n\n    verte"
 & "xFont => ok,\n\n    nodeT => [],\n    edgeT => [],\n    pktT => [],\n\n"
 & "    node => meth(self, id)\n      self.nodeT[id];\n    end,\n\n    edge"
 & " => meth(self, id1, id2)\n      var res = self.edgeT.lookup(id1, id2);\n"
 & "      if res is ok then\n        res := self.edgeT.lookup(id2, id1);\n "
 & "     end;\n      res\n    end,\n\n    packet => meth(self, id)\n      s"
 & "elf.pktT[id];\n    end,\n\n    StartGraph => meth (self, nodeCnt, maxQS"
 & ", bounded, xMax, yMax)\n      (* Set the World *)\n      graph_setWorld"
 & "(self.graphvbt, 0.0, xMax, yMax, 0.0);\n      self.vertexFont := graph_"
 & "newFont(\n         self.graphvbt, \"Helvetica\", 0.5, \"Roman\", \"bold"
 & "\", \"*\");\n\n      (* Initialize some variables *)\n      self.nodeCn"
 & "t := nodeCnt;\n      self.maxQS := maxQS;\n      self.bounded := bounde"
 & "d;\n      self.nodeT := array_new(nodeCnt, ok);\n      self.edgeT := Ha"
 & "shTable.create(nodeCnt);\n   end,\n  \n    NewNode => meth (self, id, x"
 & ", y)\n      self.nodeT[id] :=\n          clone(Node).create(self, id, x"
 & ", y);\n    end,\n\n    NewStraightEdge => meth (self, id1, id2)\n      "
 & "self.edgeT.insert(id1, id2,\n                        clone(StraightEdge"
 & ").create( self,\n                                                    se"
 & "lf.node(id1),\n                                                    self"
 & ".node(id2)));\n    end,\n\n\n    NewCurvedEdge => meth (self, id1, id2,"
 & " x1, y1, x2, y2)\n      self.edgeT.insert(id1, id2,\n                  "
 & "      clone(CurvedEdge).create( self,\n                                "
 & "                  self.node(id1),\n                                    "
 & "              self.node(id2),\n                                        "
 & "          x1, y1, x2, y2)";

CONST E50_5 =
   ");\n    end,\n\n    NewLabel => meth (self, label, x, y)\n      let vl "
 & "= graph_newVertex(self.graphvbt);\n      graph_setVertexFont(vl, self.v"
 & "ertexFont);\n      graph_setVertexSize(vl, 0.5, 0.5);\n      graph_setV"
 & "ertexColor(vl, backgroundColor);\n      graph_moveVertex(vl, x, y, fals"
 & "e);\n      graph_setVertexLabel(vl, label);\n      graph_setVertexLabel"
 & "Color(vl, labelColor);\n    end,\n\n    EndGraph => meth (self)\n      "
 & "let distance = proc(pt1, pt2)\n        let dx = pt2[1] - pt1[1], dy = p"
 & "t2[0] - pt1[0];\n        (dx * dx) + (dy * dy)\n      end;\n      var m"
 & "inDst = ok;\n      if #(self.nodeT) > 1 then\n\tminDst := distance(self"
 & ".nodeT[0].pos, self.nodeT[1].pos);\n\tfor i = 0 to #(self.nodeT) - 1 do"
 & "\n\t  let pos1 = self.nodeT[i].pos;\n\t  for j = (i + 1) to #(self.node"
 & "T) - 1 do\n\t    let curDst = distance(pos1, self.nodeT[j].pos);\n\t   "
 & " if curDst < minDst then minDst := curDst end\n\t  end\n\tend;\n\tminDs"
 & "t := math_sqrt(minDst);\n      else\n\tminDst := 1.0\n      end;\n     "
 & " self.nodeSize := minDst/1.5;\n      for i = 0 to #(self.nodeT) - 1 do\n"
 & "        self.nodeT[i].initialSize(self.nodeSize);\n      end;\n      va"
 & "r edge = self.edgeT.getfirst();\n      if edge isnot ok then\n        e"
 & "dge.initialWidth(self.nodeSize);\n        loop\n          edge := self."
 & "edgeT.getnext();\n          if edge is ok then\n            exit;\n    "
 & "      else\n            edge.initialWidth(self.nodeSize);\n          en"
 & "d;\n        end;\n      end;\n    end,\n\n    StartPackets => meth (sel"
 & "f, pktCnt)\n      self.pktT := array_new(pktCnt, ok);\n    end,\n\n    "
 & "NewPacket => meth (self, id, source, dest, fewestHops, name)\n      sel"
 & "f.pktT[id] :=\n          clone(Packet).create(self, source, dest, name)"
 & ";\n    end,\n\n    EndPackets => meth (self)\n      for i = 0 to #(self"
 & ".nodeT) - 1 do\n        self.nodeT[i].updateNodeState();\n      end;\n "
 & "     graph_redisplay(self.graphvbt);\n    end,\n\n    MovePacket => met"
 & "h (self, id, fromN, toN)\n      self.packet(id).move(self, fromN, toN);"
 & "\n    end,\n\n    QueueSizes => meth (self, queueSizes)\n      for i = "
 & "0 to #(self.nodeT) - ";

CONST E50_6 =
   "1 do\n        self.nodeT[i].updQS(queueSizes[i]);\n        if #("
 & "deT[i].pktOutLst) isnot 0 then\n          self.nodeT[i].updateNodeState"
 & "();\n        end;\n      end;\n      graph_redisplay(self.graphvbt);\n "
 & "     for i = 0 to #(self.nodeT) - 1 do\n        for j = 0 to #(self.nod"
 & "eT[i].pktOutLst) - 1 do\n          self.nodeT[i].pktOutLst[j].edge.move"
 & "PktAlongEdge(\n                   i, self.nodeT[i].pktOutLst[j].pkt.v);"
 & "\n        end;\n        self.nodeT[i].pktOutLst := [];\n      end;\n   "
 & "   zeus_animate(self.graphvbt, 0.0, 1.0);\n    end,\n\n    Absorb => me"
 & "th(self, pktID, nodeID)\n      let pkt = self.packet(pktID);\n      pkt"
 & ".setDiscardReady();\n    end,\n\n    Step => meth(self)\n      graph_re"
 & "display(self.graphvbt);\n      for i = 0 to #(self.nodeT) - 1 do\n     "
 & "   let pktIns = self.nodeT[i].pktInLst;\n\tfor j = 0 to #(pktIns) - 1 d"
 & "o\n          let pkt = pktIns[j].pkt;\n\t  if pkt.discardFlag is true t"
 & "hen\n\t    pkt.discard(self)\n          end\n        end;\n        self"
 & ".nodeT[i].updateNodeState();\n        self.nodeT[i].pktInLst := [];\n  "
 & "    end;\n      graph_redisplay(self.graphvbt);\n    end,      \n\n  };"
 & "\n";

   "  (Vertex a 0.2 0.5)\n  (Vertex b 0.5 0.8)\n  (Vertex c 0.8 0.5) \n  (V"
 & "ertex d 0.2 0.2)\n  (Vertex e 0.8 0.2) \n  (Edge ba b a R)\n  (Edge cb "
 & "c b R)\n  (Edge ac a c R)\n  (Edge ad a d R)\n  (Edge de d e R) \n  (Ed"
 & "ge ec e c R)\n  (Edge dc d c R) \n  (Find a e 2)\n";

 & " VAR now: INTEGER := -1;\n      val := NEW(REF ARRAY OF INTEGER, V);\n "
 & "     current: INTEGER;\n\n  BEGIN\n    @7 FOR k := 0 TO V-1 DO @\n    @"
 & "8   now := -1; current := k; @\n    @9   FOR j := V-1 DO val[j] := -1 E"
 & "ND; @\n    @10     Visit(k) @\n         END;\n       END;\n  END DFSTC;"
 & "\n@DFSTC\n\n  @VISIT\n  PROCEDURE Visit(k: INTEGER) @=\n    BEGIN\n    "
 & "@1 INC(now); val[k] := now;@\n    @2 a[current, t] := TRUE; @\n    @3 F"
 & "OR t := 0 TO V-1 DO @\n    @4  IF a[k, t] THEN @\n    @5    IF val[t] <"
 & " 0 THEN @\n    @6      Visit(t); @\n          END;\n        END;\n     "
 & " END;\n    END Visit;\n  @VISIT\n\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.\n; All rights rese"
 & "rved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n;\n; Last modi"
 & "fied on Wed Feb  8 15:37:06 PST 1995 by kalsow\n\n;********************"
 & "************************************************\n;  NOTE: This file is"
 & " generated automatically from the event \n;        definition file Binp"
 & "ack.evt.\n;************************************************************"
 & "********\n\n(VBox\n  (Rim\n    (Pen 2)\n    (HBox\n      (VBox (Glue 4)"
 & " (Shape (Height + Inf) (Button %clear \"CLEAR\")) (Glue 4))\n      (Glu"
 & "e 4)\n      (VBox\n        (Boolean =TRUE %alg (Text LeftAlign \"Algori"
 & "thm events\"))\n        (Boolean =FALSE %zeus (Text LeftAlign \"Zeus ev"
 & "ents\"))\n        (Boolean =TRUE %args (Text LeftAlign \"Display args t"
 & "o events\")))\n      Fill))\n  (Bar 1)\n  (Shape (ShadowSize 0) (Height"
 & " 200 + INF) (TextEdit ReadOnly %transcript)))\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation\n; All rights reser"
 & "ved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n\n\n(VBox \n  ("
 & "Macro TB BOA (text)\n    `(Shape (Width 60) (Text RightAlign ,text)))\n"
 & "  (Glue 10)\n  (HBox (TB \"N: \") (Numeric (Min 1) (Max 1000) %N =50) F"
 & "ill)\n  (Glue 10)\n  (HBox (TB \"k: \") (Numeric (Min 1) (Max 1000) %k "
 & "=5) Fill)\n  (Glue 10))\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.\n; All rights rese"
 & "rved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n;\n; Last modi"
 & "fied on Wed Feb  8 15:37:06 PST 1995 by kalsow\n\n;********************"
 & "************************************************\n;  NOTE: This file is"
 & " generated automatically from the event \n;        definition file Subt"
 & "ype.evt.\n;************************************************************"
 & "********\n\n(VBox\n  (Rim\n    (Pen 2)\n    (HBox\n      (VBox (Glue 4)"
 & " (Shape (Height + Inf) (Button %clear \"CLEAR\")) (Glue 4))\n      (Glu"
 & "e 4)\n      (VBox\n        (Boolean =TRUE %alg (Text LeftAlign \"Algori"
 & "thm events\"))\n        (Boolean =FALSE %zeus (Text LeftAlign \"Zeus ev"
 & "ents\"))\n        (Boolean =TRUE %args (Text LeftAlign \"Display args t"
 & "o events\")))\n      Fill))\n  (Bar 1)\n  (Shape (ShadowSize 0) (Height"
 & " 200 + INF) (TextEdit ReadOnly %transcript)))\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.\n; All rights rese"
 & "rved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n;\n; Last modi"
 & "fied on Wed Feb  8 15:37:06 PST 1995 by kalsow\n\n;********************"
 & "************************************************\n;  NOTE: This file is"
 & " generated automatically from the event \n;        definition file Sear"
 & "chTree.evt.\n;*********************************************************"
 & "***********\n\n(VBox\n  (Rim\n    (Pen 2)\n    (HBox\n      (VBox (Glue"
 & " 4) (Shape (Height + Inf) (Button %clear \"CLEAR\")) (Glue 4))\n      ("
 & "Glue 4)\n      (VBox\n        (Boolean =TRUE %alg (Text LeftAlign \"Alg"
 & "orithm events\"))\n        (Boolean =FALSE %zeus (Text LeftAlign \"Zeus"
 & " events\"))\n        (Boolean =TRUE %args (Text LeftAlign \"Display arg"
 & "s to events\")))\n      Fill))\n  (Bar 1)\n  (Shape (ShadowSize 0) (Hei"
 & "ght 200 + INF) (TextEdit ReadOnly %transcript)))\n";

   "  TYPE\n    Type = OBJECT END;\n    TypeBot = Type BRANDED OBJECT END;\n"
 & "    TypeTop = Type BRANDED OBJECT END;\n    TypeFun = Type BRANDED OBJE"
 & "CT dom,rng: Type END;\n\n  VAR \n    trail: ARRAY [0..1000] OF RECORD l"
 & "ft,rht: Type END;\n    top: INTEGER := -1;\n\n  PROCEDURE Notice(lft, r"
 & "ht: Type) =\n  BEGIN\n    INC(top);\n    trail[top].lft := lft;\n    tr"
 & "ail[top].rht := rht;\n  END Notice;\n\n  PROCEDURE Seen(lft, rht: Type)"
 & ": BOOLEAN =\n  BEGIN\n    FOR i:=0 TO top DO\n      IF (trail[i].lft=lf"
 & "t) AND (trail[i].rht=rht) THEN RETURN TRUE END;\n    END;\n    RETURN F"
 & "ALSE;\n  END Seen;\n\n@In\n  PROCEDURE In(lft, rht: Type): BOOLEAN = @\n"
 & "  BEGIN\n@1    IF Seen(lft, rht) @ THEN @12 RETURN TRUE @ END;\n@2    N"
 & "otice(lft, rht); @\n@3    TYPECASE lft OF @\n@4    | TypeBot => RETURN "
 & "TRUE; @\n@5    | TypeTop => RETURN ISTYPE(rht, TypeTop); @\n@6    | Typ"
 & "eFun(lftFun) =>\n       TYPECASE rht OF @\n@7        | TypeBot => RETUR"
 & "N FALSE; @\n@8        | TypeTop => RETURN TRUE; @\n       | TypeFun(rht"
 & "Fun) =>\n          RETURN \n@10             In(rhtFun.dom, lftFun.dom) "
 & "@ AND\n@11             In(lftFun.rng, rhtFun.rng); @\n       END;\n    "
 & "END;\n  END In;\n@In\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation                    "
 & "     \n; All rights reserved.                                          "
 & "            \n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.         "
 & "                   \n;                                                 "
 & "                          \n; Last modified on Wed Jun 15 13:18:19 PDT "
 & "1994 by heydon                   \n\n(Shape\n  (Width + 0)\n  (Height +"
 & " 0)\n  (VBox\n    (Glue 10)\n    (HBox\n      Fill\n      (Shape (Width"
 & " + 0) \"Number of Nodes: \")\n      (Numeric %nodeCnt =10 (Min 1) (Max "
 & "1000)))\n    (Glue 4)\n    (Ridge 2)\n    (Glue 4)\n    (VBox\n      (H"
 & "Box Fill \"Insertion Order:\" Fill)\n      (Glue 4)\n      (Radio\n    "
 & "    %inputtype\n        =rand\n        (HBox\n          Fill\n         "
 & " (Choice %rand \"Random\")\n          (Glue 6)\n          (Choice %inc "
 & "\"Increasing\")\n          (Glue 6)\n          (Choice %dec \"Decreasin"
 & "g\")\n          Fill)))\n    (Glue 4)\n    (Ridge 2)\n    (Glue 4)\n   "
 & " (VBox\n      (HBox Fill \"Deletion Order:\" Fill)\n      (Glue 4)\n   "
 & "   (Radio\n        %deletetype\n        =del_rand\n        (HBox\n     "
 & "     Fill\n          (Choice %del_rand \"Random\")\n          (Glue 6)\n"
 & "          (Choice %del_inc \"Increasing\")\n          (Glue 6)\n       "
 & "   (Choice %del_dec \"Decreasing\")\n          Fill)))\n    (Glue 4)\n "
 & "   (Ridge 2)\n    (Glue 4)\n    (VBox\n      (HBox Fill \"Random Sequen"
 & "ce:\" Fill)\n      (Glue 4)\n      (Radio\n        =randomRand\n       "
 & " (HBox\n          Fill\n          (Choice %randomRand \"Random\")\n    "
 & "      (Glue 6)\n          (Choice %fixedRand \"Fixed\")\n          Fill"
 & ")))\n    (Glue 10)))\n    \n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.\n; All rights rese"
 & "rved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n;\n; Last modi"
 & "fied on Wed Feb  8 15:37:06 PST 1995 by kalsow\n\n;********************"
 & "************************************************\n;  NOTE: This file is"
 & " generated automatically from the event \n;        definition file Pars"
 & "e.evt.\n;**************************************************************"
 & "******\n\n(VBox\n  (Rim\n    (Pen 2)\n    (HBox\n      (VBox (Glue 4) ("
 & "Shape (Height + Inf) (Button %clear \"CLEAR\")) (Glue 4))\n      (Glue "
 & "4)\n      (VBox\n        (Boolean =TRUE %alg (Text LeftAlign \"Algorith"
 & "m events\"))\n        (Boolean =FALSE %zeus (Text LeftAlign \"Zeus even"
 & "ts\"))\n        (Boolean =TRUE %args (Text LeftAlign \"Display args to "
 & "events\")))\n      Fill))\n  (Bar 1)\n  (Shape (ShadowSize 0) (Height 2"
 & "00 + INF) (TextEdit ReadOnly %transcript)))\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.\n; All rights rese"
 & "rved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n;\n; Last modi"
 & "fied on Wed Feb  8 15:37:06 PST 1995 by kalsow\n\n;********************"
 & "************************************************\n;  NOTE: This file is"
 & " generated automatically from the event \n;        definition file Unio"
 & "nFind.evt.\n;**********************************************************"
 & "**********\n\n(VBox\n  (Rim\n    (Pen 2)\n    (HBox\n      (VBox (Glue "
 & "4) (Shape (Height + Inf) (Button %clear \"CLEAR\")) (Glue 4))\n      (G"
 & "lue 4)\n      (VBox\n        (Boolean =TRUE %alg (Text LeftAlign \"Algo"
 & "rithm events\"))\n        (Boolean =FALSE %zeus (Text LeftAlign \"Zeus "
 & "events\"))\n        (Boolean =TRUE %args (Text LeftAlign \"Display args"
 & " to events\")))\n      Fill))\n  (Bar 1)\n  (Shape (ShadowSize 0) (Heig"
 & "ht 200 + INF) (TextEdit ReadOnly %transcript)))\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.\n; All rights rese"
 & "rved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n;\n; Last modi"
 & "fied on Wed Feb  8 15:37:06 PST 1995 by kalsow\n\n;********************"
 & "************************************************\n;  NOTE: This file is"
 & " generated automatically from the event \n;        definition file Mini"
 & "max.evt.\n;************************************************************"
 & "********\n\n(VBox\n  (Rim\n    (Pen 2)\n    (HBox\n      (VBox (Glue 4)"
 & " (Shape (Height + Inf) (Button %clear \"CLEAR\")) (Glue 4))\n      (Glu"
 & "e 4)\n      (VBox\n        (Boolean =TRUE %alg (Text LeftAlign \"Algori"
 & "thm events\"))\n        (Boolean =FALSE %zeus (Text LeftAlign \"Zeus ev"
 & "ents\"))\n        (Boolean =TRUE %args (Text LeftAlign \"Display args t"
 & "o events\")))\n      Fill))\n  (Bar 1)\n  (Shape (ShadowSize 0) (Height"
 & " 200 + INF) (TextEdit ReadOnly %transcript)))\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation\n; All rights reser"
 & "ved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n\n(Rim\n  (Pen "
 & "20)\n  (VBox\n    (HBox (Shape (Width + 0) \"How many elements to sort?"
 & "\") (Numeric %data))\n    (Glue 5)\n    (HBox\n      (Glue 24)\n      ("
 & "Radio\n        (VBox\n          (Choice %random =TRUE (Text LeftAlign \""
 & "Random\"))\n          (Choice %increasing (Text LeftAlign \"Increasing\""
 & "))\n          (Choice %decreasing (Text LeftAlign \"Decreasing\"))))\n "
 & "     Fill)))";

   "; Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation\n; All rights reser"
 & "ved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n\n(VBox\n  (HBo"
 & "x\n    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Probes: \")\n    (Shape (Width"
 & " 60) (Numeric HideButtons  (Max 500000) %probeCount =0))\n    (Glue 6) "
 & "\n    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0)  \"    Pattern: \")\n    (TextEdi"
 & "t ReadOnly (Font \"-*-courier-bold-r-*-*-*-180-*-*-*-*-*-*\")\n      %p"
 & "attern =\"\")\n    Fill)\n  (Shape (Height 100 + Inf) (Width 250 + Inf)"
 & "\n    (TextEdit  ReadOnly (Font \"-*-courier-bold-r-*-*-*-180-*-*-*-*-*"
 & "-*\")\n      %text =\"\")))\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1994, Digital Equipment Corporation                    "
 & "     \n; All rights reserved.                                          "
 & "            \n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.         "
 & "                   \n;                                                 "
 & "                          \n; Last modified on Thu Aug 18 14:08:09 PDT "
 & "1994 by heydon                   \n\n(Rim (Pen 10)\n  (VBox\n    (HBox\n"
 & "      (Text RightAlign \"Input:\")\n      (Glue 3)\n      (Radio %input"
 & "From =randomInput\n        (HBox (ShadowSize 0)\n          (LinkButton "
 & "(For randomPage)\n            (Choice (ShadowSize 1.5) %randomInput \"R"
 & "andom\"))\n          (Glue 3)\n          (LinkButton (For filePage)\n  "
 & "          (Choice (ShadowSize 1.5) %fileInput \"From File\"))\n        "
 & ")\n      )\n      Fill\n    )\n    (Glue 5)\n    (TSplit %tsplit Flex ("
 & "Which randomPage)\n      (VBox %randomPage\n  \t(HBox\n  \t  (VBox\n  \t"
 & "    (Text RightAlign \"# of Sets:\")\n  \t    (Glue 2)\n  \t    (Text R"
 & "ightAlign \"# of Unions:\")\n  \t  )\n  \t  (Glue 2)\n  \t  (VBox\n  \t"
 & "    (Numeric %setCnt (Min 2) =20)\n  \t    (Glue 2)\n  \t    (Numeric %"
 & "unionCnt (Min 0) =20)\n  \t  )\n  \t  Fill\n  \t)\n  \t(Glue 5)\n  \tRi"
 & "dge\n  \t(Glue 5)\n  \t(HBox\n  \t  Fill\n  \t  (Boolean %fixedSeed \"U"
 & "se fixed random seed?\")\n  \t  Fill\n  \t)\n      )\n      (VBox %file"
 & "Page\n  \t(DirMenu %dirMenu (For browser))\n  \t(Glue 4)\n  \t(Shape (H"
 & "eight 60 + Inf)\n  \t  (Frame Lowered (BgColor \"White\")\n  \t    (Fil"
 & "eBrowser %browser ReadOnly (Suffixes \"sx\"))\n  \t  )\n  \t)\n  \t(Glu"
 & "e 4)\n  \t(HBox\n  \t  \"File:\"\n  \t  (Frame Lowered (BgColor \"White"
 & "\")\n  \t    (Helper (For browser) FirstFocus)\n  \t  )\n  \t)\n      )"
 & "   \n    )\n  )\n)\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1993, Digital Equipment Corporation\n; All rights reser"
 & "ved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n\n(VBox\n (Bar)"
 & "\n (HBox\n   (Glue 5)\n   (VBox\n     (Glue 5)\n     (Text Center \"Pla"
 & "yer A\")\n     (Glue 5)\n     (Radio %AHumanComp =AHuman\n       (VBox\n"
 & "         (Choice %AHuman  (Text LeftAlign \"Human\"))\n         (Choice"
 & " %AMinimax (Text LeftAlign \"Minimax\"))\n         (HBox (Glue 30)\n   "
 & "        (VBox\n             (HBox (Text \"Depth:\") (Glue 5)\n         "
 & "      (Numeric (Min 1) (Max 10) %ADepth =3))\n               (VBox (Tex"
 & "t LeftAlign \"Heuristic:\")\n               (HBox (Glue 10)\n          "
 & "        (Radio %AHexpawn =AHPTrivial\n                     (VBox\n     "
 & "                   (Choice %AHPTrivial (Text LeftAlign \"Trivial\"))\n "
 & "                       (Choice %AHPSmart (Text LeftAlign \"Smart\"))\n "
 & "                       Fill\n                      )\n                 "
 & "  )\n                 )\n               )\n              )\n           "
 & " )\n         )\n      )\n   )\n  (Glue 5)                 \n  (Bar)\n  "
 & "(Glue 5)\n(HBox\n  (VBox\n     (Glue 5)\n     (Text Center \"Player B\""
 & ")\n     (Glue 5)\n     (Radio %BHumanComp =BHuman\n       (VBox\n      "
 & "   (Choice %BHuman  (Text LeftAlign \"Human\"))\n         (Choice %BMin"
 & "imax (Text LeftAlign \"Minimax\"))\n         (HBox (Glue 30)\n         "
 & "   (VBox\n              (HBox (Text \"Depth:\") (Glue 5)\n             "
 & "       (Numeric (Min 1) (Max 10) %BDepth =3))\n              (VBox (Tex"
 & "t LeftAlign \"Heuristic:\")\n              (HBox (Glue 10)\n           "
 & "         (Radio %BHexpawn =BHPTrivial\n                      (VBox\n   "
 & "                     (Choice %BHPTrivial (Text LeftAlign \"Trivial\"))\n"
 & "                        (Choice %BHPSmart (Text LeftAlign \"Smart\"))\n"
 & "                        Fill\n                      )\n                "
 & "     )\n                 )\n               ))\n              )\n       "
 & "     )\n         )\n      )\n   ) \n(Glue 5)\n))\n\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.\n; All rights rese"
 & "rved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n;\n; Last modi"
 & "fied on Wed Feb  8 15:29:09 PST 1995 by kalsow\n\n;********************"
 & "************************************************\n;  NOTE: This file is"
 & " generated automatically from the event \n;        definition file Whee"
 & "ler.evt.\n;************************************************************"
 & "********\n\n(VBox\n  (Border (Pen 1)\n    (Shape\n      (Height 75 - 25"
 & " + Inf)\n      (Viewport\n        (HBox\n          (Glue 4 + Inf)\n    "
 & "      (VBox\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n"
 & "              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n            "
 & "                    \"Code View events:   Stop? \") \n                 "
 & "   (Boolean %stopatCodeEvents =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10"
 & ")\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n "
 & "                   (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitatCodeEvents =1 \n  "
 & "                                             (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n   "
 & "         (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (H"
 & "Box Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                            "
 & "    \"StartPermute:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtS"
 & "tartPermute =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n               "
 & "     (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                   "
 & " (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtStartPermute =1 \n                  "
 & "                             (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6"
 & ")\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape "
 & "(Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"NextRotati"
 & "on:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtNextRotation =TRU"
 & "E \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Wid"
 & "th + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 8"
 & "0) (Numeric %waitAtNextRotation =1 \n                                  "
 & "             (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            ("
 & "Shape ";

CONST E66_0 =
   "(Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + "
 & "0) \n                                \"RotationsSorted:   Stop? \") \n "
 & "                   (Boolean %stopAtRotationsSorted =TRUE \"\")\n       "
 & "             (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height "
 & "+ 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %wai"
 & "tAtRotationsSorted =1 \n                                               "
 & "(Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height"
 & " 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n  "
 & "                              \"PermuteDone:   Stop? \") \n            "
 & "        (Boolean %stopAtPermuteDone =TRUE \"\")\n                    (G"
 & "lue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: "
 & "\")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtPermuteDone "
 & "=1 \n                                               (Min 0) (Max 100)))"
 & "))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n         "
 & "     (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                     "
 & "           \"StartEncode:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %s"
 & "topAtStartEncode =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n          "
 & "          (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n              "
 & "      (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtStartEncode =1 \n              "
 & "                                 (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Gl"
 & "ue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Sh"
 & "ape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"Encode"
 & "NextChar:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtEncodeNextC"
 & "har =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Sh"
 & "ape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape "
 & "(Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtEncodeNextChar =1 \n                        "
 & "                       (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n   "
 & "         (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width"
 & " + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"EncodeDistinctCo"
 & "unt:";

CONST E66_1 =
   "   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtEncodeDistinctCount "
 & "=TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape "
 & "(Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Wid"
 & "th 80) (Numeric %waitAtEncodeDistinctCount =1 \n                       "
 & "                        (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n  "
 & "          (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Widt"
 & "h + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"EncodeFoundCode"
 & ":   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtEncodeFoundCode =TR"
 & "UE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Wi"
 & "dth + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width "
 & "80) (Numeric %waitAtEncodeFoundCode =1 \n                              "
 & "                 (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n         "
 & "   (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) "
 & "(Height + 0) \n                                \"EncodeDone:   Stop? \""
 & ") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtEncodeDone =TRUE \"\")\n       "
 & "             (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height "
 & "+ 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %wai"
 & "tAtEncodeDone =1 \n                                               (Min "
 & "0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 +"
 & " 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n       "
 & "                         \"InitDecode:   Stop? \") \n                  "
 & "  (Boolean %stopAtInitDecode =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)"
 & "\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n  "
 & "                  (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtInitDecode =1 \n   "
 & "                                            (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n    "
 & "        (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HB"
 & "ox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                             "
 & "   \"StartDecode:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtSta"
 & "rtDecode =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                  "
 & "  (Shap";

CONST E66_2 =
   "e (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (W"
 & "idth 80) (Numeric %waitAtStartDecode =1 \n                             "
 & "                  (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n        "
 & "    (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0)"
 & " (Height + 0) \n                                \"DecodeNextCode:   Sto"
 & "p? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtDecodeNextCode =TRUE \"\")"
 & "\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0)"
 & " (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Num"
 & "eric %waitAtDecodeNextCode =1 \n                                       "
 & "        (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape"
 & " (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height +"
 & " 0) \n                                \"DecodeDistinctCount:   Stop? \""
 & ") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtDecodeDistinctCount =TRUE \"\")"
 & "\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0)"
 & " (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Num"
 & "eric %waitAtDecodeDistinctCount =1 \n                                  "
 & "             (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            ("
 & "Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Hei"
 & "ght + 0) \n                                \"DecodeFoundChar:   Stop? \""
 & ") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtDecodeFoundChar =TRUE \"\")\n  "
 & "                  (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (He"
 & "ight + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric"
 & " %waitAtDecodeFoundChar =1 \n                                          "
 & "     (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (H"
 & "eight 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0)"
 & " \n                                \"DecodeDone:   Stop? \") \n        "
 & "            (Boolean %stopAtDecodeDone =TRUE \"\")\n                   "
 & " (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weigh"
 & "t: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtDecodeDon"
 & "e =";

CONST E66_3 =
   "1 \n                                               (Min 0) (Max 100))))"
 & ")\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n          "
 & "    (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                      "
 & "          \"StartReconstruct:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolea"
 & "n %stopAtStartReconstruct =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n "
 & "                   (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n     "
 & "               (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtStartReconstruct =1 \n"
 & "                                               (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n "
 & "           (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              "
 & "(HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                          "
 & "      \"FirstChars:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtF"
 & "irstChars =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                 "
 & "   (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    ("
 & "Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtFirstChars =1 \n                      "
 & "                         (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n "
 & "           (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Wid"
 & "th + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"ConsiderChar: "
 & "  Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtConsiderChar =TRUE \""
 & "\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width +"
 & " 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) ("
 & "Numeric %waitAtConsiderChar =1 \n                                      "
 & "         (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shap"
 & "e (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height "
 & "+ 0) \n                                \"EqualChars:   Stop? \") \n    "
 & "                (Boolean %stopAtEqualChars =TRUE \"\")\n               "
 & "     (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"W"
 & "eight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtEqual"
 & "Chars =1 \n                                               (Min 0) (Max "
 & "100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n   "
 & "     ";

CONST E66_4 =
   "      (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                    "
 & "            \"FinishCharRun:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean"
 & " %stopAtFinishCharRun =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n     "
 & "               (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n         "
 & "           (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtFinishCharRun =1 \n       "
 & "                                        (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n        "
 & "    (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox F"
 & "ill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \""
 & "StartResult:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtStartRes"
 & "ult =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Sh"
 & "ape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape "
 & "(Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtStartResult =1 \n                           "
 & "                    (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n      "
 & "      (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + "
 & "0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"ResultNextChar:   S"
 & "top? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtResultNextChar =TRUE \"\""
 & ")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0"
 & ") (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Nu"
 & "meric %waitAtResultNextChar =1 \n                                      "
 & "         (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shap"
 & "e (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height "
 & "+ 0) \n                                \"EndResult:   Stop? \") \n     "
 & "               (Boolean %stopAtEndResult =TRUE \"\")\n                 "
 & "   (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Wei"
 & "ght: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtEndResu"
 & "lt =1 \n                                               (Min 0) (Max 100"
 & ")))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n      "
 & "        (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                  "
 & "              \"Reveal:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %sto"
 & "pAt";

CONST E66_5 =
   "Reveal =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    "
 & "(Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Sha"
 & "pe (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtReveal =1 \n                             "
 & "                  (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n        "
 & "  )\n          (Glue 4)\n          (VBox\n            (Glue 5)\n       "
 & "     (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \"Cts:\")\n            (Button "
 & "%eventCounts\n              (VBox\n                (Glue 6)\n          "
 & "      (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                 "
 & "                 (Text %ctOfStartPermute \"0\")))\n                (Glu"
 & "e 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n "
 & "                                 (Text %ctOfNextRotation \"0\")))\n    "
 & "            (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (He"
 & "ight 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfRotationsSo"
 & "rted \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Sh"
 & "ape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Te"
 & "xt %ctOfPermuteDone \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n               "
 & " (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                      "
 & "            (Text %ctOfStartEncode \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n"
 & "                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n       "
 & "                           (Text %ctOfEncodeNextChar \"0\")))\n        "
 & "        (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height"
 & " 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfEncodeDistinctC"
 & "ount \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Sh"
 & "ape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Te"
 & "xt %ctOfEncodeFoundCode \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n           "
 & "     (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                  "
 & "                (Text %ctOfEncodeDone \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6"
 & ")\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n    "
 & "                              (Text %ctOfInitDecode \"0\")))\n         "
 & "       (Gl";

CONST E66_6 =
   "ue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n"
 & "                                  (Text %ctOfStartDecode \"0\")))\n    "
 & "            (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (He"
 & "ight 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfDecodeNextC"
 & "ode \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Sha"
 & "pe (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Tex"
 & "t %ctOfDecodeDistinctCount \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n        "
 & "        (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n               "
 & "                   (Text %ctOfDecodeFoundChar \"0\")))\n               "
 & " (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0"
 & ") \n                                  (Text %ctOfDecodeDone \"0\")))\n "
 & "               (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) "
 & "(Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfStartRec"
 & "onstruct \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill"
 & " (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                 "
 & " (Text %ctOfFirstChars \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n            "
 & "    (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                   "
 & "               (Text %ctOfConsiderChar \"0\")))\n                (Glue "
 & "6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n   "
 & "                               (Text %ctOfEqualChars \"0\")))\n        "
 & "        (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height"
 & " 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfFinishCharRun \""
 & "0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Wi"
 & "dth + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctO"
 & "fStartResult \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox "
 & "Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                             "
 & "     (Text %ctOfResultNextChar \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n    "
 & "            (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n           "
 & "                       (Text %ctOfEndResult \"0\")))\n                ("
 & "Glue ";

CONST E66_7 =
   "6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n   "
 & "                               (Text %ctOfReveal \"0\")))\n            "
 & "    (Glue 3))))\n          Fill\n          (Glue 4 + Inf)\n        )\n "
 & "     )\n    )\n  )\n)\n";

   "MODULE CPAlgorithm;\n\nIMPORT Algorithm, CPAlgClass, R2, Math;\n\nTYPE "
 & "\n  Link = REF RECORD\n    p:R2.T;\n    next: Link;\nEND;\n\nCONST MaxD"
 & "istance = 1.0E30;\nVAR\n   min     : REAL    := 100.0;\n   h,z    : Lin"
 & "k;\n   N: INTEGER := 0;\n\n@CheckforMin\nPROCEDURE CheckForMin (READONL"
 & "Y p1, p2: R2.T) =@\n  BEGIN\n@5     IF (Dist(p1,p2) < min) THEN @\n@10 "
 & "       UpdateMin(p1,p2) @\n    END\n  END CheckForMin;\n@CheckforMin\n\n"
 & "\n@FindClosestPair\nPROCEDURE FindClosestPair(VAR c: Link; N: INTEGER):"
 & " Link =@\n  VAR\n    a, b, t1, t2: Link;\n    midX : REAL;\n    p1, p2,"
 & " p3, p4: R2.T;\n\n  BEGIN\n@5     a := c;@\n@10     b := MiddleOfList(c"
 & ",N);@\n@15     midX := b.p.x;@\n\n@20     t1 := FindClosestPair(a, N DI"
 & "V 2);@\n@25     t2 := FindClosestPair(b, N - (N DIV 2));@\n\n@30     c "
 & ":= Merge(t1, t2);@\n\n@35     a := c;@\n    REPEAT\n@40       IF ((ABS("
 & "a.p.x - midX) < min) AND (p1 # z.p)) THEN@\n@45         CheckForMin(a.p"
 & ", p1);@\n@50         CheckForMin(a.p, p2);@\n@55         CheckForMin(a."
 & "p, p3);@\n@60         CheckForMin(a.p, p4);@\n@65         p1 := p2; p2 "
 & ":= p3; p3 := p4; p4 := a.p;@\n        END (* IF *);\n@70       a := a.n"
 & "ext;@\n@75     UNTIL a = z;@\n\n@80     RETURN c;@\n  END FindClosestPa"
 & "ir;\n@FindClosestPair\n\n@Main\nBEGIN (* main module: computes closest "
 & "pair in given set of points *) @\n@5  InitializeListofPoints(h, N);@\n@"
 & "10  SortByX(h, N);@\n@15  FindClosestPair(h, N);@\nEND CPAlgorithm.\n@M"
 & "ain\n";

   "(* Copyright (C) 1993, Digital Equipment Corporation                   "
 & "      *)\n(* All rights reserved.                                      "
 & "                *)\n(* See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.  "
 & "                          *)\n\n\n(*\nlet SHOW =\n  proc(t, x)\n    sys"
 & "_printText(t & \" = \"); \n    sys_print(x, 10); \n    sys_printText(\""
 & "\\n\"); \n    sys_printFlush();\n  end;\n*)\n\ntype Point = [2*Real];\n"
 & "\n    let makeBezierPathProc = proc (cpp:[4*Point]):(Real)->Point,\n   "
 & "     (*------------------------------------------------------------\n  "
 & "         cpp = array of four control points [x,y]\n           Return a "
 & "parametric procedure that traces the bezier curve\n           from cpp["
 & "0] to cpp[3] with control points cpp[1] and cpp[2].\n        ----------"
 & "--------------------------------------------------*)\n        let x000 "
 & "= cpp[0][0],  y000 = cpp[0][1],\n            x001 = cpp[1][0],  y001 = "
 & "cpp[1][1],\n            x011 = cpp[2][0],  y011 = cpp[2][1],\n         "
 & "   x111 = cpp[3][0],  y111 = cpp[3][1];\n        proc (t)\n            "
 & "let s = 1.0-t;\n            let sss = s*s*s,\n                sst = s*s"
 & "*t*3.0,\n                stt = s*t*t*3.0,\n                ttt = t*t*t;"
 & "\n            [\n                (sss*x000) + (sst*x001) + (stt*x011) +"
 & " (ttt*x111),\n                (sss*y000) + (sst*y001) + (stt*y011) + (t"
 & "tt*y111)\n            ]\n        end;\n    end;\n\nlet max : (Int,Int)-"
 & ">Int =\n  proc(n, m)\n    if n > m then n else m end\n  end;\n\nlet abs"
 & " : (Real)->Real = \n  proc(x) \n    if x > 0.0 then x else -x end \n  e"
 & "nd;\n\nlet rec exp : (Int,Int)->Int =\n  proc(n, m)\n    if m<=0 then 1"
 & " else n * exp(n, m-1) end\n  end;\n\ntype Node = \n  Option typeBot:Ver"
 & "tex, typeTop:Vertex, typeFun:Vertex end;\n\nlet nodeVertex : (Node) -> "
 & "Vertex  =\n  proc(node)\n    case node of\n      typeBot(bot) => bot,\n"
 & "      typeTop(top) => top,\n      typeFun(fun) => fun\n    end;\n  end;"
 & "\n\nlet edgeBezier: (Graph, Edge, Vertex, Vertex, Real, Bool)->Ok =\n  "
 & "proc(g, e, v1, v2, scale, rightward)\n    let c1 = graph_newVertex(g);\n"
 & "    let c2 = gr";

CONST E68_0 =
   "aph_newVertex(g);\n    let v1p = graph_getVertexPosition(v1);\n    let "
 & "v2p = graph_getVertexPosition(v2);\n\n    let v1x = v1p[0], v1y = v1p[1"
 & "];\n    let v2x = v2p[0], v2y = v2p[1];\n\n    let dx = abs(v2x-v1x)*sc"
 & "ale;\n    let dy = abs(v1y-v2y)*scale;\n\n    if rightward\n    then\n "
 & "     if v1x > v2x then\n        graph_moveVertex(c1, v1x+dx, v1y+dy, fa"
 & "lse);\n        graph_moveVertex(c2, v2x+(dy-dx), v2y-dy, false);\n     "
 & " else\n        graph_moveVertex(c1, v1x+(dy-dx), v1y+dy, false);\n     "
 & "   graph_moveVertex(c2, v2x+dx, v2y-dy, false);\n      end;\n    else \n"
 & "      if v1x > v2x then\n        graph_moveVertex(c1, v1x-(dy-dx), v1y+"
 & "dy, false);\n        graph_moveVertex(c2, v2x-dx, v2y-dy, false);\n    "
 & "  else\n        graph_moveVertex(c1, v1x-dx, v1y+dy, false);\n        g"
 & "raph_moveVertex(c2, v2x-(dy-dx), v2y-dy, false);\n      end;\n    end;\n"
 & "    graph_moveEdgeBezier(e, v1, v2, c1, c2, false);\n  end;\n  \nlet tr"
 & "avTrail: [Int] = array_new(100, -1);\nvar travTop: Int = -1;\n\nlet tra"
 & "vNotice: (Int)->Ok =\n  proc(index)\n    travTop := travTop+1;\n    tra"
 & "vTrail[travTop] := index;\n  end;\n\nlet travSeen: (Int)->Bool =\n  pro"
 & "c(index)\n    var found = false;\n    for i = 0 to travTop do\n      if"
 & " travTrail[i] is index then found:=true; exit end\n    end;\n    found;"
 & "\n  end;\n\nlet rec depth1: (EvtObj, Int)->Int =\n  proc(s, nodeIndex)\n"
 & "    if travSeen(nodeIndex) then 1\n    else\n      travNotice(nodeIndex"
 & ");\n      case s.nodes[nodeIndex] of\n        typeBot(bot) => 1,\n     "
 & "   typeTop(top) => 1,\n        typeFun(fun) => \n          let domDepth"
 & " = depth1(s, s.doms[nodeIndex]);\n          let rngDepth = depth1(s, s."
 & "rngs[nodeIndex]);\n          1 + max(domDepth, rngDepth);\n      end\n "
 & "   end \n  end;\n\nlet depth =\n  proc(s:EvtObj, nodeIndex:Int):Int,\n "
 & "   travTop := -1;\n    depth1(s, nodeIndex);\n  end;\n\nlet rec layout1"
 & " =\n  proc(s, nodeIndex, x, y, n, exp2n)\n    if travSeen(nodeIndex) th"
 & "en ok\n    else\n      travNotice(nodeIndex);\n      let size = 1.0/flo"
 & "at(s.depth);\n        case s.nodes[nodeIndex] of\n        typeBot(bot) "
 & "=> \n          gr";

CONST E68_1 =
   "aph_setVertexSize(bot, size, size);\n          graph_moveVertex(bot, x/"
 & "exp2n, y, false),\n        typeTop(top) => \n          graph_setVertexS"
 & "ize(top, size, size);\n          graph_moveVertex(top, x/exp2n, y, fals"
 & "e),\n        typeFun(fun) => \n          graph_setVertexSize(fun, size,"
 & " size);\n          graph_moveVertex(fun, x/exp2n, y, false);\n         "
 & " let displ = float(exp(2,n-2));\n          layout1(s, s.doms[nodeIndex]"
 & ", x-displ, y+1.0, n-1, exp2n);\n          layout1(s, s.rngs[nodeIndex],"
 & " x+displ, y+1.0, n-1, exp2n);\n          let vDom = nodeVertex(s.nodes["
 & "s.doms[nodeIndex]]);\n          let vRng = nodeVertex(s.nodes[s.rngs[no"
 & "deIndex]]);\n          let eDom = s.edges[s.domEdges[nodeIndex]];\n    "
 & "      let eRng = s.edges[s.rngEdges[nodeIndex]];\n          graph_moveE"
 & "dge(eDom, fun, vDom, false);\n          graph_moveEdge(eRng, fun, vRng,"
 & " false);\n          if nodeIndex > s.doms[nodeIndex] then (* back dom e"
 & "dge *)\n            (* --- edgeBezier(s.graphvbt, eDom, fun, vDom, 0.75"
 & ", false) *)\n            edgeBezier(s.graphvbt, eDom, fun, vDom, 5.0*si"
 & "ze, false);\n          elsif nodeIndex is s.doms[nodeIndex] then (* sel"
 & "f-loop dom edge *)\n            let vDom1 = graph_newVertex(s.graphvbt)"
 & ";\n            let vDomXY = graph_getVertexPosition(vDom);\n           "
 & " graph_moveVertex(vDom1, \n              vDomXY[0]-(size/16.0), vDomXY["
 & "1]+(size/16.0), false);\n            edgeBezier(s.graphvbt, eDom, vDom1"
 & ", fun, 175.0*size, false);\n          end;\n          if nodeIndex > s."
 & "rngs[nodeIndex] then (* back rng edge *)\n            (* --- edgeBezier"
 & "(s.graphvbt, eRng, fun, vRng, 0.75, true) *)\n            edgeBezier(s."
 & "graphvbt, eRng, fun, vRng, 5.0*size, true);\n          elsif nodeIndex "
 & "is s.rngs[nodeIndex] then (* self-loop rng edge *)\n            let vRn"
 & "g1 = graph_newVertex(s.graphvbt);\n            let vRngXY = graph_getVe"
 & "rtexPosition(vRng);\n            graph_moveVertex(vRng1, \n            "
 & "  vRngXY[0]+(size/16.0), vRngXY[1]+(size/16.0), false);\n            ed"
 & "geBezier(s.graphvbt, eRng, vRng1, fun, 175.0*si";

CONST E68_2 =
   "ze, true);\n          end;\n      end\n    end \n  end;\n\nlet layout ="
 & "\n  proc(s, nodeIndex, x, y, n, exp2n)\n    travTop := -1;\n    layout1"
 & "(s, nodeIndex, x, y, n, exp2n);\n  end;\n\nlet moveVToVI =\n  proc(s, v"
 & ", vIndex)\n    let vTo = nodeVertex(s.nodes[vIndex]);\n    let vToXY = "
 & "graph_getVertexPosition(vTo);\n    graph_moveVertex(v, vToXY[0], vToXY["
 & "1], true);\n  end;   \n\nlet moveVAlongEI =\n  proc(s, v, eIndex, vInde"
 & "x, forward)\n    if eIndex<0 then moveVToVI(s, v, vIndex);\n    else\n "
 & "     let e = s.edges[eIndex];\n      let eCtrl = graph_getEdgeControls("
 & "e);\n      if #(eCtrl) is 0 then\n\tif forward then moveVToVI(s, v, vIn"
 & "dex)\n\telse\n          let eVert = graph_getEdgeVertices(e);\n        "
 & "  let vTo = eVert[0];\n          let vToXY = graph_getVertexPosition(vT"
 & "o);\n          graph_moveVertex(v, vToXY[0], vToXY[1], true);\n\tend;\n"
 & "      else\n\tlet tail = if forward then 0 else 1 end;\n\tlet head = if"
 & " forward then 1 else 0 end;\n        let eVert = graph_getEdgeVertices("
 & "e);\n\tlet vTailXY = graph_getVertexPosition(eVert[tail]);\n\tlet vHead"
 & "XY = graph_getVertexPosition(eVert[head]);\n\tlet cTailXY = graph_getVe"
 & "rtexPosition(eCtrl[tail]);\n\tlet cHeadXY = graph_getVertexPosition(eCt"
 & "rl[head]);\n\tlet p = makeBezierPathProc([vTailXY,cTailXY,cHeadXY,vHead"
 & "XY]);\n        graph_moveVertexOnPath(v, p);\n      end\n    end\n  end"
 & ";\n\nlet variance =\n  proc(s, subIndex, supIndex)\n    let xSub = floa"
 & "t(s.depth)/6.0;\n    let xSup = float(s.depth)/10.0;\n    let y = ~1.5/"
 & "float(s.depth);\n    let yLo = ~1.0/float(s.depth);\n    let yHi = ~2.0"
 & "/float(s.depth);\n    if subIndex < supIndex then (* covariant *)\n    "
 & "  graph_moveVertex(s.varianceNW, -xSub, y, true);\n      graph_moveVert"
 & "ex(s.varianceSW, -xSub, y, true);\n      graph_moveVertex(s.varianceNE,"
 & " xSup, yHi, true);\n      graph_moveVertex(s.varianceSE, xSup, yLo, tru"
 & "e);\n    else (* contravariant *)\n      graph_moveVertex(s.varianceNW,"
 & " -xSup, yHi, true);\n      graph_moveVertex(s.varianceSW, -xSup, yLo, t"
 & "rue);\n      graph_moveVertex(s.varianceNE, xSub, y, true);\n      grap"
 & "h_moveVertex(s";

CONST E68_3 =
   ".varianceSE, xSub, y, true);\n    end;\n  end;\n\nlet hiLiPair =\n  pro"
 & "c(s, subIndex, supIndex, subLeadingEdgeIndex, supLeadingEdgeIndex,\n   "
 & "   forward)\n    if subIndex < supIndex then (* covariant *)\n      mov"
 & "eVAlongEI(s, s.cursorW, subLeadingEdgeIndex, subIndex, forward);\n     "
 & " moveVAlongEI(s, s.cursorE, supLeadingEdgeIndex, supIndex, forward);\n "
 & "     graph_animate(s.graphvbt, 0.0, 2.0);\n    else (* contravariant *)"
 & "\n      moveVAlongEI(s, s.cursorE, subLeadingEdgeIndex, subIndex, forwa"
 & "rd);\n      moveVAlongEI(s, s.cursorW, supLeadingEdgeIndex, supIndex, f"
 & "orward);\n      graph_animate(s.graphvbt, 0.0, 2.0);\n    end;\n  end;\n"
 & "  \nlet hiLiPairColor =\n  proc(s, subIndex, supIndex, clr)\n    varian"
 & "ce(s, subIndex, supIndex);\n    let c = color_named(clr);\n    graph_se"
 & "tEdgeColor(s.cursorStem, c);\n    graph_setVertexHiLiColor(s.cursorWHiL"
 & "i, c);\n    graph_setVertexHiLiColor(s.cursorEHiLi, c);\n    graph_anim"
 & "ate(s.graphvbt, 0.0, 0.0);\n    graph_redisplay(s.graphvbt);\n  end;\n\n"
 & "let view =\n\n{\ngraphvbt => graph_new(),\n\nnodes => array_new(50, ok)"
 & ",\nedges => array_new(50, ok),\n\ndoms =>  array_new(50, -1),\nrngs => "
 & " array_new(50, -1),\ndomEdges =>  array_new(50, -1),\nrngEdges =>  arra"
 & "y_new(50, -1),\n\ncursorW => ok,\ncursorWHiLi => ok,\ncursorE => ok,\nc"
 & "ursorEHiLi => ok,\ncursorStem => ok,\n\nvarianceNW => ok,\nvarianceNE ="
 & "> ok,\nvarianceSW => ok,\nvarianceSE => ok,\nvarianceP => ok,\n\ndepth "
 & "=> 0,\n\nSetup => meth (s)\n  s.cursorW := graph_newVertex(s.graphvbt);"
 & "\n  graph_setVertexShape(s.cursorW, \"ellipse\");\n  s.cursorWHiLi := g"
 & "raph_newVertexHiLi(s.cursorW);\n  s.cursorE := graph_newVertex(s.graphv"
 & "bt);\n  graph_setVertexShape(s.cursorE, \"ellipse\");\n  s.cursorEHiLi "
 & ":= graph_newVertexHiLi(s.cursorE);\n  s.cursorStem := graph_newEdge(s.c"
 & "ursorW,s.cursorE);\n  graph_setEdgeColor(s.cursorStem, color_named(\"cy"
 & "an\"));\n  s.varianceNW := graph_newVertex(s.graphvbt);\n  s.varianceNE"
 & " := graph_newVertex(s.graphvbt);\n  s.varianceSW := graph_newVertex(s.g"
 & "raphvbt);\n  s.varianceSE := graph_newVertex(s.graphvbt);\n  s.variance"
 & "P := graph_new";

CONST E68_4 =
   "Polygon([s.varianceNE,s.varianceNW,s.varianceSW,s.varianceSE]);\n  grap"
 & "h_setPolygonColor(s.varianceP, color_named(\"cyan\"));\nend,\n\nBegin ="
 & "> meth (s, lftRoot, rhtRoot)\n  let lftDepth = depth(s, lftRoot);\n  le"
 & "t rhtDepth = depth(s, rhtRoot);\n  let n = max(lftDepth, rhtDepth);\n  "
 & "let halfWidth = float(exp(2, n-1));\n  let width = 2.0*halfWidth;\n  le"
 & "t margin = 3.0/float(n);\n  graph_setWorld(s.graphvbt, -(float(n)+margi"
 & "n), float(n)+margin,\n    -margin, float(n-1)+margin);\n  s.depth := n;"
 & "\n  graph_setVertexSize(s.cursorW, 0.15/float(n), 0.15/float(n));\n  gr"
 & "aph_setVertexSize(s.cursorE, 0.15/float(n), 0.15/float(n));\n  graph_se"
 & "tVertexHiLiBorder(s.cursorWHiLi, 0.8/float(n), 0.8/float(n));\n  graph_"
 & "setVertexHiLiBorder(s.cursorEHiLi, 0.8/float(n), 0.8/float(n));\n  grap"
 & "h_setVertexHiLiColor(s.cursorWHiLi, color_named(\"cyan\"));\n  graph_se"
 & "tVertexHiLiColor(s.cursorEHiLi, color_named(\"cyan\"));\n  graph_setEdg"
 & "eWidth(s.cursorStem, (1.0/float(n))*0.6);\n  layout(s, lftRoot, -halfWi"
 & "dth, 0.0, n, width/float(n));\n  layout(s, rhtRoot, halfWidth, 0.0, n, "
 & "width/float(n));\n  graph_redisplay(s.graphvbt);\nend,\n\nNewBot => met"
 & "h (s, index)\n  let v = graph_newVertex(s.graphvbt);\n  graph_setVertex"
 & "Shape(v, \"ellipse\");\n  graph_setVertexColor(v, color_named(\"PaleBlu"
 & "eViolet\"));\n  graph_setVertexLabel(v, \"Bot\");\n  graph_setVertexLab"
 & "elColor(v, color_named(\"black\"));\n  s.nodes[index] := option typeBot"
 & " => v end;\nend,\n\nNewTop => meth (s, index)\n  let v = graph_newVerte"
 & "x(s.graphvbt);\n  graph_setVertexShape(v, \"ellipse\");\n  graph_setVer"
 & "texColor(v, color_named(\"PaleVioletRed\"));\n  graph_setVertexLabel(v,"
 & " \"Top\");\n  graph_setVertexLabelColor(v, color_named(\"black\"));\n  "
 & "s.nodes[index] := option typeTop => v end;\nend,\n\nNewFun => meth (s, "
 & "index, domEdgeIndex, rngEdgeIndex)\n  let v = graph_newVertex(s.graphvb"
 & "t);\n  graph_setVertexShape(v, \"ellipse\");\n  graph_setVertexColor(v,"
 & " color_named(\"PaleGreen\"));\n  graph_setVertexLabel(v, \"->\");\n  gr"
 & "aph_setVertexLabelColor(v, color_named(\"black\"));\n  s.nodes[index] :"
 & "= option typeFun => v";

CONST E68_5 =
   " end;\n\n  let eDom = graph_newEdge(v, v);\n  let eRng = graph_newEdge("
 & "v, v);\n  graph_setEdgeColor(eDom, color_named(\"CadetBlue\"));\n  grap"
 & "h_setEdgeColor(eRng, color_named(\"CadetBlue\"));\n  s.edges[domEdgeInd"
 & "ex] := eDom;\n  s.edges[rngEdgeIndex] := eRng;\n  s.domEdges[index] := "
 & "domEdgeIndex;\n  s.rngEdges[index] := rngEdgeIndex;\nend,\n\nNewDomRng "
 & "=> meth (s, index, domIndex, rngIndex)\n  let v = nodeVertex(s.nodes[in"
 & "dex]);\n  s.doms[index] := domIndex;\n  s.rngs[index] := rngIndex;\nend"
 & ",\n\nNewLoop => meth (s, fromIndex, toIndex)\n  ok\nend,\n\nEnter => \n"
 & "  meth (s, subIndex, supIndex, subLeadingEdgeIndex, supLeadingEdgeIndex"
 & ")\n    hiLiPairColor(s, subIndex, supIndex, \"cyan\");\n    hiLiPair(s,"
 & " subIndex, supIndex, subLeadingEdgeIndex, supLeadingEdgeIndex, true);\n"
 & "  end,\n\nExit => \n  meth (s, subIndex, supIndex, subLeadingEdgeIndex,"
 & " supLeadingEdgeIndex, result)\n    if result then\n      hiLiPairColor("
 & "s, subIndex, supIndex, \"green\");\n    else\n      hiLiPairColor(s, su"
 & "bIndex, supIndex, \"red\");\n    end;\n    hiLiPairColor(s, subIndex, s"
 & "upIndex, \"VeryPaleCyan\");\n    hiLiPair(s, subIndex, supIndex, subLea"
 & "dingEdgeIndex, supLeadingEdgeIndex, false);\n  end,\n\nBotLessAnyOK => "
 & "\n  meth (s, subIndex, supIndex, subLeadingEdgeIndex, supLeadingEdgeInd"
 & "ex)\n    hiLiPairColor(s, subIndex, supIndex, \"green\");\n  end,\n\nTo"
 & "pLessTopOK => \n  meth (s, subIndex, supIndex, subLeadingEdgeIndex, sup"
 & "LeadingEdgeIndex)\n    hiLiPairColor(s, subIndex, supIndex, \"green\");"
 & "\n  end,\n\nTopLessNonTopKO => \n  meth (s, subIndex, supIndex, subLead"
 & "ingEdgeIndex, supLeadingEdgeIndex)\n    hiLiPairColor(s, subIndex, supI"
 & "ndex, \"red\");\n  end,\n\nFunLessBotKO => \n  meth (s, subIndex, supIn"
 & "dex, subLeadingEdgeIndex, supLeadingEdgeIndex)\n    hiLiPairColor(s, su"
 & "bIndex, supIndex, \"red\");\n  end,\n\nFunLessTopOK => \n  meth (s, sub"
 & "Index, supIndex, subLeadingEdgeIndex, supLeadingEdgeIndex)\n    hiLiPai"
 & "rColor(s, subIndex, supIndex, \"green\");\n  end,\n\nFunLessFun => \n  "
 & "meth (s, subIndex, supIndex, subLeadingEdgeIndex, supLeadingEdgeIndex)\n"
 & "    ok\n  end,\n\nSeenOK => \n  ";

CONST E68_6 =
   "meth (s, subIndex, supIndex)\n    hiLiPairColor(s, subIndex, supIndex, "
 & "\"Yellow\");\n  end,\n\nNotice => \n  meth (s, subIndex, supIndex)\n   "
 & " hiLiPairColor(s, subIndex, supIndex, \"BluishCyan\");\n  end,\n\nOK =>"
 & " \n  meth (s, subIndex, supIndex, subLeadingEdgeIndex, supLeadingEdgeIn"
 & "dex)\n    graph_setPolygonColor(s.varianceP, color_named(\"DarkGreen\")"
 & ");\n    hiLiPairColor(s, subIndex, supIndex, \"DarkGreen\");\n  end,\n\n"
 & "KO => \n  meth (s, subIndex, supIndex, subLeadingEdgeIndex, supLeadingE"
 & "dgeIndex)\n    graph_setPolygonColor(s.varianceP, color_named(\"DarkRed"
 & "\"));\n    hiLiPairColor(s, subIndex, supIndex, \"DarkRed\");\n  end,\n"
 & "\n};\n\n";

   "Source 500 500\nSink 500 500\n0 500 500\n1 500 500\n2 500 500\n3 500 50"
 & "0\n4 500 500\n5 500 500\n6 500 500\n7 500 500\n8 500 500\n9 500 500\n10"
 & " 500 500\n0 -> 1 1.0\n1 -> 2 1.0\n1 -> 3 1.0\n3 -> 4 1.0\n5 -> 6 1.0\n7"
 & " -> 8 1.0\n8 -> 9 1.0\n9 -> 10 1.0\n.\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1993, Digital Equipment Corporation \n; All rights rese"
 & "rved.                              \n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a ful"
 & "l description.    \n\n(Shape\n  (Height + 0)\n  (VBox\n    (HBox\n     "
 & " (Shape (Width + 0) (Text LeftAlign \"String to compress: \"))\n      ("
 & "Frame Lowered (TypeIn %string =\"abraca\")))\n    (Glue 2)\n    (HBox\n"
 & "      (Shape (Width + 0) (Text LeftAlign \"Alphabet: \"))\n      (Frame"
 & " Lowered (TypeIn %alphabet =\"abcr\")))\n    (Glue 2)\n    (HBox\n     "
 & " (Shape (Width + 999) (Boolean\n        %pause\n        (Text LeftAlign"
 & " \"Pause after each phase\"))))\n    (Glue 2)\n    (HBox\n      (Shape "
 & "(Width + 999) (Boolean\n        %finalOnly\n        (Text LeftAlign \"F"
 & "inal decompress phase only\"))))))\n";

   "(* Copyright 1993 Digital Equipment Corporation.                       "
 & "      *)\n(* Distributed only by permission.                           "
 & "                *)\n(*                                                 "
 & "                          *)\n(* Last modified on Sat Oct 23 17:55:06 P"
 & "DT 1993 by heydon                   *)\n\n(* View that traces the path "
 & "of each packet. *)\n\nlet NormalNodeColor = color_named(\"lightgray\");"
 & "\nlet FullNodeColor = color_named(\"red\");\nlet BorderColor = color_na"
 & "med(\"black\");\nlet EdgeColor = color_named(\"blue\");\nlet Background"
 & "Color = color_named(\"white\");\nlet LabelColor = BorderColor;\n\nlet M"
 & "axNumColors = 6;\nlet Color = [\n color_named(\"red\"),   color_named(\""
 & "yellow\"), color_named(\"blue\"),\n color_named(\"purple\"), color_name"
 & "d(\"darkgreen\"), color_named(\"brightorange\")];\n\nlet CantorPair =\n"
 & "  proc((*int*) i, (*int*) j) (* : int *)\n    var m = i, n = j;\n    if"
 & " i > j then m := j; n := i end;\n    let k = m + n;\n    m + ((k * (k+1"
 & ")) / 2)\n  end;\n\nlet MakeBezierPathProc = proc (cpp)\n(* ------------"
 & "--------------------------\n   cpp = array of four control points [x,y]"
 & "\n\n   Return a parametric procedure that traces the bezier curve from "
 & "cpp[0] to\n   cpp[3] with control points cpp[1] and cpp[2].\n  --------"
 & "----------------------------- *)\n  let x000 = cpp[0][0],  y000 = cpp[0"
 & "][1],\n      x001 = cpp[1][0],  y001 = cpp[1][1],\n      x011 = cpp[2]["
 & "0],  y011 = cpp[2][1],\n      x111 = cpp[3][0],  y111 = cpp[3][1];\n  p"
 & "roc (t)\n      let s = 1.0 - t;\n      let ss = s * s, tt = t * t;\n   "
 & "   let sss = s * ss,\n          sst = ss * t * 3.0,\n          stt = s "
 & "* tt * 3.0,\n          ttt = t * tt;\n      [(sss * x000) + (sst * x001"
 & ") + (stt * x011) + (ttt * x111),\n       (sss * y000) + (sst * y001) + "
 & "(stt * y011) + (ttt * y111)]\n  end\nend;\n\nlet Interp = proc ((*real*"
 & ") t, (*R2.T*) a,b) (* : R2.T *)\n(* Return the point a \"t\" fraction o"
 & "f the way from \"a\" to \"b\". *)\n  let s = 1.0 - t;\n  let Interp1 = "
 & "proc((*real*) r1, r2) (* : real *) (r1*s)+(r2*t) end;\n  [Interp1(a[0],"
 & " b[0]), Interp1(a[1], ";

CONST E71_0 =
   "b[1])]\nend;\n\nlet AnimateBezierEdge = proc(vv,cpp)\n(* --------------"
 & "------------------------\n   vv = array of three vertexes\n   cpp = arr"
 & "ay of four control points [x,y]\n\n   Assuming there is an edge from so"
 & "me vertex to v[2] with control points v[0]\n   and v[1], this routine a"
 & "nimates v[0]..v[2] so that the edge appears to draw\n   the bezier curv"
 & "e given by the control points cpp. At time 0.0 the edge is a\n   dot at"
 & " cpp[0]. At time 1.0 the edge is a bezier curve from cpp[0] to cpp[3]\n"
 & "   with control points cpp[1] and cpp[2]. \n  -------------------------"
 & "------------ *)\n  for i = 1 to 3 do\n      let j = i - 1;\n      let t"
 & " = float(i)/3.0;\n      graph_moveVertexOnPath(vv[j],MakeBezierPathProc"
 & "(\n        [cpp[0], Interp(t, cpp[0], cpp[1]), Interp(t, cpp[i], cpp[j]"
 & "), cpp[i]]\n      ))\n  end\nend;\n\nlet Node = {\n  (*int*) id => ok,\t"
 & "\t(* this node\'s unique id *)\n  (*GraphVBT.Vertex*) v => ok,\t(* the "
 & "vertex for this graph node *)\n  (*R2.T*) pos => ok,\t\t(* node locatio"
 & "n *)\n\n  init =>\n    meth(self, (*graphvbt*) g, (*int*) id, (*real*) "
 & "x, (*real*) y)\n      let vtx = graph_newVertex(g);\n      graph_setVer"
 & "texShape(vtx, \"ellipse\");\n      graph_setVertexColor(vtx, NormalNode"
 & "Color);\n      graph_setVertexBorderColor(vtx, BorderColor);\n      gra"
 & "ph_moveVertex(vtx, x, y, false);\n := id;\n      self.v :="
 & " vtx;\n      self.pos := [x, y];\n      self\n    end,\n\n  setSize =>\n"
 & "    meth(self, (*real*) size, (*real*) borderSz)\n      graph_setVertex"
 & "Size(self.v, size, size);\n      graph_setVertexBorder(self.v, borderSz"
 & ")\n    end\n}; (* Node *)\n\nlet Pkt = {\n  (*GraphVBT.Vertex*) v => ok"
 & ",\t(* the vertex for this packet *)\n\n  init =>\n    meth(self, (*grap"
 & "hvbt*) g, (*int*) level, (*R2.T*) pos)\n      let vtx = graph_newVertex"
 & "(g);\n      graph_setVertexShape(vtx, \"ellipse\");\n      graph_setVer"
 & "texColor(vtx, Color[level]);\n      graph_setVertexBorderColor(vtx, Bor"
 & "derColor);\n      graph_moveVertex(vtx, pos[0], pos[1], false);\n      "
 & "self.v := vtx;\n      self\n    end,\n\n  setSize =>\n    meth(self, (*"
 & "real*) size, ";

CONST E71_1 =
   "(*real*) borderSz)\n      graph_setVertexSize(self.v, size, size);\n   "
 & "   graph_setVertexBorder(self.v, borderSz)\n    end\n}; (* Pkt *)\n\nle"
 & "t Edge = {\n  (*R2.T*) startPos => ok,\t(* location of start point *)\n"
 & "  (*Vertex*) endPt => ok,\t(* moved end point*)\n  (*Vertex*) c1 => ok,"
 & "\t\t(* dummy control point 1 *)\n  (*Vertex*) c2 => ok,\t\t(* dummy con"
 & "trol point 2 *)\n  (*Edge*) e => ok,\t\t(* the GraphVBT object for this"
 & " edge *)\n\n  init =>\n    meth(self, (*graphvbt*) g, (*int*) level, (*"
 & "Node*) src, (*bool*) bezier)\n      let NewV = proc() (* : Vertex *)\n "
 & "       let res = graph_newVertex(g);\n        graph_setVertexSize(res, "
 & "0.0, 0.0);\n        graph_moveVertex(res, src.pos[0], src.pos[1], false"
 & ");\n        res\n      end;\n      self.startPos := src.pos;\n      sel"
 & "f.endPt := NewV();\n      self.e := graph_newEdge(src.v, self.endPt);\n"
 & "      if bezier then\n        self.c1 := NewV();\n        self.c2 := Ne"
 & "wV();\n        graph_moveEdgeBezier(self.e, src.v,self.endPt, self.c1,s"
 & "elf.c2, false)\n      end;\n      graph_setEdgeColor(self.e, Color[leve"
 & "l]);\n      self\n    end,\n\n  setSize =>\n    meth(self, (*real*) wid"
 & "th)\n      graph_setEdgeWidth(self.e, width)\n    end,\n\n  grow =>\n  "
 & "  meth(self, (*R2.T*) endPos)\n      graph_moveVertex(self.endPt, endPo"
 & "s[0], endPos[1], true)\n    end,\n\n  growBezier =>\n    meth(self, (*R"
 & "2.T*) endPos, (*R2.T*) c1Pos, c2Pos)\n      AnimateBezierEdge(\n       "
 & " [self.c1, self.c2, self.endPt],\n        [self.startPos, c1Pos, c2Pos,"
 & " endPos])\n    end\n}; (* Edge *)\n\nlet EdgeEntry = {\n  (*int*) id =>"
 & " ok,\t\t(* unique identifier for this edge *)\n  (*Node*) end1 => ok,\t"
 & "\t(* edge endpoint 1 *)\n  (*Node*) end2 => ok,\t\t(* edge endpoint 2 *"
 & ")\n  (*Vertex*) c1 => ok,\t\t(* control point 1 (or \"ok\" if straight "
 & "edge *)\n  (*Vertex*) c2 => ok,\t\t(* control point 2 (or \"ok\" if str"
 & "aight edge *)\n  (*GraphVBT.Edge*) e => ok,\t(* the (thin blue) graph e"
 & "dge *)\n  (*[Edge]*) edge => ok,\t(* array of NumColors Edge objects *)"
 & "\n  (*EdgeEntry*) next => ok,\t(* pointer to next entry in hash table *"
 & ")\n\n  init =>\n    meth(sel";

CONST E71_2 =
   "f, (*int*) id, (*Node*) src, dest, (*Vertex*) c1, c2)\n :="
 & " id;\n      self.end1 := src;\n      self.end2 := dest;\n      self.e :"
 & "= graph_newEdge(src.v, dest.v);\n      if (c1 isnot ok) andif (c2 isnot"
 & " ok) then\n        self.c1 := c1; self.c2 := c2;\n        graph_moveEdg"
 & "eBezier(self.e, src.v, dest.v, c1, c2, false)\n      end;\n      graph_"
 & "setEdgeColor(self.e, EdgeColor);\n      self.edge := array_new(MaxNumCo"
 & "lors, ok);\n      self\n    end,\n\n  addEdge =>\n    meth(self, (*grap"
 & "hvbt*) g, (*int*) level, (*Node*) src, (*bool*) bezier)\n    (* If ther"
 & "e is already an edge in this entry at level \"level\", then return\n   "
 & "    \"ok\". Otherwise, create a new edge, install it in the entry, and "
 & "return\n       it. *)\n      var res = self.edge[level];\n      if res "
 & "is ok then\n        (* no edge on this level yet; create new Edge and a"
 & "nimate it *)\n        res := clone(Edge).init(g, level, src, bezier);\n"
 & "        self.edge[level] := res;\n        (* bring any other edges to f"
 & "ront in reverse order *)\n        var i = (level - 1);\n        loop\n "
 & "         if i < 0 then exit end;\n          if self.edge[i] isnot ok th"
 & "en\n            graph_edgeToFront(self.edge[i].e)\n          end;\n    "
 & "      i := i - 1\n        end;\n        res\n      else\n        ok\n  "
 & "    end\n    end\n}; (* EdgeEntry *)\n\nlet TableSize = 109;\n\nlet Tab"
 & "leIterator = {\n  (*int*) bkt => ok,\t\t(* current bucket *)\n  (*[Edge"
 & "Entry]*) bucket => ok,\t(* array of buckets *)\n  (*EdgeEntry*) entry ="
 & "> ok,\t(* current entry *)\n\n  init => meth(self, (*[EdgeEntry]*) buck"
 & "et)\n    self.bkt := -1;\n    self.bucket := bucket;\n    self.entry :="
 & " ok;\n    self\n  end,\n\n  next =>\n    meth(self) (* : EdgeEntry *)\n"
 & "    (* Return the next EdgeEntry in the table, or \"ok\" if there are n"
 & "one. *)\n      if self.entry isnot ok then self.entry := self.entry.nex"
 & "t end;\n      loop\n        if self.entry isnot ok then exit end;\n    "
 & "    self.bkt := self.bkt + 1;\n        if self.bkt >= TableSize then ex"
 & "it end;\n        self.entry := self.bucket[self.bkt]\n      end;\n     "
 & " self.entry\n   ";

CONST E71_3 =
   " end\n}; (* TableIterator *)\n\nlet EdgeTable = {\n  (*[EdgeEntry] *) b"
 & "ucket => ok,\t(* array of buckets *)\n\n  init => meth(self) self.bucke"
 & "t := array_new(TableSize, ok); self end,\n  hash => meth(self, (*int*) "
 & "val) val % TableSize end,\n\n  addEntry =>\n    meth(self, (*Node*) src"
 & ", dest, (*Vertex*) c1, c2) (* : EdgeEntry *)\n    (* Create and initial"
 & "ize a new EdgeEntry and add it to \"self\"; return\n       the new Edge"
 & "Entry. *)\n      let id = CantorPair(,;\n      let bkt ="
 & " self.hash(id);\n      var (*EdgeEntry*) entry = clone(EdgeEntry).init("
 & "id, src, dest, c1, c2);\n := self.bucket[bkt];\n      s"
 & "elf.bucket[bkt] := entry;\n      entry\n    end,\n\n  findEntry =>\n   "
 & " meth(self, (*int*) id) (* : EdgeEntry *)\n    (* Returns the EdgeEntry"
 & " with identifier \"id\", or \"ok\" if\n       there is no such entry. *"
 & ")\n      var (*EdgeEntry*) entry = self.bucket[self.hash(id)];\n      l"
 & "oop\n        if (entry is ok) orif ( is id) then exit end;\n   "
 & "     entry :=\n      end;\n      entry\n    end,\n\n  iterat"
 & "e =>\n    meth(self) (* : TableIterator *)\n      clone(TableIterator)."
 & "init(self.bucket)\n    end\n}; (* EdgeTable *)\n\nlet view = {\n  graph"
 & "vbt => graph_new(),\n  (*bool*) bounded => false,\t(* bounded queue siz"
 & "e?, set by StartGraph *)\n  (*[Node]*) node => ok,\t(* allocated by Sta"
 & "rtGraph *)\n  (*font*) vertexFont => ok,\t(* set by StartGraph *)\n  (*"
 & "real*) maxNodeSize => ok,\t(* set by EndGraph *)\n  (*real*) borderSize"
 & " => ok,\t(* set by EndGraph *)\n  (*real*) minPktSize => ok,\t(* smalle"
 & "st packet, set by StartPackets *)\n  (*real*) deltaPktSize => ok,\t(* p"
 & "acket delta, set by StartPackets *)\n  (*int*) numColors => ok,\t(* num"
 & "ber of colors, set by StartPackets *)\n  (*[Pkt]*) pkt => ok,\t\t(* all"
 & "ocated by StartPackets *)\n  (*bool*) pktsMoved => false,\t(* did any p"
 & "ackets move this step? *)\n\n  pktSize =>\n    meth(self, (*int*) level"
 & ")\n      self.minPktSize + (float(level) * self.deltaPktSize)\n    end,"
 & "\n\n  StartGraph =>\n    meth(self, nodeCnt, unused, bounded, (*real*) "
 & "xMax, (*real*) yM";

CONST E71_4 =
   "ax)\n      self.vertexFont := graph_newFont(self.graphvbt,\n        \"H"
 & "elvetica\", 0.5, \"Roman\", \"bold\", \"*\");\n      graph_setWorld(sel"
 & "f.graphvbt, 0.0, xMax, yMax, 0.0);\n      graph_setAspect(self.graphvbt"
 & ", yMax / xMax);\n      self.bounded := bounded;\n      self.node := arr"
 & "ay_new(nodeCnt, ok);\n      EdgeTable.init()\n    end,\n\n  NewNode =>\n"
 & "    meth(self, id, (*real*) x, (*real*) y)\n      self.node[id] := clon"
 & "e(Node).init(self.graphvbt, id, x, y)\n    end,\n\n  NewStraightEdge =>"
 & "\n    meth(self, (*int*) id1, id2)\n      EdgeTable.addEntry(self.node["
 & "id1], self.node[id2], ok, ok)\n    end,\n\n  NewCurvedEdge =>\n    meth"
 & "(self, (*int*) id1, id2, (*real*) x1, y1, x2, y2)\n      let NewControl"
 & " = proc((*real*) x, y)\n        let res = graph_newVertex(self.graphvbt"
 & ");\n        graph_setVertexSize(res, 0.0, 0.0);\n        graph_moveVert"
 & "ex(res, x, y, false);\n        res\n      end;\n      let c1 = NewContr"
 & "ol(x1, y1);\n      let c2 = NewControl(x2, y2);\n      EdgeTable.addEnt"
 & "ry(self.node[id1], self.node[id2], c1, c2)\n    end,\n\n  NewLabel => m"
 & "eth (self, label, x, y)\n    let vl = graph_newVertex(self.graphvbt);\n"
 & "    graph_setVertexFont(vl, self.vertexFont);\n    graph_setVertexSize("
 & "vl, 0.5, 0.5);\n    graph_setVertexColor(vl, BackgroundColor);\n    gra"
 & "ph_moveVertex(vl, x, y, false);\n    graph_setVertexLabel(vl, label);\n"
 & "    graph_setVertexLabelColor(vl, LabelColor);\n  end,\n\n  EndGraph =>"
 & "\n    meth(self)\n      let distance = proc(pt1, pt2)\n        let dx ="
 & " pt2[1] - pt1[1], dy = pt2[0] - pt1[0];\n        (dx * dx) + (dy * dy)\n"
 & "      end;\n      (* set \"minDst\" to minimum distance between nodes *"
 & ")\n      var minDst = ok;\n      minDst := distance(self.node[0].pos, s"
 & "elf.node[1].pos);\n      for i = 0 to #(self.node) - 1 do\n\tlet pos1 ="
 & " self.node[i].pos;\n\tfor j = (i + 1) to #(self.node) - 1 do\n\t  let c"
 & "urDst = distance(pos1, self.node[j].pos);\n\t  if curDst < minDst then "
 & "minDst := curDst end\n\tend\n      end;\n      minDst := math_sqrt(minD"
 & "st);\n      (* set \"maxNodeSize\", \"borderSize\", \"deltaPktSize\", \""
 & "minPktSize\" *)\n     ";

CONST E71_5 =
   " self.maxNodeSize := minDst * 0.7;\n      self.borderSize := self.maxNo"
 & "deSize / 20.0;\n      (* set node sizes *)\n      for i = 0 to #(self.n"
 & "ode) - 1 do\n\tself.node[i].setSize(self.maxNodeSize, self.borderSize *"
 & " 1.5);\n      end;\n    end,\n\n  StartPackets =>\n    meth(self, numPk"
 & "ts)\n      let min = proc(i, j) if i < j then i else j end end;\n      "
 & "self.numColors := min(MaxNumColors, numPkts);\n      self.deltaPktSize "
 & ":= self.maxNodeSize / (float(self.numColors)+3.0);\n      self.minPktSi"
 & "ze := 1.5 * self.deltaPktSize;\n      self.pkt := array_new(numPkts, ok"
 & ");\n      (* set edge widths *)\n      var it = EdgeTable.iterate();\t("
 & "* table iterator *)\n      var entry = ok;\t\t\t(* edge entry *)\n     "
 & " let edgeWidth = self.minPktSize / 2.0;\n      loop\n        entry := i"
 & ";\n        if entry is ok then exit end;\n        graph_setEdge"
 & "Width(entry.e, edgeWidth)\n      end\n    end,\n\n  NewPacket =>\n    m"
 & "eth(self, (*int*) id, (*int*) src, (*int*) dest, unused1, unused2)\n   "
 & "   let level = id % self.numColors;\n      let pkt = clone(Pkt).init(se"
 & "lf.graphvbt, level, self.node[src].pos);\n      pkt.setSize(self.pktSiz"
 & "e(level), self.borderSize);\n      self.pkt[id] := pkt\n    end,\n\n  E"
 & "ndPackets =>\n    meth(self)\n      (* stack the packets from back to f"
 & "ront *)\n      let n = #(self.pkt);\n      for i = 0 to self.numColors "
 & "- 1 do\n        var j = (self.numColors - 1) - i;\n        loop\n      "
 & "    if j >= n then exit end;\n          graph_vertexToFront(self.pkt[j]"
 & ".v);\n          j := j + self.numColors\n        end\n      end;\n     "
 & " graph_redisplay(self.graphvbt)\n    end,\n\n  MovePacket =>\n    meth("
 & "self, (*int*) id, (*int*) src, dest)\n      let pos = self.node[dest].p"
 & "os;\n      let level = id % self.numColors;\n      self.pktsMoved := tr"
 & "ue;\n      let entry = EdgeTable.findEntry(CantorPair(src, dest));\n   "
 & "   let bezier = (entry.c1 isnot ok) and (entry.c2 isnot ok);\n      let"
 & " edge = entry.addEdge(self.graphvbt, level, self.node[src], bezier);\n "
 & "     if edge isnot ok then\n        edge.setSize(self.pktSize(level));\n"
 & "    ";

CONST E71_6 =
   "    if not(bezier) then\n          graph_moveVertex(self.pkt[id].v, pos"
 & "[0], pos[1], true);\n          edge.grow(pos)\n        else\n          "
 & "var c1 = entry.c1, c2 = entry.c2, t = ok;\n          if src isnot entry"
 & " then\n            t := c1; c1 := c2; c2 := t\n          end;\n"
 & "          let c1Pos = graph_getVertexPosition(c1);\n          let c2Pos"
 & " = graph_getVertexPosition(c2);\n          graph_moveVertexOnPath(self."
 & "pkt[id].v, MakeBezierPathProc(\n            [self.node[src].pos, c1Pos,"
 & " c2Pos, pos]));\n          edge.growBezier(pos, c1Pos, c2Pos)\n        "
 & "end\n      end\n    end,\n\n  QueueSizes =>\n    meth(self, (*UNUSED*) "
 & "queueSizes)\n      if self.pktsMoved then\n        self.pktsMoved := fa"
 & "lse;\n        zeus_animate(self.graphvbt, 0.0, 1.0)\n      end\n    end"
 & "\n};\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.\n; All rights rese"
 & "rved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n;\n; Last modi"
 & "fied on Wed Feb  8 15:37:06 PST 1995 by kalsow\n\n;********************"
 & "************************************************\n;  NOTE: This file is"
 & " generated automatically from the event \n;        definition file Sort"
 & ".evt.\n;***************************************************************"
 & "*****\n\n(VBox\n  (Rim\n    (Pen 2)\n    (HBox\n      (VBox (Glue 4) (S"
 & "hape (Height + Inf) (Button %clear \"CLEAR\")) (Glue 4))\n      (Glue 4"
 & ")\n      (VBox\n        (Boolean =TRUE %alg (Text LeftAlign \"Algorithm"
 & " events\"))\n        (Boolean =FALSE %zeus (Text LeftAlign \"Zeus event"
 & "s\"))\n        (Boolean =TRUE %args (Text LeftAlign \"Display args to e"
 & "vents\")))\n      Fill))\n  (Bar 1)\n  (Shape (ShadowSize 0) (Height 20"
 & "0 + INF) (TextEdit ReadOnly %transcript)))\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation\n; All rights reser"
 & "ved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n\n(Rim (Pen 10)"
 & " \n  (Radio =fromSample (VBox \n    (Choice %fromSample (Text LeftAlign"
 & " \"Sample data file\"))\n    (Glue 10)\n    (Choice %fromFile   (Text L"
 & "eftAlign \"Select data file:\"))\n    (Glue 5) \n    (Border (Shape (He"
 & "ight 100) (FileBrowser %graphdata))))))\n";

   "(* Copyright (C) 1994, Digital Equipment Corporation                   "
 & "      *)\n(* All rights reserved.                                      "
 & "                *)\n(* See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.  "
 & "                          *)\n(*                                       "
 & "                                    *)\n(* Last modified on Mon Jan  9 "
 & "12:04:37 PST 1995 by najork                   *)\n(*      modified on F"
 & "ri Aug 19 15:37:51 PDT 1994 by heydon                   *)\n(*      mod"
 & "ified on Tue Jun 14 12:28:51 PDT 1994 by shillner                 *)\n\n"
 & "(* Tree.obl -- tree view for Union-Find *)\n\nlet NodeBgColor       = c"
 & "olor_named(\"Green\");\nlet NodeFgColor       = color_named(\"Black\");"
 & "\nlet NormalEdgeColor   = color_named(\"Black\");\nlet HiliteEdgeColor "
 & "  = color_named(\"Red\");\nlet RankBarBgColor    = color_named(\"Red\")"
 & ";\nlet RankBarFgColor    = color_named(\"Black\");\n\n(* Hilite colors "
 & "*)\nlet SelectHiLiColor   = color_named(\"Orange\");\nlet DoFindUpHiLiC"
 & "olor = color_named(\"Red\");\nlet DoFindDnHiLiColor = color_named(\"Pur"
 & "ple\");\nlet FoundHiLiColor    = color_named(\"Blue\");\nlet NodeHilite"
 & "BgColor = color_named(\"Red\");\n\nlet NodeSz  = 1.0;\nlet FontSz  = 0."
 & "4;\nlet Margin  = 5.0;           (* in mm *)\nlet VGap    = NodeSz * 1."
 & "0;  (* vertical gap between levels *)\nlet HGap    = NodeSz * 0.2;  (* "
 & "horizontal gap between siblings *)\nlet RankH   = NodeSz * 0.25; (* hei"
 & "ght of rank bars *)\nlet RankW   = NodeSz * 1.0;  (* width of each rank"
 & " unit *)\nlet RankGap = NodeSz * 0.25; (* gap between root and rank bar"
 & "s *)\nlet RankY   = RankGap + ((NodeSz + RankH)/ 2.0);\n\n(* The \"VGap"
 & "\" is the distance between the bottoms of nodes on level \"i\"\n   and "
 & "the tops of nodes on level \"i+1\". The \"HGap\" is the gap between the"
 & "\n   right edge of a node and the left edge of its right sibling. *)\n\n"
 & "let BorderWidth   = NodeSz * 0.05;\nlet ThinEdgeWidth = NodeSz * 0.05;\n"
 & "let FatEdgeWidth  = NodeSz * 0.2;\nlet FoundHiLiSz   = NodeSz * 0.08;\n"
 & "let FindHiLiSz    = NodeSz * 0.14;\nlet SelectHiLiSz  = NodeSz * 0.20;\n"
 & "\n(* Node Ob";

CONST E74_0 =
   "ject (to be cloned) ============================================= *)\n\n"
 & "let Node = {\n  v: Vertex => ok,        (* The Vertex *)\n  e: Edge => "
 & "ok,       \t  (* The Edge to the parent *)\n  parent: Node => ok,     ("
 & "* parent node *)\n  children: Node => ok,   (* leftmost child node *)\n"
 & "  height: Int => 0, \t  (* height of tree rooted at this node *)\n  x: "
 & "Real => ok,          (* x-coordinate of this node *)\n  next => ok,    "
 & "   \t  (* ids of next and previous siblings *)\n  prev => ok,\n  rank: "
 & "Int => 0,\n  rankBar: Vertex => ok,  (* the vertex of this node\'s rank"
 & " bar (if any) *)\n\n  lastChild => meth(parent: Node): Node,\n  (* Retu"
 & "rns the rightmost child of \"parent\", or \"ok\" if \"parent\"\n     is"
 & " a leaf. *)\n    var curr: Node = parent.children;\n    if curr isnot o"
 & "k then\n      loop\n        if is ok then exit end;\n        "
 & "curr :=\n      end;\n      curr\n    else\n      ok\n    end\n"
 & "  end,\n\n  incHeightToRoot => meth(parent, child: Node): Ok,\n  (* the"
 & " \"child\" of \"parent\" has just grown in height; grow \"parent\" and\n"
 & "     all nodes on the path from it to the root of the tree in height as"
 & "\n     necessary. *)\n    if (child.height + 1) > parent.height then\n "
 & "     parent.height := (child.height + 1);\n      if parent.parent isnot"
 & " ok then\n        parent.parent.incHeightToRoot(parent)\n      end\n   "
 & " end;\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  addChild => meth(parent, rightOf, child: Nod"
 & "e): Ok,\n  (* Adds child as a child of parent, inserted to the right of"
 & " \n     the child \"rightOf\", which must be a child of parent, or as\n"
 & "     the leftmost child if rightOf is ok *)\n    if rightOf is ok then\n"
 & " := parent.children;\n      child.prev := ok;\n      if"
 & " isnot ok then := child end;\n      parent.c"
 & "hildren := child;\n    else\n      child.prev := rightOf;\n      child."
 & "next :=;\n      if ( isnot ok) then"
 & "rev := child end;\n := child;\n    end;\n"
 & "rent := parent;\n    parent.incHeightToRoot(child);\n    ok\n  end,\n\n"
 & "  updateHeight =>";

CONST E74_1 =
   " meth(parent: Node): Ok,\n  (* update the height of \"parent\" to be on"
 & "e greater than the maximum heights\n     of its children, or 0 if it ha"
 & "s no children. *)\n    var maxHt: Int = ~1;\n    var ch: Node = parent."
 & "children;\n    loop\n      if ch is ok then exit end;\n      if ch.heig"
 & "ht > maxHt then maxHt := ch.height end;\n      ch :=\n    end;\n"
 & "    parent.height := (maxHt + 1);\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  decHeightToRoot "
 & "=> meth(parent: Node, oldChHeight: Int): Ok,\n  (* some child of \"pare"
 & "nt\" has just decreased in height from \"oldChHeight\",\n     so update"
 & " the height of the \"parent\" if necessary and those of all\n     nodes"
 & " on the path to the root. *)\n    if parent.height is (oldChHeight + 1)"
 & " then\n      var oldParHeight: Int = parent.height;\n      parent.updat"
 & "eHeight();\n      if (parent.height < oldParHeight) and (parent.parent "
 & "isnot ok) then\n        parent.parent.decHeightToRoot(oldParHeight)\n  "
 & "    end\n    end;\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  removeChild => meth(parent, chil"
 & "d: Node): Ok,\n  (* removes child from parent, which must be its parent"
 & " *)\n    if child.prev isnot ok\n      then :="
 & "xt;\n      else parent.children :=\n    end;\n    if child.n"
 & "ext isnot ok then\n := child.prev\n    end;\n    c"
 & "hild.prev := ok;\n := ok;\n    parent.decHeightToRoot(chi"
 & "ld.height);\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  isRightOf => meth(self, n: Node): Bool"
 & ",\n  (* Returns \"true\" iff \"self\" is a right sibling of \"n\". *)\n"
 & "    var curr: Node =;\n    loop\n      if (curr is self) or (cur"
 & "r is ok) then exit end;\n      curr :=\n    end;\n    (curr i"
 & "s self)\n  end,\n\n  subtreeWidth => meth(self: Node): Real,\n  (* Retu"
 & "rns the width of the subtree rooted at \"self\". *)\n    if self.childr"
 & "en is ok then\n      NodeSz\n    else\n      var res: Real = 0.0;\n    "
 & "  var ch: Node = self.children;\n      loop\n        res := res +"
 & "btreeWidth();\n        if is ok then exit end;\n        res := "
 & "res + HGap;\n        ch :=\n      end;\n      res\n    end\n  e"
 & "nd,\n\n  position => meth(";

CONST E74_2 =
   "self: Node, level: Int, offset: Real): Ok,\n    let depth: Real = - flo"
 & "at(level) * (NodeSz + VGap);\n    graph_moveVertex(self.v, offset, dept"
 & "h, true);\n    self.x := offset;\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  positionChildren "
 & "=> meth(self: Node, level: Int, offset: Real): Real,\n    var ch: Node "
 & "= self.children;\n    var res: Real = offset;\n    loop\n      if ch is"
 & " ok then exit; end;\n      res := ch.positionSubtree(level, res);\n    "
 & "  if isnot ok then res := res + HGap; end;\n      ch :="
 & ";\n    end;\n    res;\n  end,\n\n  positionSubtree => meth(self: Node, "
 & "level: Int, offset: Real): Real,\n  (* Reposition all nodes in the subt"
 & "ree rooted at \"self\", with the leftmost\n     descendant at \"offset\""
 & ", and the root at vertical position \"level\".\n     Returns the x-coor"
 & "dinate of the rightmost descendant. *)\n    var res = offset;\n    if s"
 & "elf.children is ok\n      then res := res + NodeSz;\n      else res := "
 & "self.positionChildren(level+1, res);\n    end;\n    self.position(level"
 & ", (res + offset) / 2.0);\n    res;\n  end,\n};\n\n(* EdgeList Object =="
 & "====================================================== *)\n\nlet EdgeLi"
 & "st = {\n  e: Edge => ok,\n  next: EdgeList => ok,\n};\n\n(* View Object"
 & " ============================================================ *)\n\nlet"
 & " view: View = {\n\n  (* Data members ----------------------------------"
 & "----------------------- *)\n\n  graphvbt => graph_new(),\n  graphW: Rea"
 & "l => ok,          (* the width of the graphvbt *)\n  usesRanks: Bool =>"
 & " ok,       (* \"usesRanks\" arg to \"Setup\" event *)\n  nodeCnt: Int ="
 & "> ok,          (* number of nodes (not counting root) *)\n  height: Int"
 & " => ok,           (* height of window *)\n  root: Node => ok,\n  last: "
 & "Node => ok,\n  node: [Node] => ok,          (* array of nodes *)\n  new"
 & "Edge: Edge => ok,         (* Edge added during a unite method *)\n  bot"
 & "hRoots: Bool => ok,       (* are both nodes to \"Union\" roots? *)\n  l"
 & "abelFont: Font => ok,       (* font for node labels *)\n  upEdges: Edge"
 & "List => ok,     (* list of \"StepUp\" edges *)\n  seenStepDown: Bool =>"
 & " ok,    (* a";

CONST E74_3 =
   "ny \"StepDown\" events after \"Found\"? *)\n  findVh: VertexHiLi => ok,"
 & "\n  doFindVh: VertexHiLi => ok,\n  unionVh1: VertexHiLi => ok,\n  union"
 & "Vh2: VertexHiLi => ok,\n  foundVh: VertexHiLi => ok,\n  firstRootVh: Ve"
 & "rtexHiLi => ok,\n\n  (* The \"height\" field is the height of the large"
 & "st tree that can fit in the\n     window; it is only ever increased. Fo"
 & "r \"view: View\", the system maintains\n     the invariant: \"view.root"
 & ".height <= view.height\". *)\n\n  (* Layout method --------------------"
 & "------------------------------------ *)\n\n  repositionAll => meth(self"
 & ": View): Ok,\n  (* Layout all nodes of the tree rooted at the virtual r"
 & "oot node\n     \"self.root\". *)\n    if self.root.children isnot ok th"
 & "en\n      var childrenW: Real = 0.0;\n      var numCh: Int = 0;\n      "
 & "var ch: Node = self.root.children;\n      loop\n        childrenW := ch"
 & "ildrenW + ch.subtreeWidth();\n        numCh := numCh + 1;\n        if c"
 & " is ok then exit end;\n        ch :=\n      end;\n      v"
 & "ar gap: Real = 0.0;\n      if numCh > 1 then\n        gap := (self.grap"
 & "hW - childrenW) / float(numCh - 1)\n      end;\n      ch := self.root.c"
 & "hildren;\n      var res: Real = - (NodeSz / 2.0);\n      loop\n      \t"
 & "if ch is ok then exit end;\n      \tres := ch.positionSubtree(0, res);\n"
 & "      \tif isnot ok then res := res + gap end;\n      \tch := c"
 & "\n      end\n    end;\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  repositionRanks => met"
 & "h(self: View): Ok,\n  (* Reposition the rank bar vertices of those node"
 & "s that are children of\n     \"self.root\". This procedure just moves t"
 & "he necessary vertices; it doesn\'t\n     animate them. *)\n    var ch ="
 & " self.root.children;\n    loop\n      if (ch is ok) then exit end;\n   "
 & "   let rankX = graph_getVertexPosition(ch.rankBar)[0];\n      if (ch.x "
 & "isnot rankX) then\n        graph_moveVertex(ch.rankBar, ch.x, RankY, tr"
 & "ue)\n      end;\n      ch :=\n    end;\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  set"
 & "World => meth(self: View): Ok,\n    let rad: Real = NodeSz / 2.0;\n    "
 & "let ht: Real = (float(self.height) * (NodeSz + VGap)) - VGap;\n    var "
 & "north: Real = rad;\n  ";

CONST E74_4 =
   "  if self.usesRanks then north := north + RankGap + RankH end;\n    gra"
 & "ph_setWorld(self.graphvbt,\n      (* east = *) - rad, (* west = *) (- r"
 & "ad) + self.graphW,\n      (* north= *) north, (* south= *) rad + (- ht)"
 & ");\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  (* Setup --------------------------------------"
 & "-------------------------- *)\n\n  Setup => meth(self: View): Ok,\n    "
 & "graph_setMargin(self.graphvbt, Margin);\n    self.nodeCnt := 0;\n    se"
 & "lf.root := clone(Node);\n    self.last := ok;\n    self.labelFont := gr"
 & "aph_newFont(self.graphvbt, \"Helvetica\", FontSz,\n      \"Roman\", \"b"
 & "old\", \"*\");\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  NewSet => meth(self: View, nm: Text"
 & "): Ok,\n    let v = graph_newVertex(self.graphvbt);\n    graph_setVerte"
 & "xShape(v, \"ellipse\");\n    graph_setVertexSize(v, NodeSz, NodeSz);\n "
 & "   graph_setVertexFont(v, self.labelFont);\n    graph_setVertexLabel(v,"
 & " nm);\n    graph_setVertexLabelColor(v, NodeFgColor);\n    graph_setVer"
 & "texBorder(v, BorderWidth);\n    graph_setVertexColor(v, NodeBgColor);\n"
 & "    var n: Node = clone(Node);\n    self.nodeCnt := self.nodeCnt + 1;\n"
 & "    n.v := v;\n    self.root.addChild(self.last, n);\n    self.last := "
 & "n;\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  FinishedSets => meth(self: View, numSets: Int, "
 & "usesRanks: Bool): Ok,\n    (* initialize coordinate system *)\n    self"
 & ".height := real_ceiling(math_log(float(numSets))) + 1;\n    self.graphW"
 & " := (float(numSets) * (NodeSz + HGap)) - HGap;\n    self.usesRanks := u"
 & "sesRanks;\n    self.setWorld();\n\n    (* initialize nodes *)\n    self"
 & ".node := array_new(numSets, ok);\n    var curr: Node = self.root.childr"
 & "en;\n    for i = 0 to numSets - 1 do\n      self.node[i] := curr;\n    "
 & "  curr :=\n    end;\n    self.repositionAll();\n\n    (* init"
 & "ialize rank bars *)\n    if usesRanks then\n      for i = 0 to numSets "
 & "- 1 do\n        let node = self.node[i];\n        let v = graph_newVert"
 & "ex(self.graphvbt);\n        node.rankBar := v;\n      \tgraph_setVertex"
 & "Shape(v, \"rectangle\");\n      \tgraph_setVertexSize(v, RankW * 0.1, R"
 & "ankH);\n      \tgraph_setVertexBorderColor(v, RankBarFgColor);\n      \t"
 & "graph_setVertexBo";

CONST E74_5 =
   "rder(v, BorderWidth);\n      \tgraph_setVertexColor(v, RankBarBgColor);"
 & "\n        graph_moveVertex(v, node.x, RankY, false);\n      end\n    en"
 & "d;\n    zeus_animate(self.graphvbt, 0.0, 0.0);\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  (* "
 & "Find events ---------------------------------------------------------- "
 & "*)\n\n  StartFind => meth(self: View, id: Int): Ok,\n    self.findVh :="
 & " graph_newVertexHiLi(self.node[id].v);\n    graph_setVertexHiLiColor(se"
 & "lf.findVh, SelectHiLiColor);\n    graph_setVertexHiLiBorder(self.findVh"
 & ", SelectHiLiSz, SelectHiLiSz);\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  EndFind => meth(sel"
 & "f: View, id: Int): Ok,\n    graph_removeVertexHiLi(self.findVh);\n    g"
 & "raph_removeVertexHiLi(self.foundVh);\n    graph_redisplay(self.graphvbt"
 & ");\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  (* DoFind events ------------------------------"
 & "-------------------------- *)\n\n  StartDoFind => meth(self, id): Ok,\n"
 & "    self.doFindVh := graph_newVertexHiLi(self.node[id].v);\n    graph_s"
 & "etVertexHiLiColor(self.doFindVh, DoFindUpHiLiColor);\n    graph_setVert"
 & "exHiLiBorder(self.doFindVh, FindHiLiSz, FindHiLiSz);\n    graph_redispl"
 & "ay(self.graphvbt);\n    self.upEdges := ok;\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  StepUp"
 & " => meth(self, child, parent): Ok,\n    (* move vertex hilite up *)\n  "
 & "  graph_moveVertexHiLi(self.doFindVh, self.node[parent].v, true);\n    "
 & "zeus_animate(self.graphvbt, 0.0, 1.0);\n\n    (* make edge thick *)\n  "
 & "  let upEdge = self.node[child].e;\n    graph_setEdgeWidth(upEdge, FatE"
 & "dgeWidth);\n    graph_redisplay(self.graphvbt);\n\n    (* add edge to u"
 & "p-edge list *)\n    var el: EdgeList = clone(EdgeList);\n    el.e := up"
 & "Edge;\n := self.upEdges;\n    self.upEdges := el;\n    ok\n "
 & " end,\n\n  Found => meth(self, root): Ok,\n    self.foundVh := graph_ne"
 & "wVertexHiLi(self.node[root].v);\n    graph_setVertexHiLiColor(self.foun"
 & "dVh, FoundHiLiColor);\n    graph_setVertexHiLiBorder(self.foundVh, Foun"
 & "dHiLiSz, FoundHiLiSz);\n    graph_redisplay(self.graphvbt);\n    self.s"
 & "eenStepDown := false;\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  StepDown => meth(self: View,"
 & " childId, parentId: Int): Ok,\n    let child: Node = self.node[childId]"
 & ";\n\n   ";

CONST E74_6 =
   " (* change hili color if necessary *)\n    if not(self.seenStepDown) th"
 & "en\n      self.seenStepDown := true;\n      graph_setVertexHiLiColor(se"
 & "lf.doFindVh, DoFindDnHiLiColor);\n    end;\n\n    (* move hilight down "
 & "*)\n    graph_moveVertexHiLi(self.doFindVh, child.v, true);\n    zeus_a"
 & "nimate(self.graphvbt, 0.0, 1.0);\n\n    (* make edge thin again *)\n   "
 & " graph_setEdgeWidth(child.e, ThinEdgeWidth);\n    graph_redisplay(self."
 & "graphvbt);\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  ChangeParent => meth(self: View, childI"
 & "d, parentId, rootId: Int): Ok,\n    let child: Node = self.node[childId"
 & "];\n    let parent: Node = self.node[parentId];\n    let root: Node = s"
 & "elf.node[rootId];\n\n    (* change tree structure *)\n    var rightOf: "
 & "Node = parent;\n    if parent.children is child then rightOf := rightOf"
 & ".prev end;\n    parent.removeChild(child);\n    root.addChild(rightOf, "
 & "child);\n\n    (* move the edge and subtree *)\n    graph_moveEdge(chil"
 & "d.e, child.v, root.v, true);\n    self.repositionAll();\n    if"
 & "esRanks then self.repositionRanks() end;\n    zeus_animate(self.graphvb"
 & "t, 0.0, 1.0);\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  EndDoFind => meth(self, id): Ok,\n  "
 & "  if not(self.seenStepDown) then\n      var curr: EdgeList = self.upEdg"
 & "es;\n      loop\n        if curr is ok then exit end;\n        graph_se"
 & "tEdgeWidth(curr.e, ThinEdgeWidth);\n        curr :=\n      en"
 & "d\n    end;\n    graph_removeVertexHiLi(self.doFindVh);\n    graph_redi"
 & "splay(self.graphvbt);\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  (* Union events ------------"
 & "--------------------------------------------- *)\n\n  StartUnion => met"
 & "h(self: View, id1, id2: Int, bothRoots: Bool): Ok,\n    self.bothRoots "
 & ":= bothRoots;\n    self.unionVh1 := graph_newVertexHiLi(self.node[id1]."
 & "v);\n    self.unionVh2 := graph_newVertexHiLi(self.node[id2].v);\n    g"
 & "raph_setVertexHiLiColor(self.unionVh1, SelectHiLiColor);\n    graph_set"
 & "VertexHiLiColor(self.unionVh2, SelectHiLiColor);\n    graph_setVertexHi"
 & "LiBorder(self.unionVh1, SelectHiLiSz, SelectHiLiSz);\n    graph_setVert"
 & "exHiLiBorder(self.unionVh2, SelectHiLiSz, SelectHiLiSz);\n    graph_red";

CONST E74_7 =
   "isplay(self.graphvbt);\n    self.newEdge := ok;\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  Fo"
 & "undFirst => meth(self: View, root1: Int): Ok,\n    self.firstRootVh := "
 & "self.foundVh;\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  CompareRanks => meth(self: View, id1"
 & ", id2: Int): Ok,\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  Unite => meth(self: View, childId"
 & ", parentId, pRank: Int): Ok,\n    let child: Node = self.node[childId];"
 & "\n    let parent: Node = self.node[parentId];\n\n    (* create and anim"
 & "ate the new edge *)\n    self.newEdge := graph_newEdge(child.v, parent."
 & "v);\n    child.e := self.newEdge;\n    graph_setEdgeWidth(self.newEdge,"
 & " FatEdgeWidth);\n    graph_setEdgeColor(self.newEdge, HiliteEdgeColor);"
 & "\n\n    (* update the graph structure *)\n    var rightOf: Node = ok;\n"
 & "    if child.isRightOf(parent)\n      then rightOf := parent.lastChild("
 & ")\n      else rightOf := ok\n    end;\n    self.root.removeChild(child)"
 & ";\n    parent.addChild(rightOf, child);\n\n    (* make coordinate syste"
 & "m larger if necessary *)\n    if self.root.height > self.height then\n "
 & "     self.height := self.root.height;\n      self.setWorld();\n      gr"
 & "aph_redisplay(self.graphvbt)\n    end;\n\n    (* animate the subtree mo"
 & "tion *)\n    self.repositionAll();\n    if self.usesRanks then\n      g"
 & "raph_removeVertex(child.rankBar);\n      graph_setVertexSize(parent.ran"
 & "kBar, float(pRank) * RankW, RankH);\n      self.repositionRanks()\n    "
 & "end;\n    zeus_animate(self.graphvbt, 0.0, 1.0);\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  E"
 & "ndUnion => meth(self): Ok,\n    if self.newEdge isnot ok then\n      gr"
 & "aph_setEdgeWidth(self.newEdge, ThinEdgeWidth);\n      graph_setEdgeColo"
 & "r(self.newEdge, NormalEdgeColor);\n    end;\n    graph_removeVertexHiLi"
 & "(self.unionVh1);\n    graph_removeVertexHiLi(self.unionVh2);\n    if no"
 & "t(self.bothRoots) then\n      graph_removeVertexHiLi(self.foundVh);\n  "
 & "    graph_removeVertexHiLi(self.firstRootVh);\n    end;\n    graph_redi"
 & "splay(self.graphvbt);\n    ok\n  end,\n};\n";

   "(* Copyright (C) 1993, Digital Equipment Corporation                   "
 & "      *)\n(* All rights reserved.                                      "
 & "                *)\n(* See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.  "
 & "                          *)\n\n\nlet view = {\n  graphvbt => graph_new"
 & "(),\n\n  myPlayer => ok,\n\n  activePlayer => ok,\n\n  makeNodeProc => "
 & "proc (graphvbt, rawBoard)\n  { objects => \n     ( var res = [[(let v ="
 & " graph_newVertex(graphvbt);\n                     graph_setVertexSize(v"
 & ", 1.0, 1.0);\n                     graph_setVertexColor(v, color_rgb(1."
 & "0, 1.0 , 1.0));\n                     graph_setVertexBorder(v, 0.125);\n"
 & "                     graph_setVertexBorderColor(v, color_rgb(0.0, 0.0, "
 & "0.0));\n                     v),\n                   0.0,\n            "
 & "       0.0\n                   ]];\n       for cellNum = 0 to 8 do\n   "
 & "       if rawBoard[cellNum] isnot 2 then\n             let piece = grap"
 & "h_newVertex(graphvbt);\n                graph_setVertexSize(piece, 0.25"
 & ", 0.25);\n                if rawBoard[cellNum] is 0 then\n             "
 & "      graph_setVertexColor(piece, color_rgb(0.0, 1.0, 0.0));\n         "
 & "       else\n                   graph_setVertexColor(piece, color_rgb(0"
 & ".0, 0.0, 1.0));\n                end;\n                res := res @ [[p"
 & "iece, float((cellNum / 3)-1) * 0.25, \n                                "
 & "     float((cellNum % 3)-1) * 0.25]]\n           end;\n        end;\n  "
 & "      res;\n      ),\n    Move => \n      meth(self, Xbase, Ybase, anim"
 & "ate)\n         foreach object in self.objects do\n            graph_mov"
 & "eVertex(object[0], Xbase + object[1], Ybase + object[2],\n             "
 & "   animate);\n         end;\n      end,\n\n     SetValue =>\n       met"
 & "h (self, newValue)\n         graph_setVertexBorderColor( self.objects[0"
 & "][0],\n             color_hsv( ((float(newValue+10)) / 21.0) * 0.7, 1.0"
 & ", 1.0));\n       end,\n  }\n end,\n\n  treeDisplayParams => ok,\n\n  ma"
 & "keTreeNode =>\n     meth(self, dparams, initNode, NodeWidth, initX, ini"
 & "tY, myKey, board)\n       let newNode =\n         {\n            key =>";

CONST E75_0 =
   " myKey,\n            displayParameters => dparams,\n            node =>"
 & " initNode(dparams.graphvbt, board),\n            nodeWidth => NodeWidth"
 & ",\n            width => NodeWidth,\n            leftx => initX,\n      "
 & "      depth => 0,\n            vertex => ( let v = graph_newVertex(dpar"
 & "ams.graphvbt);\n                        graph_setVertexSize(v, 0.0, 0.0"
 & " );\n                        v ),\n            children => [],\n       "
 & "     childWidth => 0.0,\n            parent => ok,\n\n            xPos "
 & "=> initX + (NodeWidth /2.0),\n            yPos => initY,\n\n           "
 & " AddChild =>\n              meth(self, child)\n                self.chi"
 & "ldren := self.children @ [child];\n                child.parent := self"
 & ";\n                child.depth := self.depth + 1;\n(*** WAS:       chil"
 & "d.yPos := self.displayParameters.depth2Y()(self.depth+1);*)\n          "
 & "      let d2Y = self.displayParameters.depth2Y;\n                child."
 & "yPos := d2Y(self.depth+1);\n                if #(self.children) > 1 the"
 & "n\n                  self.childWidth := self.childWidth +\n            "
 & "          self.displayParameters.spacer;\n                end;\n       "
 & "         child.SetLeftX(self.leftx + self.childWidth);\n               "
 & " self.childWidth := self.childWidth + child.width;\n                let"
 & " e = graph_newEdge(self.vertex, child.vertex);\n                graph_s"
 & "etEdgeWidth(e, self.displayParameters.edgeWidth);\n                if s"
 & "elf.childWidth > self.nodeWidth then\n                  self.width := s"
 & "elf.childWidth;\n                  if self.parent isnot ok then\n      "
 & "               self.parent.ChildWidthChange(self);\n                  e"
 & "nd;\n                  self.xPos := self.leftx + (self.width / 2.0);\n "
 & "                 self.MoveMe();\n                end; \n              e"
 & "nd,\n\n            MoveMe =>\n              meth(self)\n               "
 & "var reSizeWorld = false;\n               if (self.xPos > self.displayPa"
 & "rameters.WorldE) then\n                  self.displayParameters.WorldE "
 & ":= \n                      self.displayParameters.WorldE + \n";

CONST E75_1 =
   "                      self.displayParameters.WorldStep;\n              "
 & "    reSizeWorld := true;\n               end;\n               if (self."
 & "yPos > self.displayParameters.WorldS) then\n                  self.disp"
 & "layParameters.WorldS := \n                      self.displayParameters."
 & "WorldS + \n                      self.displayParameters.WorldStep;\n   "
 & "               reSizeWorld := true;\n               end;\n             "
 & "  if reSizeWorld then\n                  graph_setWorld(self.displayPar"
 & "ameters.graphvbt, 0.0, \n                     self.displayParameters.Wo"
 & "rldE, 0.0, \n                     self.displayParameters.WorldS);\n    "
 & "              graph_setAspect(self.displayParameters.graphvbt,\n       "
 & "              self.displayParameters.WorldS/\n                       se"
 & "lf.displayParameters.WorldE);\n                  graph_redisplay(self.d"
 & "isplayParameters.graphvbt);\n               end;\n               graph_"
 & "moveVertex(self.vertex, self.xPos, self.yPos, true);\n               se"
 & "lf.node.Move(self.xPos, self.yPos, true);\n              end,\n\n      "
 & "      SetLeftX =>\n              meth(self, newLeftX)\n               s"
 & "elf.leftx := newLeftX;\n               var childX = self.leftx;\n      "
 & "         foreach child in self.children do\n                  child.Set"
 & "LeftX(childX);\n                  childX := childX + child.width + \n  "
 & "                     self.displayParameters.spacer;\n               end"
 & ";\n               self.xPos := self.leftx + (self.width / 2.0);\n      "
 & "         self.MoveMe()\n              end,\n\n            ChildWidthCha"
 & "nge =>\n              meth(self, guiltyChild)\n                var chil"
 & "dX = self.leftx;\n                foreach child in self.children do\n  "
 & "                 if child.leftx isnot childX then\n                    "
 & "  child.SetLeftX(childX);\n                   end;\n                   "
 & "childX := childX + child.width +\n                      self.displayPar"
 & "ameters.spacer;\n                end;\n                self.childWidth "
 & ":= childX - (self.leftx +\n                    self.displa";

CONST E75_2 =
   "yParameters.spacer);\n                if self.childWidth > self.nodeWid"
 & "th then\n                   self.width := self.childWidth;\n           "
 & "       if self.parent isnot ok then\n                     self.parent.C"
 & "hildWidthChange(self);\n                  end;\n                  self."
 & "xPos := self.leftx + (self.width / 2.0);\n                  self.MoveMe"
 & "();\n                end;\n              end,                     \n   "
 & "       };\n        graph_moveVertex(newNode.vertex, newNode.xPos, newNo"
 & "de.yPos, false);\n        newNode.node.Move(newNode.xPos, newNode.yPos,"
 & " false);\n        graph_redisplay(self.graphvbt);\n        newNode;\n  "
 & "   end,\n\n  lastBoard => ok,\n\n  Init => \n    meth (self, player)\n "
 & "     self.myPlayer := player;\n      self;\n    end,\n\n  Setup =>\n   "
 & " meth (self)\n      graph_setWorld(self.graphvbt, 0.0, 10.0, 0.0, 10.0)"
 & ";\n      graph_setAspect(self.graphvbt, 1.0);\n      self.treeDisplayPa"
 & "rams := { graphvbt => self.graphvbt,\n                                 "
 & " depth2Y => proc (depth)\n                                             "
 & "  float((2*depth)+1)\n                                             end,"
 & "\n                                  edgeWidth => 0.1,\n                "
 & "                  spacer => 0.25,\n                                  Wo"
 & "rldE => 10.0,\n                                  WorldS => 10.0,\n     "
 & "                             WorldStep => 3.0};\n      self.lastBoard :"
 & "= ok;\n    end,\n\n  EvaluateNode =>\n    meth (self, boardData)\n     "
 & " if self.activePlayer is self.myPlayer then\n       var newNode = ok;\n"
 & "       if self.lastBoard is ok then\n          newNode :=  self.makeTre"
 & "eNode(self.treeDisplayParams, \n           self.makeNodeProc, 1.0, 0.0,"
 & " 1.0, boardData[0], boardData[1]);\n       else\n          var parent ="
 & " self.lastBoard;\n          newNode :=  self.makeTreeNode(self.treeDisp"
 & "layParams, \n            self.makeNodeProc, 1.0, self.lastBoard.xPos - "
 & "0.5, \n            self.lastBoard.yPos, boardData[0], boardData[1]);\n "
 & "         self.lastBoard.AddChild(newNode);\n       end;\n       sel";

CONST E75_3 =
   "f.lastBoard := newNode;\n       zeus_animate(self.graphvbt, 0.0, 1.0);\n"
 & "      end;\n    end,\n\n  PlayerThinking =>\n    meth (self, player, bo"
 & "ardData)\n       self.activePlayer := player;\n       if self.activePla"
 & "yer is self.myPlayer then\n         graph_clear(self.graphvbt);\n      "
 & "   self.treeDisplayParams.WorldE := 10.0;\n         self.treeDisplayPar"
 & "ams.WorldS := 10.0;\n         graph_setWorld(self.graphvbt, 0.0, 10.0, "
 & "0.0, 10.0);\n         graph_setAspect(self.graphvbt, 1.0);\n         se"
 & "lf.lastBoard := ok;\n       end;\n    end,\n\n   FinishedEvalNode =>\n "
 & "    meth (self, boardkey)\n       if self.activePlayer is self.myPlayer"
 & " then\n         self.lastBoard := self.lastBoard.parent;\n       end;\n"
 & "     end,\n\n   BoardValueUpdated =>\n     meth (self, boardkey, newVal"
 & "ue)\n       if self.activePlayer is self.myPlayer then\n         self.l"
 & "astBoard.node.SetValue(newValue);\n         graph_redisplay(self.graphv"
 & "bt);\n       end;\n     end,\n\n  }.Init(0);\n\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.\n; All rights rese"
 & "rved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n;\n; Last modi"
 & "fied on Wed Feb  8 15:37:06 PST 1995 by kalsow\n\n;********************"
 & "************************************************\n;  NOTE: This file is"
 & " generated automatically from the event \n;        definition file PQue"
 & "ue.evt.\n;*************************************************************"
 & "*******\n\n(VBox\n  (Rim\n    (Pen 2)\n    (HBox\n      (VBox (Glue 4) "
 & "(Shape (Height + Inf) (Button %clear \"CLEAR\")) (Glue 4))\n      (Glue"
 & " 4)\n      (VBox\n        (Boolean =TRUE %alg (Text LeftAlign \"Algorit"
 & "hm events\"))\n        (Boolean =FALSE %zeus (Text LeftAlign \"Zeus eve"
 & "nts\"))\n        (Boolean =TRUE %args (Text LeftAlign \"Display args to"
 & " events\")))\n      Fill))\n  (Bar 1)\n  (Shape (ShadowSize 0) (Height "
 & "200 + INF) (TextEdit ReadOnly %transcript)))\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation\n; All rights reser"
 & "ved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n\n(Scale\n  (HS"
 & "cale 1)\n  (VScale 1)\n  (Rim\n    (Pen 10)\n    (HBox\n      (VBox\n  "
 & "      (Text RightAlign \"# of buckets: \")\n        (Text RightAlign \""
 & "current item: \")\n        (Text RightAlign \"comparing bucket #: \"))\n"
 & "      (VBox\n        (Frame Chiseled (Text %NBuckets \"\"))\n        (F"
 & "rame Chiseled (Text %item \"\"))\n        (Frame Chiseled (Text %bucket"
 & " \"\"))))))";

   "; Copyright (C) 1994, Digital Equipment Corporation                    "
 & "     \n; All rights reserved.                                          "
 & "            \n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.         "
 & "                   \n\n(Radio\n  (VBox\n    (Glue 6)\n    (HBox\n      "
 & "(Glue 10)\n      Fill\n      (Choice %sort =TRUE \"Sorting\")\n      Fi"
 & "ll)\n    (Glue 6)\n    (HBox\n      (Glue 10)\n      (Shape (Width + 0)"
 & " \"Number of items: \")\n      (Glue 5)\n      (Numeric (Min 1) (Max 10"
 & "00) %N =15)\n      (Glue 10))\n    (Glue 8)\n    (Bar)\n    (Glue 8)\n "
 & "   (HBox\n      (Glue 10)\n      Fill\n      (Choice %queue =FALSE \"Pr"
 & "iority Queue\")\n      Fill)\n    (Glue 6)\n    (HBox\n      (Glue 10)\n"
 & "      (Shape (Width + 0) \"Maximum queue size: \")\n      (Glue 5)\n   "
 & "   (Numeric (Min 1) (Max 1000) %qSize =15)\n      (Glue 10)\n      Fill"
 & ")\n    (Glue 6)\n    (HBox\n      (Glue 10)\n      (Shape (Width 60 + 0"
 & " - 0) (Button %insert \"Insert\"))\n      (Glue 10)\n      (Numeric (Mi"
 & "n 10) (Max 100) %inselt =20)\n      Fill)\n    (Glue 6)\n    (HBox (Glu"
 & "e 10) (Shape (Width 60 + 0 - 0) (Button %remove \"Remove\")) Fill)\n   "
 & " (Glue 6)))\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.\n; All rights rese"
 & "rved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n;\n; Last modi"
 & "fied on Wed Feb  8 15:37:06 PST 1995 by kalsow\n\n;********************"
 & "************************************************\n;  NOTE: This file is"
 & " generated automatically from the event \n;        definition file PktR"
 & "oute.evt.\n;***********************************************************"
 & "*********\n\n(VBox\n  (Rim\n    (Pen 2)\n    (HBox\n      (VBox (Glue 4"
 & ") (Shape (Height + Inf) (Button %clear \"CLEAR\")) (Glue 4))\n      (Gl"
 & "ue 4)\n      (VBox\n        (Boolean =TRUE %alg (Text LeftAlign \"Algor"
 & "ithm events\"))\n        (Boolean =FALSE %zeus (Text LeftAlign \"Zeus e"
 & "vents\"))\n        (Boolean =TRUE %args (Text LeftAlign \"Display args "
 & "to events\")))\n      Fill))\n  (Bar 1)\n  (Shape (ShadowSize 0) (Heigh"
 & "t 200 + INF) (TextEdit ReadOnly %transcript)))\n";

   "(* Copyright (C) 1994, Digital Equipment Corporation         *)\n(* All"
 & " rights reserved.                                      *)\n(* See the f"
 & "ile COPYRIGHT for a full description.            *)\n\n@UnbalancedTest\n"
 & "PROCEDURE UnbalancedTest(insKey, delKey: ARRAY OF Key)@ =\n  VAR t: Tre"
 & "e; n: Node; BEGIN\n    (* Insert \"insKey\" keys *)\n    @1 t.root := N"
 & "IL@;\n    @2 FOR i := FIRST(insKey^) TO LAST(insKey^) DO@\n      @3 n :"
 & "= NEW(Node, key := insKey[i])@;\n      @4 Insert(t, n)@\n    END;\n\n  "
 & "  (* Delete \"delKey\" keys *)\n    @5 FOR i := FIRST(delKey^) TO LAST("
 & "delKey^) DO@\n      @6 n := Search(alg, delKey[i])@;\n      @7 Delete(a"
 & "lg, n)@\n    END;\n  END UnbalancedTest;\n@UnbalancedTest\n\n@Insert\nP"
 & "ROCEDURE Insert(t: Tree; n: Node)@ =\n  VAR temp, curr: Node; BEGIN\n  "
 & "  @3 temp := t.root;@\n    @4 curr := NIL;@\n    @5 WHILE temp # NIL DO"
 & "@\n      @6 curr := temp;@\n      @7 IF n.key < curr.key@\n        THEN"
 & " @8 temp := curr.left@\n        ELSE @9 temp := curr.right@\n      END\n"
 & "    END;\n    @10 n.parent := curr;@\n    @11 IF curr = NIL@ THEN @12 t"
 & ".root := n@ ELSE\n      @13 IF n.key < curr.key@\n        THEN @14 curr"
 & ".left := n@\n        ELSE @15 curr.right := n@\n      END\n    END\n  E"
 & "ND Insert;\n@Insert\n\n@Search\nPROCEDURE Search(t: Tree; k: Key): Node"
 & "@ =\n  VAR n: Node; BEGIN\n    @1 n := t.root@;\n    @2 WHILE n # NIL A"
 & "ND n.key # key DO@\n      @3 IF key < n.key@\n        THEN @4 n := n.le"
 & "ft@\n        ELSE @5 n := n.right@\n      END\n    END;\n    @6 RETURN "
 & "n@\n  END Search;\n@Search\n\n@Delete\nPROCEDURE Delete(t: Tree; n: Nod"
 & "e)@ =\n  VAR splice: Node; BEGIN\n    (* Set \"splice\" to the node to "
 & "splice out *)\n    @1 IF n.left = NIL OR n.right = NIL@\n      THEN @2 "
 & "splice := n@\n      ELSE @3 splice := FindMin(n.right)@\n    END;\n\n  "
 & "  (* Splice out \"splice\" node *)\n    @4 SpliceOut(t, splice)@;\n\n  "
 & "  (* Replace \"n\" by \"splice\" if necessary *)\n    @5 IF splice # n@"
 & " THEN\n      @6 n.key := splice.key@\n      (* << copy other node field"
 & "s here >> *)\n    END\n  END Delete;\n@Delete\n\n@FindMin\nPROCEDURE Fi"
 & "ndMin(n: Node): Node@ =\n  BEGI";

CONST E80_0 =
   "N\n    @1 WHILE n.left # NIL DO@\n      @2 n := n.left2@\n    END;\n   "
 & " @3 RETURN n@\n  END FindMin;\n@FindMin\n\n@SpliceOut\nPROCEDURE Splice"
 & "Out(t: Tree; n: Node)@ =\n  VAR ch: Node; BEGIN\n    (* Set \"ch\" to c"
 & "hild of \"n\" or NIL *)\n    @1 IF n.left # NIL@\n      THEN @2 ch := n"
 & ".left@\n      ELSE @3 ch := n.right@\n    END;\n\n    (* Update \"up\" "
 & "pointer *)\n    @4 IF ch # NIL@ THEN\n      @5 ch.parent := n.parent@\n"
 & "    END;\n\n    (* Update \"down\" pointers *)\n    @6 IF n.parent = NI"
 & "L@ THEN\n      @7 t.root := ch@\n    ELSE\n      @8 IF n = n.parent.lef"
 & "t@\n        THEN @9 n.parent.left := ch@\n        ELSE @10 n.parent.rig"
 & "ht := ch@\n      END\n    END\n  END SpliceOut;\n@SpliceOut\n";

   "(* Copyright (C) 1994, Digital Equipment Corporation           *)\n(* A"
 & "ll rights reserved.                                        *)\n(* See t"
 & "he file COPYRIGHT for a full description.              *)\n\n@FirstFit\n"
 & "void first_fit (B, N)@\nint B, N;\n{\n    int i, b, bin;\n    float wei"
 & "ght, *bins, lost = 0.0;\n\n    @1 bins = (float *) malloc(B * sizeof (f"
 & "loat));@\n    @2 for (b = 0; b < B; b++) bins[b] := 0.0;@\n    @3 for ("
 & "i = 0; i < N; i++) {@\n        @4 weight = random_float () / 2.0;@\n   "
 & "     for (@5 bin = 0@; \n             @6 (bin < B) && (bins[bin] + weig"
 & "ht > 1.0)@; \n             @7 bin++@) /*EMPTY*/;\n        @8 if (bin = "
 & "B) @\n            @9 lost += weight;@\n        else\n            @10 bi"
 & "ns[bin] += weight;@\n    }\n}\n@FirstFit\n";

   "(* Copyright (C) 1993, Digital Equipment Corporation                   "
 & "      *)\n(* All rights reserved.                                      "
 & "                *)\n(* See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.  "
 & "                          *)\n(*                                       "
 & "                                    *)\n(* Last modified on Mon Jan  9 "
 & "12:22:11 PST 1995 by najork                   *)\n(*      modified on W"
 & "ed Oct 13 19:41:07 PDT 1993 by mann                     *)\n(*      mod"
 & "ified on Mon Jul 19 11:59:36 PDT 1993 by perl                     *)\n\n"
 & "let codesColor = color_named(\"White\");\nlet codesLabelColor = color_n"
 & "amed(\"Black\");\nlet codesHiliteLabelColor = color_named(\"DarkRed\");"
 & "\nlet arrowColor = color_named(\"DarkRed\");\nlet rowIndexColor = color"
 & "_named(\"Pink\");\nlet rowIndexLabelColor = color_named(\"Black\");\nle"
 & "t otherIndexColor = color_named(\"White\");\nlet otherIndexLabelColor ="
 & " color_named(\"DarkGray\");\nlet alphaColor = color_named(\"LightYellow"
 & "\");\nlet alphaLabelColor = color_named(\"Black\");\nlet initialColor ="
 & " color_named(\"DarkGray\");\nlet initialLabelColor = color_named(\"Blac"
 & "k\");\nlet shadowColor = color_named(\"VerySlightlyLightGray\");\nlet s"
 & "hadowLabelColor = color_named(\"Black\");\nlet ghostColor = color_named"
 & "(\"White\");\nlet ghostLabelColor = color_named(\"Gray\");\nlet duplCol"
 & "or = color_named(\"LightGray\");\nlet duplLabelColor = color_named(\"Ve"
 & "ryDarkGray\");\n(*let matrixColor = color_named(\"VeryVeryLightGray\");"
 & "*)\nlet matrixColor = color_named(\"White\");\nlet matrixLabelColor = c"
 & "olor_named(\"RatherDarkGray\");\n\nlet charColorNames = [\"VerySlightly"
 & "LightQuiteVividRed\",\n                      \"VerySlightlyDarkVividGre"
 & "en\",\n                      \"SlightlyLightVividBlue\",\n             "
 & "         \"ReddishVividOrange\",\n                      \"VerySlightlyL"
 & "ightPurple\",\n                      \"VerySlightlyDarkVeryVividYellow\""
 & "];\n\nlet charColors = foreach c in charColorNames map color_named(c) e"
 & "nd;\n\nlet makeDippingPath = proc(startX, endX, y, dip)\n    proc(t)\n "
 & "       [ (startX * (1.0 - t)) + (e";

CONST E82_0 =
   "ndX * t),\n\t  y + (dip * (0.25 - ((t - 0.5) * (t - 0.5))))]\n    end\n"
 & "end;\n\nlet interMatrixGap = 0.5;\nlet decodedY = ~2.0;\n\nlet view =\n"
 & "  {\n    graphvbt => graph_new(),\n    vertexFont => ok,\n    last => {"
 & "chars => ok, vtx => ok},\n    first => {chars => ok, vtx => ok},\n    p"
 & "endingMoves => ok,\n    n => 0,\n    colorIndex => -1,\n    rowIndices "
 & "=> ok,\n    rowIndex => ok,\n    rowIndexVtx => ok,\n    matrix1 => ok,"
 & "\n    matrix2 => ok,\n    m1X => ok,\n    rotations => ok,\n\n    Rotat"
 & "ionsSorted => meth(self, rotations, rowIndex)\n    (* The matrix of rot"
 & "ations, in sorted order; rowIndex is the index\n       where the origin"
 & "al string landed.\n    *)\n\tself.rotations := rotations;\n        self"
 & ".n := #(rotations);\n\tself.m1X := -(float(self.n) + interMatrixGap);\n"
 & "\tself.rowIndex := rowIndex;\n\n\tlet north = decodedY - 1.0,\n        "
 & "    south = float(self.n),\n            west = self.m1X - 1.0,\n       "
 & "     east = float(self.n) + 1.0;\n\tgraph_setWorld(self.graphvbt, west,"
 & " east, north, south);\n\tgraph_setAspect(self.graphvbt, (south - north)"
 & " / (east - west));\n\tgraph_setPixelSizeDivisor(self.graphvbt,\n       "
 & "                           round(east - west),\n\t\t\t          round(s"
 & "outh - north));\n\n        self.vertexFont := graph_newFont(self.graphv"
 & "bt, \"Helvetica\",\n                                         0.5, \"Rom"
 & "an\", \"bold\", \"*\");\n    end,    \n\n    DecodeDone => meth(self, t"
 & ", rowIndex)\n\t(* Create gray copies of sorted matrix but don\'t displa"
 & "y yet *)\n\tself.matrix1 := array_new(self.n, ok);\n\tself.matrix2 := a"
 & "rray_new(self.n, ok);\n\tfor i = 0 to self.n - 1 do\n\t    self.matrix1"
 & "[i] := array_new(self.n, ok);\n\t    self.matrix2[i] := array_new(self."
 & "n, ok);\n\t    let t = self.rotations[i];\n\t    for j = 0 to self.n - "
 & "1 do\n\t\tlet v1 = graph_newVertex(self.graphvbt);\n\t\tgraph_setVertex"
 & "Label(v1, text_sub(t, j, 1));\n\t\tgraph_setVertexFont(v1, self.vertexF"
 & "ont);\n\t\tgraph_setVertexColor(v1, matrixColor);\n\t\tgraph_setVertexL"
 & "abelColor(v1, matrixLabelColor);\n\t\tgraph_setVertexBorder(v1, 0.05);\n"
 & "\n\t\tlet v2 = graph_newVertex(self.graphvbt);";

CONST E82_1 =
   "\n\t\tgraph_setVertexLabel(v2, text_sub(t, j, 1));\n\t\tgraph_setVertex"
 & "Font(v2, self.vertexFont);\n\t\tgraph_setVertexColor(v2, matrixColor);\n"
 & "\t\tgraph_setVertexLabelColor(v2, matrixLabelColor);\n\t\tgraph_setVert"
 & "exBorder(v2, 0.05);\n\t        graph_vertexToBack(v2);\n\n\t\tgraph_mov"
 & "eVertex(v1, self.m1X + float(j), float(i), false);\n\t\tgraph_moveVerte"
 & "x(v2, float(j), float(i), false);\n\t\tgraph_setVertexSize(v1, 0.0, 0.0"
 & ");\n\t\tgraph_setVertexSize(v2, 0.0, 0.0);\n\n\t\tself.matrix1[i][j] :="
 & " v1;\n\t\tself.matrix2[i][j] := v2;\n\t    end;\n        end;\n\n\t(* C"
 & "reate and display decoded lastchars *)\n        self.last.chars := t;\n"
 & "        self.last.vtx := array_new(self.n, ok);\n        for i = 0 to s"
 & "elf.n - 1 do\n            let v = graph_newVertex(self.graphvbt);\n    "
 & "        self.last.vtx[i] := v;\n            graph_setVertexLabel(v, tex"
 & "t_sub(t, i, 1));\n            graph_setVertexFont(v, self.vertexFont);\n"
 & "            graph_setVertexColor(v, initialColor);\n            graph_s"
 & "etVertexLabelColor(v, initialLabelColor);\n            graph_setVertexB"
 & "order(v, 0.05);\n            graph_moveVertex(v, float(i), decodedY, fa"
 & "lse);\n\t    graph_setVertexSize(v, 0.95, 0.95);\n        end;\n\tgraph"
 & "_redisplay(self.graphvbt);\n    end,\n\n    StartReconstruct => meth(se"
 & "lf, lastchars, rowIndex)\n    (* Start of phase where we reconstruct th"
 & "e original string from\n       lastchars and rowIndex.\n     *)\n\t(* M"
 & "ove lastchars into a column *)\n        for i = 0 to self.n - 1 do\n   "
 & "         let v = self.last.vtx[i];\n\t    graph_setVertexColor(self.las"
 & "t.vtx[i], initialColor);\n\t    graph_setVertexLabelColor(self.last.vtx"
 & "[i], initialLabelColor);\n            graph_moveVertex(v, self.m1X + fl"
 & "oat(self.n - 1), float(i), true);\n\t    let old = self.matrix1[i][self"
 & ".n - 1];\n\t    self.matrix1[i][self.n - 1] := v;\n(****\n\t    let w ="
 & " graph_newVertex(self.graphvbt);\n            graph_moveVertex(w, float"
 & "(i), decodedY, false);\n\t    graph_setVertexLabel(w, text_sub(self.las"
 & "t.chars, i, 1));\n\t    graph_setVertexSize(w, 0.95, 0.95);\n\t    grap"
 & "h_setVertexColor(w, ghostCo";

CONST E82_2 =
   "lor);\n            graph_setVertexLabelColor(w, ghostLabelColor);\n    "
 & "        graph_setVertexFont(w, self.vertexFont);\n            graph_set"
 & "VertexBorder(w, 0.05);\n****)\n\n            zeus_animate(self.graphvbt"
 & ", float(i)/float(self.n),\n                         (float(i)+1.0)/floa"
 & "t(self.n));\n\t    graph_removeVertex(old);\n        end;\n    end,\n\n"
 & "    Reveal => meth(self, which)\n        (* Reveal one gray copy of sor"
 & "ted matrix *)\n\tfor i = 0 to self.n - 1 do\n\t    for j = 0 to self.n "
 & "- 1 do\n\t\tif which is 1 then\n\t\t    graph_setVertexSize(self.matrix"
 & "1[i][j], 0.95, 0.95);\n\t\telse\n\t\t    graph_setVertexSize(self.matri"
 & "x2[i][j], 0.95, 0.95);\n\t        end;\n\t    end;\n\tend;\n\tgraph_red"
 & "isplay(self.graphvbt);\n    end,\n\n    FirstChars => meth(self, t)\n  "
 & "  (* Declare sorted firstchars array. *)\n\tself.first.chars := t;\n\ts"
 & "elf.first.vtx := array_new(self.n, ok);\n        self.pendingMoves := ["
 & "];\n        let tmp = array_new(self.n, ok);\n        for i = 0 to self"
 & ".n-1 do\n            let v = graph_newVertex(self.graphvbt);\n         "
 & "   graph_moveVertex(v, self.m1X + float(self.n-1), float(i), false);\n\t"
 & "    graph_setVertexLabel(v, text_sub(self.last.chars, i, 1));\n\t    gr"
 & "aph_setVertexSize(v, 0.95, 0.95);\n\t    graph_setVertexColor(v, initia"
 & "lColor);\n            graph_setVertexLabelColor(v, initialLabelColor);\n"
 & "            graph_setVertexFont(v, self.vertexFont);\n            graph"
 & "_setVertexBorder(v, 0.05);\n            graph_setVertexColor(self.last."
 & "vtx[i], shadowColor);\n            graph_setVertexLabelColor(self.last."
 & "vtx[i], shadowLabelColor);\n            tmp[i] := v;\n         end;\n  "
 & "       let moved = array_new(self.n, false);\n         for i = 0 to sel"
 & "f.n-1 do\n             for j = 0 to self.n-1 do\n                 if no"
 & "t(moved[j]) and\n                    (text_char(t, i) is text_char(self"
 & ".last.chars, j))\n                 then\n                     graph_ver"
 & "texToFront(tmp[j]);\n                     graph_moveVertex(tmp[j], 0.0,"
 & " float(i), true);\n\t\t     let old = self.matrix2[i][0];\n            "
 & "         self.m";

CONST E82_3 =
   "atrix2[i][0] := tmp[j];\n\t\t     self.first.vtx[i] := tmp[j];\n       "
 & "              moved[j] := true;\n                     zeus_animate(self"
 & ".graphvbt,\n                         (float(i)) / 2.0,\n               "
 & "          (float(i)+1.0) / 2.0 );\n\t\t     graph_removeVertex(old);\n "
 & "                    exit;\n                 end;\n             end;\n  "
 & "       end;\n    end,\n\n    ConsiderChar => meth(self, i)\n    (* Abou"
 & "t to look for match for element i for firstchars *)\n\tself.colorIndex "
 & ":= (self.colorIndex + 1) % #(charColors);\n\tlet c = charColors["
 & "lorIndex];\n\n\tfor m = 0 to self.n - 1 do\n\t    let v = self.matrix2["
 & "i][m];\n\t    if m is 0 then\n\t\tgraph_setVertexColor(v, c);\n\t    el"
 & "se\n\t\tgraph_setVertexLabelColor(v, c);\n\t    end;\n\tend;\n\tgraph_r"
 & "edisplay(self.graphvbt);\n    end,\n\n    EqualChars => meth(self, i, j"
 & ")\n    (* Decided element i of firstchars matches element j of lastchar"
 & "s. *)\n\tlet c = charColors[self.colorIndex];\n\n\tfor m = 0 to self.n "
 & "- 1 do\n\t    let v = self.matrix1[j][m];\n\t    if m is self.n - 1 the"
 & "n\n\t\tgraph_setVertexColor(v, c);\n\t    else\n\t\tgraph_setVertexLabe"
 & "lColor(v, c);\n\t    end;\n\tend;\n\tgraph_redisplay(self.graphvbt);\n "
 & "   end,\n\n    FinishCharRun => meth(self)\n    (* Done with a run of i"
 & "dentical chars in firstchar column. *)\n\tfor i = 0 to self.n - 1 do\n\t"
 & "    for m = 0 to self.n - 2 do\n\t\tgraph_setVertexLabelColor(self.matr"
 & "ix1[i][m],\n\t\t\t\t\t  matrixLabelColor);\n\t\tgraph_setVertexLabelCol"
 & "or(self.matrix2[i][(self.n - 1) - m],\n\t\t  \t\t          matrixLabelC"
 & "olor);\n\t    end;\n\tend;\n\tgraph_redisplay(self.graphvbt);\n    end,"
 & "\n\n    StartResult => meth(self)\n    (* Setup to pick off result char"
 & "s. *)\n        (* Hide gray sorted matrices *)\n\tfor i = 0 to self.n -"
 & " 1 do\n\t    for j = 0 to self.n - 2 do\n\t\tgraph_removeVertex("
 & "trix1[i][j]);\n\t\tgraph_removeVertex(self.matrix2[i][(self.n - 1) - j]"
 & ");\n\t    end;\n\tend;\n\tzeus_animate(self.graphvbt, 0.0, 0.5);\n\n   "
 & "     (* Put in row indices *)\n\tself.rowIndices := array_new(self.n, f"
 & "alse);\n\tfor i = 0 to self.n - 1 do\n\t    let v = graph_newVertex(se";

CONST E82_4 =
   "lf.graphvbt);\n\t    self.rowIndices[i] := v;\n\t    graph_setVertexLab"
 & "el(v, fmt_int(i));\n\t    graph_setVertexFont(v, self.vertexFont);\n\t "
 & "   graph_setVertexColor(v, otherIndexColor);\n\t    graph_setVertexLabe"
 & "lColor(v, otherIndexLabelColor);\n\t    graph_moveVertex(v, ~2.0 - inte"
 & "rMatrixGap, float(i), false);\n\t    graph_setVertexSize(v, 0.95, 0.95)"
 & ";\n\tend;\n\tzeus_animate(self.graphvbt, 0.5, 1.0);\n\n\t(* Mark the re"
 & "membered one *)\n        let v = graph_newVertex(self.graphvbt);\n\tsel"
 & "f.rowIndexVtx := v;\n\tgraph_setVertexLabel(v, fmt_int(self.rowIndex));"
 & "\n\tgraph_setVertexFont(v, self.vertexFont);\n\tgraph_setVertexColor(v,"
 & " rowIndexColor);\n\tgraph_setVertexLabelColor(v, rowIndexLabelColor);\n"
 & "\tgraph_setVertexShape(v, \"ellipse\");\n\tgraph_setVertexBorder(v, 0.0"
 & "5);\n\tgraph_moveVertex(v, ~2.0 - interMatrixGap,\n\t                 f"
 & "loat(self.rowIndex), false);\n\tgraph_vertexToFront(v);\n\tgraph_setVer"
 & "texSize(v, 0.95, 0.95);\n\tzeus_animate(self.graphvbt, 1.0, 1.5);\n    "
 & "end,\n\n    ResultNextChar => meth(self, pos, k)\n    (* Pick off the p"
 & "os\'th element of firstchars and put into the\n       k\'th position in"
 & " the result string. *)\n       if pos is self.rowIndex then\n\t    (* J"
 & "ust gray out the extra copy of the last character *)\n    \t    let v ="
 & " self.last.vtx[self.rowIndex];\n\t    graph_setVertexColor(v, ghostColo"
 & "r);\n\t    graph_setVertexLabelColor(v, ghostLabelColor);\n       else\n"
 & "           let sv1 = self.last.vtx[pos];\n           self.last.vtx[pos]"
 & " := graph_newVertex(self.graphvbt);\n           let sv2 = self.first.vt"
 & "x[pos];\n           self.first.vtx[pos] := graph_newVertex(self.graphvb"
 & "t);\n           graph_moveVertex(self.last.vtx[pos], ~1.0 - interMatrix"
 & "Gap,\n                            float(pos), false);\n           graph"
 & "_setVertexLabel(self.last.vtx[pos],\n                                te"
 & "xt_sub(self.last.chars, pos, 1));\n           graph_setVertexSize(self."
 & "last.vtx[pos], 0.95, 0.95);\n           graph_setVertexColor(self.last."
 & "vtx[pos], ghostColor);\n           graph_setVertexLabelColor(self.last."
 & "vtx[pos], ghostL";

CONST E82_5 =
   "abelColor);\n           graph_setVertexFont(self.last.vtx[pos],"
 & "rtexFont);\n           graph_setVertexBorder(self.last.vtx[pos], 0.05);"
 & "\n           graph_moveVertex(self.first.vtx[pos], 0.0, float(pos), fal"
 & "se);\n           graph_setVertexLabel(self.first.vtx[pos],\n           "
 & "                     text_sub(self.first.chars, pos, 1));\n           g"
 & "raph_setVertexSize(self.first.vtx[pos], 0.95, 0.95);\n           graph_"
 & "setVertexColor(self.first.vtx[pos], ghostColor);\n           graph_setV"
 & "ertexLabelColor(self.first.vtx[pos], ghostLabelColor);\n           grap"
 & "h_setVertexFont(self.first.vtx[pos], self.vertexFont);\n           grap"
 & "h_setVertexBorder(self.first.vtx[pos], 0.05);\n\n           graph_verte"
 & "xToFront(sv1);\n           graph_vertexToFront(sv2);\n           graph_"
 & "moveVertex(sv1, float(k-1), float(self.rowIndex),\n                    "
 & "        true);\n           graph_moveVertex(sv2, float(k), float(self.r"
 & "owIndex),\n                            true);\n       end;\n       zeus"
 & "_animate(self.graphvbt, 0.0, 1.0);\n    end,\n\n    EndResult => meth(s"
 & "elf)\n    (* Done. *)\n        (* Put last character into place. *)\n\t"
 & "for i = 0 to self.n - 1 do\n\t    graph_setVertexColor(self.rowIndices["
 & "i], ghostColor);\n   \t    graph_setVertexLabelColor(self.rowIndices[i]"
 & ", ghostLabelColor);\n        end;\n\tgraph_setVertexColor(self.rowIndex"
 & "Vtx, ghostColor);\n\tgraph_setVertexLabelColor(self.rowIndexVtx, ghostL"
 & "abelColor);\n\tgraph_redisplay(self.graphvbt);\n    end\n\n  };\n";

   "@Parse\nPROCEDURE Parse ()@\n\n  @1 PUSH <start symbol>@\n  @2 token :="
 & " Scan ()@\n\n  @13 WHILE stack not empty DO@\n     @3 stack_top := Pop "
 & "()@\n     @4 IF (stack_top is a terminal) THEN@\n        @5 IF (stack_t"
 & "op = token)@\n           @6 THEN token := Scan ()@\n           @7 ELSE "
 & "ERROR@\n        END\n     @8 ELSE@\n        @9 p := LookUp (token, stac"
 & "k_top)@\n          where p is \"stack_top ::= x1 x2 ... Xn\"\n        @"
 & "10 IF (p # NIL)@\n            @11 THEN PUSH xn ... x2 x1@\n            "
 & "@12 ELSE ERROR@\n        END\n     END\n  END\n@Parse\n\n\n\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.\n; All rights rese"
 & "rved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n;\n; Last modi"
 & "fied on Wed Feb  8 15:29:09 PST 1995 by kalsow\n\n;********************"
 & "************************************************\n;  NOTE: This file is"
 & " generated automatically from the event \n;        definition file Stri"
 & "ngSearch.evt.\n;*******************************************************"
 & "*************\n\n(VBox\n  (Border (Pen 1)\n    (Shape\n      (Height 75"
 & " - 25 + Inf)\n      (Viewport\n        (HBox\n          (Glue 4 + Inf)\n"
 & "          (VBox\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + "
 & "0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n        "
 & "                        \"Code View events:   Stop? \") \n             "
 & "       (Boolean %stopatCodeEvents =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glu"
 & "e 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \""
 & ")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitatCodeEvents =1 "
 & "\n                                               (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n"
 & "            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n             "
 & " (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                         "
 & "       \"Setup:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtSetup"
 & " =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape"
 & " (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Wi"
 & "dth 80) (Numeric %waitAtSetup =1 \n                                    "
 & "           (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Sh"
 & "ape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Heigh"
 & "t + 0) \n                                \"Probe:   Stop? \") \n       "
 & "             (Boolean %stopAtProbe =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Gl"
 & "ue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \""
 & ")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtProbe =1 \n   "
 & "                                            (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n    "
 & "        (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HB"
 & "ox F";

CONST E84_0 =
   "ill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \""
 & "Result:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtResult =TRUE "
 & "\"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width"
 & " + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80)"
 & " (Numeric %waitAtResult =1 \n                                          "
 & "     (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (H"
 & "eight 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0)"
 & " \n                                \"PartialMatch:   Stop? \") \n      "
 & "              (Boolean %stopAtPartialMatch =TRUE \"\")\n               "
 & "     (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"W"
 & "eight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtParti"
 & "alMatch =1 \n                                               (Min 0) (Ma"
 & "x 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n "
 & "             (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n             "
 & "                   \"PartialMatchClear:   Stop? \") \n                 "
 & "   (Boolean %stopAtPartialMatchClear =TRUE \"\")\n                    ("
 & "Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight:"
 & " \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtPartialMatc"
 & "hClear =1 \n                                               (Min 0) (Max"
 & " 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n  "
 & "            (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n              "
 & "                  \"CompleteMatch:   Stop? \") \n                    (B"
 & "oolean %stopAtCompleteMatch =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n"
 & "                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n    "
 & "                (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtCompleteMatch =1 \n  "
 & "                                             (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n   "
 & "         (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (H"
 & "Box Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                            "
 & "    \"SlideTo:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtSlideT"
 & "o =";

CONST E84_1 =
   "TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape ("
 & "Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Widt"
 & "h 80) (Numeric %waitAtSlideTo =1 \n                                    "
 & "           (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Sh"
 & "ape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Heigh"
 & "t + 0) \n                                \"KMPSetup:   Stop? \") \n    "
 & "                (Boolean %stopAtKMPSetup =TRUE \"\")\n                 "
 & "   (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Wei"
 & "ght: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtKMPSetu"
 & "p =1 \n                                               (Min 0) (Max 100)"
 & "))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n       "
 & "       (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                   "
 & "             \"AddEdge:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %sto"
 & "pAtAddEdge =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                "
 & "    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    "
 & "(Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtAddEdge =1 \n                        "
 & "                       (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n   "
 & "       )\n          (Glue 4)\n          (VBox\n            (Glue 5)\n  "
 & "          (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \"Cts:\")\n            (Bu"
 & "tton %eventCounts\n              (VBox\n                (Glue 6)\n     "
 & "           (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n            "
 & "                      (Text %ctOfSetup \"0\")))\n                (Glue "
 & "6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n   "
 & "                               (Text %ctOfProbe \"0\")))\n             "
 & "   (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 +"
 & " 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfResult \"0\")))\n   "
 & "             (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (H"
 & "eight 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfPartialMat"
 & "ch \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shap"
 & "e (Width + ";

CONST E84_2 =
   "0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfParti"
 & "alMatchClear \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox "
 & "Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                             "
 & "     (Text %ctOfCompleteMatch \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n     "
 & "           (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n            "
 & "                      (Text %ctOfSlideTo \"0\")))\n                (Glu"
 & "e 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n "
 & "                                 (Text %ctOfKMPSetup \"0\")))\n        "
 & "        (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height"
 & " 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfAddEdge \"0\"))"
 & ")\n                (Glue 3))))\n          Fill\n          (Glue 4 + Inf"
 & ")\n        )\n      )\n    )\n  )\n)\n";

   "Source 50 500\nV2 400 500\nV3 700 500\nSink 950 500\nV4 250 300\nV5 550"
 & " 300\nV6 550 700\nV7 850 700\nSource -> V2 1.9\nV2 -> V3 2.4\nV3 -> Sin"
 & "k 1.1\nSource -> V4 3.2\nV4 -> V5 2.3\nV5 -> V3 1.7\nV2 -> V6 2.88\nV6 "
 & "-> V7 3.12\nV7 -> Sink 1.98\n.\n";

   "(* Copyright (C) 1994, Digital Equipment Corporation                   "
 & "      *)\n(* All rights reserved.                                      "
 & "                *)\n(* See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.  "
 & "                          *)\n(*                                       "
 & "                                    *)\n(* Last modified on Mon Jan  9 "
 & "12:04:15 PST 1995 by najork                   *)\n(*      modified on F"
 & "ri Aug 19 12:49:52 PDT 1994 by heydon                   *)\n\n(* Change"
 & "Parent.obl -- histogram of grouped \"ChangeParent\" operations. *)\n\nl"
 & "et Margin   = 5.0;           (* in mm *)\nlet InitMaxX = 4;\nlet InitMa"
 & "xY = 4.0;\n\nlet BarColor    = color_named(\"yellow\");\nlet BorderColo"
 & "r = color_named(\"black\");\nlet BorderWidth = 0.05;\nlet TextColor   ="
 & " color_named(\"black\");\nlet FontSz      = 0.6;\nlet Lab1Y       = ~0."
 & "5;\nlet Lab2Y       = ~1.5;\nlet MinY        = ~2.0;\n\n(* Bar Object ="
 & "============================================================ *)\n\nlet "
 & "Bar = {\n  slot: Int => ok,\n  count: Int => 0,\n  v: Vertex => ok,\n\n"
 & "  barHeight => meth(self: Bar): Real,\n    math_sqrt(float(self.count))"
 & "\n  end,\n\n  updateVertex => meth(self): Ok,\n    let ht = self.barHei"
 & "ght();\n    graph_setVertexSize(self.v, 0.9, ht);\n    graph_moveVertex"
 & "(self.v, 0.5 + float(self.slot), ht / 2.0, false);\n    ok\n  end,\n\n "
 & " updateLabel => meth(self): Ok,\n    graph_setVertexLabel(self.v, fmt_i"
 & "nt(self.count));\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  new => meth(self: Bar, g: Graph, "
 & "f: Font, slot: Int): Bar,\n    self.slot := slot;\n    self.v := graph_"
 & "newVertex(g);\n    graph_setVertexColor(self.v, BarColor);\n    graph_s"
 & "etVertexBorderColor(self.v, BorderColor);\n    graph_setVertexBorder(se"
 & "lf.v, BorderWidth);\n    graph_setVertexFont(self.v, f);\n    graph_set"
 & "VertexLabelColor(self.v, TextColor);\n    graph_setVertexLabel(self.v, "
 & "\"\");\n    self.updateVertex();\n    let v = graph_newVertex(g);\n    "
 & "graph_vertexToBack(v);\n    graph_setVertexColor(v, color_named(\"white"
 & "\"));\n    graph_setVertexFont(v, f);\n    graph_setVertexLabelColor(v,"
 & " TextColor);";

CONST E86_0 =
   "\n    graph_setVertexLabel(v, fmt_int(slot+1));\n    graph_setVertexSiz"
 & "e(v, 1.0, 1.0);\n    graph_moveVertex(v, 0.5 + float(slot), Lab1Y, fals"
 & "e);\n    self\n  end,\n\n  inc => meth(self: Bar): Ok,\n  (* increment "
 & "the count of the bar \"self\", and update its vertex\n     to reflect t"
 & "he change. *)\n    self.count := self.count + 1;\n    self.updateVertex"
 & "();\n    self.updateLabel();\n    ok\n  end,\n};\n\n(* View Object ===="
 & "======================================================== *)\n\nlet view"
 & ": View = {\n\n  (* Data members ---------------------------------------"
 & "------------------ *)\n\n  graphvbt => graph_new(),\n  bar: [Bar] => ok"
 & ",\n  maxX: Int => InitMaxX,     (* slots [0..maxX-1] *)\n  maxY: Real ="
 & "> InitMaxY,    (* values [0..maxY] *)\n  currLen: Int => ok,\n  labelFo"
 & "nt: Font => ok,\n  total: Int => 0,\n  count: Int => 0,\n  totalV: Vert"
 & "ex => ok,\n\n  setWorld => meth(self: View): Ok,\n    graph_setWorld(se"
 & "lf.graphvbt,\n      0.0, float(self.maxX), self.maxY + 2.0, MinY);\n   "
 & " ok\n  end,\n\n  updateTotal => meth(self: View): Ok,\n    let txt = \""
 & "Total = \" & fmt_int( & \"  Average = \" &\n      if"
 & "unt is 0 then \"0.00\" else\n        text_replaceAll(\"d\", \"0\",\n   "
 & "                     text_sub(fmt_real(float("
 & "nt)),\n                                 0, 4));\n      end;\n    graph_"
 & "setVertexLabel(self.totalV, txt);\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  moveTotalLabel ="
 & "> meth(self: View): Ok,\n    graph_moveVertex(self.totalV, float(self.m"
 & "axX)/2.0, Lab2Y, true);\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  (* Setup -----------------"
 & "----------------------------------------------- *)\n\n  Setup => meth(s"
 & "elf: View): Ok,\n    self.labelFont := graph_newFont(self.graphvbt, \"H"
 & "elvetica\", FontSz,\n      \"Roman\", \"bold\", \"*\");\n    graph_setM"
 & "argin(self.graphvbt, Margin);\n    self.setWorld();\n    ok\n  end,\n\n"
 & "  NewSet => meth(self: View, nm: Text): Ok,\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  Finish"
 & "edSets => meth(self: View, numSets: Int, usesRanks: Bool): Ok,\n    sel"
 & "f.totalV := graph_newVertex(self.graphvbt);\n    graph_vertexToBack(sel"
 & "f.totalV);\n    graph_setVertexFo";

CONST E86_1 =
   "nt(self.totalV, self.labelFont);\n    graph_setVertexLabelColor("
 & "talV, TextColor);\n    graph_setVertexColor(self.totalV, color_named(\""
 & "white\"));\n    graph_setVertexSize(self.totalV, 200.0, 1.0);\n    self"
 & ".updateTotal(); self.moveTotalLabel();\n\n := array_new(sel"
 & "f.maxX, ok);\n    for i = 0 to self.maxX - 1 do\n[i] := c"
 & "lone(Bar).new(self.graphvbt, self.labelFont, i)\n    end;\n    zeus_ani"
 & "mate(self.graphvbt, 0.0, 0.0);\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  (* DoFind events --"
 & "------------------------------------------------------ *)\n\n  StartDoF"
 & "ind => meth(self, id): Ok,\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  StepUp => meth(self, ch"
 & "ild, parent): Ok,\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  Found => meth(self, root): Ok,\n"
 & "    ok\n  end,\n\n  StepDown => meth(self: View, childId, parentId: Int"
 & "): Ok,\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  ChangeParent => meth(self: View, childId, p"
 & "arentId, rootId: Int): Ok,\n    self.currLen := self.currLen + 1;\n    "
 & "ok\n  end,\n\n  EndDoFind => meth(self, id): Ok,\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  ("
 & "* Find events ---------------------------------------------------------"
 & "- *)\n\n  StartFind => meth(self: View, id: Int): Ok,\n    ok\n  end,\n"
 & "\n  EndFind => meth(self: View, id: Int): Ok,\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  (* U"
 & "nion events --------------------------------------------------------- *"
 & ")\n\n  StartUnion => meth(self: View, id1, id2: Int, bothRoots: Bool): "
 & "Ok,\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  FoundFirst => meth(self: View, root1: Int): Ok"
 & ",\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  CompareRanks => meth(self: View, id1, id2: Int):"
 & " Ok,\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  Unite => meth(self: View, childId, parentId, "
 & "pRank: Int): Ok,\n    self.currLen := 0;\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  EndUnion "
 & "=> meth(self): Ok,\n    var rescale: Bool = false;\n    if self.currLen"
 & " >= self.maxX then\n      var sz: Int = (self.currLen - self.maxX) + 1;"
 & "\n      var new: [Bar] = array_new(sz, ok);\n      for i = 0 to sz - 1 "
 & "do\n        new[i] := clone(Bar).new(self.graphvbt, self.labelFont, sel"
 & "f.maxX + i)\n      end;\n := @ new;\n      self."
 & "maxX := self.currLen + 1;\n      self.moveTotalLabel();\n      rescale "
 & ":= true\n    end;\n    if ";

CONST E86_2 =
   "[self.currLen].barHeight() >= self.maxY then\n      self.maxY :"
 & "= 1.5 * self.maxY;\n      rescale := true\n    end;\n    if rescale the"
 & "n\n      self.setWorld();\n      graph_redisplay(self.graphvbt)\n    en"
 & "d;\n[self.currLen].inc();\n := + s"
 & "elf.currLen + 1;\n    self.count := self.count + 1;\n    self.updateTot"
 & "al();\n    zeus_animate(self.graphvbt, 0.0, 0.0);\n    ok\n  end,\n};\n"

   "; Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation\n; All rights reser"
 & "ved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n\n(Rim\n  (Pen "
 & "10)\n  (HBox\n    (Radio\n      %InStyle\n      =Random\n      (VBox\n "
 & "       (HBox\n          (Choice %Random \"Random points:\")\n          "
 & "(Numeric (Min 3) (Max 99) %N =10)\n          (Glue 10)\n          (Bool"
 & "ean %UsePrev (Value FALSE) \"Prev. seed\")\n          Fill)\n        (G"
 & "lue 10)\n        (HBox\n          (Choice %File \"From file:\")\n      "
 & "    (Border\n            (Shape\n              (Width 120 + 200)\n     "
 & "         (Height 60 + 75)\n              (FileBrowser (Suffixes \"pt\" "
 & "\"\") %Name))))))))\n";

