
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation                         
 All rights reserved.                                                      
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                            
 Last modified on Sun May 14 19:55:17 PDT 1995 by detlefs                  
      modified on Tue Feb 11 20:48:45 PST 1992 by muller                   

Set is a generic interface defining sets of Elem.T's.

Where Elem.T is a type that is not an open array type and Elem contains

      PROCEDURE Equal(e1, e2: Elem.T): BOOLEAN;
Equal must be an equivalence relation.

Equal may be declared with a parameter mode of either VALUE or READONLY, but not VAR.

CONST Brand = "(Set " & Elem.Brand & ")";

    fromArray(READONLY a: ARRAY OF Elem.T): T;
    copy(): T;
    member(e: Elem.T): BOOLEAN;
    insert(e: Elem.T): BOOLEAN;
    delete(e: Elem.T): BOOLEAN;
    size(): CARDINAL;
    isEmpty(): BOOLEAN;
    subset(s2: T): BOOLEAN;
    equal(s2: T): BOOLEAN;
    intersect(s2: T): BOOLEAN;
    union(s2: T): T;
    intersection(s2: T): T;
    diff(s2: T): T;
    unionD(s2: T): T;
    intersectionD(s2: T): T;
    diffD(s2: T): T;
    iterate(): Iterator;
  T <: Public;
    next(VAR e: Elem.T): BOOLEAN
A Set(Elem) is a set of Elem.T's. Elem.T's that are equivalent under Elem.Equal are treated as equivalent by Set; for example, if you are creating a set with an Elem.T of TEXT, you are likely to want Text.Equal as the equivalence relation. The equivalence relation must be time-invariant. For example, it can't depend on the values of particular references since some garbage collectors may move REF values.

Formally, a set s has the component

      set(s) a set of equivalence classes of Elem.T's.
We will use equiv(e) to denote the equivelance class containing an Elem.T e.

For efficiency, a set is not monitored: it is up to the clients to avoid illegal concurrent accesses on the methods of a set. A set's insert and delete methods have side-effects on the set, so can't be performed concurrently with any other method of that set or of an iterator on that set. An iterator's next method has side-effects on the iterator, and is also considered to be a side-effect free operation on the parent set.

The methods of an object s of type Set.T have the following specifications:

The call s.fromArray(a) causes set(s) to contain exactly the equivalence classes containing all the elements of the array a.

The call s.copy() returns a set s2 whose abstract state set(s2) is the same as set(s).

The call s.member(e) returns TRUE iff e is in an equivalence class in set(s).

The call s.insert(e) returns TRUE and does not modify s if equiv(e) is in set(s); otherwise it adds equiv(e) to set(s) and returns FALSE.

The call s.delete(e) ensures that set(s) does not contain equiv(e), returning TRUE iff set(s) contained equiv(e) before the call.

The call s.isEmpty() returns TRUE iff set(s) is the empty set.

The call s.size() returns the cardinality of set(s).

The call s.subset(s2) returns TRUE iff set(s) is a subset of set(s2).

The call s.equal(s2) returns TRUE iff set(s) and set(s2) are the same set.

The call s.union(s2) returns a new set s3 such that set(s3) is the union of set(s) and set(s2).

The call s.intersection(s2) returns a new set s3 such that set(s3) is the intersection of set(s) and set(s2).

The call s.diff(s2) returns a set s3 such that set(s3) contains all equivalence classes in set(s) but not in set(s2).

The call s.unionD(s2) modifies s so that set(s) contains the union of set(s`) and set(s2), where s` is the state of s immediately before the call, and returns the modified set.

The call s.intersectionD(s2) modifies s so that set(s) contains the intersection of set(s`) and set(s2), where s` is the state of s immediately before the call, and returns the modified set.

The call s.diffD(s2) modifies s so that set(s) contains no equivalence classes that are in set(s2), and returns the modified set.

The call s.iterate() returns an iterator, which is an object that can be used to iterate over the elements in s. See below for the specification of the Iterator type.

If it is the result of the call s.iterate(), then the call selects an element from s that has not already been returned by it, sets e to that element, and returns TRUE. If no entries remain, the call returns FALSE without setting e. It is a checked runtime error to call next after it has returned FALSE.

PROCEDURE Equal(s1, s2: T): BOOLEAN;
Equivalent to s1.equal(s2). Exported so that Set's may be used as arguments to generic interfaces.

END Set.