FBEPostScript.m3 A Postscript backend for Formatter.i3. David Nichols, Xerox PARC July, 1991
$Id: FBEPostScript.m3,v 1.3 2006-10-17 09:49:18 thielema Exp $ Copyright (c) 1991 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Use and copying of this software and preparation of derivative works based upon this software are permitted. Any distribution of this software or derivative works must comply with all applicable United States export control laws. This software is made available AS IS, and Xerox Corporation makes no warranty about the software, its performance or its conformity to any specification.
MODULE; IMPORT FBE, Fmt, RefList, Rd, Lex, Text, Wr, Thread; IMPORT FloatMode, TextRd, Rsrc, AFMBundle; <* FATAL Thread.Alerted *> CONST PtsPerInch = 72.0; FullPageWidth = 8.5 * PtsPerInch; FullPageHeight = 11.0 * PtsPerInch; DefaultMargin = 0.5 * PtsPerInch; DefaultGully = 10.0; DefaultPageWidth = 7.0 * PtsPerInch; DefaultPageHeight = 9.5 * PtsPerInch; DefaultSpacing = 2.0; MaxChars = 128; (* chars to buffer in the FBE *) FBEPostScript
AFMDir =
There are three positions that are interesting: 1) the position we're at due to all the commands we've received, 2) the position that the text we've saved but not yet output should start at, and 3) the position we left the PostScript interpreter in last time we did something. We don't track the last one but instead do a moveto before each show.
We have a similar situation for fonts, except there is no analogue for (1)
since we don't have a notion of current font
in this interface. We do
track the PostScript font to avoid doing setfonts before each show.
TYPE T = FBE.T OBJECT wr : Wr.T; (* the writer *) prologWritten := FALSE; allFonts : RefList.T := NIL; allFontFamilies: RefList.T := NIL; title : TEXT; (* title for each page *) comment : ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF TEXT; (* comment for each page *) landscape: BOOLEAN; (* print landscape mode? *) physPageWidth := FullPageWidth; (* physical size *) physPageHeight := FullPageHeight; pageNum := 0; (* current page number *) topMargin := DefaultMargin; (* margins around code *) bottomMargin := DefaultMargin; leftMargin := DefaultMargin; rightMargin := DefaultMargin; gully := DefaultGully; topGully := DefaultGully; pageWidth := DefaultPageWidth; (* logical size *) pageHeight := DefaultPageHeight; spacing := DefaultSpacing; (* between line spacing *) curX, curY := 0.0; (* where we are on the page *) lineHeight := 0.0; (* height of each line *) psFont : Font; (* font the PS code is in *) (* Buffer of chars we haven't output yet. *) chars : ARRAY [0 .. MaxChars - 1] OF CHAR; nChars: INTEGER; charX, charY := 0.0; (* where chars go on page *) charFont : Font; (* font they're in *) OVERRIDES GetFont := GetFont; PageWidth := PageWidth; TextWidth := TextWidth; CharWidth := CharWidth; NewLine := NewLine; Goto := Goto; GetPos := GetPos; PutText := PutText; PutChar := PutChar; Flush := Flush; Close := Close; END; Font = FBE.Font OBJECT family: TEXT; (* font family *) scale : REAL; (* scale factor *) psName: TEXT; (* name of the symbol used in PS code *) widths: ARRAY [0 .. 255] OF REAL; END; VAR genCounter := 0;Generate a PostScript id for a font.
