
 Copyright 1992 Digital Equipment Corporation. 
 Distributed only by permission. 
 Created on Sat Jan 11 15:49:00 PST 1992 by gnelson 
 Last modified on Wed Aug 31 15:59:31 PDT 1994 by wobber 
      modified on Sun Jan 12 16:17:07 PST 1992 by meehan 


IMPORT Atom, AtomList;
This interface defines the addresses used for communicating with the internet protocol family.

An IP ``endpoint'' identifies a running program in a way that allows other programs to communicate with it.

An endpoint consists of an ``address'', which identifies the host machine on which the program is running, together with a ``port'', which distinguishes the program from other programs running on the same host.

The host operating system guarantees that the same port is never in use by more than one program running on the host simultaneously. The same program may be identified by several ports. Similarly, the internet police (try to) guarantee that the same address is never in use simultaneously by more than one machine in the world, but the same machine may be identified by several addresses.

Port numbers and host addresses can be recycled: the operating system can reuse a port number of a program that has exited or explicitly freed the port, and the internet police will reassign addresses from old hosts to new ones.

TYPE EC = AtomList.T;

An IP implementation (or a layered IP protocolimplementation), can raise Error with error lists including, but not limited to, the following atoms:

  LookupFailure, Unreachable, PortBusy, NoResources: Atom.T;
LookupFailure indicates that a call to GetHostByName could not determine whether the argument name exists.

The following errors codes can arise from implementations of protocols which are layered on IP:

Unreachable indicates that the destination protocol address is not reachable from the local node. This is typically occurs in layered protocols (e.g. TCP) during connection establishment.

PortBusy indicates that the caller attempted to use a port which is already in use.

NoResources indicates an OS-dependent resource shortage (such as no more sockets). The remainder of the error list may detail the failure.

  Port = [0..65535];
  Address4 = RECORD a: ARRAY [0..3] OF BITS 8 FOR [0..255]; END;
  Address16 = RECORD a: ARRAY [0..16] OF BITS 8 FOR [0..255]; END;
  Address = Address4;
  Endpoint = RECORD addr: Address; port: Port END;
The type Address is an IP address in network byte order. The type Port is an IP port number in host byte order.

  NullPort: Port = 0;
  NullAddress4 = Address{a := ARRAY OF BITS 8 FOR [0..255] {0,0,0,0}};
  NullAddress16 = Address{a := ARRAY OF BITS 8 FOR [0..255] {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}};
  NullAddress = NullAddress4;
  NullEndPoint = Endpoint{NullAddress, NullPort};

PROCEDURE GetHostByName(nm: TEXT; VAR (*out*) res: Address): BOOLEAN
     RAISES {Error};
If a host named nm is found, GetHostByName sets res to its address and returns TRUE. If nm is not found, GetHostByName returns FALSE. If the lookup cannot complete then Error is raised with LookupFailure in the error list.
 For example, 

      GetHostByName("", addr) 
returns the address of the machine ``gatekeeper'' at DEC SRC.

Different systems use different algorithms for implementing GetHostByName.

PROCEDURE GetCanonicalByName(nm: TEXT): TEXT RAISES {Error};
If a host named nm is found, GetCanonicalByName returns the canonical, full-qualified name for the host nm. If nm is not found, GetCanonicalByName returns NIL. If the lookup cannot complete then Error is raised with LookupFailure in the error list.
 For example, 


PROCEDURE GetCanonicalByAddr(addr: Address): TEXT RAISES {Error};
GetCanonicalByAddr is has the same semantics as GetCanonicalByName except that it takes an address rather than a name.

PROCEDURE GetHostAddr(): Address;
Return an address of the machine executing the call to GetHostAddr.