
 Copyright (C) 1993, Digital Equipment Corporation                         
 All rights reserved.                                                      
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                            
 by Jim Meehan and Mark Manasse                                            
 Last modified on Sun Mar 21 21:27:49 PST 1993 by meehan                   
      modified on Thu Mar  4 21:15:32 PST 1993 by msm                      
 NOTE: The table of character combinations is in the file:                 



        next: T
        apply (v: VBT.T; cd: VBT.KeyRec)
  Composer <: T OBJECT
                feedback (v: VBT.T; composing: BOOLEAN)
  ComposeChar <: Composer;
  Diacritical <: Composer;

PROCEDURE IsModifier (c: VBT.KeySym): BOOLEAN;
Test whether c is a ``modifier'' key, such as Shift, Control, or Meta. Such keys are usually ignored by Composers. Equivalent to:
      KeyboardKey.Shift_L <= c AND c <= KeyboardKey.Hyper_R

END KeyFilter.
A KeyFilter's apply method takes a VBT.T and a VBT.KeyRec and may pass them on to the KeyFilter in its next field, possibly having altered the KeyRec in the process. For example, a ``transparent'' filter would simply call SELF.next.apply(v,cd). An ``upper-case filter'' (transducer) would convert lower-case characters to upper-case before passing them on.

A KeyFilter may also maintain an internal state, and it is not required to call SELF.next.apply on every call. Various ``character composition'' schemes, for example, involve typing one character (e.g., a key labeled ``Compose Character'') followed by two others, which are all ``composed'' to produce a single character. That is, they effectively implement a ``look-ahead'' reader.

A Composer is a subtype that provides a feedback method; the intention is that the apply method calls SELF.feedback(v, TRUE) when it sees a key that begins a multi-character sequence, and SELF.feedback(v, FALSE) when it sees a key that ends a sequence. The default feedback method is a no-op, but a client may wish to override that in order to provide a visual cue to the user that key-composition is in effect (e.g., changing the cursor). Otherwise, the user might not understand why typed character are not being ``echoed.''

Two types of Composers are provided, ComposeChar and Diacritical. ComposeChar produces the ISO Latin-1 (8-bit, extended ASCII) characters, using the VT220 style of composition: when the filter sees a Keyrec whose whatChanged field is KeyboardKey.MultiKey, it calls SELF.feedback(v,TRUE); after two more KeyRecs have been passed to it, it looks for those two keys in an internal table. If it finds a character, then it passes it to SELF.next.apply. For example, on many keyboards, there is a key labeled Compose or Compose Character, which produces the MultiKey code. When you type that key, followed by ``c'' and ``o'', the filter passes the character for the copyright symbol, \copyright, to the next filter. If there is no entry in the table, the filter does not pass anything to the next filter. In any case, it always returns to its initial state.

For some users, the ``Compose'' key is also the ``meta'' or ``option'' key. Holding this key down and typing ``a'', for example, produces a KeyRec with the mod1 modifier (which Trestle represents as VBT.Modifier.Option). When the ComposeChar filter sees a KeyRec with this modifier, it assumes that the user is {\em not} composing an 8-bit character, so it calls SELF.feedback(v,FALSE) and SELF.next.apply(v,cd), and it returns to its initial state.

A Diacritical filter also produces 8-bit characters. The filter looks at 2-character sequences; comma followed by ``c'', for example, produces an ``c'' with a cedilla, \c{c}. If the sequence is not defined, such as comma followed by space, then filter passes both characters to the next filter; i.e., when it receives the second KeyRec, it makes {\em two} calls to SELF.next.apply. (This is why the KeyFilter uses a next field instead of merely returning a KeyRec.)

Here is an example showing the intended use of this interface. Assume that TextEditingVBT is a subtype of VBT used for typing text, such as TypeinVBT.T or TextPort.T. A client would override the key method in order to filter the keys delivered to the supertype's key method.

        MyTextEditor =
          TextEditingVBT.T OBJECT
              comp: KeyFilter.ComposeChar
              key := Key
        Parent = Keyfilter.T OBJECT
                        apply := ApplyParent
      PROCEDURE Key (v: MyTextEditor; READONLY cd; VBT.KeyRec) =
          IF cd.wentDown AND cd.whatChanged # VBT.NoKey THEN
            v.comp.apply (v, cd)
        END Key;
      PROCEDURE ApplyParent (self : MyParent;
                             v    : VBT.T;
                             cd   : VBT.KeyRec) =
          TextEditingVBT.T.key (v, cd)
        END ApplyMyParent;
      VAR editor := NEW (MyTextEditor,
                         comp := NEW (KeyFilter.ComposeChar,
                                      next := NEW (Parent)));
A ComposeChar object is not case-sensitive where there is no ambiguity. For example, c and o can be combined to produce the copyright symbol, \copyright; so can C and O, c and O, or C and o. By contrast, e and ` can be combined to produce a lower-case e with a grave accent, \`{e}, but E and ` produce an upper-case E with a grave accent, \`{E}.

Unless both of the characters are alphanumeric, they can be combined in either order. So ` and e have the same effect as e and `, but o and c do {\em not} combine to form the copyright symbol.