PROCEDUREParse the next integer from a string.GenName (): TEXT = BEGIN INC(genCounter); RETURN Fmt.F("font%s", Fmt.Int(genCounter)); END GenName;
PROCEDURENextInt (t: TEXT; VAR i: INTEGER): INTEGER RAISES {Lex.Error} = VAR len := Text.Length(t); start: INTEGER; BEGIN WHILE i < len AND (Text.GetChar(t, i) < '0' OR Text.GetChar(t, i) > '9') DO INC(i); END; start := i; WHILE i < len AND ('0' <= Text.GetChar(t, i) AND Text.GetChar(t, i) <= '9') DO INC(i); END; len := i - start; IF (len <= 0) THEN RAISE Lex.Error; END; TRY RETURN Lex.Int(TextRd.New(Text.Sub(t, start, len))); EXCEPT FloatMode.Trap, Rd.Failure => RAISE Lex.Error; END; END NextInt; PROCEDUREGetAFMFile ( family: TEXT ): Rd.T RAISES {FBE.Failed} = BEGIN TRY RETURN Rsrc.Open(family & ".afm", Rsrc.BuildPath(AFMBundle.Get())); EXCEPT | Rsrc.NotFound => RAISE FBE.Failed( NEW(FBE.Failure, info := "couldn't open font width file")); END; END GetAFMFile;
(* look for an AFM file in a path of possible directories
PROCEDURE GetAFMFile( family: TEXT ) : Rd.T RAISES {FBE.Failed} = PROCEDURE TryOpen(dir: TEXT) : Rd.T RAISES {OSError.E} = BEGIN RETURN FileRd.Open(dir & family & ".afm"); END TryOpen; VAR r : Rd.T; dir : TEXT; dirs : TEXT; i : INTEGER := 0; BEGIN dirs := Env.Get("AFMPATH"); IF dirs = NIL THEN TRY r := TryOpen(AFMDir); RETURN r; EXCEPT OSError.E => END; ELSE REPEAT i := Text.FindChar(dirs, ':', 0); CASE i OF | -1 => (* last element of path *) dir := dirs & "/"; dirs := NIL; | 0 => (* leading ":", ignore it *) dir := NIL; dirs := Text.Sub(dirs, 1); ELSE (* get path element *) dir := Text.Sub(dirs, 0, i) & "/"; dirs := Text.Sub(dirs, i+1); END; IF dir # NIL THEN TRY r := TryOpen(dir); RETURN r; EXCEPT OSError.E => END; END; UNTIL i = -1; END; RAISE FBE.Failed( NEW(FBE.Failure, info := "couldn't open font width file")); END GetAFMFile; *)Find the AFM file with the char widths and read it in.
PROCEDUREOutput one char, quoting it for PostScript strings.GetFont (o: T; fontName: TEXT): FBE.Font RAISES {FBE.Failed} = VAR family: TEXT; (* font family name *) scale : REAL; (* scale factor *) r : Rd.T; t : TEXT; i : INTEGER; font : Font; c, w : INTEGER; BEGIN (* parse fontname *) i := Text.Length(fontName); WHILE i > 0 AND ('0' <= Text.GetChar(fontName, i - 1) AND Text.GetChar(fontName, i - 1) <= '9') DO DEC(i); END; IF i = 0 OR i = Text.Length(fontName) THEN RAISE FBE.Failed(NEW(FBE.Failure, info := "Illegal font name.")); END; family := Text.Sub(fontName, 0, i); TRY scale := FLOAT(Lex.Int(TextRd.New(Text.Sub(fontName, i,LAST(INTEGER))))); EXCEPT Lex.Error, Rd.Failure, FloatMode.Trap => RAISE FBE.Failed(NEW(FBE.Failure, info := "bad font name")); END; (* open metrics file *) r := GetAFMFile(family); (* allocate new font object *) font := NEW(Font); font.family := family; font.scale := scale; font.psName := GenName(); o.allFonts := RefList.Cons(font, o.allFonts); IF NOT RefList.Member(o.allFontFamilies, family) THEN o.allFontFamilies := RefList.Cons(family, o.allFontFamilies); END; o.lineHeight := MAX(scale + o.spacing, o.lineHeight); FOR i := 0 TO 255 DO font.widths[i] := 0.0; END; (* read metrics *) TRY LOOP TRY t := Rd.GetLine(r) EXCEPT | Rd.EndOfFile => EXIT; END; IF Text.Length(t) >= 2 AND Text.GetChar(t, 0) = 'C' AND Text.GetChar(t, 1) = ' ' THEN (* This line has a char width. *) i := 2; c := NextInt(t, i); w := NextInt(t, i); IF 0 <= c AND c <= 255 THEN font.widths[c] := FLOAT(w) * scale / 1000.0; END; END; END; EXCEPT | Rd.Failure, Lex.Error => RAISE FBE.Failed( NEW(FBE.Failure, info := "error reading font metric file")); END; RETURN font; END GetFont; PROCEDUREPageWidth (o: T): REAL = BEGIN RETURN o.pageWidth; END PageWidth; PROCEDURETextWidth (<*UNUSED*> o: T; t: TEXT; font: FBE.Font): REAL = VAR width := 0.0; myFont: Font := font; BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO Text.Length(t) - 1 DO width := width + myFont.widths[ORD(Text.GetChar(t, i))]; END; RETURN width; END TextWidth; PROCEDURECharWidth (<*UNUSED*> o: T; c: CHAR; font: FBE.Font): REAL = VAR myFont: Font := font; BEGIN RETURN myFont.widths[ORD(c)]; END CharWidth;
PROCEDUREFlush any text that hasn't been output yet.QuoteChar (o: T; c: CHAR) RAISES {Wr.Failure} = BEGIN IF c < ' ' OR c > '~' OR c = '(' OR c = ')' OR c = '\\' THEN Wr.PutText(o.wr, Fmt.F("\\%03s", Fmt.Int(ORD(c), 8))); ELSE Wr.PutChar(o.wr, c); END; END QuoteChar;
PROCEDUREPrint out code to begin each page. Forgets current font so pages will be independent.FlushText (o: T) RAISES {Wr.Failure} = BEGIN IF o.nChars = 0 THEN RETURN END; IF o.psFont # o.charFont THEN <* ASSERT Text.Equal(Text.Sub(o.charFont.psName, 0, 4), "font") *> Wr.PutText(o.wr, o.charFont.psName); Wr.PutText(o.wr, " setfont\n"); o.psFont := o.charFont; END; Wr.PutText(o.wr, "("); FOR i := 0 TO o.nChars - 1 DO QuoteChar(o, o.chars[i]); END; Wr.PutText(o.wr, Fmt.F(") %s %s T\n", Fmt.Real(o.charX), Fmt.Real(o.charY))); o.nChars := 0; END FlushText;
PROCEDUREOutput old page.StartPage (o: T) RAISES {Wr.Failure} = BEGIN INC(o.pageNum); IF o.landscape THEN IF o.pageNum MOD 2 = 1 THEN WITH realPageNum = (o.pageNum + 1) DIV 2, rpnStr = Fmt.Int(realPageNum) DO Wr.PutText(o.wr, Fmt.F("%%Page: %s %s\n", rpnStr, rpnStr)); Wr.PutText(o.wr, Fmt.F("(%s) StartPage\n", rpnStr)); END; ELSE Wr.PutText(o.wr, "NextColumn\n"); END; ELSE WITH rpnStr = Fmt.Int(o.pageNum) DO Wr.PutText(o.wr, Fmt.F("%%Page: %s %s\n", rpnStr, rpnStr)); Wr.PutText(o.wr, Fmt.F("(%s) StartPage\n", rpnStr)); END; END; o.psFont := NIL; END StartPage; PROCEDUREEndPage (o: T; finalTime := FALSE) RAISES {Wr.Failure} = BEGIN FlushText(o); IF finalTime OR NOT o.landscape OR o.pageNum MOD 2 = 0 THEN Wr.PutText(o.wr, "showpage\n"); END; o.curY := o.pageHeight - o.lineHeight; o.curX := 0.0; END EndPage;
PROCEDURE**************************************************************NewPage (o: T) RAISES {Wr.Failure} = BEGIN EndPage(o); StartPage(o); END NewPage; PROCEDURENewLine (o: T) RAISES {FBE.Failed} = BEGIN TRY IF NOT o.prologWritten THEN WriteProlog(o); END; FlushText(o); IF o.curY - o.lineHeight < 0.0 THEN NewPage(o); END; o.curX := 0.0; o.curY := o.curY - o.lineHeight; EXCEPT Wr.Failure (r) => RAISE FBE.Failed(NEW(FBE.WrFailure, info := "writer failure", wrRef := r)); END; END NewLine; PROCEDUREGoto (o: T; pos: REAL) RAISES {FBE.Failed} = BEGIN TRY IF NOT o.prologWritten THEN