# operator, * & operator, * (* *) (comment), * * operator, * + operator, * - operator, * . operator, * .. in set and array constructors, * * / operator, * <* *> (pragma), * <: declaration, * * = operator, * ^ operator, *
ABS, * abstract type, * Ada programming language, * * * addition, * ADDRESS, * ADDRESS, assignment of, * * ADR, * ADRSIZE, * aggregate, see records or arrays Algol programming language, * aliasing, of VAR parameters, * alignment, see packed types allocated type, * allocation, * AND, * arithmetic operations, * arrays, * arrays, assigning, * * * * * * * * * * ASCII, see ISO-Latin-1 assignable, * assignable, READONLY/VALUE formals, * * * * * * * * * * assignment statements, * automatic dereferencing, *
B programming language, * backslash, in literals, * base type, * BCPL programming language, * binding power, of operators, * bindings, in procedure call, * bit operations, * BITS FOR, * * * * BITSIZE, * Bliss programming language, * block, * block, module, * * * body, of procedure, * BOOLEAN, * BOOLEAN, operations on, * BRANDED, * BYTESIZE, *
C programming language, * C++ programming language, * call, procedure, * CARDINAL, * carriage return, in literals, * CASE statement, * case, in keywords, * * Cedar programming language, * CEILING, * CHAR, * character literals, * * checked runtime error, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * circularities, in imports lists, * * CLU programming language, * coercions, checked, * * comments, * comments, tokenizing, * comparison operation, * complete revelation, * concatenating texts, * concrete types, * constant expression, * * constants, * constants, declarations, * * * constructors, array, * * * contain (value in type), * conversion, enumerations and integers, * * covers, for procedure signatures, * cyclic imports, *
dangling pointer, * data record, of object, * deallocation, * DEC, * DEC, on addresses (unsafe), * declaration, * declaration, recursive, * * default values, in record fields, * * * delimiters, complete list, * dereferencing, * designators, * designators, operators allowed in, * * * dimension, * DISPOSE, * DIV, * division by zero, * division, real, * double quote, in literals, *
element type, of array, * empty type, * enumerations, * enumerations, first and last elements, * * * * environment, of procedure, * equality operator, * errors, static and runtime, * escape sequences, in literals, * EVAL, * example, pathological, * * exceptions, * * exceptions, RAISE, * * * * * * EXIT, * exit-exception, * * * expanded definition (of type), * exporting an interface, * EXPORTS clause, * expression, * * expression, constant, * * * EXTENDED, * EXTENDED, literals, * EXTERNAL, *
FALSE, * field selection, records/objects, * fields, of record, * FIRST, * fixed arrays, * * * FLOAT, * floating point numbers, * floating-point interfaces, * FLOOR, * Fmt interface, * FOR statement, * fork (of a thread), * form feed, in literals, * formatting data as texts, * FROM ... IMPORT, * function procedures, * * *
garbage collection, * * generic interface, * * * generics, * *
handlers, for exceptions, * hash tables, see Table interface * hexadecimal literal, *
identifiers, * identifiers, lexical structure, * * * * * IF, * import cycle, * imports, * IN (a set), * INC, * * index type, of array, * inheritance, * initialization, during allocation, * * * * INLINE, * INTEGER, * interfaces, * * interfaces, exporting, * * * * intersection, set, * intrinsically safe, * ISO-Latin-1, * ISTYPE, *
join (of a thread), *
keyword binding, * keywords, complete list, *
LAST, * Lisp programming language, * literals, character, * * * * local procedures, * * * location, * LOCK statement, * Long interface, * LONGINT, * LONGREAL, * LONGREAL, literals, * LOOP, * LOOPHOLE, *
main module, * masked field, * MAX, * member (value in type), * Mesa programming language, * method suite, * methods, * methods, declaring, * * * * MIN, * ML programming language, * MOD, * mode, see parameter mode Modula-2 programming language, * Modula-3 Abstract Syntax Trees, * modules, * * modules, initialization, * * monitor, * multi-dimensional arrays, * multiplication, * MUTEX, * *
NARROW, * NEW, * newline, in literals, * NIL, * normal outcome, * NOT, * NULL, * NUMBER, * numbers, literal, *
Oberon programming language, * objects, * * objects, accessing fields and methods, * * * * * * * * * octal literal, * opaque types, * open arrays, * * * * * operators, complete list, * * * OR, * ORD, * order (<, >, ...), * * ordinal types, * * * * overflow, * overloading, of operation, * overriding, * *
package, see module packed types, * * parameter mode, * * partial expansion (of type), * * * partially opaque type, * * Pascal programming language, * persistent storage, see Pkl interface * Pkl (pickle) interface, * pointer, see reference positional binding, * pragmas, * precedence, of operators, * procedural operator, * procedure call, * procedures, * procedures, RETURN, * * * * * * * * * * * * * process algebra, * process, see thread program, definition of, * proper procedure, *
qualified identifier, *
RAISE, * RAISES, * raises set, of procedure, * RAISES, dangling, * * readonly designator, * * READONLY parameters, * REAL, * real division, * REAL, conversions to, * * * records, * records, constructors for, * * * recursive declarations, * REFANY, * reference class, * references, * references, TYPECASE, * * * * * * * * referent, * * reflexive relation, * relational operators, * remainder, see MOD REPEAT statement, * required interfaces, * result type, of procedure, * RETURN, * return-exception, * * REVEAL, * revelations, * revelations, imported, * ROOT, * ROUND, * rounding of arithmetic operations, * runtime error, *
safety, * * scale factors, in numeric literals, * scope, * scope, block statement, * * * * * * * * * * * selection of fields, * sequential composition, * sets, * sets, IN operator, * * * * * * * * shape, of array, * shared variables, * sign inversion, * signature, * * signature, covers, * single quote, in literals, * size, of type, * Smalltalk programming language, * statements, * static error, * * storage allocation, * * * strings, * strings, see texts * structural equivalence, * SUBARRAY, * subranges, * subranges, subtyping rules, * subscript operator, * subset operation, * subtraction, * subtype relation, * supertype (subtyping relation), * symmetric set difference, * syntax, *
tab, in literals, * Table interface, * task, see thread termination of program, * TEXT, * Text interface, * texts, * texts, concatenating, * * * Thread creation, * threads, * tokenizing, * top-level procedure, * Topaz system, * traced, object types, * * * transitive relation, * TRUE, * TRUNC, * TRY EXCEPT, * * type, * * * * * type, assignable, * * * * * * * * TYPECASE, * TYPECODE, *
unchecked runtime errors, * * undefined procedure, * underflow, * union, of sets, * UNSAFE, * unsafe features, * unsigned integers, * * UNTRACED ROOT, * UNTRACED, in reference declarations, * *
VAL, * value, * VALUE parameters, * * VAR declarations, * * * variables, * * variables, initialization, * * * variant records, * visibility, see scope
WHILE statement, * WITH statement, * Word interface, * word size, of type, * writable designator, * *
zero, division by, *