
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation 
 All rights reserved. 
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description. 
 Last modified on Mon Oct 11 20:56:22 PDT 1993 by sfreeman 

this interface supports writing Pictures to the display. It is supposed to be platform-independant but bears a striking resemblance to the X version. It also includes some hooks for shared memory transmission of the pictures; these are ignored if the implementation does not support them.

IMPORT Ctypes, Point, Rect, Thread, VBT;

  TrestleFail;                   (* the implementation returned an error *)



PROCEDURE New (st: VBT.ScreenType; width, height: CARDINAL): T
  RAISES {ScreenTypeNotSupported, TrestleFail};
create a new T of size /width/ * /height/, based on origin = Point.Origin. Further details, including the use of shared memory, are extracted from /v/. All the fields in the Picture.Image which are not accessible in the interface are set to the server's defaults

PROCEDURE FromImage (st          : VBT.ScreenType;
                     image       : ImageStar;
                     sharedMemory                   := FALSE): T
  RAISES {ScreenTypeNotSupported, TrestleFail};
create a new T based on an existing Picture. The caller is also responsible for freeing /image/ as Picture.T will not do so for storage it has not allocated. /sharedMemory/ is a hint to the implementation

TYPE FreeProc = PROCEDURE (param: REFANY);
PROCEDURE Paint (         v        : VBT.Leaf;
                          src      : T;
                 READONLY clip                  := Rect.Full;
                 READONLY delta                 := Point.Origin;
                          freeProc : FreeProc   := NIL;
                          freeParam: REFANY     := NIL           )
  RAISES {Thread.Alerted};
<* LL.sup < v *>
translate the picture /src/ by /delta/, and paint it to the screen of /v/, clipping to rectangle /clip/. To place the picture with the top left corner aligned with /v/, set /delta/ := Rect.NorthWest(v.domain).

If /freeProc/ # NIL then /Put/ will return after the paint request has been made and /freeProc/ will be called with parameter /freeParam/ when the Picture data structures may safely be changed. If /freeProc/ = NIL, then /Put/ will not return until the Picture data structures are safe

PROCEDURE Destroy (picture: T);
destroy /picture/, detaching any shared memory segments first. This procedure will be called before /picture/ is collected if it hasn't been already.

  SharedMemInfo = OBJECT
                    id     : Ctypes.int;  (* shared memory identifier *)
                    address: ADDRESS      := NIL;
                    (* address to which shared memory is attached *)
                    readOnly := FALSE;
                    (* is the server allowed to write to the segment? *)

PROCEDURE AttachData (picture: T;
                      dataPtr: Ctypes.char_star;
                      shmInfo: SharedMemInfo      := NIL)
  RAISES {TrestleFail};
attach the data segment /dataPtr/ to the Picture. The caller is expected to have acquired the memory in which to put the picture. If /shmInfo/ # NIL then the implementation will use shared memory to transmit the picture if it can. The caller is responsible for freeing the data segment

PROCEDURE DetachData (picture: T) RAISES {TrestleFail};
detach the data from picture. This call does not free any data allocated

PROCEDURE Image (picture: T): ImageStar;
return the X.ImageStar associated with /picture/. Can be NIL

PROCEDURE MakeImage (st            : VBT.ScreenType;
                     width, height : Ctypes.int;
                     xoffset       : Ctypes.int       := 0;
                     bitmap_pad    : Ctypes.int       := 0;
                     bytes_per_line: Ctypes.int       := 0  ): ImageStar
  RAISES {ScreenTypeNotSupported, TrestleFail};
<* LL >= VBT.mu *>
create an ImageRec for the given parameters. The format is assumed to be ZPixmap. It is the caller's responsibility to free the storage.

The ImageStar is not suitable for use with Shared Memory

PROCEDURE Supported (st: VBT.ScreenType; sharedMem := FALSE): BOOLEAN;
return TRUE if this screen type is supported by the Picture module. If sharedMem is TRUE then also test whether the screen type supports shared memory for the transmission of pictures
 the following is the raw structure for an image, which bears a
   remarkable resemblance to an XImage structure.  See the X manuals for a
   description of its fields 

  CreateImageProc = PROCEDURE (): ImageStar;
  DestroyImageProc = PROCEDURE (i: ImageStar): Ctypes.int;
  GetPixelProc =
    PROCEDURE (i: ImageStar; x, y: Ctypes.int): Ctypes.unsigned_long;
  PutPixelProc =
    PROCEDURE (i: ImageStar; x, y: Ctypes.int; p: Ctypes.unsigned_long):
  SubImageProc =
    PROCEDURE (i: ImageStar; x, y: Ctypes.int; w, h: Ctypes.unsigned_int):
  AddPixelProc = PROCEDURE (i: ImageStar): Ctypes.int;

  ImageRec =
      width, height: Ctypes.int;  (* size of image *)
      xoffset: Ctypes.int;       (* number of pixels offset in X
                                    direction *)
      format: Ctypes.int;        (* XYBitmap, XYPixmap, ZPixmap *)
      data  : Ctypes.char_star;  (* pointer to image data *)
      byte_order : Ctypes.int;   (* data byte order, LSBFirst, MSBFirst *)
      bitmap_unit: Ctypes.int;   (* quant.  of scanline 8, 16, 32 *)
      bitmap_bit_order: Ctypes.int;  (* LSBFirst, MSBFirst *)
      bitmap_pad      : Ctypes.int;  (* 8, 16, 32 either XY or ZPixmap *)
      depth           : Ctypes.int;  (* depth of image *)
      bytes_per_line  : Ctypes.int;  (* accelarator to next line *)
      bits_per_pixel  : Ctypes.int;  (* bits per pixel (ZPixmap) *)
      red_mask  : Ctypes.unsigned_long;  (* bits in z arrangment *)
      green_mask: Ctypes.unsigned_long;
      blue_mask : Ctypes.unsigned_long;
      obdata: Ctypes.char_star;  (* hook for the object routines to hang
                                    on *)
      f: RECORD                  (* image manipulation routines *)
           create_image : CreateImageProc;
           destroy_image: DestroyImageProc;
           get_pixel    : GetPixelProc;
           put_pixel    : PutPixelProc;
           sub_image    : SubImageProc;
           add_pixel    : AddPixelProc;
  ImageStar = UNTRACED REF ImageRec;

END Picture.

Picture's implementation is in: