PKGS= udp libsio libbuf debug listfuncs m3tk-misc binIO commandrw tapi serial m3tk m3scan m3markup netobj events rdwr deepcopy sgml EXTDEPS= m3core libm3 tcp parseparams sysutils m3middle m3quake EXTDEPS-CORE= COLLDEPS= core CAUSES: core(m3core)
Interfaces for the User Datagram Protocol over IP.
Browse Sources OnlineSimple IO: This interface provides functions and procedures for simple input and output.
Browse Sources OnlineFile and in-memory buffers
Browse Sources OnlineDebugging support: This interface provides an object for maintaining a trace of program flow and controlling the amount of debug printing done at run-time.
Browse Sources OnlineThe generic interface "List" provides operations on linked lists of arbitrary element types. This interface extends the operations you can perform on the generic lists.
Browse Sources OnlineThis package has been extracted from m3tk as several of its modules are used in different other packages, which do not need to depend on the whole huge m3tk package. (ow 2001-12-06)
m3-libs/m3tk-misc/src/READMEBinary file input/output
Browse Sources OnlineCommand execution with stdin/stdout relocation
Browse Sources Online(* The Telephony API is jointly copyrighted by Intel and Microsoft. You are *) (* granted a royalty free worldwide, unlimited license to make copies, and *) (* use the API/SPI for making applications/drivers that interface with the *) (* specification provided that this paragraph and the Intel/Microsoft *) (* copyright statement is maintained as is in the text and source code *) (* files. *) (* Copyright 1995 Microsoft, all rights reserved. *) (* Portions copyright 1992, 1993 Intel/Microsoft, all rights reserved. *)
Browse Sources OnlineSerial input/output support: A "SerialPort.T" or serial port represents a serial communications device. It is a subtype of "File.T" that can be read or written. The configuration details of the underlying device can also be read or written.
Browse Sources OnlineThe M3 Tool Kit based on abstract syntax trees
m3-tools/m3tk/src/gast/READMEThis is a different implementation of the M3 scanner, which is more modular than that contained in m3-sys/m3scanner. Several modules will conflict with those of m3-sys/m3scanner, so that both can not be used at once. This package has been imported from the PM3 distribution for quick porting of other PM3 packages.
m3-tools/m3scan/src/READMESupport for HTML markup of M3 sources; used by m3tohtml.
Browse Sources OnlineNetwork objects are Modula-3 objects which can be exported and imported across networks. This is an object-oriented form of RPC.
Browse Sources OnlineSupport for event handling in distributed networks. Used by the shared objects package.
Browse Sources OnlineSimple message readers, writers, and pipes
m3-comm/rdwr/test/john/src/READMEPart of the California Institute of Technology's parser generator toolkit.
Browse Sources OnlineSGML parser library
Browse Sources Online