
 Copyright (C) 1989, Digital Equipment Corporation        
 All rights reserved.                                     
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.           
 Created by Susan Owicki                                  
 Last modified on Wed Sep 21 09:46:56 PDT 1994 by weich   
      modified On Fri Feb 18 17:30:06 PST 1994 by kalsow  
      Modified On Mon May 17 13:26:35 PDT 1993 by mjordan 
      Modified On Thu Apr 22 11:43:51 PDT 1993 by owicki  

Provide a procedure to produce Modula-3 code out of type structures. Provide a procedure to generate procedure header Modula-3 code.


IMPORT Formatter, Type;

PROCEDURE ToText (t: Type.T; byName: BOOLEAN := TRUE): TEXT;
Return a textual representation of the type t. If byName = TRUE, and type T is named, then return the name. Otherwise return text for the delcaration of T. Note that even with byName = FALSE, typeNames will be used within the text for t's declaration
PROCEDURE ProcHeader (f         : Formatter.T;
                      procName  : TEXT;
                      sig       : Type.Signature;
                      suffix                        := "";
                      argPragmas: REF ARRAY OF TEXT := NIL );
Output on f a header for a procedure with name procName and a signature derived from sig. The signature differs from sig in that it's first argument is a self argument (self: T), and its formal parameters' names are suffixed by suffix. pragmas is a list of text for pragmas to precede arguments; pragma[i] preceeds the ith parameter in sig.formals[i].
END GenTypeCode.

interface Type is in: