MODULE; IMPORT Atom, ASCII, RefList, Point, Rd, Rect, Sx, Text, Thread, Trestle, TrestleComm; <*PRAGMA LL*> <*FATAL TrestleComm.Failure*> PROCEDURE ZeusUtil KeywordCheck (arg: REFANY; t: TEXT) RAISES {BadSnapshot} = (* arg should be a list whose first element is an Atom.T whose name is t. If it isn't, complain. *) BEGIN IF ISTYPE(arg, RefList.T) AND (arg # NIL) AND ISTYPE(RefList.Nth(arg, 0), Atom.T) THEN IF NOT Text.Equal(Atom.ToText(RefList.Nth(arg, 0)), t) THEN RAISE BadSnapshot("keyword mismatch: " & t); END; ELSE RAISE BadSnapshot("Bad snapshot at keyword: " & t); END END KeywordCheck; PROCEDUREScreenPosOK (scr: Trestle.ScreenID; pt: Point.T): BOOLEAN = <* LL = *> (* RETURN TRUE iff the screen exists and pt is on it. *) VAR screens := Trestle.GetScreens(); BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO LAST(screens^) DO IF (scr = screens^[i].id) AND Rect.Member(pt, screens^[i].dom) THEN RETURN TRUE END; END; RETURN FALSE; END ScreenPosOK; PROCEDURERdToList (rd: Rd.T): RefList.T = <* LL = arbitrary *> (* read one s-expression from rd. If it's a list, return it, else return NIL. Catch any exceptions and return NIL if one occurs. *) BEGIN IF rd = NIL THEN RETURN NIL END; TRY WITH ra = Sx.Read(rd) DO TYPECASE ra OF | RefList.T (l) => RETURN l; ELSE RETURN NIL; END; END; EXCEPT | Sx.ReadError, Rd.EndOfFile, Thread.Alerted => RETURN NIL; END; END RdToList; PROCEDUREEatChar (rd: Rd.T; c: CHAR): BOOLEAN = (* If the next non-white-space character in rd is c, swallow it and return TRUE. Otherwise push it back on the reader and return FALSE. *) VAR next: CHAR; BEGIN TRY LOOP next := Rd.GetChar(rd); IF NOT (next IN ASCII.Spaces) THEN EXIT END; END; IF next = c THEN RETURN TRUE ELSE Rd.UnGetChar(rd); RETURN FALSE END; EXCEPT | Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted => RETURN FALSE; END; END EatChar; BEGIN END ZeusUtil.