
 Copyright 1992 Digital Equipment Corporation. 
 Distributed only by permission. 
 Last modified on Wed Oct  6 16:11:11 PDT 1993 by mhb      
      modified on Tue Feb  9 16:26:29 PST 1993 by johnh    
      modified on Wed Aug 19 17:27:10 PDT 1992 by sclafani 
A ZeusCodeView.T is a subclass of a View.T with one additional field cv, which is a CodeView.T. It encapsulates CodeView.T into the Zeus framework. See CodeView.i3 for details on using code views.


IMPORT Algorithm, CodeView, Rd, Thread, VBT, View, Wr;

  T <: Public;
  Public = View.T OBJECT cv: CodeView.T END;

PROCEDURE New (name   : TEXT;
               source : Rd.T;
               alg    : Algorithm.T;
               errorWr: Wr.T          := NIL;
               READONLY fontName := CodeView.DefaultFont;
               paneOffset: CARDINAL := 20;
               background: VBT.T    := NIL ): T;
<* LL = VBT.mu *>
Creates and returns an initialized T with the given name, using CodeView.New with the last two arguments to create the cv field. The alg argument is the algorithm for which this is a code view.

PROCEDURE Enter (alg: Algorithm.T; procedureName: TEXT; pauseTime := -1)
  RAISES {Thread.Alerted};
<* LL = {} *>
Indicates that procedure procedureName has been entered. Causes a window to pop up containing the source for the procedure with the header highlighted.

PROCEDURE Exit (alg: Algorithm.T; pauseTime := -1)
  RAISES {Thread.Alerted};
<* LL = {} *>
Indicates that the current procedure is about to exit. Its source window will be deleted.

PROCEDURE At (alg: Algorithm.T; highlight := 0; pauseTime := -1)
  RAISES {Thread.Alerted};
<* LL = {} *>
Highlights the region numbered highlight, indicating the current position within the procedure.

PROCEDURE Event (alg          : Algorithm.T;
                 highlight                    := 0;
                 pauseTime                    := -1;
                 procedureName: TEXT          := NIL )
  RAISES {Thread.Alerted};
<* LL = {} *>
If name # NIL, invokes Enter. If highlight < 0, invokes Exit, otherwise invokes At.
 For Zeus internal use: 

  Arg = REF RECORD (* argument of a code view event *)
              highlight           := 0;
              pauseTime           := -1;
              procedureName: TEXT := NIL

END ZeusCodeView.

interface View is in: