PKGS= m3staloneback m3cgcat m3cggen fix_nl libdump cmpdir cmpfp dirfp uniq EXTDEPS= m3core libm3 sysutils m3middle m3objfile m3back m3quake m3-tools/uniq EXTDEPS-CORE= m3-tools/uniq COLLDEPS= core CAUSES: core(m3core)
Part of the CM3 compiler: an integrated backend for NT386
Browse Sources OnlinePart of the CM3 compiler: Code Generator Cat
Browse Sources OnlinePart of the CM3 compiler: generate a C header file corresponding to M3CG_Binary
Browse Sources OnlineFix newline conventions for M3 files
Browse Sources OnlinePart of the CM3 compiler: dump static libraries on Windows
Browse Sources OnlineTool to compare directory trees
Browse Sources OnlineFile compare utility
Browse Sources OnlineOutput fingerprints for all files in a directory hierarchy
Browse Sources OnlineFilter unique lines
Browse Sources Online