
 Copyright (C) 1991, Digital Equipment Corporation           
 All rights reserved.                                        
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.              
 Created by Carsten Weich                                    
 Last modified on Fri Sep 23 15:24:54 PDT 1994 by weich      

This module declares the error exception used by the stable stub generator. There is an exception E which is used to propagate error messages to the top level procedure in Main.m3. Warning() and Failure() are used to print out warnings to the standard error stream. They do not halt the generation of stub code. Further there is a Fatal() procedure which halts the stub generator in case of an unexpected error.

INTERFACE StablegenError;


PROCEDURE Warning (msg: TEXT);
Write msg to Stdio.stderr, preceeded by ''stablegen (warning):`` and followed by a newline
PROCEDURE Failure (msg: TEXT);
Write msg to Stdio.stderr, preceeded by ''stablegen error:`` and followed by a newline
PROCEDURE Fatal (msg: TEXT);
Write msg to Stdio.stderr, preceeded by ''stablegen: ***fatal error***`` and and halt the program (Process.Exit())
END StablegenError.