This is for mere debugging purposes: Do some printout so that one can see what the program is doing.
There are several levels of logging: Everything with a less or lower lev- parameter than the global 'level'-variable will be printed. Use 'Log.level:= 0' to switch off logging
INTERFACECrash-SimulationLog ; PROCEDURE InProc(name: TEXT; lev:= 1); (* Write out something to indicate that program is in procedure 'name' the following output will be intendet by a few spaces (so use Nl()!) *) PROCEDURE ExitProc(comment: TEXT:= ""; lev:= 1); (* This is merely to end the indentation started by 'InProc'. 'comment' will be printed out (perhaps to specify the exit point if the procedure has several RETURN-statements) *) PROCEDURE PutText(t: TEXT; lev:= 1); (* Write out a text string *) PROCEDURE PutInt(i: INTEGER; lev:= 1); (* Write out an integer *) PROCEDURE Nl(lev:= 1); (* Make a newline on output *) PROCEDURE Separate(lev:= 1); (* Write out some space or horizontal line *)
VAR crash:= 0;
set to a number to crash at a certain point in the program
Halts the program (uses Unix.exit) if nr=crash
VAR level:= 1; (* default is to do logging *) linestart:= "> "; (* every logging line will start with this characters in order to distiguish logging information from program output *) END Log.