
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation           
 All rights reserved.                                        
 See the files COPYRIGHT and COPYRIGHT.extras for details.   
 Last Modified On Tue Nov  1 10:14:23 PST 1994 By kalsow     
 Derived from Solve.i3 by kalsow                             



* depth, breadth, total are measured in moves generated. * breadth is how far to search bread-first, depth is far to * search depth from each leaf of breadth search, total is limit * on entire search. IF callback # NIL * then it will be called periodically with status.

PROCEDURE NextMove (READONLY layout  : Solve.Layout;
                         VAR why     : Solve.WhyStop;
                             depth   : CARDINAL  := 2000;
                             breadth : CARDINAL  := 500;
                             total   : CARDINAL  := 100000;
                             verbose             := FALSE;
                             callback: Solve.Callback  := NIL     ): TEXT;
END Solve2.