
 Copyright (C) 1993, Digital Equipment Corporation 
 All rights reserved. 
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description. 
 Last modified on Sat Sep 10 14:16:58 PDT 1994 by bharat 
      modified on Wed Nov 17 16:06:30 PST 1993 by mhb    
All components (forms/frames/widgets) in NodeVBT are instances of NodeVBT


IMPORT DialogMenu, FormsVBT, Rd, Wr, ZHandleVBT;


  Tuple = RECORD class : TEXT; name: TEXT; END;
  (* This is a storage format for pointers. class = "NIL" represents a nil
   pointer *)

  T <: Public;
  Public =
      parent       : T;
      partuple     : Tuple;

      name         : TEXT;
      x, y         : INTEGER;    (* computed when needed *)
      width        : INTEGER   := 50; (* computed when needed *)
      height       : INTEGER   := 50; (* computed when needed *)
      BgColor      : TEXT      := "LightYellow";
      FgColor      : TEXT      := "Black";
      Font         : TEXT      := "Fixed";
      Rim          : CARDINAL  := 1;
      Border       : CARDINAL  := 1;
      Embellishment: TEXT      := "Flat";
      (* possible values are "Flat", "Raised", "Lowered", "Chiseled" ,
         "Ridged" and "None" *)
      InitialState: TEXT := "Active";
      (* possible values are "Active", "Passive", "Dormant", "Vanish" *)
      Foreground: BOOLEAN := TRUE;
      Local     : BOOLEAN := TRUE;
      Location  : TEXT    := "";

      DialogSX: TEXT;            (* current SX expression by customizing
                                    SXTemplate *)
      Code  : TEXT := "";
      (* This is Callback code for widgets and Initialization code
         for splitnodes *)
      ResizeModel : TEXT := "Scaled";
      (* possible values are "CenterPin", "Scaled", "HScaled", "VScaled" *)
      classIndex: CARDINAL;
      <* LL <= *>

      loadAttributes (v: FormsVBT.T);
      (* load attributes into the attribute sheet *)
      (* you will override this method to add attribute sheet
         initialization code *)
      (* be sure to call NodeVBT.T.loadAttributes within your method *)

      checkAttributes (as: FormsVBT.T; VAR error: TEXT): BOOLEAN;
      (* checks the validity of all the attributes entered by the user *)
      (* returns FALSE if there is an error and sets the error message *)
      (* you will override this method to add code to check the validity of
         your fields in the attribute sheet *)
      (* be sure to call NodeVBT.T.checkAttributes if you do not have an
         error *)

      applyAttributes (as: FormsVBT.T);
      (* make the changes effective *)
      (* you will override this in order to make changes to the attributes
         specific to your widget *)
      (* When you override this be sure to FIRST call the
         NodeVBT.applyAttributes method *)

      computeSX (Final: BOOLEAN := FALSE): TEXT;
      (* this uses the current attributes to customize SXTemplate giving
         the current s-expression, which is stored in DialogSX - this is
         also returned.  If Final is set then it generates the
         s-expressions for contained objects and anchored forms as well and
         is recursive. *)

      generateObjectDefs (): TEXT;
      (* generates code for the objects representing the widgets
         forms collect object defs for all components & menus & attached forms
         frames collect object defs for all components
         typically one def  per widget unless overridden  *)
      generateCallbacks (): TEXT;
      (* forms and frames have not callbacks but others do
         forms collect callbacks for all components & menus & attached forms
         frames collect callbacks for all components
         typically one callback per widget unless overridden *)
      generateAttachments() : TEXT;
      (* generates the formsvbt attachment
        typically one per widget unless overridden e.g. filebrowser
        forms collect attachments for all components & menus & attached forms
       frames collect attachments for all components *)
      generateInitializationCode() : TEXT;
      (* forms and frames have intialization code
         the order of initialization is depth first *)

      (* These 4 methods are invoked on a FormNode which may in turn invoke
         methods in components *)
      SXTemplate() : TEXT;         (* returns the template for this class *)
      save(fv : FormsVBT.T;  s : Wr.T);
      load(fv : FormsVBT.T; s: Rd.T);

      initObliqAttrs() : TEXT; (* generates the obliq widget constructor argument-list *)


  Widget <: PublicWidget;
  PublicWidget = T OBJECT END;

  SplitNode <: PublicSplit;

  PublicSplit = T OBJECT
                  children: ARRAY [1 .. 50] OF T;
                  (* anchored forms do not  count as children *)
                  (* the array is compacted so that is filled *)

                  childtuples : ARRAY[1..50] OF Tuple;
                  (* computed when needed *)

                  nc: CARDINAL := 0;

  FormNode <: PublicForm;
  PublicForm =
    SplitNode OBJECT
      HasMenu    : BOOLEAN                   := FALSE;
      MenuBgColor: TEXT                      := "VeryPaleYellow";
      MenuFgColor: TEXT                      := "Black";
      MenuFont   : TEXT                      := "-*-helvetica-bold-*R-120-*";
      Menu       : REF ARRAY OF DialogMenu.T := NIL;

      ParentForm: FormNode := NIL;
      Partuple : Tuple;
      (* this is always up to date *)

      SupportCode : TEXT := "";
      (* may be used by all widgets within the form *)

      ChildForms: ARRAY [0 .. 50] OF FormNode;  (* computed when needed *)
      (* anchored forms - ChildForms is a  misnomer *)
      NoOfChildren: CARDINAL;    (* not guaranteed to be up to date *)

      Screen : CARDINAL;

  FrameNode <: PublicFrame;
  PublicFrame = SplitNode OBJECT END;
  Proc = PROCEDURE (): T;

  InfoDefn = RECORD
    topic: TEXT;
    info: TEXT;

  defaultBgColor        := "White";
  defaultFgColor        := "Black";
  defaultFont           := "Fixed";
  defaultName         := "Unnamed";
  blowEditingFont := FALSE;

PROCEDURE Register (className      : TEXT;
                    createProc     : Proc;
                    minParentWidth : INTEGER := 100;
                    minParentHeight: INTEGER := 100;
                    attrsheetName  : TEXT    := "Default"): CARDINAL;
This is used by various object classes to install their object types
 An unique index is returned for each class that is registered 
 If attrsheetName is Default then className&att is used, otherwise 
 the user specified name is taken to be the name of the attr-sheet

NOTE : If your widget class is called foo then your dialog editor widget should be called foo.fv, your attributes sheet tsplit extension should normally be called fooatt and your widget menu entry will be called FOO Pick a size that is at least 50 points larger than the default size of the widget, in each dimension

PROCEDURE NewObject (dialogFV : FormsVBT.T;
                     className: TEXT;
                     parent   : T            := NIL): T
  RAISES {InvalidObjectName, InstanceListFull};
This also instantiates the name field and loads the default s-expression

PROCEDURE GetMinParentDimensions (    className      : TEXT;
                                  VAR minParentWidth : INTEGER;
                                  VAR minParentHeight: INTEGER  )
  RAISES {InvalidObjectName};
minimum size of parent

PROCEDURE ReloadSExpressions();
Load S-expressions from files

PROCEDURE GetNodeIndex (v: T): CARDINAL RAISES {InvalidNode};
This returns a number that is unique for every node within a given class

PROCEDURE GetNodeTypeName (v: T): TEXT;
returns the name of the nodetype

PROCEDURE GetAttributeSheetName (v: T): TEXT;
returns name of the associated attribute sheet

PROCEDURE DeleteObject (obj: T);
This deletes it from the object manager database not from the dialog editor

PROCEDURE InsertObject (obj: T) RAISES {InstanceListFull};
This adds it to the object manager database not from the dialog editor

  RAISES {InvalidObjectName};

PROCEDURE IndexToName (classIndex: CARDINAL): TEXT;


PROCEDURE GetFirst (classIndex: CARDINAL): T;
First object of this class

PROCEDURE GetNext (classIndex: CARDINAL): T;
Next object of this class - Do not create or delete nodes between GetFirst and GetNext

PROCEDURE GetNodeNamed (name: TEXT; classIndex: INTEGER := -1): T;
if you do not specify classIndex it will search all classes
 returns NIL if not present 

To help customize attributes ...

PROCEDURE FindAndReplace (string, quarry, replacement: TEXT;
                          delimiter                  : CHAR   := '$'):
Replaces the first occurrence of <delimiter><quarry><delimiter> with <replacement>

PROCEDURE FAndRAll (string, quarry, replacement: TEXT;
                     delimiter: CHAR   := '$'):TEXT;
recursive version that replaces all occurences
 Warning - this includes the replacement as well - so it may never
   terminate if the replacement has the same quarry between the delimiters 

PROCEDURE ComputeAnchoredFormTree ();
computes current values for

PROCEDURE ComputeDimensions (v: T);
computes current values for v.x v.y v.width and v.height

PROCEDURE AllWhitespace(t : TEXT) : BOOLEAN;

PROCEDURE SaveToFile(fv : FormsVBT.T; s : Wr.T);
PROCEDURE LoadFromFile(fv : FormsVBT.T; s : Rd.T);

PROCEDURE ResetTables();
clean up tables

PROCEDURE RecursivelyDeleteFromTables(csn : T);
delete tree of nodes from tables

PROCEDURE RecursivelyInsertInTables (csn: T; s : ZHandleVBT.Selection);
insert tree of nodes into table
 doesn't set any fields ! 

PROCEDURE print(c : TEXT);

PROCEDURE Initialize ();

PROCEDURE GetInfo(topic:TEXT) : REF InfoDefn;
Routines to generate Obliq code for initializing widget attributes
PROCEDURE TextAttr(name:TEXT; arg :TEXT) : TEXT;