FBEWr.m3 Traditional, fixed-width, ASCII backend for Formatter. David Nichols, Xerox PARC July, 1991
$Id: FBEWr.m3,v 2001-01-13 14:47:03 wagner Exp $ Copyright (c) 1991 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
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MODULEFonts are ignored, so we always return NIL.; IMPORT FBE, Text, Wr, Thread; <* FATAL Thread.Alerted *> TYPE T = FBE.T OBJECT wr : Wr.T; (* the writer *) width : INTEGER; (* logical width *) curPos := 0; (* where we are on the line *) OVERRIDES GetFont := GetFont; PageWidth := PageWidth; TextWidth := TextWidth; CharWidth := CharWidth; NewLine := NewLine; Goto := Goto; GetPos := GetPos; PutText := PutText; PutChar := PutChar; Flush := Flush; Close := Close; END; FBEWr
PROCEDURE**************************************************************GetFont (<*UNUSED*> o: T; <*UNUSED*> fontName: TEXT): FBE.Font = BEGIN RETURN NIL; END GetFont; PROCEDUREPageWidth (o: T): REAL = BEGIN RETURN FLOAT(o.width); END PageWidth; PROCEDURETextWidth (<*UNUSED*> o: T; t: TEXT; <*UNUSED*> font: FBE.Font): REAL = BEGIN RETURN FLOAT(Text.Length(t)); END TextWidth; PROCEDURECharWidth (<*UNUSED*> o : T; <*UNUSED*> c : CHAR; <*UNUSED*> font: FBE.Font): REAL = BEGIN RETURN 1.0; END CharWidth; PROCEDURENewLine (o: T) RAISES {FBE.Failed} = BEGIN TRY Wr.PutChar(o.wr, '\n'); o.curPos := 0; EXCEPT | Wr.Failure (r) => RAISE FBE.Failed(NEW(FBE.WrFailure, info := "writer failure", wrRef := r)); END; END NewLine; PROCEDUREGoto (o: T; pos: REAL) RAISES {FBE.Failed} = VAR iPos := TRUNC(pos); BEGIN TRY WHILE o.curPos < iPos DO Wr.PutChar(o.wr, ' '); INC(o.curPos); END; EXCEPT | Wr.Failure (r) => RAISE FBE.Failed(NEW(FBE.WrFailure, info := "writer failure", wrRef := r)); END; END Goto; PROCEDUREGetPos (o: T): REAL = BEGIN RETURN FLOAT(o.curPos); END GetPos; PROCEDUREPutText (o: T; t: TEXT; <*UNUSED*> font: FBE.Font) RAISES {FBE.Failed} = BEGIN TRY Wr.PutText(o.wr, t); FOR i := 0 TO Text.Length(t) - 1 DO IF Text.GetChar(t, i) = '\n' THEN o.curPos := 0; ELSE INC(o.curPos); END; END; EXCEPT | Wr.Failure (r) => RAISE FBE.Failed(NEW(FBE.WrFailure, info := "writer failure", wrRef := r)); END; END PutText; PROCEDUREPutChar (o: T; c: CHAR; <*UNUSED*> font: FBE.Font) RAISES {FBE.Failed} = BEGIN TRY Wr.PutChar(o.wr, c); IF c = '\n' THEN o.curPos := 0; ELSE INC(o.curPos); END; EXCEPT | Wr.Failure (r) => RAISE FBE.Failed(NEW(FBE.WrFailure, info := "writer failure", wrRef := r)); END; END PutChar; PROCEDUREFlush (o: T) RAISES {FBE.Failed} = BEGIN TRY Wr.Flush(o.wr); EXCEPT | Wr.Failure (r) => RAISE FBE.Failed(NEW(FBE.WrFailure, info := "writer failure", wrRef := r)); END; END Flush; PROCEDUREClose (o: T) RAISES {FBE.Failed} = BEGIN o.Flush(); END Close;
Returns a fixed-width FBE.T that writes to the underlying Wr.T.
PROCEDURENew (wr: Wr.T; width: INTEGER): FBE.T = VAR o := NEW(T); BEGIN o.wr := wr; o.width := width; RETURN o; END New; BEGIN END FBEWr.