
 Copyright 1992 Digital Equipment Corporation. 
 Distributed only by permission. 
 Last modified on Wed Jun 23 12:07:25 PDT 1993 by steveg 
      modified on Fri Aug  7 07:17:10 PDT 1992 by mhb 


IMPORT GraphVBT, RefList;

This interface contains a collection of procedures for animating motions on a collection of GraphVBT.Vertex. Even if a vertex is mentioned multiple times in the list, it is only moved once.

PROCEDURE Rotate (center     : GraphVBT.Vertex;
                  angle : REAL;
                  vertices   : RefList.T (* of GraphVBT.Vertex *));
<* LL.sup =  RefList.First(SELF.vertices) *>
Rotate vertices around center by angle degrees. Positive degrees move in the clockwise direction when x increases to the right and y increases downward. Reversing the polarity of x or y reverses the direction of rotation. Reversing the polarity of both x and y, leaves the direction of rotation unchanged.

PROCEDURE MoveAlongEdges (edges   : RefList.T (* of GraphVBT.Edge *);
                          vertices: RefList.T (* of GraphVBT.Vertex *));
<* LL.sup =  RefList.First(SELF.vertices) *>
Move vertices along edges. The time spent moving along each edge is roughly proportionate to the edge's length.

END GraphAnim.

interface GraphVBT is in: