
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation                      
 All rights reserved.                                                   
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                         
 by Steve Glassman                                                      
 Last modified on Mon Jun 14 20:57:53 PDT 1993 by meehan                
      modified on Tue Feb  9 11:41:24 PST 1993 by mhb                   
      modified on Mon Nov 2 12:45:44 PST 1992 by steveg                 
An Image.T is a screen-independent specification of an {\it image}. An image is a pixmap that includes specifications for both color and resolution. It is rendered consistently across screen types in terms of its colors and size.


IMPORT Pixmap, Rd, ScrnPixmap, Thread, TrestleComm,
  VBT, Word, Wr;

TYPE T = Pixmap.T;

An Image.Raw is an array of pixels, with both resolution and color information. It is like a Pixmap.Raw, with the addition of resolution and color information. An Image.T is built from an Image.Raw pixmap using procedures in this interface.

There are three types of Image.Raw pixmaps: The RawBitmap represents bitmaps (1-bit deep pixmaps); the RawPixmap represents pixmaps that do not have a color table; and the RawPixmapCMap represents pixmaps that use a color table.

  Pixel = Word.T;
  Mode = {Stable, Normal, Accurate};
  RGB = RECORD r, g, b: REAL END;

  Raw = OBJECT
      width, height: INTEGER;
      xres, yres: REAL := 75.0; (* res at which raw image was *constructed*, in pixels per inch (dpi) *)
      get (h, v: INTEGER): Pixel;
      set (h, v: INTEGER; pixel: Pixel);


  RawPixmap = Raw OBJECT
      needsGamma := TRUE;
      colorMode  := Mode.Normal;

  RawPixmapCMap = RawPixmap OBJECT
      colors: REF ARRAY OF RGB;
If pm is a Raw pixmap, then pm contains pm.height rows, and each row contains pm.width elements. These fields are read-only after they are initialized. The pixels are accessed with (0,0) in the northwest corner and (width-1,height-1) in the southeast corner. The pm.xres and pm.yres fields specify the resolution at which pm was designed. The get and set methods retrieve and store individual elements of the pixmap.

Each subtype of Raw can interpret a ``pixel'' in whatever way it chooses. The three subtypes defined here do the following:


\item If pm is a RawBitmap pixmap, then it is guaranteed that the method pm.get will return a 0 or 1. In the call pm.set(h,v,pixel), only the least significant bit of pixel is used.

\item If pm is a RawPixmap, the pixels in pm encode an RGB value each of whose components is 8 bits. An (r,g,b) triple is stored as

       r * 256 * 256 + g * 256 + b
and each of r, g, and b is between 0 and 255. The field pm.needsGamma indicates whether to let Trestle gamma-correct the colors. The pm.colorMode field determines how each RGB value in the pixmap should be displayed on color-mapped display.

\item If pm is a RawPixmapCMap, the pixels in pm are used as an index into the color table stored in the field pm.colors.


The colors used to display a colored pixmap pm depends on a number of factors. The pm.colorMode field is used to match colors in the pixmap with colors in the color table, as described in the ScrnPixmap interface. The matching depends on other applications running, on other pixmaps being displayed, and on the depth of the screen.

The current implementation does not perform any dithering, except on monochrome screens. On monochrome screen, a very crude ``thresholding'' is performed: if the brightness of the color is more than 50\% of the maximum brightness, the screen's foreground color is used. Otherwise, the screen's background color is used.

\subsubsection{Retrieving and storing ``raw'' pixmaps}

An Image.Raw can be built from a reader containing an image in Jef Poskanzer's ``portable anymap file'' (``pnm'') format, and a ``pnm'' description of an Image.Raw can be stored into a writer.

There are many tools available in the public domain for manipulating images in ``pnm'' format and for converting between that format and other formats (e.g., GIF, X11, Macintosh PICT, HP PaintJet, and so on).

There are three types of ``pnm'' files: \begin{itemize}

\item ``pbm'' -- portable bitmap file

\item ``pgm'' -- portable graymap file

\item ``ppm'' -- portable pixmap file

\end{itemize} Each of these format has two variants: ``raw'' and ``ASCII.'' In the ``ASCII'' version, pixel values are stored as ASCII decimal numbers. In the ``raw'' version, pixel values must be less than 256 and are stored as plain bytes.

PROCEDURE FromRd (rd: Rd.T): Raw
  RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Rd.Failure, Error};
<* LL = arbitrary *>
Returns an Image.Raw from the reader rd containing an image in ``pnm'' format. Pixels in ``ppm'' files are normalized to 8 bits per channel and intensity values of ``pgm'' files are normalized to 8 bits.

PROCEDURE ToWr (raw: Raw; wr: Wr.T)
  RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure};
<* LL = arbitrary *>
Store an ASCII description of raw into the writer wr using ``pnm'' format.
 Procedures FromRd and ToWr are not guaranteed to be
   idempotent because pixel values are normalized by FromRd to
   be 8 bits.  Also, the ``pnm'' format produced by ToWr is
   either ASCII ``pbm'' for subtypes of RawBitmap or ASCII
   ``ppm'' for subtypes of RawPixmap, whereas procedure
   FromRd can accept these formats as well as the ``raw''
   variants and grayscale formats (``pgm'').

The more serious limitation of using ``pnm'' format is that ``pnm'' does include any information about the pixmap resolution or color matching. FromRd will use the default resolution of a Raw and the default color parameters of a RawPixmap; ToWr simply ignores the resolution and color fields.

\subsubsection{Creating ``raw'' pixmaps from a VBT}

FromVBT captures the information in an arbitrary VBT into an Image.Raw of particular dimensions:

PROCEDURE FromVBT(v : VBT.T; width, height: REAL): Raw
   RAISES {TrestleComm.Failure};
<* LL = VBT.mu *>
Return a screen-independent Raw that describes v when v is scaled to be width by height millimeters.
 The current implementation of FromVBT will cause v to be
   redisplayed multiple times: First v is detached from its parent
   pm (unless pm = NIL). Next, v is installed in an offscreen
   Trestle window, with an appropriate ScaleFilter inserted to make
   v the correct size. A call to VBT.Capture creates a
   screen-dependent version of the offscreen window. At this point,
   v is detached from the offscreen window, and reattached to pm
   (unless pm = NIL).  Each time that v changes its parent,
   various VBT methods (reshape, rescreen, redisplay, and so on) are

The following procedure converts a screen-dependent pixmap (such as that returned by VBT.Capture), into one that is screen-independent:

PROCEDURE FromScrnPixmap (
    spm: ScrnPixmap.T;
    st: VBT.ScreenType): Raw RAISES {TrestleComm.Failure};
<* LL.sup <= VBT.mu *>
Returns a screen-independent Raw that describes the pixmap spm when displayed on st. Any field of Raw that cannot be computed from spm and st is given its default value. For example, the needsGamma and the colorMode fields of pixmaps that are deeper than 1-bit.
 \subsubsection{Building an image from ``raw'' pixmaps}

The remaining procedures in this interface create an Image.T from an Image.Raw pixmap:

PROCEDURE Unscaled (raw: Raw): T;
<* LL.sup <= VBT.mu *>
Returns a pixmap that will display as raw. The pixels in raw will not be scaled regardless of the screen's resolution.
 For example, consider a pixmap pm whose dimensions are 150 wide
   by 50 high.  On a 75dpi screen (a typical 1993-vintage monitor),
   the pixmap pm would appear 2 inches wide and 2/3 inches high.  On
   a high-resolution monitor of 300 dpi, pm would appear 1/2 inch
   wide and 1/6 inch high.  The pm.xres and pm.yres fields are

If you want pm always to appear as 2 inches by 2/3 inches, regardless of the pixel density of the monitor, you'd use Scaled instead:

PROCEDURE Scaled (raw: Raw): T;
<* LL.sup <= VBT.mu *>
Return a pixmap that will display as raw, scaled for the screen's resolution. The horizontal and vertical dimensions are scaled independently.
 The current implementation scales pixmaps by non-negative
   integer amounts: horizontally by ROUND(dpiX/pm.xres) and
   vertically by ROUND(dpiY/pm.yres), where dpiX and dpiY
   are the horizontal and vertical resolution of the screen,
   respectively, expressed in dots-per-inch.

In the example above, suppose that pm.xres and pm.yres were both 75. On a 300 dpi screen, pm would appear 2 inches wide and 2/3 inches high. Each pixel in pm would appear as a block of 4x4 screen pixels. If the screen were 250 dpi horizontally and 175 dpi vertically, then pm would appear $1\frac{1}{2}$ inches wide and $1\frac{1}{3}$ inches high. Each pixel in pm would appear as a block of 3x2 screen pixels.

Procedure ScaledN allows you to provide a collection of pixmaps, each at a different resolution, and scales the most appropriate pixmap:

                   tolerance: REAL     := 0.25;
                   maxScale : CARDINAL := 4     ): T;
<* LL.sup <= VBT.mu *>
Return a pixmap which will scale and display pixmap raws[i], where i is chosen so that raws[i] has the ``most appropriate'' resolution.
 Specifically, i is chosen such to minimize the {\em scale factor}
   (the amount that a ``raw'' pixmap must be scaled) while remaining
   within the given error tolerance.

The scale factor of pixmap pm is

       MAX (dpiX/pm.xres, dpiY/pm.yres)
where dpiX and dpiY are the horizontal and vertical resolutions of the screen, respectively, expressed in dots-per-inch.

For a given scale factor s, the error is

      ABS (MAX ((dpiX - MAX(s, maxScale) * pm.xres) / dpiX,
                (dpiY - MAX(s, maxScale) * pm.yres) / dpiY))
If none of the pixmaps in the raws array satisfies the tolerance, then the pixmap giving the smallest error is chosen.

The purpose of tolerance and maxScale is to allow the user control over the interpretation of ``most appropriate'' when chosing the pixmap.


\item A small tolerance ensures a small error, which can mean a larger scale factor.

For example, suppose the screen has a resolution of 300 dpi and pixmaps that are 150 and 250 dpi. When tolerance \verb|<| 1/6, then ScaledN chooses the 150 dpi pixmap with a scale factor equal to 2, rather than the 250 dpi pixmap with a scale factor equal to 1.

\item A small maxScale makes it less likely that a very low-resolution pixmap (which happens to give very small error) is chosen over a higher-resolution pixmap (which gives a larger error).

For example, suppose the screen has a resolution of 300 dpi and pixmaps that are 50 and 200 dpi. If tolerance \verb|>| 1/3, then ScaledN always chooses the 200 dpi pixmap, because the error, (300 - 200)/300=1/3, is within the tolerance and the scale factor for 200 dpi is less than the scale factor for the 50 dpi pixmap. However, when tolerance \verb|<| 1/3, the 50 dpi pixmap is chosen unless maxScale \verb|<=| 4.


PROCEDURE ForceUnScaledBehavior (useUnscaled: BOOLEAN);
If useUnscaled=TRUE, subsequent calls to Scaled() will instead operate as Unscaled(). Calling this procedure again with useUnscaled=FALSE will restore the defined behavior for subsequent calls to Scaled(). The reason for adding this procedure is that the implementation of most of FormsVBT uses Scaled(). By calling this procedure the programmer can override the Scaled() behavior to produce Unscaled() behavior, even for library components, without having to modify the source code.

END Image.