MODULEFor each parser event, print the associated SGML file content. The output may differ slightly from the input since several input variations produce the same parsing events. For instance, omitted end tags are detected by the parser and inserted. Since they are reported as parsing events they always appear on output.; IMPORT Wr, SGML, SGMLElementSeq, Text, Thread, Fmt; REVEAL T = Public BRANDED OBJECT parseMode: ParseMode; OVERRIDES init := Init; appInfo := AppInfo; startDtd := StartDtd; endDtd := EndDtd; endProlog := EndProlog; startElement := StartElement; endElement := EndElement; data := Data; sdata := SData; pi := Pi; externalDataEntityRef := ExternalDataEntityRef; subdocEntityRef := SubdocEntityRef; nonSgmlChar := NonSgmlChar; commentDecl := CommentDecl; markedSectionStart := MarkedSectionStart; markedSectionEnd := MarkedSectionEnd; ignoredChars := IgnoredChars; generalEntity := GeneralEntity; error := Error; openEntityChange:= OpenEntityChange; END; TYPE ParseMode = {Normal, RCData, CData}; (* OutputState = {PendingNL, Other, StartTag}; *) <*FATAL Thread.Alerted*> <*FATAL Wr.Failure*> SGMLPrint
The output corresponding to the content of each event
is not necessarily obvious because of the flexibility/complexity
of SGML.
PROCEDUREAppInfo (<*UNUSED*>self: T; <*UNUSED*>READONLY e: SGML.AppinfoEvent) = VAR BEGIN END AppInfo; PROCEDUREStartDtd (self: T; READONLY e: SGML.StartDtdEvent) = VAR BEGIN IF e.externalId.systemId # NIL OR e.externalId.publicId # NIL OR e.externalId.generatedSystemId # NIL THEN Wr.PutText(self.wr,"<!DOCTYPE " & & " "); IF e.externalId.publicId # NIL THEN Wr.PutText(self.wr,"PUBLIC \"" & e.externalId.publicId & "\""); ELSE Wr.PutText(self.wr,"SYSTEM"); END; IF e.externalId.systemId # NIL THEN Wr.PutText(self.wr," \"" & e.externalId.systemId & "\""); END; Wr.PutText(self.wr,">\n"); END; END StartDtd; PROCEDUREEndDtd (<*UNUSED*>self: T; <*UNUSED*>READONLY e: SGML.EndDtdEvent) = VAR BEGIN END EndDtd; PROCEDUREEndProlog (<*UNUSED*>self: T; <*UNUSED*>READONLY e: SGML.EndPrologEvent) = VAR BEGIN END EndProlog; PROCEDUREStartElement (self: T; READONLY e: SGML.StartElementEvent) = VAR BEGIN IF self.stack.size() > 0 AND self.stack.gethi().contentType = SGML.ElementContentType.Element THEN Wr.PutText(self.wr,"\n"); END; self.stack.addhi(e); IF self.parseMode # ParseMode.Normal THEN Wr.PutText(self.wr,"]]><! INCLUDE ["); END; CASE e.contentType OF | SGML.ElementContentType.CData => self.parseMode := ParseMode.CData; | SGML.ElementContentType.RCData => self.parseMode := ParseMode.RCData; ELSE self.parseMode := ParseMode.Normal; END; Wr.PutText(self.wr,"<" &; FOR i := 0 TO LAST(e.attributes^) DO WITH a = e.attributes[i] DO CASE a.type OF | SGML.AttributeType.CData => IF a.defaulted # SGML.AttributeDefaulted.Definition THEN Wr.PutText(self.wr," " & & "=" & "\""); FOR j := 0 TO LAST(a.cdataChunks^) DO IF a.cdataChunks[j].entityName # NIL THEN EntityRef(self,a.cdataChunks[j].entityName); ELSIF a.cdataChunks[j].data # NIL THEN PrintChars(self,a.cdataChunks[j].data); ELSE Wr.PutText(self.wr,"&#" & Fmt.Int(ORD(a.cdataChunks[j].nonSgmlChar)) & ";"); END; END; Wr.PutText(self.wr,"\""); END; | SGML.AttributeType.Tokenized => IF a.defaulted # SGML.AttributeDefaulted.Definition THEN IF a.isGroup AND Text.Equal(,a.tokens) THEN Wr.PutText(self.wr," " & a.tokens); ELSE Wr.PutText(self.wr," " & & "=" & "\"" & a.tokens & "\""); END; END; ELSE END; END; END; Wr.PutText(self.wr,">"); END StartElement; PROCEDUREPrintChars (self: T; t: TEXT) = VAR c: CHAR; BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO Text.Length(t) - 1 DO c := Text.GetChar(t,i); IF self.parseMode = ParseMode.CData THEN Wr.PutChar(self.wr,c); ELSE CASE c OF | '"' => Wr.PutText(self.wr,"""); (* | '&' => Wr.PutText(self.wr,"&"); *) | '>' => Wr.PutText(self.wr,">"); | '<' => Wr.PutText(self.wr,"<"); ELSE IF c IN nonSGML THEN Wr.PutText(self.wr,"&#" & Fmt.Int(ORD(c)) & ";"); ELSE IF c = '\r' THEN c := '\n'; END; Wr.PutChar(self.wr,c); END; END; END; END; END PrintChars; PROCEDUREEndElement (self: T; READONLY e: SGML.EndElementEvent) = VAR element: SGML.StartElementEvent := SGML.StartElementEvent{e.pos,, SGML.ElementContentType.Element,FALSE,NIL}; BEGIN IF self.stack.size() > 0 THEN element := self.stack.remhi(); END; IF element.contentType = SGML.ElementContentType.Element THEN Wr.PutText(self.wr,"\n"); END; IF element.contentType # SGML.ElementContentType.Empty THEN Wr.PutText(self.wr,"</" & & ">"); END; self.parseMode := ParseMode.Normal; END EndElement; PROCEDUREData (self: T; READONLY e: SGML.DataEvent) = BEGIN PrintChars(self,; END Data; PROCEDURESData (self: T; READONLY e: SGML.SdataEvent) = BEGIN EntityRef(self,e.entityName); END SData; PROCEDUREPi (self: T; READONLY e: SGML.PiEvent) = BEGIN IF e.entityName # NIL THEN EntityRef(self,e.entityName); ELSE Wr.PutText(self.wr,"<?" & & ">"); END; END Pi; PROCEDUREExternalDataEntityRef (self: T; READONLY e: SGML.ExternalDataEntityRefEvent) = BEGIN EntityRef(self,; END ExternalDataEntityRef; PROCEDURESubdocEntityRef (self: T; READONLY e: SGML.SubdocEntityRefEvent) = BEGIN EntityRef(self,; END SubdocEntityRef; PROCEDURENonSgmlChar (self: T; READONLY e: SGML.NonSgmlCharEvent) = BEGIN Wr.PutText(self.wr,"&#" & Fmt.Int(ORD(e.c)) & ";"); END NonSgmlChar; PROCEDURECommentDecl (self: T; READONLY e: SGML.CommentDeclEvent) = BEGIN Wr.PutText(self.wr,"<!"); FOR i := 0 TO LAST(e.comments^) DO Wr.PutText(self.wr,"--" & e.comments[i] & "--"); IF i < LAST(e.comments^) THEN Wr.PutText(self.wr,e.seps[i]); END; END; Wr.PutText(self.wr,">"); END CommentDecl; PROCEDUREMarkedSectionStart (self: T; READONLY e: SGML.MarkedSectionStartEvent) = BEGIN Wr.PutText(self.wr,"<!["); FOR i := 0 TO LAST(e.params^) DO CASE e.params[i].type OF | SGML.MarkedSectionParamType.Temp => Wr.PutText(self.wr," TEMP"); | SGML.MarkedSectionParamType.Include => Wr.PutText(self.wr," INCLUDE"); | SGML.MarkedSectionParamType.RCData => Wr.PutText(self.wr," RCDATA"); | SGML.MarkedSectionParamType.CData => Wr.PutText(self.wr," CDATA"); | SGML.MarkedSectionParamType.Ignore => Wr.PutText(self.wr," IGNORE"); | SGML.MarkedSectionParamType.EntityRef => Wr.PutText(self.wr," %" & e.params[i].entityName & ";"); END; END; CASE e.status OF | SGML.MarkedSectionStatus.CData => self.parseMode := ParseMode.CData; | SGML.MarkedSectionStatus.RCData => self.parseMode := ParseMode.RCData; ELSE END; Wr.PutText(self.wr," ["); END MarkedSectionStart; PROCEDUREMarkedSectionEnd (self: T; <*UNUSED*>READONLY e: SGML.MarkedSectionEndEvent) = BEGIN Wr.PutText(self.wr,"]]>"); self.parseMode := ParseMode.Normal; END MarkedSectionEnd; PROCEDUREIgnoredChars (self: T; READONLY e: SGML.IgnoredCharsEvent) = BEGIN Wr.PutText(self.wr,; END IgnoredChars; PROCEDUREEntityRef (self: T; name: TEXT) = BEGIN Wr.PutText(self.wr,"&" & name & ";"); END EntityRef; PROCEDUREGeneralEntity (self: T; READONLY e: SGML.GeneralEntityEvent) = VAR c: CHAR; BEGIN IF e.entity.internalText # NIL AND Text.Length(e.entity.internalText) = 1 AND e.entity.dataType # SGML.EntityDataType.SData THEN c := Text.GetChar(e.entity.internalText,0); IF c = '<' OR c = '>' OR c = '&' OR c = '"' THEN PrintChars(self,e.entity.internalText); END; END; END GeneralEntity; PROCEDUREError (self: T; READONLY e: SGML.ErrorEvent) = VAR position := self.getDetailedLocation(e.pos); BEGIN Wr.PutText(self.wr,"<!-- ERROR " & e.message & " in file " & position.filename & " line " & Fmt.Int(position.lineNumber) & " column " & Fmt.Int(position.columnNumber)); IF position.entityName # NIL THEN Wr.PutText(self.wr," in entity " & position.entityName & " offset " & Fmt.Int(position.entityOffset)); END; Wr.PutText(self.wr," -->\n"); END Error; PROCEDUREOpenEntityChange (<*UNUSED*>self: T) = VAR BEGIN END OpenEntityChange; PROCEDUREInit (self: T): T = VAR BEGIN self.parseMode := ParseMode.Normal; self.stack := NEW(SGMLElementSeq.T).init(); EVAL SGML.Application.init(self); RETURN self; END Init; VAR isSGML, nonSGML := SET OF CHAR{}; BEGIN isSGML := isSGML + SET OF CHAR{'\r', '\n', '\t'} + SET OF CHAR{' '..VAL(126,CHAR)} + SET OF CHAR{VAL(160,CHAR)..VAL(254,CHAR)}; nonSGML := SET OF CHAR{FIRST(CHAR)..LAST(CHAR)} - isSGML; END SGMLPrint.