
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation                         
 All rights reserved.                                                      
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                            
 ZSplit.i3, coded Fri Oct 31 11:24:53 1986 by cgn 
 Last modified on Fri Mar  5 19:59:33 PST 1993 by msm     
      modified on Mon Feb 24 13:55:25 PST 1992 by muller  
      modified on Wed Dec 11 18:29:58 PST 1991 by gnelson 
      modified on Fri Feb  2 14:08:01 PST 1990 by glassman 
A ZSplit.T is a parent window with overlapping child windows.

Each child has a stacking order given (conceptually) by a z coordinate. A pixel of the parent's screen that is in the domain of more than one child is controlled by whichever of these children is highest in the z coordinate. The portions of the domains of the children that extend outside the parent domain will be clipped.

Split.Succ enumerates the children from top to bottom.

The bottom child is called the {\it background}. An initial background can be specified when the ZSplit is created; usually it remains the background throughout the life of the ZSplit. Usually the background has the same domain as the parent, and therefore controls all pixels that are not controlled by any other child. In the unusual case that the background child has a domain different from the parent domain, there may be some parent pixels that are not controlled by any child. The ZSplit will ignore these pixels when asked to repaint.

The shape of a ZSplit is the shape of its background child (if it has no children its shape is the default shape for a VBT). When the preferred shape of a non-background child changes, the ZSplit reshapes the child to its new preferred shape, preserving its {\it offset}, which is the vector between the northwest corners of the parent and child.


IMPORT VBT, Rect, Split, Point;

  T <: Public;
  Private <: Split.T;
  Public = Private OBJECT METHODS
    <* LL <= VBT.mu *>
    init(bg: VBT.T := NIL;
      saveBits := FALSE;
      parlim: INTEGER := -1): T
The call v.init(...) initializes v as a ZSplit.

It is only legal to call the init method for a newly-allocated ZSplit (as in the definition of the procedure New below) or from the init method of a subclass. This restriction applies to all the init methods in Trestle, although it will not be repeated for each one. \index{init method, rules for calling}

The ZSplit will be given the initial background child bg if bg#NIL; it will be given no children if bg=NIL. If bg is non-NIL it will be mapped initially. If saveBits is TRUE, the split will try to save the children's old bits when reformatting; if the children don't use them anyway, it is faster to let saveBits default to FALSE. The value of parlim is the minimum area of a child for which a separate thread will be forked to reshape or repaint it; if it is -1, it is set to an appropriate default (see the VBTTuning interface).

    bg: VBT.T := NIL;
    saveBits := FALSE;
    parlim: INTEGER := -1)
    : T; <* LL <= VBT.mu *>
New(...) is equivalent to NEW(T).init(...).
 \subsubsection{Inserting children} 

The default Split.Insert call is rarely useful for a ZSplit: it inserts the new child at the parent's northwest corner, unmapped. Split.AddChild is even less useful, since it adds children as the background, which is almost certainly not what you want. The following procedures are more useful for inserting children into a ZSplit:

PROCEDURE InsertAfter(
    v: T;
    pred, ch: VBT.T;
    READONLY dom: Rect.T;
    alsoMap: BOOLEAN := TRUE) RAISES {Split.NotAChild};
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Insert ch as a new child of v with domain dom, and mark v for redisplay.
 The new child is inserted immediately after (that is, below) pred;
   if pred=NIL the new child is inserted first (that is, on top).
   If the height or width of dom does not satisfy ch's size
   contraints, then the height and width of the child are projected
   into range; its offset is preserved.  This is a checked runtime error
   if ch is not detached.  If alsoMap is TRUE, ch is mapped,
   otherwise it is unmapped.

