MODULEreturn card on 'top' of CardList; IMPORT RefIntTbl, Word, TreeSeq; IMPORT Thread, Wr, Stdio, Fmt; TYPE Key = REFANY; TYPE HashLayout = RECORD hash : INTEGER; layout: Layout; END; PROCEDURE Solve Put (msg: TEXT; flush := FALSE) = <* FATAL Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted *> BEGIN Wr.PutText(Stdio.stderr, msg); IF flush THEN Wr.Flush(Stdio.stderr); END; END Put;
PROCEDUREmove king into place. Know that positions >start are nilTop (lst: CardList): CardType = VAR prev: CardList; BEGIN WHILE lst # NIL DO prev := lst; lst := lst.nxt; END; RETURN (prev.card); END Top;
PROCEDUREcompute the new layout resulting from the move loc -> loc1MoveKing (VAR tab: Tableau; start: CARDINAL) = VAR j : INTEGER; card: CardType; save: CardList; BEGIN save := tab[start]; card := save.card; j := 1; FOR i := start - 1 TO 1 BY -1 DO IF tab[i] # NIL AND Less(Top(tab[i]), card) THEN j := i + 1; EXIT; END; END; FOR i := start - 1 TO j BY -1 DO tab[i + 1] := tab[i]; END; tab[j] := save; END MoveKing; PROCEDURECollapseTableau (VAR tab: Tableau; start: CARDINAL) = BEGIN FOR i := start TO 9 DO tab[i] := tab[i + 1]; END; tab[10] := NIL; END CollapseTableau;
PROCEDUREadd layout to the treeNewLayout (READONLY layout: Layout; READONLY loc, loc1: Location): Layout = VAR res : Layout; card : CardType; save : CardList; sort := FALSE; empty := FALSE; newKing := FALSE; BEGIN res := layout; (* remove card from loc *) CASE loc.grp OF <* NOWARN *> | Group.Tableau => card :=[loc.where].card;[loc.where] :=[loc.where].nxt; empty :=[loc.where] = NIL; | Group.Talon => card := res.tal[loc.where]; res.tal[loc.where] := noCard; sort := TRUE; END; (* add card to loc1 *) CASE loc1.grp OF | Group.Tableau => save :=[loc1.where];[loc1.where] := NEW(CardList);[loc1.where].card := card;[loc1.where].nxt := save; newKing := card.val = 13; | Group.Talon => res.tal[loc1.where] := card; sort := TRUE; | Group.Foundation => res.fnd[loc1.where] := card; END; (* deal with non-uniqueness of layouts by sorting *) IF sort THEN SortTalon(res.tal); END; IF empty THEN CollapseTableau(, loc.where); END; IF newKing THEN MoveKing(, loc1.where); END; RETURN (res); END NewLayout;
PROCEDUREreturn the card at 'loc' in 'layout'AddToTree (tree: Tree; READONLY layout: Layout) = VAR arr : REF ARRAY OF Tree; n : INTEGER; tree1: Tree; BEGIN arr := tree.children; IF arr # NIL THEN n := NUMBER(arr^); ELSE n := 0; END; tree.children := NEW(REF ARRAY OF Tree, n + 1); IF n > 0 THEN SUBARRAY(tree.children^, 0, n) := arr^; END; tree1 := NEW(Tree); tree1.layout := layout; tree1.level := tree.level + 1; tree.children[n] := tree1; END AddToTree;
PROCEDUREtrue if card1 could fit below card2GetCard (READONLY layout: Layout; READONLY loc: Location): CardType = VAR lst : CardList; card: CardType; BEGIN CASE loc.grp OF | Group.Foundation => card := layout.fnd[loc.where]; | Group.Talon => card := layout.tal[loc.where]; | Group.Tableau => lst :=[loc.where]; IF lst # NIL THEN card :=[loc.where].card; ELSE card := noCard; END; END; RETURN (card); END GetCard;
PROCEDUREBelow (READONLY card1, card2: CardType): BOOLEAN = BEGIN RETURN (card1.suit = card2.suit AND card2.val = card1.val + 1); END Below;
* Returns true if the card at 'loc' has a place to move to. * Uses this move to generate a new layout, which is returned in newLayout. * If fndOnly set, then only return moves to foundation. * * The only case in which there are two spots to move to is if the Talon * and Tableau are both possible. FindSpot returns Talon first. Then * a child of this move will contain the other possibility, namely the * move to the Tableau.
PROCEDUREFindSpot (READONLY layout : Layout; READONLY loc : Location; fndOnly : BOOLEAN := FALSE; VAR (* out*) newLayout: Layout ): BOOLEAN RAISES {Stop} = VAR card: CardType; loc1: Location; BEGIN card := GetCard(layout, loc); (* If card goes on foundation, put it there immediately *) FOR i := 1 TO 4 DO IF Below(layout.fnd[i], card) THEN loc1.grp := Group.Foundation; loc1.where := i; newLayout := NewLayout(layout, loc, loc1); IF NOT AlreadySeen(newLayout) THEN RETURN TRUE; END; END; END; IF fndOnly THEN RETURN FALSE; END; (* Don't move a single king to talon if tableau has an open spot. Use fact that CollapseTableau moves empty tableau slots to the end. *) IF card.val = 13 AND loc.grp = Group.Tableau AND[loc.where].nxt = NIL AND[10] = NIL THEN RETURN FALSE; END; IF loc.grp # Group.Talon THEN FOR i := 1 TO 4 DO IF layout.tal[i].val = 0 THEN loc1.grp := Group.Talon; loc1.where := i; newLayout := NewLayout(layout, loc, loc1); IF NOT AlreadySeen(newLayout) THEN RETURN TRUE; END; END; END; END; FOR i := 1 TO 10 DO IF ([i] # NIL AND Below(card,[i].card)) OR ([i] = NIL AND card.val = 13) THEN loc1.grp := Group.Tableau; loc1.where := i; newLayout := NewLayout(layout, loc, loc1); IF NOT AlreadySeen(newLayout) THEN RETURN TRUE; END; END; END; RETURN FALSE; END FindSpot; PROCEDURENumFnd (READONLY layout: Layout): CARDINAL = VAR fndSize: CARDINAL := 0; BEGIN FOR i := 1 TO 4 DO INC(fndSize, layout.fnd[i].val); END; RETURN (fndSize); END NumFnd; PROCEDUREReport (READONLY layout: Layout; level: CARDINAL) = VAR fndSize: CARDINAL := 0; BEGIN fndSize := NumFnd(layout); IF verbose AND fndSize = 52 THEN Put( Fmt.F("Win with %s moves. (%s (%s) layouts, %s htable entries)\n", Fmt.Int(level), Fmt.Int(numLayouts), Fmt.Int(numLayouts1), Fmt.Int(sizeHTable)), flush := TRUE); END; END Report; PROCEDUREComputeMove (READONLY layout1, layout2: Layout; VAR (* out*) card : CardType; VAR (* out*) srcGrp, dstGrp : Group ) = VAR src, dst: BOOLEAN := FALSE; ln1, ln2: CARDINAL := 0; BEGIN card := noCard; srcGrp := Group.Tableau; dstGrp := Group.Tableau; FOR i := 1 TO 4 DO IF layout1.fnd[i] # layout2.fnd[i] THEN dst := TRUE; dstGrp := Group.Foundation; IF Below(layout1.fnd[i], layout2.fnd[i]) THEN card := layout2.fnd[i]; ELSE card := layout1.fnd[i]; END; END; END; FOR i := 1 TO 4 DO IF layout1.tal[i] # noCard THEN INC(ln1); END; IF layout2.tal[i] # noCard THEN INC(ln2); END; END; IF ln1 # ln2 THEN FOR i := 1 TO 4 DO IF layout1.tal[i] # layout2.tal[i] THEN IF ln1 > ln2 THEN src := TRUE; srcGrp := Group.Talon; card := layout1.tal[i]; ELSE <* ASSERT NOT dst *> dst := TRUE; dstGrp := Group.Talon; card := layout2.tal[i]; END; EXIT; END; END; END; IF src OR dst THEN RETURN (* srcGrp, dstGrp initialized to Tableau *) END; ln1 := 0; ln2 := 0; FOR i := 1 TO 10 DO IF[i] # NIL THEN INC(ln1); END; IF[i] # NIL THEN INC(ln2); END; END; PROCEDURE MyBelow (READONLY card1: CardType; card2: CardList): BOOLEAN = BEGIN IF card2 = NIL THEN RETURN (card1.val = 13) ELSE RETURN (Below(card1, card2.card)); END; END MyBelow; BEGIN FOR i := 1 TO ln1 DO IF NOT MyBelow([i].card,[i].nxt) THEN WITH crd =[i].card DO FOR j := 1 TO ln2 DO WITH crdlist =[j] DO IF crdlist.card = crd AND MyBelow(crd, crdlist.nxt) THEN card := crd; RETURN; END; END; END; END; END; END; END; <* ASSERT FALSE *> END ComputeMove;
* RecordResult records the winning moves, storing them in resultArr * It returns the first move from node of level 0 to node of level 1 * if known, NIL otherwise.
VAR resultArr: REF ARRAY OF Tree := NIL; (* only need Layout, but Tree is a Ref, and Layout is not *) resultInd : CARDINAL; accumulating := FALSE; PROCEDUREdo depth-first search of each position on queueRecordResult (tree: Tree): TEXT = VAR card : CardType; src, dst: Group; n : INTEGER; BEGIN IF NOT accumulating THEN accumulating := TRUE; resultArr := NEW(REF ARRAY OF Tree, tree.level + 1); resultInd := 0; END; resultArr[resultInd] := tree; INC(resultInd); IF tree.level = 0 THEN IF veryVerbose THEN FOR i := NUMBER(resultArr^) - 1 TO NUMBER(resultArr^) - 20 BY -1 DO ComputeMove( resultArr[i].layout, resultArr[i - 1].layout, card, src, dst); Put(Fmt.F("%s: %s -> %s\n", FmtCard(card), FmtGroup(src), FmtGroup(dst))); END; END; n := NUMBER(resultArr^) - 1; ComputeMove( resultArr[n].layout, resultArr[n - 1].layout, card, src, dst); accumulating := FALSE; resultInd := NUMBER(resultArr^); RETURN (Fmt.F("%s: %s -> %s", FmtCard(card), FmtGroup(src), FmtGroup(dst))); END; RETURN ""; END RecordResult; CONST suitNames = ARRAY Suit OF TEXT{"Spade", "Heart", "Diamond", "Club"}; PROCEDUREFmtGroup (grp: Group): TEXT = BEGIN CASE grp OF | Group.Foundation => RETURN ("Foundation"); | Group.Tableau => RETURN ("Tableau"); | Group.Talon => RETURN ("Talon"); END; END FmtGroup; PROCEDUREFmtCard (READONLY card: CardType): TEXT = VAR val: TEXT; BEGIN CASE card.val OF | 0 => RETURN (""); | 1 .. 10 => val := Fmt.Int(card.val); | 11 => val := "Jack"; | 12 => val := "Queen"; | 13 => val := "King"; END; RETURN (Fmt.F("%s of %ss ", val, suitNames[card.suit])); END FmtCard; PROCEDURENumChildren (tree: Tree): CARDINAL = BEGIN IF tree.children = NIL THEN RETURN 0 ELSE RETURN (NUMBER(tree.children^)); END; END NumChildren;
PROCEDUREGenerateDepth (queue: TreeSeq.T; VAR (* out*) solution: Tree): WhyStop = (* Recursively generate tree of all possible layouts. Returns true if found solution *) PROCEDURE Generate (tree: Tree; level: CARDINAL): BOOLEAN RAISES {Stop} = BEGIN (* if there is a move to foundation, generate only that move *) IF NOT FindChildren(tree, fndOnly := TRUE) THEN EVAL FindChildren(tree, fndOnly := FALSE); END; IF tree.children = NIL THEN Report(tree.layout, level); IF NumFnd(tree.layout) = 52 THEN EVAL RecordResult(tree); RETURN TRUE; ELSE IF level = 0 AND verboseDepth THEN Put("No moves (hence no winning move)\n", flush := TRUE); END; RETURN FALSE; END; END; (* now, call Generate on children *) FOR i := 0 TO NumChildren(tree) - 1 DO IF Generate(tree.children[i], level + 1) THEN EVAL RecordResult(tree); RETURN TRUE; END; END; tree.children := NIL; (* so can garbage collect *) IF level = 0 AND (verboseDepth OR verboseNoWin) THEN verboseNoWin := FALSE; Put( Fmt.F( " No winning move on this branch. (%s layouts, %s htable entries)\n", Fmt.Int(numLayouts), Fmt.Int(sizeHTable)), flush := TRUE); END; RETURN FALSE; END Generate; PROCEDURE Cnt (tree: Tree) = BEGIN INC(cnt); WITH n = NumFnd(tree.layout) DO max := MAX(max, n); min := MIN(min, n); END; END Cnt; PROCEDURE CntI (tree: Tree) = BEGIN IF NumFnd(tree.layout) = i THEN INC(cnt); END END CntI; PROCEDURE ProbeDepth (tree: Tree) RAISES {Stop} = BEGIN IF NumFnd(tree.layout) = i THEN IF verboseDepth THEN INC(cnt); Put(Fmt.F( "starting a depth first search: %s cards on foundation\n", Fmt.Int(i)), flush := TRUE); IF cnt > 5 THEN verboseDepth := FALSE; Put("...\n", flush := TRUE); END; END; numLayouts1 := 0; TRY IF Generate(tree, 0) THEN solution := tree; RAISE Stop(WhyStop.Solution); END; EXCEPT Stop (arg) => CASE (arg) OF | WhyStop.GiveUp => good := FALSE; | WhyStop.Exhausted => RAISE Stop(WhyStop.Exhausted); | WhyStop.Aborted => RAISE Stop(WhyStop.Aborted); | WhyStop.Solution => RAISE Stop(WhyStop.Solution); | WhyStop.NoSolution => <* ASSERT FALSE *> END; END; END; END ProbeDepth; VAR cnt, max, min: CARDINAL; good := TRUE; i : INTEGER; (* global so can pass to CntI *) BEGIN cnt := 0; max := 0; min := LAST(INTEGER); (* *) FOR i := 0 TO queue.size () - 1 DO Cnt (queue.get (i)); END; IF veryVerbose THEN Put(Fmt.F("%s leaf nodes: ", Fmt.Int(cnt))); i := min; WHILE i <= max DO cnt := 0; (*; *) FOR i := 0 TO queue.size () - 1 DO CntI (queue.get (i)); END; Put(Fmt.F("%s with %s, ", Fmt.Int(cnt), Fmt.Int(i))); INC(i); END; Put("\n", flush := TRUE); END; i := max; WHILE i >= min DO verboseDepth := veryVerbose; verboseGiveUp := veryVerbose; verboseNoWin := veryVerbose; cnt := 0; TRY (*; *) FOR i := 0 TO queue.size () - 1 DO ProbeDepth (queue.get (i)); END; EXCEPT Stop (why) => CASE (why) OF | WhyStop.Exhausted => RETURN (WhyStop.Exhausted); | WhyStop.Aborted => RETURN (WhyStop.Aborted); | WhyStop.Solution => RETURN (WhyStop.Solution); | WhyStop.GiveUp, WhyStop.NoSolution => <* ASSERT FALSE *> END; END; DEC(i); END; IF good THEN IF verbose THEN Put(Fmt.F("No winning move. (%s layouts, %s htable entries)\n", Fmt.Int(numLayouts), Fmt.Int(sizeHTable)), flush := TRUE); END; RETURN WhyStop.NoSolution; ELSE IF verbose THEN Put( Fmt.F( "Give Up. No win after %s layouts generated. (%s htable entries)\n", Fmt.Int(numLayouts), Fmt.Int(sizeHTable)), flush := TRUE); END; RETURN WhyStop.GiveUp; END; END GenerateDepth;
* Identify children, add them to tree. If fndonly, then only look for * moves to foundation, and if found, only add a single child. * The return value only meaningful when fndOnly is TRUE, * in which case returns TRUE if added a child.
PROCEDUREFindChildren (tree: Tree; fndOnly: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN RAISES {Stop} = VAR loc : Location; newLayout: Layout; BEGIN loc.grp := Group.Tableau; FOR i := 1 TO 10 DO IF[i] # NIL THEN loc.where := i; IF FindSpot(tree.layout, loc, fndOnly, newLayout) THEN AddToTree(tree, newLayout); IF fndOnly THEN RETURN TRUE END; END; END; END; loc.grp := Group.Talon; FOR i := 1 TO 4 DO IF tree.layout.tal[i].val > 0 THEN loc.where := i; IF FindSpot(tree.layout, loc, fndOnly, newLayout) THEN AddToTree(tree, newLayout); IF fndOnly THEN RETURN TRUE END; END; END; END; RETURN FALSE; END FindChildren;
* Print path in tree, from root to leaf, but don't print leaf. * Returns move that goes from root to next node.
PROCEDUREPrintTree (root, leaf: Tree; VAR (* out*) txt: TEXT): BOOLEAN = BEGIN IF root = leaf THEN RETURN TRUE; END; IF root.level >= leaf.level THEN RETURN FALSE; END; FOR i := 0 TO NumChildren(root) - 1 DO IF PrintTree(root.children[i], leaf, txt) THEN txt := RecordResult(root); RETURN TRUE; END; END; RETURN FALSE; END PrintTree;
* Generate tree of all possible layouts in level order, then * call GenerateDepth on each leaf. Return txt for MsgVbt.
PROCEDURE--------------------------------------------------------------- sorting ---GenerateBreadth (tree: Tree; VAR whyStop: WhyStop): TEXT = VAR queue := NEW(TreeSeq.T).init(); root : Tree; res := "game done!"; curLevel := 0; branch : Tree; (* branch of depth tree that leads to solution *) BEGIN root := tree; queue.addhi(tree); WHILE queue.size() > 0 DO tree := queue.remlo(); IF tree.level # curLevel THEN curLevel := tree.level; IF numLayouts > cutOver THEN actualCut := numLayouts; queue.addhi(tree); depthLim := userDepthLim; whyStop := GenerateDepth(queue, branch); CASE whyStop OF | WhyStop.Solution => EVAL PrintTree(root, branch, res); | WhyStop.NoSolution => res := "Game is not winnable"; | WhyStop.Aborted => res := "Aborted"; | WhyStop.GiveUp, WhyStop.Exhausted => res := "Couldn't find winning move. Middle click Hint for deep search"; END; RETURN res; END; IF veryVerbose THEN Put( Fmt.F(" level %s, %s layouts examined, htable size at %s\n", Fmt.Pad(Fmt.Int(curLevel), 3), Fmt.Pad(Fmt.Int(numLayouts), 6), Fmt.Int(sizeHTable)), flush := TRUE); END; END; TRY IF NOT FindChildren(tree, fndOnly := TRUE) THEN EVAL FindChildren(tree, fndOnly := FALSE); END; EXCEPT Stop (why) => IF why = WhyStop.Aborted THEN whyStop := why; RETURN ("Aborted") ELSE <* ASSERT FALSE *> END; END; IF tree.children = NIL THEN Report(tree.layout, tree.level); IF NumFnd(tree.layout) = 52 THEN EVAL PrintTree(root, tree, res); whyStop := WhyStop.Solution; RETURN res; END; END; FOR i := 0 TO NumChildren(tree) - 1 DO queue.addhi(tree.children[i]); END; END; (* WHILE *) IF verbose THEN Put(Fmt.F("No winning move. (%s layouts, %s htable entries)\n", Fmt.Int(numLayouts), Fmt.Int(sizeHTable)), flush := TRUE); END; whyStop := WhyStop.NoSolution; RETURN ("Game is not winnable"); END GenerateBreadth; TYPE LayoutTable = RefIntTbl.Default OBJECT OVERRIDES keyEqual := EqualProc; keyHash := HashProc; END; VAR tbl: LayoutTable; PROCEDUREHashProc (<*UNUSED*>tbl: LayoutTable; READONLY key: Key): Word.T = CONST konst = 9; VAR h : REF HashLayout; sum, sum1 := 0; ans : INTEGER; shft := 0; BEGIN INC(hashCnt); h := key; WITH x = h.layout DO FOR i := 1 TO 4 DO sum := Word.Plus (Word.Times (konst, sum), x.fnd[i].val); END; FOR i := 1 TO 4 DO sum1 := Word.Plus (sum1, Word.Shift(ORD(x.tal[i].suit), shft)); INC(shft, 2); sum := Word.Plus (Word.Times (konst, sum), x.tal[i].val); END; FOR i := 1 TO 10 DO WITH lst =[i] DO IF lst # NIL THEN sum1 := Word.Plus (sum1, Word.Shift(ORD(lst.card.suit), shft)); INC(shft, 2); sum := Word.Plus (Word.Times (konst, sum), lst.card.val); ELSE sum := Word.Times (konst, sum); (* EXIT *) END; END; END; END; ans := Word.Plus (sum, sum1); h.hash := ans; RETURN (ans); END HashProc; PROCEDUREEqualProc (<*UNUSED*>tbl: LayoutTable; READONLY a, b: Key): BOOLEAN = VAR h1, h2: REF HashLayout; BEGIN INC(eqCnt); h1 := a; h2 := b; IF h1.hash # h2.hash THEN INC(fastCnt); RETURN FALSE; END; RETURN (EqualLayout(h1.layout, h2.layout)); END EqualProc; PROCEDUREEqualLayout (READONLY x, y: Layout): BOOLEAN = VAR lst1, lst2: CardList; BEGIN IF x.fnd = y.fnd AND x.tal = y.tal THEN FOR i := 1 TO 10 DO lst1 :=[i]; lst2 :=[i]; WHILE lst1 # NIL DO IF lst2 = NIL OR lst1.card # lst2.card THEN RETURN FALSE END; lst1 := lst1.nxt; lst2 := lst2.nxt; END; IF lst2 # NIL THEN RETURN FALSE END; END; RETURN TRUE; ELSE RETURN FALSE; END; END EqualLayout; EXCEPTION Stop(WhyStop); VAR numLayouts1: CARDINAL; numLayouts : CARDINAL; sizeHTable : CARDINAL; PROCEDUREAlreadySeen (READONLY layout: Layout): BOOLEAN RAISES {Stop} = VAR hit: BOOLEAN; BEGIN INC(numLayouts); INC(numLayouts1); IF numLayouts MOD 512 = 0 THEN IF Thread.TestAlert() THEN RAISE Stop(WhyStop.Aborted); END; IF callback # NIL THEN callback(numLayouts); END; END; IF veryVerbose AND numLayouts MOD 8192 = 0 THEN Put(Fmt.F(" %s layouts examined, htable size at %s\n", Fmt.Pad(Fmt.Int(numLayouts), 6), Fmt.Int(sizeHTable)), flush := TRUE); END; IF numLayouts1 >= depthLim THEN IF verboseGiveUp THEN verboseGiveUp := FALSE; Put( Fmt.F( " Give up in this subtree after %s layouts. (%s htable entries)\n", Fmt.Int(numLayouts1), Fmt.Int(sizeHTable)), flush := TRUE); END; RAISE Stop(WhyStop.GiveUp); END; IF numLayouts >= lim THEN IF verbose THEN Put( Fmt.F( "Give up. No win after %s layouts generated. (%s htable entries)\n", Fmt.Int(numLayouts), Fmt.Int(sizeHTable)), flush := TRUE); END; RAISE Stop(WhyStop.Exhausted); END; layoutPool.layout := layout; hit := tbl.put(layoutPool, 0); IF hit THEN hit := hit; ELSE INC(sizeHTable); layoutPool := NEW(REF HashLayout); END; RETURN hit; END AlreadySeen; PROCEDURENextMove (<*NOWARN*> layout : Layout; VAR whyStop : WhyStop; depth, breadth: CARDINAL; total : CARDINAL; vbose : BOOLEAN; callbck : Callback ): TEXT = <* FATAL Stop *> PROCEDURE Initialize () = BEGIN depthLim := LAST(INTEGER); tbl := NEW (LayoutTable).init (20000); numLayouts1 := 0; numLayouts := 0; sizeHTable := 0; eqCnt := 0; hashCnt := 0; fastCnt := 0; EVAL AlreadySeen(layout); tree := NEW(Tree); tree.layout := layout; tree.level := 0; END Initialize; VAR txt : TEXT; tree : Tree; card : CardType; src, dst: Group; BEGIN Sort(layout); IF resultArr # NIL THEN FOR i := resultInd - 1 TO MAX(resultInd - 20, 1) BY -1 DO IF EqualLayout(layout, resultArr[i].layout) THEN resultInd := i + 1; ComputeMove( resultArr[i].layout, resultArr[i - 1].layout, card, src, dst); whyStop := WhyStop.Solution; RETURN Fmt.F("%s: %s -> %s", FmtCard(card), FmtGroup(src), FmtGroup(dst)); END; END; END; (* make args global *) lim := total; userDepthLim := depth; cutOver := breadth; callback := callbck; verbose := vbose; Initialize(); txt := GenerateBreadth(tree, whyStop); IF veryVerbose THEN Put(txt & "\n", flush := TRUE); END; (* give the garbage collector a chance... *) EVAL tbl.init (0); tbl := NIL; RETURN (txt); END NextMove;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------------------ main ---Sort (VAR layout: Layout) = BEGIN SortTableau (; SortTalon (layout.tal); END Sort; PROCEDURESortTableau (VAR x: Tableau) = (* simple insertion sort *) VAR j: INTEGER; key: CardList; BEGIN FOR i := FIRST (x) + 1 TO LAST (x) DO key := x[i]; j := i - 1; WHILE (j >= FIRST (x)) AND CompareCardList (key, x[j]) < 0 DO x[j+1] := x[j]; DEC (j); END; x[j+1] := key; END; END SortTableau; PROCEDURECompareCardList (x1, x2: CardList): [-1 .. 1] = (* nocard is high *) BEGIN IF x1 = NIL THEN RETURN 1 ELSIF x2 = NIL THEN RETURN -1 ELSIF Less(Top(x1), Top(x2)) THEN RETURN -1 ELSE RETURN 1; END; END CompareCardList; PROCEDURESortTalon (VAR x: Talon) = (* simple insertion sort *) VAR j: INTEGER; key: CardType; BEGIN FOR i := FIRST (x) + 1 TO LAST (x) DO key := x[i]; j := i - 1; WHILE (j >= FIRST (x)) AND CompareCard (key, x[j]) < 0 DO x[j+1] := x[j]; DEC (j); END; x[j+1] := key; END; END SortTalon; PROCEDURECompareCard (READONLY c1, c2: CardType): [-1 .. 1] = (* nocard is high *) BEGIN IF c1 = noCard THEN RETURN 1 ELSIF c2 = noCard THEN RETURN -1 ELSIF Less(c1, c2) THEN RETURN -1 ELSE RETURN 1; END; END CompareCard; PROCEDURELess (READONLY card1, card2: CardType): BOOLEAN = BEGIN RETURN (card1.suit < card2.suit) OR (card1.suit = card2.suit AND card1.val < card2.val); END Less;
VAR cutOver : CARDINAL; actualCut : INTEGER; userDepthLim : CARDINAL; lim : CARDINAL; verbose : BOOLEAN; veryVerbose : BOOLEAN := FALSE; verboseGiveUp: BOOLEAN; verboseNoWin : BOOLEAN; verboseDepth : BOOLEAN; layoutPool : REF HashLayout; eqCnt : CARDINAL; hashCnt : CARDINAL; fastCnt : CARDINAL; depthLim : CARDINAL; callback : Callback; BEGIN layoutPool := NEW(REF HashLayout); END Solve.