MODULE; IMPORT Text, R2, PaintOp, GraphVBT, View, ZeusPanel; IMPORT Parse, ParseViewClass, ParseColor; IMPORT Stdio, Wr, Fmt, Thread; (*for DEBUG*) VAR DEBUG := FALSE; TYPE T = ParseViewClass.T OBJECT state : Parse.State := NIL; graph : GraphVBT.T := NIL; nodes : Node := NIL; last_node : Node := NIL; map : NodeList := NIL; length : INTEGER := 0; cursor : INTEGER := 0; highlight : GraphVBT.VertexHighlight := NIL; (* NIL, unless active *) v_scale : REAL; resize : BOOLEAN; next_knee : INTEGER; font : GraphVBT.WorldFont; OVERRIDES oeSetup := Setup; oeScan := Scan; oePush := Push; oePop := Pop; oeNoteError := NoteError; oeNewNode := NewNode; oeNewTerm := NewTerm; oeDeleteLeaf := DeleteLeaf; oeNewEdge := NewEdge; oeUpdateDone := UpdateDone; END; TYPE Kind = { Leaf, Knee, Node }; TYPE NodeList = REF ARRAY OF Node; Node = GraphVBT.Vertex OBJECT uid : INTEGER := 0; kind : Kind := Kind.Leaf; parent : Node := NIL; children : Node := NIL; next_sibling : Node := NIL; next : Node := NIL; x,y : REAL; deleted : BOOLEAN := FALSE; END; CONST Min_V = 0.1; Max_V = 0.9; PROCEDURE V_Tree Setup (t: T; s: Parse.State) RAISES {Thread.Alerted} = VAR max_tok : INTEGER; n_chars : INTEGER; n : Node; used : INTEGER; len : INTEGER; scale : REAL; h_pos : REAL; BEGIN (* remove any existing vertices from graph *) IF (t.nodes # NIL) THEN LOCK DO n := t.nodes; WHILE (n # NIL) DO IF (NOT n.deleted) THEN n.remove() END; n :=; END; IF (t.highlight # NIL) THEN t.highlight.remove () END; END; END; (* compute the total # of characters of input *) n_chars := 1; (* the terminal space *) max_tok := 1; FOR i := 0 TO s.n_tokens-1 DO (*@@ INC (n_chars, Text.Length (s.tokens[i])); @@*) max_tok := MAX (max_tok, Text.Length (s.tokens[i])); (*@@*) END; INC (max_tok); (* leave a little breathing room *) n_chars := (max_tok+1) * (s.n_tokens+1); (*@@*) (* initialize the view *) t.state := s; t.nodes := NIL; t.last_node := NIL; := NEW (NodeList, 2 * n_chars + 10); (* an initial guess *) t.length := n_chars; t.cursor := 0; t.highlight := NIL; t.v_scale := 0.2; t.next_knee := 0; (* add the terminal (leaf) nodes *) FOR i := 0 TO s.n_tokens - 1 DO AddNode (t, i, NewLeaf (t, s.tokens[i], max_tok, ParseColor.Virgin)); END; (* add an error node *) AddNode (t, s.n_tokens, NewLeaf (t, " ", max_tok, ParseColor.Clear)); (* display all vertices in one place *) t.graph.redisplay (); (* move vertices to correct positions via animation *) LOCK DO used := 0; scale := 1.0 / FLOAT (n_chars + 1); FOR i := 0 TO s.n_tokens DO (*@@ IF (i < s.n_tokens) THEN len := Text.Length (s.tokens[i]); ELSE len := 1; END; @@*) len := max_tok + 1; h_pos := (FLOAT (used) + 0.5 * FLOAT (len) + 0.5) * scale; Move ([i], h_pos, Max_V); INC (used, len); END; END; (* and display the final result *) t.graph.animate (0.0, 1.0); END Setup; PROCEDUREMove (n: Node; x, y: REAL) = BEGIN IF (n.x # x) OR (n.y # y) THEN n.x := x; n.y := y; n.move (R2.T {x, y}, TRUE); END; END Move; PROCEDUREAddNode (t: T; id: INTEGER; n: Node) = BEGIN (* append n to the tail of t.nodes *) := NIL; IF (t.nodes = NIL) THEN t.nodes := n; t.last_node := n; ELSE := n; t.last_node := n; END; (* and insert it into the direct map *) n.uid := id; IF (id >= 0) THEN IF (id > LAST (^)) THEN ExpandMap (t) END; <*ASSERT[id] = NIL *>[id] := n; END; END AddNode; PROCEDUREExpandMap (t: T) = VAR new := NEW (NodeList, 2 * NUMBER (^)); BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO LAST (^) DO new[i] :=[i] END; := new; END ExpandMap; PROCEDURENewLeaf (t: T; label: TEXT; width: INTEGER; c: PaintOp.T): Node = VAR len := Text.Length (label); scaled_len: REAL; BEGIN IF (label = NIL) THEN c := ParseColor.Clear; label := " "; END; IF (width > 0) THEN len := width END; scaled_len := FLOAT (len) / FLOAT (t.length + 2); RETURN NEW (Node, graph := t.graph, shape := GraphVBT.VertexShape.Rectangle, pos := R2.T { 0.0, Max_V }, size := R2.T { scaled_len, t.v_scale }, color := c, label := label, font := t.font, uid := -1, kind := Kind.Leaf, x := 0.0, y := Max_V ).init(); END NewLeaf; PROCEDURENewNode (t: T; id: INTEGER; op: TEXT) = VAR n: Node; len := Text.Length (op); scaled_len := FLOAT (len+1) / FLOAT (t.length + 2); BEGIN n := NEW (Node, graph := t.graph, shape := GraphVBT.VertexShape.Ellipse, pos := R2.T { 1.0, 0.0 }, size := R2.T { scaled_len, t.v_scale }, color := ParseColor.Passive, label := op, font := t.font, uid := -1, kind := Kind.Node, x := 1.0, y := 0.0 ).init(); AddNode (t, id, n); END NewNode; PROCEDURENewTerm (t: T; id: INTEGER; op: TEXT) = VAR n: Node; len := Text.Length (op); scaled_len := FLOAT (len+1) / FLOAT (t.length + 2); BEGIN n := NEW (Node, graph := t.graph, shape := GraphVBT.VertexShape.Ellipse, pos := R2.T { 1.0, 0.0 }, size := R2.T { scaled_len, t.v_scale }, color := ParseColor.Passive, label := op, font := t.font, uid := -1, kind := Kind.Node, x := 1.0, y := 0.0 ).init(); AddNode (t, id, n); END NewTerm; PROCEDUREDeleteLeaf (t: T; id: INTEGER) = VAR n := [id]; p, x0, x1: Node; BEGIN LOCK DO WHILE (n # NIL) DO IF (n.deleted) OR (n.children # NIL) THEN EXIT END; n.remove (); n.deleted := TRUE; (* remove n from its parent's list of children *) p := n.parent; IF (p # NIL) THEN x0 := p.children; x1 := NIL; LOOP IF (x0 = NIL) THEN EXIT END; IF (x0 = n) THEN IF (x1 = NIL) THEN p.children := n.next_sibling; ELSE x1.next_sibling := n.next_sibling; END; EXIT; END; x1 := x0; x0 := x0.next_sibling; END; END; n := n.parent; END; END; t.graph.redisplay (); END DeleteLeaf; PROCEDURENewEdge (t: T; child_id, parent_id: INTEGER) = VAR child :=[child_id]; parent :=[parent_id]; knee, n: Node; BEGIN DEC (t.next_knee); knee := NEW (Node, graph := t.graph, shape := GraphVBT.VertexShape.Rectangle, pos := R2.T { child.x, child.y - t.v_scale }, size := R2.Origin, (* empty size *) uid := t.next_knee, parent := parent, children := child, next_sibling := NIL, kind := Kind.Knee, x := child.x, y := 0.0 ).init(); (* link the knee between the parent and children *) child.parent := knee; IF (parent.children = NIL) THEN parent.children := knee; ELSE (* scan for the end of the parent's list of children *) n := parent.children; WHILE (n.next_sibling # NIL) DO n := n.next_sibling END; n.next_sibling := knee; END; (* update the graph edges *) EVAL NEW (GraphVBT.Edge, vertex0 := child, vertex1 := knee).init (); EVAL NEW (GraphVBT.Edge, vertex0 := knee, vertex1 := parent).init (); AddNode (t, -1, knee); END NewEdge; PROCEDUREUpdateDone (t: T) = <*FATAL Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted*> VAR max_depth := 0; max_h: REAL; n: Node; v_scale: REAL; BEGIN LOCK DO (* find the height of the tree *) n := t.nodes; WHILE (n # NIL) DO IF (n.parent = NIL) AND (NOT n.deleted) THEN (* n is the root of a tree *) max_depth := MAX (max_depth, ScanNode (t, n, 0)); END; n :=; END; (* compute the vertical scaling factor *) v_scale := (Max_V - Min_V) / FLOAT (max_depth + 2); t.resize := (v_scale < t.v_scale); IF (t.resize) THEN t.v_scale := v_scale END; (* place the nodes *) n := t.nodes; WHILE (n # NIL) DO IF (n.parent = NIL) AND (NOT n.deleted) THEN (* n is the root of a tree *) max_h := 0.0; MoveNode (t, n, Min_V, max_h); END; n :=; END; END; t.graph.animate (0.0, 1.0); IF DEBUG THEN Wr.PutText (Stdio.stdout, "-------\n"); Wr.Flush (Stdio.stdout); END; END UpdateDone; PROCEDUREScanNode (t: T; n: Node; depth: INTEGER): INTEGER = VAR x: Node; max_d := depth; BEGIN x := n.children; WHILE (x # NIL) DO max_d := MAX (max_d, ScanNode (t, x, depth + 1)); x := x.next_sibling; END; RETURN max_d; END ScanNode; PROCEDUREMoveNode (t: T; n: Node; min_v: REAL; VAR max_h: REAL) = VAR w, new_h, h0, h1: REAL; child: Node; BEGIN IF (n.kind = Kind.Leaf) THEN DumpNode (n); (* we don't move *) new_h := n.x + 0.5 * Width (t, n); ELSIF (n.children = NIL) THEN (* this is an unattached internal node => take next spot to the right *) w := 0.5 * Width (t, n); new_h := max_h + w; Move (n, new_h, min_v); new_h := new_h + w; DumpNode (n); ELSE DumpNode (n); h0 := 1.0; h1 := 0.0; child := n.children; WHILE (child # NIL) DO MoveNode (t, child, min_v + t.v_scale, max_h); IF (child.x < h0) THEN h0 := child.x END; IF (child.x > h1) THEN h1 := child.x END; child := child.next_sibling; END; new_h := (h0 + h1) / 2.0; Move (n, new_h, min_v); new_h := new_h + 0.5 * Width (t, n); DumpNode (n); END; IF (t.resize) AND (n.kind # Kind.Knee) THEN n.setSize (R2.T { n.size[0], t.v_scale }); END; IF (new_h > max_h) THEN max_h := new_h END; END MoveNode; PROCEDUREDumpNode (n: Node) = <*FATAL Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure*> CONST KName = ARRAY Kind OF TEXT { ": leaf", ": knee", ": node" }; VAR wr := Stdio.stdout; BEGIN IF NOT DEBUG THEN RETURN END; Wr.PutText (wr, Fmt.Int (n.uid)); Wr.PutText (wr, KName [n.kind]); IF (n.label # NIL) THEN Wr.PutText (wr, " "); Wr.PutText (wr, Fmt.Pad (n.label, 8)); END; Wr.PutText (wr, " parent: "); Wr.PutText (wr, NodeID (n.parent)); Wr.PutText (wr, " child: "); Wr.PutText (wr, NodeID (n.children)); Wr.PutText (wr, " sib: "); Wr.PutText (wr, NodeID (n.next_sibling)); Wr.PutText (wr, " (x,y): "); Wr.PutText (wr, Fmt.Real (n.x)); Wr.PutText (wr, " "); Wr.PutText (wr, Fmt.Real (n.y)); Wr.PutText (wr, "\n"); END DumpNode; PROCEDURENodeID (n: Node): TEXT = BEGIN IF (n = NIL) THEN RETURN " * "; ELSE RETURN Fmt.Pad (Fmt.Int (n.uid), 3); END; END NodeID; PROCEDUREWidth (t: T; n: Node): REAL = BEGIN IF (n = NIL) OR (n.kind = Kind.Knee) THEN RETURN 0.0; ELSE RETURN (FLOAT (Text.Length (n.label)) + 0.5) / FLOAT (1 + t.length); END; END Width; PROCEDUREScan (t: T; <*UNUSED*> token: TEXT) = VAR n := t.cursor; BEGIN LOCK DO IF (n > 0) THEN[n - 1].setColor (ParseColor.Accepted) END; IF (n < t.state.n_tokens) THEN[n].setColor(ParseColor.Current) END; END; INC (t.cursor); t.graph.redisplay (); END Scan; PROCEDURENoteError (t: T) = BEGIN LOCK DO [t.cursor].setColor (ParseColor.Error); END; t.graph.redisplay (); END NoteError; PROCEDUREPush (t: T; id: INTEGER; <*UNUSED*> tag: TEXT) = VAR n: Node; BEGIN IF (0 <= id) AND (id < NUMBER (^)) THEN n := [id]; IF (n # NIL) THEN LOCK DO n.setColor (ParseColor.Active); END; t.graph.redisplay (); END; END; END Push; PROCEDUREPop (t: T; id: INTEGER) = VAR n: Node; BEGIN IF (0 <= id) AND (id < NUMBER (^)) THEN n := [id]; IF (n # NIL) THEN LOCK DO n.setColor (ParseColor.Passive); END; t.graph.redisplay (); END; END; END Pop; PROCEDURENew (): View.T = VAR g := NEW(GraphVBT.T).init(); BEGIN RETURN NEW (T, graph := g, font := g.font(size := 0.03)).init(g) END New; BEGIN ZeusPanel.RegisterView (New, "parse tree", "Parse"); END V_Tree.