
 Copyright (C) 1993, Digital Equipment Corporation                         
 All rights reserved.                                                      
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                            
 Created by Marc Najork                                                    
 Last modified on Sun Jun 12 15:48:17 PDT 1994 by najork                   

A DiskGO.T is a geometric object describing a disk.


IMPORT GO, Point3, PointProp, RealProp, SurfaceGO;

  T <: Public;
  Public = SurfaceGO.T OBJECT
    init (prec := 10) : T;
disk.init(prec) initializes a new disk disk, whose surface is approximated by a polygon with prec edges, and returns it. The location, orientation, and radius of the disk is determined by the three properties Center, Normal, and Radius.

  Center : PointProp.Name;
  Normal : PointProp.Name;
  Radius : RealProp.Name;
In addition to the properties observed by all \type{GO}{T}'s and \type{SurfaceGO}{T}'s, there are three additional properties that are observed by DiskGO.T's:

Center is the name of a property that describes the center of the disk. It associates with a \type{PointProp}{Val}. If no Center property is specified, the disk is centered around the origin.

Normal is the name of a property that describes the normal vector of the disk. It associates with a \type{PointProp}{Val}. If no Normal property is specified, the normal vector is taken to be (0,0,1).

Radius is the name of a property that describes the radius of the disk. It associates with a \type{RealProp}{Val}. If no Radius property is specified, the disk has a radius of 1.

Assume that in a given context and at a given point in time, the property mapping is such that Center maps to a point property value which evaluates to p, Normal maps to a point property value which evaluates to n, and Radius maps to a real property value which evaluates to r. p, n, and r define the position and shape of the disk in this context and at this time as shown below: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{c} \psfig{figure=images/,silent=} \end{tabular} \end{center}

PROCEDURE New (p : Point3.T; n : Point3.T; r : REAL; prec := 10) : T;
New(p,n,r,prec) creates a new disk, whose surface is approximated by a polygon with prec edges, and returns it. It also attaches the following properties to the new cone: \begin{verbatim} (Center,PointProp.NewConst(p)) (Normal,PointProp.NewConst(n)) (Radius,RealProp.NewConst(r)) \end{verbatim}
 The following three procedures provide sugaring to attach
   Center, Normal, and Radius properties with non-animated
   property values to geometric objects: 

PROCEDURE SetCenter (o : GO.T; p : Point3.T);
The expression SetCenter(o,p) is equivalent to o.setProp(Center.bind(PointProp.NewConst(p))).

PROCEDURE SetNormal (o : GO.T; p : Point3.T);
The expression SetNormal(o,p) is equivalent to o.setProp(Normal.bind(PointProp.NewConst(p)))).

PROCEDURE SetRadius (o : GO.T; r : REAL);
The expression SetRadius(o,r)is equivalent to o.setProp(Radius.bind(RealProp.NewConst(r)).