
 Copyright (C) 1994, Digital Equipment Corporation 
 All rights reserved. 
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description. 
 Last modified on Fri Apr 22 12:17:25 PDT 1994 by wobber 


IMPORT AtomList, OSError, Rd, Wr;
This package will maintain a copy of a data structure on secondary storage, and will update the secondary storage as updates are made to the data structure. A client can use this package to ensure that the current value of the data structure can be recovered after any crash. This package is efficient: the cost of recording an update is about one disk write.

The secondary storage strategy is to record values in files using a representation of the caller's choosing. Two sorts of files are kept: snapshots and a log. At any instant, one snapshot is current. The log consists of a sequence of updates that have occurred since the current snapshot was taken. The current stable state is the value of the snapshot, as modified by the sequence of updates in the log. From time to time the client of this package instructs the package to make a new snapshot and clear the log. This package arranges disk writes such that updates are stable and atomic: no update is lost, and each update either is recorded completely in the log or not at all. Making a new snapshot is also atomic.

Normal use for maintaing a database is as follows. The client maintains his data structure in virtual memory. As updates happen to the structure, the client informs this package by calling t.update. Periodically, the client calls t.snapshot. On a restart, the client calls t.recover to obtain the latest snapshot and the following sequence of updates; the client applies the updates to the snapshot to obtain the state that existed before the crash.

  T <: Public;
    recover(): REFANY RAISES {OSError.E, Failed};
    update(value: REFANY; forceToDisk: BOOLEAN := TRUE) RAISES {OSError.E};
    snapshot(value: REFANY) RAISES {OSError.E};
    close() RAISES {OSError.E};
    snapshotBytes() : CARDINAL;
    logBytes() : CARDINAL;
    status() : TEXT;

EXCEPTION Failed(AtomList.T);

  (* A "T" is a handle on an open stable storage directory.

     Methods are as follows:

         Returns the REFANY recorded in the current snapshot,
         as recovered by calling "closure.recover" and then
         subsequently invoking "closure.readUpdate" to apply any
         logged updates to the state.

         Records this update in the log file for "t", by calling
         "closure.logUpdate".  This method must not be called until
         after "recover" has been invoked.  If NOT forceToDisk,
         the update is buffered until the buffer is full.

         Records this value as the current snapshot, by invoking
         "closure.snapshot", and then empties the log.

         Close a stable storage directory in an orderly manner

         Returns the size of the snapshot file.

         Returns the size of the log file.

         Returns human readable status information.

    new(): REFANY RAISES {Failed};
    recover(rd: Rd.T): REFANY RAISES {Failed, Rd.Failure};
    snapshot(wr: Wr.T; r: REFANY) RAISES {Wr.Failure};
    readUpdate(rd: Rd.T; state: REFANY): REFANY RAISES {Failed, Rd.Failure};
    logUpdate(wr: Wr.T; r: REFANY) RAISES {Wr.Failure};
Each client must implement a closure object. The readers and writers passed to the closure object methods will not raise Thread.Alerted. The methods are to be implemented as follows:

new -- no database exists: create and return a new instance of the desired in-core data structure, or raise Failed.

recover -- read from rd the client-specific representation of a database snapshot. Decode this representation and return the resulting REFANY.

snapshot -- write a client-specific representation for r to wr.

readUpdate -- read an stably logged update from rd and apply it to the current snapshot value in state, and returns an updated value of state.

logUpdate -- write a update to wr to be recorded in stable storage.

PROCEDURE New(dir: TEXT; cl: Closure; pad: BOOLEAN := TRUE): T
     RAISES {OSError.E, Failed};
Returns a T for the data that is maintained in files in the directory dir. Raises OSError.E if the directory doesn't exist or is inaccessible. If the directory exists but contains no backing files, creates files corresponding to a new object with no updates.

If 'pad' then pad out updates to a disk page boundary.

END SmallDB.