
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation                         
 All rights reserved.                                                      
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                            
 by Steve Glassman, Mark Manasse and Greg Nelson           
 Last modified on Mon Jan 25 18:15:22 PST 1993 by msm      
      modified on Tue Mar 10 19:05:26 1992 by steveg   
      modified on Mon Feb 24 13:57:29 PST 1992 by muller   
      modified on Tue Oct 22 22:45:40 PDT 1991 by gnelson  


Each entry in a palette can be NIL, or a distinguished value to indicate that it is under evaluation. Each palette will be allocated large enough to contain every entry, even if it isn't resolved.

IMPORT ScrnPaintOp, ScrnFont, ScrnCursor, ScrnPixmap, Palette, PaintOp, Font,
       Pixmap, Cursor;

  Context = MUTEX OBJECT
    ops: REF ARRAY OF Palette.OpClosure := NIL;
    nextOp := NUMBER(PaintOp.Predefined);
    fonts: REF ARRAY OF Palette.FontClosure := NIL;
    nextFont := NUMBER(Font.Predefined);
    cursors: REF ARRAY OF Palette.CursorClosure := NIL;
    nextCursor := NUMBER(Cursor.Predefined);
    pixmaps: REF ARRAY OF Palette.PixmapClosure := NIL;
    nextPixmap := NUMBER(Pixmap.Predefined)

  con: Context;

  noOp: ScrnPaintOp.T;
  noFont: ScrnFont.T;
  noCursor: ScrnCursor.T;

END PlttFrnds.