MODULEFileStatus EXPORTSFileStatus ,FileStatusRaw ; IMPORT FileAttr, Fmt, PathComp, Rd, SupMisc, Text, Thread, Time, TokScan, Wr; REVEAL T = Public BRANDED OBJECT line: TEXT := NIL; ts: TokScan.T := NIL; lineNum := 0; END; Reader = RawRdPublic BRANDED OBJECT END; Writer = RawWrPublic BRANDED OBJECT END; CONST Version = 5; (* File format version number. *) VAR (*CONST*) HugeText := Text.FromChars( ARRAY [0..15] OF CHAR{ LAST(CHAR), .. } );
Assumed to compare greater than any pathname component we might encounter.
PROCEDURE***************************************************************************Compare (a, b: T): [-1..1] = VAR aName :=; bName :=; BEGIN IF a.type = Type.DirUp THEN aName := SupMisc.CatPath(aName, HugeText); END; IF b.type = Type.DirUp THEN bName := SupMisc.CatPath(bName, HugeText); END; RETURN SupMisc.PathCompare(aName, bName); END Compare; PROCEDUREEqual (a, b: T): BOOLEAN = BEGIN RETURN Text.Equal(, AND (a.type = Type.DirUp) = (b.type = Type.DirUp); END Equal; PROCEDUREMakeCooked (fs: T; version: CARDINAL) RAISES {Error} = BEGIN IF fs.line = NIL THEN (* Already cooked. *) RETURN; END; TRY CASE fs.type OF | Type.DirDown => (* Nothing to do. *) | Type.DirUp => IF version >= 5 THEN fs.clientAttr := GetAttr(fs.ts, version, "directory attributes"); ELSE fs.clientAttr := FileAttr.Bogus; END; fs.serverAttr := fs.clientAttr; | Type.CheckoutLive => fs.tag := fs.ts.getToken("tag"); := fs.ts.getToken("date"); fs.serverAttr := GetAttr(fs.ts, version, "server file attributes"); fs.revNum := fs.ts.getToken("revision number"); IF version >= 4 THEN fs.revDate := fs.ts.getToken("revDate"); ELSE fs.revDate := "."; END; fs.clientAttr := GetAttr(fs.ts, version, "client file attributes"); | Type.CheckoutDead => fs.tag := fs.ts.getToken("tag"); := fs.ts.getToken("date"); fs.serverAttr := GetAttr(fs.ts, version, "server file attributes"); | Type.FileLive => fs.clientAttr := GetAttr(fs.ts, version, "file attributes"); fs.serverAttr := fs.clientAttr; | Type.FileDead => fs.clientAttr := GetAttr(fs.ts, version, "file attributes"); fs.serverAttr := fs.clientAttr; END; fs.line := NIL; fs.ts := NIL; EXCEPT | Error(msg) => RAISE Error(Fmt.Int(fs.lineNum) & ": " & msg); | TokScan.Error(msg) => RAISE Error(Fmt.Int(fs.lineNum) & ": " & msg); END; END MakeCooked; PROCEDUREGetAttr (ts: TokScan.T; version: CARDINAL; what: TEXT): FileAttr.T RAISES {Error, TokScan.Error} = BEGIN IF version < 3 THEN RETURN NEW(FileAttr.T).init(FileAttr.FileType.File, modTime := ts.getTime(what)); ELSE TRY RETURN FileAttr.Decode(ts.getToken(what)); EXCEPT | FileAttr.UnknownGroup(name) => RAISE Error("Unknown group name \"" & name & "\""); | FileAttr.UnknownOwner(name) => RAISE Error("Unknown user name \"" & name & "\""); END; END; END GetAttr;
TYPE RdReader = Reader OBJECT rd: Rd.T; vers: CARDINAL; time: Time.T; statusCode: CHAR; originHost: TEXT; delta: Time.T; lineNum := 0; comp: PathComp.Compressor := NIL; decomp: PathComp.Decompressor := NIL; previous: T := NIL; current: T := NIL; eofSeen := FALSE; depth: CARDINAL := 0; OVERRIDES version := RdVersion; get := RdGet; getRaw := RdGetRaw; prune := RdPrune; scanTime := RdScanTime; status := RdStatus; origin := RdOrigin; timeDelta := RdTimeDelta; close := RdClose; END; PROCEDURE***************************************************************************FromRd (rd: Rd.T): Reader RAISES {Error, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR rr := NEW(RdReader, rd := rd); line: TEXT; ts: TokScan.T; BEGIN TRY TRY line := SupMisc.GetCmdLine(rd); INC(rr.lineNum); ts := TokScan.NewDec(line); ts.getLiteral("F"); rr.vers := ts.getInt("file format version number"); IF rr.vers < 1 OR rr.vers > Version THEN RAISE Error("Invalid format version " & Fmt.Int(rr.vers)); END; rr.time := ts.getTime("scan time"); TRY rr.statusCode := ts.getChar("status"); rr.originHost := ts.getToken("origin"); := ts.getTime("timeDelta"); EXCEPT TokScan.Error => rr.statusCode := '?'; rr.originHost := "?"; := 0.0d0; END; IF rr.vers < 3 THEN (* No explicit directories in the file. *) rr.comp := NEW(PathComp.Compressor).init(); rr.decomp := NEW(PathComp.Decompressor).init(); END; RETURN rr; EXCEPT | Rd.EndOfFile => RAISE Error("Premature EOF"); | TokScan.Error(msg) => RAISE Error(msg); END; EXCEPT Error(msg) => RAISE Error(Fmt.Int(rr.lineNum) & ": " & msg); END; END FromRd; PROCEDURERdClose (rr: RdReader) RAISES {Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN Rd.Close(rr.rd); END RdClose; PROCEDURERdGet (rr: RdReader): T RAISES {Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN WITH fs = rr.getRaw() DO MakeCooked(fs, rr.vers); RETURN fs; END; END RdGet; PROCEDURERdGetRaw (rr: RdReader): T RAISES {Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR line: TEXT; typeCh: CHAR; pcType: PathComp.Type; pcName: TEXT; BEGIN TRY LOOP IF rr.comp # NIL THEN (* Synthesizing directory entries. *) (* If anything is queued up in the compressor, return it. *) IF rr.comp.get(pcType, pcName) THEN WITH fullName = rr.decomp.put(pcType, pcName) DO CASE pcType OF | PathComp.Type.DirDown => RETURN NEW(T, type := Type.DirDown, name := fullName, line := "D " & fullName); | PathComp.Type.DirUp => RETURN NEW(T, type := Type.DirUp, name := fullName, line := "U " & fullName); | PathComp.Type.File => <* ASSERT Text.Equal(fullName, *> rr.previous := rr.current; rr.current := NIL; RETURN rr.previous; END; END; END; END; (* Get the next record from the file. *) IF rr.eofSeen THEN IF rr.depth # 0 THEN RAISE Error("File is truncated"); END; RAISE Rd.EndOfFile; END; TRY line := SupMisc.GetCmdLine(rr.rd); INC(rr.lineNum); rr.current := NEW(T, line := line, lineNum := rr.lineNum, ts := TokScan.NewDec(line)); typeCh := rr.current.ts.getChar("file type"); := rr.current.ts.getToken("filename"); CASE typeCh OF | 'D' => rr.current.type := Type.DirDown; IF rr.comp # NIL THEN RAISE Error("Unexpected directory entry in version " & Fmt.Int(rr.vers) & " file"); END; INC(rr.depth); | 'C' => rr.current.type := Type.CheckoutLive; IF rr.vers < 2 THEN := SupMisc.RCSName(; END; | 'c' => rr.current.type := Type.CheckoutDead; IF rr.vers < 2 THEN := SupMisc.RCSName(; END; | 'V' => rr.current.type := Type.FileLive; | 'v' => rr.current.type := Type.FileDead; | 'U' => rr.current.type := Type.DirUp; IF rr.comp # NIL THEN RAISE Error("Unexpected directory entry in version " & Fmt.Int(rr.vers) & " file"); END; IF rr.depth <= 0 THEN RAISE Error("\"U\" entry has no matching \"D\""); END; DEC(rr.depth); ELSE RAISE Error("Invalid file type \"" & Text.FromChar(typeCh) & "\""); END; IF rr.previous # NIL AND Compare(rr.previous, rr.current) >= 0 THEN RAISE Error("File is not sorted properly"); END; IF rr.comp # NIL THEN (* Synthesizing directory entries. *) TRY CASE rr.current.type OF | Type.DirDown => pcType := PathComp.Type.DirDown; | Type.DirUp => pcType := PathComp.Type.DirUp; ELSE pcType := PathComp.Type.File; END; rr.comp.put(pcType,; EXCEPT PathComp.Error(msg) => RAISE Error(msg); END; ELSE rr.previous := rr.current; rr.current := NIL; RETURN rr.previous; END; EXCEPT | Rd.EndOfFile => rr.eofSeen := TRUE; IF rr.comp # NIL THEN rr.comp.finish(); END; | TokScan.Error(msg) => RAISE Error(msg); END; END; EXCEPT Error(msg) => RAISE Error(Fmt.Int(rr.lineNum) & ": " & msg); END; END RdGetRaw; PROCEDURERdPrune (rr: RdReader): T RAISES {Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR fs: T; pruneDepth := rr.depth; BEGIN WHILE rr.depth >= pruneDepth DO fs := rr.getRaw(); END; <* ASSERT fs.type = Type.DirUp *> MakeCooked(fs, rr.vers); RETURN fs; END RdPrune; PROCEDURERdScanTime (rr: RdReader): Time.T = BEGIN RETURN rr.time; END RdScanTime; PROCEDURERdStatus (rr: RdReader): CHAR = BEGIN RETURN rr.statusCode; END RdStatus; PROCEDURERdOrigin (rr: RdReader): TEXT = BEGIN RETURN rr.originHost; END RdOrigin; PROCEDURERdTimeDelta (rr: RdReader): Time.T = BEGIN RETURN; END RdTimeDelta; PROCEDURERdVersion (rr: RdReader): CARDINAL = BEGIN RETURN rr.vers; END RdVersion;
PROCEDURE***************************************************************************FromNull (): Reader = BEGIN RETURN NEW(Reader, version := NullVersion, scanTime := NullScanTime, get := NullGet, getRaw := NullGetRaw, close := NullClose); END FromNull; PROCEDURENullClose (<*UNUSED*> r: Reader) = BEGIN END NullClose; PROCEDURENullGet (<*UNUSED*> r: Reader): T RAISES {Rd.EndOfFile} = BEGIN RAISE Rd.EndOfFile; END NullGet; PROCEDURENullGetRaw (<*UNUSED*> r: Reader): T RAISES {Rd.EndOfFile} = BEGIN RAISE Rd.EndOfFile; END NullGetRaw; PROCEDURENullScanTime (<*UNUSED*> r: Reader): Time.T = BEGIN RETURN -1.0d0; END NullScanTime; PROCEDURENullVersion (<*UNUSED*> r: Reader): CARDINAL = BEGIN RETURN Version; END NullVersion;
TYPE WrWriter = Writer OBJECT wr: Wr.T; current: T := NIL; comp: PathComp.Compressor; decomp: PathComp.Decompressor; cannotWrite := FALSE; OVERRIDES version := WrVersion; put := WrPut; putRaw := WrPutRaw; close := WrClose; END; PROCEDUREToWr (wr: Wr.T; scanTime: Time.T): Writer RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = VAR ww := NEW(WrWriter, wr := wr, comp := NEW(PathComp.Compressor).init(), decomp := NEW(PathComp.Decompressor).init()); BEGIN SupMisc.PutCmd(wr, "F", Fmt.Int(Version), TokScan.EncodeTime(scanTime), encode := TRUE); RETURN ww; END ToWr; PROCEDUREWrClose (ww: WrWriter) RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = VAR pcType: PathComp.Type; pcName: TEXT; BEGIN IF NOT ww.cannotWrite THEN (* Close off all the open directories. *) ww.comp.finish(); WHILE ww.comp.get(pcType, pcName) DO WITH fullName = ww.decomp.put(pcType, pcName) DO CASE pcType OF | PathComp.Type.DirDown => SupMisc.PutCmd(ww.wr, "D", fullName, encode := TRUE); | PathComp.Type.DirUp => SupMisc.PutCmd(ww.wr, "U", fullName, FileAttr.Encode(FileAttr.Bogus), encode := TRUE); | PathComp.Type.File => (* Should