This view ``knows'' that it will be used only by KMP and takes some shortcuts. See comments below.
MODULEAll partial matches are from 0 - only the length matters; IMPORT StringSearchViewClass, View, ZeusPanel, ColorName, PaintOp, Thread, GraphVBT, Text, Fmt, R2, ViewsBase, FormsVBT, KMP, ZeusClass; <* FATAL FormsVBT.Unimplemented *> CONST VDiam = 0.25; (* Diameter of vertex *) VBorder = 0.03; (* Width of border *) EWidth = 0.03; (* Width of edges *) Forward = ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF BOOLEAN{FALSE, TRUE}; LSize = 0.2; (* Size of label *) HDiam = 0.4; (* Size of highligh. Must be > VBorder *) E0H = -2.0 / 3.0; (* Control pts (W units) for 0,0 edge *) E0V = 4.0 / 3.0; TYPE T = StringSearchViewClass.T OBJECT fv : FormsVBT.T; graph: GraphVBT.T; p : TEXT; (* pattern *) m : CARDINAL; (* Length of pattern *) lasti: CARDINAL := 0; (* Last probe value *) lMlen: CARDINAL := 0; (* last match length *) v: REF ARRAY OF GraphVBT.Vertex; (* Vertices *) l: REF ARRAY OF GraphVBT.Vertex; (* Labels *) h: GraphVBT.Vertex; (* Actually the highlight *) e: REF ARRAY OF ARRAY BOOLEAN OF GraphVBT.Edge; setupNotDone := TRUE; (* Ignore events if not setup properly *) (* Parameters for tuning the Bezier curves *) py := 0.25; px := 0.25; (* Bezier parameters *) cPSize := 0.0; (* If not zero, control pts are visible *) ControlFont: GraphVBT.WorldFont; OVERRIDES reactivity := Reactivity; startrun := Startrun; isCompat := IsCompat; oeKMPSetup := KMPSetup; oeAddEdge := AddEdge; oeProbe := Probe; oeResult := Result; oePartialMatch := PartialMatch; oePartialMatchClear := PartialMatchClear; oeCompleteMatch := CompleteMatch; oeSetup := Setup; END; VAR (* Color options; actually constants *) TrueC := Color(ViewsBase.TrueC); FalseC := Color(ViewsBase.FalseC); PartialC := Color(ViewsBase.PartialC); CompleteC := Color(ViewsBase.CompleteC); StateC := Color(ViewsBase.StateC); PROCEDURE AutoView Color (color: TEXT): PaintOp.T = <* FATAL ColorName.NotFound *> VAR rgb := ColorName.ToRGB(color); BEGIN RETURN PaintOp.FromRGB(rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b); END Color; PROCEDUREStartrun (self:T) RAISES {}= BEGIN self.setupNotDone := TRUE; END Startrun; PROCEDUREReactivity (<* UNUSED *> self:T; <* UNUSED *> on: BOOLEAN) = BEGIN END Reactivity; PROCEDUREIsCompat (<* UNUSED *> self : T; alg : ZeusClass.T): BOOLEAN = BEGIN RETURN ISTYPE (alg, KMP.T); END IsCompat; PROCEDUREKMPSetup (self: T; p: TEXT) = VAR m := Text.Length(p); g := NEW(GraphVBT.T, world := GraphVBT.WorldRectangle{ w := -1.0, e := FLOAT(m + 1), n := 1.0, s := -1.0}, aspect := 2.0 / FLOAT(m + 2)).init(); LabelFont := g.font(family := "courier", weight := "bold", slant := GraphVBT.Slant.Roman, size := 0.3); VertexFont := LabelFont; ControlFont := g.font(family := "clean", weight := "bold", slant := GraphVBT.Slant.Roman, size := 0.3); BEGIN (* Put g in form *) self.ControlFont := ControlFont; TRY FormsVBT.PutGeneric(self.fv, "g", g); self.px := FLOAT(FormsVBT.GetInteger(self.fv, "px")) / 100.0; := FLOAT(FormsVBT.GetInteger(self.fv, "py")) / 100.0; self.cPSize := FLOAT(FormsVBT.GetInteger(self.fv, "cpsize")); EXCEPT FormsVBT.Error (error) => ZeusPanel.ReportError( "Can't add graph to form - FormsVBT.Error " & error); RETURN; END; self.graph := g; self.m := m; (* Make vertices *) self.v := NEW(REF ARRAY OF GraphVBT.Vertex, m + 1); FOR i := 0 TO m DO self.v[i] := NEW(GraphVBT.Vertex, graph := g, pos := R2.T{FLOAT(i), 0.0}, shape := GraphVBT.VertexShape.Ellipse, size := R2.T{VDiam, VDiam}, color := PaintOp.Bg, label := Fmt.Int(i), font := VertexFont, fontColor := PaintOp.Fg, border := VBorder).init() END; (* Make edges *) self.e := NEW(REF ARRAY OF ARRAY BOOLEAN OF GraphVBT.Edge, m + 1); self.l := NEW(REF ARRAY OF GraphVBT.Vertex, m + 1); FOR i := 0 TO m - 1 DO self.e[i, TRUE] := NEW(GraphVBT.Edge, vertex0 := self.v[i], vertex1 := self.v[i + 1], width := EWidth, arrow := Forward).init(); (* Label *) self.l[i] := NEW(GraphVBT.Vertex, graph := g, pos := R2.T{FLOAT(i) + 0.5, 0.0}, shape := GraphVBT.VertexShape.Rectangle, size := R2.T{LSize, LSize}, color := PaintOp.Bg, label := Text.Sub(p, i, 1), font := LabelFont, fontColor := PaintOp.Fg, border := 0.0).init() END; (* Special highlight vertex *) self.h := NEW(GraphVBT.Vertex, graph := g, pos := R2.T{0.0, 0.0}, shape := GraphVBT.VertexShape.Ellipse, size := R2.T{HDiam, HDiam}, color := StateC).init(); self.h.toBack(); (* Special edge from 0 to 0 *) self.e[0, FALSE] := NEW(GraphVBT.Edge, vertex0 := self.v[0], vertex1 := self.v[0], control0 := NEW(GraphVBT.Vertex, graph := g, size := R2.T{self.cPSize, self.cPSize}, font := ControlFont, label := "000", pos := R2.T{E0H, E0V}).init(), control1 := NEW(GraphVBT.Vertex, graph := g, size := R2.T{self.cPSize, self.cPSize}, font := ControlFont, label := "001", pos := R2.T{E0H, -E0V}).init(), width := EWidth, arrow := Forward).init(); self.setupNotDone := FALSE; END KMPSetup; PROCEDUREAddEdge (self: T; f, t: CARDINAL) = (* Uses the fact that the locations of the verts is known *) VAR d := FLOAT(t - f); h: REAL; BEGIN IF self.setupNotDone THEN RETURN END; IF t = 0 THEN (* Backward to 0 - go under x axis *) h := * d; ELSE h := * d; END; self.e[f, FALSE] := NEW(GraphVBT.Edge, vertex0 := self.v[f], vertex1 := self.v[t], control0 := NEW(GraphVBT.Vertex, graph := self.graph, size := R2.T{self.cPSize, self.cPSize}, label := Fmt.Int(f) & Fmt.Int(t) & "0", font := self.ControlFont, pos := R2.T{FLOAT(f) + self.px * d, h}).init(), control1 := NEW(GraphVBT.Vertex, graph := self.graph, size := R2.T{self.cPSize, self.cPSize}, label := Fmt.Int(f) & Fmt.Int(t) & "1", font := self.ControlFont, pos := R2.T{FLOAT(t) - self.px * d, h}).init(), width := EWidth, arrow := Forward).init(); IF f = self.m THEN (* What a crock!!!! *) self.e[f, FALSE].setColor(CompleteC); END; self.graph.redisplay(); END AddEdge; PROCEDURESetup (self: T; <* UNUSED *> p, s: TEXT) = BEGIN self.h.move(self.v[0].pos); self.h.toBack(); self.graph.redisplay(); END Setup; PROCEDUREProbe (self: T; i: CARDINAL; <* UNUSED *> j: CARDINAL) = BEGIN IF self.setupNotDone THEN RETURN END; WITH v = self.v[i] DO v.setColor(PaintOp.Fg); v.setFontColor(PaintOp.Bg); END; self.lasti := i; self.graph.redisplay(); END Probe; PROCEDUREResult (self: T; r: BOOLEAN) RAISES {Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN IF self.setupNotDone THEN RETURN END; WITH v = self.v[self.lasti] DO v.setColor(PaintOp.Bg); v.setFontColor(PaintOp.Fg); END; IF r THEN self.e[self.lasti, TRUE].setColor(TrueC); ELSE self.e[self.lasti, FALSE].setColor(FalseC); END; self.graph.redisplay(); MoveState(self, self.e[self.lasti, r]); END Result;
PROCEDUREAnimation stuffPartialMatch (self: T; <* UNUSED *> i, j: CARDINAL; len: CARDINAL) = BEGIN IF self.setupNotDone THEN RETURN END; self.lMlen := len; self.e[self.lasti, TRUE].setColor(PaintOp.Fg); self.e[self.lasti, FALSE].setColor(PaintOp.Fg); FOR k := 0 TO len - 1 DO self.e[k, TRUE].setColor(PartialC); self.l[k].setColor(PartialC); END; self.graph.redisplay(); END PartialMatch; PROCEDUREPartialMatchClear (self: T) = BEGIN IF self.setupNotDone THEN RETURN END; self.e[self.lasti, TRUE].setColor(PaintOp.Fg); self.e[self.lasti, FALSE].setColor(PaintOp.Fg); FOR k := 0 TO self.lMlen - 1 DO self.e[k, TRUE].setColor(PaintOp.Fg); self.l[k].setColor(PaintOp.Bg); END; self.lMlen := 0; self.graph.redisplay(); END PartialMatchClear; PROCEDURECompleteMatch (self: T; <* UNUSED *> j: CARDINAL) RAISES {Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN IF self.setupNotDone THEN RETURN END; self.e[self.lasti, TRUE].setColor(PaintOp.Fg); self.e[self.lasti, FALSE].setColor(PaintOp.Fg); FOR k := 0 TO self.lMlen - 1 DO self.e[k, TRUE].setColor(PaintOp.Fg); self.l[k].setColor(PaintOp.Bg); END; self.lMlen := 0; self.v[self.m].setColor(CompleteC); self.graph.redisplay(); MoveState(self, self.e[self.m, FALSE]); (* Last state has one false edge *) self.v[self.m].setColor(PaintOp.Bg); self.graph.redisplay(); END CompleteMatch;
TYPE EdgePath = GraphVBT.AnimationPath OBJECT e: GraphVBT.Edge OVERRIDES pos := EdgePos; END; PROCEDUREEdgePos (self: EdgePath; t: REAL): R2.T RAISES {} = VAR p0, p1, p2, p3: R2.T; BEGIN IF (self.e.control0 = NIL) OR (self.e.control1 = NIL) THEN p0 := self.e.vertex0.pos; p1 := self.e.vertex1.pos; RETURN R2.Mix(p0, 1.0 - t, p1, t); ELSE p0 := self.e.vertex0.pos; p1 := self.e.control0.pos; p2 := self.e.control1.pos; p3 := self.e.vertex1.pos; RETURN R2.T{Cubic(p0[0], p1[0], p2[0], p3[0], t), Cubic(p0[1], p1[1], p2[1], p3[1], t)}; END; END EdgePos; PROCEDUREMoveState (self: T; edge: GraphVBT.Edge) RAISES {Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN IF edge = NIL THEN ZeusPanel.ReportError("NIL edge in MoveState"); RETURN; END; self.h.move (edge.vertex1.pos, TRUE, path := NEW (EdgePath, e := edge)); self.h.toBack(); self.graph.animate(0.0, 1.0); END MoveState; PROCEDURECubic (c0, c1, c2, c3: REAL; t: REAL): REAL = BEGIN RETURN c0 + t * (3.0 * (c1 - c0) + t * (3.0 * ((c2 - c1) - (c1 - c0)) + t * ((c3 - c0) - 3.0 * (c2 - c1)))); END Cubic; PROCEDURENew (): View.T = VAR v := ZeusPanel.NewForm("stringsearchautoview.fv"); BEGIN RETURN NEW(T, fv := v).init(v); END New; BEGIN ZeusPanel.RegisterView(New, "KMP Automaton", "StringSearch"); END AutoView.