It is occasionally useful to insert a new child below all existing children except the background, in which case the following procedure is handy:

TYPE Altitude = {Top, Bot};

    v: T;
    ch: VBT.T;
    READONLY dom: Rect.T;
    alt := Altitude.Top;
    alsoMap: BOOLEAN := TRUE); <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Insert ch at the top if alt = Altitude.Top; insert ch just above the background if alt = Altitude.Bot.
 That is, Insert is equivalent to

      IF alt = Altitude.Top THEN
            pred := NIL
            pred := Split.Pred(v, Split.Pred(v, NIL))
          InsertAfter(v, pred, ch, dom, alsoMap)

Finally, instead of providing the new child's domain it can be useful to provide only the northwest corner and let the child's domain be determined by its shape constraints:

    v: T;
    ch: VBT.T;
    nw: Point.T;
    alt := Altitude.Top;
    alsoMap: BOOLEAN := TRUE); <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Insert ch with its preferred shape and its northwest corner at nw. The alt and alsoMap parameters are interpreted as in Insert.
 \subsubsection{Moving, lifting, and lowering children} 

PROCEDURE Move(ch: VBT.T; READONLY dom: Rect.T);
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Change the domain of ch to be dom and mark ch's parent for redisplay.
 If the height or width of dom do not satisfy ch's size
   constraints, then they are projected into range, preserving the
   northwest corner of dom.  The stacking order of ch is not
   changed.  Move is a checked runtime error if ch's parent is not
   a ZSplit.  Note that this has nothing to do with Split.Move,
   unlike the next procedure. 

PROCEDURE Lift(ch: VBT.T; alt := Altitude.Top);
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Lift ch to the top or lower it to be just above the background, depending on alt. Lift is equivalent to:

      v := VBT.Parent(ch);
      IF alt = Altitude.Top THEN
        pred := NIL
        pred := Split.Pred(v, Split.Pred(v, NIL))
      Split.Move(v, pred, ch)
 \subsubsection{Mapping and unmapping children} 

You can {\it unmap} a child of a ZSplit, which reshapes the child to be empty after recording the child's shape and offset. When you later {\it map} the child, the recorded shape and offset are restored. An unmapped child is rescreened when the parent is rescreened, and its recorded shape and offset are updated when the parent is reshaped, just like the domains of the mapped children.

PROCEDURE Unmap(ch: VBT.T); <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
If ch is mapped, unmap it and mark its parent for redisplay.
PROCEDURE Map(ch: VBT.T); <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
If ch is unmapped, map it and mark its parent for redisplay.
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Return TRUE if ch is mapped and FALSE if ch is unmapped.
 Map, Unmap, and IsMapped are checked runtime errors if ch's
   parent is not a ZSplit.  

\subsubsection{Getting domains}

PROCEDURE GetDomain(ch: VBT.T): Rect.T;
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Return the effective domain of ch.
 The effective domain is the same as the normal domain, except (1)
   if the parent has been marked for redisplay, GetDomain returns
   the domain that ch will receive when the redisplay happens, or
   (2) if the domain of the parent is Rect.Empty, GetDomain returns
   the domain ch would receive if the parent were reshaped to its
   last non-empty domain, or (3) if the child is unmapped, GetDomain
   returns the domain the child would have if it were mapped.

GetDomain is a checked runtime error if the parent of ch is not a ZSplit.

PROCEDURE GetParentDomain(v: T): Rect.T;
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Return the last non-empty value of v.domain, or Rect.Empty if v.domain has always been empty.
 \subsubsection{Moving children when the parent is reshaped} 

You can supply procedures to control what happens to the children when a ZSplit is reshaped. If you don't supply a procedure, the default behavior is as follows: the initial background child is always reshaped to have the same domain as the parent. The other children are reshaped so as to preserve their shape and their offsets (even if this makes them extend outside the parent domain). The rule is different if the parent is reshaped to Rect.Empty: in this case the ZSplit records its children's shapes and offsets and reshapes them all to Rect.Empty. When the ZSplit is later reshaped to a non-empty domain, it reshapes the initial background child to have the same domain as the parent, and restores the saved dimensions and offsets of the other children.

In the unusual case that the initial background child is deleted, subsequent background children do not automatically inherit the special reshaping behavior of the initial background child.

To override the default behavior, use SetReshapeControl:

PROCEDURE SetReshapeControl(
    ch: VBT.T;
    rc: ReshapeControl); <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Set the reshape control object for the child ch to be rc.
  apply(ch:VBT.T; READONLY old, new, prev: Rect.T)
  : Rect.T <* LL.sup = VBT.mu.ch *>
SetReshapeControl arranges that whenever the ZSplit parent v of ch is reshaped from domain old to domain new, then if the previous domain of ch is prev, the new domain of ch will become rc.apply(ch, old, new, prev) (if this rectangle doesn't satisfy ch's size constraints, its height and width will be projected into range, preserving its offset).

These methods of the ReshapeControl objects may be called concurrently for different children. (This is why the apply method has only a share of VBT.mu.) The stacking order is not changed by reshaping.

When a ZSplit child is replaced by Split.Replace, the new child inherits the old child's reshape control object.

SetReshapeControl is a checked runtime error if the parent of ch is not a ZSplit.

If the ZSplit is reshaped to Rect.Empty, it will reshape its children to Rect.Empty without calling their reshape control methods. Similarly, if the parent is subsequently reshaped to its original rectangle, it will restore the children's previous domains without calling the methods.

By default, the background is chained absolutely to the parent domain, using Background:

  Background: ReshapeControl;

   (* One useful reshape control method provided by this interface is
   "ChainReshape", in which some set of the child's west, east, north,
   and south edges are ``chained'' to the corresponding edges of the
   parent.  Chaining an edge means that the distance between the child
   edge and the corresponding parent edge will be preserved.  For
   example, if both the west and east edges are chained, then the child's
   horizontal extent will be inset into the parent's horizontal extent
   by fixed amounts on both sides.  For another example, suppose that
   the the east edge is chained and the west edge is not.  In this case
   the distance between the east edges of the child and parent will
   be preserved, but the west edge of the child will move so as to
   preserve the width of the child.  The north and south edges control
   the vertical extent in a similar manner.  *)

  Ch = {W, E, N, S};
  ChainSet = SET OF Ch;
  ChainReshapeControl = ReshapeControl OBJECT
    chains: ChainSet
    apply := ChainedReshape

  NoChains, WChains, EChains, WEChains, NChains,
  WNChains, ENChains, WENChains, SChains,
  WSChains, ESChains, WESChains, NSChains,
  WNSChains, ENSChains, WENSChains: ChainReshapeControl;
The ``variables'' above are constants for the following reshape control objects:

      NEW(ChainReshapeControl, chains := ChainSet{}),
          NEW(ChainReshapeControl, chains := ChainSet{Ch.W}),
              chains := ChainSet{Ch.W,Ch.E,Ch.N,Ch.S})

PROCEDURE ChainedReshape(
  self: ChainReshapeControl;
  ch: VBT.T;
  READONLY oldParentDomain, newParentDomain,
    oldChildDomain: Rect.T): Rect.T;
Return the rectangle that results from chaining each edge in self.chains to the corresponding edge of the parent domain, and leaving the other edges unconstrained.
 If both edges in a dimension are chained, the offset and extent of
   the child will both vary to satisfy the chain constraints; if one edge
   is chained, the offset will vary and the extent will be fixed; if
   both edges are unchained, the offset and the extent will both be

The default behavior for the initial background child is Background, and the default behavior for all other children is WNChains.

One final reshape control method is sometimes useful:

PROCEDURE ScaledReshape(
  self: ReshapeControl;
  ch: VBT.T;
  READONLY oldParentDomain, newParentDomain,
    oldChildDomain: Rect.T) : Rect.T;
Return the integer approximation to the rectangle that results from scaling the old child domain to occupy the same relative position of the changing parent domain.
VAR (*CONST*) Scaled: ReshapeControl;
This ``variable'' is really a constant for the following reshape control object:

      NEW(ReshapeControl, apply := ScaledReshape)

END ZSplit.