PKGS= import-libs m3cc m3core libm3 windowsResources parseparams patternmatching sysutils unittest m3middle m3objfile m3linker m3back m3front m3quake cm3 m3scanner m3tools m3bundle mklib tempfiles bitvector digraph realgeometry set slisp sortedtableextras table-list tcp cm3ide mtex EXTDEPS= m3-win/import-libs m3-tools/mtex EXTDEPS-CORE= m3-win/import-libs m3-tools/mtex COLLDEPS= CAUSES:
import libraries for Windows usually not needed, but 1) older cm3 releases contained bad ones, 2) some C toolsets are missing them
The GNU compiler collection used as code generator for cm3
m3-sys/m3cc/gcc-apple/maintainer-scripts/READMEThe core M3 library containing the complete runtime system.
m3-libs/m3core/src/unix/sysv-4.0/READMEThe standard M3 library containing all required interfaces (together with m3core). This library needs to be imported by almost any program.
m3-libs/libm3/src/sqrt/READMEPlatform-specific resources for Windows systems
Browse Sources OnlineA parser for UNIX-style command line arguments.
Browse Sources OnlinePattern matching support comprising of regular expressions and shell globbing
Browse Sources OnlineMiscellaneous useful interfaces for writing M3 tools, including file and directory access, environment access, process creation and command execution, directory stacks, pathname manipulation, and message output.
Browse Sources OnlineA simple unit test framework
Browse Sources OnlinePart of the CM3 compiler: interface between frontend and backend
Browse Sources OnlinePart of the CM3 compiler: support for writing object files (currently only used on Windows)
Browse Sources OnlinePart of the CM3 compiler: module linking support
Browse Sources OnlinePart of the CM3 compiler: an integrated backend for x86
Browse Sources OnlineThe frontend of the CM3 compiler, checking and translating the core language features
Browse Sources OnlineThe quake language interpreter (Modula-3's make replacement)
Browse Sources OnlineThe CM3 compiler driver
Browse Sources OnlineAn M3 scanner
Browse Sources OnlineThe Abstract Syntax Toolkit for Modula-3 from Olivetti
Browse Sources OnlineTool to bundle arbitraty resources within M3 programs by embedding them into TEXT constants. Resources can be accessed by name.
Browse Sources OnlinePart of the CM3 compiler for Windows: produce a static library
Browse Sources OnlineTemporary file support with cleanup
Browse Sources OnlineGeneric Data Type: A BitVector.T is an unbounded vector of Boolean values. There is no limit to the size of a bit vector, but the default implementation does not represent sparse vectors any more efficiently than dense ones. Bit vectors are useful for representing sets of small, non-negative integers.
Browse Sources OnlineThis package defines a generic directed graph. One instantiation, with int edge types and node types, is given.
m3-libs/digraph/src/READMEReal geometry support
Browse Sources OnlineGeneric Data Type: "Set" is a generic interface defining sets of "Elem.T"'s.
Browse Sources OnlineAn embedded LISP interpreter
Browse Sources OnlineThe standard Modula-3 library includes two generic interfaces named "Table" and "SortedTable" \cite[Sections 3.5 and 3.6]{SRC-113}. A "Table.T" is a table of key-value pairs. A "SortedTable.T" is a subtype of "Table.T" that also provides methods for iterating over the elements of the table in increasing or decreasing key order and for seeking to an arbitrary key in the iteration sequence.
The default sorted table implementation, "SortedTable.Default", is implemented using a randomized data structure called a heap-ordered binary tree, or ``treap'' \cite{aragon-seidel-treaps}. This paper describes the implementations of two other well-known data structures, one based on red-black trees, and one based on skip lists. These implementations are provided by the "sortedtableextras" package, which also includes templates for instantiating the generics as described below. The paper concludes by comparing the performance of the four implementations.
Browse Sources OnlineGeneric Data Type: TableList(Key, Value, KeyValueTable), where "Key.T" and "Value.T" are types that are not open array types
Browse Sources OnlineInterfaces for the transmission control protocol for IP
Browse Sources OnlineThe CM3 Interactive Development Environment (formerly known as Reactor).
m3-sys/cm3ide/src/examples/READMEMTex converters
Browse Sources Online