
 Copyright (C) 1994, Digital Equipment Corporation           
 All rights reserved.                                        
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.              
 Last modified on Thu Oct 20 09:45:27 PDT 1994 by kalsow     
      modified on Sun Sep  4 22:02:44 PDT 1994 by stolfi     
      modified on Sat Sep 15 02:51:50 1990 by muller         
      modified on Fri Jun 10 14:20:12 1988 by glassman       

This interface provides simple and robust tools for parsing the command line arguments given to a process when it is started (see Params and Process.Create). \index{parameters of a process} \index{process!parameters}

INTERFACE ParseParams;
NOTE: Before reading the details, check the usage example at the end of this interface.



  T <: Public;
    (* A parser for UNIX-style command line arguments. *)

  Public = OBJECT

      arg: REF ARRAY OF TEXT;
        (* Arguments given, including the command name "arg[0]",
	   but excluding any "@M3" directives. *)

      parsed: REF ARRAY OF BOOLEAN;
        (* Flag "parsed[i]" is "TRUE" if "arg[i]
	   has been parsed. *)
      next: CARDINAL;
        (* The next argument to parse is "arg[next]" *)


      init (wr: Wr.T): T;
        (* Allocates the arrays "arg" and "parsed" and
	   initializes them with the parameters of the current
	   process.  Marks "arg[0]" as parsed, all others as unparsed,
	   and sets "next" to 1.  Any subsequent parsing errors
	   will be printed out to "wr". *)

      keywordPresent (key: TEXT): BOOLEAN;
        (* Looks for the first unparsed argument "arg[i]"
	   that is equal to "key".  If found, marks it as parsed,
	   sets "next" to "i+1", and returns "TRUE".
           Otherwise returns "FALSE" and leaves "next" unchanged. *)
      getKeyword (key: TEXT) RAISES {Error};
        (* Same as "keywordPresent", but raises "Error" if the
	   keyword is not found. *)

      getNext (): TEXT RAISES {Error};
        (* Returns "arg[next]", marks it as parsed and increments "next".
	   Raises "Error" if "arg[next]" does not exist or has already
	   been parsed. *)

      testNext (key: TEXT): BOOLEAN RAISES {};
        (* If "arg[next]" exists, is unparsed, and is equal to "key",
	   marks it as parsed, increments "next" and returns TRUE.
	   Otherwise does none of these things and returns "FALSE". *)

      getNextInt (
          min:=FIRST(INTEGER); max:=LAST(INTEGER)
      getNextReal (
          min:=FIRST(REAL); max:=LAST(REAL)
	): REAL RAISES {Error};
      getNextLongReal (
          min:=FIRST(LONGREAL); max:=LAST(LONGREAL)
        (* Same as "getNext", but converts the result to the approriate
	   type (using "Scan.Int", "Scan.Real", "Scan.LongReal").
	   Raises "Error" if the parameter is not a valid literal, or
	   lies outside of the range "[min..max]".  *)

      error (msg: TEXT) RAISES {Error};
        (* Prints the given message, and raises "Error". *)

      skipParsed () RAISES {Error};
        (* Points "next" at the first unparsed argument.
	   If there are parsed arguments beyond that one,
	   prints a message and raises "Error". *)

      finish () RAISES {Error};
        (* Checks if all parameters have been parsed; if not,
	   prints a message and raises "Error". *)

END ParseParams.

In some popular operating systems, most programs expect their command-line arguments to consist of a string of keywords and keyword-labeled arguments (`options', `switches', etc.), followed by a list of positional arguments.

To help the user, programs generally allow the switches and keyword-labeled arguments to be given in any order. Some of those parameters may be optional and/or repeatable, some may be mandatory; some may be required or forbidden depending on the values of the other parameters. Furthermore, the value of an argument may be just a number or a text string, or may be a cluster of two or more values with their own little syntax.

This module simplifies the parsing of such command-line parameters, by allowing the program to scan the arguments in their logical order. It also detects automatically many kinds of common mistakes---arguments that are missing, repeated, extraneous, malformed, or out of range---and prints the appropriate error messages.

For example, here is how this module could be used by an hypothetical program prt that concatenates a bunch of files and prints selected pages ranges, possibly in reverse order, with several formatting options.

           MaxPages = 10000;
         VAR (* Arguments from command line: 

|   fontSize: CARDINAL;
   |   landscape: BOOLEAN;
   |   nRanges: CARDINAL := 0;
   |   ini, fin: ARRAY [0..99] OF [1..MaxPages];
   |   rev: ARRAY [0..99] OF BOOLEAN;
   |   files: REF ARRAY OF TEXT;
   | PROCEDURE ParseCommandLine () =
   |   CONST
   |     Usage =
   |       "prt \\\n" &
   |       "  -fontSize <n> \\\n" &
   |       "  [ -landscape | -portrait ] \\\n" &
   |       "  [ -pages <n> <n> [ -reverse ] ]... \\\n" &
   |       "  file...\n";
   |   BEGIN
   |     WITH
   |       pp = NEW(ParseParams.T).init(Stdio.stderr)
   |     DO
   |       TRY
   |         (* The "-fontSize " parameter is mandatory: *)
   |         pp.getKeyword("-fontSize");
   |         fontSize := pp.getNextInt(1,100);
   |         (* Either "-landscape" or "-portrait", but not both: *)
   |         IF pp.keywordPresent("-landscape") THEN
   |           landscape := TRUE
   |         ELSIF pp.keywordPresent("-portrait")  THEN
   |           landscape := FALSE
   |         ELSE
   |           (* Default is "-portrait" unless font is too big: *)
   |           landscape := (fontSize > 8)
   |         END;
   |         (* Parse the page ranges: *)
   |         nRanges := 0;
   |         WHILE pp.keywordPresent("-pages") DO
   |           IF nRanges > LAST(ini) THEN pp.error("Too many page ranges") END;
   |           ini[nRanges] := pp.getNextInt(1,MaxPages);
   |           fin[nRanges] := pp.getNextInt(ini[nRanges],MaxPages);
   |           rev[nRanges] := pp.testNext("-reverse");
   |           nRanges := nRanges+1;
   |         END;
   |         IF nRanges = 0 THEN
   |           ini[0] := 1; fin[0] := MaxPages; rev[0] := FALSE;
   |           nRanges := 1
   |         END;
   |         (* Parse the file list: *)
   |         pp.skipParsed();
   |         WITH nFiles = NUMBER(pp.arg^) - DO
   |           IF nFiles = 0 THEN pp.error("no files specified") END;
   |           files := NEW(REF ARRAY OF TEXT, );
   |           FOR i := 0 TO nFiles-1 DO
   |             files[i] := pp.getNext()
   |           END
   |         END;
   |         (* Check for any unparsed parameters: *)
   |         pp.finish();
   |       EXCEPT
   |         ParseParams.Error =>
   |           Wr.PutText(Stdio.stderr, Usage);
   |           Process.Exit(1);
   |       END
   |     END
   |   END ParseCommandLine;

   Note that even though this code parses the parameters in a fixed
   order, the user may give them in any order.