WriteProlog(o); END; FlushText(o); o.curX := pos; EXCEPT Wr.Failure (r) => RAISE FBE.Failed(NEW(FBE.WrFailure, info := "writer failure", wrRef := r)); END; END Goto; PROCEDUREGetPos (o: T): REAL = BEGIN RETURN o.curX; END GetPos; PROCEDUREPutText (o: T; t: TEXT; font: FBE.Font) RAISES {FBE.Failed} = VAR c : CHAR; myFont: Font := font; BEGIN TRY IF NOT o.prologWritten THEN WriteProlog(o); END; IF myFont # o.charFont THEN FlushText(o); END; o.charFont := myFont; FOR i := 0 TO Text.Length(t) - 1 DO IF o.nChars >= MaxChars THEN FlushText(o); END; c := Text.GetChar(t, i); IF c = '\n' THEN NewLine(o); ELSIF c = '\r' THEN (* ignore incoming carriage return characters *) ELSE IF o.nChars = 0 THEN (* Need to remember start point. *) o.charX := o.curX; o.charY := o.curY; END; o.chars[o.nChars] := c; o.curX := o.curX + myFont.widths[ORD(c)]; INC(o.nChars); END; END; EXCEPT Wr.Failure (r) => RAISE FBE.Failed(NEW(FBE.WrFailure, info := "writer failure", wrRef := r)); END; END PutText; PROCEDUREPutChar (o: T; c: CHAR; font: FBE.Font) RAISES {FBE.Failed} = VAR myFont: Font := font; BEGIN TRY IF NOT o.prologWritten THEN WriteProlog(o); END; IF c = '\n' THEN NewLine(o); ELSIF c = '\r' THEN (* ignore incoming carriage return characters *) ELSE IF myFont # o.charFont OR o.nChars > MaxChars THEN FlushText(o); END; IF o.nChars = 0 THEN (* Need to remember start point. *) o.charX := o.curX; o.charY := o.curY; END; o.charFont := myFont; o.chars[o.nChars] := c; o.curX := o.curX + myFont.widths[ORD(c)]; INC(o.nChars); END; EXCEPT Wr.Failure (r) => RAISE FBE.Failed(NEW(FBE.WrFailure, info := "writer failure", wrRef := r)); END; END PutChar; PROCEDUREFlush (o: T) RAISES {FBE.Failed} = BEGIN TRY IF NOT o.prologWritten THEN WriteProlog(o); END; FlushText(o); Wr.Flush(o.wr); EXCEPT Wr.Failure (r) => RAISE FBE.Failed(NEW(FBE.WrFailure, info := "writer failure", wrRef := r)); END; END Flush; PROCEDUREClose (o: T) RAISES {FBE.Failed} = BEGIN TRY IF NOT o.prologWritten THEN WriteProlog(o); END; FlushText(o); EndPage(o, TRUE); (* Write the trailer. *) Wr.PutText(o.wr, "%%Trailer\n"); IF o.landscape THEN Wr.PutText( o.wr, Fmt.F("%%Pages: %s\n", Fmt.Int((o.pageNum + 1) DIV 2))); ELSE Wr.PutText(o.wr, Fmt.F("%%Pages: %s\n", Fmt.Int(o.pageNum))); END; Wr.PutText(o.wr, "%%EOF\n"); Wr.Flush(o.wr); EXCEPT Wr.Failure (r) => RAISE FBE.Failed(NEW(FBE.WrFailure, info := "writer failure", wrRef := r)); END; END Close;
PROCEDUREReturns a fixed-width FBE.T that writes to the underlying Wr.T.WriteProlog (o: T) RAISES {Wr.Failure} = VAR headY := o.physPageHeight - o.topMargin - 36.0; PROCEDURE WriteOneFamily (element: REFANY) RAISES {Wr.Failure} = VAR family := NARROW(element, TEXT); BEGIN Wr.PutText(o.wr, " " & family); END WriteOneFamily; PROCEDURE WriteFontSetup (element: REFANY) RAISES {Wr.Failure} = VAR font := NARROW(element, Font); BEGIN Wr.PutText(o.wr, Fmt.F("/%s /%s findfont %s scalefont def\n", font.psName, font.family, Fmt.Real(font.scale))); END WriteFontSetup; BEGIN Wr.PutText(o.wr, "%!PS-Adobe-3.0\n" (* now conforming *) & "%%Pages: (atend)\n"); IF o.landscape THEN Wr.PutText(o.wr, "%%Orientation: Landscape\n"); ELSE Wr.PutText(o.wr, "%%Orientation: Portrait\n"); END; Wr.PutText(o.wr, "%%DocumentNeededResources: font"); VAR x := o.allFontFamilies; BEGIN WHILE (x # NIL) DO WriteOneFamily (x.head); x := x.tail; END; END; Wr.PutText(o.wr, "\n"); Wr.PutText(o.wr, "%%EndComments\n"); Wr.PutText( o.wr, "%%BeginSetup\n" & "/T { moveto show } bind def\n" & "/Box { moveto dup 0 exch rlineto\n" & " exch 0 rlineto neg 0 exch rlineto closepath\n" & "} bind def\n" & "/Center { dup stringwidth pop neg 2 div\n" & " 4 -1 roll add 3 -1 roll moveto show\n" & "} bind def\n" & "/StartPage {\n"); IF o.landscape THEN Wr.PutText( o.wr, Fmt.F(" %s 0 translate 90 rotate\n", Fmt.Real(o.physPageHeight))); END; Wr.PutText( o.wr, Fmt.F(" 72 36 %s %s Box 0.8 setgray fill\n", Fmt.Real(o.leftMargin), Fmt.Real(headY)) & Fmt.F(" 72 36 %s %s Box 0.8 setgray fill\n", Fmt.Real(o.physPageWidth - 72.0 - o.rightMargin), Fmt.Real(headY)) & Fmt.F(" %s 20 %s %s Box 0.9 setgray fill\n", Fmt.Real(o.physPageWidth - 2.0 * 72.0 - o.rightMargin - o.leftMargin), Fmt.Real(o.leftMargin + 72.0), Fmt.Real(headY)) & " 0 setgray\n" & "TitleFont setfont\n" & Fmt.F(" %s %s (", Fmt.Real(o.physPageWidth / 2.0), Fmt.Real(headY + 6.0))); IF (o.title # NIL) THEN FOR i := 0 TO Text.Length(o.title) - 1 DO QuoteChar(o, Text.GetChar(o.title, i)); END; END; Wr.PutText(o.wr, ") Center\n" & "CommentFont setfont\n" & Fmt.F(" %s %s (", Fmt.Real(o.leftMargin + 36.0), Fmt.Real(headY + 18.0))); FOR i := 0 TO Text.Length(o.comment[0]) - 1 DO QuoteChar(o, Text.GetChar(o.comment[0], i)); END; Wr.PutText( o.wr, ") Center\n" & Fmt.F(" %s %s (", Fmt.Real(o.leftMargin + 36.0), Fmt.Real(headY + 6.0))); FOR i := 0 TO Text.Length(o.comment[1]) - 1 DO QuoteChar(o, Text.GetChar(o.comment[1], i)); END; Wr.PutText( o.wr, ") Center\n" & "PageFont setfont\n" & Fmt.F(" %s exch %s exch Center\n", Fmt.Real(o.physPageWidth - o.rightMargin - 36.0), Fmt.Real(headY + 6.0)) & Fmt.F(" %s %s translate\n", Fmt.Real(o.leftMargin), Fmt.Real(o.bottomMargin)) & "} bind def\n" & Fmt.F("/NextColumn { %s 0 translate } bind def\n", Fmt.Real(o.pageWidth + o.gully)) & "/CommentFont /Times-Bold findfont 12 scalefont def\n" & "/TitleFont /Times-Roman findfont 12 scalefont def\n" & "/PageFont /Helvetica-Bold findfont 30 scalefont def\n"); VAR x := o.allFonts; BEGIN WHILE (x # NIL) DO WriteFontSetup (x.head); x := x.tail END; END; Wr.PutText(o.wr, "%%EndSetup\n"); StartPage(o); o.prologWritten := TRUE; END WriteProlog;
PROCEDURENew (wr : Wr.T; title : TEXT; comment := ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF TEXT{"", ""}; landscape := TRUE ): FBE.T = VAR o := NEW(T); tmp: REAL; BEGIN o.wr := wr; o.landscape := landscape; o.title := title; o.comment := comment; IF landscape THEN tmp := o.physPageWidth; o.physPageWidth := o.physPageHeight; o.physPageHeight := tmp; END; o.pageHeight := o.physPageHeight - 36.0 - o.topMargin - o.bottomMargin - o.topGully; IF landscape THEN o.pageWidth := (o.physPageWidth - 10.0 - o.leftMargin - o.rightMargin) / 2.0; ELSE o.pageWidth := o.physPageWidth - o.leftMargin - o.rightMargin; END; o.curY := o.pageHeight; o.psFont := NIL; (* no font yet *) o.nChars := 0; RETURN o; END New; BEGIN END FBEPostScript.