MODULEZeus stuffWheeler EXPORTSWheeler ; IMPORT Char, CharArraySort, Text, TextClass, TextArraySort, VBT; IMPORT Thread, FormsVBT;
IMPORT Algorithm, WheelerAlgClass, WheelerIE, ZeusPanel; <* FATAL FormsVBT.Error, FormsVBT.Unimplemented *> TYPE T = WheelerAlgClass.T BRANDED OBJECT OVERRIDES run := Run END; TYPE String = REF ARRAY OF CHAR; PROCEDUREToString (t: TEXT): String = VAR res: String; len := Text.Length(t); BEGIN res := NEW(String, len + 1); TextClass.GetChars(t, res^, 0); res^[len] := '\000'; RETURN res; END ToString; PROCEDURETFS (s: String): TEXT = VAR l := SLength(s) - 1; BEGIN RETURN Text.FromChars(SUBARRAY(s^, 0, l)); END TFS; PROCEDURESLength (s: String): CARDINAL = VAR n: CARDINAL := 0; BEGIN IF NUMBER(s^) = 0 THEN RETURN 0 END; IF s[0] = '\000' THEN RETURN 0 END; WHILE s[n] # '\000' AND n < NUMBER(s^) DO INC(n); END; RETURN n; END SLength; PROCEDURENew (): Algorithm.T = BEGIN RETURN NEW(T, data := ZeusPanel.NewForm("WheelerInput.fv")
** , codeViews := RefList.List1( RefList.List2(Decompress Pseudo-Code View
)) **
).init() END New; PROCEDURERun (alg: T) RAISES {Thread.Alerted} = VAR codes: REF ARRAY OF INTEGER; pos: CARDINAL; alphabet, string: String; pause, finalOnly: BOOLEAN; BEGIN LOCK DO alphabet := ToString(FormsVBT.GetText(, "alphabet")); string := ToString(FormsVBT.GetText(, "string")); pause := FormsVBT.GetBoolean(, "pause"); finalOnly := FormsVBT.GetBoolean(, "finalOnly"); END; codes := Ws(alg, pause, finalOnly, alphabet, string, pos); IF pause AND NOT finalOnly THEN ZeusPanel.Pause(alg) END; EVAL UnWs(alg, pause, finalOnly, alphabet, codes, pos) END Run; PROCEDUREWs (alg: T; pause, finalOnly: BOOLEAN; alpha, string: String; VAR pos: CARDINAL ): REF ARRAY OF INTEGER RAISES {Thread.Alerted} =
Apply the Wheeler transformation to the inputstring
, with alphabetalpha
, returning the sequence of integers that are codes for the characters ofstring
which is the position ofstring
in the sorted rotations. Using these return values and the alphabet as inputs,UnWs
can reconstructstring
PROCEDURE Rotate(s: String; i: CARDINAL): String = (* Return a new string that is "s" rotated "i" positions to the left (cyclically). *) VAR sn := SLength(s); (* NUMBER(s^)-1; *) res := NEW(String, sn+1); BEGIN FOR j := 0 TO sn-1 DO res[j] := string[(i+j) MOD sn] END; res[sn] := '\000'; RETURN res END Rotate; VAR n := NUMBER(string^)-1; rotations := NEW(REF ARRAY OF TEXT, n); lastchars := NEW(String, n+1); xchars: String; BEGIN IF NOT finalOnly THEN WheelerIE.StartPermute(alg, TFS(string), TFS(alpha)) END; (* generate an "n * n" array containing the "n" rotations of "string". *) FOR i := 0 TO n-1 DO rotations[i] := TFS(Rotate(string, i)); IF NOT finalOnly THEN WheelerIE.NextRotation(alg, i, rotations[i]) END; END; (* sort the rotations *) TextArraySort.Sort(rotations^, Text.Compare); (* find the index of the original string in the list of sorted rotations *) pos := 0; WHILE (NOT Text.Equal(TFS(string), rotations[pos])) DO INC(pos) END; WheelerIE.RotationsSorted(alg, rotations, pos); (* pick off the last character of each rotation *) FOR i := 0 TO n-1 DO lastchars[i] := Text.GetChar(rotations[i], n-1); END; lastchars[n] := '\000'; IF NOT finalOnly THEN WheelerIE.PermuteDone(alg, TFS(lastchars), pos) END; IF pause AND NOT finalOnly THEN ZeusPanel.Pause(alg) END; (* append list of last characters to the alphabet *) VAR alen := SLength(alpha); BEGIN xchars := NEW(String, alen + n + 1); SUBARRAY(xchars^, 0, alen) := SUBARRAY(alpha^, 0, alen); SUBARRAY(xchars^, alen, n+1) := lastchars^ END; IF NOT finalOnly THEN WheelerIE.StartEncode(alg, TFS(alpha)) END; (* for each character in "lastchars", find the number of distinct characters between it and the preceding instance of the same character in the string. If the character does not occur previously in the string, we continue the search as though the alphabet had been prepended to the original string. *) VAR output := NEW(REF ARRAY OF INTEGER, n); BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO n-1 DO VAR c := lastchars[i]; seen := NEW(REF ARRAY OF BOOLEAN, 256); count := 0; j := SLength(alpha) + i - 1; BEGIN IF NOT finalOnly THEN WheelerIE.EncodeNextChar(alg, i, c) END; WHILE(xchars[j] # c) DO IF NOT seen[ORD(xchars[j])] THEN seen[ORD(xchars[j])] := TRUE; INC(count); IF NOT finalOnly THEN WheelerIE.EncodeDistinctCount(alg, i, j, count, c) END; END; DEC(j) END; output[i] := count; IF NOT finalOnly THEN WheelerIE.EncodeFoundCode(alg, i, j, count, c) END; END END; (* Return the position and the output array. *) IF NOT finalOnly THEN WheelerIE.EncodeDone(alg, TFS(alpha), output, pos) END; RETURN output END END Ws; PROCEDUREUnWs (alg: T; pause, finalOnly: BOOLEAN; alpha: String; codes: REF ARRAY OF INTEGER; pos: CARDINAL ): TEXT RAISES {Thread.Alerted} =
Undo a Wheeler
is the sequence of integer codes andpos
is the row position produced byWs
is the alphabet given toWs
. Returns the original string.
