
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation                         
 All rights reserved.                                                      
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                            
 Last modified on Fri Jul 23 07:52:16 PDT 1993 by steveg                   
      modified on Tue May 18 18:28:14 PDT 1993 by muller                   


IMPORT Atom, RefList, Text, Rd, Sx, Wr;

Builtin values in SLisp

nil FALSE (empty list - ()) t TRUE (any non-nil value is TRUE) stdout a Writer for output

Builtin operators in SLisp

(abort) raises SLisp.Error.

(and exps...) Returns t if every exp evaluates to non-nil and nil if any exp evaluates to nil. Only evaluates exps until the first exp evaluates to nil.

(append lists...) Returns the list containing the elements of the list resulting from evaluating list1 followed by the elements of list2, list3, ...

(apply symbol list) Returns the list containing the elements resulting from applying the function named symbol to each element in the list resulting from evaluating list. Equivalent to: (list (symbol (car list)) (symbol (cadr list)) ... )

(backtrace) prints a stack dump to stdout.

(cond ((e1 forms...) Returns the result of evaluating the last form for the (e2 forms...) first ei which evaluates to non-nil or nil if ... every ei evaluates to nil. (en forms...)) Evaluates the ei until one evaluates to non-nil and then evaluates the forms associated with that ei.

(car list) Returns the first element in the list which results from evaluating list.

(cdr list) Returns the tail of the list which results from evaluating list.

(caar list) caar, cadr, cdar, cddr are shorthands for combinations (cadr list) of car and cdr where an a represents a car and d (cdar list) represents a cdr. i.e. (caar list) is equivalent to (cddr list) (car (car list)).

(concat str1 str2) Returns the textual concatenation of the strings resulting from evaluating str1 and str2.

(cons exp list) Returns the list whose first element is the result of evaluating exp and whose tail is the result of evaluating list.

(cos exp) Returns the cosine of the float value resulting from evaluating exp.

(defun name adds a function named name to the SLisp environment (formals .. ) which takes 0 or more arguments. forms)

When the function is called SLisp creates a name scope with each variable in formals bound to the value resulting from evaluating the corresponding actual argument. SLisp then evaluates forms. The function returns the value of the last form evaluated.

THE_REST - the last formal in the function definition may be preceded by THE_REST. This causes any remaining actuals to be combined in a list and bound to the last formal.

NO_EVAL, _EVAL - a sequence of formals may be between a NO_EVAL/_EVAL pair. When the function is called, the corresponding actuals for the formals are NOT evaluated before being bound.

(defmacro name adds a macro named name to the SLisp environment (formals ...) which takes 0 or more arguments. forms)

When the macro is invoked it does NOT evaluate its actuals before binding them to the formals. The macro forms are then evaluated to produce a new form which is evaluated in turn and its result is returned.

(eq exp1 exp2) Returns t if the values resulting from evaluating exp1 and exp2 are equal and nil otherwise. Equality of strings is done textually. Equality of lists is not supported and equality of everything else is by value.

(eval exp) Evaluates exp and then returns the result of evaluating the previous result.

(float exp) Returns the result of evaluating exp and converting it to a float.

(floatp exp) Returns t if the result of evaluating exp is a float and returns nil otherwise.

(ge exp1 exp2) Returns t if the value resulting from evaluating exp1 is greater than or equal to the value from exp2 and nil otherwise. Comparison of strings is done textually. Comparison of lists is not supported and comparison of everything else is by value.

(get_prop exp) Returns any property set with setprop on the value resulting from evaluating exp.

(gt exp1 exp2) Returns t if the value resulting from evaluating exp1 is greater than the value from exp2 and nil otherwise. Comparison of strings is done textually. Comparison of lists is not supported and comparison of everything else is by value.

(if exp then-form Returns the result of evaluating then-form if else-forms...) exp is non-nil and returns the result of evaluating else-forms... otherwise.

(integerp exp) Returns t if the result of evaluating exp is a integer and returns nil otherwise.

(intern string) Returns a symbol with name string. Evaluates string and creates a global variable with that name and a value of nil.

(le exp1 exp2) Returns t if the value resulting from evaluating exp1 is less than or equal to the value from exp2 and nil otherwise. Comparison of strings is done textually. Comparison of lists is not supported and comparison of everything else is by value.

(length exp) Returns the length of the value resulting from evaluating exp. If the value is a list, its length is then number of elements in the list. If it is a string, its length is the number of characters. Otherwise, its length is 1.

(let ((sym1 exp1) Creates a new name scope, with names sym1, sym2, ... (sym2 exp2) bound to the value of evaluating exp1, exp2, ... ...) forms are evaluated and the result is the value forms...) of the last form. Note: the names sym1 .. sym(i-1) are NOT available when evaluating exp(i).

(letstar ((sym1 exp1) Creates a new name scope as in let, except that the (sym2 exp2) values of sym1, sym2, ... sym(i-1) are available ...) when evaluating exp(i). forms...)

(list exps...) Returns the list whose elements are the values resulting from evaluating exps.

