2.8.9 Type productions

Type = TypeName | ArrayType | PackedType | EnumType | ObjectType
     | ProcedureType | RecordType | RefType | SetType | SubrangeType
     | "(" Type ")".

ArrayType     = ARRAY [Type {"," Type}] OF Type.
PackedType    = BITS ConstExpr FOR Type.
EnumType      = "{" [IdList] "}".
ObjectType    = [TypeName | ObjectType] [Brand] OBJECT Fields
                 [METHODS Methods] [OVERRIDES Overrides] END.
ProcedureType = PROCEDURE Signature.
RecordType    = RECORD Fields END.
RefType       = [UNTRACED] [Brand] REF Type.
SetType       = SET OF Type.
SubrangeType  = "[" ConstExpr ".." ConstExpr "]".

Brand     = BRANDED [ConstExpr].
Fields    = [ Field {";" Field} [";"] ].
Field     = IdList (":" Type & ":=" ConstExpr).
Methods   = [ Method {";" Method} [";"] ].
Method    = Id Signature [":=" ConstExpr].
Overrides = [ Override {";" Override} [";"] ].
Override  = Id ":=" ConstExpr .
