
 Copyright (C) 1994, Digital Equipment Corporation           
 All rights reserved.                                        
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.              
 Created by Carsten Weich and Greg Nelson                    
 Last modified on Thu Jan 19 12:56:06 PST 1995 by kalsow     
      modified on Thu Sep 22 18:25:39 PDT 1994 by weich      

A LogManager provides an object which manages readers and writers for the log and checkpoint files used by stable objects.

The default log manager stores the stable state in the file system. Since the default is satisfactory for most applications, most clients of stable objects don't need to use the LogManager interface directly.

A situation in which you might want to use this interface is if you want to test whether a checkpoint is available before initializing a stable object. In this case the recoverable method of the log manager will be useful to you. As another example, if you don't want to use the file system for storing the stable state, you will need to study the specifications in this interface and implement your own log manager that stores the stable state in your preferred form of stable storage.


  IMPORT Pathname, Wr, Rd, OSError;

  TYPE T <: Public;

        beginCheckpoint(nm: Pathname.T): Wr.T (* new checkpoint *)
            RAISES {OSError.E};
        endCheckpoint(nm: Pathname.T):Wr.T (* new log *)
            RAISES {OSError.E};
        reOpenLog(nm: Pathname.T): Wr.T RAISES {OSError.E};
        recover(nm: Pathname.T; VAR log, checkp: Rd.T)
            RAISES {OSError.E};
        recoverable(nm: Pathname.T): BOOLEAN
            RAISES {OSError.E};
        emptyLog(nm: Pathname.T): BOOLEAN
            RAISES {OSError.E};
        dispose(nm: Pathname.T)
            RAISES {OSError.E};

    DefaultPublic = T OBJECT METHODS init(): Default END;
    Default <: DefaultPublic;

    VAR default: Default;

END LogManager.
A LogManager.T manages a repository of named stable snapshots. A snapshot consists of two sequences of bytes, a {\it checkpoint} and a {\it redo log}. The repository must be stable; that is, it must survive program crashes. Here are specifications for the methods of a LogManager.T named lm:

The beginCheckpoint and endCheckpoint methods are used to write a new stable snapshot. The call

returns a writer whose target is the checkpoint named nm in lm's repository. The call

should be made only after a previous call to lm.beginCheckpoint(nm). The endCheckpoint method commits the bytes that have been written to the writer that was returned by beginCheckpoint, making them become the new checkpoint. The endCheckpoint method also empties the redo log and returns a writer that can be used to extend the now-empty redo log.

Therefore, to make a new checkpoint, you should execute the following steps:

      wr1 := lm.beginCheckpoint(nm);
      write a new checkpoint to  wr1;
      wr2 := lm.endCheckpoint(nm);
      new checkpoint is made; log updates to  wr2
If the application exits or crashes before the call to endCheckpoint, any bytes written to wr1 will be discarded, and the previous checkpoint will not be changed. (Of course these steps are performed by the Checkpoint procedure in the generic Stable interface, so there is no reason for the typical client of stable objects to recode this procedure. But if you are implementing your own log managers, it is important to know how the methods will be used by your clients.)

An application may close the writer returned by endCheckpoint (for example, to free up file descriptors or other resources associated with inactive stable objects). If this writer has been closed, the call

will return a writer which will append to the current redo log.

The call

returns TRUE if and only if the repository managed by lm contains a snapshot named nm.

The call

returns TRUE if and only if the repository managed by lm contains a snapshot nm which has an empty log. The log will be empty if the program that created a stable object did a checkpoint right before terminating. A non empty log might indicate a crashed program. emptyLog() will raise the exception if there is no snapshot nm.

The call

      lm.recover(nm, cprd, logrd)
sets cprd and logrd to readers whose sources are the checkpoint and redo log named nm, respectively, assuming a snapshot exists under that name in the repository managed by lm.

The call

discards any snapshot named nm from lm's repository and reclaims any associated stable storage.

So much for the methods of a general LogManager.T. Almost all clients will use a LogManager.Default, which uses the ordinary file system as its source of stable storage. A LogManager.Default must be initialized by the client; to obtain one, call

      VAR lm := NEW(LogManager.Default).init(); ...
The methods of a LogManager.Default interpret nm as a directory in the file system, in which they expects to find files containing a checkpoint and log. The beginCheckpoint method will create the directory if necessary. File renaming is used to make checkpoint atomic with respect to crashes.

The variable LogManager.default is initialized by the LogManager module to a valid LogManager.Default.