(listp exp) Returns t if the result of evaluating exp is a integer and returns nil otherwise.

(load filename) Evaluates filename to a string. The string is used as the name of a file which is opened and read. The SLisp code in the file is evaluated. The result is equivalent to textually inserting the contents of the file at this point.

(lt exp1 exp2) Returns t if the value resulting from evaluating exp1 is less than or equal to the value from exp2 and nil otherwise. Comparison of strings is done textually. Comparison of lists is not supported and comparison of everything else is by value.

(ne exp1 exp2) Returns nil if the values resulting from evaluating exp1 and exp2 are equal and t otherwise. Equality of strings is done textually. Equality of lists is not supported and equality of everything else is by value.

(not exp) Returns t if the value of exp is nil, otherwise returns nil.

(or exps...) Returns nil if every exp evaluates to nil and t if any exp evaluates to non-nil. Only evaluates exps until the first exp evaluates to non-nil.

(print exps...) Prints the values from evaluating exps to stdout. The result is the value of the last expression.

(printname symbol) Returns the string name of symbol.

(progn forms...) Evaluates forms, and returns the result of evaluating the last form.

(quote exp) Returns exp un-evaluated.

(random) Returns a pseudo-random float between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive).

(randomgen exp) Returns a pseudo-random number generator produced by NEW(Random.Default).init(exp # NIL)

(randomnext exp) Returns a pseudo-random float between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive). exp must evaluate to a random number generator returned by a call on randomgen.

(round exp) result is the value of evaluating exp and rounding it to an integer.

(set_prop exp value) Evaluates value and sets it as the property on the value resulting from evaluating exp. value can be retrieved from exp by getprop.

(setq symbol exp) Evaluates exp and binds the result to symbol, returns the result. If symbol is not defined, it is created as a global.

(sqrt exp) Returns the aquare root of the float value resulting from evaluating exp.

(sin exp) Returns the sine of the float value resulting from evaluating exp.

(stringp exp) Returns t if the result of evaluating exp is a string and returns nil otherwise.

(symbolp exp) Returns t if the result of evaluating exp is a string and returns nil otherwise.

(truncate exp) Returns the result of evaluating exp and truncating it to an integer.

(while exp forms...) Evaluates exp and if it is true evaluates forms. Result is the value of the last evaluated form.

(+ exps...) Returns the result of adding together the result of evalating each exp. The values of exps should be integers or floats. If any exp is a float, the result is a float, otherwise an integer.

(- exp1 exps...) Returns the result of subtracting the result of evalating each exp(i) from exp1. If there is only one exp then the result is equivalent to (- 0 exp1). The values of exps should be integers or floats. If any exp is a float, the result is a float, otherwise an integer.

( * exps...) Returns the result of multiplying together the result of evalating each exp. The values of exps should be integers or floats. If any exp is a float, the result is a float, otherwise an integer.

(- exp1 exps...) Returns the result of succesively dividing the result of evalating each exp(i) into exp1. If there is only one exp then the result is equivalent to (/ 1 exp1). The values of exps should be integers or floats. If any exp is a float, the result is a float, otherwise an integer.

  Sexp = REFANY;
    (* it is really on of the following: *)
    Symbol  = Atom.T;
    List    = RefList.T;
    Integer = REF INTEGER;
    Float   = REF REAL;
    String  = Text.T;
    Reader  = Rd.T;
    Writer  = Wr.T;

  Builtin = OBJECT
              name: Text.T;
              minArgs := 0;
              maxArgs := LAST (INTEGER);
              apply (interp: T; args: List): Sexp RAISES {Error}; END;

  T <: PublicT;
         new (): T RAISES {Error};
         init(): T;
         (* initializess the interpreter to the initial state.
            can also be called to reset an existing interpreter. *)
         error (msg: Text.T := ""): Sexp RAISES {Error};

         load (name: Text.T): Sexp RAISES {Error};

         defineVar (name: Text.T; val: Sexp);
         defineFun (cl: Builtin);

         checkSymbol (e: Sexp): Symbol RAISES {Error};
         checkList (e: Sexp): List RAISES {Error};
         checkInt (e: Sexp): INTEGER RAISES {Error};
         checkFloat (e: Sexp): REAL RAISES {Error};
         checkString (e: Sexp): String RAISES {Error};

         eval (e: Sexp): Sexp RAISES {Error};
           evalSymbol (e: Sexp): Symbol RAISES {Error};
           evalList (e: Sexp): List RAISES {Error};
           evalInt (e: Sexp): INTEGER RAISES {Error};
           evalFloat (e: Sexp): REAL RAISES {Error};
           evalString (e: Sexp): String RAISES {Error};

         sEval (t: Text.T): Text.T RAISES {Error};
         varEval (name: Text.T): Sexp RAISES {Error};  END;

PROCEDURE Read (rd: Reader): Sexp
  RAISES {Sx.ReadError, Rd.EndOfFile};
PROCEDURE Write (wr: Writer; s: Sexp);

END SLisp.

SLisp's implementation is in: