<*PRAGMA LL*>Last modified on Wed Mar 8 18:16:48 PST 1995 by msm modified on Mon Feb 24 13:53:28 PST 1992 by muller modified on Mon Nov 11 15:39:54 PST 1991 by gnelson modified on Mon Oct 1 14:36:21 PDT 1990 by steveg
MODULEIf ch # NIL then on exit child.size >= 0 for all children of v.; IMPORT VBT, Split, Axis, Rect, Interval, ProperSplit, VBTClass, VBTTuning, Word; TYPE SizeCache = RECORD lastQuery := -1; lastRes: VBT.SizeRange END; REVEAL Private = ProperSplit.T BRANDED OBJECT END; T = Public BRANDED OBJECT hv: Axis.T; saveBits, adjustable: BOOLEAN; parlim: INTEGER; cache: ARRAY Axis.T OF SizeCache; numCh: CARDINAL := 0 OVERRIDES reshape := Reshape; shape := Shape; redisplay := Redisplay; beChild := BeChild; replace := Replace; insert := Insert; newShape := NewShape; index := Index; axisOrder := AxisOrder; init := Be END; TYPE Child = ProperSplit.Child OBJECT size: INTEGER END; (* size < 0 iff the old size was Word.Not(size) and the size has changed. *) VAR hvParlim := VBTTuning.HVParlim; PROCEDURE HVSplit Be ( v: T; hv: Axis.T; saveBits := FALSE; parlim := -1; adjustable := TRUE): T RAISES {} = BEGIN IF parlim = -1 THEN parlim := hvParlim END; v.saveBits := saveBits; v.adjustable := adjustable; v.parlim := parlim; v.hv := hv; RETURN v END Be; PROCEDURENew ( hv: Axis.T; saveBits := FALSE; parlim := -1; adjustable := TRUE) : T RAISES {} = BEGIN RETURN Be(NEW(T), hv, saveBits, parlim, adjustable) END New; PROCEDURECons ( hv: Axis.T; ch0, ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4, ch5, ch6, ch7, ch8, ch9: VBT.T := NIL; saveBits := FALSE; parlim := -1; adjustable := TRUE) : T RAISES {} = BEGIN RETURN ConsArray(hv, ARRAY OF VBT.T{ch0, ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4, ch5, ch6, ch7, ch8, ch9}, saveBits, parlim, adjustable); END Cons; PROCEDUREConsArray ( hv: Axis.T; READONLY ch: ARRAY OF VBT.T; saveBits := FALSE; parlim := -1; adjustable := TRUE) : T RAISES {} = VAR result := New(hv, saveBits, parlim, adjustable); BEGIN Split.AddChildArray(result, ch); RETURN result END ConsArray; PROCEDUREInvalidateCache (v: T) RAISES {} = BEGIN FOR ax := FIRST(Axis.T) TO LAST(Axis.T) DO v.cache[ax].lastQuery := -1 END; VBT.NewShape(v) END InvalidateCache; PROCEDUREInsert (v: T; pred, ch: VBT.T) = BEGIN Public.insert(v, pred, ch); WITH up = NARROW(ch.upRef, Child) DO up.size := FIRST(INTEGER) END; InvalidateCache(v) END Insert; PROCEDUREBeChild (v: T; ch: VBT.T) RAISES {} = BEGIN IF ch.upRef = NIL THEN ch.upRef := NEW(Child) END; ProperSplit.T.beChild(v, ch); INC(v.numCh); VBTClass.SetShortCircuit(ch) END BeChild; PROCEDUREReplace (v: T; pred, new: VBT.T) RAISES {} = VAR predCh := NARROW(pred.upRef, Child); predsh := VBTClass.GetShapes(pred, FALSE); size := predCh.size; BEGIN Public.replace(v, pred, new); IF new # NIL THEN WITH up = NARROW(new.upRef, Child) DO IF size < 0 THEN up.size := size ELSE up.size := Word.Not(size) END END END; IF new = NIL OR VBTClass.GetShapes(new, FALSE) # predsh THEN VBT.NewShape(v) END; DEC(v.numCh); InvalidateCache(v) END Replace; PROCEDUREIndex (v: T; ch: VBT.T): CARDINAL RAISES {} = BEGIN IF ch = NIL THEN RETURN v.numCh ELSE RETURN ProperSplit.T.index(v, ch) END END Index; PROCEDUREAdjust (v: T; ch: VBT.T; totsz: INTEGER) RAISES {Split.NotAChild} = VAR iv := FeasibleRange(v, ch); sz := 0; w := v.succ(NIL); delta, newsz: INTEGER; orthSize := Rect.Size(Axis.Other[v.hv], v.domain); BEGIN IF Interval.IsEmpty(iv) OR (ch = NIL) THEN RETURN END; totsz := Interval.Project(iv, totsz); LOOP WITH p = NARROW(w.upRef, Child) DO INC(sz, p.size) END; IF w = ch THEN EXIT END; w := v.succ(w) END; delta := totsz - sz; IF delta = 0 THEN RETURN END; WHILE delta # 0 DO WITH p = NARROW(w.upRef, Child), sh = VBTClass.GetShape(w, v.hv, orthSize, FALSE) DO newsz := MAX(sh.lo, MIN(sh.hi-1, p.size+delta)); DEC(delta, newsz-p.size); p.size := newsz END; w := v.pred(w) END; delta := sz - totsz; w := v.succ(ch); WHILE delta # 0 DO WITH p = NARROW(w.upRef, Child), sh = VBTClass.GetShape(w, v.hv, orthSize, FALSE) DO newsz := MAX(sh.lo, MIN(sh.hi-1, p.size+delta)); DEC(delta, newsz-p.size); p.size := newsz END; w := v.succ(w) END; VBT.Mark(v) END Adjust; PROCEDUREResetSize ( VAR size: INTEGER; sh: VBT.SizeRange; adjustable: BOOLEAN) = BEGIN IF size < 0 THEN WITH sz = Word.Not(size) DO IF adjustable AND sh.lo <= sz AND sz < sh.hi THEN size := sz ELSIF NOT adjustable OR size = FIRST(INTEGER) THEN size := sh.pref ELSIF sz < sh.lo THEN size := sh.lo ELSE size := sh.hi - 1 END END END END ResetSize;
PROCEDUREon exit, child.size >= 0 for all children of vFeasibleRange (v: T; ch: VBT.T): Interval.T RAISES {Split.NotAChild} = VAR w := v.succ(NIL); premin, premax, postmin, postmax, totsz := 0; orthSize := Rect.Size(Axis.Other[v.hv], v.domain); BEGIN IF ch = NIL THEN RETURN Interval.FromSize(1) END; LOOP WITH p = NARROW(w.upRef, Child), sh = VBTClass.GetShape(w, v.hv, orthSize, p.size < 0) DO ResetSize(p.size, sh, v.adjustable); INC(totsz, p.size); INC(premin, sh.lo); INC(premax, sh.hi-1); END; IF w = ch THEN EXIT END; w := v.succ(w); IF w = NIL THEN RAISE Split.NotAChild END END; LOOP w := v.succ(w); IF w = NIL THEN EXIT END; WITH p = NARROW(w.upRef, Child), sh = VBTClass.GetShape(w, v.hv, orthSize, p.size < 0) DO ResetSize(p.size, sh, v.adjustable); INC(totsz, p.size); INC(postmin, sh.lo); INC(postmax, sh.hi-1); END; END; RETURN Interval.FromBounds(MAX(premin, totsz-postmax), 1+MIN(premax, totsz-postmin)) END FeasibleRange; PROCEDUREAvailSize (v: T): CARDINAL RAISES {} = VAR w := v.succ(NIL); totsz, totmin := 0; orthSize := Rect.Size(Axis.Other[v.hv], v.domain); BEGIN WHILE w # NIL DO WITH p = NARROW(w.upRef, Child), sh = VBTClass.GetShape(w, v.hv, orthSize, p.size < 0) DO ResetSize(p.size, sh, v.adjustable); INC(totsz, p.size); INC(totmin, sh.lo) END; w := v.succ(w) END; RETURN MAX(0, totsz-totmin) END AvailSize; PROCEDUREAxisOf (v: T): Axis.T RAISES {} = BEGIN IF v = NIL THEN RETURN Axis.T.Hor ELSE RETURN v.hv END END AxisOf;
Project sizes of all children into the size range. Use the TeX rule to attempt to make the sum of the sizes equal to the size of the parent. Guarantees that infeasible splits are canonical, and that feasible ones are in feasible states. LL = VBT.mu
VAR w := v.succ(NIL); postmin, postmax, postsz := 0; totsz := Rect.Size(v.hv, v.domain); orthSize := Rect.Size(Axis.Other[v.hv], v.domain); sz: CARDINAL; <* INLINE *> PROCEDURE OverFull(goal: CARDINAL) RAISES {} = VAR w := v.succ(NIL); BEGIN WHILE w # NIL DO WITH p = NARROW(w.upRef, Child), sh = VBTClass.GetShape(w, v.hv, orthSize, FALSE) DO p.size := MIN(goal, sh.lo); DEC(goal, p.size); END; w := v.succ(w) END END OverFull; <* INLINE *> PROCEDURE UnderFull(shortfall: CARDINAL) RAISES {} = VAR w := v.succ(NIL); sz: CARDINAL; BEGIN WHILE w # NIL DO WITH p = NARROW(w.upRef, Child), sh = VBTClass.GetShape(w, v.hv, orthSize, FALSE) DO IF postmax # postsz THEN sz := TRUNC( (FLOAT(sh.hi - 1 - sh.pref) / FLOAT(postmax - postsz)) * FLOAT(shortfall)); DEC(shortfall, sz); DEC(postmax, sh.hi - 1); DEC(postsz, sh.pref); p.size := sh.hi - 1 + sz; ELSE p.size := sh.hi - 1 END END; w := v.succ(w) END; IF shortfall # 0 THEN w := v.pred(NIL); IF w # NIL THEN WITH p = NARROW(w.upRef, Child) DO INC(p.size, shortfall) END END END END UnderFull; <* INLINE *> PROCEDURE ScaleUp(delta: CARDINAL) RAISES {} = VAR w := v.succ(NIL); sz: CARDINAL; BEGIN WHILE (w # NIL) AND (delta # 0) DO WITH p = NARROW(w.upRef, Child), sh = VBTClass.GetShape(w, v.hv, orthSize, FALSE) DO sz := TRUNC( (FLOAT(sh.hi - 1 - p.size) / FLOAT(postmax - postsz)) * FLOAT(delta)); DEC(postsz, p.size); DEC(postmax, sh.hi - 1); DEC(delta, sz); INC(p.size, sz) END; w := v.succ(w) END END ScaleUp; <* INLINE *> PROCEDURE ScaleDown(delta: CARDINAL) RAISES {} = VAR w := v.succ(NIL); sz: CARDINAL; BEGIN WHILE (w # NIL) AND (delta # 0) DO WITH p = NARROW(w.upRef, Child), sh = VBTClass.GetShape(w, v.hv, orthSize, FALSE) DO sz := TRUNC( (FLOAT(p.size - sh.lo) / FLOAT(postsz - postmin)) * FLOAT(delta)); DEC(postsz, p.size); DEC(postmin, sh.lo); DEC(delta, sz); DEC(p.size, sz) END; w := v.succ(w) END END ScaleDown; BEGIN IF totsz = 0 THEN WHILE w # NIL DO WITH p = NARROW(w.upRef, Child) DO IF p.size < 0 THEN VBTClass.ClearNewShape(w) END END; w := v.succ(w) END; RETURN END; WHILE w # NIL DO WITH p = NARROW(w.upRef, Child), sh = VBTClass.GetShape(w, v.hv, orthSize, p.size < 0) DO IF p.size < 0 THEN ResetSize(p.size, sh, v.adjustable) ELSIF NOT v.adjustable THEN p.size := sh.pref END; sz := MAX(sh.lo, p.size); sz := MIN(sh.hi-1, sz); p.size := sz; INC(postsz, sz); INC(postmin, sh.lo); INC(postmax, sh.hi-1) END; w := v.succ(w) END; IF postmin > totsz THEN OverFull(totsz) ELSIF postmax < totsz THEN UnderFull(totsz - postmax) ELSIF totsz >= postsz THEN ScaleUp(totsz - postsz) ELSE ScaleDown(postsz - totsz) END END Scale; PROCEDUREon entry, child.size >= 0 for all children of vReshape (v: T; READONLY cd: VBT.ReshapeRec) RAISES {} = VAR w: VBT.T; BEGIN IF Rect.IsEmpty(cd.new) THEN w := v.succ(NIL); WHILE w # NIL DO VBTClass.Reshape(w, Rect.Empty, Rect.Empty); w := v.succ(w) END ELSE Redisplay2(v, TRUE, cd.saved) END END Reshape; PROCEDUREShape (v: T; ax: Axis.T; n: CARDINAL): VBT.SizeRange RAISES {} = VAR w := v.succ(NIL); lo, hi, pref := 0; BEGIN IF ax # v.hv THEN n := 0 END; WITH res = v.cache[ax].lastRes DO IF v.cache[ax].lastQuery # n THEN v.cache[ax].lastQuery := n; IF ax # v.hv THEN IF w = NIL THEN res := VBT.DefaultShape ELSE WITH sz = VBTClass.GetShape(w, ax, n, FALSE) DO lo := sz.lo; pref := sz.pref; hi := sz.hi END; w := v.succ(w); WHILE w # NIL DO WITH sz = VBTClass.GetShape(w, ax, n, FALSE) DO lo := MAX(sz.lo, lo); pref := MAX(pref, sz.pref); hi := MIN(sz.hi, hi) END; w := v.succ(w) END; hi := MAX(lo+1, hi); pref := MIN(hi-1, pref); res := VBT.SizeRange{lo := lo, hi := hi, pref := pref} END ELSE WHILE w # NIL DO WITH sz = VBTClass.GetShape(w, ax, n, FALSE) DO INC(pref, sz.pref); INC(lo, sz.lo); INC(hi, sz.hi - 1) END; w := v.succ(w) END; res := VBT.SizeRange{lo := lo, hi := hi+1, pref := pref} END END; RETURN res END END Shape; PROCEDUREAxisOrder (v: T): Axis.T = BEGIN RETURN Axis.Other[v.hv] END AxisOrder; PROCEDURENewShape (v: T; ch: VBT.T) RAISES {} = BEGIN WITH p = NARROW(ch.upRef, Child) DO IF p.size >= 0 THEN p.size := Word.Not(p.size) END; END; VBT.Mark(v); InvalidateCache(v) END NewShape; PROCEDURERedisplay (v: T) RAISES {} = BEGIN Redisplay2(v, FALSE, v.domain) END Redisplay; TYPE SeqRec = RECORD succ, m: CARDINAL; ch: VBT.T; val, newlo: INTEGER END; PROCEDURERedisplay2 (v: T; inReshape: BOOLEAN; READONLY saved: Rect.T) RAISES {} = VAR a: ARRAY [0..10] OF SeqRec; ra: REF ARRAY OF SeqRec; BEGIN VBTClass.LocateChanged(v); Scale(v); IF Rect.IsEmpty(saved) OR Rect.IsEmpty(v.domain) OR NOT v.saveBits THEN QuickRedisplay(v, inReshape); RETURN END; IF v.numCh < NUMBER(a) THEN Redisplay3(v, inReshape, saved, a) ELSE ra := NEW(REF ARRAY OF SeqRec, v.numCh + 1); Redisplay3(v, inReshape, saved, ra^) END END Redisplay2;
PROCEDUREon entry, child.size >= 0 for all children of vQuickRedisplay (v: T; inReshape: BOOLEAN) RAISES {} = VAR w := v.succ(NIL); newdom := v.domain; lo: INTEGER; BEGIN IF Rect.IsEmpty(newdom) THEN WHILE w # NIL DO VBTClass.Reshape(w, Rect.Empty, Rect.Empty); w := v.succ(w) END ELSE IF v.hv = Axis.T.Ver THEN lo := v.domain.north ELSE lo := v.domain.west END; WHILE w # NIL DO WITH p = NARROW(w.upRef, Child) DO IF p.size # 0 THEN IF v.hv = Axis.T.Ver THEN newdom.north := lo; newdom.south := lo + p.size ELSE newdom.west := lo; newdom.east := lo + p.size END; INC(lo, p.size); IF inReshape OR NOT Rect.Equal(newdom, w.domain) THEN VBTClass.Reshape(w, newdom, Rect.Empty) END ELSE VBTClass.Reshape(w, Rect.Empty, Rect.Empty) END END; w := v.succ(w) END END END QuickRedisplay;
PROCEDURERedisplay3 (v: T; inReshape: BOOLEAN; READONLY saved: Rect.T; VAR a: ARRAY OF SeqRec) RAISES {} = VAR j,k,len,hd,tl: CARDINAL; w: VBT.T := NIL; lo: INTEGER; newdom: Rect.T; BEGIN (* Find longest descending sequence working backwards *) len := 0; a[0].m := 0; a[0].succ := 0; a[0].ch := NIL; a[0].val := LAST(INTEGER); (* len is the length of the longest ascending (in domain order) subsequence of the last i children in the linked list. For each j <= len, a[j].m is the index in a of the head of the subsequence of length m which starts last in domain order among all such subsequences. For each 1 <= j <= i, a[j].ch is the j'th-last child in linked list order, a[j].succ is the index of a[j].ch's successor in a maximal-length ascending subsequence starting at a[j].ch, and a[j].val is the south (or east) coordinate of a[j].ch.domain. Empty children are ignored in terms of computing sequences. *) FOR i := 1 TO v.numCh DO w := v.pred(w); a[i].ch := w; IF Rect.IsEmpty(w.domain) THEN a[i].succ := 0 ELSE IF v.hv = Axis.T.Ver THEN a[i].val := w.domain.south ELSE a[i].val := w.domain.east END; IF a[i].val <= a[a[len].m].val THEN a[i].succ := a[len].m; INC(len); a[len].m := i ELSE j := 0; k := len; WHILE j+1 # k DO WITH mid = (j+k) DIV 2 DO IF a[i].val <= a[a[mid].m].val THEN j := mid ELSE k := mid END END END; a[k].m := i; a[i].succ := a[j].m END END END; (* Compute domains for windows in best sequence and reshape others *) IF v.hv = Axis.T.Ver THEN lo := v.domain.north ELSE lo := v.domain.west END; j := a[len].m; w := v.succ(NIL); WHILE w # NIL DO IF w = a[j].ch THEN a[j].newlo := lo; j := a[j].succ ELSE VBTClass.Reshape(w, Rect.Empty, Rect.Empty) END; INC(lo, NARROW(w.upRef, Child).size); w := v.succ(w) END; (* Find suitable order to reshape windows that can use old domains *) j := a[len].m; hd := 0; tl := 0; (* Here, j, hd, and tl are lists of children linked by the succ field. The proper order consists of the reverse of hd, followed by the proper order of j, followed by tl. *) WHILE j # 0 DO k := a[j].succ; WITH p = NARROW(a[j].ch.upRef, Child) DO IF a[j].newlo + p.size < a[j].val THEN a[j].succ := hd; hd := j ELSE a[j].succ := tl; tl := j END END; j := k END; (* The j list is now empty, so we next reverse hd onto tl. *) WHILE hd # 0 DO k := a[hd].succ; a[hd].succ := tl; tl := hd; hd := k END; (* Reshape using old domains *) newdom := v.domain; WHILE tl # 0 DO WITH w = a[tl].ch, p = NARROW(w.upRef, Child) DO IF p.size = 0 THEN VBTClass.Reshape(w, Rect.Empty, Rect.Empty) ELSE IF v.hv = Axis.T.Ver THEN newdom.north := a[tl].newlo; newdom.south := newdom.north + p.size ELSE newdom.west := a[tl].newlo; newdom.east := newdom.west + p.size END; IF inReshape OR NOT Rect.Equal(newdom, w.domain) THEN VBTClass.Reshape(w, newdom, Rect.Meet(w.domain, saved)) END END END; tl := a[tl].succ END; (* Reshape everybody else *) w := v.succ(NIL); IF v.hv = Axis.T.Ver THEN lo := v.domain.north ELSE lo := v.domain.west END; WHILE w # NIL DO WITH p = NARROW(w.upRef, Child) DO IF Rect.IsEmpty(w.domain) AND (p.size # 0) THEN IF v.hv = Axis.T.Ver THEN newdom.north := lo; newdom.south := lo + p.size ELSE newdom.west := lo; newdom.east := lo + p.size END; INC(lo, p.size); VBTClass.Reshape(w, newdom, Rect.Empty) ELSE INC(lo, p.size) END END; w := v.succ(w) END END Redisplay3; BEGIN END HVSplit.