****** PROCEDURE At (line: INTEGER) RAISES {Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN IF NOT finalOnly THEN ZeusCodeView.At(alg, line) END; END At; ******
VAR n := NUMBER(codes^); alen := NUMBER(alpha^) - 1; xchars := NEW(String, alen + n + 1); lastchars := NEW(String, n + 1); firstchars := NEW(String, n + 1); charmap := NEW(REF ARRAY OF INTEGER, n); BEGIN (*ZeusCodeView.Enter(alg, procedureName := "Decompress");*) (* rederive the "lastchars" string using "codes", the alphabet, and the row position*) (*At(2);*) IF NOT finalOnly THEN WheelerIE.InitDecode(alg, TFS(alpha), codes, pos) END; IF NOT finalOnly THEN WheelerIE.StartDecode(alg) END; SUBARRAY(xchars^, 0, alen+1) := alpha^; FOR i := 0 TO n-1 DO VAR count := 0; seen := NEW(REF ARRAY OF BOOLEAN, 256); j := alen + i; BEGIN IF NOT finalOnly THEN WheelerIE.DecodeNextCode(alg, i) END; WHILE (count < codes[i]+1) DO DEC(j); IF NOT seen[ORD(xchars[j])] THEN seen[ORD(xchars[j])] := TRUE; INC(count); IF count < codes[i] + 1 THEN IF NOT finalOnly THEN WheelerIE.DecodeDistinctCount(alg, i, j, count) END END END END; IF NOT finalOnly THEN WheelerIE.DecodeFoundChar(alg, i, j, xchars[j]) END; xchars[alen+i] := xchars[j]; lastchars[i] := xchars[j] END; lastchars[n] := '\000' END; WheelerIE.DecodeDone(alg, TFS(lastchars), pos); IF pause AND NOT finalOnly THEN ZeusPanel.Pause(alg) END; (*At(3);*) WheelerIE.StartReconstruct(alg, TFS(lastchars), pos); WheelerIE.Reveal(alg, 1); (* obtain the array of initial characters in the sorted rotations by sorting the "lastchars" array *) firstchars^ := lastchars^; CharArraySort.Sort(SUBARRAY(firstchars^, 0, n), Char.Compare); (*At(4);*) WheelerIE.FirstChars(alg, TFS(firstchars)); WheelerIE.Reveal(alg, 2); (* set "charmap[i]" to contain the index in "lastchars" of the character corresponding to "firstchar[i]" *) (*At(5);*) VAR j := 0; BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO n-1 DO IF i # 0 AND firstchars[i] # firstchars[i-1] THEN j := 0; WheelerIE.FinishCharRun(alg) END; WheelerIE.ConsiderChar(alg, i); WHILE firstchars[i] # lastchars[j] DO INC(j); END; WheelerIE.EqualChars(alg, i, j); charmap[i] := j; INC(j) END; WheelerIE.FinishCharRun(alg); END; WheelerIE.StartResult(alg); (* construct the original string by reading through "firstchars" and "lastchars" using "charmap" *) (*At(6);*) VAR ans := NEW(String, n+1); BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO n-1 DO WheelerIE.ResultNextChar(alg, pos, i); ans[i] := firstchars[pos]; pos := charmap[pos] END; ans[n] := '\000'; WheelerIE.EndResult(alg); RETURN TFS(ans); END; END UnWs; BEGIN ZeusPanel.RegisterAlg(New, "Wheeler Block Sort", "Wheeler") END Wheeler.