   "(* Copyright 1993 Digital Equipment Corporation.                       "
 & "      *)\n(* Distributed only by permission.                           "
 & "                *)\n(*                                                 "
 & "                          *)\n(* Last modified on Thu Oct 14 18:45:31 P"
 & "DT 1993 by heydon                   *)\n(*      modified on Tue Aug 10 "
 & "22:14:21 PDT 1993 by rsanchez                 *)\n\n(* View that shows "
 & "each node as a circle whose radius is proportional to the\n   number of"
 & " packets queued up that that node. *)\n\nlet nodeColor = [color_named(\""
 & "yellow\"), color_named(\"red\")];\nlet edgeColor = color_named(\"Blue\""
 & ");\nlet labelColor = color_named(\"Black\");\nlet borderColor = color_n"
 & "amed(\"Black\");\nlet backgroundColor = color_named(\"White\");\n\nlet "
 & "moveEdgeColor = color_named(\"DarkGreen\");\nlet blockedEdgeColor = col"
 & "or_named(\"Red\");\n\nlet normal = 0;\nlet congested = 1;\n\nlet edgeWi"
 & "dth = 0.1;\nlet borderWidth = 0.1;\n\nlet angle = proc(p1, p2)\n  var a"
 & "ng = ok;\n  if p1[0] is p2[0] then  \n    if p1[1] < p2[1] then \n     "
 & " ang := 90.0;\n    else\n      ang := 270.0;\n    end;\n  elsif p1[1] i"
 & "s p2[1] then\n    if p1[0] < p2[0] then\n      ang := 0.0;\n    else\n "
 & "     ang := ~180.0;\n    end;\n  else\n    ang := math_atan((p2[1] - p1"
 & "[1])/(p2[0] - p1[0]))/math_degree;\n    if (p2[0] - p1[0]) < 0.0 then\n"
 & "      if (p2[1] - p1[1]) > 0.0 then\n        ang := ang + 180.0;\n     "
 & " else\n        ang := ang - 180.0;\n      end;\n    end;\n  end;\n  ang"
 & "\nend;\n\nlet getStraightEdgeCP = proc(p1,p2,r)\n  var cp = [[ok,ok],[o"
 & "k,ok]];\n  let ang = angle(p1,p2);\n  cp[0][0] := p1[0] + (r * math_cos"
 & "((ang - 90.)*math_degree));\n  cp[0][1] := p1[1] + (r * math_sin((ang -"
 & " 90.)*math_degree));\n  cp[1][0] := p2[0] + (r * math_cos((ang - 90.)*m"
 & "ath_degree));\n  cp[1][1] := p2[1] + (r * math_sin((ang - 90.)*math_deg"
 & "ree));\n  cp\nend;\n\nlet getCurvedEdgeCP = proc(p1,p2,cp1,cp2,r)\n  le"
 & "t avg = proc(a, b)\n    let avgreal = proc(r1, r2) (r1 + r2)/2.0 end;\n"
 & "    [ avgreal(a[0],b[0]), avgreal(a[1], b[1]) ]\n  end;\n  let aux1 = g"
 & "etStraightEdgeCP(p1, c";

CONST E88_0 =
   "p1, r);\n  let aux2 = getStraightEdgeCP(cp2, p2, r);\n  let aux3 = getS"
 & "traightEdgeCP(cp1, cp2, r);\n  [ aux1[0], avg(aux1[1], aux3[0]), avg(au"
 & "x3[1], aux2[0]), aux2[1] ]\nend;\n\nlet invisibleCP = proc(g, pt)\n  le"
 & "t vtx = graph_newVertex(g);\n  graph_setVertexSize(vtx, 0.0, 0.0);\n  g"
 & "raph_moveVertex(vtx, pt[0], pt[1], false);\n  vtx\nend;      \n\nlet Ha"
 & "shEntry = \n  {\n   key1 => ok,\n   key2 => ok,\n   value => ok,\n   ne"
 & "xt => ok,\n   };\n\nlet HashTable = \n  {\n    num => ok,\n    size => "
 & "ok,\n    table => ok,\n\n    curindex => ok,\n    curentry => ok,\n\n  "
 & "  create => meth(self, num)\n      self.num := num;\n      self.size :="
 & " real_round(float(num)*math_log(float(num)));\n      self.table := arra"
 & "y_new(self.size, ok);\n      self;\n    end,\n\n    getfirst => meth(se"
 & "lf)\n      self.curindex := 0;\n      self.curentry := ok;\n      loop\n"
 & "\tif self.curindex is self.size then\n\t  exit;\n        else\n\t  if s"
 & "elf.table[self.curindex] isnot ok then\n            self.curentry := se"
 & "lf.table[self.curindex];\n\t    exit;\n\t  end;\n\t  self.curindex := s"
 & "elf.curindex + 1;\n        end;\n      end;\n      if self.curentry isn"
 & "ot ok then\n\tself.curentry.value;\n      else\n\tok;\n      end;\n    "
 & "end,\n\n    getnext => meth(self)\n      if self.curentry isnot ok then"
 & "\n        self.curentry :=;\n        loop\n\t  if se"
 & "lf.curentry isnot ok then\n\t    exit;\n          else\n\t    self.curi"
 & "ndex := self.curindex + 1;\n\t    if self.curindex < self.size then\n\t"
 & "      self.curentry := self.table[self.curindex];\n            else\n\t"
 & "      exit;\n            end;\n          end;\n        end;\n        if"
 & " self.curentry isnot ok then\n\t  self.curentry.value;\n        else\n\t"
 & "  ok;\n        end;\n      else\n\tok;\n      end;\n    end,\n\n    loo"
 & "kup => meth(self, key1, key2)\n      let index = ((key1 * self.size) + "
 & "key2) % self.num;\n      if self.table[index] isnot ok then\n         v"
 & "ar entry = self.table[index];\n\t loop\n           if (entry is ok) ori"
 & "f\n\t      ((entry.key1 is key1) and (entry.key2 is key2)) then\n\t    "
 & " exit;\n           else\n\t     entry :=;";

CONST E88_1 =
   "\n           end;\n\t end;\n         if entry isnot ok then\n\t   entry"
 & ".value;\n         else\n\t   ok;\n         end;\n      else\n\tok;\n   "
 & "   end;\n    end,\n\n    insert => meth(self, key1, key2, value)\n     "
 & " let index = ((key1 * self.size) + key2) % self.num;\n      var newentr"
 & "y = clone(HashEntry);\n      newentry.key1 := key1;\n      newentry.key"
 & "2 := key2;\n      newentry.value := value;\n := ok;\n"
 & "\n      if self.table[index] isnot ok then\n        var entry = self.ta"
 & "ble[index];\n\tloop\n\t  if is ok then\n  "
 & "xt := newentry;\n\t    exit;\n\t  else\n\t    entry :=;\n   "
 & "       end;\n        end;\n      else\n\tself.table[index] := newentry;"
 & "\n      end;\n    end,\n  };\n\nlet StraightEdge =\n  {\n    g => ok,\n"
 & "    e => ok,\n    v1 => ok,\n    v2 => ok,\n    cEdge12 => ok,\n    cEd"
 & "ge21 => ok,\n    tag12 => false,\n    tag21 => false,\n    \n    edge ="
 & "> meth(self) self.e end,\n\n    create => meth (self, t, v1, v2)\n     "
 & " self.g := t.g;\n      self.v1 := v1;\n      self.v2 := v2;\n      self"
 & ".e := graph_newEdge(v1.v, v2.v);\n      graph_moveEdge(self.e, v1.v, v2"
 & ".v, false);\n      graph_setEdgeColor(self.e, edgeColor);\n      self\n"
 & "    end,\n\n    initialWidth => meth(self, maxSize, size)\n      let ge"
 & "tCondEdge = proc(pt1, pt2)\n        let vp1 = invisibleCP(self.g, pt1);"
 & "\n        let vp2 = invisibleCP(self.g, pt2);\n        let cEdge = grap"
 & "h_newEdge(vp1, vp2);\n        graph_edgeToBack(cEdge);\n        graph_s"
 & "etEdgeColor(cEdge, backgroundColor);\n        graph_setEdgeWidth(cEdge,"
 & " size/1.5);\n        cEdge\n      end;\n      graph_setEdgeWidth(self.e"
 & "dge, size/3.0);\n      let cp12 = getStraightEdgeCP(self.v1.pos, self.v"
 & "2.pos, maxSize/10.0);\n      let cp21 = getStraightEdgeCP(self.v2.pos, "
 & "self.v1.pos, maxSize/10.0);\n      self.cEdge12 := getCondEdge(cp12[0],"
 & " cp12[1]);\n      self.cEdge21 := getCondEdge(cp21[0], cp21[1]); \n    "
 & "end,\n\n    showMoveCondEdge => meth(self, fromN, toN)\n      if fromN "
 & "is then\n        graph_setEdgeColor(self.cEdge12, moveEdgeCo"
 & "lor);\n        graph_edgeToFro";

CONST E88_2 =
   "nt(self.cEdge12);\n        self.tag12 := true;\n      else\n        gra"
 & "ph_setEdgeColor(self.cEdge21, moveEdgeColor);\n        graph_edgeToFron"
 & "t(self.cEdge21);\n        self.tag21 := true;\n      end; \n    end,\n\n"
 & "    showBlockedCondEdge => meth(self, fromN, toN)\n      if fromN is se"
 & " then\n        graph_setEdgeColor(self.cEdge12, blockedEdgeColo"
 & "r);\n        graph_edgeToFront(self.cEdge12);\n        self.tag12 := tr"
 & "ue;\n      else\n        graph_setEdgeColor(self.cEdge21, blockedEdgeCo"
 & "lor);\n        graph_edgeToFront(self.cEdge21);\n        self.tag21 := "
 & "true; \n      end;\n    end,\n\n    hideCondEdge => meth(self)\n      i"
 & "f self.tag12 then\n        graph_setEdgeColor(self.cEdge12, backgroundC"
 & "olor);\n        graph_edgeToBack(self.cEdge12);\n        self.tag12 := "
 & "false;\n      end;\n      if self.tag21 then\n        graph_setEdgeColo"
 & "r(self.cEdge21, backgroundColor);\n        graph_edgeToBack(self.cEdge2"
 & "1);\n        self.tag21 := false;\n      end;\n    end,\n\n};\n\n\nlet "
 & "CurvedEdge =\n  {\n    g => ok,\n    e => ok,\n    v1 => ok,\n    v2 =>"
 & " ok,\n    ctls => ok,\n    cEdge12 => ok,\n    cEdge21 => ok,\n    tag1"
 & "2 => false,\n    tag21 => false,\n\n    edge => meth(self) self.e end,\n"
 & "\n    create => meth (self, t, v1, v2, x1, y1, x2, y2)\n      self.g :="
 & " t.g;\n      self.v1 := v1;\n      self.v2 := v2;\n      let cpt1 = [x1"
 & ", y1];\n      let cpt2 = [x2, y2];\n      var cpt1v = invisibleCP(self."
 & "g, cpt1);\n      var cpt2v = invisibleCP(self.g, cpt2);\n      self.ctl"
 & "s := [cpt1, cpt2]; \n      self.e := graph_newEdge(v1.v, v2.v);\n      "
 & "graph_moveEdgeBezier(self.e, v1.v, v2.v, cpt1v, cpt2v, false);\n      g"
 & "raph_setEdgeColor(self.e, edgeColor);\n      graph_setEdgeWidth(self.e,"
 & " edgeWidth);\n      self\n    end,\n\n    initialWidth => meth(self, ma"
 & "xSize, size)\n      let getCondEdge = proc(pt1, cpt1, cpt2, pt2)\n     "
 & "   let vp1 = invisibleCP(self.g, pt1);\n        let vp2 = invisibleCP(s"
 & "elf.g, pt2);\n        let vcp1 = invisibleCP(self.g, cpt1);\n        le"
 & "t vcp2 = invisibleCP(self.g, cpt2);\n        let cEdge = graph_newEdge("
 & "vp1, vp2);\n ";

CONST E88_3 =
   "       graph_edgeToBack(cEdge);\n        graph_moveEdgeBezier(cEdge, vp"
 & "1, vp2, vcp1, vcp2, false);\n        graph_setEdgeColor(cEdge, backgrou"
 & "ndColor);\n        graph_setEdgeWidth(cEdge, size/1.5);\n        cEdge "
 & "\n      end;\n      graph_setEdgeWidth(self.edge, size/3.0);\n      let"
 & " cp12 = getCurvedEdgeCP(self.v1.pos, self.v2.pos,\n                    "
 & "             self.ctls[0], self.ctls[1], maxSize/10.0);\n      let cp21"
 & " = getCurvedEdgeCP(self.v2.pos, self.v1.pos,\n                         "
 & "        self.ctls[1], self.ctls[0], maxSize/10.0);\n      self.cEdge12 "
 & ":= getCondEdge(cp12[0], cp12[1], cp12[2], cp12[3]);\n      self.cEdge21"
 & " := getCondEdge(cp21[0], cp21[1], cp21[2], cp21[3]);\n    end,\n\n    s"
 & "howMoveCondEdge => meth(self, fromN, toN)\n      if fromN is"
 & " then\n        graph_setEdgeColor(self.cEdge12, moveEdgeColor);\n      "
 & "  graph_edgeToFront(self.cEdge12);\n        self.tag12 := true;\n      "
 & "else\n        graph_setEdgeColor(self.cEdge21, moveEdgeColor);\n       "
 & " graph_edgeToFront(self.cEdge21);\n        self.tag21 := true;\n      e"
 & "nd;\n    end,\n\n    showBlockedCondEdge => meth(self, fromN, toN)\n   "
 & "   if fromN is then\n        graph_setEdgeColor(self.cEdge12"
 & ", blockedEdgeColor);\n        graph_edgeToFront(self.cEdge12);\n       "
 & " self.tag12 := true;\n      else\n        graph_setEdgeColor(self.cEdge"
 & "21, blockedEdgeColor);\n        graph_edgeToFront(self.cEdge21);\n     "
 & "   self.tag21 := true; \n      end;\n    end,\n\n    hideCondEdge => me"
 & "th(self)\n      if self.tag12 then\n        graph_setEdgeColor(self.cEd"
 & "ge12, backgroundColor);\n        graph_edgeToBack(self.cEdge12);\n     "
 & "   self.tag12 := false;\n      end;\n      if self.tag21 then\n        "
 & "graph_setEdgeColor(self.cEdge21, backgroundColor);\n        graph_edgeT"
 & "oBack(self.cEdge21);\n        self.tag21 := false;\n      end;\n    end"
 & ",\n\n};\n\n\nlet Node =\n  {\n    g => ok,\n    v => ok,\n    pos => ok"
 & ",\n    qs => 0,\n    id => ok,\n\n    incQS => meth(self) self.qs := se"
 & "lf.qs + 1 end,\n\n    create => meth(self, t, id, x, y)\n      self.g :"
 & "= t.g;\n";

CONST E88_4 =
   " := id;\n      self.pos := [x, y];\n      self.v := graph_"
 & "newVertex(self.g);\n      graph_moveVertex(self.v, x, y, false); \n    "
 & "  graph_setVertexShape(self.v, \"ellipse\");\n      graph_setVertexColo"
 & "r(self.v, nodeColor[normal]); \n      graph_setVertexBorderColor(self.v"
 & ", borderColor);\n      self\n    end,\n\n    initialSize => meth(self, "
 & "size)\n      graph_setVertexSize(self.v, size, size);\n      graph_setV"
 & "ertexBorder(self.v, size/3.0);\n    end,\n};\n\nlet view =\n{\n  graphv"
 & "bt => graph_new(),\n  g => meth (self) self.graphvbt end,\n\n  nodeCnt "
 & "=> ok,\n  maxQS => ok,\n  bounded => ok,\n\n  minNodeSize => 0.0,\n  ma"
 & "xNodeSize => ok,\n\n  changed => ok,\t\t(* array of verteces whose size"
 & " has changed *)\n\n  vertexFont => ok,\n\n  nodeT => ok,\n  edgeT => ok"
 & ",\n\n  condEdges => [],\n\n  node => meth(self, id)\n    self.nodeT[id]"
 & ";\n  end,\n\n  edge => meth(self, id1, id2)\n    var res = self.edgeT.l"
 & "ookup(id1, id2);\n    if res is ok then\n      res := self.edgeT.lookup"
 & "(id2, id1);\n    end;\n    res\n  end,\n\n  StartGraph => meth (self, n"
 & "odeCnt, maxQS, bounded, xMax, yMax)\n    graph_setWorld(self.graphvbt, "
 & "0.0, xMax, yMax, 0.0);\n    self.changed := array_new(nodeCnt, ok);\n  "
 & "  self.vertexFont := graph_newFont(self.graphvbt, \"Helvetica\",\n     "
 & "                                       0.5, \"Roman\", \"bold\", \"*\")"
 & ";\n    self.nodeCnt := nodeCnt;\n    self.maxQS := maxQS;\n    self.bou"
 & "nded := bounded;\n    self.nodeT := array_new(nodeCnt, ok);\n    self.e"
 & "dgeT := HashTable.create(nodeCnt);\n  end,\n\n  NewNode => meth (self, "
 & "id, x, y)\n    self.nodeT[id] :=\n        clone(Node).create(self, id, "
 & "x, y);\n  end,\n\n  NewStraightEdge => meth (self, id1, id2)\n    self."
 & "edgeT.insert(id1, id2,\n      \t        clone(StraightEdge).create( sel"
 & "f, \n      \t\t\t                    self.node(id1), \n      \t\t\t    "
 & "                self.node(id2)));\n  end,\n\n\n  NewCurvedEdge => meth "
 & "(self, id1, id2, x1, y1, x2, y2)\n    self.edgeT.insert(id1, id2,\n    "
 & "  \t        clone(CurvedEdge).create( self,\n      \t\t\t\t\t  self.nod"
 & "e(id1),\n      \t\t\t\t\t  self.node(id2),\n      ";

CONST E88_5 =
   "\t\t\t\t\t  x1, y1, x2, y2));\n  end,\n\n  NewLabel => meth (self, labe"
 & "l, x, y)\n    let vl = graph_newVertex(self.graphvbt);\n    graph_setVe"
 & "rtexFont(vl, self.vertexFont);\n    graph_setVertexSize(vl, 0.5, 0.5);\n"
 & "    graph_setVertexColor(vl, backgroundColor);\n    graph_moveVertex(vl"
 & ", x, y, false);\n    graph_setVertexLabel(vl, label);\n    graph_setVer"
 & "texLabelColor(vl, labelColor);\n  end,\n\n  EndGraph => meth (self)\n  "
 & "  let distance = proc(pt1, pt2)\n      let dx = pt2[1] - pt1[1], dy = p"
 & "t2[0] - pt1[0];\n      (dx * dx) + (dy * dy)\n    end;\n    var minDst "
 & "= ok;\n    if #(self.nodeT) > 1 then\n      minDst := distance(self.nod"
 & "eT[0].pos, self.nodeT[1].pos);\n      for i = 0 to #(self.nodeT) - 1 do"
 & "\n\tlet pos1 = self.nodeT[i].pos;\n\tfor j = i+1 to #(self.nodeT) - 1 d"
 & "o\n\t  let curDst = distance(pos1, self.nodeT[j].pos);\n\t  if curDst <"
 & " minDst then\n\t    minDst := curDst\n\t  end\n\tend\n      end;\n     "
 & " minDst := math_sqrt(minDst);\n    else\n      minDst := 1.0\n    end;\n"
 & "    self.maxNodeSize := minDst * 0.9;\n    self.minNodeSize := self.max"
 & "NodeSize/6.0; \n    for i = 0 to #(self.nodeT) - 1 do\n      self.nodeT"
 & "[i].initialSize(self.minNodeSize);\n    end;\n    var edge = self.edgeT"
 & ".getfirst();\n    if edge isnot ok then\n      edge.initialWidth(self.m"
 & "axNodeSize, self.minNodeSize);\n      loop\n        edge := self.edgeT."
 & "getnext();\n        if edge is ok then\n          exit;\n        else\n"
 & "          edge.initialWidth(self.maxNodeSize, self.minNodeSize);\n     "
 & "   end;\n      end;\n    end;\n  end,\n\n  NewPacket => meth (self, id,"
 & " source, dest, fewestHops, name)\n    self.node(source).incQS();\n  end"
 & ",\n\n  EndPackets => meth (self)\n    let nsize = proc(qsize)\n      le"
 & "t ns = (float(qsize) * \n              ((self.maxNodeSize - self.minNod"
 & "eSize) /\n                float(self.maxQS))) + self.minNodeSize;\n    "
 & "  ns\n    end;\n    if self.bounded is true then\n      for i = 0 to #("
 & "self.nodeT) - 1 do\n        if self.nodeT[i].qs  >= self.maxQS then\n  "
 & "        self.nodeT[i].qs := self.maxQS;\n          graph_setVertexColor"
 & "( self.nodeT[i].v, ";

CONST E88_6 =
   "nodeColor[congested]);\n        else\n          graph_setVertexColor( s"
 & "elf.nodeT[i].v, nodeColor[normal]);\n        end;\n        let size = n"
 & "size(self.nodeT[i].qs);\n        graph_setVertexSize(self.nodeT[i].v, s"
 & "ize, size);\n      end;\n    else\n      for i = 0 to #(self.nodeT) - 1"
 & " do\n        graph_setVertexColor( self.nodeT[i].v, nodeColor[normal]);"
 & "\n        let size = nsize(self.nodeT[i].qs);\n        graph_setVertexS"
 & "ize(self.nodeT[i].v, size, size);\n      end;\n    end;\n    graph_redi"
 & "splay(self.graphvbt);\n  end,\n\n  MovePacket => meth (self, id, fromN,"
 & " toN)\n    self.condEdges := self.condEdges @\n           [self.edge(fr"
 & "omN, toN)];\n    self.edge(fromN, toN).showMoveCondEdge(fromN, toN);\n "
 & " end,\n\n  Blocked => meth(self, id, fromN, toN)\n    self.condEdges :="
 & " self.condEdges @\n           [self.edge(fromN, toN)];\n    self.edge(f"
 & "romN, toN).showBlockedCondEdge(fromN, toN);\n  end,\n\n  QueueSizes => "
 & "meth (self, queueSizes)\n    let nsize = proc(qsize)\n      let factor "
 & "= float(qsize) / float(self.maxQS);\n      let delta = self.maxNodeSize"
 & " - self.minNodeSize;\n      self.minNodeSize + (factor * delta)\n    en"
 & "d;\n    var cnt = 0;\n    graph_redisplay(self.graphvbt);\n    for i = "
 & "0 to #(self.nodeT) - 1 do\n      if self.nodeT[i].qs isnot queueSizes[i"
 & "] then\n        self.nodeT[i].qs := queueSizes[i];\n        self.change"
 & "d[cnt] := i;\n        cnt := cnt + 1\n      end\n    end;\n    if self."
 & "bounded then\n      for i = 0 to cnt - 1 do\n\tlet node = self.nodeT[se"
 & "lf.changed[i]];\n\tif node.qs isnot self.maxQS then\n\t  graph_setVerte"
 & "xColor(node.v, nodeColor[normal]);\n\tend\n      end\n    end;\n    gra"
 & "ph_redisplay(self.graphvbt);\n    for i = 0 to cnt - 1 do\n      let no"
 & "de = self.nodeT[self.changed[i]];\n      let size = nsize(node.qs);\n  "
 & "    sys_call(\"VertexSizeAnim.Linear\", [node.v, size, size]);\n    end"
 & ";\n    zeus_animate(self.graphvbt, 0.0, 1.0);\n    if self.bounded then"
 & "\n      for i = 0 to cnt - 1 do\n\tlet node = self.nodeT[self.changed[i"
 & "]];\n\tif node.qs is self.maxQS then\n\t  graph_setVertexColor(node.v, "
 & "nodeColor[con";

CONST E88_7 =
   "gested]);\n\tend\n      end\n    end;\n    graph_redisplay(self.graphvb"
 & "t);\n  end,\n\n  Absorb => meth(self, pktID, node)\n    let nsize = pro"
 & "c(qsize)\n      let ns = (float(qsize) * \n              ((self.maxNode"
 & "Size - self.minNodeSize) /\n                float(self.maxQS))) + self."
 & "minNodeSize;\n      ns\n    end;\n    if (self.nodeT[node].qs is self.m"
 & "axQS) and self.bounded then\n      graph_setVertexColor(self.nodeT[node"
 & "].v,\n      \t\t     nodeColor[normal]);\n    end;\n    self.nodeT[node"
 & "].qs := self.nodeT[node].qs - 1;\n    graph_setVertexSize(self.nodeT[no"
 & "de].v,\n      \t\t  nsize(self.nodeT[node].qs),\n      \t\t  nsize(self"
 & ".nodeT[node].qs));\n  end,\n\n  Step => meth(self)\n    for i = 0 to #("
 & "self.condEdges) - 1 do\n      self.condEdges[i].hideCondEdge();\n    en"
 & "d;\n    self.condEdges := [];\n    graph_redisplay(self.graphvbt);\n  e"
 & "nd,\n};\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.\n; All rights rese"
 & "rved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n;\n; Last modi"
 & "fied on Wed Feb  8 15:37:06 PST 1995 by kalsow\n\n;********************"
 & "************************************************\n;  NOTE: This file is"
 & " generated automatically from the event \n;        definition file Matc"
 & "h.evt.\n;**************************************************************"
 & "******\n\n(VBox\n  (Rim\n    (Pen 2)\n    (HBox\n      (VBox (Glue 4) ("
 & "Shape (Height + Inf) (Button %clear \"CLEAR\")) (Glue 4))\n      (Glue "
 & "4)\n      (VBox\n        (Boolean =TRUE %alg (Text LeftAlign \"Algorith"
 & "m events\"))\n        (Boolean =FALSE %zeus (Text LeftAlign \"Zeus even"
 & "ts\"))\n        (Boolean =TRUE %args (Text LeftAlign \"Display args to "
 & "events\")))\n      Fill))\n  (Bar 1)\n  (Shape (ShadowSize 0) (Height 2"
 & "00 + INF) (TextEdit ReadOnly %transcript)))\n";

   "@Insertion\nprocedure insertion;@\n  var v: integer;\n  begin\n  @1 for"
 & " i := 2 to N do@\n    begin\n    @2 v := a[i];@ @3 j := i;@\n    @4 whi"
 & "le a[j-1] > v do@\n      begin @5 a[j] := a[j - 1];@ @6 j := j - 1@ end"
 & ";\n    end;\n    @7 a[j] := v;@\n  end;\n@Insertion\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.\n; All rights rese"
 & "rved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n;\n; Last modi"
 & "fied on Wed Feb  8 15:37:06 PST 1995 by kalsow\n\n;********************"
 & "************************************************\n;  NOTE: This file is"
 & " generated automatically from the event \n;        definition file CP.e"
 & "vt.\n;*****************************************************************"
 & "***\n\n(VBox\n  (Rim\n    (Pen 2)\n    (HBox\n      (VBox (Glue 4) (Sha"
 & "pe (Height + Inf) (Button %clear \"CLEAR\")) (Glue 4))\n      (Glue 4)\n"
 & "      (VBox\n        (Boolean =TRUE %alg (Text LeftAlign \"Algorithm ev"
 & "ents\"))\n        (Boolean =FALSE %zeus (Text LeftAlign \"Zeus events\""
 & "))\n        (Boolean =TRUE %args (Text LeftAlign \"Display args to even"
 & "ts\")))\n      Fill))\n  (Bar 1)\n  (Shape (ShadowSize 0) (Height 200 +"
 & " INF) (TextEdit ReadOnly %transcript)))\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation\n; All rights reser"
 & "ved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n\n(Scale\n  (HS"
 & "cale 1)\n  (VScale 1)\n  (Rim\n    (Pen 10)\n    (HBox\n      (VBox\n  "
 & "      (Text RightAlign \"current flow: \")\n        (Text RightAlign \""
 & "capacity: \"))\n      (VBox\n        (Shape (Width 100) (TextEdit ReadO"
 & "nly %tflow))\n        (Shape (Width 100) (TextEdit ReadOnly %tcapacity)"
 & ")))))\n";

   "Program CPAlgorithm(Input, Output);\n\nTYPE \n  Cell =  RECORD\n       "
 & "     p: POINT;\n            next: ^Cell;\n          END;\n  Link = ^Cel"
 & "l;\n\nCONST MaxDistance = 1.0E30;\n\nVAR\n   min   : REAL;\n   h,z    :"
 & " Link;\n   N: INTEGER;\n\n@CheckforMin\nPROCEDURE CheckforMin (p1, p2: "
 & "Point) =@\n  VAR dist: REAL;\n  BEGIN\n@5     IF (dist(p1,p2) < min) TH"
 & "EN @\n@10       updatemin(p1,p2); @\n  END;\n@CheckforMin\n\n\n@FindClo"
 & "sestPair\nPROCEDURE FindClosestPair(VAR c: Link; N: INTEGER): Link =@\n"
 & "  VAR\n    a, b, t1, t2  : Link;\n    middle_xcoord : REAL;\n    p1, p2"
 & ", p3, p4: Point;\n\n  BEGIN\n@5    a := c;@\n@10   b := MiddleofList(c,"
 & "N);@\n@15   middle_xcoord := b^.p.x;@\n\n@20   t1 := FindClosestPair(a,"
 & " N DIV 2);@\n@25   t2 := FindClosestPair(b, N - (N DIV 2));@\n\n@30   c"
 & " := Merge(t1, t2);@\n\n@35   a := c;@\n      REPEAT\n@40     IF ((ABS(a"
 & "^.p.x - middle_xcoord) < min) AND (p1 <> z^.p)) THEN@\n        BEGIN\n@"
 & "45       CheckforMin(a^.p, p1);@\n@50       CheckforMin(a^.p, p2);@\n@5"
 & "5       CheckforMin(a^.p, p3);@\n@60       CheckforMin(a^.p, p4);@\n@65"
 & "       p1 := p2; p2 := p3; p3 := p4; p4 := a^.p;@\n        END { IF };\n"
 & "@70     a := a^.next;@\n@75   UNTIL a = z;@\n\n@80 RETURN c;@\n  END;\n"
 & "@FindClosestPair\n\n\n@Main\nBEGIN {main module: computes closest pair "
 & "in given set of points} @\n\n@5   InitializeListofPoints(h,N);@\n\n@10 "
 & " h := Sort_byXcoordinate(h, N);@\n\n@15  h := FindClosestPair(h, N);@\n"
 & "\nEND.\n@Main\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.\n; All rights rese"
 & "rved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n;\n; Last modi"
 & "fied on Wed Feb  8 15:37:06 PST 1995 by kalsow\n\n;********************"
 & "************************************************\n;  NOTE: This file is"
 & " generated automatically from the event \n;        definition file Hull"
 & ".evt.\n;***************************************************************"
 & "*****\n\n(VBox\n  (Rim\n    (Pen 2)\n    (HBox\n      (VBox (Glue 4) (S"
 & "hape (Height + Inf) (Button %clear \"CLEAR\")) (Glue 4))\n      (Glue 4"
 & ")\n      (VBox\n        (Boolean =TRUE %alg (Text LeftAlign \"Algorithm"
 & " events\"))\n        (Boolean =FALSE %zeus (Text LeftAlign \"Zeus event"
 & "s\"))\n        (Boolean =TRUE %args (Text LeftAlign \"Display args to e"
 & "vents\")))\n      Fill))\n  (Bar 1)\n  (Shape (ShadowSize 0) (Height 20"
 & "0 + INF) (TextEdit ReadOnly %transcript)))\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.\n; All rights rese"
 & "rved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n;\n; Last modi"
 & "fied on Wed Feb  8 15:37:06 PST 1995 by kalsow\n\n;********************"
 & "************************************************\n;  NOTE: This file is"
 & " generated automatically from the event \n;        definition file logo"
 & ".evt.\n;***************************************************************"
 & "*****\n\n(VBox\n  (Rim\n    (Pen 2)\n    (HBox\n      (VBox (Glue 4) (S"
 & "hape (Height + Inf) (Button %clear \"CLEAR\")) (Glue 4))\n      (Glue 4"
 & ")\n      (VBox\n        (Boolean =TRUE %alg (Text LeftAlign \"Algorithm"
 & " events\"))\n        (Boolean =FALSE %zeus (Text LeftAlign \"Zeus event"
 & "s\"))\n        (Boolean =TRUE %args (Text LeftAlign \"Display args to e"
 & "vents\")))\n      Fill))\n  (Bar 1)\n  (Shape (ShadowSize 0) (Height 20"
 & "0 + INF) (TextEdit ReadOnly %transcript)))\n";

 & "ER) @=\n  VAR now: INTEGER := -1;\n      val := NEW(REF ARRAY OF INTEGE"
 & "R, V);\n\n  BEGIN\n    @6 FOR k := V-1 DO val[k] := -1 END; @\n    @7 F"
 & "OR k := 0 TO V-1 DO @\n    @8   IF val[k] < 0 THEN @\n    @9     Visit("
 & "k) @\n         END;\n       END;\n  @10 END DepthFirstSearch; @\n@DFS\n"
 & "\n@VISIT\nPROCEDURE Visit(k: INTEGER) @=\n  BEGIN\n@1  INC(now); val[k]"
 & " := now;@\n@2  FOR t := 0 TO V-1 DO @\n@3    IF a[k, t] THEN @\n@4     "
 & " IF val[t] < 0 THEN @\n@5        Visit(t); @\n      END;\n    END;\n  E"
 & "ND;\nEND Visit;\n  @VISIT\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.\n; All rights rese"
 & "rved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n;\n; Last modi"
 & "fied on Wed Feb  8 15:37:06 PST 1995 by kalsow\n\n;********************"
 & "************************************************\n;  NOTE: This file is"
 & " generated automatically from the event \n;        definition file Hash"
 & ".evt.\n;***************************************************************"
 & "*****\n\n(VBox\n  (Rim\n    (Pen 2)\n    (HBox\n      (VBox (Glue 4) (S"
 & "hape (Height + Inf) (Button %clear \"CLEAR\")) (Glue 4))\n      (Glue 4"
 & ")\n      (VBox\n        (Boolean =TRUE %alg (Text LeftAlign \"Algorithm"
 & " events\"))\n        (Boolean =FALSE %zeus (Text LeftAlign \"Zeus event"
 & "s\"))\n        (Boolean =TRUE %args (Text LeftAlign \"Display args to e"
 & "vents\")))\n      Fill))\n  (Bar 1)\n  (Shape (ShadowSize 0) (Height 20"
 & "0 + INF) (TextEdit ReadOnly %transcript)))\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.\n; All rights rese"
 & "rved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n;\n; Last modi"
 & "fied on Wed Feb  8 15:29:09 PST 1995 by kalsow\n\n;********************"
 & "************************************************\n;  NOTE: This file is"
 & " generated automatically from the event \n;        definition file Binp"
 & "ack.evt.\n;************************************************************"
 & "********\n\n(VBox\n  (Border (Pen 1)\n    (Shape\n      (Height 75 - 25"
 & " + Inf)\n      (Viewport\n        (HBox\n          (Glue 4 + Inf)\n    "
 & "      (VBox\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n"
 & "              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n            "
 & "                    \"Code View events:   Stop? \") \n                 "
 & "   (Boolean %stopatCodeEvents =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10"
 & ")\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n "
 & "                   (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitatCodeEvents =1 \n  "
 & "                                             (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n   "
 & "         (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (H"
 & "Box Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                            "
 & "    \"Setup:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtSetup =T"
 & "RUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (W"
 & "idth + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width"
 & " 80) (Numeric %waitAtSetup =1 \n                                       "
 & "        (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape"
 & " (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height +"
 & " 0) \n                                \"NewWeight:   Stop? \") \n      "
 & "              (Boolean %stopAtNewWeight =TRUE \"\")\n                  "
 & "  (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weig"
 & "ht: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtNewWeigh"
 & "t =1 \n                                               (Min 0) (Max 100)"
 & "))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n       "
 & "       ";

CONST E98_0 =
   "(HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                          "
 & "      \"Pack:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtPack =T"
 & "RUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (W"
 & "idth + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width"
 & " 80) (Numeric %waitAtPack =1 \n                                        "
 & "       (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape "
 & "(Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + "
 & "0) \n                                \"Ignore:   Stop? \") \n          "
 & "          (Boolean %stopAtIgnore =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue"
 & " 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")"
 & "\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtIgnore =1 \n   "
 & "                                            (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n    "
 & "        (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HB"
 & "ox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                             "
 & "   \"Probe:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtProbe =TR"
 & "UE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Wi"
 & "dth + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width "
 & "80) (Numeric %waitAtProbe =1 \n                                        "
 & "       (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n          )\n      "
 & "    (Glue 4)\n          (VBox\n            (Glue 5)\n            (Shape"
 & " (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \"Cts:\")\n            (Button %eventCount"
 & "s\n              (VBox\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox"
 & " Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                            "
 & "      (Text %ctOfSetup \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n            "
 & "    (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                   "
 & "               (Text %ctOfNewWeight \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n"
 & "                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n       "
 & "                           (Text %ctOfPack \"0\")))\n                (G"
 & "lue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n"
 & "         ";

CONST E98_1 =
   "                         (Text %ctOfIgnore \"0\")))\n                (G"
 & "lue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n"
 & "                                  (Text %ctOfProbe \"0\")))\n          "
 & "      (Glue 3))))\n          Fill\n          (Glue 4 + Inf)\n        )\n"
 & "      )\n    )\n  )\n)\n";

   "; Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.\n; All rights rese"
 & "rved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n;\n; Last modi"
 & "fied on Wed Feb  8 15:29:09 PST 1995 by kalsow\n\n;********************"
 & "************************************************\n;  NOTE: This file is"
 & " generated automatically from the event \n;        definition file Subt"
 & "ype.evt.\n;************************************************************"
 & "********\n\n(VBox\n  (Border (Pen 1)\n    (Shape\n      (Height 75 - 25"
 & " + Inf)\n      (Viewport\n        (HBox\n          (Glue 4 + Inf)\n    "
 & "      (VBox\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n"
 & "              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n            "
 & "                    \"Code View events:   Stop? \") \n                 "
 & "   (Boolean %stopatCodeEvents =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10"
 & ")\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n "
 & "                   (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitatCodeEvents =1 \n  "
 & "                                             (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n   "
 & "         (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (H"
 & "Box Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                            "
 & "    \"Setup:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtSetup =T"
 & "RUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (W"
 & "idth + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width"
 & " 80) (Numeric %waitAtSetup =1 \n                                       "
 & "        (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape"
 & " (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height +"
 & " 0) \n                                \"Begin:   Stop? \") \n          "
 & "          (Boolean %stopAtBegin =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue "
 & "10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n"
 & "                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtBegin =1 \n      "
 & "                                         (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n       "
 & "     (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox "
 & "Fill (";

CONST E99_0 =
   "Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"NewB"
 & "ot:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtNewBot =TRUE \"\""
 & ")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0"
 & ") (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Nu"
 & "meric %waitAtNewBot =1 \n                                              "
 & " (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Heigh"
 & "t 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n "
 & "                               \"NewTop:   Stop? \") \n                "
 & "    (Boolean %stopAtNewTop =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n"
 & "                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n    "
 & "                (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtNewTop =1 \n         "
 & "                                      (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n          "
 & "  (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fil"
 & "l (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"N"
 & "ewFun:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtNewFun =TRUE \""
 & "\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width +"
 & " 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) ("
 & "Numeric %waitAtNewFun =1 \n                                            "
 & "   (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Hei"
 & "ght 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n"
 & "                                \"NewDomRng:   Stop? \") \n            "
 & "        (Boolean %stopAtNewDomRng =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glu"
 & "e 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \""
 & ")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtNewDomRng =1 \n"
 & "                                               (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n "
 & "           (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              "
 & "(HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                          "
 & "      \"NewLoop:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtNewL"
 & "oop =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Sh"
 & "ape (W";

CONST E99_1 =
   "idth + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width"
 & " 80) (Numeric %waitAtNewLoop =1 \n                                     "
 & "          (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Sha"
 & "pe (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height"
 & " + 0) \n                                \"Enter:   Stop? \") \n        "
 & "            (Boolean %stopAtEnter =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glu"
 & "e 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \""
 & ")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtEnter =1 \n   "
 & "                                            (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n    "
 & "        (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HB"
 & "ox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                             "
 & "   \"Exit:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtExit =TRUE"
 & " \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Widt"
 & "h + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80"
 & ") (Numeric %waitAtExit =1 \n                                           "
 & "    (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (He"
 & "ight 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) "
 & "\n                                \"SeenOK:   Stop? \") \n             "
 & "       (Boolean %stopAtSeenOK =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10"
 & ")\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n "
 & "                   (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtSeenOK =1 \n      "
 & "                                         (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n       "
 & "     (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox "
 & "Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                "
 & "\"Notice:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtNotice =TRU"
 & "E \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Wid"
 & "th + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 8"
 & "0) (Numeric %waitAtNotice =1 \n                                        "
 & "       (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape "
 & "(Height";

CONST E99_2 =
   " 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n  "
 & "                              \"BotLessAnyOK:   Stop? \") \n           "
 & "         (Boolean %stopAtBotLessAnyOK =TRUE \"\")\n                    "
 & "(Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight"
 & ": \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtBotLessAny"
 & "OK =1 \n                                               (Min 0) (Max 100"
 & ")))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n      "
 & "        (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                  "
 & "              \"TopLessTopOK:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolea"
 & "n %stopAtTopLessTopOK =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n     "
 & "               (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n         "
 & "           (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtTopLessTopOK =1 \n        "
 & "                                       (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n         "
 & "   (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fi"
 & "ll (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \""
 & "TopLessNonTopKO:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtTopL"
 & "essNonTopKO =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n               "
 & "     (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                   "
 & " (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtTopLessNonTopKO =1 \n               "
 & "                                (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glu"
 & "e 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Sha"
 & "pe (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"FunLess"
 & "BotKO:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtFunLessBotKO ="
 & "TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape ("
 & "Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Widt"
 & "h 80) (Numeric %waitAtFunLessBotKO =1 \n                               "
 & "                (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n          "
 & "  (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) ("
 & "Height + 0) \n                                \"FunLessTopOK:   Stop? \""
 & ") \n ";

CONST E99_3 =
   "                   (Boolean %stopAtFunLessTopOK =TRUE \"\")\n          "
 & "          (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0"
 & ") \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAt"
 & "FunLessTopOK =1 \n                                               (Min 0"
 & ") (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + "
 & "0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n        "
 & "                        \"FunLessFun:   Stop? \") \n                   "
 & " (Boolean %stopAtFunLessFun =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n"
 & "                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n    "
 & "                (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtFunLessFun =1 \n     "
 & "                                          (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n      "
 & "      (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox"
 & " Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                               "
 & " \"OK:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtOK =TRUE \"\")"
 & "\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0)"
 & " (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Num"
 & "eric %waitAtOK =1 \n                                               (Min"
 & " 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 "
 & "+ 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n      "
 & "                          \"KO:   Stop? \") \n                    (Bool"
 & "ean %stopAtKO =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n             "
 & "       (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                 "
 & "   (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtKO =1 \n                          "
 & "                     (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n     "
 & "     )\n          (Glue 4)\n          (VBox\n            (Glue 5)\n    "
 & "        (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \"Cts:\")\n            (Butt"
 & "on %eventCounts\n              (VBox\n                (Glue 6)\n       "
 & "         (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n              "
 & "                    (Text %ctOfSetup \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)"
 & "\n        ";

CONST E99_4 =
   "        (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n               "
 & "                   (Text %ctOfBegin \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n"
 & "                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n       "
 & "                           (Text %ctOfNewBot \"0\")))\n                "
 & "(Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0)"
 & " \n                                  (Text %ctOfNewTop \"0\")))\n      "
 & "          (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Heig"
 & "ht 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfNewFun \"0\")"
 & "))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width "
 & "+ 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfNew"
 & "DomRng \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill ("
 & "Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  ("
 & "Text %ctOfNewLoop \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                ("
 & "HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                        "
 & "          (Text %ctOfEnter \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n        "
 & "        (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n               "
 & "                   (Text %ctOfExit \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n"
 & "                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n       "
 & "                           (Text %ctOfSeenOK \"0\")))\n                "
 & "(Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0)"
 & " \n                                  (Text %ctOfNotice \"0\")))\n      "
 & "          (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Heig"
 & "ht 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfBotLessAnyOK "
 & "\"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape ("
 & "Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %c"
 & "tOfTopLessTopOK \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HB"
 & "ox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                          "
 & "        (Text %ctOfTopLessNonTopKO \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n"
 & "                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n       "
 & "      ";

CONST E99_5 =
   "                     (Text %ctOfFunLessBotKO \"0\")))\n                "
 & "(Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0)"
 & " \n                                  (Text %ctOfFunLessTopOK \"0\")))\n"
 & "                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0)"
 & " (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfFunLess"
 & "Fun \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Sha"
 & "pe (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Tex"
 & "t %ctOfOK \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fil"
 & "l (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                "
 & "  (Text %ctOfKO \"0\")))\n                (Glue 3))))\n          Fill\n"
 & "          (Glue 4 + Inf)\n        )\n      )\n    )\n  )\n)\n";

CONST E100 =
   "; Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation\n; All rights reser"
 & "ved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n\n(Rim (Pen 5) "
 & "\n  (Frame Lowered \n    (Shape (Width 100) (Height 30) \n      (TextEd"
 & "it %text (Value \"MENTOR\")))))\n";

CONST E101 =
   "(* Copyright 1993 Digital Equipment Corporation.                       "
 & "      *)\n(* Distributed only by permission.                           "
 & "                *)\n(*                                                 "
 & "                          *)\n(* Last modified on Thu Oct 14 17:07:36 P"
 & "DT 1993 by heydon                   *)\n(*      modified on Tue Jul 27 "
 & "16:25:00 PDT 1993 by rsanchez                 *)\n\n(* This view shows "
 & "the total number of hops that each packet needs to traverse\n   to go f"
 & "rom its source to its destination node. *) \n\nlet BackGroundColor = co"
 & "lor_named(\"White\");\nlet MinHopsColor = color_named(\"Pink\");\nlet C"
 & "urrHopsColor = color_named(\"Yellow\");\nlet LabelColor = color_named(\""
 & "Black\");\nlet CapColor = LabelColor;\nlet BorderColor = LabelColor;\n\n"
 & "let BarWidth = 0.40;\nlet CapFactor = 0.025;\nlet Gap = 0.05;\nlet Sout"
 & "hInit = ~3.0;\nlet BorderSize = 0.05;\nlet ScaleFactor = 1.5;\n\nlet XV"
 & "alR = proc(i) float(i) + (Gap+BarWidth)/2.0 end;\nlet XValL = proc(i) f"
 & "loat(i) - (Gap+BarWidth)/2.0 end;\n\nlet FontFromSize =\n  proc(g, sz)\n"
 & "    graph_newFont(g, \"Helvetica\", sz, \"Roman\", \"bold\", \"*\")\n  "
 & "end;\n\nlet MoveTextVertex =\n  proc(vtx, font, x, y, height)\n    grap"
 & "h_setVertexFont(vtx, font);\n    graph_moveVertex(vtx, x, y, false);\n "
 & "   graph_setVertexSize(vtx, 1.0, height);\n  end;\n\nlet MakeTextVertex"
 & " =\n  proc(vtx, font, x, y, height)\n    graph_setVertexColor(vtx, Back"
 & "GroundColor);\n    graph_setVertexLabelColor(vtx, LabelColor);\n    Mov"
 & "eTextVertex(vtx, font, x, y, height)\n  end;\n\nlet MoveBarVertex =\n  "
 & "proc(vtx, width, height, x)\n    graph_setVertexSize(vtx, width, height"
 & ");\n    graph_moveVertex(vtx, x, height/2.0, false);\n  end;\n    \nlet"
 & " MakeBarVertex =\n  proc(vtx, clr, width, height, x)\n    graph_setVert"
 & "exBorder(vtx, BorderSize);\n    graph_setVertexBorderColor(vtx, BorderC"
 & "olor); \n    graph_setVertexColor(vtx, clr);\n    MoveBarVertex(vtx, wi"
 & "dth, height, x)\n  end;\n\nlet MoveCapVertex =\n  proc(vtx, (*int*) x, "
 & "(*int*) y, (*real*) height)\n    graph_setVertexSize(vtx, BarWidth, hei"
 & "ght);\n    graph";

CONST E101_0 =
   "_moveVertex(vtx, XValR(x), float(y)+(height/2.0), false);\n  end;\n\nle"
 & "t MakeCapVertex =\n  proc(vw, (*int*) x, (*int*) y, (*real*) height)\n "
 & "   let vtx = graph_newVertex(vw.graphvbt);\n    graph_setVertexBorder(v"
 & "tx, BorderSize);\n    graph_setVertexBorderColor(vtx, BorderColor);\n  "
 & "  graph_setVertexColor(vtx, CapColor);\n    MoveCapVertex(vtx, x, y, he"
 & "ight);\n    vtx\n  end;\n\nlet view =\n  {\n    graphvbt => graph_new()"
 & ",\n    pktCnt => ok,\t(* total number of packets (from \"StartPackets\""
 & ") *)\n    maxHops => 0.0,\t(* current max number of hops (related to \""
 & "north\" *)\n    hopsT => ok,\t(* array of packets *)\n    caps => ok,\t"
 & "\t(* array of caps *)\n    capCnt => 0,\t(* number of caps *)\n    resc"
 & "ale => false,\t(* should world coordinates be scaled vertically? *)\n  "
 & "  fontSz => 0.5,\t(* label font size *)\n    vtxFont => ok,\t(* font us"
 & "ed to display two rows of labels *)\n    labH => 1.0,\t(* vertical size"
 & " of label vertex *)\n    yLab1 => ~1.0,\t(* \"y\" coordinate of first r"
 & "ow of labels *)\n    yLab2 => ~2.0,\t(* \"y\" coordinate of second row "
 & "of labels *)\n    (* world coordinates *)\n    west => ~1.0,\t(* readon"
 & "ly *)\n    south => SouthInit,\n    east => ok,\t\t(* depends on pktCnt"
 & " *)\n    north => meth(self) self.maxHops+self.capH + (self.south/South"
 & "Init) end,\n    capH =>  meth(self) CapFactor * self.maxHops end,\n\n  "
 & "  StartGraph => meth (self, nodeCnt, maxQS, bounded, xMax, yMax)\n     "
 & " (* initialize graph window to be over empty space *)\n      graph_setW"
 & "orld(self.graphvbt, ~10.0, ~9.0, 1.0, 0.0)\n    end,\n\n    StartPacket"
 & "s => meth (self, pktCnt)\n      self.pktCnt := pktCnt;\n      self.east"
 & " := float(pktCnt);\n      self.vtxFont := FontFromSize(self.graphvbt, s"
 & "elf.fontSz);\n\n      self.hopsT := array_new(pktCnt, ok);\n      self."
 & "caps := array_new(pktCnt, ok);\n      for i = 0 to pktCnt-1 do\n       "
 & " let vtx1 = graph_newVertex(self.graphvbt);\n\tMakeBarVertex(vtx1, Curr"
 & "HopsColor, BarWidth, BorderSize, XValR(i));\n\n\tlet vtx2 = graph_newVe"
 & "rtex(self.graphvbt);\n\tMakeTextVertex(vtx2, self.vtxFont, float(i), se"
 & "lf.yLab1, self.lab";

CONST E101_1 =
   "H);\n\n\tlet vtx3 = graph_newVertex(self.graphvbt);\n\tMakeTextVertex(v"
 & "tx3, self.vtxFont, float(i), self.yLab2, self.labH);\n\tgraph_setVertex"
 & "Label(vtx3, \"0%\");\n\n\tself.hopsT[i] := {\n\t  minNumHops => ok,\t(*"
 & " length of shortest path for this packet *)\n\t  curNumHops => 0,\t(* n"
 & "umber of times this packet has moved *)\n\t  vmin => vtx1,\t\t(* vertex"
 & " that grows each time packet moves *)\n\t  vlab1 => vtx2,\t(* packet na"
 & "me label *)\n\t  vlab2 => vtx3,\t(* percentage label *)\n\t}\n      end"
 & "\n    end,\n\n    NewPacket => meth (self, id, source, dest, fewestHops"
 & ", name)\n      let pkt = self.hopsT[id];\n      pkt.minNumHops := fewes"
 & "tHops;\n      if float(fewestHops) > self.maxHops then\n"
 & "xHops := float(fewestHops)\n      end;\n      graph_setVertexLabel(pkt."
 & "vlab1, name);\n      let vtx = graph_newVertex(self.graphvbt);\n      M"
 & "akeBarVertex(vtx, MinHopsColor, BarWidth, float(fewestHops), XValL(id))"
 & "\n    end,\n\n    EndPackets => meth (self)\n      graph_setWorld(self."
 & "graphvbt,\n\tself.west, self.east, self.north, self.south);\n      grap"
 & "h_redisplay(self.graphvbt)\n    end,\n\n    MovePacket => meth(self, id"
 & ", fromN, toN) \n      let Percent = proc(pkt)\n        let num = 100.0 "
 & "* float(pkt.curNumHops);\n        let denom = float(pkt.minNumHops);\n\t"
 & "fmt_int(round(num / denom)) & \"%\"\n      end;\n\n      let pkt = self"
 & ".hopsT[id];\n      pkt.curNumHops := pkt.curNumHops + 1;\n      MoveBar"
 & "Vertex(pkt.vmin, BarWidth, float(pkt.curNumHops), XValR(id));\n      gr"
 & "aph_setVertexLabel(pkt.vlab2, Percent(pkt));\n      if float(pkt.curNum"
 & "Hops) > self.maxHops then\n\tself.rescale := true;\n      end\n    end,"
 & "\n\n    Absorb => meth(self, id, (*unused*) dest)\n      let v = MakeCa"
 & "pVertex(self, id, self.hopsT[id].curNumHops, self.capH());\n      self."
 & "caps[self.capCnt] := { vtx => v, id => id };\n      self.capCnt := self"
 & ".capCnt + 1\n    end,\n\n    Step => meth (self)\n      if self.rescale"
 & " then\n\tself.rescale := false;\n\tself.maxHops := self.maxHops * Scale"
 & "Factor;\n\tself.south   := self.south   * ScaleFactor;\n\tself.fontSz  "
 & ":= self.fontSz  * ScaleFact";

CONST E101_2 =
   "or;\n\tself.labH    := self.labH    * ScaleFactor;\n\tself.yLab1   := s"
 & "elf.yLab1   * ScaleFactor;\n\tself.yLab2   := self.yLab2   * ScaleFacto"
 & "r;\n\n        (* reposition labels and caps *)\n        self.vtxFont :="
 & " FontFromSize(self.graphvbt, self.fontSz);\n        for i = 0 to self.p"
 & "ktCnt-1 do\n          let pkt = self.hopsT[i];\n\t  MoveTextVertex(pkt."
 & "vlab1, self.vtxFont,\n            float(i), self.yLab1, self.labH);\n\t"
 & "  MoveTextVertex(pkt.vlab2, self.vtxFont,\n            float(i), self.y"
 & "Lab2, self.labH)\n        end;\n        for i = 0 to self.capCnt - 1 do"
 & "\n\t  let obj = self.caps[i];\n          let id =;\n          le"
 & "t y = self.hopsT[id].curNumHops;\n          MoveCapVertex(obj.vtx, id, "
 & "y, self.capH())\n        end;\n\n        (* double height of world coor"
 & "dinates *)\n        graph_setWorld(self.graphvbt, \n\t  self.west, self"
 & ".east, self.north, self.south);\n      end;\n\n      graph_redisplay(se"
 & "lf.graphvbt)\n    end\n  };\n";

CONST E102 =
   "; Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation\n; All rights reser"
 & "ved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n\n(Rim\n  (Pen "
 & "10)\n  (VBox\n    (LabelFont (Family \"helvetica\") (WeightName \"bold\""
 & ") (PointSize 240))\n    (Font \"-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--34-240-"
 & "*-*-p-182-iso8859-1\")\n      (HBox\n        (Text LeftAlign \"Ops:  \""
 & ")\n        (Shape (Width 100) (Numeric %Operations)))\n    (Glue 10)\n "
 & "   (HBox\n      (Text LeftAlign \"Run time:  \")\n      (Shape (Width 1"
 & "00) (Numeric %Runtime)))))";

CONST E103 =
   "; Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.\n; All rights rese"
 & "rved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n;\n; Last modi"
 & "fied on Wed Feb  8 15:29:09 PST 1995 by kalsow\n\n;********************"
 & "************************************************\n;  NOTE: This file is"
 & " generated automatically from the event \n;        definition file Sear"
 & "chTree.evt.\n;*********************************************************"
 & "***********\n\n(VBox\n  (Border (Pen 1)\n    (Shape\n      (Height 75 -"
 & " 25 + Inf)\n      (Viewport\n        (HBox\n          (Glue 4 + Inf)\n "
 & "         (VBox\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0"
 & ")\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n         "
 & "                       \"Code View events:   Stop? \") \n              "
 & "      (Boolean %stopatCodeEvents =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue"
 & " 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")"
 & "\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitatCodeEvents =1 \n"
 & "                                               (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n "
 & "           (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              "
 & "(HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                          "
 & "      \"NewNode:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtNewN"
 & "ode =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Sh"
 & "ape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape "
 & "(Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtNewNode =1 \n                               "
 & "                (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n          "
 & "  (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) ("
 & "Height + 0) \n                                \"CompareKeys:   Stop? \""
 & ") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtCompareKeys =TRUE \"\")\n      "
 & "              (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height"
 & " + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %wa"
 & "itAtCompareKeys =1 \n                                               (Mi"
 & "n 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16"
 & " + 0)";

CONST E103_0 =
   "\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n          "
 & "                      \"AddLeaf:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boo"
 & "lean %stopAtAddLeaf =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n       "
 & "             (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n           "
 & "         (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtAddLeaf =1 \n               "
 & "                                (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glu"
 & "e 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Sha"
 & "pe (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"NewSear"
 & "chKey:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtNewSearchKey ="
 & "TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape ("
 & "Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Widt"
 & "h 80) (Numeric %waitAtNewSearchKey =1 \n                               "
 & "                (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n          "
 & "  (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) ("
 & "Height + 0) \n                                \"SearchEnd:   Stop? \") "
 & "\n                    (Boolean %stopAtSearchEnd =TRUE \"\")\n          "
 & "          (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0"
 & ") \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAt"
 & "SearchEnd =1 \n                                               (Min 0) ("
 & "Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n"
 & "              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n            "
 & "                    \"GoLeft:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolea"
 & "n %stopAtGoLeft =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n           "
 & "         (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n               "
 & "     (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtGoLeft =1 \n                    "
 & "                           (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n"
 & "            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Wi"
 & "dth + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"SpliceOut:   "
 & "Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtSpliceOut =TRUE \"\")\n"
 & "       ";

CONST E103_1 =
   "             (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height "
 & "+ 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %wai"
 & "tAtSpliceOut =1 \n                                               (Min 0"
 & ") (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + "
 & "0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n        "
 & "                        \"Copy:   Stop? \") \n                    (Bool"
 & "ean %stopAtCopy =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n           "
 & "         (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n               "
 & "     (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtCopy =1 \n                      "
 & "                         (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n "
 & "           (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Wid"
 & "th + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"CurrentNode:  "
 & " Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtCurrentNode =TRUE \"\""
 & ")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0"
 & ") (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Nu"
 & "meric %waitAtCurrentNode =1 \n                                         "
 & "      (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape ("
 & "Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0"
 & ") \n                                \"SetType:   Stop? \") \n          "
 & "          (Boolean %stopAtSetType =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glu"
 & "e 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \""
 & ")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtSetType =1 \n "
 & "                                              (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n  "
 & "          (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              ("
 & "HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                           "
 & "     \"RedRedClash:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtR"
 & "edRedClash =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                "
 & "    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    "
 & "(Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtRedRedClash =1 \n                    "
 & "      ";

CONST E103_2 =
   "                     (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n     "
 & "       (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width +"
 & " 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"CheckUncle:   Stop"
 & "? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtCheckUncle =TRUE \"\")\n   "
 & "                 (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Hei"
 & "ght + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric "
 & "%waitAtCheckUncle =1 \n                                               ("
 & "Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height "
 & "16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n   "
 & "                             \"Rotate:   Stop? \") \n                  "
 & "  (Boolean %stopAtRotate =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n  "
 & "                  (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n      "
 & "              (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtRotate =1 \n           "
 & "                                    (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            "
 & "(Glue 6)\n          )\n          (Glue 4)\n          (VBox\n           "
 & " (Glue 5)\n            (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \"Cts:\")\n  "
 & "          (Button %eventCounts\n              (VBox\n                (G"
 & "lue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n"
 & "                                  (Text %ctOfNewNode \"0\")))\n        "
 & "        (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height"
 & " 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfCompareKeys \"0"
 & "\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Wid"
 & "th + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOf"
 & "AddLeaf \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill "
 & "(Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  "
 & "(Text %ctOfNewSearchKey \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n           "
 & "     (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                  "
 & "                (Text %ctOfSearchEnd \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)"
 & "\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n     "
 & "        ";

CONST E103_3 =
   "                     (Text %ctOfGoLeft \"0\")))\n                (Glue "
 & "6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n   "
 & "                               (Text %ctOfSpliceOut \"0\")))\n         "
 & "       (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height "
 & "16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfCopy \"0\")))\n "
 & "               (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) "
 & "(Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfCurrentN"
 & "ode \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Sha"
 & "pe (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Tex"
 & "t %ctOfSetType \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBo"
 & "x Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                           "
 & "       (Text %ctOfRedRedClash \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n     "
 & "           (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n            "
 & "                      (Text %ctOfCheckUncle \"0\")))\n                ("
 & "Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) "
 & "\n                                  (Text %ctOfRotate \"0\")))\n       "
 & "         (Glue 3))))\n          Fill\n          (Glue 4 + Inf)\n       "
 & " )\n      )\n    )\n  )\n)\n";

CONST E104 =
   "#| Copyright 1993 Digital Equipment Corporation. |#\n#| Distributed onl"
 & "y by permission. |#\n#| Last modified on Tue Sep 21 14:51:34 PDT 1993 b"
 & "y hania |#\n#|      modified on Wed Jul 14 23:01:32 PDT 1993 by mhb |#\n"
 & "\n(Rim (Pen 5) (Shape (Width + 300)\n  (VBox\n    (HBox \n    (Menu \"C"
 & "anned Examples\"\n      (VBox \n        (MButton %ex1 \"Example 1\") \n"
 & "        (MButton %ex2 \"Example 2\")\n        (MButton %ex3 \"Example 3"
 & "\") \n        (MButton %ex4 \"Example 4\")\n        (MButton %ex5 \"Exa"
 & "mple 5\") \n        (MButton %ex6 \"Example 6\")\n        (MButton %ex7"
 & " \"Example 7\") \n        (MButton %ex8 \"Example 8\")\n        (MButto"
 & "n %ex9 \"Example 9\") \n        (MButton %ex10 \"Example 10\")\n       "
 & " ))\n    (Glue 10)\n    (Menu \"Canned Non-Examples\"\n      (VBox \n  "
 & "      (MButton %nonex1 \"Example 1\") \n        (MButton %nonex2 \"Exam"
 & "ple 2\")\n        (MButton %nonex3 \"Example 3\") \n        (MButton %n"
 & "onex4 \"Example 4\")\n        (MButton %nonex5 \"Example 5\") \n       "
 & " (MButton %nonex6 \"Example 6\")\n        (MButton %nonex7 \"Example 7\""
 & ") \n        (MButton %nonex8 \"Example 8\")\n        (MButton %nonex9 \""
 & "Example 9\") \n        (MButton %nonex10 \"Example 10\")\n        )) Fi"
 & "ll )\n  (Glue 10)\n  (HBox \n    (Text \"Left type:   \") \n    (Border"
 & " (Rim (TypeIn %typeleft))))\n  (Glue 10)\n  (HBox \n    (Text \"Right t"
 & "ype: \") \n    (Border (Rim (TypeIn %typeright)))))))\n\n\n";

CONST E105 =
   "(* Copyright (C) 1994, Digital Equipment Corporation         *)\n(* All"
 & " rights reserved.                                      *)\n(* See the f"
 & "ile COPYRIGHT for a full description.            *)\n\n@RedBlackTest\nP"
 & "ROCEDURE RedBlackTest(insKey, delKey: ARRAY OF Key)@\n  VAR t: Tree; n:"
 & " Node; BEGIN\n    @1 t.root := NIL@;\n    @2 FOR i := FIRST(insKey^) TO"
 & " LAST(insKey^) DO@\n      @3 n := NEW(Node, key := insKey[i])@;\n      "
 & "@4 RedBlackInsert(t, n)@\n    END\n\n    (* Delete \"delKey\" keys *)\n"
 & "    @5 FOR i := FIRST(delKey^) TO LAST(delKey^) DO@\n      @6 n := Sear"
 & "ch(alg, delKey[i])@;\n      @7 RedBlackDelete(alg, n)@\n    END;\n  END"
 & " RedBlackTest;\n@RedBlackTest\n\n@Insert\nPROCEDURE Insert(t: Tree; n: "
 & "Node)@ =\n  VAR temp, curr: Node; BEGIN\n    @3 temp := t.root;@\n    @"
 & "4 curr := NIL;@\n    @5 WHILE temp # NIL DO@\n      @6 curr := temp;@\n"
 & "      @7 IF n.key < curr.key@\n        THEN @8 temp := curr.left@\n    "
 & "    ELSE @9 temp := curr.right@\n      END\n    END;\n    @10 n.parent "
 & ":= curr;@\n    @11 IF curr = NIL@ THEN @12 t.root := n@ ELSE\n      @13"
 & " IF n.key < curr.key@\n        THEN @14 curr.left := n@\n        ELSE @"
 & "15 curr.right := n@\n      END\n    END\n  END Insert;\n@Insert\n\n@Red"
 & "BlackInsert\nPROCEDURE RedBlackInsert(t: Tree; n: Node)@ =\n  VAR side,"
 & " other: Side; BEGIN\n    @1 Insert(t, n)@;\n    @2 n.type := NodeType.R"
 & "ed@;\n    @3 WHILE n.parent # NIL AND n.parent.type = NodeType.Red@ DO\n"
 & "      <* ASSERT n.parent.parent # NIL *>\n      @4 IF n.parent = n.pare"
 & "nt.parent.left@\n        THEN @5 side := BSTAlg.Side.Left@;\n        EL"
 & "SE @6 side := BSTAlg.Side.Right;@\n      END;\n      @7 other := BSTAlg"
 & ".OtherSide[side]@;\n      @8 y := GetChild(n.parent.parent, other)@;\n "
 & "     @9 IF y # NIL AND y.type = NodeType.Red@ THEN\n        (* Case 1 *"
 & ")\n        @10 n.parent.type := NodeType.Black@;\n        @11 y.type :="
 & " NodeType.Black@;\n        @12 n.parent.parent.type := NodeType.Red@;\n"
 & "        @13 n := n.parent.parent@\n      ELSE\n        @14 IF n = BSTAl"
 & "g.GetChild(n.parent, other)@ THEN\n          (* Case 2 *)\n          @1"
 & "5 n := ";

CONST E105_0 =
   "n.parent@;\n          @16 BSTAlg.Rotate(tree, n, side)@\n        END;\n"
 & "        (* Case 3 *)\n        @17 n.parent.type := NodeType.Black@;\n  "
 & "      @18 n.parent.parent.type := NodeType.Red@;\n        @19 Rotate(tr"
 & "ee, n.parent.parent, other)@\n      END;\n    END;\n    <* ASSERT tree."
 & "root # NIL *>\n    @20 IF tree.root.type # NodeType.Black THEN\n      @"
 & "21 tree.root.type := NodeType.Black@\n    END\n  END RedBlackInsert;\n@"
 & "RedBlackInsert\n\n@Search\nPROCEDURE Search(t: Tree; k: Key): Node@ =\n"
 & "  VAR n: Node; BEGIN\n    @1 n := t.root@;\n    @2 WHILE n # t.nil AND "
 & "n.key # key DO@\n      @3 IF key < n.key@\n        THEN @4 n := n.left@"
 & "\n        ELSE @5 n := n.right@\n      END\n    END;\n    @6 RETURN n@\n"
 & "  END Search;\n@Search\n\n@RedBlackDelete\nPROCEDURE RedBlackDelete(t: "
 & "Tree; n: Node)@ =\n  VAR splice, splice_ch: Node; BEGIN\n    (* Set \"s"
 & "plice\" to the node to splice out *)\n    @1 IF n.left = t.nil OR n.rig"
 & "ht = t.nil@\n      THEN @2 splice := n@\n      ELSE @3 splice := FindMi"
 & "n(n.right)@\n    END;\n\n    (* Splice out \"splice\" node *)\n    @4 s"
 & "plice_ch := SpliceOut(t, splice)@;\n\n    (* Replace \"n\" by \"splice\""
 & " if necessary *)\n    @5 IF splice # n@ THEN\n      @6 n.key := splice."
 & "key@\n      (* << copy other node fields here >> *)\n    END\n\n    (* "
 & "Fix up tree if there is potential for double-black *)\n    @7 IF splice"
 & ".type = NodeType.Black@ THEN\n      @8 RedBlackFixUp(t, splice_ch)@\n  "
 & "END RedBlackDelete;\n@RedBlackDelete\n\n@FindMin\nPROCEDURE FindMin(n: "
 & "Node): Node@ =\n  BEGIN\n    @1 WHILE n.left # NIL DO@\n      @2 n := n"
 & ".left2@\n    END;\n    @3 RETURN n@\n  END FindMin;\n@FindMin\n\n@Splic"
 & "eOut\nPROCEDURE SpliceOut(t: Tree; n: Node)@ =\n  VAR ch: Node; BEGIN\n"
 & "    (* Set \"ch\" to child of \"n\" or NIL *)\n    @1 IF n.left # NIL@\n"
 & "      THEN @2 ch := n.left@\n      ELSE @3 ch := n.right@\n    END;\n\n"
 & "    (* Update \"up\" pointer *)\n    @4 IF ch # NIL@ THEN\n      @5 ch."
 & "parent := n.parent@\n    END;\n\n    (* Update \"down\" pointers *)\n  "
 & "  @6 IF n.parent = NIL@ THEN\n      @7 t.root := ch@\n    ELSE\n      @"
 & "8 IF n = n.parent.left@\n        THEN";

CONST E105_1 =
   " @9 n.parent.left := ch@\n        ELSE @10 n.parent.right := ch@\n     "
 & " END\n    END;\n    @11 RETURN ch@\n  END SpliceOut;\n@SpliceOut\n\n@Re"
 & "dBlackFixUp\nPROCEDURE RedBlackFixUp(t: Tree; n: Node)@ =\n  VAR siblin"
 & "g: Node; side, other: Side BEGIN\n    @1 WHILE n # t.root AND n.type = "
 & "NodeType.Black DO@\n      @2 IF n = n.parent.left@\n        THEN @3 sid"
 & "e := Side.Left;  other := side.Right@;\n        ELSE @4 side := Side.Ri"
 & "ght; other := side.Left@;\n      END;\n      @5 sibling := GetChild(n.p"
 & "arent, other)@;\n      @6 IF sibling.type = NodeType.Red@ THEN\n       "
 & " (* Case 1 *)\n        @7 sibling.type := NodeType.Black@;\n        @8 "
 & "n.parent.type := NodeType.Red@;\n        @9 Rotate(t, n.parent, side)@;"
 & "\n        @10 sibling := GetChild(n.parent, other)@\n      END;\n      "
 & "@11 IF sibling.left.type = NodeType.Black\n         AND sibling.right.t"
 & "ype = NodeType.Black@ THEN\n        (* Case 2 *)\n        @12 sibling.t"
 & "ype := NodeType.Red@;\n        @13 n := n.parent@\n      ELSE\n        "
 & "@14 IF GetChild(sibling, other).type = NodeType.Black@ THEN\n          "
 & "@15 GetChild(sibling, side).type := NodeType.Black@;\n          @16 sib"
 & "ling.type := NodeType.Red@;\n          @17 Rotate(t, sibling, other)@;\n"
 & "          @18 sibling := GetChild(n.parent, other)@\n        END;\n    "
 & "    (* Case 4 *)\n        @19 sibling.type := n.parent.type@;\n        "
 & "@20 n.parent.type := NodeType.Black@;\n        @21 GetChild(sibling, ot"
 & "her).type := NodeType.Black@;\n        @22 Rotate(t, n.parent, side)@;\n"
 & "        @23 n := t.root@\n      END\n    END;\n    @24 IF n.type # Node"
 & "Type.Black@ THEN\n      @25 n.type := NodeType.Black@\n    END\n  END R"
 & "edBlackFixUp\n@RedBlackFixUp\n";

CONST E106 =
   "; Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.\n; All rights rese"
 & "rved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n;\n; Last modi"
 & "fied on Wed Feb  8 15:29:09 PST 1995 by kalsow\n\n;********************"
 & "************************************************\n;  NOTE: This file is"
 & " generated automatically from the event \n;        definition file Pars"
 & "e.evt.\n;**************************************************************"
 & "******\n\n(VBox\n  (Border (Pen 1)\n    (Shape\n      (Height 75 - 25 +"
 & " Inf)\n      (Viewport\n        (HBox\n          (Glue 4 + Inf)\n      "
 & "    (VBox\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n  "
 & "            (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n              "
 & "                  \"Code View events:   Stop? \") \n                   "
 & " (Boolean %stopatCodeEvents =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n"
 & "                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n    "
 & "                (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitatCodeEvents =1 \n     "
 & "                                          (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n      "
 & "      (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox"
 & " Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                               "
 & " \"Setup:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtSetup =TRUE"
 & " \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Widt"
 & "h + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80"
 & ") (Numeric %waitAtSetup =1 \n                                          "
 & "     (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (H"
 & "eight 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0)"
 & " \n                                \"Push:   Stop? \") \n              "
 & "      (Boolean %stopAtPush =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n"
 & "                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n    "
 & "                (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtPush =1 \n           "
 & "                                    (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            "
 & "(Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill "
 & "(Shape";

CONST E106_0 =
   " (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"Pop:   St"
 & "op? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtPop =TRUE \"\")\n        "
 & "            (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height +"
 & " 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %wait"
 & "AtPop =1 \n                                               (Min 0) (Max "
 & "100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n   "
 & "           (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n               "
 & "                 \"Scan:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %st"
 & "opAtScan =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                  "
 & "  (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (S"
 & "hape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtScan =1 \n                             "
 & "                  (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n        "
 & "    (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0)"
 & " (Height + 0) \n                                \"NoteError:   Stop? \""
 & ") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtNoteError =TRUE \"\")\n        "
 & "            (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height +"
 & " 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %wait"
 & "AtNoteError =1 \n                                               (Min 0)"
 & " (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0"
 & ")\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n         "
 & "                       \"Goto:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boole"
 & "an %stopAtGoto =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n            "
 & "        (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                "
 & "    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtGoto =1 \n                       "
 & "                        (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n  "
 & "          (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Widt"
 & "h + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"NewNode:   Stop"
 & "? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtNewNode =TRUE \"\")\n      "
 & "              (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height"
 & " + 0) \"We";

CONST E106_1 =
   "ight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtNewNod"
 & "e =1 \n                                               (Min 0) (Max 100)"
 & "))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n       "
 & "       (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                   "
 & "             \"NewTerm:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %sto"
 & "pAtNewTerm =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                "
 & "    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    "
 & "(Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtNewTerm =1 \n                        "
 & "                       (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n   "
 & "         (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width"
 & " + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"NewEdge:   Stop?"
 & " \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtNewEdge =TRUE \"\")\n       "
 & "             (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height "
 & "+ 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %wai"
 & "tAtNewEdge =1 \n                                               (Min 0) "
 & "(Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)"
 & "\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n          "
 & "                      \"DeleteLeaf:   Stop? \") \n                    ("
 & "Boolean %stopAtDeleteLeaf =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n "
 & "                   (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n     "
 & "               (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtDeleteLeaf =1 \n      "
 & "                                         (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n       "
 & "     (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox "
 & "Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                "
 & "\"UpdateDone:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtUpdateD"
 & "one =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Sh"
 & "ape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape "
 & "(Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtUpdateDone =1 \n                            "
 & "                   (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n       "
 & "   )\n ";

CONST E106_2 =
   "         (Glue 4)\n          (VBox\n            (Glue 5)\n            ("
 & "Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \"Cts:\")\n            (Button %event"
 & "Counts\n              (VBox\n                (Glue 6)\n                "
 & "(HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                       "
 & "           (Text %ctOfSetup \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n       "
 & "         (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n              "
 & "                    (Text %ctOfPush \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n"
 & "                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n       "
 & "                           (Text %ctOfPop \"0\")))\n                (Gl"
 & "ue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n"
 & "                                  (Text %ctOfScan \"0\")))\n           "
 & "     (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16"
 & " + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfNoteError \"0\")))"
 & "\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + "
 & "0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfGoto "
 & "\"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape ("
 & "Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %c"
 & "tOfNewNode \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fi"
 & "ll (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                               "
 & "   (Text %ctOfNewTerm \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n             "
 & "   (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                    "
 & "              (Text %ctOfNewEdge \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n  "
 & "              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n         "
 & "                         (Text %ctOfDeleteLeaf \"0\")))\n              "
 & "  (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + "
 & "0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfUpdateDone \"0\")))\n"
 & "                (Glue 3))))\n          Fill\n          (Glue 4 + Inf)\n"
 & "        )\n      )\n    )\n  )\n)\n";

CONST E107 =
   "; Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.\n; All rights rese"
 & "rved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n;\n; Last modi"
 & "fied on Wed Feb  8 15:29:09 PST 1995 by kalsow\n\n;********************"
 & "************************************************\n;  NOTE: This file is"
 & " generated automatically from the event \n;        definition file Unio"
 & "nFind.evt.\n;**********************************************************"
 & "**********\n\n(VBox\n  (Border (Pen 1)\n    (Shape\n      (Height 75 - "
 & "25 + Inf)\n      (Viewport\n        (HBox\n          (Glue 4 + Inf)\n  "
 & "        (VBox\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)"
 & "\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n          "
 & "                      \"Code View events:   Stop? \") \n               "
 & "     (Boolean %stopatCodeEvents =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue "
 & "10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n"
 & "                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitatCodeEvents =1 \n "
 & "                                              (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n  "
 & "          (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              ("
 & "HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                           "
 & "     \"Setup:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtSetup ="
 & "TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape ("
 & "Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Widt"
 & "h 80) (Numeric %waitAtSetup =1 \n                                      "
 & "         (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shap"
 & "e (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height "
 & "+ 0) \n                                \"NewSet:   Stop? \") \n        "
 & "            (Boolean %stopAtNewSet =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Gl"
 & "ue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \""
 & ")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtNewSet =1 \n  "
 & "                                             (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n   "
 & "         (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (H"
 & "Box F";

CONST E107_0 =
   "ill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \""
 & "FinishedSets:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtFinishe"
 & "dSets =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    ("
 & "Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shap"
 & "e (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtFinishedSets =1 \n                        "
 & "                       (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n   "
 & "         (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width"
 & " + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"StartFind:   Sto"
 & "p? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtStartFind =TRUE \"\")\n   "
 & "                 (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Hei"
 & "ght + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric "
 & "%waitAtStartFind =1 \n                                               (M"
 & "in 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 1"
 & "6 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n    "
 & "                            \"EndFind:   Stop? \") \n                  "
 & "  (Boolean %stopAtEndFind =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n "
 & "                   (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n     "
 & "               (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtEndFind =1 \n         "
 & "                                      (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n          "
 & "  (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fil"
 & "l (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"S"
 & "tartDoFind:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtStartDoFi"
 & "nd =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Sha"
 & "pe (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape ("
 & "Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtStartDoFind =1 \n                            "
 & "                   (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n       "
 & "     (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0"
 & ") (Height + 0) \n                                \"StepUp:   Stop? \") "
 & "\n                    (Boolean %stopAtStepUp =TRUE \"\")\n             "
 & "       ";

CONST E107_1 =
   "(Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight"
 & ": \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtStepUp =1 "
 & "\n                                               (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n"
 & "            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n             "
 & " (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                         "
 & "       \"Found:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtFound"
 & " =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape"
 & " (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Wi"
 & "dth 80) (Numeric %waitAtFound =1 \n                                    "
 & "           (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Sh"
 & "ape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Heigh"
 & "t + 0) \n                                \"StepDown:   Stop? \") \n    "
 & "                (Boolean %stopAtStepDown =TRUE \"\")\n                 "
 & "   (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Wei"
 & "ght: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtStepDow"
 & "n =1 \n                                               (Min 0) (Max 100)"
 & "))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n       "
 & "       (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                   "
 & "             \"ChangeParent:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean"
 & " %stopAtChangeParent =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n      "
 & "              (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n          "
 & "          (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtChangeParent =1 \n         "
 & "                                      (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n          "
 & "  (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fil"
 & "l (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"E"
 & "ndDoFind:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtEndDoFind ="
 & "TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape ("
 & "Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Widt"
 & "h 80) (Numeric %waitAtEndDoFind =1 \n                                  "
 & "     ";

CONST E107_2 =
   "        (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape"
 & " (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height +"
 & " 0) \n                                \"StartUnion:   Stop? \") \n     "
 & "               (Boolean %stopAtStartUnion =TRUE \"\")\n                "
 & "    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"We"
 & "ight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtStartU"
 & "nion =1 \n                                               (Min 0) (Max 1"
 & "00)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n    "
 & "          (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                "
 & "                \"FoundFirst:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolea"
 & "n %stopAtFoundFirst =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n       "
 & "             (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n           "
 & "         (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtFoundFirst =1 \n            "
 & "                                   (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            ("
 & "Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill ("
 & "Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"Comp"
 & "areRanks:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtCompareRank"
 & "s =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shap"
 & "e (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (W"
 & "idth 80) (Numeric %waitAtCompareRanks =1 \n                            "
 & "                   (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n       "
 & "     (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0"
 & ") (Height + 0) \n                                \"Unite:   Stop? \") \n"
 & "                    (Boolean %stopAtUnite =TRUE \"\")\n                "
 & "    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"We"
 & "ight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtUnite "
 & "=1 \n                                               (Min 0) (Max 100)))"
 & "))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n         "
 & "     (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                     "
 & "    ";