never happen. *) <* ASSERT FALSE *> END; END; END; END; Wr.Close(ww.wr); END WrClose; PROCEDUREWrPut (ww: WrWriter; fs: T) RAISES {Error, Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = VAR pcType: PathComp.Type; pcName: TEXT; dirUpAttr: FileAttr.T; BEGIN IF ww.cannotWrite THEN (* Don't even try. *) RETURN; END; IF ww.current # NIL THEN (* Don't ever write the records out of order. *) <* ASSERT Compare(ww.current, fs) < 0 *> END; ww.current := fs; TRY (* Rather than rely on the proper DirDown and DirUp entries being supplied, we synthesize them on our own. This is necessary in certain situations when we are reading from an older version of the status file which did not have explicit directory entries. *) TRY dirUpAttr := FileAttr.Bogus; CASE fs.type OF | Type.DirDown => ww.comp.put(PathComp.Type.DirDown,; | Type.DirUp => ww.comp.put(PathComp.Type.DirUp,; dirUpAttr := fs.clientAttr; ELSE ww.comp.put(PathComp.Type.File,; END; WHILE ww.comp.get(pcType, pcName) DO WITH fullName = ww.decomp.put(pcType, pcName) DO CASE pcType OF | PathComp.Type.DirDown => SupMisc.PutCmd(ww.wr, "D", fullName, encode := TRUE); | PathComp.Type.DirUp => SupMisc.PutCmd(ww.wr, "U", fullName, FileAttr.Encode(dirUpAttr), encode := TRUE); dirUpAttr := FileAttr.Bogus; | PathComp.Type.File => (* Just swallow it. *) <* ASSERT Text.Equal(fullName, *> END; END; END; EXCEPT PathComp.Error(msg) => RAISE Error(msg); END; CASE fs.type OF | Type.DirDown, Type.DirUp => (* Already emitted above. *) | Type.CheckoutLive => SupMisc.PutCmd(ww.wr, "C",, fs.tag,, FileAttr.Encode(fs.serverAttr), fs.revNum, fs.revDate, FileAttr.Encode(fs.clientAttr), encode := TRUE); | Type.CheckoutDead => SupMisc.PutCmd(ww.wr, "c",, fs.tag,, FileAttr.Encode(fs.serverAttr), encode := TRUE); | Type.FileLive => SupMisc.PutCmd(ww.wr, "V",, FileAttr.Encode(fs.clientAttr), encode := TRUE); | Type.FileDead => SupMisc.PutCmd(ww.wr, "v",, FileAttr.Encode(fs.clientAttr), encode := TRUE); END; EXCEPT Wr.Failure(l) => ww.cannotWrite := TRUE; RAISE Wr.Failure(l); END; END WrPut; PROCEDUREWrPutRaw (ww: WrWriter; fs: T) RAISES {Error, Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = VAR pcType: PathComp.Type; pcName: TEXT; gotOne: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF ww.cannotWrite THEN (* Don't even try. *) RETURN; END; TRY (* Unfortunately, we have to do the work to keep the pathname compressor in sync. *) TRY CASE fs.type OF | Type.DirDown => ww.comp.put(PathComp.Type.DirDown,; | Type.DirUp => ww.comp.put(PathComp.Type.DirUp,; ELSE ww.comp.put(PathComp.Type.File,; END; (* Calls to putRaw() always originate from a getRaw(). Therefore, we expect them to have all the necessary DirDowns and DirUps. The compressor should return exactly one value, which is whatever we put into it. *) gotOne := ww.comp.get(pcType, pcName); <* ASSERT gotOne *> EVAL ww.decomp.put(pcType, pcName); gotOne := ww.comp.get(pcType, pcName); <* ASSERT NOT gotOne *> EXCEPT PathComp.Error(msg) => RAISE Error(msg); END; <* ASSERT fs.line # NIL *> Wr.PutText(ww.wr, fs.line & "\n"); EXCEPT Wr.Failure(l) => ww.cannotWrite := TRUE; RAISE Wr.Failure(l); END; END WrPutRaw; PROCEDUREWrVersion (<*UNUSED*> ww: WrWriter): CARDINAL = BEGIN RETURN Version; END WrVersion; BEGIN END FileStatus.