
 Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.       
 All rights reserved.                                     
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.           
 Last modified on Thu Feb  9 08:47:37 PST 1995 by kalsow  
 Last modified on Wed Feb 17 16:44:58 PST 1993 by johnh   
      modified on Tue Jun  9 00:35:07 1992 by mhb         


      *  NOTE: This file is generated automatically from the event
      *        definition file UnionFind.evt.

INTERFACE UnionFindAlgClass;

<*NOWARN*> IMPORT Algorithm, AlgorithmClass;


  EventDataRec = RECORD
    stopAtSetup: BOOLEAN := TRUE;
    waitAtSetup: CARDINAL := 1;
    ctOfSetup: CARDINAL := 0;
    stopAtNewSet: BOOLEAN := TRUE;
    waitAtNewSet: CARDINAL := 1;
    ctOfNewSet: CARDINAL := 0;
    stopAtFinishedSets: BOOLEAN := TRUE;
    waitAtFinishedSets: CARDINAL := 1;
    ctOfFinishedSets: CARDINAL := 0;
    stopAtStartFind: BOOLEAN := TRUE;
    waitAtStartFind: CARDINAL := 1;
    ctOfStartFind: CARDINAL := 0;
    stopAtEndFind: BOOLEAN := TRUE;
    waitAtEndFind: CARDINAL := 1;
    ctOfEndFind: CARDINAL := 0;
    stopAtStartDoFind: BOOLEAN := TRUE;
    waitAtStartDoFind: CARDINAL := 1;
    ctOfStartDoFind: CARDINAL := 0;
    stopAtStepUp: BOOLEAN := TRUE;
    waitAtStepUp: CARDINAL := 1;
    ctOfStepUp: CARDINAL := 0;
    stopAtFound: BOOLEAN := TRUE;
    waitAtFound: CARDINAL := 1;
    ctOfFound: CARDINAL := 0;
    stopAtStepDown: BOOLEAN := TRUE;
    waitAtStepDown: CARDINAL := 1;
    ctOfStepDown: CARDINAL := 0;
    stopAtChangeParent: BOOLEAN := TRUE;
    waitAtChangeParent: CARDINAL := 1;
    ctOfChangeParent: CARDINAL := 0;
    stopAtEndDoFind: BOOLEAN := TRUE;
    waitAtEndDoFind: CARDINAL := 1;
    ctOfEndDoFind: CARDINAL := 0;
    stopAtStartUnion: BOOLEAN := TRUE;
    waitAtStartUnion: CARDINAL := 1;
    ctOfStartUnion: CARDINAL := 0;
    stopAtFoundFirst: BOOLEAN := TRUE;
    waitAtFoundFirst: CARDINAL := 1;
    ctOfFoundFirst: CARDINAL := 0;
    stopAtCompareRanks: BOOLEAN := TRUE;
    waitAtCompareRanks: CARDINAL := 1;
    ctOfCompareRanks: CARDINAL := 0;
    stopAtUnite: BOOLEAN := TRUE;
    waitAtUnite: CARDINAL := 1;
    ctOfUnite: CARDINAL := 0;
    stopAtEndUnion: BOOLEAN := TRUE;
    waitAtEndUnion: CARDINAL := 1;
    ctOfEndUnion: CARDINAL := 0;

  T <: Public;
  Public = Algorithm.T OBJECT
      eventDataRec: EventDataRec;


  Algorithm.T <: AlgorithmClass.T;

END UnionFindAlgClass.