CONST E107_3 =
   "       \"EndUnion:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtEn"
 & "dUnion =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    "
 & "(Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Sha"
 & "pe (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtEndUnion =1 \n                           "
 & "                    (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n      "
 & "    )\n          (Glue 4)\n          (VBox\n            (Glue 5)\n     "
 & "       (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \"Cts:\")\n            (Butto"
 & "n %eventCounts\n              (VBox\n                (Glue 6)\n        "
 & "        (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n               "
 & "                   (Text %ctOfSetup \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n"
 & "                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n       "
 & "                           (Text %ctOfNewSet \"0\")))\n                "
 & "(Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0)"
 & " \n                                  (Text %ctOfFinishedSets \"0\")))\n"
 & "                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0)"
 & " (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfStartFi"
 & "nd \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shap"
 & "e (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text"
 & " %ctOfEndFind \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox"
 & " Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                            "
 & "      (Text %ctOfStartDoFind \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n      "
 & "          (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n             "
 & "                     (Text %ctOfStepUp \"0\")))\n                (Glue "
 & "6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n   "
 & "                               (Text %ctOfFound \"0\")))\n             "
 & "   (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 +"
 & " 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfStepDown \"0\")))\n "
 & "               (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) "
 & "(Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfChangePa"
 & "rent \"0\")";

CONST E107_4 =
   "))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width "
 & "+ 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfEnd"
 & "DoFind \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill ("
 & "Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  ("
 & "Text %ctOfStartUnion \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n              "
 & "  (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                     "
 & "             (Text %ctOfFoundFirst \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n"
 & "                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n       "
 & "                           (Text %ctOfCompareRanks \"0\")))\n          "
 & "      (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 1"
 & "6 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfUnite \"0\")))\n "
 & "               (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) "
 & "(Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfEndUnion"
 & " \"0\")))\n                (Glue 3))))\n          Fill\n          (Glue"
 & " 4 + Inf)\n        )\n      )\n    )\n  )\n)\n";

CONST E108 =
   "; Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.\n; All rights rese"
 & "rved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n;\n; Last modi"
 & "fied on Wed Feb  8 15:29:09 PST 1995 by kalsow\n\n;********************"
 & "************************************************\n;  NOTE: This file is"
 & " generated automatically from the event \n;        definition file Mini"
 & "max.evt.\n;************************************************************"
 & "********\n\n(VBox\n  (Border (Pen 1)\n    (Shape\n      (Height 75 - 25"
 & " + Inf)\n      (Viewport\n        (HBox\n          (Glue 4 + Inf)\n    "
 & "      (VBox\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n"
 & "              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n            "
 & "                    \"Code View events:   Stop? \") \n                 "
 & "   (Boolean %stopatCodeEvents =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10"
 & ")\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n "
 & "                   (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitatCodeEvents =1 \n  "
 & "                                             (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n   "
 & "         (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (H"
 & "Box Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                            "
 & "    \"Setup:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtSetup =T"
 & "RUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (W"
 & "idth + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width"
 & " 80) (Numeric %waitAtSetup =1 \n                                       "
 & "        (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape"
 & " (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height +"
 & " 0) \n                                \"PlayerMove:   Stop? \") \n     "
 & "               (Boolean %stopAtPlayerMove =TRUE \"\")\n                "
 & "    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"We"
 & "ight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtPlayer"
 & "Move =1 \n                                               (Min 0) (Max 1"
 & "00)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n    "
 & "       ";

CONST E108_0 =
   "   (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                       "
 & "         \"Finished:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAt"
 & "Finished =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                  "
 & "  (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (S"
 & "hape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtFinished =1 \n                         "
 & "                      (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n    "
 & "        (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width "
 & "+ 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"EvaluateNode:   S"
 & "top? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtEvaluateNode =TRUE \"\")"
 & "\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0)"
 & " (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Num"
 & "eric %waitAtEvaluateNode =1 \n                                         "
 & "      (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape ("
 & "Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0"
 & ") \n                                \"PlayerThinking:   Stop? \") \n   "
 & "                 (Boolean %stopAtPlayerThinking =TRUE \"\")\n          "
 & "          (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0"
 & ") \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAt"
 & "PlayerThinking =1 \n                                               (Min"
 & " 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 "
 & "+ 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n      "
 & "                          \"FinishedEvalNode:   Stop? \") \n           "
 & "         (Boolean %stopAtFinishedEvalNode =TRUE \"\")\n                "
 & "    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"We"
 & "ight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtFinish"
 & "edEvalNode =1 \n                                               (Min 0) "
 & "(Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)"
 & "\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n          "
 & "                      \"BoardValueUpdated:   Stop? \") \n              "
 & "     ";

CONST E108_1 =
   " (Boolean %stopAtBoardValueUpdated =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Gl"
 & "ue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \""
 & ")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtBoardValueUpda"
 & "ted =1 \n                                               (Min 0) (Max 10"
 & "0)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n     "
 & "         (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                 "
 & "               \"HumanCellSelected:   Stop? \") \n                    ("
 & "Boolean %stopAtHumanCellSelected =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue"
 & " 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")"
 & "\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtHumanCellSelect"
 & "ed =1 \n                                               (Min 0) (Max 100"
 & ")))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n      "
 & "        (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                  "
 & "              \"HumanIllegalMove:   Stop? \") \n                    (Bo"
 & "olean %stopAtHumanIllegalMove =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10"
 & ")\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n "
 & "                   (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtHumanIllegalMove ="
 & "1 \n                                               (Min 0) (Max 100))))"
 & ")\n            (Glue 6)\n          )\n          (Glue 4)\n          (VB"
 & "ox\n            (Glue 5)\n            (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0"
 & ") \"Cts:\")\n            (Button %eventCounts\n              (VBox\n   "
 & "             (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (H"
 & "eight 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfSetup \"0\""
 & ")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width"
 & " + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfPl"
 & "ayerMove \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill"
 & " (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                 "
 & " (Text %ctOfFinished \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n              "
 & "  (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                     "
 & "     ";

CONST E108_2 =
   "        (Text %ctOfEvaluateNode \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n   "
 & "             (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n          "
 & "                        (Text %ctOfPlayerThinking \"0\")))\n           "
 & "     (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16"
 & " + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfFinishedEvalNode \""
 & "0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Wi"
 & "dth + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctO"
 & "fBoardValueUpdated \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                "
 & "(HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                       "
 & "           (Text %ctOfHumanCellSelected \"0\")))\n                (Glue"
 & " 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n  "
 & "                                (Text %ctOfHumanIllegalMove \"0\")))\n "
 & "               (Glue 3))))\n          Fill\n          (Glue 4 + Inf)\n "
 & "       )\n      )\n    )\n  )\n)\n";

CONST E109 =
   "; Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation\n; All rights reser"
 & "ved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n\n(Rim\n  (Pen "
 & "10)\n  (VBox\n    (Text LeftAlign \"Search pattern: \")\n    (Frame Low"
 & "ered (TypeIn ExpandOnDemand (BgColor \"White\") %pattern =\"abra\"))\n "
 & "   (Glue 10)\n    (Text LeftAlign \"Text to search in: \")\n    (Frame "
 & "Lowered (TypeIn ExpandOnDemand (BgColor \"White\") %text =\"abracadabra"
 & "\"))))";

CONST E110 =
   "; Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation\n; All rights reser"
 & "ved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n\n(Scale\n  (HS"
 & "cale 1)\n  (VScale 1)\n  (Rim\n    (Pen 10)\n    (VBox\n      (HBox\n  "
 & "      (Text RightAlign \"Number of Points: \")\n        Fill\n        ("
 & "Text LeftAlign %N \"\")\n        Fill)\n      (Glue 10)\n      (HBox\n "
 & "       (Text RightAlign \"Min length: \")\n        Fill\n        (Text "
 & "LeftAlign %min \"\")\n        Fill))))\n";

CONST E111 =
   "Source 100 50\nV12 100 250\nV14 100 450\nV16 100 650\nV30 300 50\nV32 3"
 & "00 250\nV34 250 500\nV35 350 450\nV36 300 650\nV50 500 50\nV52 500 250\n"
 & "V54 500 450\nV56 500 650\nV58 500 850\nV70 700 50\nV72 700 250\nV74 700"
 & " 450\nV76 700 650\nV78 700 850\nV94 900 450\nV96 900 650\nSink 900 850\n"
 & "Source -> V32 0.94\nV32 -> V54 3.3\nV54 -> V76 0.94\nV76 -> Sink 1.2\nS"
 & "ource -> V52 1.9\nV52 -> V74 2.5\nV74 -> Sink 0.9\nSource -> V34 0.56\n"
 & "V34 -> V56 2.3\nV56 -> Sink 0.56\nSource -> V30 2.22\nV30 -> V50 2.89\n"
 & "V50 -> V74 1.1\nV52 -> V70 2.5\nV70 -> V72 1.89\nV72 -> V94 2.56\nV94 -"
 & "> V96 2.22\nV96 -> Sink 3.1\nSource -> V12 2.19\nV12 -> V35 2.67\nV35 -"
 & "> V54 1.1\nV32 -> V14 1.14\nV14 -> V36 2.3\nV36 -> V56 1.3\nV34 -> V16 "
 & "1.7\nV16 -> V58 1.0\nV58 -> V78 1.234\nV78 -> Sink 2.013\n.\n";

CONST E112 =
   "@Decompress\nPROCEDURE Decompress(input, alphabet) =@\n    @1 (* uncomp"
 & "ress input to get codes array, pos *)@\n    @2 (* decode codes array (u"
 & "sing alphabet) to get lastchars array *)@\n    @3 (* recompute original"
 & " string using lastchars, pos *)@\n         @4 (* sort lastchars array t"
 & "o get firstchars array *)@\n         @5 (* for each character in firstc"
 & "hars, find corresponding\n               character in lastchars *)@\n  "
 & "       @6 (* starting with char in firstchars[pos], reconstruct\n      "
 & "         original string *)@\n@Decompress\n";

CONST E113 =
   "(* Copyright (C) 1993, Digital Equipment Corporation                   "
 & "      *)\n(* All rights reserved.                                      "
 & "                *)\n(* See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.  "
 & "                          *)\n(*                                       "
 & "                                    *)\n(* Last modified on Mon Jan  9 "
 & "12:14:14 PST 1995 by najork                   *)\n(*      modified on W"
 & "ed Oct 13 19:41:10 PDT 1993 by mann                     *)\n(*      mod"
 & "ified on Mon Jul 19 11:59:36 PDT 1993 by perl                     *)\n\n"
 & "let codesColor = color_named(\"White\");\nlet codesLabelColor = color_n"
 & "amed(\"Black\");\nlet codesHiliteLabelColor = color_named(\"DarkRed\");"
 & "\nlet arrowColor = color_named(\"DarkRed\");\nlet rowIndexColor = color"
 & "_named(\"Pink\");\nlet rowIndexLabelColor = color_named(\"Black\");\nle"
 & "t otherIndexColor = color_named(\"White\");\nlet otherIndexLabelColor ="
 & " color_named(\"DarkGray\");\nlet alphaColor = color_named(\"LightYellow"
 & "\");\nlet alphaLabelColor = color_named(\"Black\");\nlet initialColor ="
 & " color_named(\"DarkGray\");\nlet initialLabelColor = color_named(\"Blac"
 & "k\");\n(*!! let shadowColor = color_named(\"LightGray\");*)\nlet shadow"
 & "Color = color_named(\"VerySlightlyLightGray\");\nlet shadowLabelColor ="
 & " color_named(\"Black\");\nlet ghostColor = color_named(\"White\");\nlet"
 & " ghostLabelColor = color_named(\"Gray\");\nlet duplColor = color_named("
 & "\"LightGray\");\nlet duplLabelColor = color_named(\"VeryDarkGray\");\n\n"
 & "(***\nlet charColorNames = [\"LightVividBlue\",\n                      "
 & "\"VerySlightlyLightQuiteVividRed\",\n                      \"VerySlight"
 & "lyLightVividGreen\",\n                      \"Yellow\",\n              "
 & "        \"VerySlightlyLightPurple\",\n                      \"VividRedd"
 & "ishOrange\"];\n***)\nlet charColorNames = [\"VerySlightlyLightQuiteVivi"
 & "dRed\",\n                      \"VerySlightlyDarkVividGreen\",\n       "
 & "               \"SlightlyLightVividBlue\",\n                      \"Red"
 & "dishVividOrange\",\n                      \"VerySlightlyLightPurple\",\n"
 & "                      \"VerySlightlyDark";

CONST E113_0 =
   "VeryVividYellow\"];\n\nlet charColors = foreach c in charColorNames map"
 & " color_named(c) end;\n\nlet makeDippingPath = proc(startX, endX, y, dip"
 & ")\n    proc(t)\n        [ (startX * (1.0 - t)) + (endX * t),\n\t  y + ("
 & "dip * (0.25 - ((t - 0.5) * (t - 0.5))))]\n    end\nend;\n\nlet view =\n"
 & "  {\n    graphvbt => graph_new(),\n    vertexFont => ok,\n    codes => "
 & "{array => ok, vtx => ok},\n    last => {chars => ok, vtx => ok},\n    x"
 & "last => {chars => ok, vtx => ok},\n    first => {chars => ok, vtx => ok"
 & ", vtxColor => ok, pendingMoves => ok},\n    n => 0,\n    alphalen => 0,"
 & "\n    colorIndex => -1,\n    rowIndices => ok,\n    rowIndex => ok,\n  "
 & "  rowIndexVtx => ok,\n    codeSearchArrow => ok,\n\n    InitDecode => m"
 & "eth(self, alpha, codes, rowIndex)\n    (* Start of phase where we recon"
 & "struct lastchars from codes. *)\n        self.n := #(codes);\n\tself.xl"
 & "ast.chars := alpha;\n\tself.alphalen := text_length(alpha);\n        se"
 & "lf.vertexFont := graph_newFont(self.graphvbt, \"Helvetica\",\n         "
 & "                                0.5, \"Roman\", \"bold\", \"*\");\n\tle"
 & "t north = ~5.25,\n            south = float(self.n),\n            west "
 & "= -(float(self.alphalen) + 1.0),\n            east = float(self.n) + 1."
 & "0;\n\tgraph_setWorld(self.graphvbt, west, east, north, south);\n\tgraph"
 & "_setAspect(self.graphvbt, (south - north) / (east - west));\n\tgraph_se"
 & "tPixelSizeDivisor(self.graphvbt,\n                                  rou"
 & "nd(east - west),\n\t\t\t          round(south - north));\n\n        sel"
 & "f.xlast.vtx := array_new(self.alphalen + self.n, ok);\n        for i = "
 & "0 to self.alphalen - 1 do\n            let v = graph_newVertex(self.gra"
 & "phvbt);\n            self.xlast.vtx[i] := v;\n\t    graph_setVertexSize"
 & "(v, 0.0, 0.0); (*avoid glitches*)\n            graph_setVertexLabel(v, "
 & "text_sub(self.xlast.chars, i, 1));\n            graph_setVertexFont(v, "
 & "self.vertexFont);\n            graph_setVertexColor(v, alphaColor);\n  "
 & "          graph_setVertexLabelColor(v, alphaLabelColor);\n            g"
 & "raph_setVertexBorder(v, 0.05);\n            graph_moveVertex(v, float(i"
 & " - (2 *";

CONST E113_1 =
   "phalen)) - 4.0, ~2.0,\n                             false);\n        en"
 & "d;\n\n := codes;\n := arr"
 & "ay_new(self.n, ok);\n        for i = 0 to self.n - 1 do\n            le"
 & "t v = graph_newVertex(self.graphvbt);\n  [i] :="
 & " v;\n            graph_setVertexLabel(v, fmt_int(codes[i]));\n         "
 & "   graph_setVertexFont(v, self.vertexFont);\n            graph_setVerte"
 & "xColor(v, codesColor);\n            graph_setVertexLabelColor(v, codesL"
 & "abelColor);\n            graph_setVertexBorder(v, 0.05);\n            g"
 & "raph_moveVertex(v, float(i), ~4.25, false);\n\t    graph_setVertexSize("
 & "v, 0.95, 0.95);\n        end;\n\n\tlet v = graph_newVertex(self.graphvb"
 & "t);\n\tself.rowIndex := rowIndex;\n\tself.rowIndexVtx := v;\n\tgraph_se"
 & "tVertexShape(v, \"ellipse\");\n\tgraph_setVertexLabel(v, fmt_int(self.r"
 & "owIndex));\n\tgraph_setVertexFont(v, self.vertexFont);\n\tgraph_setVert"
 & "exColor(v, rowIndexColor);\n\tgraph_setVertexLabelColor(v, rowIndexLabe"
 & "lColor);\n\tgraph_setVertexBorder(v, 0.05);\n\tgraph_moveVertex(v, floa"
 & "t(self.n), ~4.25, false);\n\tgraph_setVertexSize(v, 0.95, 0.95);\n\n   "
 & "     graph_redisplay(self.graphvbt);\n    end,\n\t\n    StartDecode => "
 & "meth(self)\n        for i = 0 to self.alphalen - 1 do\n\t    graph_setV"
 & "ertexSize(self.xlast.vtx[i], 0.95, 0.95);\n            graph_moveVertex"
 & "(self.xlast.vtx[i],\n                             float(i - self.alphal"
 & "en), ~2.0, true);\n\tend;\n\n\tzeus_animate(self.graphvbt, 0.0, 1.0);\n"
 & "\n\tself.rowIndices := array_new(self.n, ok);\n    end,\n\n    DecodeNe"
 & "xtCode => meth(self, i)\n    (* Looking at i\'th code, before starting "
 & "to find its corresponding\n       character.\n     *)\n\tlet v = self.c"
 & "odes.vtx[i];\n\tgraph_setVertexLabelColor(v, codesHiliteLabelColor);\n\t"
 & "graph_setVertexBorder(v, 0.12);\n\n\tlet v = graph_newVertex(self.graph"
 & "vbt);\n\tself.codeSearchArrow := v;\n\tgraph_setVertexFont(v, self.vert"
 & "exFont);\n\tgraph_setVertexColor(v, codesColor);\n\tgraph_setVertexLabe"
 & "lColor(v, codesHiliteLabelColor);\n\tgraph_setVertexBorder(v, 0.12);\n\t"
 & "graph_setVertexSize(v, 0.95,";

CONST E113_2 =
   " 0.95);\n\tgraph_setVertexLabel(self.codeSearchArrow, \"0\");\n  \tgrap"
 & "h_moveVertex(self.codeSearchArrow, float(i), ~3.0, false);\n        gra"
 & "ph_redisplay(self.graphvbt);\n    end,\n\n    DecodeDistinctCount => me"
 & "th(self, i, k, n)\n    (* Found another distinct character at position "
 & "k in xchars while looking \n       for the character corresponding to c"
 & "ode i. The number of distinct \n       characters found so far is n. *)"
 & "\n\n  \tgraph_moveVertex(self.codeSearchArrow, float(k - self.alphalen)"
 & ",\n                         ~3.0, true);\n\tzeus_animate(self.graphvbt,"
 & " 0.0, 1.0);\n\tgraph_setVertexLabel(self.codeSearchArrow, fmt_int(n));\n"
 & "        graph_redisplay(self.graphvbt);\n    end,\n\n    DecodeFoundCha"
 & "r => meth(self, i, k, c)\n    (* Found that the character for code i is"
 & " at position k in the\n       concatenated alphabet and current string "
 & "and its value is c. *)\n\n  \tgraph_moveVertex(self.codeSearchArrow, fl"
 & "oat(k - self.alphalen),\n                         ~3.0, true);\n\tzeus_"
 & "animate(self.graphvbt, 0.0, 1.0);\n\n        self.xlast.chars := self.x"
 & "last.chars &\n                            text_sub(self.xlast.chars, k,"
 & " 1);\n        let v = graph_newVertex(self.graphvbt);\n        self.xla"
 & "st.vtx[i + self.alphalen] := v;\n        graph_setVertexLabel(v, text_s"
 & "ub(self.xlast.chars, k, 1));\n\tgraph_setVertexFont(v, self.vertexFont)"
 & ";\n\tgraph_setVertexSize(v, 0.95, 0.95);\n\tgraph_setVertexBorder(v, 0."
 & "05);\n        graph_vertexToFront(v);\n  \tgraph_setVertexColor(v, alph"
 & "aColor);\n  \tgraph_setVertexLabelColor(v, alphaLabelColor);\n\n       "
 & " graph_setVertexColor(self.xlast.vtx[k], duplColor);\n        graph_set"
 & "VertexLabelColor(self.xlast.vtx[k], duplLabelColor);\n\n\tlet pathfunc "
 & "= makeDippingPath(float(k - self.alphalen),\n                          "
 & "             float(i), ~2.0, 2.0);\n\tgraph_moveVertexOnPath(v, pathfun"
 & "c);\n        zeus_animate(self.graphvbt, 1.0, 2.0);\n\tgraph_removeVert"
 & "ex(self.codeSearchArrow);\n        self.codeSearchArrow := ok;\n\tlet v"
 & " =[i];\n  \tgraph_setVertexColor(v, ghostColor);\n  \tgr"
 & "aph_setVe";

CONST E113_3 =
   "rtexLabelColor(v, ghostLabelColor);\n\tgraph_setVertexBorder(v, 0.05);\n"
 & "\tgraph_redisplay(self.graphvbt);\n    end,\n\n    DecodeDone => meth(s"
 & "elf, t, rowIndex)\n    (* Declare computed lastchars array. *)\n       "
 & " self.last.chars := t;\n        self.last.vtx := array_sub(self.xlast.v"
 & "tx, self.alphalen, self.n);\n\n(*****\n        for m = 0 to self.alphal"
 & "en-1 do\n\t    graph_moveVertex(self.xlast.vtx[m],\n                   "
 & "          float(m - (2 *self.alphalen)) - 4.0,\n\t\t\t     ~2.0, true);"
 & "\n        end;\n*****)\n        (* ghost alpha vertices *)\n        for"
 & " m = 0 to self.alphalen-1 do\n\t    graph_setVertexColor(self.xlast.vtx"
 & "[m], ghostColor);\n\t    graph_setVertexLabelColor(self.xlast.vtx[m], g"
 & "hostLabelColor);\n        end;\n\tzeus_animate(self.graphvbt, 0.0, 2.0 "
 & "(*!!*));\n(****\n        for m = 0 to self.alphalen-1 do\n            g"
 & "raph_removeVertex(self.xlast.vtx[m]);\n        end;\n****)\n\tgraph_red"
 & "isplay(self.graphvbt);\n    end,\n\n    StartReconstruct => meth(self, "
 & "lastchars, rowIndex)\n    (* Start of phase where we reconstruct the or"
 & "iginal string from\n       lastchars and rowIndex.\n     *)\n        fo"
 & "r i = 0 to self.n-1 do\n            let v = self.last.vtx[i];\n\t    gr"
 & "aph_setVertexColor(self.last.vtx[i], initialColor);\n\t    graph_setVer"
 & "texLabelColor(self.last.vtx[i], initialLabelColor);\n            graph_"
 & "moveVertex(v, ~1.0, float(i), true);\n\n\t    let w = graph_newVertex(s"
 & "elf.graphvbt);\n            graph_moveVertex(w, float(i), ~2.0, false);"
 & "\n\t    graph_setVertexLabel(w, text_sub(self.last.chars, i, 1));\n\t  "
 & "  graph_setVertexSize(w, 0.95, 0.95);\n\t    graph_setVertexColor(w, gh"
 & "ostColor);\n            graph_setVertexLabelColor(w, ghostLabelColor);\n"
 & "            graph_setVertexFont(w, self.vertexFont);\n            graph"
 & "_setVertexBorder(w, 0.05);\n\n            zeus_animate(self.graphvbt, f"
 & "loat(i)/float(self.n),\n                         (float(i)+1.0)/float(s"
 & "elf.n));\n        end;\n    end,\n\n    FirstChars => meth(self, t)\n  "
 & "  (* Declare sorted firstchars array. *)\n        self.first.vtx := arr"
 & "ay_new(self.";

CONST E113_4 =
   "n, ok);\n        self.first.pendingMoves := [];\n        self.first.vtx"
 & "Color := array_new(self.n, ok);\n        self.first.chars := t;\n      "
 & "  let tmp = array_new(self.n, ok);\n        for i = 0 to self.n-1 do\n "
 & "           let v = graph_newVertex(self.graphvbt);\n            graph_m"
 & "oveVertex(v, ~1.0, float(i), false);\n\t    graph_setVertexLabel(v, tex"
 & "t_sub(self.last.chars, i, 1));\n\t    graph_setVertexShape(v, \"rectang"
 & "le\");\n\t    graph_setVertexSize(v, 0.95, 0.95);\n\t    graph_setVerte"
 & "xColor(v, initialColor);\n            graph_setVertexLabelColor(v, init"
 & "ialLabelColor);\n            graph_setVertexFont(v, self.vertexFont);\n"
 & "            graph_setVertexBorder(v, 0.05);\n            graph_setVerte"
 & "xColor(self.last.vtx[i], shadowColor);\n            graph_setVertexLabe"
 & "lColor(self.last.vtx[i], shadowLabelColor);\n            tmp[i] := v;\n"
 & "         end;\n         let moved = array_new(self.n, false);\n        "
 & " for i = 0 to self.n-1 do\n             for j = 0 to self.n-1 do\n     "
 & "            if not(moved[j]) and\n                    (text_char(self.f"
 & "irst.chars, i) is\n                      text_char(self.last.chars, j))"
 & "\n                 then\n                     graph_vertexToFront(tmp[j"
 & "]);\n                     graph_moveVertex(tmp[j], 0.0, float(i), true)"
 & ";\n                     self.first.vtx[i] := tmp[j];\n                 "
 & "    moved[j] := true;\n                     zeus_animate(self.graphvbt,"
 & "\n                         (float(i)) / 2.0,\n                         "
 & "(float(i)+1.0) / 2.0 );\n                     exit;\n                 e"
 & "nd;\n             end;\n         end;\n    end,\n\n    ConsiderChar => "
 & "meth(self, i)\n    (* About to look for match for element i for firstch"
 & "ars *)\n\tself.colorIndex := (self.colorIndex + 1) % #(charColors);\n\t"
 & "let c = charColors[self.colorIndex];\n\tlet v = self.first.vtx[i];\n\tg"
 & "raph_setVertexColor(v, c);\n\tgraph_redisplay(self.graphvbt);\n    end,"
 & "\n\n\n    EqualChars => meth(self, i, j)\n    (* Decided element i of f"
 & "irstchars matches element j of lastchars. *)\n\tlet c = charColors[self"
 & ".col";

CONST E113_5 =
   "orIndex];\n\tlet v = self.last.vtx[j];\n\tgraph_setVertexColor(v, c);\n"
 & "        graph_redisplay(self.graphvbt);\n    end,\n\n    FinishCharRun "
 & "=> meth(self)\n    (* Done with a run of identical chars in firstchar c"
 & "olumn. *)\n\tok\n    end,\n\n    StartResult => meth(self)\n    (* Setu"
 & "p to pick off result chars. *)\n\tfor i = 0 to self.n - 1 do\n\t    let"
 & " v = graph_newVertex(self.graphvbt);\n\t    self.rowIndices[i] := v;\n\t"
 & "    graph_setVertexLabel(v, fmt_int(i));\n\t    graph_setVertexFont(v, "
 & "self.vertexFont);\n\t    graph_setVertexColor(v, otherIndexColor);\n\t "
 & "   graph_setVertexLabelColor(v, otherIndexLabelColor);\n\t    graph_mov"
 & "eVertex(v, ~2.0, float(i), false);\n\t    graph_setVertexSize(v, 0.95, "
 & "0.95);\n\tend;\n\tgraph_redisplay(self.graphvbt);\n\n        let v = gr"
 & "aph_newVertex(self.graphvbt);\n\tgraph_setVertexLabel(v, fmt_int(self.r"
 & "owIndex));\n\tgraph_setVertexFont(v, self.vertexFont);\n\tgraph_setVert"
 & "exColor(v, ghostColor);\n\tgraph_setVertexLabelColor(v, ghostLabelColor"
 & ");\n\tgraph_setVertexShape(v, \"ellipse\");\n\tgraph_moveVertex(v, floa"
 & "t(self.n), ~4.25, false);\n\tgraph_setVertexBorder(v, 0.05);\n\tgraph_v"
 & "ertexToFront(self.rowIndexVtx);\n\tgraph_setVertexSize(v, 0.95, 0.95);\n"
 & "\tgraph_moveVertex(self.rowIndexVtx, ~2.0, float(self.rowIndex), true);"
 & "\n\tzeus_animate(self.graphvbt, 0.0, 1.0);\n    end,\n\n    ResultNextC"
 & "har => meth(self, pos, k)\n    (* Pick off the pos\'th element of first"
 & "chars and put into the\n       k\'th position in the result string. *)\n"
 & "       if pos is self.rowIndex then\n\t    (* Just gray out the extra c"
 & "opy of the last character *)\n    \t    let v = self.last.vtx[self.rowI"
 & "ndex];\n\t    graph_setVertexColor(v, ghostColor);\n\t    graph_setVert"
 & "exLabelColor(v, ghostLabelColor);\n       else\n           let sv1 = se"
 & "lf.last.vtx[pos];\n           self.last.vtx[pos] := graph_newVertex(sel"
 & "f.graphvbt);\n           let sv2 = self.first.vtx[pos];\n           sel"
 & "f.first.vtx[pos] := graph_newVertex(self.graphvbt);\n           graph_m"
 & "oveVertex(self.last.vtx[pos], ~1.0, float(pos), false);\n           gra"
 & "ph_setVertexLabel(self.l";

CONST E113_6 =
   "ast.vtx[pos],\n                                text_sub(self.last.chars"
 & ", pos, 1));\n           graph_setVertexSize(self.last.vtx[pos], 0.95, 0"
 & ".95);\n           graph_setVertexColor(self.last.vtx[pos], ghostColor);"
 & "\n           graph_setVertexLabelColor(self.last.vtx[pos], ghostLabelCo"
 & "lor);\n           graph_setVertexFont(self.last.vtx[pos], self.vertexFo"
 & "nt);\n           graph_setVertexBorder(self.last.vtx[pos], 0.05);\n    "
 & "       graph_moveVertex(self.first.vtx[pos], 0.0, float(pos), false);\n"
 & "           graph_setVertexLabel(self.first.vtx[pos],\n                 "
 & "               text_sub(self.first.chars, pos, 1));\n           graph_s"
 & "etVertexSize(self.first.vtx[pos], 0.95, 0.95);\n           graph_setVer"
 & "texColor(self.first.vtx[pos], ghostColor);\n           graph_setVertexL"
 & "abelColor(self.first.vtx[pos], ghostLabelColor);\n           graph_setV"
 & "ertexFont(self.first.vtx[pos], self.vertexFont);\n           graph_setV"
 & "ertexBorder(self.first.vtx[pos], 0.05);\n\n           graph_vertexToFro"
 & "nt(sv1);\n           graph_vertexToFront(sv2);\n           graph_moveVe"
 & "rtex(sv1, float(k-1), float(self.rowIndex),\n                          "
 & "  true);\n           graph_moveVertex(sv2, float(k), float(self.rowInde"
 & "x),\n                            true);\n       end;\n       zeus_anima"
 & "te(self.graphvbt, 0.0, 1.0);\n    end,\n\n    EndResult => meth(self)\n"
 & "    (* Done *)\n\tfor i = 0 to self.n - 1 do\n\t    graph_setVertexColo"
 & "r(self.rowIndices[i], ghostColor);\n   \t    graph_setVertexLabelColor("
 & "self.rowIndices[i], ghostLabelColor);\n        end;\n\tgraph_setVertexC"
 & "olor(self.rowIndexVtx, ghostColor);\n\tgraph_setVertexLabelColor(self.r"
 & "owIndexVtx, ghostLabelColor);\n\tgraph_redisplay(self.graphvbt);\n    e"
 & "nd\n\n  };\n";

CONST E114 =
   "; Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.\n; All rights rese"
 & "rved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n;\n; Last modi"
 & "fied on Wed Feb  8 15:29:09 PST 1995 by kalsow\n\n;********************"
 & "************************************************\n;  NOTE: This file is"
 & " generated automatically from the event \n;        definition file Sort"
 & ".evt.\n;***************************************************************"
 & "*****\n\n(VBox\n  (Border (Pen 1)\n    (Shape\n      (Height 75 - 25 + "
 & "Inf)\n      (Viewport\n        (HBox\n          (Glue 4 + Inf)\n       "
 & "   (VBox\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n   "
 & "           (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n               "
 & "                 \"Code View events:   Stop? \") \n                    "
 & "(Boolean %stopatCodeEvents =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n"
 & "                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n    "
 & "                (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitatCodeEvents =1 \n     "
 & "                                          (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n      "
 & "      (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox"
 & " Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                               "
 & " \"Init:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtInit =TRUE \""
 & "\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width +"
 & " 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) ("
 & "Numeric %waitAtInit =1 \n                                              "
 & " (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Heigh"
 & "t 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n "
 & "                               \"SetVal:   Stop? \") \n                "
 & "    (Boolean %stopAtSetVal =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n"
 & "                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n    "
 & "                (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtSetVal =1 \n         "
 & "                                      (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n          "
 & "  (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fil"
 & "l (Sha";

CONST E114_0 =
   "pe (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"SwapElt"
 & "s:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtSwapElts =TRUE \"\""
 & ")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0"
 & ") (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Nu"
 & "meric %waitAtSwapElts =1 \n                                            "
 & "   (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Hei"
 & "ght 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n"
 & "                                \"StartPass:   Stop? \") \n            "
 & "        (Boolean %stopAtStartPass =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glu"
 & "e 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \""
 & ")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtStartPass =1 \n"
 & "                                               (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n "
 & "           (Glue 6)\n          )\n          (Glue 4)\n          (VBox\n"
 & "            (Glue 5)\n            (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \""
 & "Cts:\")\n            (Button %eventCounts\n              (VBox\n       "
 & "         (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Heigh"
 & "t 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfInit \"0\")))\n"
 & "                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0)"
 & " (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfSetVal "
 & "\"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape ("
 & "Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %c"
 & "tOfSwapElts \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox F"
 & "ill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                              "
 & "    (Text %ctOfStartPass \"0\")))\n                (Glue 3))))\n       "
 & "   Fill\n          (Glue 4 + Inf)\n        )\n      )\n    )\n  )\n)\n";

CONST E115 =
   "; Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation\n; All rights reser"
 & "ved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n\n(Scale\n  (HS"
 & "cale 1)\n  (VScale 1)\n  (LabelFont (Family \"Courier\"))\n  (Rim\n    "
 & "(Pen 10)\n    (VBox\n      (Shape\n        (Height + 0)\n        (HBox\n"
 & "          (Shape\n            (Width + 0)\n            (HBox\n         "
 & "     (VBox (Text \"Vertex: \") (Text RightAlign \"val: \"))\n          "
 & "    (VBox\n                (Font (Family \"Courier\"))\n               "
 & " (Text\n                  LeftAlign\n                  \"A B C D E F G "
 & "H I J K L M\")\n                (Text\n                  LeftAlign\n   "
 & "               %val\n                  \"* * * * * * * * * * * * *\")))"
 & ")\n          Fill))\n      Fill)))\n";

CONST E116 =
   "(* Copyright 1993 Digital Equipment Corporation.                       "
 & "      *)\n(* Distributed only by permission.                           "
 & "                *)\n(*                                                 "
 & "                          *)\n(* Last modified on Thu Oct 14 17:06:57 P"
 & "DT 1993 by heydon                   *)\n(*      modified on Tue Aug 10 "
 & "23:56:52 PDT 1993 by rsanchez                 *)\n\n(* This view shows "
 & "the total number of steps that each packet needs *)\n(* to traverse to "
 & "go from its source to its destination node.       *)\n(* (Condensed Ver"
 & "sion).                                             *)\n\nlet MoveColor "
 & "= color_named(\"Green\");\nlet NoMoveColor = color_named(\"Yellow\");\n"
 & "let BlockedColor = color_named(\"Red\");\nlet InitialColor = color_name"
 & "d(\"Black\");\nlet FinishedColor = color_named(\"Black\");\nlet LabelCo"
 & "lor = color_named(\"Black\");\nlet BackgroundColor = color_named(\"Whit"
 & "e\");\nlet EdgeColor = color_named(\"Black\");\nlet BorderColor = color"
 & "_named(\"Black\");\n\nlet CondColor = [MoveColor, NoMoveColor, BlockedC"
 & "olor];\n\nlet moveIndx = 0;\nlet noMoveIndx = 1;\nlet blockedIndx = 2;\n"
 & "\nlet BarWidth = 0.40;\nlet Gap = 0.05;\nlet SouthInit = ~3.0;\nlet Bor"
 & "derSize = 0.0;\nlet ScaleFactor = 1.5;\n\nlet PartialColumns = 3;\nlet "
 & "TotalColumnIndex = 3;\nlet LabelColumns = 4;\n\nlet FontFromSize =\n  p"
 & "roc(g, sz)\n      graph_newFont(g, \"Helvetica\", sz, \"Roman\", \"bold"
 & "\", \"*\")\n  end;\n\nlet MoveTextVertex =\n  proc(vtx, font, width, he"
 & "ight, x, y)\n    graph_setVertexFont(vtx, font);\n    graph_moveVertex("
 & "vtx, x, y, false);\n    graph_setVertexSize(vtx, width, height);\n  end"
 & ";\n\nlet MakeTextVertex =\n  proc(vtx, font, width, height, x, y)\n    "
 & "graph_setVertexColor(vtx, BackgroundColor);\n    graph_setVertexLabelCo"
 & "lor(vtx, LabelColor);\n    MoveTextVertex(vtx, font, width, height, x, "
 & "y)\n  end;\n\nlet MoveBlockVertex =\n  proc(vtx, width, height, x, y)\n"
 & "    graph_setVertexSize(vtx, width, height);\n    graph_moveVertex(vtx,"
 & " x, y, false);\n  end;\n    \nlet MakeBlockVertex =\n  proc(vtx, clr, w"
 & "idth, height, x, y)\n    grap";

CONST E116_0 =
   "h_setVertexBorder(vtx, 0.05);\n    graph_setVertexBorderColor(vtx, Bord"
 & "erColor); \n    graph_setVertexColor(vtx, clr);\n    MoveBlockVertex(vt"
 & "x, width, height, x, y)\n  end;\n\nlet view =\n  {\n    graphvbt => gra"
 & "ph_new(),\n    pktCnt => ok,\n    steps => 0,\n    maxSteps => ok,\n   "
 & " hopsT => ok,\n    vtxFont => ok,\n    fontSize => 0.5,\n    border => "
 & "BorderSize,\n    labelH => 1.0,\n    yLabels1 => ok,\n    yLabels2 => o"
 & "k,\n    yLabels3 => ok,\n    labels1 => ok,\n    labels2 => ok,\n    la"
 & "bels3 => ok,\n    totalMove => 0,\n    totalNoMove => 0,\n    totalBloc"
 & "ked => 0,\n    east => ok,\n    west => ok,\n    north => ok,\n    sout"
 & "h => ok,\n    labelW => meth(self) (self.east - self.west) / float(Labe"
 & "lColumns+2) end,\n\n    xLoc => meth(self, index)\n       self.west + ("
 & "self.labelW * float(index+1))\n    end,\n\n    StartPackets => meth (se"
 & "lf, pktCnt)\n      self.west := ~1.0;\n      self.east := float(pktCnt)"
 & ";\n      self.north := 11.0;\n      self.south := ~4.0;\n      self.max"
 & "Steps := 10.0;\n      self.fontSize := 1.0;\n      self.yLabels1 := ~1."
 & "0;\n      self.yLabels2 := ~2.0;\n      self.yLabels3 := ~3.0;\n      g"
 & "raph_setWorld(self.graphvbt, \n                     self.west, self.eas"
 & "t, self.north, self.south);\n      self.vtxFont := FontFromSize("
 & "aphvbt, self.fontSize);\n\n      self.pktCnt := pktCnt;\n\n      self.h"
 & "opsT := array_new(pktCnt, ok);\n      self.labels1 := array_new(LabelCo"
 & "lumns, ok);\n      self.labels2 := array_new(LabelColumns, ok);\n      "
 & "self.labels3 := array_new(LabelColumns, ok);\n\n      for i = 0 to pktC"
 & "nt-1 do\n        let vtx1 = graph_newVertex(self.graphvbt);\n        gr"
 & "aph_vertexToBack(vtx1);\n\tgraph_setVertexBorder(vtx1, self.border);\n\t"
 & "graph_setVertexBorderColor(vtx1, BackgroundColor); \n\tgraph_setVertexC"
 & "olor(vtx1, MoveColor);\n\tgraph_moveVertex(vtx1, float(i), self.border/"
 & "2.0, false);\n\tgraph_setVertexSize(vtx1, 0.95, self.border);\n\tself.h"
 & "opsT[i] := {\n          minNumHops => 0,\n\t  moved => false,\n\t  bloc"
 & "ked => false,\n\t  progress => true,\n\t  finished => false,\n\t  src ="
 & "> ok,\n\t  dst => ok,\n\t ";

