
 Copyright 1992 Digital Equipment Corporation. 
 Distributed only by permission. 
 Last modified on Thu Feb 24 17:11:41 PST 1994 by wobber     
      modified on Mon Dec  7 18:34:14 1992 by gnelson    
      modified on Thu Jul 30 18:51:00 PDT 1992 by evers  
      modified on Mon Jun 29  8:45:58 PDT 1992 by owicki 
 A {\it network object} is an object whose methods can be invoked by
   other programs, in addition to the program that allocated the object.
   The program invoking the method is called the {\it client} and the
   program containing the network object is called the {\it owner}.  The
   client and owner can be running on different machines or in different
   address spaces on the same machine.
   \index{network object}\index{network object!client}
   \index{network object!owner} 

This is the primary public interface for using network objects. Before listing the interface, here are a few definitions.

A {\it program instance} is an activation of a program. The same program can have many instances running concurrently or consecutively. A program instance can be thought of as an address space, although the design does not preclude the implementation of a program instance by a suite of address spaces.\index{program instance}

An {\it agent}\index{agent} is a program that provides a table that maps names to network objects. Any program can be an agent, but every machine has a particular default agent. Owners typically make network objects available to clients by inserting them into an agent's table, using the procedure NetObj.Export. Clients typically use NetObj.Import to retrieve network objects from the table.


IMPORT Atom, AtomList, Thread;

  T <: ROOT;
  Address <: REFANY;
NetObj.T is the root type of all network objects. A NetObj.Address designates a program instance. \ttindex{NetObj.T}\ttindex{NetObj.Address}

PROCEDURE Locate (host: TEXT): Address
    RAISES {Invalid, Error, Thread.Alerted};
Return an address for the standard agent at the machine whose human-sensible name is host. \ttindex{NetObj.Locate}
 The naming convention used by Locate is system-dependent.  For 
   example, in an Internet environment, Locate(\dq\dq ) 
   returns the address of the default agent on the machine decsrc in 
   the DEC Palo Alto Internet domain.

Locate raises Invalid if it determines that host is not a valid name. It raises Error if it is unable to interpret the name or determine its validity, typically because it is unable to contact the naming authority, or if there is no standard agent running on the specified host.

    name: TEXT; obj: T; where: Address := NIL)
    RAISES {Error, Thread.Alerted};
Set table[name] := obj where table is the table provided by the agent whose address is where, or by the default agent for the local machine if where = NIL. This can be used with obj=NIL to remove an entry from the table. \ttindex{NetObj.Export}

PROCEDURE Import(name: TEXT; where: Address := NIL): T
    RAISES {Error, Thread.Alerted};
Return table[name] where table is the table provided by the agent whose address is where, or by the default agent for the local machine if where = NIL. Import returns NIL if table contains no entry for name. \ttindex{NetObj.Import}


  CommFailure, MissingObject,
    NoResources, NoTransport,
    UnsupportedDataRep, Alerted: Atom.T;

END NetObj.
\ttindex{NetObj.Error}% The exception NetObj.Error indicates possible failures in a remote method invocation. Every remote method should therefore include NetObj.Error in its raises clause. If NetObj.Error is not raised, then the invocation completed successfully. If it is raised, it may or may not have completed successfully. It is possible that an {\it orphaned} remote invocation continued to execute at the owner, while the client raised NetObj.Error.\index{orphan computation}

The first atom in the argument to NetObj.Error explains the reason for the failure. The subsequent atoms may provide additional implementation-dependent details about the failure. Here are the interpretations of the first atom:

The atom CommFailure indicates communication failure, which might be network failure or a crash on a remote machine. MissingObject indicates that some network object, either the one whose method is invoked or an argument to that method, has been garbage-collected by its owner. (This indicates that the owner mistakenly determined that one of its clients was dead.) NoResources indicates that the call failed because of a lack of resources, for example Unix file descriptors. NoTransport indicates that an attempt to unmarshal an object failed because the client and owner shared no common transport protocol implementation and were therefore unable to communicate. UnsupportedDataRep indicates a mismatch between the network representation of data and the ability of a receiver to handle it, for example a 64-bit INTEGER with non-zero high-order bits is not meaningful as an INTEGER on a 32-bit machine. Alerted indicates that a client thread was alerted in the middle of a remote call and that an orphaned remote computation might still be in progress. (Threads alerted in remote calls might also raise Thread.Alerted; in which case it is guaranteed that no orphans remain.) Any other atoms indicate errors inside the network object runtime.