CONST E116_1 =
   " vmove => vtx1,\n\t  vlastblocked => ok,\n\t  blockedTempCnt => 0,\n\t "
 & " vlastnomove => ok,\n\t  noMoveTempCnt => 0\n        };\n      end;\n  "
 & "    for i = 0 to PartialColumns - 1 do\n        self.labels1[i] := grap"
 & "h_newVertex(self.graphvbt); \n        MakeBlockVertex(self.labels1[i], "
 & "CondColor[i], \n                        self.labelW, self.labelH,\n    "
 & "                    self.xLoc(i), self.yLabels1);\n      end;\n\n      "
 & "self.labels1[TotalColumnIndex] := graph_newVertex(self.graphvbt);\n\n  "
 & "    MakeTextVertex(self.labels1[TotalColumnIndex], self.vtxFont, \n    "
 & "                 self.labelW * 2.0, self.labelH,\n                     "
 & "self.xLoc(TotalColumnIndex+1), self.yLabels1);\n\n      graph_setVertex"
 & "Label(self.labels1[TotalColumnIndex], \"Total:\");\n\n      for i = 0 t"
 & "o PartialColumns - 1 do                        \n        self.labels2[i"
 & "] := graph_newVertex(self.graphvbt);\n        MakeTextVertex(self.label"
 & "s2[i], self.vtxFont, \n                        self.labelW, self.labelH"
 & ",\n                        self.xLoc(i), self.yLabels2);\n        graph"
 & "_setVertexLabel(self.labels2[i], \"0\");\n\n        self.labels3[i] := "
 & "graph_newVertex(self.graphvbt);\n        MakeTextVertex(self.labels3[i]"
 & ", self.vtxFont, \n                        self.labelW, self.labelH,\n  "
 & "                      self.xLoc(i), self.yLabels3);\n        graph_setV"
 & "ertexLabel(self.labels3[i], \"0%\");\n      end;\n\n      self.labels2["
 & "TotalColumnIndex] := graph_newVertex(self.graphvbt);\n      MakeTextVer"
 & "tex(self.labels2[TotalColumnIndex], self.vtxFont, \n                   "
 & "   self.labelW, self.labelH,\n                      self.xLoc(TotalColu"
 & "mnIndex+1), self.yLabels2);\n      graph_setVertexLabel(self.labels2[To"
 & "talColumnIndex], \"0\");\n\n      self.labels3[TotalColumnIndex] := gra"
 & "ph_newVertex(self.graphvbt);\n      MakeTextVertex(self.labels3[TotalCo"
 & "lumnIndex], self.vtxFont, \n                      self.labelW * 2.0, se"
 & "lf.labelH,\n                      self.xLoc(TotalColumnIndex+1), self.y"
 & "Labels3);\n      graph_setVertexLabel(self.labels3[TotalColumnIndex], ";

CONST E116_2 =
   "\"0 Step(s)\");\n\n    end,\n\n    NewPacket => meth (self, id, source,"
 & " dest, fewestHops, name)\n      self.hopsT[id].minNumHops := fewestHops"
 & ";\n      self.hopsT[id].src := source;\n      self.hopsT[id].dst := des"
 & "t;\n    end,\n\n    EndPackets => meth (self)\n      graph_redisplay(se"
 & "lf.graphvbt);\n    end,\n\n    Blocked => meth(self, id, fromN, toN)\n "
 & "     self.hopsT[id].blocked := true;\n      self.totalBlocked := self.t"
 & "otalBlocked + 1;\n    end,\n\n    MovePacket => meth(self, id, fromN, t"
 & "oN) \n      self.hopsT[id].moved := true;\n      self.totalMove := self"
 & ".totalMove + 1; \n    end,\n\n    Absorb => meth(self, id, node)\n     "
 & " self.hopsT[id].progress := false;\n    end,\n\n    Step => meth (self)"
 & "\n      let Percent = proc(num, denom)\n        fmt_int(round((100.0 * "
 & "float(num)) / float(denom))) & \"%\"\n      end;\n\n      self.steps :="
 & " self.steps + 1;\n      if float(self.steps) > self.maxSteps then\n    "
 & "    self.maxSteps := self.maxSteps * ScaleFactor;\n        self.north :"
 & "= self.north * ScaleFactor;\n\tself.south := self.south * ScaleFactor;\n"
 & "\tself.fontSize := self.fontSize * ScaleFactor;\n\tself.border := self."
 & "border * ScaleFactor;\n\tself.labelH := self.labelH * ScaleFactor;\n   "
 & "     self.yLabels1 := self.yLabels1 * ScaleFactor;\n        self.yLabel"
 & "s2 := self.yLabels2 * ScaleFactor;\n        self.yLabels3 := self.yLabe"
 & "ls3 * ScaleFactor;\n\n        var index = ok, width = ok;\n\tfor i = 0 "
 & "to LabelColumns - 1 do\n\t  index := i; width := self.labelW;\n        "
 & "  if i is TotalColumnIndex then\n            index := index + 1;\n     "
 & "       width := width * 2.0\n          end;\n\t  MoveBlockVertex(self.l"
 & "abels1[i], \n\t    width, self.labelH, self.xLoc(index), self.yLabels1)"
 & ";\n          MoveTextVertex(self.labels2[i], self.vtxFont,\n           "
 & " width, self.labelH, self.xLoc(index), self.yLabels2);\n          MoveT"
 & "extVertex(self.labels3[i], self.vtxFont,\n            width, self.label"
 & "H, self.xLoc(index), self.yLabels3);\n\tend;\n\n        graph_setWorld("
 & "self.graphvbt, \n          self.west, self.east, self.north, self.south"
 & ");\n      end;\n";

CONST E116_3 =
   "\n      for i = 0 to self.pktCnt-1 do\n\tif self.hopsT[i].finished is f"
 & "alse then\n          if self.hopsT[i].moved is false then\n            "
 & "if self.hopsT[i].blocked is true then\n\t      self.hopsT[i].blocked :="
 & " false;\n\t      if self.hopsT[i].vlastnomove isnot ok then\n\t\tself.h"
 & "opsT[i].vlastnomove := ok;\n\t\tself.hopsT[i].noMoveTempCnt := 0;\n    "
 & "          end;\n\t      if self.hopsT[i].vlastblocked is ok then\n\t\tl"
 & "et vblocked = graph_newVertex(self.graphvbt);\n\t\tgraph_setVertexBorde"
 & "r(vblocked, self.border);\n\t\tgraph_setVertexBorderColor(vblocked, col"
 & "or_rgb(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));\n\t\tgraph_setVertexColor(vblocked, BlockedColo"
 & "r);\n\t\tgraph_moveVertex(vblocked,\n\t\t\t\t  float(i), float(self.ste"
 & "ps) - 0.5, false);\n                graph_setVertexSize(vblocked,  0.95"
 & ", 1.0);\n\t\tself.hopsT[i].vlastblocked:= vblocked;\n\t\tself.hopsT[i]."
 & "blockedTempCnt := 1;\n              else\n\t\tself.hopsT[i].blockedTemp"
 & "Cnt := \n                                    self.hopsT[i].blockedTempC"
 & "nt + 1;\n\t\tgraph_moveVertex(self.hopsT[i].vlastblocked,\n\t\t        "
 & "         float(i),\n\t\t                 float(self.steps) -\n\t\t     "
 & "               (float(self.hopsT[i].blockedTempCnt)/2.0),\n\t\t        "
 & "         false);\n                graph_setVertexSize(self.hopsT[i].vla"
 & "stblocked,\n\t\t\t\t    0.95, float(self.hopsT[i].blockedTempCnt));\n  "
 & "            end;\n            else\n\t      if self.hopsT[i].vlastblock"
 & "ed isnot ok then\n\t\tself.hopsT[i].vlastblocked := ok;\n\t\tself.hopsT"
 & "[i].blockedTempCnt := 0;\n\t      end;\n              self.totalNoMove "
 & ":= self.totalNoMove + 1;\n\t      if self.hopsT[i].vlastnomove is ok th"
 & "en\n\t        let vnomove = graph_newVertex(self.graphvbt);\n\t        "
 & "graph_setVertexBorder(vnomove, self.border);\n\t        graph_setVertex"
 & "BorderColor(vnomove, color_rgb(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)); \n\t        graph_setVe"
 & "rtexColor(vnomove, NoMoveColor);\n\t        graph_moveVertex(vnomove, \n"
 & "\t\t\t       float(i), float(self.steps) - 0.5, false);\n              "
 & "  graph_setVertexSize(vnomove, 0.95, 1.0); \n\t        self.hopsT[i].vl"
 & "astnomove := vnomove;\n\t        self.hopsT[i";

CONST E116_4 =
   "].noMoveTempCnt := 1;\n              else\n\t        self.hopsT[i].noMo"
 & "veTempCnt := self.hopsT[i].noMoveTempCnt + 1;\n                graph_mo"
 & "veVertex(self.hopsT[i].vlastnomove,\n\t\t  float(i),  \n\t\t  float(sel"
 & "f.steps)-(float(self.hopsT[i].noMoveTempCnt)/2.0),\n\t          false);"
 & "\n                graph_setVertexSize(self.hopsT[i].vlastnomove, \n\t\t"
 & "\t\t  0.95, float(self.hopsT[i].noMoveTempCnt));\n              end;\n "
 & "           end;\n          else\n\t    self.hopsT[i].moved := false;\n\t"
 & "    self.hopsT[i].vlastnomove := ok;\n\t    self.hopsT[i].noMoveTempCnt"
 & " := 0;\n\t    self.hopsT[i].vlastblocked := ok;\n\t    self.hopsT[i].bl"
 & "ockedTempCnt := 0;\n            graph_moveVertex(self.hopsT[i].vmove, f"
 & "loat(i),\n\t                     float(self.steps)/2.0, false);\n      "
 & "      graph_setVertexSize(self.hopsT[i].vmove, 0.95, float(self.steps))"
 & ";\n          end;\n\n          if self.hopsT[i].progress isnot true the"
 & "n\n\t    self.hopsT[i].finished := true;\n\t    let vtx = graph_newVert"
 & "ex(self.graphvbt);\n\t    graph_setVertexColor(vtx, FinishedColor);\n\t"
 & "    graph_moveVertex(vtx, float(i),\n\t\t\t     float(self.steps+1) - 0"
 & ".75, false);\n            graph_setVertexSize(vtx, 0.96, 0.5);\n       "
 & "   end;\n\n\tend;\n      end;\n\n      graph_setVertexLabel(self.labels"
 & "2[0], fmt_int(self.totalMove));\n      graph_setVertexLabel(self.labels"
 & "2[1], fmt_int(self.totalNoMove));\n      graph_setVertexLabel(self.labe"
 & "ls2[2], fmt_int(self.totalBlocked));\n\n      let sum = self.totalMove "
 & "+ self.totalNoMove + self.totalBlocked;\n      graph_setVertexLabel(sel"
 & "f.labels2[3], fmt_int(sum));\n\n      let sum = self.totalMove + self.t"
 & "otalNoMove + self.totalBlocked;\n      graph_setVertexLabel(self.labels"
 & "3[0],\n                           Percent(self.totalMove, sum));\n     "
 & " graph_setVertexLabel(self.labels3[1],\n                           Perc"
 & "ent(self.totalNoMove, sum));\n      graph_setVertexLabel(self.labels3[2"
 & "],\n                           Percent(self.totalBlocked, sum));\n     "
 & " graph_setVertexLabel(self.labels3[3], fmt_int(self.steps) & \" Step(s)"
 & "\");\n\n      gr";

CONST E116_5 =
   "aph_redisplay(self.graphvbt);\n    end\n  };\n";

CONST E117 =
   "; Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.\n; All rights rese"
 & "rved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n;\n; Last modi"
 & "fied on Wed Feb  8 15:37:06 PST 1995 by kalsow\n\n;********************"
 & "************************************************\n;  NOTE: This file is"
 & " generated automatically from the event \n;        definition file Bres"
 & "enham.evt.\n;**********************************************************"
 & "**********\n\n(VBox\n  (Rim\n    (Pen 2)\n    (HBox\n      (VBox (Glue "
 & "4) (Shape (Height + Inf) (Button %clear \"CLEAR\")) (Glue 4))\n      (G"
 & "lue 4)\n      (VBox\n        (Boolean =TRUE %alg (Text LeftAlign \"Algo"
 & "rithm events\"))\n        (Boolean =FALSE %zeus (Text LeftAlign \"Zeus "
 & "events\"))\n        (Boolean =TRUE %args (Text LeftAlign \"Display args"
 & " to events\")))\n      Fill))\n  (Bar 1)\n  (Shape (ShadowSize 0) (Heig"
 & "ht 200 + INF) (TextEdit ReadOnly %transcript)))\n";

CONST E118 =
   "; Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.\n; All rights rese"
 & "rved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n;\n; Last modi"
 & "fied on Wed Feb  8 15:37:06 PST 1995 by kalsow\n\n;********************"
 & "************************************************\n;  NOTE: This file is"
 & " generated automatically from the event \n;        definition file Maxf"
 & "low.evt.\n;************************************************************"
 & "********\n\n(VBox\n  (Rim\n    (Pen 2)\n    (HBox\n      (VBox (Glue 4)"
 & " (Shape (Height + Inf) (Button %clear \"CLEAR\")) (Glue 4))\n      (Glu"
 & "e 4)\n      (VBox\n        (Boolean =TRUE %alg (Text LeftAlign \"Algori"
 & "thm events\"))\n        (Boolean =FALSE %zeus (Text LeftAlign \"Zeus ev"
 & "ents\"))\n        (Boolean =TRUE %args (Text LeftAlign \"Display args t"
 & "o events\")))\n      Fill))\n  (Bar 1)\n  (Shape (ShadowSize 0) (Height"
 & " 200 + INF) (TextEdit ReadOnly %transcript)))\n";

CONST E119 =
   "; Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.\n; All rights rese"
 & "rved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n;\n; Last modi"
 & "fied on Wed Feb  8 15:29:09 PST 1995 by kalsow\n\n;********************"
 & "************************************************\n;  NOTE: This file is"
 & " generated automatically from the event \n;        definition file PQue"
 & "ue.evt.\n;*************************************************************"
 & "*******\n\n(VBox\n  (Border (Pen 1)\n    (Shape\n      (Height 75 - 25 "
 & "+ Inf)\n      (Viewport\n        (HBox\n          (Glue 4 + Inf)\n     "
 & "     (VBox\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n "
 & "             (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n             "
 & "                   \"Code View events:   Stop? \") \n                  "
 & "  (Boolean %stopatCodeEvents =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)"
 & "\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n  "
 & "                  (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitatCodeEvents =1 \n   "
 & "                                            (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n    "
 & "        (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HB"
 & "ox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                             "
 & "   \"Setup:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtSetup =TR"
 & "UE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Wi"
 & "dth + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width "
 & "80) (Numeric %waitAtSetup =1 \n                                        "
 & "       (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape "
 & "(Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + "
 & "0) \n                                \"InitSort:   Stop? \") \n        "
 & "            (Boolean %stopAtInitSort =TRUE \"\")\n                    ("
 & "Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight:"
 & " \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtInitSort =1"
 & " \n                                               (Min 0) (Max 100)))))"
 & "\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n           "
 & "   (HBo";

CONST E119_0 =
   "x Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                              "
 & "  \"Insert:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtInsert =T"
 & "RUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (W"
 & "idth + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width"
 & " 80) (Numeric %waitAtInsert =1 \n                                      "
 & "         (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shap"
 & "e (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height "
 & "+ 0) \n                                \"HeapOpInit:   Stop? \") \n    "
 & "                (Boolean %stopAtHeapOpInit =TRUE \"\")\n               "
 & "     (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"W"
 & "eight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtHeapO"
 & "pInit =1 \n                                               (Min 0) (Max "
 & "100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n   "
 & "           (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n               "
 & "                 \"UpHeapStep:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boole"
 & "an %stopAtUpHeapStep =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n      "
 & "              (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n          "
 & "          (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtUpHeapStep =1 \n           "
 & "                                    (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            "
 & "(Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill "
 & "(Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"Hea"
 & "pStep:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtHeapStep =TRUE"
 & " \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Widt"
 & "h + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80"
 & ") (Numeric %waitAtHeapStep =1 \n                                       "
 & "        (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape"
 & " (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height +"
 & " 0) \n                                \"PlaceElement:   Stop? \") \n   "
 & "                 (Boolean %stopAtPlaceElement =TRUE \"\")\n            "
 & "        ";

CONST E119_1 =
   "(Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight"
 & ": \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtPlaceEleme"
 & "nt =1 \n                                               (Min 0) (Max 100"
 & ")))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n      "
 & "        (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                  "
 & "              \"Remove:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %sto"
 & "pAtRemove =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                 "
 & "   (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    ("
 & "Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtRemove =1 \n                          "
 & "                     (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n     "
 & "       (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width +"
 & " 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"Compare:   Stop? \""
 & ") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtCompare =TRUE \"\")\n          "
 & "          (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0"
 & ") \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAt"
 & "Compare =1 \n                                               (Min 0) (Ma"
 & "x 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n "
 & "             (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n             "
 & "                   \"Pause:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean "
 & "%stopAtPause =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n              "
 & "      (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                  "
 & "  (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtPause =1 \n                        "
 & "                       (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n   "
 & "         (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width"
 & " + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"SortStep:   Stop"
 & "? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtSortStep =TRUE \"\")\n     "
 & "               (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Heigh"
 & "t + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %w"
 & "aitAtSortStep =1 \n                                               (Min "
 & "0) (M";

CONST E119_2 =
   "ax 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n          )\n          (Glue 4)\n   "
 & "       (VBox\n            (Glue 5)\n            (Shape (Width + 0) (Hei"
 & "ght 16 + 0) \"Cts:\")\n            (Button %eventCounts\n              "
 & "(VBox\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Wid"
 & "th + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOf"
 & "Setup \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (S"
 & "hape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (T"
 & "ext %ctOfInitSort \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                ("
 & "HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                        "
 & "          (Text %ctOfInsert \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n       "
 & "         (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n              "
 & "                    (Text %ctOfHeapOpInit \"0\")))\n                (Gl"
 & "ue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n"
 & "                                  (Text %ctOfUpHeapStep \"0\")))\n     "
 & "           (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Hei"
 & "ght 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfHeapStep \"0"
 & "\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Wid"
 & "th + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOf"
 & "PlaceElement \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox "
 & "Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                             "
 & "     (Text %ctOfRemove \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n            "
 & "    (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                   "
 & "               (Text %ctOfCompare \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n "
 & "               (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n        "
 & "                          (Text %ctOfPause \"0\")))\n                (G"
 & "lue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n"
 & "                                  (Text %ctOfSortStep \"0\")))\n       "
 & "         (Glue 3))))\n          Fill\n          (Glue 4 + Inf)\n       "
 & " )\n      )\n    )\n  )\n)\n";

CONST E120 =
   "#| Copyright 1993 Digital Equipment Corporation. |#\n#| Distributed onl"
 & "y by permission. |#\n#| Last modified on Tue Jul 13 19:31:37 PDT 1993 b"
 & "y comba |#\n#|      modified on Sun Jul 11 23:10:48 PDT 1993 by mhb |#\n"
 & "\n(VBox\n  (Glue 5)\n  (HBox (Boolean %E \"Show Errors\") Fill) (Glue 5"
 & "))\n\n";

CONST E121 =
   "(* Copyright (C) 1994, Digital Equipment Corporation         *)\n(* All"
 & " rights reserved.                                      *)\n(* See the f"
 & "ile COPYRIGHT for a full description.            *)\n\nTYPE PriorityQue"
 & "ue = RECORD\n   size: INTEGER;\n   heap: REF ARRAY OF INTEGER\n  END;\n"
 & "\n@Insert\nPROCEDURE Insert(pq: PriorityQueue; v: INTEGER) RAISES {}= @"
 & "\n  BEGIN\n@101     INC(pq.size); pq.heap[size] := v; UpHeap(size) @\n "
 & " END Insert;\n@Insert\n\n@UpHeap\nPROCEDURE UpHeap(pq: PriorityQueue; k"
 & ":INTEGER) RAISES {}=@\n  VAR v: INTEGER;\n  BEGIN\n@201     v := pq.hea"
 & "p[k]; pq.heap[0] := LAST(INTEGER); @\n@202     WHILE pq.heap[k DIV 2] <"
 & "= v DO\n      pq.heap[k] := pq.heap[k DIV 2]; k := k DIV 2 \n    END;@\n"
 & "@204     pq.heap[k] := v;@\n  END UpHeap;\n@UpHeap\n\n@Remove\nPROCEDUR"
 & "E Remove(pq: PriorityQueue): INTEGER RAISES {}=@\n  VAR outVal: INTEGER"
 & ";\n  BEGIN\n@301     outVal := pq.heap[1];\n    pq.heap[1] := pq.heap[p"
 & "q.size]; DEC(pq.size); @\n@302     DownHeap(pq, 1);@\n@303    RETURN ou"
 & "tVal;@\n  END Remove;\n@Remove\n\n@DownHeap \nPROCEDURE DownHeap(pq: Pr"
 & "iorityQueue; k: INTEGER) RAISES {} = @\n  VAR i, j, v: INTEGER;\n  BEGI"
 & "N\n@401     v := pq.heap[k];@\n    WHILE k <= pq.size DIV 2 DO\n@402   "
 & "    j := k+k;\n      IF j < pq.size THEN\n        IF pq.heap[j] < pq.he"
 & "ap[j+1] THEN\n          INC(j)\n        END;\n      END;@\n@406       I"
 & "F v >= pq.heap[j] THEN\n        EXIT;\n      END;@\n@408       pq.heap["
 & "k] := pq.heap[j]; k := j;@\n    END;\n@409     pq.heap[k] := v;@\n  END"
 & " DownHeap;\n@DownHeap\n\n\n@HeapSort\nPROCEDURE HeapSort(pq: PriorityQu"
 & "eue) RAISES {} = @\n  VAR t: INTEGER;\n  BEGIN\n@501     FOR k :="
 & "ze DIV 2 TO 1 BY -1 DO @\n@502       DownHeap(pq, k); @\n    END; \n@50"
 & "3     (* array is now a heap *)@\n    REPEAT \n@504       t := pq.heap["
 & "1]; pq.heap[1] := pq.heap[pq.size];\n      pq.heap[pq.size] := t;\n    "
 & "  DEC[pq.size];@\n@505       DownHeap(pq, 1);@\n    UNTIL pq.size <= 1;"
 & "\n  END HeapSort;\n@HeapSort\n\n";

CONST E122 =
   "(* Copyright (C) 1994, Digital Equipment Corporation                   "
 & "      *)\n(* All rights reserved.                                      "
 & "                *)\n(* See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.  "
 & "                          *)\n(*                                       "
 & "                                    *)\n(* Last modified on Mon Jan  9 "
 & "12:04:21 PST 1995 by najork                   *)\n(*      modified on T"
 & "ue Aug 16 18:56:37 PDT 1994 by heydon                   *)\n(*      mod"
 & "ified on Wed Jul 27 12:22:30 PDT 1994 by shillner                 *)\n\n"
 & "(* FindLength.obl -- histogram of path lengths to root on \"Find\" oper"
 & "ations *)\n\nlet Margin   = 5.0;           (* in mm *)\nlet InitMaxX = "
 & "4;\nlet InitMaxY = 5.0;\n\nlet BarColor    = color_named(\"red\");\nlet"
 & " BorderColor = color_named(\"black\");\nlet BorderWidth = 0.05;\nlet Te"
 & "xtColor   = color_named(\"black\");\nlet FontSz      = 0.6;\nlet Lab1Y "
 & "      = ~0.5;\nlet Lab2Y       = ~1.5;\nlet MinY        = ~2.0;\n\n(* B"
 & "ar Object ============================================================="
 & " *)\n\nlet Bar = {\n  slot: Int => ok,\n  count: Int => 0,\n  v: Vertex"
 & " => ok,\n\n  barHeight => meth(self: Bar): Real,\n    math_sqrt(float(s"
 & "elf.count))\n  end,\n\n  updateVertex => meth(self): Ok,\n    let ht = "
 & "self.barHeight();\n    graph_setVertexSize(self.v, 0.9, ht);\n    graph"
 & "_moveVertex(self.v, 0.5 + float(self.slot), ht / 2.0, false);\n    ok\n"
 & "  end,\n\n  updateLabel => meth(self): Ok,\n    graph_setVertexLabel(se"
 & "lf.v, fmt_int(self.count));\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  new => meth(self: Bar,"
 & " g: Graph, f: Font, slot: Int): Bar,\n    self.slot := slot;\n    self."
 & "v := graph_newVertex(g);\n    graph_setVertexColor(self.v, BarColor);\n"
 & "    graph_setVertexBorderColor(self.v, BorderColor);\n    graph_setVert"
 & "exBorder(self.v, BorderWidth);\n    graph_setVertexFont(self.v, f);\n  "
 & "  graph_setVertexLabelColor(self.v, TextColor);\n    graph_setVertexLab"
 & "el(self.v, \"\");\n    self.updateVertex();\n    let v = graph_newVerte"
 & "x(g);\n    graph_vertexToBack(v);\n    graph_setVertexColor(v, color_na"
 & "med(\"whi";

CONST E122_0 =
   "te\"));\n    graph_setVertexFont(v, f);\n    graph_setVertexLabelColor("
 & "v, TextColor);\n    graph_setVertexLabel(v, fmt_int(slot));\n    graph_"
 & "setVertexSize(v, 1.0, 1.0);\n    graph_moveVertex(v, 0.5 + float(slot),"
 & " Lab1Y, false);\n    self\n  end,\n\n  inc => meth(self: Bar): Ok,\n  ("
 & "* increment the count of the bar \"self\", and update its vertex\n     "
 & "to reflect the change. *)\n    self.count := self.count + 1;\n    self."
 & "updateVertex();\n    self.updateLabel();\n    ok\n  end,\n};\n\n(* View"
 & " Object ============================================================ *)"
 & "\n\nlet view: View = {\n\n  (* Data members ---------------------------"
 & "------------------------------ *)\n\n  graphvbt => graph_new(),\n  bar:"
 & " [Bar] => ok,\n  maxX: Int => InitMaxX,    (* slots [0..maxX-1] *)\n  m"
 & "axY: Real => InitMaxY,    (* values [0..maxY] *)\n  currLen: Int => ok,"
 & "\n  labelFont: Font => ok,\n  total: Int => 0,\n  count: Int => 0,\n  t"
 & "otalV: Vertex => ok,\n\n  setWorld => meth(self: View): Ok,\n    graph_"
 & "setWorld(self.graphvbt,\n      0.0, float(self.maxX), self.maxY + 2.0, "
 & "MinY);\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  updateTotal => meth(self: View): Ok,\n    l"
 & "et txt = \"Total = \" & fmt_int( & \"  Average = \" &\n     "
 & " if self.count is 0 then \"0.00\" else\n        text_replaceAll(\"d\", "
 & "\"0\",\n                        text_sub(fmt_real(float("
 & "at(self.count)),\n                                 0, 4));\n      end;\n"
 & "    graph_setVertexLabel(self.totalV, txt);\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  moveTo"
 & "talLabel => meth(self: View): Ok,\n    graph_moveVertex(self.totalV, fl"
 & "oat(self.maxX)/2.0, Lab2Y, true);\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  (* Setup -------"
 & "--------------------------------------------------------- *)\n\n  Setup"
 & " => meth(self: View): Ok,\n    self.labelFont := graph_newFont(self.gra"
 & "phvbt, \"Helvetica\", FontSz,\n      \"Roman\", \"bold\", \"*\");\n    "
 & "graph_setMargin(self.graphvbt, Margin);\n    self.setWorld();\n    ok\n"
 & "  end,\n\n  NewSet => meth(self: View, nm: Text): Ok,\n    ok\n  end,\n"
 & "\n  FinishedSets => meth(self: View, numSets: Int, usesRanks: Bool): Ok"
 & ",\n    self.totalV := graph_newVe";

CONST E122_1 =
   "rtex(self.graphvbt);\n    graph_vertexToBack(self.totalV);\n    graph_s"
 & "etVertexFont(self.totalV, self.labelFont);\n    graph_setVertexLabelCol"
 & "or(self.totalV, TextColor);\n    graph_setVertexColor(self.totalV, colo"
 & "r_named(\"white\"));\n    graph_setVertexSize(self.totalV, 200.0, 1.0);"
 & "\n    self.updateTotal(); self.moveTotalLabel();\n\n := arr"
 & "ay_new(self.maxX, ok);\n    for i = 0 to self.maxX - 1 do\n      self.b"
 & "ar[i] := clone(Bar).new(self.graphvbt, self.labelFont, i)\n    end;\n  "
 & "  zeus_animate(self.graphvbt, 0.0, 0.0);\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  (* DoFind"
 & " events -------------------------------------------------------- *)\n\n"
 & "  StartDoFind => meth(self, id): Ok,\n    self.currLen := 0;\n    ok\n "
 & " end,\n\n  StepUp => meth(self, child, parent): Ok,\n    self.currLen :"
 & "= self.currLen + 1;\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  Found => meth(self, root): Ok,"
 & "\n    var rescale: Bool = false;\n    if self.currLen >= self.maxX then"
 & "\n      var sz: Int = (self.currLen - self.maxX) + 1;\n      var new: ["
 & "Bar] = array_new(sz, ok);\n      for i = 0 to sz - 1 do\n        new[i]"
 & " := clone(Bar).new(self.graphvbt, self.labelFont, self.maxX + i)\n     "
 & " end;\n := @ new;\n      self.maxX := self.currL"
 & "en + 1;\n      self.moveTotalLabel();\n      rescale := true\n    end;\n"
 & "    if[self.currLen].barHeight() >= self.maxY then\n      self"
 & ".maxY := 1.5 * self.maxY;\n      rescale := true\n    end;\n    if resc"
 & "ale then\n      self.setWorld();\n      graph_redisplay(self.graphvbt)\n"
 & "    end;\n[self.currLen].inc();\n := self.tot"
 & "al + self.currLen;\n    self.count := self.count + 1;\n    self.updateT"
 & "otal();\n    zeus_animate(self.graphvbt, 0.0, 0.0);\n    ok\n  end,\n\n"
 & "  StepDown => meth(self: View, childId, parentId: Int): Ok,\n    ok\n  "
 & "end,\n\n  ChangeParent => meth(self: View, childId, parentId, rootId: I"
 & "nt): Ok,\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  EndDoFind => meth(self, id): Ok,\n    ok\n"
 & "  end,\n\n  (* Find events --------------------------------------------"
 & "-------------- *)\n\n  StartFind => meth(self: View, id: Int): Ok,\n   "
 & " ok\n  end,\n\n";

CONST E122_2 =
   "  EndFind => meth(self: View, id: Int): Ok,\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  (* Uni"
 & "on events --------------------------------------------------------- *)\n"
 & "\n  StartUnion => meth(self: View, id1, id2: Int, bothRoots: Bool): Ok,"
 & "\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  FoundFirst => meth(self: View, root1: Int): Ok,\n"
 & "    ok\n  end,\n\n  CompareRanks => meth(self: View, id1, id2: Int): Ok"
 & ",\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  Unite => meth(self: View, childId, parentId, pRa"
 & "nk: Int): Ok,\n    ok\n  end,\n\n  EndUnion => meth(self): Ok,\n    ok\n"
 & "  end,\n};\n";

CONST E123 =
   "(* Copyright (C) 1993, Digital Equipment Corporation                   "
 & "      *)\n(* All rights reserved.                                      "
 & "                *)\n(* See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.  "
 & "                          *)\n\n\nlet view = {\n  graphvbt => graph_new"
 & "(),\n\n  Setup =>\n    meth (self)\n      graph_setWorld(self.graphvbt,"
 & " ~11.0, 11.0, 0.0, 2.0);\n      graph_setAspect(self.graphvbt, 2.0 / 23"
 & ".0);\n      for c = -10 to 10 do\n        (let v = graph_newVertex(self"
 & ".graphvbt);\n         graph_setVertexSize(v, 1.0, 1.0);\n         graph"
 & "_setVertexColor(v, \n             color_hsv(((float(c+10)) / 21.0) * 0."
 & "7, 1.0, 1.0));\n         graph_setVertexBorder(v, 0.0);\n         graph"
 & "_moveVertex(v, float(c), 1.0, false);)\n      end;\n      graph_redispl"
 & "ay(self.graphvbt);\n    end,\n  };\n";

CONST E124 =
   "; Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.\n; All rights rese"
 & "rved.\n; See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.\n;\n; Last modi"
 & "fied on Wed Feb  8 15:29:09 PST 1995 by kalsow\n\n;********************"
 & "************************************************\n;  NOTE: This file is"
 & " generated automatically from the event \n;        definition file PktR"
 & "oute.evt.\n;***********************************************************"
 & "*********\n\n(VBox\n  (Border (Pen 1)\n    (Shape\n      (Height 75 - 2"
 & "5 + Inf)\n      (Viewport\n        (HBox\n          (Glue 4 + Inf)\n   "
 & "       (VBox\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n"
 & "              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n            "
 & "                    \"Code View events:   Stop? \") \n                 "
 & "   (Boolean %stopatCodeEvents =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10"
 & ")\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n "
 & "                   (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitatCodeEvents =1 \n  "
 & "                                             (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n   "
 & "         (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (H"
 & "Box Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                            "
 & "    \"StartGraph:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtSta"
 & "rtGraph =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                   "
 & " (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Sh"
 & "ape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtStartGraph =1 \n                        "
 & "                       (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n   "
 & "         (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width"
 & " + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"NewNode:   Stop?"
 & " \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtNewNode =TRUE \"\")\n       "
 & "             (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height "
 & "+ 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %wai"
 & "tAtNewNode =1 \n                                               (Min 0) "
 & "(Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)"
 & "\n    ";

CONST E124_0 =
   "          (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                "
 & "                \"NewStraightEdge:   Stop? \") \n                    (B"
 & "oolean %stopAtNewStraightEdge =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10"
 & ")\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n "
 & "                   (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtNewStraightEdge =1"
 & " \n                                               (Min 0) (Max 100)))))"
 & "\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n           "
 & "   (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                       "
 & "         \"NewCurvedEdge:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %s"
 & "topAtNewCurvedEdge =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n        "
 & "            (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n            "
 & "        (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtNewCurvedEdge =1 \n          "
 & "                                     (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n           "
 & " (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill"
 & " (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"Ne"
 & "wLabel:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtNewLabel =TRU"
 & "E \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Wid"
 & "th + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 8"
 & "0) (Numeric %waitAtNewLabel =1 \n                                      "
 & "         (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shap"
 & "e (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height "
 & "+ 0) \n                                \"EndGraph:   Stop? \") \n      "
 & "              (Boolean %stopAtEndGraph =TRUE \"\")\n                   "
 & " (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weigh"
 & "t: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtEndGraph "
 & "=1 \n                                               (Min 0) (Max 100)))"
 & "))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n         "
 & "     (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                     "
 & "           \"StartPackets:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %"
 & "stopA";

CONST E124_1 =
   "tStartPackets =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n             "
 & "       (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                 "
 & "   (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtStartPackets =1 \n                "
 & "                               (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue"
 & " 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shap"
 & "e (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"NewPacke"
 & "t:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtNewPacket =TRUE \""
 & "\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width +"
 & " 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) ("
 & "Numeric %waitAtNewPacket =1 \n                                         "
 & "      (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape ("
 & "Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0"
 & ") \n                                \"EndPackets:   Stop? \") \n       "
 & "             (Boolean %stopAtEndPackets =TRUE \"\")\n                  "
 & "  (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weig"
 & "ht: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtEndPacke"
 & "ts =1 \n                                               (Min 0) (Max 100"
 & ")))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n      "
 & "        (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                  "
 & "              \"Blocked:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %st"
 & "opAtBlocked =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n               "
 & "     (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                   "
 & " (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtBlocked =1 \n                       "
 & "                        (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n  "
 & "          (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Widt"
 & "h + 0) (Height + 0) \n                                \"MovePacket:   S"
 & "top? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtMovePacket =TRUE \"\")\n"
 & "                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) ("
 & "Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width 80) (Numer"
 & "ic %wait";

CONST E124_2 =
   "AtMovePacket =1 \n                                               (Min 0"
 & ") (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + "
 & "0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n        "
 & "                        \"QueueSizes:   Stop? \") \n                   "
 & " (Boolean %stopAtQueueSizes =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n"
 & "                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n    "
 & "                (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtQueueSizes =1 \n     "
 & "                                          (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n      "
 & "      (Glue 6)\n            (Shape (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox"
 & " Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \n                               "
 & " \"Absorb:   Stop? \") \n                    (Boolean %stopAtAbsorb =TR"
 & "UE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10)\n                    (Shape (Wi"
 & "dth + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n                    (Shape (Width "
 & "80) (Numeric %waitAtAbsorb =1 \n                                       "
 & "        (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n            (Glue 6)\n            (Shape"
 & " (Height 16 + 0)\n              (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height +"
 & " 0) \n                                \"Step:   Stop? \") \n           "
 & "         (Boolean %stopAtStep =TRUE \"\")\n                    (Glue 10"
 & ")\n                    (Shape (Width + 0) (Height + 0) \"Weight: \")\n "
 & "                   (Shape (Width 80) (Numeric %waitAtStep =1 \n        "
 & "                                       (Min 0) (Max 100)))))\n         "
 & "   (Glue 6)\n          )\n          (Glue 4)\n          (VBox\n        "
 & "    (Glue 5)\n            (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \"Cts:\")\n"
 & "            (Button %eventCounts\n              (VBox\n                "
 & "(Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0)"
 & " \n                                  (Text %ctOfStartGraph \"0\")))\n  "
 & "              (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) ("
 & "Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfNewNode \""
 & "0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Wi"
 & "dth + ";

CONST E124_3 =
   "0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfNewSt"
 & "raightEdge \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fi"
 & "ll (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                               "
 & "   (Text %ctOfNewCurvedEdge \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n       "
 & "         (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n              "
 & "                    (Text %ctOfNewLabel \"0\")))\n                (Glue"
 & " 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n  "
 & "                                (Text %ctOfEndGraph \"0\")))\n         "
 & "       (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height "
 & "16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfStartPackets \"0"
 & "\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Wid"
 & "th + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOf"
 & "NewPacket \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fil"
 & "l (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                "
 & "  (Text %ctOfEndPackets \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n           "
 & "     (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                  "
 & "                (Text %ctOfBlocked \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n"
 & "                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n       "
 & "                           (Text %ctOfMovePacket \"0\")))\n            "
 & "    (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + 0) (Height 16 "
 & "+ 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfQueueSizes \"0\")))"
 & "\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape (Width + "
 & "0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text %ctOfAbsor"
 & "b \"0\")))\n                (Glue 6)\n                (HBox Fill (Shape"
 & " (Width + 0) (Height 16 + 0) \n                                  (Text "
 & "%ctOfStep \"0\")))\n                (Glue 3))))\n          Fill\n      "
 & "    (Glue 4 + Inf)\n        )\n      )\n    )\n  )\n)\n";

CONST E125 =
   "@UnbalancedTest\nUnbalancedTest(InsKeys, DelKeys)@\n  @1 create a new, "
 & "empty tree T@\n  @2 foreach k in InsKeys do@\n    @3 create a new node "
 & "n with key k@\n    @4 Insert(T, n)@\n  end\n  @5 foreach k in DelKeys d"
 & "o@\n    @6 n <- Search(T, k)@\n    @7 Delete(T, n)@\n  end\nend\n@Unbal"
 & "ancedTest\n\n@Insert\nInsert(T, n)@\n  @4 curr := root(T)@\n  @5 while "
 & "curr is not the place to attach n do@\n    @7 if key(n) < key(curr)@\n "
 & "     then @8 curr <- left(curr)@\n      else @9 curr <- right(curr)@\n "
 & "   end\n  end\n  @11 if T has no root@\n    then @12 make n the new roo"
 & "t of T@\n    else @13 make n the proper child of curr@\n  end\nend\n@In"
 & "sert\n\n@Search\nSearch(T, k)@\n  @1 n <- root(T)@\n  @2 while key(n) #"
 & " k do@\n    @3 if key(n) < k@\n      then @4 n <- left(n)@\n      else "
 & "@5 n <- right(n)@\n    end\n  end\n  @6 return n@\nend\n@Search\n\n@Del"
 & "ete\nDelete(T, n)@\n  @1 if n has < 2 children@\n    then @2 splice <- "
 & "n@\n    else @3 splice <- FindMin(right(n))@\n  end\n  @4 SpliceOut(t, "
 & "splice)@\n  @5 if splice # n@ then\n    @6 copy contents of splice node"
 & " into n@\n  end\nend\n@Delete\n\n@FindMin\nFindMin(n)@\n  @1 while left"
 & "(n) # NIL do@\n    @2 n <- left(n)@\n  end\n  @3 return n@\nend\n@FindM"
 & "in\n\n@SpliceOut\nSpliceOut(T, n)@\n  @1 ch <- \"a child of n, or NIL i"
 & "f n has no children\"@\n  @4 parent(ch) <- parent(n)@\n  @6 if n = root"
 & "(T)@ then\n    @7 root(T) <- ch@\n  else\n    @8 make appropriate \"dow"
 & "n\" pointer of parent(n) point to ch@\n  end\nend\n@SpliceOut\n";

END MentorBundle.